Monday, May 29, 2017

You'll know when it's time, and guess what? It's time!
We all look for signs.  Signs that tell us  where we're going.  Signs that tell us we are loved and desired.  Signs that ultimately will lead us to the promised land, our True Destiny.   Unfortunately there are many people who never take the time to seek out signs, nor to figure out the proper timing for doing things.  I've been subject to time more then I'd like to admit.  I've tried to figure out the best time to do one thing, and then figure out another time to do something else, all the while just waiting for the perfect time.  The problem with waiting is that you tend to miss much of life, because that is the point in time when life begins to pass you by.  Don't fall prey to this, and don't think life has passed you by.

I dare say that the vast majority of people out in the world today are still waiting for the perfect time to do something.  They're still waiting for the heavens to open up and show them what to do and when to do it.  What are you waiting for?  What sign is going to show up that is going to give you the indication that the time is right, right now, to move forward in those things that you were intended to do with your life?

One of the biggest reasons people don't move forward, why they can't seem to gain any forward progression, is they are scared to death to make a move.  They are petrified to make a wrong move or make a mistake.  Face it, we've all made mistakes and yet we are still here.  Mistakes are going to be made, don't let the possibility of messing things up stop you from ever getting started.  I get that many are waiting for the perfect time to do something, but what constitutes a "Perfect Time"?  Is there such a thing as perfect time, and if or when you run into the perfect time are you going to be able to do something with it?

There's a quote that I have used many times in my writing.  I read this quote for the first time back in 1978.  I was flying to England to begin my tour of duty at RAF Mildenhall with the United States Air Force.  The quote says "I would rather attempt something great and fail, then attempt nothing at all and succeed."  You can have tons of great ideas.  You can be inspired in a million different ways to do something, but until such time as you put action to your thoughts and ideas, then you are still waiting for the perfect time.  There may never be a perfect time, at least in the eyes of the rest of the world, but let me tell you this, the perfect time is the time in which you simply step out into your calling.  Maybe all the planets are not perfectly aligned.  Maybe others have told you it's best to wait it out and see what happens.  You might even get that feeling of nervousness as you contemplate a move.  No matter what you are feeling, no matter what you are thinking, the bottom line is that there will never be a better time to step out then now.  My feeling is that if you are asking if this is the perfect time to do something, then maybe you should consider this a sign that it is the perfect time to begin your journey.  The Heart is always going to tell you the truth, maybe this is a good time to start listening to what your heart is telling you to do.  People discount what they feel in their heart simply because they are not aware of the greatness of the heart or the simple fact that your heart is the primary communicative tool used to connect to your creator.

What is it that you are waiting to do?  If I could flip a switch and make any time the perfect time, what would you be doing when the switch was flipped?  If you are already walking in your destiny, then there are probably things that you still want to do as it pertains to your destiny.  If on the other hand you still have not taken the first steps toward your destiny then what are you waiting for?  The time has never been better to begin your journey.  The simple truth of the matter is that the perfect time is anytime in which you are walking toward or either in your destiny.  Please don't allow others to derail you because they don't think the timing is right to do something.  Their timing is never going to be your timing.

Here's a little hint and I hope you will take it to heart:  if you are wondering if now is the perfect time to do something then you should know that by virtue of you wondering should tell you that now is the time.  There is a change afoot.  Many people are waking up to, and accepting the awesome power they have inside of them.  There is a new age of enlightenment hitting the Universe right now and if you are not open to it, you will miss it.  There has never been a better time for anyone to begin walking out their path then right now.

If you need a sign, then ask for a sign, but by all means be open to them. If you close off possibilities then you are closing off your ability to move forward.  When you ask for a sign you don't have the right to design the sign.  You do however have the right to ignore them, but I might recommend against that.  It is time to move forward, so let today be the day that you step out and begin doing what you were designed to do.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Take a stand and be the you you're supposed to be.
It's another Monday.  It's a different Monday from last week's, and it will be different from the next one you happen to be in.   Days come and go, and seasons, well seasons change all the time.  What will never change, and when I say never I do mean never, what will never change is who you are and why you are here.  I encourage you to begin to take a stand and show the world who you are, what you are, and why you are here.  What's that you say, you're not sure of any of that?  Well, believe me when I say you are in good company.  There are countless people out there who have yet to accept the premise of their existence.  There are plenty of people out there who refuse to be who they're supposed to be.  There are so, so many people walking about who feel as though they will never get to point B, but that's because they have never left point A.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, it's time to take a stand and stop allowing the world to dictate your actions.  It's maddening to see so many people ruled by what others think or say.  It's mind boggling to see those who think they know what is best for you when quite frankly they are neither true to themselves or their own callings.

So what are you going to do?  You have a choice to make.  You can either be swayed by what others think is best for you, or you can lock on to what you know is best for you and never look back.  Let me ask you a very simple question:  are you really happy with the place you are in right now?  If you are, that's great.  Stay right where you're at and be the person you want to be.  If on the other hand you know you are out of place, isn't this a good time to make a change?  I find myself spending way too much time wondering "What if".  What if I had done the other thing?  What if, instead of bobbing right I decided to bob left?  What if, what if, what if?  Stop the "What if" game and stop driving yourself nuts with all the should of, would of, could of stuff.  If you haven't figured out that you are in the perfect spot right now, then you will forever be going around in circles.  The Universe knows exactly what you need, when you need it, and you will have what you need to do the things you need to do.  The sooner you can grasp this truth the sooner you can move on with your life and start enjoying the life that was always intended for you.

If ever there was a time to take a stand, now is that time.  The world is complicated right now, and sadly there are many who live each day in fear.  I have kept away from all things political as I see no need to inject my views to others who quite frankly don't see things the way I see them.  If I constantly walk around with negativity, then isn't it likely that all I'm going to know is more negativity?  If I constantly worry about all the things that I don't have, aren't I inviting more of this lack into my world?  There are two sayings I always think about:  "As above, so below", and "As you think, so shall you become." I was talking to my dearest friend this past weekend, as I needed to vent, as I was having a momentary pity party for myself.  As we talked all I could think about was what I wanted, and not so much what I already had.  You see, I too wonder when all my dreams will be fulfilled and when will I finally be doing only those things that I know I should doing.  It then hit me that I had let some of my fears dictate my actions.  I had let some of my worries derail me and stop me from doing what I knew I should be doing.  I simply hadn't taken a stand and demanded from the Universe all that is mine already.

If you truly believe you are supposed to be doing something different in your life, let me assure you that the Universe is going to orchestrate things so you are able to do those things you truly desire.  I will tell you that true desire is impossible to destroy.  If there is something that you want, something that is such a part of you that you can't let go of it, then the Universe is going to make sure you get the exact thing you are desiring.  I want to get back on the radio and do a show about destiny, I want it so bad I can taste it.  I am willing to go anywhere to have it.  Why?  It's simple, that's who I am.  I'm a writer and a speaker, and it has taken me many years to accept these things.  When you finally discover that one thing that is at your core, then and only then will you be free to go after it.  Up until that point all you really are doing is narrowing down a very long list of things.

I want to challenge you today to begin to think about those things you really, really want in life.  There is nothing wrong with having desires.  We all have them, but sadly there are many out there who are afraid to talk about them for fear of ridicule from others.  Stop worrying about what others are going to think, and start going after those things that are close to you.  When it's all said and done only one thing is going to make you completely happy and that one thing is the thing you were placed here to do.  Your destiny is waiting for you to take a stand.  Your destiny is circling around you simply wanting you to accept it and finally take a step toward it.  Trust me, when you finally are doing what you were created to do life will be different.  There is freedom in destiny, and that freedom is yours if you will take a stand and be the you, that you were always supposed to be.  I'm on your side and I can't wait to hear how great things are for you.

Monday, May 15, 2017

I'm stronger today then I was yesterday, and I'll be even stronger tomorrow.
Strength comes to us in many forms.  We can have strength of character, strength of purpose, and then we have strength of desire.  Each of us will develop these traits at different times and in different ways, but you will come face to face with the need to strengthen yourself each and every day of your life.

What I want you to think about today and what I want you to hold on to is the simple fact that no  matter what you may be going through, each of us has a strength that will never be overtaken.  Certainly there will be times in each of our daily lives when we wonder where our strength has gone, but trust me it will be there when you need it, and it will show up in some of the most impressive ways.

I don't know of any person who hasn't faced adversity in their life.  Now some of this adversity is easily overcome, while some will take every ounce of effort you have, but you will come out of these situations with a new found strength that may even surprise you.  Some will ask how do I know this, and what makes me so sure that everyone has a strength?  Well the answer is simple: we have strength because we were created to create.  Your presence on this planet, as I have said so many times in the past, is proof positive that there is something you were intended to do.  If you take it out to it's next logical step, since there is something you were intended to do, then you have been given what you need to accomplish those things you need to accomplish.  Contrary to what some may think or say, failure was never a product of your creation.  Failure is man's conception and not something that comes from the Creator of the Universe.  If we continually fall back on the conditioning of man then we will always wonder why have we lost our strength and will we ever find it again.

I know I get stronger each day because each day brings new opportunity to learn, and with each learned lesson comes added strength.  Those who wander around aimlessly are the ones who have bought into a bill of goods from others who haven't a clue about the greatness that resides inside each of us.  Struggles will come and go, and with each struggle you have the opportunity to prove just how strong you really are.  There are many who look at adversity and the only thing they can see is darkness.  Others will look at adversity as a way to prove to others the stuff they are made of.  The question is, how will you look at struggles?  How will you handle adversity?  What comes next, and will you finish what you started?

When you look at the cycle of life you would have to be an idiot if you didn't realize that we learn each day of our life.  You know more today then when you were a toddler.  There are things that you can do now that you couldn't do before.  The process of growing, the concept of moving forward, and the ability to grasp your creative abilities, are simply phases of your life that you will have to navigate through.  Those that fail have simply given up.  Those that claim that things are impossible are those who have given up.  If you truly believed that tomorrow you would be stronger then today, would you ever just give up?  Of course not!  Why would you throw in the towel when something inside of you tells you that you've got this and there is no way you can fail?

I learned a long time ago that those things that are worth having are worth working for.  There are very few examples in life that show that you can have what you want and there is nothing you have to do to get it.  Fact is, if you want something then go after it.  There will be those who claim they want something but when push comes to shove they really don't, because they are unwilling to put out any effort in obtaining those things they desire.  Strength of Desire is what will push you, and it will pull you at times, but it will always keep you moving forward toward what you want.  There will be times in our lives when we will ask ourselves if this is really something that we want.  If you say you still want something, then you will continue to go after it.  If on the other hand you don't want it, then you'll probably stop doing what you're doing and move on.  The decision is yours and yours alone.

I'm stronger today then I was yesterday because I'm still here.  I have a lifetime of knowledge, and I know that I have more to learn, more to do, and that is why I am still here.  We will be challenged, and there will be times when we question certain things.  There's nothing wrong with that.  If we can look at each challenge as an opportunity, then you win.  If you can see each new day as a victory, then you win.  If you simply refuse to give up, then guess what, you win.

The path to holding on to your strength and growing in it each day is right in front of you.  Those that decide to get off the path will find it difficult to find their way home.  Those that push forward, even when the path may be blocked, are the ones who will grown, who will prosper, and who will ultimately have their truest desires manifested.  I have to see myself as stronger today then I was yesterday.  If I ever stop believing, then I will stop doing.  If I stop doing, then I stop moving.  If I stop moving, well life just begins to suck, and who wants that.  You are stronger then you think, and that strength will continue to grow as long as you continue to grow.  Our strength is unlimited because we are unlimited.  Face it, if you only think about tomorrow and that you will be weaker tomorrow then you are today, don't you think that things just might not go your way?  Be strong, be determined, and most importantly, just be yourself.  You have all you need, and once you can accept that, you will walk in your own strength.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Ego, the downfall to all that is good.
Our Ego, how often does it get in the way of us doing what we should be doing, or how often do we let it control us?  We all have egos.  Some have learned to keep it in check, while others are controlled by it.  Problem with the ego is it knows no limits.  Your ego could care less what is best for you, rather it will do what ever it has to do to survive.

You need only look at today's political environment to see what an ego can do to things.  There have been all kinds of books written about the ego. Blogs, articles, and even movies and television series have all shown how powerful the ego can become and how destructive.  There isn't a single one that does not ultimately prove the point that an over active ego is only going to screw things up, not only for you but for those who are associated with you.  What I want to highlight today is the importance of keeping your ego out of everything you do.  Honestly, egos have never been, will never be, what one would call friendly to us.  Be honest, when you encounter an egomaniac, what's your first thought.  If you're like me the first think I think about is "what a jerk".  What makes someone think so much more about themselves?  What is it that drives the egomaniac?  Obviously it's the ego.  That unchecked monster that wants nothing more then total world domination, or in many cases just the feeling of superiority from those who really haven't got a real clue about life.  I'll tell you what the ego isn't:  it isn't the real you.  Your ego might mirror some of what you are thinking, but most of the time it is way out of control and often tries to occupy space that was never intended to be occupied.

If you ask me the ego is nothing more then a smoke screen.  I really believe that in most cases where someone's ego has gotten the better of them, that this is only happening because one is trying to get away from something, forget something, or simply refuse to acknowledge something that is missing, or in some cases what one might think is lacking in a particular area of life.  If you can build a wall tall enough around you then you can isolate yourself from the rest of the population, and you won't have to deal with the issues surrounding you or them.  The ego is that wall, and by building it up you are going to find out in the end that it has been a total waste of time and resources.

I actually began writing this particular blog over a year ago, but for some reason never got back to completing it, that is of course until today.  I have learned that when Spirit says jump, I simply do it.  I will say that the timing of today's blog could not be more perfect as there is a huge rise in "Ego Problems" going on all around us.  I have made a point of trying to be observant of the people and situations around me.  Now I do miss my share of opportunity, but alas I am human and I fail just like anyone else out there.  However, I have observed the power of the ego, and this power is so destructive at times.  One would think that the ego is there to aid you, to comfort you, to guide you, or otherwise be your closest companion.  The way we have instilled in people the need for an ego has only heightened this belief.  Trust me when I tell you your ego is not a fan of yours and only cares about its own survival.

The only way to ever get one's ego in check, to be free from the shackles of your ego, is to know who you really are.  The only way to block out the negative effects of the ego is to love who you are.  The only way to ever be the real you is to cast aside that part of you that has tried to control things for way to long.  Ego has caused war.  Ego has caused strife.  Ego has plagued this planet since the beginning of time, and sadly we will have to deal with egos until the day we leave this existence.

I know many people who will be turned off by talking about ego and why it needs to be held in check.  To many the ego is a tremendous asset, and they would never leave home without it.  There are all kinds of arguments as to the validity of the ego.  Many people believe it to be a valuable assets while at the same time looking at others who walk around smugly and wondering where do they get off being like that.  There are people who will justify their own actions even if those actions go against someone else and causes harm.  Have you ever noticed that the true ego maniac really could care less what others are feeling or what they might be going through?  Ego Maniacs only care about one thing and sadly most people around them are not the one thing.

I want to encourage you today to take a look at you.  When you walk past a mirror today look at the reflection and acknowledge that what you see is a thing of beauty.  As you begin to love the real you, accept the real you, and walk as the real you.  I can assure you that you will quickly be able to separate yourself from the ego, and once that happens life will be different.  A note of caution if I might:  don't let others rob you of the real you. There will be those who will fight you to the death to prove why the ego is important and why you need it to be successful.  There is a huge difference between being moved by confidence and being lead by an unchecked ego.  An unchecked ego may get away with things for a while, but only for a while.  Left to it's on devices, the ego will ultimately destroy all that is good around you.

There is nothing wrong with being confident.  There is nothing wrong with setting intentions and expecting those things to come to pass.  There is something wrong when you allow your ego to be the driving force in your life.  The ego is the downfall to all that is good.  I think it's about time to lay the ax to the root of the problem and move on to doing what you were sent here to do. Think about it.

Monday, May 1, 2017

It was almost like a song!!
They say that life often imitates art, or is it art imitating life? Whatever it is, inside each of us is a song, a picture, a book, or maybe even a sculpture of something never seen before.  The key to any endeavor is beginning the endeavor.  The key to anything great is to simply start something.  The key to life is realizing that there is in fact a song inside each of us and the sooner you let that song out the sooner the world can benefit from what you have to share.

I was trying to convey a thought to someone the other day.  My thoughts were somewhat scattered as it was one of those crazy non-stop days where you hardly had the time to take a breath let alone have any time to just put your feet up and relax.  During this discussion I began to wonder about all the people who have dreams and desires and yet they never seem to achieve any of them.  What about the ones who never get out of the starting blocks, don't they still have dreams and ideas?  I then had this crazy thought about where do all the dreams and ideas go that never get played out in life?  I mean an idea or dream is just as real as you and I, and if you believe that then you must also believe that they, the ideas and dreams, have got to end up somewhere, don't they?

Somewhere out there is the Island of Misfit Toys.  I wonder, is there is an island out there that houses all the unfulfilled dreams and ideas of others?  I wonder if there is a place where all dreams and ideas go to die because no one wanted to deal with them down here on this plane of existence.  How many dreams or ideas have you left untouched and where do you think they ended up?

My encouragement to you today is simply this:  write and sing your own song.  The uniqueness and beauty of each person is so deserving of having a song written about them.  We each have traits and qualities that surpass beauty, that transcends time and space, that places us in the center of the Universe, and that makes us who and what we are.  There are people all around who like to diminish others.  There are people all around who take great pride in making others feel inferior.  There are even people out there who feel the world owes them something simply because of their pedigree.  Here is a simple truth, that when applied to all equally, will change how you see and do things:  we are all equal.

We have allowed society to tell us who is and who isn't part of the norm.  We have allowed others to put us in a box or limit us.  We have even allowed others to label us, and more often then not the label is wrong, the people doing the labeling are wrong, and the world suffers because the real you has not been able to get out there and show the rest world your real stuff.  There is nothing worse then never having the opportunity to be the real you.  There is nothing worse then having someone always tell you "No" or "Not Yet", or even "This isn't for you."  Trust me, I have spent many a day wondering why I didn't seem to fit in, and when would I ever feel as though I fit in.  Just because someone may move to the beat of a different drum does not mean they should be treated differently.  We need to go back to the simple truth that we are all equal.

I go back to the premise that we all have a song inside just waiting to come out.  There is nothing worse then something that should have been, but never got started.  There is nothing worse then having it all and never realizing You had it all in the first place.  If you have dreams, then go after them.  If you have ideas, then hold on to them.  If you have a song, then sing it out and don't worry what others may say or think.  I've kicked myself in the pants for missing opportunities.  I've questioned why I think a certain way and then wondered if I was the only person on the planet that felt the way I felt.  When you isolate yourself from the rest of the population you are only harming others because they need what you have, even if you aren't sure what you have at this moment.  Dreams and Ideas are inside of you for a reason, and the sooner you begin to write your song, the sooner the rest of this world can listen and fall in love with that you have to say.

When you look back at your life do you want to think about all the things that could have been or do you want to look back and know that you did it all.  It may have been almost like a song, but that only has to be that way if you let it.  Saying "almost" , or "it might have been" is nothing more then giving up when all you should be doing is digging in and holding true to what you know is just waiting to come out for all to see.

Today is your day to put the past behind you and walk in those things that you know are for you, and once you accept that, then you can share with the rest of the world the best part of you.  Your song is who and what you are.  Your song is why you are here.  Your song is what will change the world.  It's time to sing, and no matter what it sounds like you can rest assured that what you create will be in the perfection of the universe.  Sing my little song birds, and watch as the world begins to sing a-long with you, in perfect harmony.