Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Believe, simply believe!
I have written about believing in the past, but I think it's time to revisit this subject as I'm sure there are just a few of you out there who have begun to doubt certain things, and when doubt comes, despair and anxiety are certain to follow.

I have been in places before where everything in me believed for one thing but it never came into being.  I began to doubt so many things, myself included, and when that doubt hit so did a slew of other emotions that I would just soon forget.  If you are in a place of non-belief then maybe today's blog is a timely thing.

What is believing?  Is it faith?  Is it a feeling?  I guess you could ask a million people and you would get a ton of different answers.  Believing to some is a "hope for the best" frame of mind.  To others believing is a test.  This test is all about can you stay the course, or can you keep going even when others have faltered.  When I begin to doubt, I begin to doubt me.  Am I really so special that I should expect goodness in my life, is the thought that would creep through my mind.  Should I expect that what I desire should be presented to me?  Most, if not all doubt comes because one is not sure of who they are.  They have quit believing in the perfection of their design, the perfection of them being here in this moment, and the perfection of the one who put you here in the first place.  I will tell you that if you do not doubt your perfection then believing is as simple as getting out of bed in the morning.

We live in troublesome times.  It seems as though the world is on the edge of who knows what.  You can hardly watch the news where there isn't another disaster, or conflict somewhere else in the world. Is it any wonder that people are beginning to wonder about life itself.  After all if it can happen else where then certainly it can happen to you, at least that is what most people are thinking.  The key is to remove yourself from all the others and believe what you know to be true.

I have written at length about the things that reside inside each of us.  The dreams, the visions, and the desires that everyone has but many will never acknowledge them out of fear of what others would say or think.  When we allow others to dictate our thoughts and actions it is almost impossible to believe for anything.  If you are unable to believe in yourself you could be handed your destiny on a silver platter and it would simply just sit there.

Believing in yourself is not so much believing for this or that.  Truth be told the only thing keeping you from having the things you want is you.  It is the understanding that abundance, love, peace, joy, happiness, or health, are all yours not because of what you do but because of what you are.  Believing in yourself begins with the understanding of why you were put here in the first place.  It would be madness to think that we are just here to take up space.  The universe doesn't work that way, never has and it never will.

Some say that believing is simple faith.  A faith that tells you that everything will be fine.  A faith that tells you that those things in your heart will come to fruition come hell or high water.  Faith is a knowing, and believing is a knowing.  You know that you know that you know. Contrary to what I might be told, what I might see, or even what I might feel from time to time, I know that my writing, my speaking will touch and change lives.  I have no evidence of it as such, but I have a belief in it.  As far as I'm concerned all I need to do is hold on to that belief let it guide me and then get out of the way and let things happen as they happen.  Now let me give you a warning:  if you think you are going to be able to sit around and just wait for things to happen you are fooling yourself.  If I waited to step out into my destiny until all the books were published and all the speaking engagements arranged I would die before that ever took place.  I write all the time because that is what I was created to do.  I write because that is what I love.  I write because that is what I am.  I have no right to sit around and hope that a publishing house some how miraculously calls me for some unknown reason and says let's publish your work.  I have to move forward in what I know, and then let what is going to happen happen.  I believe, I know that I am on the right path.  You must have this same belief.  Without it, very little if anything will ever manifest in your life.

Believing is not a guess.  Believing is not a "I hope I get this".  Believing is a knowing.  A knowing that comes from the deepest part of your being.  Some people will never get to this point.  They will be tossed about by the words of others.  Some people will latch on to this with all they are worth and they will be the ones who stand up in the end and tell you it is all about believing.  You have this ability within you.  Forget about the past, and begin with a clean slate.  Your destiny awaits you if you will simply believe, just believe.

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