Friday, August 29, 2014

Shine a spotlight on your dreams.
They are often buried beneath layers of fear, hurt, doubt, and uncertainty.  They never go away, but at times you try to run from them as fast as humanly possible.  You want to believe that what you see in your mind is real, but somehow the possibility of these things ever panning out is slim to non-existent.

Dreams are what I am speaking about, and for far too many people dreams are something that are either completely misunderstood or too hard to believe in.  I have said this so many times in the past, but we all have dreams.  Certainly there are people who don't want to acknowledge this, but they still have dreams.  I have dreams on top of dreams.  I love it when Spirit gives me a picture of what is to come, and I am so thankful that I know that what I am dreaming about is in fact something that will manifest for me.

People often ask me how is it I know that what I dream will come about?  The answer is quite simple: I'm never going to dream of anything that is not in God's plan for my life.  Now before some smart ass wants to call me on this let me clarify:  I am not talking about your dreams at night while you sleep.  The ones where your car is speeding down the highway and it turns into a can of tomato soup. I'm not talking about the dream you had about flying like Superman and saving the kitten stuck in the tree.  I don't doubt you have had a dreams like this, but the dream of which I speak is the dream of what you have been chosen to do in this life.  The dream that you have not been able to share with others out of a fear that you will be ridiculed for it.  The dream that has you doing the things you love, and doing them will all your might.

Maybe it's time that you unveil your dreams to others, those who are like minded, and begin to shine the spotlight on them.  I liken dreams to that individual who is lost in the desert.  He finds a glass of much needed water.  He has two choices, he can drink the water and live, or just pass by it and eventually die an excruciating death.  The choice is his, and when it comes to your dreams, the choice will always be yours.  Will you follow after your dreams and enjoy life to the fullest, or will you, as the man in the desert, pass it by and live an excruciating life?  Most assuredly the decision is yours, but I suggest that you chose wisely.

What are some of the things you would love to do, but still have not mustered up enough courage or energy to go after them?  If you can't find, or you don't know, the answer to this question then you have probably buried your dreams so far down that there is no hope for them.  Let me tell you that there will never be a time in your life when you are unable to resurrect a dream.  They may be buried below layers of hurt and fear, but they are still very much alive and still very much a part of what you should be doing.  Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because things may not have gone as planned or desired that all is lost.  If I let every setback that has happened to me in my life stop me from pursuing my dreams, I would have been dead long ago.  Dreams should be the one thing that get you moving in the right direction simply because dreams inspire us.  Dreams have a way of blocking out the darkness of life and shinning new possibilities down on everyone.  Dreams can illuminate a path, and that path is what will bring you the joy, peace, and happiness that you have desired for quite some time.

So let me ask you again, what is one thing that you would love to be doing, but because some jackass told you that it would be impossible, or that it was a stupid idea, you buried it deep inside so as not to embarrass yourself?  I've had some pretty far fetched ideas and dreams, but through each of them things have come about that have proven to be exactly as they needed to be when they needed to be there.  Please keep this ever present in your mind: dreams are the stepping stones to our destiny.  They help plot a course to get you to that one point where you are who you are, doing what you were destined to do, and touching the lives of those that you were destined to touch.  You may never know why you have the thoughts and dreams that you have, but I can tell you for a fact, God does nothing without a purpose, and God knows exactly why you are dreaming the things you are dreaming.

Again, what are some of the things you have always dreamt about?  What is it that would change your life completely given the opportunity to do it?  You see, until someone who has enough gumption to pull out of you the things that need to be pulled out, many will continue to bury those dreams that need to come out.  To be honest I know of nothing that is quite as painful as wanting or desiring something so bad, and yet never feeling as though it will come to pass.  It's like the carrot and the horse.  The horse can see the carrot right in front of him, smell it, desire it, but it never seems to get it.  That is torture, and quite frankly too many people have had that carrot dabbling in front of them way too long.

So shine the spotlight on those things you desire, on those things that you have dreamt about, and watch and see if things don't begin to happen to bring these dreams into reality.  One final note, and please believe me when I say this.  Dreams come from the Creator of the Universe.  By virtue of this fact the dreams you have are just as real as the book you are holding in your hands right now.  Dreams are just as real as the meal you will eat tonight, and they are just as real as that person sitting next to you.  The only reason people cannot see the reality in dreams is because they have never afforded themselves the opportunity to go after their own dreams.  Dreams may not be in the physical sense, such as a lamp, or computer, or a car, but they are just as real.  Until such time as you can see the reality in them, they will continue to elude you, and that would kind of suck.  So shine that spotlight on your dreams and share those dreams with others.  Trust me, once you achieve your dreams you will never want to leave the spotlight again.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thoughts, words, beliefs, and then results.
The question that arises most often is when.  When will I be old enough to drive a car?  When will I be old enough to go on a date?  When will things begin to change, and when can I expect happiness in my life?  OK, maybe you haven't asked yourself the first two questions in quite a long time, but sure as I'm sitting here I know there are people who continually ask themselves the third question.

We want to know when we can expect things to turn around in our life.  The trials, the tribulations, the ups and the downs.  We want to know when we can expect good things, and not continue on the course that we have been on for who knows how long.

We have all been guilty of asking these questions, and more often then not we have not positioned ourselves in the right place to hear the answers.  Today I want to share with you what I have learned over the years and it is my earnest desire that you pick up on what has taken me way too many years to discover.  If you're ready to get started, take a deep breath and open your mind and heart to something new.

What kind of thoughts go through your mind during the day?  Do you think about all the beauty that is outside in nature, or do you focus on the cluster that is currently happening in your place of employment?  What kind of words come out of your mouth during the day?  Do you release words of peace and joy, or do you continue to bemoan the situation you find yourself in?  What do you really believe?  Do you believe that you are a divine creation or simply a human who is taking up space and sooner or later the end will come and that as we say is that?  If you have not gotten the results out of life that you have been hoping for or expecting, then it's a good bet that any one of the three things I just mentioned is completely out of whack.

If your thoughts are on anything besides what is truth, then you are just asking for a mess to occupy your time and space.  The question then becomes what is the truth?  The truth is, you are a divine creature, and there is nothing that the Creator of the Universe has done that is not perfect in every way.  Certainly man has made an art out of screwing things up, but I assure you the mess up is not on God's part.  Thoughts come before words, and words are those things that ultimately turn into beliefs.  The next question is, do your thoughts and words line up with the Creator's?  If you are thinking or speaking things that are contrary to the nature of God, then I can assure you there is going to be a mess that someone is going to have to clean up.

There needs to be a reconditioning of our minds.  We have been so conditioned by man to think one way, when the nature of God is completely the opposite.  Is it any wonder things go bad in people's lives?  They have been made to think that all the crap we contend with in life is normal and that it has to be there in order to teach us character, that is B.S. to the ump degree.  Begin holding your thoughts captive, when you find yourself dwelling on the negative, stop it.  Sooner or later you will begin to see a pattern and you will begin to check your thoughts at the door.  Once you are able to get your thoughts under control, and yes it will take practice, then you can begin to watch what comes out of your mouth.  If you are constantly saying how bad things are, how things will never change, why is this happening or that happening, then you will continue to get these things in your life.  Stand firm and set the intention:  I will be free from this chronic illness, I will prosper, I will walk in those things that I dream about.  If you can begin to use your words to support verses destroy then you will also get to the point where you have created a new belief in your life.  You can do this all day long but unless there is belief to back it up, you are wasting your time.

As Buddha said, once you are able to master your thoughts and words, then you will be on your way to a path of wisdom, enlightenment.  I can sit here all day long and tell you why peace and happiness are yours for the taking, what I can't do is make you change.  I try each day to hold captive those thoughts that are contrary to what I know to be truth.  I try each day to watch the words that I let go from my mouth that are contrary to what I know to be truth.  Until such time as you are able to get to this same point you will continue to contend with all the negative that man has told you is normal.  The question I have for you right now is what is more important to you:  staying in the dismal surroundings you find yourself in right now, or elevating yourself about it?  The decision is yours to make.

Some will say that this is just hogwash.  There is nothing that we can do to stop what is going to happen to us.  Well you can believe that if you wish, but I will tell you that you will then position yourself for all manner of crap, but if that is your desire then continue on doing what you are doing right now.  If on the other hand you desire to change things, change them for the better, then I suggest you begin with your thoughts, then your words, and then watch things change before your very eyes.  It ultimately is up to you.  I suggest you begin by setting the intention and then hang on because life as you know it will change, and change for the better.  Think about that...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

When you think you can't take anymore, hold the line.
Out of the fire the Phoenix flew.  From burnt ashes came this marvelous bird to fly to new heights and soar with the victors.

Adversity is something we all face from time to time.  Adversity was my middle name for many years, and try as I might to get out of adversity's way, I sucked at it. It seemed like I went from one crisis to another.   Sometimes in between each crisis came other monumental issues, all leading up to a massive crash of my own personal will to live.  I never thought I would reach such a low part in my life, but alas I was ready to move on and I didn't much care whether I had finished my business here on earth.

I know I am not the only one who has felt this way, and there are those out there today who are feeling just like I felt.  Please hold on and whatever you do, don't give up.  The only way you will ever fail is if you just quit and throw in the towel.  Trust me, I know all about wanting to throw in the towel as I've come close to doing it many times in my life.  What you do in these periods of adversity is what will mold you and shape you for later on.  As stated above the individual who is able to thrive in any form of adversity is a thing of beauty.  It's not always easy to stare down adversity, however, looking it straight in the eye and having the intention that no matter what, you will be the person you were destined to be, will be your way of escaping it.

There is a big lesson to be learned from every period of adversity in our life.  These lessons may not be what you want at the time, but after a period of reflection I'm sure you will see the importance of what you will have garnered from each experience.  When you are faced with adversity you really have two options.  The first is to run and hide, but this is never going to change what is going on.  I've run from adversity only to meet up with it just around the next corner.  I've tried to deny it's existence in my life, because confronting it head on was not my cup of tea.  The other option, and this is the one that has taken me the longest to learn, is to simply realize that most periods of adversity have been brought about because of our own thoughts, our own words, and our own beliefs.  There are people who before they ever place their foot on the floor in the morning have figured out all the twist and turns of the day, and in their own way are almost wanting adversity to come.  If for no other reason then to prove out their own theory that only bad comes to them.  These modern day martyrs live for a crisis for in each crisis they earn more pity from those who see it happening.

We are the creators of much of what we go through.  The key to handling adversity and the way to overcome adversity's grip on your life is to find the joy in all things.  I can look at something and see only blackness, or I can see the joy in the lessons that I can learn from any experience.  Many times it's all about perception, and if you can look at things one way verses the other, then the pain and suffering that would like to plant itself in your life, will have no place to go.  Instead of saying "why me God" why not say "now we're talking".  I know this is easier said then done, but at some point in your life you are going to have to say enough is enough and determine for yourself that you're not going to take it any longer.  Those who will stand up and fight for what they believe in, no matter what the outcome can at least say they did what they knew to be true.

There is hardly a minute that goes by that we are not bombarded with news of different adversities that are being thrust upon others around us.  Simply because it is happening to your neighbor next door does not mean it has to cross over onto your property and your life.  I've known people who relish the thought of jumping into other people's issues if for no other reason then they get to wear that coveted title of martyr.  Hey, if that's what you want fine, but I think there is a much more impressive title you can wear, that being victor.

You can overcome adversity, and the way to overcome it is to stay clear of it.  The way to stay clear of it is to understand that it was never intended to be in your life in the first place and more often then not as I have said before is it only appears because you have allowed it to be there in the first place.  If you want to live in peace, joy, and happiness then let peace, joy, and happiness be the thing that you think about, that you talk about, and that you display to others.   This simple, yet forgotten weapon is all you will need to buffet adversity when it tries to rear it's ugly head.

Thomas Edison once said that he never failed, he just found ten thousand ways of doing it wrong.  We will make mistakes, we will have our blunders, but in the end it is what you take away from those blunders and mistakes that counts.  Find the joy in them, find the peace, and find the happiness.  The simple fact that you are here today, living, breathing, existing, is proof positive that you have things to accomplish, and you will get to the finish line.  Adversity is nothing more then your opportunity to prove the bastards wrong, and show the rest of the world that no matter what, you will be the person you were always intended to be.  Don't give up, and don't give in to what the world says you have to go through.  You are a divine creation and with your divinity comes certain privileges, mainly walking in a life free from adversity.  You can do this, and always know that there is someone looking out for you.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A moment in time.
It was that moment in time when life changed.  It was that one moment when nothing else seemed to matter.  It was a moment, a singular moment when I knew I could  no longer say "when" but would say "now".

We all live by time.  Sometimes time is our friend, sometimes our worst enemy.  We all live within the supposed restrictions of time: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  There are times when we squander it, waste it, disregard it, and even laugh at it.  No matter where you are you are probably aware of the time and what it will mean to your day, your plans, your interest.  We have made time one of the focal points of our day, and quite often it will dictate what we do, when we do it, and very often how we do things.

Let me ask you this:  if time were a non-issue how would that affect what you might do on any given day?  If time were not a part of your structured day, how might you change things up?  If time were only an illusion, what might you consider doing that you never thought possible before? Here is the truth:  time is an illusion, at least time in the sense of our destiny.  There is no doubt that we have 24 hours in each day, but what you do with those hours is what separates the doers from those who simply stand around waiting for something to happen.  Why is it certain historical figures have achieved some pretty astounding things, and yet they still functioned with the same 24 hours that you and I have each and every day?

There is one moment in time when each individual will have to either accept who they are, or walk away from it, never experiencing the perfection of their life.  You will have ample opportunity to discover who you really are, but there will come a time when you will have to make the decision for yourself.  Will you search out and walk in your destiny, or will you simply lay down and give up before you ever fully understand what greatness lives within you?  These are the questions everyone will have to ask themselves.  I've had to ask and answer them, and you will have to as well.  The decision is ultimately yours, and if or when you finally make the decision your life will change forever.

The time of this decision has been edged in stone since the beginning of time.  I have talked with people about this, and they seem to get this glassed over look as though what I am saying is so far off the beaten track they are looking to commit me to some mental hospital.  Your destiny was set long before your parents ever dreamt of having children.  Your destiny has been around longer then this galaxy.  Hard as it may be to believe, your destiny is why you are here and sooner or later you will step into that moment in time when you become aware of it, and with any hope accept it and begin to walk in it.

Why am I beating the drum so loud on this topic?  I see so many people walking around lost, scared, frustrated, and utterly broken.  What really bothers me is this frame of mind, this personal hell, this prison, is completely avoidable.  I know many will think me mad, but just in case you are willing to give me the benefit of the doubt that maybe, just maybe, I know what I am talking about, then I have something to say to you.  It is time for you to draw a line in the sand and instead of saying "when" start saying "now".  I don't care if you are 18 or 80.  I don't care if you are married or single.  Straight or Gay, black or white.  Your destiny is all you should be focusing on.  It is the one thing that will bring you undeniable happiness and joy.  Your destiny, your purpose, is the one thing that belongs only to you, designed with you in mind, and it is something that no other person on the face of the earth either here now or in the future, will ever be able to accomplish.

I asked you earlier that if time were not an issue, what would you do?  I want you to answer that question, because the answer might startle you.  You see, time is not an issue.  Time is something we have put on things when time should never come into the picture.  If you believe as I do that the Creator is perfect, then you must also understand that when something is supposed to happen it will happen, whether you want it to or not.  If we take things to it's next logical conclusion then you would have to agree that if things are supposed to happen, then the time constraints we put on things is a colossal waste of time.  We are trying to design something that has already been designed.  All we need to do is get out of the way and let it happen.

I do believe many people are about to face that one moment in time when they will have to either move forward or forever wonder what happened to life and what happened to happiness.  Please, I implore you, don't be that person who wonders why things passed them by and all they ever knew was heartache, loneliness, and emptiness.  This is your moment to take what is yours, become the person you were intended to be and release the expectations of man, that quite frankly never got you a thing.  It is time to change things up and in this change become the person you always knew was inside.  It is a wonderful thing to be alive today, and today you get to experience life in a new way.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Love, Love, Love, and did I mention Love?
Love, love, love, love, love:  what is it?  Who has it?  Why is it so stinking hard to recognize it and when you do, how do you hold on to it?  These and other questions are what I will attempt to answer for you today.

Some never give love much of a thought, but love comes in many forms and many ways.  Without a true understanding you will miss out on some pretty amazing things in life.   Love can have both a positive and negative affect on you.  Most of the time the effects of love on a life are stunning, and other times those signs are far more subtle.

Do you love your job?  If not, why not?  Do you love your home?  If not, why not?  Do you love yourself?  If not, why not? I have seen people over the years put themselves in certain situations that they know they hate and yet never take the time, nor put in the effort to get out of them.  If you don't love your job, then why in all that is holy do you stay there?  The answer most people give is they don't have a choice.  There are bills to be paid, kids to put through school, and the list goes on.  Pardon me if I sound harsh, but that is nothing but a cop out.  You do have a choice, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can rid yourself of those things you do not truly love and pick up those things you do.

Do you love your home?  Is your home your castle, your place to unwind, a place to feel peace and happiness, your refuge?  If this is missing, then I would suggest to you that change needs to come about or everything in your life is going to begin to spiral out of control.  Everyone needs a sanctuary, and as far as I can see to most people that should be their home.

Do you love yourself?  If you don't love who you are there will be problems, untold problems, that will never go away until you can grasp the greatness and perfection of who you are.  How many people do you know that can confidently say that they love their job, their home, and themselves?  If I were to ask you those same questions what would your response be?  For me, I love my job.  I get to write, to speak, to meet people all over the place, and talk about the one thing I love most, destiny.  I love my home because in it I find peace, and I can unwind and just relax.  I love me, not in an egotistical way, but I love me because I was put here by my creator and in being here I realize I am here at the perfect time for what I was intended to accomplish in this life.

Most people when the topic of love comes up automatically go to love in the form of romance and such.  I can't deny that love and romance are a much needed thing in life, but I will tell you that love and romance will never be what it should be if you have not taken care of the other three loves that I have just spoke about, and this also involves the object of your affection as well.  Both parties need to get a handle on job, home, and self if there is ever going to be bliss in a relationship.  If you look at relationships that break up I can pretty much bet that one of the main reasons is the job, the home, or just your own self-loathing.  Face it if you can't love yourself how in the world could you expect to love someone else and have that love returned in a way that benefits both of you.

Love in any shape can be complex, no doubt about that, so why in tarnation would you want to add to the chaos by not taking care of the aforementioned three areas that will be the driver in any relationship.  I know there will be people that will say that they need the love of their life so they can get to the point where they love the job, the home, and themselves.  Problem is it's just the opposite.  Now just in case someone wants to start throwing stones at me let me say this:  loving a job, your home and yourself is not a guarantee.  However that being said, you stand a far better chance of having that blessed joining with another if these three things are lined up.

Chances are if you are walking in your destiny and know that you are doing the one thing that is the reason for you being here, then you will probably have a peaceful home, and I can pretty much assure you that you will see the god in you so loving yourself will be a pretty simple task.  You see love is so much more than just the physical.  Love is more than just the emotional.  Love encompasses almost every area of your life.

I have messed up more times than I'd like to admit in the love department.  Had I known what I know now, I might not have made the mistakes I made.  I have loved individuals more than I ever thought possible, but because I had not taken care of the most basic things in my life that love could not sustain me.  Would I like the opportunity to relive certain things and get it right, certainly I would.  However, I learned some very valuable lessons and for that I am thankful.  It didn't matter how much I loved the other person, until such time as I could know me, the real me, all the love I had was just surface and nothing more than a passing fancy.  I have learned the hard way what it is like to lose at love, and what is more difficult is it could have all been prevented had I taken the time to know the real me, the me that God intended me to be.  Please do yourself a favor and get to know the real you.  Seek out ways to implement your destiny in what ever you do.  The job you have might be filling this place right now or it might now, but until such time as you feel complete in what you are doing, until you love it, there will be something missing in your life.

Love is a wonderful thing, but it's only wonderful when you can receive it, give it, live it, and more importantly know that it governs virtually every area of your life.  Love, love, love, love, it's more than just a four letter word, it's more than just a feeling.  Love is knowing, love is patient and it is kind.  Love is what should govern every minute of your life and guide each step you take.  If you can do this, then you are in for a wonderful time, and you will help others enjoy the power of love, the glory of life, and the happiness that only true love can bring.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Believe, simply believe!
I have written about believing in the past, but I think it's time to revisit this subject as I'm sure there are just a few of you out there who have begun to doubt certain things, and when doubt comes, despair and anxiety are certain to follow.

I have been in places before where everything in me believed for one thing but it never came into being.  I began to doubt so many things, myself included, and when that doubt hit so did a slew of other emotions that I would just soon forget.  If you are in a place of non-belief then maybe today's blog is a timely thing.

What is believing?  Is it faith?  Is it a feeling?  I guess you could ask a million people and you would get a ton of different answers.  Believing to some is a "hope for the best" frame of mind.  To others believing is a test.  This test is all about can you stay the course, or can you keep going even when others have faltered.  When I begin to doubt, I begin to doubt me.  Am I really so special that I should expect goodness in my life, is the thought that would creep through my mind.  Should I expect that what I desire should be presented to me?  Most, if not all doubt comes because one is not sure of who they are.  They have quit believing in the perfection of their design, the perfection of them being here in this moment, and the perfection of the one who put you here in the first place.  I will tell you that if you do not doubt your perfection then believing is as simple as getting out of bed in the morning.

We live in troublesome times.  It seems as though the world is on the edge of who knows what.  You can hardly watch the news where there isn't another disaster, or conflict somewhere else in the world. Is it any wonder that people are beginning to wonder about life itself.  After all if it can happen else where then certainly it can happen to you, at least that is what most people are thinking.  The key is to remove yourself from all the others and believe what you know to be true.

I have written at length about the things that reside inside each of us.  The dreams, the visions, and the desires that everyone has but many will never acknowledge them out of fear of what others would say or think.  When we allow others to dictate our thoughts and actions it is almost impossible to believe for anything.  If you are unable to believe in yourself you could be handed your destiny on a silver platter and it would simply just sit there.

Believing in yourself is not so much believing for this or that.  Truth be told the only thing keeping you from having the things you want is you.  It is the understanding that abundance, love, peace, joy, happiness, or health, are all yours not because of what you do but because of what you are.  Believing in yourself begins with the understanding of why you were put here in the first place.  It would be madness to think that we are just here to take up space.  The universe doesn't work that way, never has and it never will.

Some say that believing is simple faith.  A faith that tells you that everything will be fine.  A faith that tells you that those things in your heart will come to fruition come hell or high water.  Faith is a knowing, and believing is a knowing.  You know that you know that you know. Contrary to what I might be told, what I might see, or even what I might feel from time to time, I know that my writing, my speaking will touch and change lives.  I have no evidence of it as such, but I have a belief in it.  As far as I'm concerned all I need to do is hold on to that belief let it guide me and then get out of the way and let things happen as they happen.  Now let me give you a warning:  if you think you are going to be able to sit around and just wait for things to happen you are fooling yourself.  If I waited to step out into my destiny until all the books were published and all the speaking engagements arranged I would die before that ever took place.  I write all the time because that is what I was created to do.  I write because that is what I love.  I write because that is what I am.  I have no right to sit around and hope that a publishing house some how miraculously calls me for some unknown reason and says let's publish your work.  I have to move forward in what I know, and then let what is going to happen happen.  I believe, I know that I am on the right path.  You must have this same belief.  Without it, very little if anything will ever manifest in your life.

Believing is not a guess.  Believing is not a "I hope I get this".  Believing is a knowing.  A knowing that comes from the deepest part of your being.  Some people will never get to this point.  They will be tossed about by the words of others.  Some people will latch on to this with all they are worth and they will be the ones who stand up in the end and tell you it is all about believing.  You have this ability within you.  Forget about the past, and begin with a clean slate.  Your destiny awaits you if you will simply believe, just believe.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What does the City of Ferguson Missouri show us? It is telling, that's for sure.
It's a mess down there.  It really doesn't matter if one is a Democrat, a Republican, White, Black, old or young: the bottom line, it's a mess down there.

The question that keeps running through my mind is why?  I recognize the tragedy and hurt of this young man losing his life.  I also know there are two sides to every story, and somewhere in the middle the truth will be found.  What amazes me is that all the fighting, all the destruction is never going to bring this young man back to life, and yet this is how numerous people in this city are trying to get their point across.  I feel for the family for their loss, but never having lost a child I can only surmise what they must be going through.  My point in writing today is to try to put a "spin" on this tragedy and try to get those around this city, and elsewhere, to realize that there is an even greater tragedy happening as we speak.

This greater tragedy is that people down in this tiny city are acting from a place of anger, some fear, some ignorance, but mostly because they have yet to grasp this one salient point:  people do not understand the significance of who and what they are.  Wars begin because two sides cannot agree, one thinks they are right while at the same time the other side thinks the same thing.  It's not a competition, it's a lack of knowledge.  Now I'm not calling the people of Ferguson stupid, what I am saying is that those who have chosen to act out violently are not even remotely close to understanding the significance of life.  Once again I am not speaking about the life of this young man, but the life of each individual.  If one were to fully understand the reason for being here, the purpose for their own life, then it is doubtful that they would be acting out the way many have decided to act out.

Regrettably I believe there are people who will use almost any situation to justify their actions.  If they can blame their destructive behavior on something else then somehow they have earned the right to do whatever they want, to who ever they want, and when ever they want.  What ever happened to personal responsibility in this country?  It seems like it's always someone else's fault and they are just reacting to what will get them what they truly desire.  Please don't misunderstand me, I know there are many people in this city who are trying to allow cooler heads to prevail and stop the madness that is going on right now.  To those people I thank them and encourage them to continue in their battle.  To those who feel it is right to loot, burn, destroy property, shame on you, shame, shame, shame.

All the activity that is going on right now goes on all the time, all over this country.  Look at some of our major cities who host sporting events.  The home team wins and yet you have cars set on fire, overturned, almost riots in the streets.  And this happens when the home team wins, why?  You have groups who let little things set them off and then they justify their actions by saying that they are misunderstood, and they are acting out the only way they know how to get their point across. That is such bullshit I can hardly contain myself.  They are acting out because they sense they can get away with it because of all the other things going on around them.  Let's be truthful, people when given the opportunity, show their true nature, right or wrong.

Until such time as people understand that trying to justify destructive behavior is unjustifiable, we will continue to see anarchy.  Until such time as people recognize the insanity of what is happening in Ferguson, we will continue to scratch our head and ask why.  Until such time as people begin to understand and walk in their own destiny, we will have this type of activity and the result will be the same: needless blooded and violence.  I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of having to pay the price for other's inability or lack of desire to really figure out the purpose of life.

I have said this before but if every single person on the face of the earth was tuned in to their own destiny, was aware of their own significance, we would never have these actions, and this would be in large part because we would not have the activity that lead up to this horrendous event.  Think about it, a world where destiny reigned supreme.  We would have no wars, no poverty, no illiteracy, no anything that would be contrary to the true nature of the Creator of the Universe.

I know there are many who will discount what I am saying today, as is their right, but these people will be the same people who will be walking around years from now still trying to figure out why they are on this planet, and why now. It's all about destiny, your true destiny.  Maybe it's time we spread the word to the rest of the world that it is possible to fix things, and then just maybe, we can have a world we are proud of.  Think about that and let me know.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Live free, or die!
Live free , or die.  The motto of the great State of New Hampshire.  As a border state of Maine, my home now, I have heard and seen this saying a million times, but until recently I hadn't put two and two together to get four.  I was watching a show on television and out of the blue it hit me:  if we are not free to be who we were destined to be then you have already died.  You have died to self, you have died to your vision and dreams, and you have laid the ax to the root of who you are, your destiny.  Death comes quickly when vision is lost and when destiny, your true destiny, is ignored.

Each of us has the God given freedom to walk in our destiny.  Being bound up by man's thoughts and views is anything but freedom, and as was said moments ago, death comes quickly.  Of course you know I'm not talking about physical death, but rather a death far more devastating, a death of purpose.

If you get up in the morning and wonder why you are here it's a pretty good bet that you have not discovered your purpose and because of this you are most likely trapped in things that others expect of you.  You may want to change, you might think about change, and you might even, dare I say it, do something different.  Until you get to the point where you are pursuing what you were created for, you will be trapped in a prison set up by others who haven't a clue as to your true identity.

Living free, is living the life you were intended to live, doing the things you were intended to do, and impacting the lives of others that you were sent here to impact.  To be perfectly blunt, doing anything else is really death.  You may not see it that way, but eventually you will get to the point where you will say to yourself what's the use.  As you make that drive into work for the gazillenth time, and for the gazillenth time you wonder why you are doing this again, maybe you might reflect on these words and seek out a change.  I often wonder why people refuse to make a change when change is all they really want.  I've heard people bemoan their current state of life, and yet do nothing to change it up.  They are anything but free, and certainly death of purpose in on the doorstep.

I know how pressing life can be.  Over the last five or six years I have bounced from job to job simply because I wasn't brave enough to not settle.  I saw the bills piling up.  I got the constant phone calls from bill collectors.  I got to the point where I would take any job simply because I needed to survive.  Problem was I wasn't surviving any better after getting a job then I was while looking for one.  I finally had to stand my ground and call a spade a spade.  If in fact I am a writer, then damn it, call myself a writer, spend time writing, and forget about all the other things that would like to distract me from what I know to be true.  Death to me would be a time when I could no longer write.  To be honest I would rather not live in this existence then give up writing.

There comes a point in every one's life when a decision must be made.  You may have several different periods in your life when the opportunity to make this decision will come, but trust me, the time will come when you will have to decide.  Will you pursue those things that you know to be truth, that lie deep within your heart, or will you simply follow what man has said is your path?  There is not a single person on the face of the earth that will not have to make this decision.  I don't care where you live, what you do, what you currently have, you will still have to make this decision.

We've all  been told that things are not going to be handed to us on a silver platter, that money doesn't grow on trees, and if you do a certain thing you will go blind.  I will leave that last one up to your imagination.  All kidding aside, what most people don't understand is that destiny is already in you.  What you have to grasp is that it is for you, that you must choose to live it, and until you do you are not living free.

I was having a discussion with a very dear friend the other night.  I know he will always tell me the truth, even when the truth may hurt a little bit.  We began talking about my desires, my love for spreading the word about destiny, and my dreams of changing humanity.  He knows that I am not doing this for the fame, for the money, or even to store my own ego.  I am doing this because that is why I am here on this planet, in this moment.  He said that I needed to be free.  Maybe his comment is what got me thinking, and then I just had to write about it.

Live free, or die.  What will you do now?  If there is something inside of you that is saying that life has to be more then it is right now, maybe you are on the cusp of finally being free.  If you are feeling as though you have spent too many years going after what others thought you should go after, maybe you are on the cusp of finally being free.  If you are certain that what you know in your heart is moving you in a new direction, then you are certainly on the cusp of finally being free.  I encourage each of you to think about where you are right now and whether you are free, or whether death of purpose is looking at you right in the face.  I have faith in you.  I know there is a destiny inside of you.  You have to have faith and know there is a destiny within.  It is time for you to regain your freedom and step out into a world that needs what you have, and needs it badly.  No more death of purpose, only freedom to live the life you were intended to live.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Enough is as good as a feast.
Can you ever have enough of a good thing?  I guess it all depends on what the good thing is.  On Thanksgiving there are tons of people who have too much of a good thing.  It's that moment right after the meal and you say to yourself "I ate way too much".  You them remember years past having done the same thing and wonder why you didn't learn your lesson then.  Oh well, there's always next year to learn from this year's debacle.

There are people out there who can never seem to get enough of a good thing.  People who always want more, and in many cases will do whatever it takes to get what they want.  I guess the question that comes to mind is what is it that motivates others to need to have it all, and once they get the "all"  what are they going to do with it?  Herein lies the point of today's blog:  enough is as good as a feast and others should be invited to participate in your feast.

I was channel surfing not long ago and came across the show about hoarding.  First off, I was amazed that anyone could live this way.  I though that I was a pack rat of sorts, but I have nothing on these people.  Now some will say that hoarding is a mental disorder, others say it's a sickness.  I have no qualifications to state which it is, so I will say that it is just weird.  The point here is that there is more stuff in these homes then any normal human could ever use, or even want for that matter.  I have however noticed that hoarding is not just isolated to those who have stuff.  There are spiritual hoarders as well.  People who will strive for every kind of spiritual understanding, and yet when they receive it do nothing with it.  They keep it to themselves and never so much as offer any of it to anyone else.  It's kind of like the angry millionaire who works and works to get as much money as possible, and realizes that after all that work, he or she still doesn't have enough.  Now these people could never spend all that they have, and yet they still desire more.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against money. I like money I recognize what money can do for people, but I also have seen what money can do to people.  There must be a happy medium where those with share with those who are without.  Before anyone accuses me of a "Redistribution of Wealth" mentality let me say that I truly believe that if it's worth having it's worth working for.  I am not one to just say that everyone should be given a million dollars just because.  If one has the means to make money, the know how, then share that understanding with others to help them achieve the successes you have been fortunate enough to make.  If one has spiritual insight, then share that insight with others and help them gain the freedoms that you have gained.

There is a verse in the bible that says it would be better for a glutton to place a knife to the throat then to continue to be a glutton.  I know that sounds harsh but the point I'm trying to make is that you need to divest yourself of stuff before stuff becomes the focal point of everything that you do.  The reason we seek knowledge is not to hoard it but to give it freely.  This should be the mindset for every individual.  I could sit here and dream about destiny day and night, night and day, but what good would that do me, and for that matter what good would it do for the person who still hasn't discovered their destiny?  I write about destiny because it is my desire that everyone walk in their own.

Sharing the best part of you is what living is all about.  You can share the love you have in your heart in the form of a smile to the stranger walking down the street.  This simple act of kindness didn't cost you a thing and it just might be the thing that this person has been needing.  Sharing your wisdom that has been garnered over the years just might be the thing that someone needs to make a decision that has been pending for some time.  You never know what will come about when you share from the heart and give without any need for a payback.  Problem with many people is they only give when they feel there is going to be a return on their investment.  I will tell you that those who hold this belief will ultimately fall victim to the great demon of gluttony.

So I will ask you again, can you ever have too much of a good thing?  If you will give back, and give back without the need for praise or recognition then you will always be in a position where you will always have what you need, and have it in a measure that will never go away.  Give your love.  Give your knowledge and wisdom.  Give because in giving you will ultimately receive more then you could ever imagine.  It is time to give it away and watch others and yourself change in a mighty and powerful way.  If you are unable to let it go, it will ultimately leave you anyway, so why not do it on your own terms, and bless someone else while you're doing it.  Think about that.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Game of Life: why some of the rules have changed.
I remember playing this game when I was just a kid.  Of course I hated to loose, but in loosing I gained some very valuable insight into what I would experience much later in life. Now life is much more complex then just a simple board game, but the similarities are eerily present.

In a board game there is obviously a winner and at least one looser.  In most cases depending on the game there can only be one winner and the rest of the players are the losers.  In actual life, we tend to see people as winners and losers.  Now to some the winner is the one who has the most money at the end of the game, and the game as we know it is life itself.   If one were to believe this, then they would be like so many others out there today who believe it as well.  The truth of the matter is this:  in life there are no losers.  Certainly there are occasions when things don't go as planned, and some would say that this is one of those things that will go down in the loss column.  However, a simple miscalculation does not mean that all is lost and one will never be the winner.  On the contrary, the one who continues to grind it out after a loss is just as much a winner as the one who ends up with all the money.

This is where I line up when it comes to the "Game of Life".  First off lets tackle the subject of rules.  In board games there are certain rules that have to be followed.  We follow them to make it fair for all who are playing.  In life we also have rules and these rules, which should come as no surprise, are there to ensure that everyone has the opportunity for fair play.  Stay with me now, and I promise you this will all make sense in just a short period of time.  So we have rules to keep it fair, the game has a winner and a number of losers, and for all intents and purposes the game has a specific strategy.  So far it seems to line up pretty well with this thing we call life.  Now in the actual board game there are many turns, many obstacles, and ample opportunity to get off track and lose everything.  Once again, sounds pretty close to what we have gone through as mortal beings.  Now the winner is the one who crosses the line first.  Everyone else on the board is now classified as a loser. Sadly I have observed individuals who display this very same attitude in real life.  These people have reached a certain level of success and they, not all mind you, but many, feel as though the rest of us are a bunch of saps and they are the rightful winner in the game of life because they have come away with the spoils of war.  Now this is where it gets interesting.  As I said I would get to this point, and you will thank me once you have read what I am about to write.

In the actual "Game of Life" I really don't believe in rules, at least rules that have been conjured up by those who have no clue as to the true nature of things.  I certainly do not believe there are losers.  In my estimation there are many people who might be perceived as winners by the world's standards, but they are just as much of a loser as the one who has never accomplished anything in life. Why you ask?  Simply put they have never learned the importance of giving for the sake of others, and only taking for the good of themselves.  Not passing judgment, simply stating a fact.

Here is the simple truth:  the game of life is nothing more, and nothing less then being your authentic self, doing what you were created to do, and understanding your part in helping the rest of humanity.  Certain people might call it a game, but it really is simply a way of life.  As humans we have been conditioned to believe that life has to be a certain way.  This so called way is laced with lack, depression, want, and all kinds of things that we don't desire but seem to fall into.  Board games are also laced with ups and downs so to speak:  "Go directly to Jail", "Lose a Turn", "Go back four spaces".  I don't think I've ever seen a game where there wasn't something built into it that wasn't punitive in nature.  Many people today feel as though this punitive accent is something that they are locked into in life.  Truth being what it is, I say no way.  We are not locked into these things, we only think we are.  Once you change your thinking most if not all of those things seem to disappear and things begin to change for you.

So time to decide, you can continue on playing the games of life, those games that others say you must participate in, or you can change the rules, and create your own monopoly of sorts.  You can rid your life of  "Go directly to Jail", "Lose a turn", and "Go back four spaces".  That little wheel on the "Game of Life" board would spin like crazy, and you just never knew what was going to show up.  If you needed a four to hit a particular space all your thoughts were on four.  Come on four, come on big four, come on big boy daddy needs a new pair of shoes.  Your future was dependent on this number coming up.  Sadly the odds of it coming up were not all that great, and you were forced to accept what came your way.

I must ask, is this any way to live a life?  No it's not, you shouldn't, and today you get to change all that.  You are not locked into a set of pre-printed do this, or do that.  You have the freedom to follow your gut, your intuition, your heart, and your spirit.  I suggest you become good friends with you spirit as it is the only one you will ever have, it has always been and always will be.  Sadly too many people never utilize the greatest game changer there ever was.  Bottom line:  forget about the rules set down by others and blaze a trail of your own and see if you don't come out the winner.  But remember this, you will never be a loser, never, ever.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Have you decided that enough is enough?
It's about that time.  What time is that you ask?  It's about time to say that enough is enough and you're not going to take it any longer.  Put another way, you're damn tired of everyone saying one thing when you know that just the opposite is true.  You're tired of trying one thing simply because the other thing failed miserably.  You're tired of always doing for others when there is no reciprocation what-so-ever.  I get it, really I do.  I've been there and there really isn't a more miserable place on earth that you could be, or is there?

Was that last question rhetorical, or is there a more miserable place on earth?  I guess it all depends on one's perspective, or where one is at the present time.  Most everyone who has read any of my writings can attest to the fact that I have been to the gates of hell and lived to tell about it.  I'm not saying that I enjoyed the trip, but I did learn a thing or two along the way.

The main point of today's blog is for you to determine if you've had enough of the garbage out there, and whether or not you're ready to take the next step in discovering and walking in your destiny.  If you have successfully navigated this trek then I congratulate you.  If you're still walking this path, then I continue to encourage you along the way. If you have given up, well then, shame on you.  Giving up on your dreams, on your destiny, is nothing more than giving up on yourself and once that happens its really all over but the crying.

I truly believe that the most miserable place one can be in is when you desire something, desire something to the very core of your being, and yet you never seem to get there or you feel as though you will never get there.  It's as if the keys to the Palace are right in front of you and yet you are unable to reach them.  I had a dream once that I was walking down a long hall way, and just like in the movies, the hallway kept getting longer and longer and the more I ran, the longer it got.  I was never able to get to the end, and all it did was cause frustration and anger.  There are so many people out there today who are living in these moments of frustration and anger, and the simple reason is that they are not experiencing the joy of walking in those things that they dream about, long for, and other wise were created to do.

The decision to say enough is enough is entirely yours.  You can stay stagnant and never move forward again, but alas the frustration and anger will continue.  This frustration and anger will continue until you make the decision to retake any and all ground that may have been lost.  Certainly there are things that will creep in from time to time to get you off track, but you do have the ability to overcome these obstacles.  The decision you have to make for yourself is whether you will do what is necessary to overcome them.  I can sit here and try to inspire you to take action, but that will only go so far.  You have to weigh things out and determine if what you want in life is important enough for you to finally say that enough is enough.

Sooner or later everyone must make the decision to stand up for what they believe in, what they desire, and really why they are here.  For years I let others walk all over me, and I was in a constant state of doing for others because I felt as though it was the only way that I would be able to ultimately walk in those things that I was destined to walk in.  I felt as though I was serving out my penance and that this was the only way that I would finally make it into the castle.  What I never fully understood until recently is that all those things I did, I did because the conditioning of man made me believe I had to.  The path to one's destiny is lined with other's expectations of you, and quite honestly other's expectations are meaningless.  What is important is what you think, what you do, and what you know to be truth.  I'm not sure we will ever be able to stop others from setting unrealistic expectations of us, but how you rid yourself or if you rid yourself of them is up to you.

In any of my relationships today I will tell you that there are some deal breakers.  Deal breakers that just make it impossible for someone to have a relationship with another person, or persons.  My first deal breaker is my spirituality.  Now I do not have the market cornered on spirituality, I have lots and lots to learn, but what I do know is not up for negotiation.  If someone does not wish to believe as I do that's fine, but I choose to stay clear as their energy is not in sync with mine.  Now that doesn't make them a bad person it just means we really don't have all that much in common so lets just be friends.  If you desire a life full of peace, joy, and happiness, why are you hanging around people who display none of it?  Once again you must decide what is important to you and what is not.  If peace is your desired outcome surround yourself with people who understand peace.  Joy and happiness, the same thing, surround yourself with those who have a good grasp on these things.  We have allowed people to rule over us in the past because we felt as though that unless we succumbed to their tactics we were going to be labeled as anti-establishment and then others would shun us for being unattached. Well be unattached, but be authentic, and be who you were created to be.  There are plenty of people out there who will parade around as one thing, knowing that they are not really like this, but have no recourse but to be what others want them to be.  Do not fall into this trap.

So, if you have decided that enough is enough, I commend you.  Things will begin to change and change in a positive way.  Note to self: not all positive change is pleasant, so prepare yourself for some turbulent times.  However, it will be worth it I assure you.  Find the joy in change and you will be getting joy back.  It is your time to be who you desire to be, do what you desire to do, and have those people around you who share in your desires.  Yes my good people, enough is enough.  Blessings to you and remember that there are people and angels out there who are looking out for you.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Circle of Life.
We're born, we live, and then we die.  This is the circle of life.  We have no say when our life begins.  For that matter we have no real idea when our life will end either.  We do however have a lot to say about how we live our life, you know,  that time between birth and death.

I have written about the Circle of Life in the past, but I hope to put a different spin on it today.  I first observed the Circle of Life when I was present at the death of a close family member.  At the time of his passing he was like a child, unable to care for himself.  It was amazing that we come into this world dependent on others, and most of the time we depart this world also dependent on others.

The portion of life that I want to focus in on today is that portion that you have a direct impact on.  What one does with one's life is entirely dependent upon how one see's their own life. To be more specific how people see themselves. There are people around who see nothing but success.  There are people around who see nothing but failure.  Then there are the people who see nothing, noting at all, and wonder why nothing ever happens in their life.  Let's focus on this third group of people shall we.  After all those who see success will live it, and those who only see failure, probably won't be reading my words anyway.

When one has no clue as to the reason for being here, it is doubtful that they will ever reach a point where they are walking in their own destiny.  People were not put here to walk in a barren land, where only a few achieve great things, and fewer still experience heaven on earth.  Unfortunately there are many who walk around in perpetual hell, never knowing the pleasure of living within their passion.  Now this is in large part because their passion has been beaten down by so many others who also know nothing of destiny.  It is for this reason that you must come to terms with the one thing that will set you free from a place of always desiring more and never quite getting it.

What is the one thing?  It is how you live your life, why you live your life, and most importantly that you recognize the important role you play in this thing we call humanity.  Without this knowledge you will be one of the unfortunate ones who goes from day to day always wanting more, but never really expecting it.  Without this knowledge you will always be a day late and a dollar short.  Without this knowledge you will go to your grave always wondering what could have been.

There is another circle of life that I want to talk about and this circle is a never ending cycle. Which side of the cycle that you fall on is entirely up to you.  On one side of this cycle is opportunity, possibilities, and an endless parade of peace, joy, and happiness.  This cycle comes to you when you have understood that destiny is in everyone and your destiny is just as important to the rest of the world an any one else's.  This cycle comes to you when you understand that you dictate what will happen next, and you set the intention.  Instead of being just an observer of things going on around you, you in fact become the catalyst for things that happen.  The second side of this cycle is just letting things happen, and seeing where the chips fall.  You have no expectations, you get tossed about by every different doctrine, and you fail to realize the significance of your being here right now.   Sadly a large segment of society falls into the second category, and sadly this is where many people spend the majority of their life.

If you are in category two then I suggest you create an exist strategy to free yourself from this self-imposed exile and begin to accept all that you are.  Understanding the perfection of your design, the greatness of your calling, and the unlimited potential that resides in you is a great first start.  This may not come easy at first as you have had to hear all the damning words that have been spoken by others who as of yet have not discovered destiny for themselves.  That being said, you must free yourself from the expectation of others and realize that you are fully capable of achieving those things that you hold in your heart.

The circle of life is not just birth and then death.  The circle is intention, it is experience, and it is being.  Being the person you were sent here to be, impacting those who are all around you, and giving of self so that others might share in life, the way life was intended to be.  You can either be a full member of this thing we call life, or you can simply exist.  Simply existing will keep most people in the place they find themselves right now.  Always needing a little more, always wanting for this or that, and always wondering why life seems to be such a drag.  Life is not about just existing.  Life is not about always wanting or always lacking in something.  Life is about giving all you have and giving with an open heart, a smile on your face, and a song in your heart.  I will tell you that a life that is full of love, full of smiles, and full of joy is a life that will not be tossed about.  A simple smile will remove fear, it will remove sadness, and it will remove doubt.  It is time to smile and realize that this circle is for everyone.  Find your place in it, and then help others find their place.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Give me liberty, or give me death.
When Patrick Henry uttered these words in 1775, few understood the significance of them.  They would later figure it out, but at the time, there was only "what might or could be" that was crossing their mind.

We all know the outcome of that little skirmish called the Revolutionary War.  America became it's own country and from our constitution came the Bill of Rights.

When I think of liberty today, I think of what I desire to accomplish and I realize that because of the dedication and patriotism of those who have come before me, I have the right to go after all that I desire, all that I dream, and all that I am.  

When European Immigrants came to our shores the first thing they saw was Lady Liberty.  She was standing there in New York Harbor welcoming each and every one of them.  What must have been going through the minds of those who had just spent days, maybe weeks, anticipating their arrival and what would come of their decision to leave their home and begin a new life, in a new country?

There are many who have yet to make the decision to strike out on their own and walk in their destiny.  If I were in a place where I had only two options, what would I choose?  In the immortal words of Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death."  Allow me to walk in my destiny, or give me death is another way of looking at things.  I don't mean death in the literal sense, but rather death of desire.  The liberty, the freedom to be what you were intended to be, why would anyone choose to be anything other then what they were intended to be?

There are many reasons why people haven't made the personal decision to seek out their destiny.  I say personal because all the prodding, all the nagging, or all the prompting by others does not mean a thing until you are ready to make the decision to go after what you have inside of you to do.  Fear is probably the single bigger reason that people walk away from their destiny.  Fear that they don't have the ability to accomplish those things they desire.  Fear of what others will think about their crazy ideas.  Fear of what will happen if things don't work out.  It is time to grab fear by the horns and put a dagger through the heart of it.

Having the liberty to walk in your destiny is afforded to everyone.  Liberty is not base on your lineage, your walk in life, or your social status.  Liberty is afforded to all simply because you are just like every other person walking the earth, a divine creation.  What I want you to do is picture yourself sailing into New York Harbor, seeing Lady Liberty, and feeling the excitement of a new beginning.  Yes those who sailed over to this county had certain concerns, that comes with being a human, but underneath it all was an expectation that things would be different, better, and all together more rewarding.  Once you take the first step toward your destiny things will be different, better, and all together more rewarding.

There comes a point in each of our lives when we come to a crossroad.  It is the time when you have to decide what is important and what is just the expectations that others have placed on you.  The important things in your life are those things that shape you and make you who you are.  The important things in life are those things that bring you peace, joy, and happiness.  When you come to this crossroad you are the only one who has the power to decide which path you will walk down.  You can choose the path of liberty: freedom to be who you were created to be.  You can choose death: following the expectations of others.  Either way it is your decision to make, and only your decision.  Certainly you can accept guidance and ideas from others, but the decision continues to be your own.

When I set out to create True Destiny I had only one purpose: help others discover the destiny that resided in them and help them walk in it.  My desire has not changed a bit since I began.  Talking about destiny brings me the peace, the joy, and the happiness that  I never fully had before.  I had moments of it in the past, but never to the degree that I have it now.  There is something almost magical that happens when one decides to follow the leading of their heart and step out into those things that they were intended to be in all of their life.

So what will it be: liberty or death?  The decision rest with you, and only you.  I have lived two lives, one full of uncertainty and doubt, and one full of promise and the anticipation of what lies ahead for me.  I choose to accept the promise and I anticipate marvelous things ahead.  You must choose, but choose wisely.  If you are at a point, a crossroad, where you know a choice must be made, then I applaud you and I stand ready to help you any way that I can.  Yes it may be a little intimidating at first, but this too shall pass.  Cast out fear and accept this truth:  you are fully able to walk in those things that you were intended to walk in.  You will experience the peace of life, the joy of being what you were created to be, and the happiness that comes from helping others.

It is time to choose liberty, and see the beauty of a new land, a new time, and a new you.  I look forward to hearing your story.

Monday, August 4, 2014

When it's all said and done, let's hope there is more done then just said.
And they said it couldn't be done.  Foolish people who doubted you.  Yea, but you knew from the beginning that things would work out and that all that you desired was going to happen.  What's that, it hasn't all panned out?  Things haven't been going your way?  You mean you haven't even started yet?

These are scenarios that play out every day, of every week, and each month throughout the entire year.  I wish I could change the outcome of many things that are taking place in other's lives, but I can't.  Certainly I can be there to comfort when things might go from bad to worse.  I can stand up and cheer for others.  I can't however make anyone take what is just in a dream phase and turn it into reality.

Today I will get up on my soapbox yet again and try to motivate and inspire others to take the chance on what is certainly in their heart to do.  At the end of the day I want you to look at what you have accomplished and say "Well done!".  At the end of the day I don't want you to beat yourself up if things haven't gone perfectly.  It's not so much how things went as it is that you started something.   Often people want the end result quicker then the end result should be.  We live in a world of instant gratification: fast this, fast that, instant this, instant that.  If you can't see the results immediately then obviously something must be wrong.  Well that is just tomfoolery and it's time to let those notions go that have no real merit in your life.

You can be all ready to go and do something, but until such time as you go and do it, it still is nothing more than a dream.  "I stand on the precipice of something great" someone once said, but the key words are "I stand".  You can stand and look out from any vantage point, but in reality it's just looking, it's not doing.  Once you jump off that precipice, now that's an entirely different thing.

I've allowed fear to stop me so many times in the past.  I was afraid to fail.  I was afraid what others might think or say about me.  I was afraid that what I had hoped for wasn't really intended for me, and I was just being foolish thinking that I deserved to have the best in life.  All these fears tore me down.  These fears made me feel small.  These fears began to dictate how I saw myself, and it wasn't a pretty picture.  It is time to cast out this fear and realize that you have come fully equipped to handle every and all situations that might arise as it pertains to your destiny and walking in your own dreams.

I'm going to ask you the question yet again:  what do you really want to do?  What is the one thing that you think about that excites you more than you can describe?  What little thought just won't leave  you alone?  That thought that just picks, and picks, and picks at you?  Yes it can be annoying, but better to be annoyed then ignored.  If you haven't figured it out yet, no worries, you still have time.  However, let me give you a warning: if the reason you haven't figured things out yet is because you are afraid of what you might learn about your destiny, or afraid of what is going to be required of you,   you have made a huge miscalculation.  You can try to run from your destiny.  You can try to ignore the dreams. You can even replace things with meaningless stuff, but in the end destiny is destiny, and either you find it, or life is going to suck!

We are in a time when decisions are going to have to be made.  In the absence of decisions, you will continued to be buffeted by anything and everything that comes down the pike.  Why do bad things happen to me, why can't I seem to get ahead, why, why why?  I have spent the better part of the last six months reflecting on certain things that have kept me from enjoying the life that was intended for me.  I had let that ever present ego dictate what I could and could not do.  I had let my words and my thoughts keep me from the one thing that I desired most.  If you are in this position then it is time to put some action to your dreams and finally say to yourself "Well Done".

If all I ever do from this point forward in my life is write and talk about destiny I can assure you that I am cool with that.  I get to get up each morning and do what I love, do what I was created for, and do what brings me peace, joy, and happiness.  There are far too many people out there today who cannot say the same thing.  They are faced with a job they hate, surrounded by those who have no idea what it is like to experience joy in their life, and that sucks.

Yes it's time to say well done, and live in the moment that has been your moment since you were created.  You can do this, and I will be there to help you along the way.  I look forward to hearing your stories and sharing in the joy that comes from walking in your destiny.

Friday, August 1, 2014

The little engine that could.
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." These immortal words come from the little engine that could.  There are many times when we as humans have the same thought "I think I can", but somehow something is lost in the translation, and the only thing that comes from it is thinking about it.

One of the passages from the Tao says that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  We can think about things until the cows come home but until you put action to your thoughts there is nothing that is going to be accomplished, nothing at all.

Today I want to inspire you to begin your journey and not worry so much about what may lie ahead of you, and instead just focus on taking that first step.  Often the things we fear the most, that we feel may stop us down the road, never manifest so all you have done is delayed that one thing that you were designed to accomplish in this life.

It is time to turn the "I think I can" mindset into a knowing.  I have no doubt that there are things that you have dreamt about doing, but for whatever reason have yet to move forward in those dreams.  It might be a fear of the unknown, or that some sap has told you all the reasons why your dreams will never come front and center, or it just might be because you have never been able to shake the words and conditioning of the past.  Whatever the reason it is time to discard all the negative and begin to function in the positive.

Had I waited for the perfect time to begin writing my first book, I would still be waiting to put pen to paper.  Had I allowed what others said to me, thought about me, or even what I thought about myself,  dictate my actions then I would still be wondering what I should do with my life.  Six books later I still have people who question my sanity.  People who still feel that I dream way too big, and that what I intend is never going to come about.  Let me let you in on a little secret:  I'd don't give a rat's ass what others say or think.  I dream big because that is what I was always intended to do since the day of my birth.  Regrettably it has taken me years to accept this trait in me, but now I hold on to it with a bulldog tenacity, and there is no one who will be able to dampen the excitement I have every time I talk about destiny.

This is the same tenacity you must display if you are ever going to get out of the starting blocks and onto the playing field.  The "I think I can" must stop and you must know you can.  You will begin to know you can when you begin to accept the greatness of your design, the perfection of you being here, and the knowing that what the Creator has put into place was put there for a reason.  Aren't you tired of the people who want nothing more then for you to wallow around in the same pity they are in?  Misery loves company, but do you really want to be a part of the crowd who will never walk in those things that they were designed to walk in?  I didn't think so.

If you are tired of me talking about destiny, your destiny, then I suggest you never read this blog, or anything that I write, again.  I can promise you that I will never stop writing about destiny until I simply can't write or I die.   If you choose to never read my words again, I will still love you, I will still root for you, and I will still desire that you accomplish those things that you were intended to accomplish.  I have taken the old "I think I can" and turned it into I know I am.  I know I am supposed to help others in their journey of discovery.  It is this knowing that puts a smile on my face each and every time I sit down to write.  This knowing is what you must grab ahold of and never let go.

The little engine just needed a little encouragement to recognize his abilities.  Well if that is the case then let me encourage you.  Let me show you why you have everything you need to discover and walk in your destiny.  Destiny is not what you hope for, it's not what others tell you, it's what you are.  When you can accept this fact, most everything else simply begins to line up.  It can never be "I think I have a destiny."  It has to be "I know I have a destiny."  When you can make the shift, take the first step in your journey, then and only then will things begin to move in the direction that you have dreamt about.

We have gone from "I think I can" to "I know I can" to "I know I am".   When you know and accept who and what you are the words "I think I can"  will never be apart of your vocabulary again.  I look forward to the day when you can say it, mean it, and then do it.  Have a wonderful weekend, and know that there is always someone looking out for you.