Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What is the Road to Happiness?
We've traveled many roads during our lives.  Some have lead us to joy and happiness, while others had lead us to less desirable places.  We've started down many roads only to find ourselves turning back often because the terrain was unknown to us, or simply because it scared the daylights out of us.  We've charted many paths, changed direction in the middle of things, and sometimes we just went with no particular agenda attached.

The Road to Happiness is different for every person, but what is not different is that everyone has a road to happiness, yet there are those out there who still have not discovered the path, let alone begun their own journey to happiness.  Well today is a new day, and on this day why not make the decision that you are going to pursue happiness and that the road you are currently on will in fact get you to your final destination.

I've asked so many people over the years to explain to me what makes them happy, and I am amazed at the numbers who have no idea what true happiness would be for them.  This quite frankly is a direct result of not being able to express the desires you have, the dreams you have, nor the longing to do something really special.  I spent years doing things because I thought it would bring me happiness.  Most of what I did was to gain others approval and not what I truly wanted to do.  I was constantly going after the carrot, but never able to reach it.  We seem to be in a vicious cycle of wanting happiness, but then feeling guilty because we want something that we see so many others without and then we let go of what is ours.  Fact:  there is happiness out there for everyone, and there is not a shortage of it.  Just because you are seeking after happiness does not mean there will not be enough for everyone else.  I get how we want to look out for others, but when looking out for others is stopping you from having what is yours, then you need to take a step back and think about things.

The Road to Happiness is not paved with what others want for you, what others think you should be doing, or even what others have done in the past.  Your road to happiness begins with one simple thing:  knowing why you are here and what you were sent here to do.  When you get wrapped up with other's expectations then it becomes almost impossible for you to find true happiness.  Your life was never intended to be something designed by someone else.  When you base your life on what others want, you are left with a life that for all intents and purposes is void of the one thing most needed, that being self-awareness and self- actualization.  Look at it this way: you could have boat loads of stuff that means nothing to you simply because the stuff is not what you really want or need.  If you are in the middle of the desert in need of water and yet you have billions and billions of dollars but still no water, how valuable are all those dollars?  It's when you have what you need, use what you need, and love what you are doing, then and only then will you experience happiness and be on a road that only leads to more happiness.

Happiness is never based on what you have, or even what you don't have.  There are plenty of people out there who have all the bells and whistles.  There are people out there who have very little in terms of processions.  When you try to figure out one's happiness based on what they have or don't have you are going to surprised in the end just how wrong you were.  True happiness can only come when you figure out what makes you tick, what purpose you have, and what you were destined for.  All the other things you contend with are nothing more then smoke screens.

I've said this before, and know it to be so true:  I am most happy when I am sitting in front of my computer doing what I am doing right at this moment.  I love writing, I love speaking to people, be it in small groups or large forums.  I love talking about destiny, sharing about finding your destiny, and watching as the eyes of those around me open up for the first time.  Now I wasn't always on this road, and even thought I may have taken many different paths to get here, I am here now, and I am happy.  Let me say this:  you may be on the road to happiness, but that doesn't mean everything is perfect.  You still are going to have to contend with certain things in life, things that may not always be pleasant, but at least you have something to fall back on.

If you really want to find your own Road to Happiness then begin by admitting to yourself that you haven't always be truthful when it comes to what will make you happy.  Often we are less then truthful to those around us because we are fearful of what they may think or say when we tell them what we really love.  If you really love something then go after it, and don't let others talk you out of it.  Trust me, you can run from those things you love, but they will never leave you and eventually you are going to have to face them.  Isn't it ironic that those things we love most are some of the things we run from?  Stop running from the things you love, and become the things you love.  There is a reason you have such feelings for things, and until such time as you accept those feelings you are going to be moved by what others think and say.

Get on your road to happiness, and don't let others detour you.  In the total scheme of things only you can choose what road you will go on,  and ultimately what direction you head.  Do yourself a favor and follow your heart.  Your heart is never going to lead you astray, and finally you will be on the road that was always there for you.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Would you believe me if I told you....
Is seeing believing, or are the truly blessed those who believe even when they don't see it yet?  What is believing, and if it's real, how do you manage to get a handle on it?  Is it really as simple as just believing for something, or is there more to it?  OMG why so many questions?

Doesn't it just drive you mad when someone answers a question with a question?  Even though I can't promise you that I won't ask anymore questions this morning, I will attempt to answer as many as I can in the time and space allotted to me today.

Sadly most people have beliefs that serve them well, but also beliefs that can utterly destroy them, or keep them from ever receiving those things they truly hope for.  What I want to do today is get you to release those limiting beliefs that have done nothing but keep you pushed down, and instead start believing those things that will ultimately elevate you to your proper place in life.  We as created beings were never intended to live a life of lack.   We as created beings were never placed here on earth just to simply exist, but rather to thrive and be true to our original purpose.  We as created beings were sent here to create, and most people either never learned this, or have been blinded to it by the conditioning they have been subjected to since birth.

Had you been around in the late 1950's to early 60's you would have had the opportunity to see some pretty amazing things.  Most people would never have believed we could launch men into space, have them land on the moon, talk a nice walk, and then be home for dinner.  We saw it happen, and most everyone became a believer in doing some pretty extraordinary things.  Watching "Star Trek" as a kid I thought about how cool it would be to have Communicators.  Well look at us now.  Certainly we may not be as advanced as James T. Kirk, but we have come a long way, and we are on the path to experiencing more great things.  Someone believed we could do something, and something got done. If you can believe it, you can have it, and that pretty much sums it up.

What are some of the things your are believing for today?  If you could have anything in the world what would it be?  I know people who are believing for wealth.  I know people who are believing for health.  I know people who are simply believing for a life free from worry, free from fear, and free from doubt.  The simple question is how do you get from Point A to Point B?  How do you get from a believing moment to a having moment?  The first step in getting or having something you want is to first realize that you are worthy of having everything you are believing for.  If you can't see yourself as worthy, most everything you do is a simple act of futility.  When ever you desire something you have to see the end results first, you have to feel the end results.  Truth be told I think this is the most difficult part of believing, and the reason for this is that many people have been bombarded with thoughts and words from others around you that are contrary to what you are hoping for.  There always seems to be people around you who are willing to tell you why this can't work, or why you shouldn't be believing for something.  These people can't believe anything for themselves, so they would rather see you in the same place of misery as they are.  Get away from these people, and get away from them quickly.

Believing is nothing more then setting the tone, living the dream, and ultimately walking in all those things that you know are for you.  If you have a desire, there is a reason you have that desire, and the sooner you realize that your desires are there to get you to your destiny, the sooner you will walk in each of them.  There will be people who will discount what I am talking to you about today, but these are the very same people who have let life dictate each of their actions instead of them dictating life.  If you allow others to order your steps then you have given up the one thing that is yours, and that is your ability to create, your ability to believe, and your ability to be who you were intended to be.

There are plenty of things that I have wanted in life, but until such time as I came to the conclusion that I was worthing of having those things, I was going to be without them.  We were never placed here on earth to simply exist.  We were placed here to do something specific, something that only you could do.  If you are here right now, then you are here for a reason.  Have you ever taken the time to figure out what that reason was?  I can assure you that you were never placed here to simply go through life, and struggle with this or that.  You were never placed here to simply learn what life should be like, and always watching as others got what they wanted, all along missing out on the things you want most in life.

You must believe you have a purpose, and you must understand that those things you desire most, those things you try to believe for, are the things you were intended to have, intended to do, and intended to be.  So, would you believe me if I told you that you can have all the desires of your heart?  Would you believe me if I told you that you are perfection, and in that perfection, you are capable of creating the perfect life?  If you can believe that, wonderful.  If you can't well then we have some work to do, and lucky for you I am here to help you with this particular battle.

Believing will come to you, but only if you will own who and what you are.  Trust me, knowing the real you, loving the real you, and honoring the real you is what will change you, and once you change, then you then control the game instead of the game controlling you.  Believe my friends, believe and watch things happen.

Friday, March 25, 2016

What was I thinking!
We do and think some crazy things in this life of ours.  Sometimes we marvel at what transpires each and every day, and then there are days when we simply say what the hell happened.  I've been in situations where I had no idea what to do, how I got into this mess, or even what day of the week it was.

Yes we do in fact think and do some crazy things in life, but what I want you to understand today is that your thoughts and feelings are truly the building blocks of what is going to transpire in your life, and the sooner you take control of the thoughts you have, the words you speak, and the feelings you own, then and only then are you going to be able to have the life you always dreamt of.

Now I know I've spent a lot of time over the last few weeks talking about feelings, words, and thoughts, but they are in fact the foundation for what you are going through, what you will go through, and certainly what you have already gone through.  When you're able to control the words that come out of your mouth, coupled with the feeling that what you desire is already here, even if you have not seen the manifestation yet, then you are on your way to having all that you desire.

I'm in the middle of a change in my life.  It's a good change, but one that should have come a while ago.  I discovered that I had in fact kept myself in a place of unhappiness because I had said certain things, even though my intent was good, but words that in fact had held me back.  Once I was able to release certain beliefs, I found that I was able to see doors that were opening to me, and all I had to do was walk through those doors.  It's amazing that we are so close to situations that we don't always see the situations we have placed ourselves in.

Each of you will come to a point in your life where you will ask the question, "What was I thinking." Most of the time we have good intentions, but as the say the path to hell is paved with good intentions".  Have you trapped yourself in a particular place because you have not wanted to let go of something, or you have held on to a false belief about something else?  Have you found yourself asking all kinds of questions as a result of something you have just gone through?  Have you just wondered what things would be like now had you not done what you did years ago?  We can all sit here and play the "What If" game, but that is nothing more then an act of futility, because truth be told, you have already lived through what you have gone through.  The key is to learn from everything and if there is something that you don't want to experience again, then don't put yourself in that position again.

What if this happened?  What if that didn't ?  Life can be a lot of "What ifs", but do you want to spend a lot of time, and needless energy figuring out all the what if scenarios that each of us have opportunity for?  My suggestion is that you simply move forward and learn from whatever has happened.  It doesn't matter what has already taken place, what matters what you are going to do in the future.

You have a decision to make.  You can either think about things that will really get you to your happy place, or you can think about things that are completely contrary to what you really want and desire.  You have the ability to think happy thoughts, loving thoughts, creative thoughts, or you can ponder why everything is wrong around you, wrong about the world, and why you simply fall into a pile of crap every other day.  Now given these two options, which one makes more sense, and which one would serve you better?

Take a few minutes today and just imagine your most perfect day, and then allow those thoughts of happiness flow over you.  If you can dream it, feel it, think about it, you might very well fall into it when you least expect it.  Let me give you a warning however, don't allow your own concept of time to screw up your thinking.  Things will come to you when they are supposed to come to you and not a moment sooner.  If you try to fabricate something that isn't meant to be, you are going to make things worse.  Let the Universe orchestrate things, you simply go along for the ride.

I know we've all done things we wished we hadn't, but we have, we will do it again, so why not cut yourself some slack and just move ahead.  If making a mistake was a death sentence, then there would be no one left on the planet.  Certainly there are people out there who like to portray themselves as being perfect, but you and I both know they are delusional.  Accept that mistakes will be made, that you will from time to time think about things that you shouldn't, say things that you know are way off base.  What is important is that you begin to say things that will build you up, that will strengthen your resolve to have the life you desire, and that you will finally feel as thought life is pretty darn good at the moment.

Thoughts, feelings, and words are your key to triumph.  If you will change the way you have used these tools in the past, you will see a difference in you, and then watch as your new horizons open up and show you some pretty breath taking views.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Is it just me, or does God have a sense of humor?
When was the last time you had a real good laugh?  I mean that deep belly laugh, where everything around you seemed to stand still for just a minute as you laughed until you nearly cried?  I would almost bet that while you were in the midst of this laughing storm, there wasn't much else around you that was bothering you,was there?

There are days when all I want to do is laugh, but the reason I want to laugh so much is because it is ever so much better then the crying that would surely take place.  Face it, there are days when the crying is all you have, and I dare say there isn't much you wouldn't do to turn the crying to laughter, the tears to joy, or the darkness to light.

Laughter is like a medicine, and if you don't believe me take a look at some of the Medical Studies that have been done over the years.  Virtually every study ever done has shown that laughter does indeed reduce blood pressure, it stimulates endorphins, and almost 100 percent of the time makes you feel better.  Take a quick look at the picture in today's blog.  Just seeing these young women laugh is enough to bring a smile to your face.  I have no idea what they are laughing at, but it certainly seems like lots of uncontrolled joy, spirited laughter, and an utterly "I could care less what is going on around me." feeling.  When is the last time you experienced that?

I love laughter and I love seeing others overcome by laughter.  I know that when they are in the midst of a good laugh, they are indeed creating an environment for others to enter into.  Ever been around someone who is really laughing, and all you want to do is laugh with them? I dare you to try not to be affected by their laughter.  I will tell you this, if you are unable to laugh, if you do anything you can to stop you from laughing, then you indeed have a problem.  Trust me, there are people out there who hate to laugh and will do anything to keep from doing it.  These are broken, lonely, and pretty much isolated individuals who really have a tough road ahead of them.  Is this the kind of life you want to lead?  If the answer is no, then good.  If your answer is yes, then I don't know what to tell you.  Oh wait, yes I do, you're screwed!  Why in the world would one choose to be Old Gloomy Gus when it is so easy to be just the opposite?

I've been in situations where I couldn't laugh.  I would see others laughing and it was like taking a dagger and shoving it through my heart.  I had lost my joy, I saw nothing to laugh at, and I really did recent those around me who found it in themselves to laugh up a storm.  My problem wasn't that I didn't laugh, my problem was I didn't know how to laugh.  I'd spent so much time worrying about things, hating who I was, despising those around me who had what I wanted, that I had never allowed laughter to really come into my life.  Certainly there were moments that I could let go a little bit, but I was more concerned with how people saw me, so I would deliberately temper things down, so as not to make a spectacle of myself.

There are times when I will go on to YouTube and just watch old comic skits that I know will make me laugh, skits that I have seen hundreds of times, but skits that will get me laughing.  When I watch them I cut loose, and magically all those things that seemed to be holding me down, no longer had a hold of me.  Funny how laughter works.  I'm here to tell you first hand the power of laughter.  If you are currently going through a tough ordeal what have you got to loose by cutting loose and simply laughing till you pee your pants?

We all know the difference between a forced laugh and a real deep belly laugh.  Might I suggest you try for the belly laugh, but if forcing a laugh is going to get you to the promised land, then let the force be with you.  You can start small, and watch as that laugh of yours becomes uncontrollable, and when that happens those around you will laugh as well.

Once again take a look at the picture.  I'm telling you there is something about laughter that simply makes you feel better.  These young ladies are laughing at something, and god does it look like fun, and it brings a smile to my face.  If you know what I mean, then you're halfway there to a wonderful experience.  If by looking at this picture all you feel is resentment, bitterness, and disdain, well you have some work to do.

God does have a sense of humor and so do you.  The more time you go after things that make you laugh the less time you have to worry about things.  The more time you allow laughter to be a part of your day, the less things bother you.  The more you laugh the better you will feel, and the better you feel the more you allow blessings to rule your life.  I think it's time we all take a laugh break and simply see where it can take you.  I for one love a good laugh, and when you can be like this, then your life will take on a whole new meaning.  Laugh it up my dear friends, and share that laughter with others who are in need of a little pick me up.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Tick, Tock, the seasons change. So why not change with them?
It's the first full day of Spring.  We have gone from winter into a new adventure.  What lies ahead during this next season?  Will things be as you want them to be, or will they simply continue on the way they always have?  What are you wanting during this next season, and are you sure you really want it?  I love what the late Wayne Dyer said, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."  How are you looking at this next season of your life?  Are you anticipating good things, or are you simply expecting the same old thing to take place?

More often then not the seasons of our life for most people are not really different then the change of days.  One seems to roll into the next without much fanfare, without much change, and without much hope.  If this is you, then I would think you might want to change the way you think so you can have things change in your life.  I love the change of seasons if for no other reason then it gives me hope, and I look at things differently.  We are having a fairly big snow storm today, and even though it doesn't feel much like spring, it is spring.  I may be shoveling snow off the walk way and driveway today, but it is still spring, and I can still dream about what this next season is going to be like.  I can still dream of the new flowers and plants that will be coming up out of the ground in just a short period of time. What are some of your dreams for this next season, and can you see yourself having the stuff of your dreams, or do you simply see things staying as they are?

When you're in the midst of a particular season, don't most people think about what the next season is going to be like?  We had a fairly mild winter here in Maine this year, but even though we did not have the amount of snow as last year, lots of people were still thinking about what it's going to be like to be able to put away the long underwear and put on the shorts and flip-flops.  When you're in the middle of a struggle in your life, can you imagine a life without struggle?  Can you dream of days that are filled with joy and happiness and not fear and doubt?  If you can dream it, you can think about it, you can begin to feel it, and then you will begin to live it.  When you constantly think about the things you don't have, you are simply going to continue to not have the things you want in life.  Our thoughts are so powerful, and whether you believe it or not you attract things into your life both good and bad.  Think about it this way:  when you think about Spring Time I doubt you are thinking about sub-zero temps and piles of snow.  When you are thinking about all the good in your life, you're probably not spending much time worrying about those things that bring you down.  Once again, if you change your thoughts, you change your reality.

I'll be the first to admit that there are times when I get stuck in a rut.  It's not my intention to do such things, but we're all human and we all have those moments when we simply don't know what to do.  I have great expectations for this next season.  I'm almost giddy with thoughts and feelings of the changes that are about to come, and I am so excited to see what comes about over the next few months.  I don't know what each of you desire, but I do know what it's like to desire things, and I truly hope that each desire you have comes to fruition.  Sadly, most people give up on their hopes and dreams because maybe it has taken a little longer then they anticipated for each dream and hope to come into existence.  If you will hold on to your dreams, hold on to that hope, I assure you they will manifest for you.  I know that today's snow does not change the fact that we are in Spring.  Just because you may not see everything you want right this moment, doesn't mean that what you want you're not going to get.  The timing of the Universe is perfect, and we must get to the point where we can accept the timing of things, and realize that things will get to us when the time is right and not a moment before that.  Your part in all this is to simply ignore what ever signs you might think you see that seem to say you won't have what you want or desire, and instead hold true to your dreams.  When you can look past those things that are simply smoke screens, and see the truth of things, then you will be in a position to have all that you desire.

If you are in a place where you are waiting for change, don't loose heart.  If you will hold true to what you know is there for you, before you know it, you will be holding those things in your hands.  We all get tired, we all worry, and we all wonder what is coming next.  Will we have those things we hold most dear, or will we miss out?  The answer is quite simple: if you can see all that you desire, feel excitement about all you desire, then you will have it all.  Certainly it may not come at the exact time you want it to come, but it will reach you.  I would love for it to be 80 degrees and sunny today, t's not, but I know it will get here.  I know my dreams will come to be, and that is good enough for me.  Certainly we may go through rough times, but those times are never permanent, and you will come out the other end better having gone through whatever it is you have gone through.

Find the joy in the changing of seasons, and find the joy in your life's changing seasons.  Without change there can be no growth, and without growth there can be no newness of life.  I know that things are going to be different in just a short period of time.  My role in all of this is simply to recognize what I believe to be mine, hold it close to me, and then watch as things begin to line up in the perfection of the universe.  Let your winter turn to spring, and let all the wonders of this change of season to play out in ways that will simply amaze you.  Trust me it will be a thing of beauty.

Friday, March 18, 2016

It's time to get up on the Soap Box. It's time to take a stand.
If you're like me I'm already over the Elections of 2016.  You've got people saying things that just aren't true.  You've got people who will say just about anything to get what they want.  You've got people who simply like to hear themselves talk.  Now before you think that today's blog is going to be about politics, and the state of our political system, I can assure you it's not.  Very rarely will you ever get me to publicly, at least in this forum, speak about my political views.  What I want to talk about today is that there are times to get up on our soap boxes, and there are times to take a stand.

There comes a time is everyone's life when they are going to have to decide to take a stand, and fight for what they believe.  This battle may not always be an enjoyable one, but a battle fought with truth is a battle that will be won overtime, and when you are in the midst of a battle fought with truth, you will always have what you need to get through it.  What do you believe in, and what is it that you want to fight for?  Your battles may be small while other's might be huge and almost insurmountable; what's important is that you take a stand for what you believe in, for what you are believing for, and for those things that are really at the core of who you are.

I guess the real measure of what someone believes is the limits they will go to have what they believe in.  If something is of value to you, how easy is it to just give it up?  If you truly believe in a cause how simple is it just to walk away from it and never give it another thought?  If you truly believe in something, if it is part of your core, then how easy is it for you to simply let go of it?  I dare say you would rather sever your arm off then let go of your dreams.

I can spot a phony a mile away.  I can smell insincerity ten miles away.  I can also tell when someone truly believes something, and wants it more then life itself.  I watch some of these politicians and to be quite honest I feel like I need a shower after watching them.  There's just something scuzzy about them.  You can smell the stench of dishonesty miles away, and you just feel like where did we go wrong.  I don't care what side of the political spectrum you fall on, let's be honest:  there are some bat shit crazy people in public office.  Opportunists who will say and do anything to either maintain power, or obtain it.  OK, that's the end of my political rant this morning.  Now back to our regularly scheduled programing.

When are you going to take a stand for what you believe in?  When will you go after your dreams and  when will you begin to live the life you always wanted?  There's no time like the present, and there's never been a better time to be the real you.  Being authentic is the only way to be.  I'm never happy when I try to be something I'm not, and to be quite honest, you are not doing the world any favors by being what others want or expect you to be.  What you desire, is just that, it's your desires.  What you dream is what you are.  Why in heavens name would you want to give it away or not own what is at the center of your being.

I may not always like or even understand someone's beliefs, especially when they are different then mine, but I will always honor the differences because they are at least willing to stick with their beliefs.  People who try to be something they are not to simply fit in are doing themselves a grave disservice.  Being true to who you are, what you are, is the only way to live life.  Maybe it's time to take a stand and show the world just who you are and what you want in this existence.  Truth be told you are the only person who is able to do the things you were sent here to do, touch the people you were intended to touch, and leave the legacy that you were always intended to leave.  Certainly there may be other people who will do similar things, but they will not be identical to you, nor will the results be the same.

I've made this statement so many times in the past, but it's something I feel you need to hear again: if you always do, what you always did, you'll always get, what you always got.  Translation:  if you want things in your life to change, then simply change the way you've been doing things.  If things are working out for you then obviously there is no need to change. However, if things are not working out, then why in the world would you want to continue to do the same thing day after day?  I'm here to tell you that you can have a remarkable life, but that life will only begin to be remarkable when you are able to see yourself as the remarkable person you are.  I don't care how others may have labeled you, or how they see you, what I care about is how you see yourself, and if you are willing to walk in the perfection of who you are.

Is today the day you will draw the line in the sand and say 'No More"?  Is today the day when you will finally allow the real you to appear and not worry about past opinions?  It's easy to go with the flow, but what happens when the flow is counter to the real you?  It's only a matter of time until conflict arises, and those feelings of uneasiness creep in all around you.  If you want to live a life that is full and passionate, then you are going to have to become fearless when it comes to taking a stand and being the real you.  There is nothing wrong with getting up on your soapbox and proclaiming what you desire, and who you really are.  Those who will take a stand, will be the ones who are still standing when it's all said and done.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Just say "NO"
This statement, "Just Say No" was made famous in the 1980's by the Late Nancy Regan, who attempted to educate America on the Drug epidemic here in this country.  I'm not here to debate the success or failure of this program. What I want to do today is share with you my thoughts on "Just say No", and how it relates to some of the things we do to ourselves that have kept us down, kept us wanting, and kept us from achieving those things we desire most in life.

First and foremost we have to set some of our own guidelines.  Maybe guidelines is not the best word to describe this, let's say "beliefs", because after all beliefs are what drive and govern what we do, how we do it, and then what we get in the end.  There are far too many people who have allowed certain thoughts to control their life.  Their words and actions say one thing, even while their heart is telling them something completely different.  If you can't see that your words and thoughts, and ultimately your feelings have a direct impact on what is going on in your life right now, I'm not sure what more I can say to you.

I've been guilty in the past of saying things, often out of frustration, sometimes out of fear, and more often then not simply because I wasn't wise enough to realize that I had been conditioned to believe certain things, even when I knew that this conditioning was counter to who and what I was.  I would allow words to creep out of my mouth that were nothing more then my own testament to what I was going through.  I couldn't understand why I never seemed to have the resources I wanted, needed, or dreamt about.  Why was I the only one struggling financially?  The simple truth was I didn't see myself as worthy of abundance.  I was so focused on what I didn't have, that I couldn't or wouldn't focus on all the things I did have.  What I had to do was 'Just say NO" to those thoughts and feelings that wanted to keep me down.  I had to start saying yes to abundance, and no to lack.  The more I would dwell on what I didn't have, the more lack I would find myself in.  If I was like the others around me who would bemoan the lack of a significant relationship in their life, then I would continue to be without the love I wanted so desperately in my life.  These things happen in every area of your life, and they happen because we have created them, as hard as that might be to believe.

Your words, your thoughts are so powerful, and until such time as you understand the power you have within you, you are going to be placing yourself in all kinds of situations that you would rather not be in.  Let me ask you a simple question:  how many times during a day do you think you say things that are counter to who you really are?  How many times in a day do your thoughts take you to places you would rather not be, but somehow you always end up there?  When you begin to think certain things, it is only a matter of time before those thoughts turn into feelings, and then those feelings ultimately turn into your reality.  Now I know there are people who will say that it's impossible to control all of your thoughts.  I agree, the mind has millions and millions of thoughts each day, but you can control turning off thoughts that don't serve you, and instead begin thinking thoughts that you desire.

If you want to turn things around in your life, if you want to begin to experience the life you have always dreamt of, then begin by saying no to the Old way of doing things and speak life into all the situations around you.  Begin to feel good about yourself, after all your design is perfection, but too many people have forgotten that perfection.  Light begets light, love begets love, and your thoughts and feelings are what will create all your tomorrows.  I can't make you believe any of this, I wish I could.  What I can do is pound it into you, in the most gentle way of course, and then allow you to take things one step at a time.

When we were younger it was easy for us to experience joy.  The anticipation of Christmas Morning and all the gifts.  We never doubted what awaited us Christmas morning, we simply expected it.  Somehow many people have lost that ability to joyfully anticipate good coming to them.  The weight and complexity of this world has tied them down, and joy has left them.  I will bet you ten to one that those who have lost their joy have also been sold a bill of goods that says that life has to be hard, has to be as it is, and there is no way to change that.  Not so my friends, not so at all.  It is time to say no to the old ways, and time to speak life into all those situations that have tried to bring all things to an end.

Thoughts, feelings, and words are all that stand in your way of having the perfect life.  If you will simply begin by acknowledging your greatness, owning your uniqueness, and loving you, then your thoughts, feelings, and words will begin to line up with your true self, and as these things begin to line up, watch things change all around you.  Just say "No" to doing things the old way.  Face it, most of the time the old way never worked out for you.  What have you got to lose if you change how you see things, what you say about things, and how you feel about things?  Trust your heart, follow your heart, and allow what is in your heart to guide you.  As you change your thoughts, as you feel happiness and joy, your words will also change, and then game on.  Just say "NO" to the old and pick up the new.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Is victory just a dream?
Is victory coming in first place at the sporting event?  Is victory being the first person to do something that has never been done before? Or is victory simply doing the best you can, without regard to the outcome? Now different people will have different ideas about victory and just what it takes to be victorious.  I'm not here to day to tell you what victory is, rather I am going to try to get you to see that you are already victorious because you have the ability to do something, and that something is dream.

I talk a lot about dreams in my writing, but that's because I believe so strongly in dreams, and just how important they are to any endeavor you might undertake.  I'm also a firm believer, and there is no-one that will ever get me to change my mind on this, but I'm a firm believer that dreams will always be, have always been, a stepping stone to one's destiny.  We've had dreams as a child, as a teen, as a young adult, and as those who have matured over the years and now approach the twilight of their life.  There is never a time when you will stop dreaming.  The reason for this is because there will never be a time when you should stop pursuing your destiny, or walking in it.

Have you ever wanted something so bad you could almost taste it?  You can see what it is, you can feel what it would be like, and you just know that what ever it is, this thing would change your life.  Do you know what we call this?  We call it a dream.  Many people equate dreams to those moments at night while you sleep, and most everyone has at one time or another done something completely remarkable in those moments of sleep thought.  But you and I both know that dreams are not only relegated to your hours of sleep, but rather through out the day during your awake hours.  I dream all day long, and all day long I allow my dreams to set my thoughts, my feelings, and ultimately my emotions.  Your dreams can do more to change your life then you might ever give them credit for.

What do you dream about?  Ever start a conversation with someone with "I had the craziest dream last night"?  Have you ever really thought about your dreams and just what it would mean if you could have those things you dream about?  My dream is to change the face of humanity.  My desire is to reach the masses with the message of Destiny.  I can see it, I can feel it, and I attempt to live it everyday of my life.  My desire is that each person alive today would soon understand that they have a destiny, and will make the decision to walk in it.  My desire is that each person understand the greatness they process inside of them, and allow that greatness to come out.  My dreams all lead me to one place, and that is a place of victory.

You see, victory is achieving your dreams, believing in your dreams, and ultimately helping others to brings their dreams into their own reality.  Think about this: a world where every single person was able to have the desires of their heart.  A world where every person was walking in their destiny.  We would no longer have war, as war is a by-product of ego, and since ego would no longer be an issue if everyone was walking in their destiny, we would rid the world of war.  Imagine a planet where everyone was more concerned with helping those around them, then simply looking out for number one.  Can you imagine this, can you dream this?  I can, and I do, and I look to live each day of my life doing what I love most.  My writing is not something I do simply to feel good about myself.  I love me, and I love what I do.  I write because I want others to experience the fullness of life, and not simply go through each day like it is some kind of struggle, or wishing that things would just get a little bit better for them.

You can have victory in your life, but the first step is to realize that your dreams are beautiful, they are something special for you, and they are what should be in the forefront of everything you do, or attempt to do.  John Kennedy dreamt of putting a man on the moon and safely returning him home again.  I think that dream came about.  Martin Luther King dreamt of a time where race was no longer an issue in our country.  Now we may not have solved all the race issues, but that is not because MLK's dream was not real, it just means there are still some stupid people in this country.  But think of it, a place where it doesn't matter the color of your skin, the religion you practice, the person you fall in love with.  My dream is that we all know who we are, what we are, and walk in those things that were intended for you from the beginning of time.

I dream every day, and every day I have reason to move forward, to live another day, to do those things that I know I've been placed here to do.  What are you doing today to ensure your victories?  What can you do today to bring your dreams one step closer to reality?  No matter what someone may be going through, and let's face it some people are going through hell right now, you still have dreams.  Those dreams are what will keep you moving forward.  If you cannot dream, you cannot move, and if you cannot move, you will simply fade away into utter nothingness.  Let your dreams lead the way to your victories, and your victories are really the world's victories.

I can think of nothing better in this world then being able to do those thing I dream about.  It brings me joy, peace, happiness, and a whole lot of love.  Your dreams are the first step in getting to a place of joy and happiness, and who doesn't want that?  Dream on my friends, and let's all head toward victory lane.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Set the tone, feel the joy, live the dream!
On your mark, get set, go! Go on three: ready, one, two, three.  There are all kinds of ways to get things started.  We've been taught since we were little how to be successful.  Some individuals have found ways to do this, while others are still on their journey trying to discover what success is, and wondering if they will ever find it.

We've also been taught to go after our dreams, to follow them.  Never let someone rob you of your dreams, and never give up on them, we've also been disciplined in this.  However, why if we've been taught to never give up on our dreams have so many people done just that?  Why are there countless people who have simply rolled over and given up on the one thing that would bring them true happiness?

Well today I want to impart to you some of the things I've learned, in the hopes that you will be able to cut the time it takes to reach your goals, live the life you desire, and finally be able to say without equivocation, I've made it.

I've spent the better part of my life doing what I thought others expected me to do.  I've spent hour on top of hour putting the needs of others ahead of my own needs, and I would justify it by saying that doing for others is an honorable thing.  Serving others is honorable, but if that service is stopping you from being the real you, then might I suggest you take a step back and rethink a few things.  There is a reason we each have dreams.  Dreams are not simply something that we experience in our sleep at night.  Dreams are stepping stones to our own destiny, and destiny is why you are here.

I dream all the time about flying about helping others, just like Superman, minus the cape and costume, but none-the-less being around to help those in need.  Do I want to fly like Superman, hell yes, totally cool, and what a rush.  But I digress.  My point is that your dreams, those thoughts of what life could be like if you were doing something different then you might be doing right now, are there for a reason.  The dreams you may have had as a child to be an astronaut, or a fireman, or a cowboy, were they there for a reason, or was it simply something to think about?  Everyone has dreams, everyone! What you do with them is entirely up to you.  What most people are wondering is how to do it, especially when everything else they have tried has blown up in their faces.  Well let's take a look, and let's see if we can't shed some light on this for you.

Step one: set the tone, the intention.  Your thoughts are what become feelings, and feelings are what will take you to the place of dream fulfillment.  If you are constantly thinking about all the things you do not have, how in the world will you ever get to the point where you have what you desire?  The answer is simple, you won't.  Here's a simple test.  When you dream about having a Million Dollars, are you sad, or do you begin to dream about all the things you will do with the money?  It's doubtful that the first thought that comes into your mind when you think about having all this money is how rotten life is, and how utterly miserable it would be to have to have everything you want.  When you dream about doing something really magical in life, do your thoughts go to all the things you are lacking, or do you simply smile because you are feeling what it would be like to do something really amazing?  When you set the intention, or the tone, and when you can feel the joy of something, then you can begin to live the dream.  Some will say it can't be that simple, and to that I reply, it is.  Now most people have a hard time believing this, but they are the same people who will not be walking out their dreams, the same people who hate life, and the same people who will always be lacking that certain something in their life.

If you really want to live your dreams then begin by feeling your dreams, and by setting the intention that all you desire is yours.  You can create my friends, and not withstanding what others may tell you, you were put here on this planet to create things.  If all of this sounds like some crazy spiritual mumbo-jumbo then I will tell you that you have yet to accept the significance of you being here, the perfection of who you are, and the creative ability that exist in every individual on the planet.  I've said this time and time again:  you have not because you ask not, and you ask not because you don't believe.  Start believing that dreams are there to guide you, to motivate you, and to get you to the place you were always intended to be.  If you want to live the life that makes you truly happy, then spend sometime accepting that dreams will get you to the place you desire to be.

We've all chased dreams in the past, but we chased them because we never really believed they were for us.  Once you can accept that dreams are real, that they have substance, and that they are your own gift to you, then and only then can you begin to really go after them.  Given the option to live your dreams, to be joyful and happy, or to always being without, what option would you choose?  You can live the dream, but it all starts with owning that dream, believing in that dream, feeling the dream.  It may take you some time to come to grips with all of this, but in due time you will see that you can set the tone, feel the joy, and then live the dream.  It's time to really begin to live, wouldn't you agree?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Let's talk about destiny!
I want to talk about destiny, but before I begin I really want to tell you what destiny isn't.  Destiny isn't something that is only reserved for a few select people.  Destiny doesn't care about color, or sex, or who you love, or even if you happen to drive the nicest car, or live in the biggest house.  Destiny could care less whether you grew up in the Hills of Tennessee, or the Hollywood Hills.  Destiny is not now, nor will it ever be something you can simply go out and buy.  You can't win it at the race track, you can't pick it like the lottery.

Destiny, your true destiny is reserved for you, and only you.  You will never be able to duplicate it with another individual, because your destiny is as unique as the snow flakes of winter, as the grains of sand on the beach.  Your destiny is ultimately linked to your passion, and before you tell me that you don't have a passion, let me assure you that you do.  Your passion may have been quenched by others through out your life.  It may have been stepped on and you were told that you can't make a living following your passion, but I'm here to tell you that that is a load of crap.

There are people all around you that would love nothing more then for others to be as miserable as they are.  They detest anything good happening to others because they have been void of happiness in their own life.  Jealousy, envy, and disdain are all characteristics of someone who desperately wants something better in their own life, but has yet to find it.  Stay away from these people, shower them with love and compassion, but stay away from them if you can.

I had the opportunity to meet a beautiful, young at heart, creative artist just yesterday.  She has been through some trying times, but she is still kicking, still shaking things up, and she knows what is the center of her being.  Spending a few minutes with her was enough to show me the magnificent energy that was all around her.  There was a light in her eyes, and her energy was off the scale.  We talked about destiny and we talked about passion.  I love people with passion, but even more then just passion, I love those who desire to do something with that passion.  If you think that your passion is just a passing thing, something that will go away with a few aspirin, then you are mistaken.  Your true passion will never let go of you, and if you're wise you will incorporate your passion into whatever it is you are planning to do.

Why do you think you have a passion?  Do you think that the Creator of the Universe just put this passion inside of you so you could bemoan it's lack of activity your entire life?  Do you think that Spirit just has a sick sense of humor and wants you to feel inadequate, or simply to always wonder when or if you will ever have what you truly desire?  I promise you that your passions are there for a reason, and the sooner you are willing to follow those things that you are passionate about the sooner you will be living the life you desire.

I tried for years to fill my life with things in an attempt to fill a void that I thought existed.  There wasn't a void so much, as there was a failure to accept those things that I truly desired, that I truly loved, and that quite frankly were the things that made me who I am.  Until you can accept that you have a passion for something, you will never walk in that passion, and if you are unable or unwilling to walk in that passion, then you will forever wonder what life could really be like.  I've had to battle with other people over my passion.  I've been told that I have to have a business plan, and any business has to have something concrete for a person, a consumer, to buy.  I've been told that you can't sell destiny, and that I better find something else to do.  Let me tell you, when someone tells you that you will never make it simply trying to help people find their destiny, it's like a kick in the gonads.  Talk about taking all the wind out of your sails.  Trust me, there are ample people out there who will try, who will succeed at getting you to forget about your passions, and to simply follow the examples of others.  Those examples are of people stuck in a job they hate, living a life they utterly despise, and wondering where all the joy, happiness, and peace is in their life.

Understand this, and never forget: you do have a passion.  You may not have voiced it yet, as many never do, but you have a passion.  If you can simply cut out the negative speak from others, if you can quiet your mind for just a few minutes, then you can hear what your heart is telling you.  If you will simply acknowledge that you have a passion, then you will have taken the first step, and the Universe will reward you will other opportunities to walk in your passion, and with each step you take on your passion's journey, you are one step closer to discovering and walking in your True Destiny.

There is nothing better in life then being able to do what you love most in life.  You could offer me all the money in the world to stop talking about, writing about, and encouraging people to find their destiny, and I would tell you to keep the money.  I am a writer, and I am a motivator.  That's what I love doing, and that is what I've been placed here to do.  What I desire for you is that you find this as well.  Life takes on a whole new landscape when you are where you should be, doing what you should be doing, and doing it with all of your heart.  If I can do anything to help you get there, you just let me know.

Friday, March 4, 2016

If at first you don't succeed, trust me, you're in good company.
We've all been on the other end of success, that being failure.  But failure is never fatal, as long as you never allow a failure to dictate future actions, or even the lack of additional action.  We've all made mistakes, but mistakes are a great teacher and one would do well to learn from mistakes.  Problem arises when we don't learn from our mistakes, and there are many people out there who have never learned this.

Today I want to encourage you to look at things a little differently, and in this new view of things take on an attitude that failure, mistakes, are nothing more then mile markers on your quest for whatever it is you are going after.

There are so many people who out of a fear of failure, or making a mistake, never get started on anything.  They have allowed their concern over missteps to stop the journey even before it has begun.  Face it, there is not a single person alive today who has not made a mistake in the past, or experienced a failure.  Some mistakes and failures are tiny, and others are quite large, but no matter the size, there is always a way to regroup and move forward in anything that you desire.  I wish I could tell you that I have never experienced failure, but alas I have had my share of blunders, yet I am still here, still doing what I love to do, and certainly will experience additional set-backs as the years progress.  The biggest thing I have going for me is an attitude that no matter what is in front of me, I will get to the place I desire, and I will have the results that I dream about.

Failure is mostly mental.  We feel like we have messed up.  We give the impression that all is lost, and then we wonder why things are not going according to plan.  The key to any successful endeavor is to see the end results before you begin, and feel the excitement of attaining what you desire to attain.  We have been exposed to visualization techniques for years, but how many really believe they work, and even if you believe they are something of value, how many have actually tried to incorporate them into their lives?  If you cannot see yourself as successful, you will never have to worry about being successful.  If all you see is defeat, mistake after mistake, and failure, then I can tell you that is exactly what you are going to see in your life.  I'm not saying this to beat you up, or to make you feel less about yourself, I am saying this to get you to change your thought process, and instead of feeling doom and gloom, feel excitement, feel joy, and feel happiness that you are able to do those things that bring you peace and happiness.

I look at people and I don't see smallness.  I look at people and I don't see failure.  When I look at people I see the greatness that resides in them, even if they have never glanced or even accepted the greatness within.  You were not put here on this earth to simply exist.  You are a created being, who has the ability to create as well.  The only thing stopping you from doing this is the awareness that you can do it.  If I could had rid myself of all the conditioning that I have gone through since my birth and only focus on the greatness within me, I would never have had to deal with some of the things I've dealt with in my life.  We live in a world where there is always someone who knows better, or knows more, and they are there every step of the way force feeding this dribble into you.  You are dynamic in nature, and the sooner you come to grips with this, the sooner you can be on your way to achieving all the dreams you have.

It's time to forget what others may have said to you, done to you, and focus on the real you.  It's time to accept the fact that we will make mistakes, we may fail from time to time, but a simple mistake or failure is never going to stop you from getting to the place you were always intended to be in.  I know it sometimes feels like it's impossible to have what you want, to accomplish the things you have in your heart to accomplish, but the truth is that you have those things in your heart because you are supposed to accomplish them.

When you look at any failure or mistake understand that you are in some pretty good company with others who have made mistakes and had failures.  The great divide between those who succeed and those that do not is nothing more then a willingness to get up off the ground and not quit.  I know the words are easy to say, and often getting off the ground after a defeat is anything but easy, but know this: if you stay down, you will remain down.  If you get up, and no matter how hard it may be to pull yourself up, if you get up you then have the opportunity to try things again.  You may have to change things up a bit, but trust me, in the end you will get the results you were hoping for.

Failure as I have said, and as many before me have said, is never fatal, it is never final, and failure is something that we will all have to contend with.  Know this my dear loved ones, the only one who can ever say it's over is you.  Begin to see and feel the success you want.  Send out that positive energy into the Universe, and watch as it comes back to you in measures beyond your wildest dreams.  Remember, when it comes to past failures, you're in very good company, and past failures certainly will never stop you from really experiencing the success that is right in front of you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Seasons change, but only when the time is right.
We enter different seasons throughout the year, and we enter different seasons throughout our life.  Often the two seem to coincide.  We tend to feel better once spring gets here, if for no other reason then to rid ourselves of the cold and snow that the winter threw upon us.  Some people love the summer, others look forward to the fall with all of the colors and the different smells that seem to be around everything.

I look forward to the different seasons, and even though I may prefer one over the other, I do understand the need for each one, and what each one means to me.  It is no different with the seasons we go through in our life.  They are there for a specific time period, and for a specific purpose.  We may not always like what we have to go through when we are going through a different season, but once it's all over, we can sit back and appreciate what we have done, what we have learned, and what we have gained.  You gain something from each season you go through since that is the main reason you are going through it.  Only a fool would discount the learning that each season of your life brings to you.  Sometimes these lessons are very small, sometimes huge, but always there to teach you something, something that you will need later on in life.

I've had many seasons in my life.  I've even been known to repeat seasons from time to time.  I may not always be the easiest person to teach, as I am pretty strong willed, but the seasons we go through are there to teach us, and as I've said so many times in the past, you will continue to go through lessons, until you are wise enough to pick up on what it is you are supposed to be learning.  Let me ask you a question, and I want you to be totally honest with your answer:  would you cut short a particular season for the sole purpose of getting to the next one simply because you think the next one will be better?  I will admit that I am not a fan of the winter months.  That being said, I am not wishing that I end it sooner rather then later, simply because I may not like it.  The universe knows what is best for our world, so I figure why sit and complain about winter, when winter will leave when winter is ready to leave and it has accomplished what it was intended to accomplish.  The seasons of our life are there to teach, and why would you want to end a cycle before you garnered what you were intended to get from the season you are going through?  I get how rocky, how bumpy, and how utterly miserable some seasons can be, but if you look at the purpose behind each one, then you will be able to see the good in each one, and when you see the good, then you are far more able to handle all that may be being thrown at you.

No matter how badly you may want a season in your life to change, it will only change when the time is right, and only when you have learned all that needs to be learned during this period of time.  There are seasons of rest we go through, seasons of change, and seasons of testings.  The testing seasons are the ones we seem to have the most difficulty with, because we often are not sure why we are being tested in the first place.  Just as you will never be able to add or subtract one day of a particular season, i.e. the winter months, you will never be able to shorten a season of your life.  We sometimes think we know more then we do, so you have to have faith that the Universe has everything under control and those things that need to come about will come about.

I'm looking forward to the time when I can once again sport shorts and flip-flops.  I love the summer months, but I know that I will have to get through the time that comes before it.  Each season that comes to us is coming to us to prepare us.  If you desire to take short cuts and not allow the natural flow or order to take place you are only going to mess things up.  Granted we have desires, but those desires will come into existence when the time is right.

I want to encourage you to let go of things, and allow the perfection of the Universe to place things in your life when the time is right, and not necessarily when you want them.  I've tried to outrun or outsmart the Universe, and all is has gotten me is a lot of discomfort.  When you are able to live in the perfection of all that is around you, accept that perfection, and embrace that perfection, then there will never be a time when you will not be able to handle the seasons you find yourself in.

Life is a great thing and each of us deserve, because of our greatness, the best that life has to offer.  When you are able to find rest in whatever situation you find yourself in, then you will be able to handle the changing of the seasons.  Do you remember when winter turned into spring last year?  I can't give you a specific date, but I do remember it happening.  Don't get tide down with specifics all the time.  Let nature have its way, and allow the natural order of things to play out.  When I look back on the seasons I have gone through, I honestly would not change a thing.  I have learned from each one, and with each season that comes and goes, I grow stronger, I am more determined, and to be honest I am thankful for all the lessons that I've been able to learn.

Seasons come and go, lessons come and go, and when you are able to accept this, you will never again worry about what you are going through, because there is always a purpose for things.  Fear not my friends, all will work out for you, but it will only be in the perfect timing of the Universe.  Just rest with the understanding that you are worthy of the perfection that resides in you.