Saturday, February 25, 2023

It's time, it really is.

It's time to wakey wakey.  We are entering a period of time that will be unparalleled in human history.  Some may say this is a crazy statement, but when you see where many have come from, where many are going, and what they have gone through, then crazy may not be the best word to use.  I'm going to cover a topic today that may be controversial to some.  I want to say that I make no apologies, as what I am about to talk about has been flying around my spirit for many, many years, and it's time that we let this chicken out of the hen house. With that being said, I will be as delicate as possible, trying ever so hard not to scare the ever living life out of you.  OK, that last statement was more in jest, but I do want to prepare you for what is coming, and provide you with a blueprint of how to navigate these waters that are about to get pretty stormy.

Anyone that has tapped into their spiritual side will already know that things have been changing, and changing in a mighty way.  Those who have not learned to listen to their spirit, well rocky times may be in your future, but all is not lost I assure you.  I have written about this for the past 13 years, and finally we are really seeing some shifting taking place, and in my humble opinion, not a moment too soon.  If ever there was a time to grasp the significance of your creation, the beauty of your uniqueness, and the awesome power you have inside of you, now is that time.  Some with call this  Christ Consciousness.  Others will call it the Great Awakening, it matters not what we call it, the outcome is the same.  Understanding who and what you are is the only thing that is going to help get through the battle that you are going to be facing.  

I've spent the better part of the last 18 months in deep daily meditation.  I can't even begin to imagine what my  life would be like right now had I not taken that alone time to center, ground myself, and prepare myself for the battle I am about to walk into.  Anyone who cannot see that we are in a spiritual battle at the moment either has their head buried in the sand, or more aptly is dead from the neck up.  I don't say that to be mean, but after a while I get tired of warning people about those things that we battle against.  Simply put we are in a time where humanity is coming agains all that is evil, and you had better be prayed up before you place one foot on that battleground. I was listening to a Podcast the other day and this young lady was talking about being Christ Minded.  I've got to tell you that I was 100 percent in agreement with what she was saying.  I'm not here to bash any particular religious belief or one's personal belief system.  We all think differently, we've all been brought up different ways with different ideas.  Sadly much of what we have been taught is flat out wrong, and there are so many people entrench in old ways of thinking, old ways of doing things.  If we do not wake up, if we do not allow enlightenment to enter, we will forever be stalled, and we will never move forward, accomplishing those things we need to accomplish.

So let me share with you what my thoughts are on Christ Consciousness, and why I believe that this is the only acceptable way of living.  Once again, I am not here representing one particular religion, or any one belief system.  I'm here to open your mind to things you may not have thought of before.  When anyone thinks of Christ most everyone will agree that he was human.  When most think of Christ most will say that he operated as a man, living breathing just like you and me.  Sadly this is where most people turn away and place themselves below and not equal.  Truth be told we have the same makeup as Christ.  We have the same abilities.  What most people don't have is the belief that we are the same.  How many times does the Bible tell us what we are, why we are, and how we should be operating each and every day?  If Christ was the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, aren't we also?  I can hear it now, I'm being blasphemous.  Actually I'm not.  Blasphemy is when you downgrade God's Creation, you, and make it into something it is not.  We've been taught so much that is wrong. Is it any wonder we go through life always going without?  The time has come to take on the Mind of Christ and start operating as he did by our spirit, and only our spirit.  Believe it or not your spirit, my spirit is the spirit of God.  We can either own it, or walk away from it.  I for one am tired of getting my butt kick by those who would like nothing more than for each of us to wither up and die. 

I'm not here to pass judgment, rather encourage you to take a step forward and own what has always been yours.  We've been taught that our Creator is not a respecter of people.  What he has placed in one, he has place in all. The ability of one, is the ability of all.  If we choose not to walk in those abilities that is our choice, but it would be the wrong choice.  I'm trying to be as delicate as I can be with the topic because I do not want anyone to walk away feeling beat down, or that they do not have a bright future.  What I'm trying to do is get you to let go of all the negative thoughts and feelings that have kept you down and out.  What I want you to do is realize the depth of what you have inside of you and once and for all walk in it.  We have been kept down for so long, and the time has come for us to take our rightful place as Created Beings.  Christ understood his abilities, walked in those abilities.  He tried to teach us who we are, but somewhere along the line we were told why we were not powerful, why we could not operate the way he operated.  Face it, if every single person on this planet walked in Christ consciousness, would we need the church? NO, so the church has made us something we were never supposed to be, just mortals.  I know this might irritate a lot of people, but we have to realize our true nature, our real abilities, and finally throw off the limits that man has wanted us to operate under.  Limiting our knowledge of our true nature, our real abilities by organizations that profess to have our best interest at heart is nothing more then their desire to keep us controlled.  

Our life is a journey of discovery.  Once we discover our true abilities we will be the person we were intended to be.  My mission is to help others discover their destiny, and in doing so bring joy, happiness, and love into your life.  When we struggle with limitations there can be no joy, no happiness, and love is something we will always question because it is so hard to love yourself as you should.  I assure you that the moment you realize your true abilities, the moment you begin to operate in Spirit, and not just our flesh, as has been taught to us, once that happens joy, happiness, and love will be yours forever.  It's not easy, and it certainly is not something we are going to learn overnight.  However, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, so to your journey.  If you can accept your greatness, your spiritual side, then you will have taken the first step.  

It is time to throw away the things of old, and pick up on those things that are eternal, infinite, and are your right now.  There is nothing you can do to change the perfection of your spirit.  The only thing you need to do is accept that perfection, begin to walk in spirit, and then you will see the world entirely different.  


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Stairway to Heaven

Is there a Stairway to Heaven?  Is there such a thing as Heaven on Earth?  What I'd like to do this week is give my opinions on this subject.  What I'd like to do is provide some encouragement, and in doing that, maybe show you how things should be done, can be done, and why you might want to rethink a few things.  Let me start out by saying this: we are created beings.  I know I've said this before, but it does bear repeating. We create our own reality with our thoughts, our words, and our feelings.  When darkness comes, as it does for most people at one time or another in life, we have to dig down deep and realize that we have caused the darkness.  Now many may discount this statement, but they are the same ones who will bemoan all that life has thrown at them, and place the blame on anything and everything accept where blame should be placed, on themselves.  I don't say this to be mean, I say it to make you realize that you have creative abilities, even if you don't believe it.  

When I was directed to write about this topic today, to be honest, I didn't want to.  I knew it would be controversial, and I hate controversy.  That being said, I also have learned not to question the leading of Spirit, so I will be obedient and do as directed.  There is no doubt that many, many people are being tested right now.  Many people have lost hope, many have fallen to fear, anxiety, and even worse have begun to question if there is any good left in the world.  How can one even believe we could have heaven on earth with all that is going on around us at the moment? Truth be told we are the ones who will have to create Heaven on Earth.  We are the ones with the power, the ability, we simply have to muster up the want, desire, or will for it.  When one is walking through the fire it is often hard to realize that we have created the fire, and we are the only ones who can stop it, or put it out.  I had to step away from the computer to get my wits about me.  This topic is not easy to communicate for the sole reason that I do not want to derail anyone.  It's never easy to tell someone that they need to buckle down and do what is right.  I guess the question then becomes what is right?  What actions can anyone take to reset what is currently happening in their life, in the lives of those around us?  The first thing one has to do is accept the premise that we have the power to do just that.  Doubt and unbelief about your capabilities is certainly going to put a damper on what is accomplished.  I fully understand that when one is in a struggle how hard it can be to believe there is a way out of the struggle.  As humans we have the tendency of thinking the worst, yet hope for the best.  This is nothing more then setting yourself up for failure, or at least a tiny bit of hurt.  Realizing that you are an overcomer, that you will preserver, is really the first step.  The next step is to learn from any experience.  Face it, there are times when we have to go through a tough time if for no other reason than to realize that we really never want to go through that moment again.

Maybe it's the appropriate time for that encouragement I spoke of earlier.  Heaven on Earth is not just a hope, not just a dream, it is what our destiny is.  I often speak of destiny, and to be honest I wonder if everyone truly believes they have a destiny.  We are on this planet, in this body for a finite amount of time.  No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you will never add a single minute to your life experience.  Certainly there are people who feel they have missed out on things, but they really haven't.  What we experience in life is what we were intended to experience, the good and the bad.  We must find peace in all things.  Even when we may not understand why something is happening, we need to find the peace in it.  I fully understand that is not always an easy thing to do, but this is when you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and know who and what you are.  There's an old saying, "Physician heal thyself".  I am having to find the peace in a situation I am facing at the moment.  Would I prefer the situation to not be happening, well of course I wish that, but it is, and I have to decide what I am going to do while going through it.  Finding the peace may not be easy, but it is something I need to do.  You may be facing the same thing, and you will have to find the peace.  I am that I am.  I am that peace, I am that peace, I am that  peace.  If all you can do is repeat this mantra, then repeat it til the cows come home.  Trust me, it will manifest the peace you are seeking.  

The Stairway to Heaven is lined with people who gave up too soon.  This life we live is full of curves, paths with two options, dead ends, and barriers.  We've all experienced these, and quite possibly will experience them in the future.  We cannot see this as a failure, rather an opportunity.  There have been times when I wanted to simply quit.  I've had plenty of times when the battle raged so strong that I just didn't think I could go on. It was in those times when I had to recognize the immense power I had inside of myself. I would be a liar if I said I wished I hadn't had to go through some things, but I have learned through all of them.  Bumps and bruises do happen, but they do heal, as all things will heal eventually.  The key to success is getting back up on the horse when she bucks you.  Trust me I have been thrown off a time or two, but I am still standing, and you too will survive, and you will come out the other side stronger, wiser, and so appreciative of what you have learned.  

Let me end with this, and I hope it provides you with even more encouragement.  Faith is the assurance of things yet unseen.  While many of us have had our faith tested, it is just that a test.  Will you walk as you were always designed to walk, or will you succumb to man's expectations?  We were supposed to have Heaven on Earth but because of Man's failure we have had to forego it, at least forego it until now.  You have everything you need to walk in peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, health, you simply have to accept what is already yours and acknowledge that it is already yours.  Legions of people have come before you, will come after you, some have succeeded, some have failed, but all have been equipped.. Once you open your eyes, hear with your heart, you will know that there is nothing on this planet that can stop you from having what is rightfully yours.  

It takes courage to withstand the battle, and battles will present themselves daily.  If you will take up your armor, if you will stand in your rightful place, then you will be a victor.  This Great Awakening is here for you, and it is here right now.  Certainly there will times of doubt, but that is momentary.  What is eternal, what is changeless, is your spirit, and it is when we operate from this spiritual level that we see things as they really are, not always as they appear.  Open your spiritual eyes and see your greatness, your perfection, your uniqueness.  When you walk in this perfection, this uniqueness, your greatness, you will be climbing the Stairway to Heaven, and you just might bring some along for the ride.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Out of Darkness, and into Glory!!

Photo by Vladislav Murashko
 Over the last few weeks I have really been focusing on man's true essence.  It is in that same light that I bring to this week's blog. What I'd like to do today is bring even more clarity to what I believe is right around the corner, and why coming to terms with the real you is so vitally important.  I will profess that I do not have all the answers.  There are many who might seem far more qualified to bring information, transformational information, than I.  I am simply a vessel of my Heavenly Father, and I write what I am instructed to write, and I allow each of you to take from it what you desire.  Before we get too far into what I want to present today, I want to provide you with this warning.  Our accountability comes into play when we have been given information, and we accept that information.  Once you become aware of your true essence then you have accepted certain things into your life that you can never retreat from, or should I say, should never retreat from.  While what I have to say today may seem far fetched to some, out of the ordinary, or even a little crazy, I challenge each of you to take what I have to say to heart, and move forward in it as fast as you can.  To say that we will be challenged with things that are shortly going to be coming into play is an understatement.  We are entering a time when only those who are grounded, those who are aware, those who truly understand the significance of their design and being, they will be the ones who will come through the trials that await.  I do not say this to scare you, no not in the least.  I say this so that when you enter the battleground you will be prepared, and equipped to handle anything and everything that might be thrown at you.

When we finally step out of the darkness, that which has trapped us for generations, and into the light, our own awakening, then we will see things as they truly are, and not this charade that has kept us in bondage for way too long.  We have lived a lifetime being told what is wrong with us.  We have been made small by those who do not wish for us to walk in our perfection, to operate in our power and greatness.  We have been sat on for the sole purpose of stripping us of our own divine nature.  Now is our time to walk in our perfection, our power and greatness, and understand our divine nature.  Knowing the real us is such a threat to those who have attempted to keep us down.  Walking in our power, discovering our creative abilities is not what the power mungers desire, and quite frankly it scares them to death because it means the end to them.  

Our creation was not by happenstance.  We have been chosen for this specific time, and we have been given a great responsibility. This responsibility is to awaken the masses, those sleeping, those unaware of what is real, what is true, and what was created for them since the beginning of time.  Had we been thrust into this role before we were ready would have meant certain failure.  Thank God we have had the time to learn, the time to grow, the time to mature.  Not everything we have gone through has been pleasant, but it has brought us to the place we are at, and now is our time to take the lead.  Stepping out of the darkness and into your glory has no time line, for stepping out will come in the perfect moment, not a minute too soon, nor a minute too late.  I have been waiting for this period of my life, my whole life.  Most people who find themselves in this same position will undoubtedly tell you that they always felt like an outsider.  Often there were feelings of loneliness, feelings that you simply did not fit it.  People have tried to get you to do certain things, in a certain way, and yet you always knew there was a better way, your way.  You have been ridiculed, laughed at, even scorned from time to time because you simply were the odd duck.  I'm here to tell you that now, in this moment you will take your rightful place in the Universe, and you will be doing what you were always destined to do.

When I first started out as a writer I was laughed at and called crazy by many people who knew me.  Did that affect me?  Maybe a little, but down deep I did not question what I had been asked to do, and all I could do was write to the best of my ability.  Thirteen years later much of what I have already written about is front and center in this thing we call the Great Awakening.  I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back, I say this because I was faithful to do what I had been asked to do, and now I finally have validation.  Much of what you have thought in the past is now going to be validated, and when that happens you will finally know that you are not the crazy one. Being the odd duck may not always be fun, but I can assure you that being the odd duck will one day put you in the very place you were always destined to be.  

Many people are at the precipice right now.  They know what they should do, but because of past conditioning, because of past failures or hurts, they are hesitant to let go, and simply let God.  Let me be the first to say that there need not be fear in anything.  When you understand the perfection of your creation, then you will be able to step out and begin the process of being the real you.  When you accept that you have been given unlimited abilities, creative powers, it becomes much easier to leave cares and worries behind, and simply cast your net into the water knowing that a massive catch is about to come to you.  We were not given all things things simply to store up stuff here on this planet.  To those who much is given much is required.  If you could fully understand all that has been given to you, then there would never be a concern of what is about to be asked of you.  As we grow, as we mature, fear leaves, doubt is a thing of the past, and all we can see is Glory that lays ahead of us.  

Let me leave you with this thought.  When you have made the decision to step out of darkness, and into your glory you will never doubt that you made the right move.  When you step out of the darkness and into your glory you will discover a new power, a new awareness, a strength that is almost indescribable.  When you step out of the darkness, and into your glory, you will finally be aware of your wholeness, your divine nature, and your unlimited power and ability to create all that you dream, all you desire, and all that was meant for you.  Now you will have to ask if you want all the good, or stay in the darkness?  I promise you when you shift your thinking, your feelings, your words you will be able to see the glory, and you will know it is for you.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Is this the Tipping Point?

So many things in life can confuse us. Many things in life seem to create chaos. Question on top of question seems to be a daily event, and these questions don't always seem to come with easy answers. So many people are at the tipping point.  While each person is different, and how they deal with issues are different, when we reach the tipping point it is important that we make the right decision, positioning us in the right place.  So that raises the question, what is the right answer or right thing to do?  What is the one thing, the game changer, that is going to ensure that we end up where we are suppose to end up?  What I want to do today is give you my insight into what I believe is the Game Changer, and how do we make sure we do not miss what is about to happen.

I wrote last week about limiting beliefs.  Those things that keep us down, that make it almost impossible to walk in total victory.  What I am about to share may seem impossible to accomplish, but I assure you it is not impossible, and there will be assistance provided to you in supernatural ways, so fear not, you are going to be successful.  With that said I need to warn you that if ever there was a time to keep your vibrations high, now is that time.  We have been bombarded with negativity from just about every angle over the last few years.  So many people are operating in fear, and fear is never going to lift your vibration, never, ever, end of story. There are people and things out there whose sole purpose is to eliminate you.  Shocking yes, but true, and once you become aware of those things that are coming against you, against us, we can take the required steps to overcome whatever might be thrown at us.  

So here is what Spirit would like you to know.  I simply am the deliverer of what I am told to write, and to be honest some of what I write I learn from, and some I am down right shocked by.  So here we go, and I pray you receive this in the manner in which it is intended.  We have grown weak because we have fallen for the untruths that have been handed down from generation to generation.  These mis-steps were not intentional, at least not in a manner to harm you, but they have been harmful because they have taken you away from your true essence.  Little by little we have been relegated to human status when in fact that is not what was ever intended for us to be.  I can hear people already finding fault with this statement, but these are the very same people who are unable to detach themselves from what may be going on around them, being sucked into the turmoil, the fear, the anxiety of every day life.  We were created in the image of our creator.  If you believe this then why is it so difficult to believe that you have the same creative abilities as your creator?  Once again we don't believe because we have been conditioned since the time of our birth to believe in limits.  Your Spirit is unlimited by virtue that your Spirit is infinite.  Once you can swing open the door of the prison cell that has trapped you for years, then and only then will you begin to operate from your spirit and not simply by your five senses.  This great awakening that many are talking about, this ascension, is nothing more than coming to terms with your true essence, and finally accepting your unlimited abilities.  

I've had many tipping points in my life, and most people can probably agree that they have had as well.  Often people will only change when their current situation, their current conditions become so uncomfortable that they are forced to change.  God, the Creator of the Universe, your Creator, knows all, knows you, and there is nothing in this world that will ever separate you from your creator.  Once again, there are some who will debate this point, but they have bought into the many lies that have been perpetrated by others before us who said one thing simply to control what others could or couldn't do.  If you believe in the perfection of God, then how could anything that is created by God be anything but perfection.  God did not make a mistake, impossible, end of story.  In your perfection you have all the needed abilities to rise above anything that could possibly harm you, get you off track, or otherwise stop you from your destiny.  If you doubt this then you are still thinking from your human perspective and not your spirit.  Once you begin to operate solely from the spiritual and not the natural all things will line up perfectly, and those things that may have been impossible before not become possibilities.  

Failure to operate from your Infinite Spirit will only lead you down a road of inadequacy, along a path of doubt, fear, and a total feeling of being alone in this huge world that we find ourselves in.  The comment I hear most often is "I can't".  I can't do this, I can't do that.  My question is obviously, why can't you?  Why can't you overcome?  Why can't you succeed?  Why can't you be who you were intended to be?  There is no can't when it comes to our Creator.  Can't is a belief that we have been conditioned to believe.  Can't is something that someone said we have to get used to as part of the human experience.  I'm here to tell you that until such time as you accept your greatness, until you realize that the same "I am" Spirit that created you resides inside of you, you will always fall for the "Can nots".  

Please understand, I'm not here to beat you up.  I'm here to encourage you to rip off your human experience and turn it into a spiritual experience.  I'm here to show you that life is not what it has been, but what it should be.  Given the option to live in peace, to live in joy, happiness, abundance, or live as you currently are, what choice would you make?  Given the option to create anything you desire, or simply accept what others might offer you, what choice would you make?  We have basically accepted that we will only have table scraps verses the feast that was always intended for us.  This awakening, this ascension is going to happen, it is happening right now, will you be a part of it, or will you simply watch from the sidelines, and if you're lucky pick up a scrap or two? 

The Game Changer is your realization of the true you.  The Game Changer is you walking in your power, your greatness, your divine nature.  The True Game Changer is stepping into your role as a Creator, and never doubting you have all you need to create heaven on earth.  I've said this so many times before, "We have not, because we ask not, and we ask to, because we don't believe."  So what do you believe?  Do you believe that life will never change and what you see now is all there is?  Do you believe that you have been empowered by your Creator to create anything and everything you can dream or imagine? Do you believe that you were brought here from perfection, to bring perfection to this planet, and to all that inhabit it?  I will allow you to ponder these questions, but I will encourage you to embrace the really you, the authentic you, the powerful, beautiful you.  I encourage you to seek out your spirits voice, learn what that voice sounds like, and begin to do what it is telling you to do.  What your spirit is telling you is what you were created to do, and what God Created you to do.  Yes we are at a tipping point, but sometimes a cart needs to be tipped over to make way for something else to come through.  Think about that, and get back to me with your thoughts.