Friday, August 1, 2014

The little engine that could.
"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." These immortal words come from the little engine that could.  There are many times when we as humans have the same thought "I think I can", but somehow something is lost in the translation, and the only thing that comes from it is thinking about it.

One of the passages from the Tao says that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  We can think about things until the cows come home but until you put action to your thoughts there is nothing that is going to be accomplished, nothing at all.

Today I want to inspire you to begin your journey and not worry so much about what may lie ahead of you, and instead just focus on taking that first step.  Often the things we fear the most, that we feel may stop us down the road, never manifest so all you have done is delayed that one thing that you were designed to accomplish in this life.

It is time to turn the "I think I can" mindset into a knowing.  I have no doubt that there are things that you have dreamt about doing, but for whatever reason have yet to move forward in those dreams.  It might be a fear of the unknown, or that some sap has told you all the reasons why your dreams will never come front and center, or it just might be because you have never been able to shake the words and conditioning of the past.  Whatever the reason it is time to discard all the negative and begin to function in the positive.

Had I waited for the perfect time to begin writing my first book, I would still be waiting to put pen to paper.  Had I allowed what others said to me, thought about me, or even what I thought about myself,  dictate my actions then I would still be wondering what I should do with my life.  Six books later I still have people who question my sanity.  People who still feel that I dream way too big, and that what I intend is never going to come about.  Let me let you in on a little secret:  I'd don't give a rat's ass what others say or think.  I dream big because that is what I was always intended to do since the day of my birth.  Regrettably it has taken me years to accept this trait in me, but now I hold on to it with a bulldog tenacity, and there is no one who will be able to dampen the excitement I have every time I talk about destiny.

This is the same tenacity you must display if you are ever going to get out of the starting blocks and onto the playing field.  The "I think I can" must stop and you must know you can.  You will begin to know you can when you begin to accept the greatness of your design, the perfection of you being here, and the knowing that what the Creator has put into place was put there for a reason.  Aren't you tired of the people who want nothing more then for you to wallow around in the same pity they are in?  Misery loves company, but do you really want to be a part of the crowd who will never walk in those things that they were designed to walk in?  I didn't think so.

If you are tired of me talking about destiny, your destiny, then I suggest you never read this blog, or anything that I write, again.  I can promise you that I will never stop writing about destiny until I simply can't write or I die.   If you choose to never read my words again, I will still love you, I will still root for you, and I will still desire that you accomplish those things that you were intended to accomplish.  I have taken the old "I think I can" and turned it into I know I am.  I know I am supposed to help others in their journey of discovery.  It is this knowing that puts a smile on my face each and every time I sit down to write.  This knowing is what you must grab ahold of and never let go.

The little engine just needed a little encouragement to recognize his abilities.  Well if that is the case then let me encourage you.  Let me show you why you have everything you need to discover and walk in your destiny.  Destiny is not what you hope for, it's not what others tell you, it's what you are.  When you can accept this fact, most everything else simply begins to line up.  It can never be "I think I have a destiny."  It has to be "I know I have a destiny."  When you can make the shift, take the first step in your journey, then and only then will things begin to move in the direction that you have dreamt about.

We have gone from "I think I can" to "I know I can" to "I know I am".   When you know and accept who and what you are the words "I think I can"  will never be apart of your vocabulary again.  I look forward to the day when you can say it, mean it, and then do it.  Have a wonderful weekend, and know that there is always someone looking out for you.

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