Wednesday, October 26, 2011

True Destiny, If life is a Journey, Why go it Alone?

As we creep ever closer to winter here in Maine, our mornings are darker, and evenings are colder. We see less and less daylight and with that comes the realization that the seasons are changing and hence we prepare for a long cold stretch. That being said, I do love this time of year more than any other. Now it could be because the NFL is in full force right now. It could also be the crisp fall air, changing leaves, and less yard work is something I really enjoy. I liken the change in seasons with the changes that many of us work through on a routine basis. Things in life very rarely stay the same forever. Sure there are things that will always be there; the love for family and friends, the desire to be all we can be, and the desire to walk in our destiny. Destiny is what all of us should be walking toward. Destiny is what lies within each of us, because there are things we should be doing. Destiny is who we are, and not necessarily what we do from day to day. Let's face it, many people are working in jobs that they have no reason to be in. It's not that they are not trained for what they are doing, rather they are not happy with their current position because it does not fulfill them in ways that another job might fulfill them.
I was at a networking event last night and spoke to an individual who after nearly 20 years of working in a profession that he was good at, he made the determination that this was not what made him happy and he left the field and went into a field he had always dreamt of. I was so excited to speak with him because you could see it in his eyes that he was doing what made him happy, and nothing else really mattered. How many of us today can say we are doing what really makes us happy? I have said it before and yet it bears repeating, if you get up on a Monday morning, look at your work week, and all you can think about is that you wished it were Friday already, chances are you are in the wrong field. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a comment like that, I would not need to win the Powereball tonight. Don't get me wrong, I still would like to win the Powerball, but truth be told, the vast majority of people working today are not working because they want to but rather because they have to. Now we all have to work, well most people have to work. But what we don't have to do is work in a field where we are miserable and unfulfilled. I think we have come to a point in our life where true happiness is not measured by the size of our paycheck, but by the joy our current job brings to us, and in return we bring joy to others.
I have worked and worked and worked for so many years, I can't even imagine not working in the future. I have had jobs that I have loved, and I have had jobs that I have completely hated. I have had jobs that I was the best in the field, and jobs that have left me humbled and wondering what in the world am I doing. Through all of my many job choices I have determined what the common thread was, and now that common thread is what directs me to do what I do now. As a young Air Force Recruiter many years ago I would ask the young men and women who were interested in joining the Air Force what they wanted to do. I would tell them forget about training, forget about education, forget about money. If they could do anything in the world that would make them happy, what would they be doing? Now quite often they would look at me like a dear trapped in the headlights of an approaching car. Could it be that no-one had ever asked them this question before? Could it be that they had never thought of it before? Could it be that they were too embarrassed to give me an answer for fear I would laugh or belittle their desires? No matter what scenario one falls into we should all be able to answer this question. What is it you want to do? Not what you feel trapped in doing. Not what you think others expect of you. Not taking any job because it's the only job available. Stop the madness!!!! We need to accept what is deep inside us, and realize that it is there for a reason.
There is nothing worse in life than feeling trapped with no escape possible. The constant pressure of feeling empty, uninspired, and other wise a complete failure. I have seen people fail at jobs, not because they weren't good, but because they had no reason being in that position. It's like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. We were created for a specific purpose, and determining that purpose should be at the forefront of your mind at all times. Anything less than this is only hurting you in the long run and ultimately will cause frustration and dread. There are things that I still want to do in life, and I will not stop until I have at least tried to complete what is inside of me to complete.
Let today be the first day of your discovery of the destiny that resides in you. Let the happiness that comes with knowing you are in the right place at the right time. Let joy overtake you because you love what you do so much, it should be illegal to have so much fun. Let confidence overflow your every move because you know you better than anyone and you know what is in your heart. You have all you need to be who you are supposed to be. Take the first step, and don't worry if you get knocked back a few steps. We will always face difficult times, but difficult times are easier to handle when you know you are in the right place at the right time. Think about it.....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

True Destiny, If life is a Journey Why go it alone?

Well I had posted what I thought was a great blog yesterday, only to find out that it didn't post and now I can't find the draft. This sucks, but like a true professional I will try to re-write it and see if I can't get it up today. If you believe in Destiny as I do, you also must believe that things happen for a reason. Maybe the blog from yesterday is meant for someone today. Maybe, just maybe, it was meant to teach me something, although I have no idea what it is supposed to teach me except to accept bumps in the road and realize that the sun will still come up in the morning no matter what I am going through at the moment. So here we go and I will try to reconstruct what I wrote as best I can.
John Wooden, the Legendary College basketball Coach, has two quotes that I positively live by. I have a daily calendar of his, and on occasion I will post them in my cubicle at work to keep in front of me because they mean so much to me. Normally I just rip them off and toss them in the trash, but these two are worthy of keeping, and hopefully they will mean something to you as well. The first one goes like this, "Success is never final, failure is never fatal, It's courage that counts." Success to people comes in many different forms, and I am not here to tell you what success means to you, because I haven't even determined what success means to me yet. When I was younger success meant earning millions of dollars and being at the top of the ladder. Today making millions is not my motivator. I would rather speak to others and help them achieve the dreams that reside inside of them, and release the destiny that they were born to walk in. I have seen people who appear to have everything and yet there is something missing in their life. They may have money, nice cars, big homes, and yet there is still something missing in their life. Maybe the love of their life doesn't exist, or they are unwilling to let the love in. Maybe they are trapped in a profession that has brought them riches, but not passion. Maybe they have done it all and still there is something that eludes them. I am not one who thinks that success is something that once you have it you can't loose it. On the other side of the coin I also believe that failure, although often people feel it is fatal, it is temporal. Failure today does not mean failure tomorrow. Failure to me is the opportunity to try it again, and with some modifications can become success. The part of Coach Wooden's quote that inspires me is the courage aspect. Do we display courage when failure has come to try it again? Do we display courage when everyone around us has labeled us a failure and yet in the deepest part of our being we know that success is right around the corner? Courage is knowing that no matter what we face, no matter what obstacles are in front of us, no matter how bad we have failed in the past, there is a reason to get out of bed tomorrow and try it again. There is nothing worse in life then giving up on your dreams before you have had a chance to go after them. The only time in your life when you should stop going after your dreams is when you are about to take your last breath. Until that time dreams should be in the forefront of your mind.
I believe that dreams are the stepping stones to reaching our destiny. A destiny mind you that is there for you and for others so they can achieve their dreams and destiny. That leads me to Coach Wooden's second quote, "You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." Man when I read this I literally smiled and realized that I had been doing this. Now I don't do things for people because I expect anything in return. I do because that is my nature and I can't stand to think of someone who is hurting because they lack something or need something and no one seems to care about it. Now I know I can't heal the whole world's woes. I can barely heal my woes, but that doesn't mean I don't want to help. If I had an endless amount of money, and unlimited talent, then maybe I would try to heal all the hurts out there. Alas, I do not have either, so I can only do what is within my ability to do. Now that doesn't mean that I wouldn't do it if I could. I hate seeing pain and suffering. Now there are those occasions when people bring pain and suffering on themselves and they need to walk in that a while to learn a valuable lesson. But there are other occasions when bad things happen to good people and the devastation is huge. The loss of a child, the death of a loved one, the destruction of property due to natural disasters. All these things can and do affect people on a daily basis. If I could snap my finger and instantly take away the pain and suffering I would do it in an instant. I think compassion, in many cases, is a lost form. I for one never want to lose the compassion I feel for others. Of all the traits we have in us, compassion for others is right up there with love. I do not know if one can truly love if they are unable to feel or show compassion.
So what does this all mean? Take a few moments today and think about the time when you felt alone and hopeless. If you have never had these feelings, well you are one lucky individual. If on the other hand you are like most of us, you have felt these emotions often and they have left you wondering why. Hopelessness is an awful feeling and more often than not followed by despair and dread. I think the key here is to reach out to those who know you, love you, and support you, and tell them you need help. I know very few people who when looking at a desperate situation involving a friend or loved one would not do all they can do to help. If you have friends who are unwilling to help out in a time of distress and despair, maybe they were not as much a friend or loved one as you thought.
Today is a day to display "Courage". Courage to take the first step toward your destiny. Courage to look at a failure and be willing to try it once more. Courage to know that tomorrow brings new opportunity and possibilities, and that you are deserving of both. I think, therefore I am!! If you can not see yourself as a success, it's doubtful you will ever get there. But don't think that simply thinking about something is going to be the magic elixir to life. Show some courage today, and do something for someone without the expectation of getting anything in return. You know a smile shown to someone could be the one thing they need to know that there is kindness in the world and that kindness is just as much for them as anyone. Think about it......

Friday, October 14, 2011

True Destiny, If life is a Journey why go it alone?

Well it's a rainy day here in Maine. It appears that summer may have shown itself for the last time this past weekend, and with fall fully on us it is only a matter of time before we hunker down and experience a good old Maine Winter. For those who have never experienced this type of weather I invite you to come up for a visit. For those of you who are out in a warm winter climate I beg you to invite me for a long long visit. As I advance in years I can appreciate a nice Arizona or Southern California Winter.
As I sit down this morning to write for only the second time in many many months, I have had to reflect on many different things. As a matter of fact I took the opportunity to read over some previous entries. I must admit that some are very very good, and some I can really tell when I was having a challenging day. Over the last few months I have had to come to some difficult decisions, some I wanted to make while others were forced upon me. Don't you know, we never like it when decisions are thrust upon us. Most people run from them like rats from a sinking ship. But no matter how you look at it, decision are a fact of life, and like it or not, we have to make them. Now there wasn't any one decision that sticks out as being overly complicated, nor overly easy. Decisions on what to wear to the office are fairly routine, although I do have my days when nothing seems to fit, and a burlap bag would suit me just fine. Other decisions haven't been as simple, but decisions that had to be made, if for no other reason for my own sanity.
We are all faced with decisions on a daily basis. I was talking with a very close friend, you can tell that I do that a lot as I make mention of it often. During our conversation we were talking about the general climate of the country. When I say climate I am not talking about the weather pattern or whether Global Warming is really something we should concern ourselves with. When I talk about climate I am talking about the general feeling of the country and each of us as part of that big country. I am under the impression that there are so many people walking around this country in total distress and hopelessness. Now let me say this; I am not talking about the political climate. I really don't care what your political affiliation is. I don't care what side of the isle you are on, nor do I care about your political views. Hold on, Side Bar, I guess I do care about some of your political views but I will save that for another time. What I see in my daily life is people walking around with what appears to be doom and gloom surrounding them. Many people have no idea when things will turn around for them. Many have gotten to the point where they are wondering if life is really worth living. Many have given up because moving forward is just so damn difficult right now. Wherever you fall on this line of misery and dread, all I can say to you is keep moving. Keep moving and eventually you will get around the brick walls, barriers, and bumps in the road.
No one ever said life was easy, far from it. But we have resources that are more powerful, helpful, and inspiring then we could ever wish for. Those resources are friends and loved ones. When in doubt reach out to those who truly know what is inside of you and are willing to help pull it out of you. Now keep this in mind, there are times when tough love is called for. If you find yourself on the receiving end of this tough love, just count your blessings and thank God you have someone in your life who cares enough about you to do the right thing. Albeit it is never fun being on the receiving end of tough love. In fact, in most cases, it down right pisses one off. But after all the dust settles we can see the goodness in this action and long after the dust settles we can say our thank-you's.
As I move forward with this blog again it is my hope that you gain some understanding as to the complexity of life, the pit falls to avoid, and the understanding that coping with daily issues is something we all have to do. It is my desire to share my views, thoughts, and beliefs, in an effort to make your decisions much easier, and far less traumatic. I have said this so many times before, but if Life is a journey, why go it alone. There is power in numbers, and when you and I team up there really isn't anything we can't accomplish. Search your hearts and know that those dreams that reside inside of you need to come out. Dreams are not just for us. They may also be there to help others achieve their destiny.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

True Destiny; If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

To those who thought I had fallen off the face of the earth, well let's just say the the stories of my departure have been greatly over stated. Truth be told I have had such a hectic six months, something had to take second place, or maybe third or fourth place. No matter how you look at it, I am back, and ready to tackle whatever life throws at me. I have learned so much about myself over the last five or six months, and as much as I would love to share it all with each of you I will not bore you with the details. Suffice it to say I have grown and I have learned. I have been to the mountain top and even to the bottom of the valley. As this is my first blog in quite sometime I will keep this one short and starting tomorrow will attempt to thrill each of you with what is on my mind, in my heart, and from the deepest part of my soul. Wow, that makes it sound almost epic. Well maybe not epic, but certainly inspirational.

I was talking with a good friend today. Maybe that is what helped me make the decision to begin writing again. Then again, maybe it was just the right time. Throughout the last six months I have never lost my desire to reach out to the masses with my story of True Destiny. I think I needed the last few months to know deep inside of myself that what I believe is truth to me, and now I want it to become truth to you. I have had many opportunities over the last few months to run and hide. I would be a liar if I said I hadn't given thought to that, but there will always be a part of me who will not quit, and an even bigger part of me who refuses to accept defeat. I hope you will look past my time of absence, and realize that what I have to write will be pertinent to you, and you will be able to pick up where I left off.

I will endeavor over the next few months to speak what is inside my heart and with each of my words paint a picture of what is truly important in life. Now what is important to me may not necessarily be important to you. But through it all you may be able to find what is important to you and you will take the steps to walk in your Destiny. I had the opportunity to speak to a few friends over the last few weeks. During these discussions we talked about taking a leap of faith and begin walking in the direction of each of our destinies. One of the fears that many people have is taking that first step, but then getting knocked back three. We all have those moments when we get kicked down, pulled back, or otherwise lose ground. But before you lose heart think about this. If you get knocked back a few steps you can always take back the ground you originally took. However, if you never take the first step and through life's difficult times, which you know will happen, knocks you back, then you have something to take back. Never see losing ground as an end to the game. On the contrary it is your opportunity to show what you are made of and prove to yourself that you have what it takes to be who you were created to be. I have taken more ground, lost more ground than the average person will ever know. I have known failure of monumental proportion. I have lost more than one could ever imagine and through it all, I am still standing and still confident that I will walk in my destiny.

As we begin this journey again I want each one of you to realize that with tragedy comes opportunity. With opportunity comes challenges, and with challenges comes triumphs. Some triumphs are small, some are huge, and others are how ever you would like to size them up. To many, triumph comes just by crawling out of bed in the morning. Others will see triumph only when they accomplish something that has never been done before. Where ever you fall on the spectrum is unimportant. For my triumphs are mine, and yours are yours. Certainly others can have a part in these triumphs, but when it's all said and done, you still guided the ship and you got to the right place at the right time.

I asked each of you to read what I write with an open mind, without judgement, and with a desire to walk away knowing that you have what it takes to be who you are supposed to be. It's time to forget about molds and be yourself. I want to know the real you, and hopefully you will come to an understanding of the real me when you read this daily.

Yes I am different, and yes I believe that the best part of you probably has not been discovered yet. But that discovery is probably the single most important thing you will ever do. Knowing who you are is something that no one can take away from you. Knowing who you are is something that few people ever discover. Knowing who you are is the first step in walking out your True Destiny. Face it, if life is a journey, why go it alone. As long as I have breath, you will never be in this journey alone. That I promise you.