Friday, January 30, 2015

The freshness of a new snow, that is what life should be like.
There's something beautiful and almost magical the morning after a big storm.  The sun is shining and there is a quiet all around.  Peace is able to take hold, if for only a short period of time, but peace none-the-less.

Many people will be talking about the "big" storm and just how hair raising it was.  The pictures are flying all around the cyber-world and little ones are just wishing for another day off from school.

Yes there is a tranquil beauty the day after a storm, and it is this beauty that I want you to focus on today.  We all go through storms in our life.  Some are just a dusting, and others are the grand Nor' Easter.  Living in Maine I have had my share of these storms, and after each one I will sit and marvel at the resiliency of people to just get going and do what they have to do, without regard to what just happened.

This is what should be taking place in your life when you are either facing a storm or whether you have just come through one.  There are lessons to be learned from each situation we face or go through.  Lessons that will take you to the next level of your development.  How you handle these lessons will dictate whether or not you are going to have to repeat them in the future.

I have been through numerous storms in my life.  Unlike a snow storm when there is constant talk about what to expect, how much we're going to get, and precautions one should take to make it through, there is not normally a prep time for the personal storms we face in life.  If we did in fact heed the warning signs of impending doom, then we would be able to avoid many of the storms that come across our path.  Being human, many of us have not learned the subtleties or signs of what is to come, unfortunate, but very true.  Most of the time these storms are simply thrust upon us and we run around not knowing what direction to go in, wondering what just happened, and then crying when things just aren't going well for us.

Just like a snow storm, we have to realize that there is life after a situation.  There is peace and a beauty to having been through a storm and that is what you should expect to get out of them.  Now many will not find the beauty in such storms, but there is joy in everything we experience if we will allow ourselves the opportunity to walk in that joy.  When you are able to find the joy in every situation then you are changing the energy that you are giving out.  When you send out joy, then joy comes back to you.  Conversely if the sky is always falling, then you will be living in a cycle of hell on earth, and there isn't much that is going to change for you, even though change is exactly what you may need in the moment.

I want to quickly touch on a topic that I have written about in the past, but it is something that may open some eyes, and in seeing things a little differently, then you have the ability to put things in perspective.  Time is an illusion.  We think that time is a set of standards that we have to follow in order to get where we want to be, when we want to be there.  Anything that upsets our own timeline is somehow counter productive, at least to us, and is in fact a nuisance.  What we have to remember is that things happen for a reason, and things happen in the perfection of the Creator.  We may not always believe that, and definitely we don't want to hear it, but perfection is just that, perfection.  When we go through trials and storms, there is something that we are needing to learn in that moment, and if we will grasp it with open arms, we will then experience the peace that comes after the storm.  It is only when we fight these things, that we are doomed to have to repeat them time and time again.

When you come through a storm, you now have a new appreciation for what you have been through, and you can sit back and just know that you "did it."  You can look at current situations and realize that if you did it once, you can do it a second time, and then time and time again.  We just had a huge snow storm here in Maine, and when it was over we all knew that one would come again, but we had just a moment to sit back and smile because we had done it again.  Storms are nothing to be afraid of.  They are there because they teach us something, and when that happens only good can come from it.  It is time to reflect and find the peace and beauty that will always follow a storm.  When you are able to do this, then there isn't much that will stop you. Find the peace, find the beauty, and then the joy will find you.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A bird in the hand is worth....
They say that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.  They also say that procession is nine tenths of the law.  I could go on all day with these quirky sayings, but suffice it to say, having something in the palm of your hand is far better then always hunting for that one thing that has eluded you thus far.

I guess the question I have for you today is, what is the one thing that may have eluded you thus far?  Is there something that in your heart of hearts you would love to have, but as of yet have not been able to obtain it, discover it, or even mention it for fear of what others might think?

I have seen people spend years going after something and when they finally get it they realize that they still had an empty feeling inside.  Why is this?  Why would you still feel empty after finally getting something you had been hoping for for so long?  What is it that is still missing?  Now I don't expect you to answer that question just yet, but I assure you there will come a time when you will have to answer it, and the answer may surprise you.

I told this story before, but it bears repeating if for no other reason then to realize that we all have things that preoccupy us, but this preoccupation is nothing more then a smoke screen keeping you from what you should really be doing.  There was a time when all I wanted to be was President of the United States.  I assumed that someone had to do it, so that someone might as well be me.  Face it we elect a new President every four years, which means someone is always thinking about running, and may have been thinking it for years.  I always felt that I would bring something to the White House and I was determined to get there.  It wasn't until I wrote my first book that I began to see things differently.  Now I still think that being President would afford me the opportunity to speak to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people.  But I will say that being President has nothing on what I am doing right now, and that is helping others discover their destiny.  You see, I was going after the elephant, so to speak, because I thought it would fill the void in my life.  I will tell you that I could have been elected, and there still would have been a void.  My destiny may in fact someday allow me to be President, but until such time as that happens I will focus on what I believe is my true calling and that is to write about, speak about, and others wise open people's mind to the wonderful world of their True Destiny.

I could have gone after all the other positions in the world that would have made me successful in the eyes of the world, but going after the birds in the bush is nothing compared to the bird currently in my hand.  I know how frightening it can be to be holding on to a dream.  It is especially difficult when others have told you what a crazy idea it is, why it won't work, and why you should be doing anything but the one thing you dream about.  I get it, I have been there, but I will tell you that you have these dreams for a reason and the time has come for you to tell those who have spoken death to your dreams to go away.

Going after other things simply to fill a void is nothing but folly.  Going after other things simply to shut the naysayers up is foolishness gone to seed.  Going after other things simply to appear to be going after something is sad beyond belief.  Trust me when I tell you this, there is nothing on the face of this earth that will ever fill that void in your life accept for the acceptance and recognition of your destiny, and you taking the steps to walk in your destiny.

So what is the bird in your hand?  What have you always wanted to do but have yet to do it.  What is it going to take to get you to move on this one thing and never let go of it?  We go about our lives feeling as though we are doing so much, and yet at the end of the day we feel like we haven't accomplished anything of worth.  I love writing, and I love talking to others about their dreams, their desires, and their hopes for the future.  When I get done writing there is very little that could turn my great day into a bad day.  I love talking in front of groups of people, the look in their eyes when they realize that someone really does care about them and wants to be there to help them achieve their dreams.  This is my destiny, and this is what I want you to feel each day when you embark on your journey.  Your future is right in the palm of your hand, don't waste any more time going after the others birds in the bush.  In the end you will have wasted time, nothing of any real value will have been accomplished, and you will still be searching for those damn birds.

Certainly it may seem a bit frightening at first, but so is jumping into a cold lake in the middle of winter.  Now I'm not advocating jumping into the cold icy water, but I am suggesting that you take a step in the right direction and finally admit to yourself that you have neglected to see what has always been right in front of you.  Do not allow fear to send you off on a wild goose chase.  You know what will bring you joy, so simply begin by accepting it, and then see if things do not open up for you to get what you desire most.  I know you want it, and to be honest, the world needs what you have, so waste no more time, and let that little bird out to fly.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Never forget this: you have a purpose!
When you get up in the morning, what is the first think you think about?  Do you think about the day you had yesterday?  Do you think about the day you will have tomorrow?  Do you think about today?

There are so many people that are fixated on all the things that have happened in the past and  while this can teach us lessons, it can also keep you bound up without the possibility of moving forward in the things that are there for you today.

In those times when you are continuing to re-live the things of the past, there is virtually no way for you to focus on your purpose for being here today.  When you continually focus on the past then you are doing nothing more than existing, and as Jack London says, "Man's purpose is to live."  What I want you to do today is to look at your purpose.  If you haven't figured out what that purpose is just yet, then I am going to encourage you to begin to just think about it.  Everyone has a purpose, everyone has a destiny.  Sadly, there are way too many people who haven't discovered it, let alone began to walk in it.

I've talked with hundreds of people about purpose, about destiny, and without exception, everyone of them has had to discover it for themselves.  You cannot depend on others to discover your destiny for you.  Certainly there will be people along the way who will be instrumental in helping you come to grips with your destiny, but in the end, the only one who is going to discover it is you.  Now I want to make a statement and I really, really need to have you hear what I am about to say.  Your destiny is not just for you.  Your purpose is not simply a function of what you may be doing right now.  Your destiny, your purpose was the driving force behind why you are alive in this moment.  You are not simply here to take up space and see what life has to offer you.  What you do today has the potential to help someone half a world away discover and walk in their destiny.  This life we are living is nothing more then a piece of a huge jigsaw puzzle.  This puzzle is and always will be the universe as a whole, and each of us has a place in the universe, and without our piece of the puzzle then the picture would never be able to be complete.

There are no small or insignificant destinies as it relates to what we have been tasked to do.  We have to get away from what society says is important, grand, or insignificant.  You may be destined to be the best parent in the world, but it is in being that great parent that your offspring will step into their destiny, and their destiny may be to help others discover their destiny.  We as humans think in such narrow spectrum's. We see only what lies directly ahead of us, and for many they do not have the ability to see around the corner, let alone see what is the big picture.  There are people who look at success and continue to measure it against the standards of man.  How big is your bank account, how huge is our house, and is that car you drive the best there is out there?  These are the measuring sticks that society has used to measure our worth, and sadly way too many people have bought into this concept.  I will tell you that the moment you begin to walk in your destiny, then all those measuring sticks of the past will mean nothing to you.  Funny thing however, the moment you begin to walk in your appointed destiny, then all those things begin to follow you not matter where you go or where you end up.

Our purpose is our destiny, our True Destiny.  There is nothing that will bring you satisfaction until such time as you accept your destiny and begin to walk in it.  You may amass a huge fortune, live in a mansion, and drive around in the best car, but there will still be an emptiness inside of you that will never be filled with the trappings of this life.  Trust me, I have lived this, and until now I was empty.  There will come a time in each of your lives when you will have to make the decision.  Will you continue to follow the edicts of man, or will you begin to do the things you were destined to do since the beginning of time?  To live is to know your purpose.  To exist is nothing more then going from day to day, never satisfied, never fully participating in this thing we call life.

The day has come to draw a line in the sand and say no more.  No more will I be tossed about by the expectations of others.  No more will I settle for second best.  No more will I walk away from the one thing that I am destined to do, Or destined to be.  When you get to this point, then you will begin to live, and the life you live will begin to make sense.  There is no doubt that we live in trying times, but the times we live in today are no different from the times that others have lived before us, and there are many people who have accepted their purpose and destiny.  Don't be one of those who simply roll with the times, be the person who sets the pace, who leads the pack, who is what they were always meant to be.  You have a purpose and your purpose is to live the life that is yours to live.

Friday, January 23, 2015

It takes two baby.
We've all faced obstacles in our life.  Sometimes we overcome them, and at others times we have allowed them to overtake us, and send us into a tail spin.  Obstacles never seem to be fun, at least not while we're going through them, but they do appear for a reason.  Now the reason might not be what you think, but there is always a reason.

There are two things in this world that are an absolute must if you are ever going to get what you want, do what you dream, and live the way you always envisioned yourself living.  Well that's if you have ever given any thought to the way you want your life to be that is.  The two things that need to be present to have anything is will and desire.  These two go hand in hand.  You will never accomplish anything or do anything if your life is void of will and desire.  There will be those who will argue this fact.  They will say that will and desire are the same thing, but to that I say nay nay.  You might want something, but if you are not willing to do what it takes to get it, then it isn't going to happen.  You might be willing to do something, but if the desire to do it is not there, then once again, not going to happen.  Desire is when everything in you screams for an outcome.  Desire is when there isn't a day that goes by that you do not think about what you want, and how it will feel when you get it.

I know plenty of people who have great abilities, but there is no desire to do anything with their abilities.  There are people who know exactly what to do, but deep down they simply don't want it, they haven't the will to do it.  If this is the case then you can bet that nothing will ever come about from it.  You have to combine will and desire.  Some will say determination is the same thing, and in some cases you would be right, but determination is still different from will and desire.  Determination comes after desire.  I know very few people who can show faultless determination if there is not a desire that backs it up.

What is the one thing that you desire most right now?  Once you have come to grips with what you desire then the time has come to test your will.  Those who succeed have managed to combine the two, and even if obstacles do come forth, they manage to overcome them.  There is no way that anything, at least anything that you really desire, will ever happen if you don't want it.  I know this may seem simple minded, but there are so many people out there today who simply lack the will to do anything.  They are the ones who will sit back and let others do things, but then wonder why what they want never comes to fruition.

One of the surest ways to determine if you have both will and desire is to come face to face with an obstacle.  One of two things will happen:  one, you will overcome it and move forward with what you desire to do, showing the determination, the will to do it.  Two, you will simply roll up into a tiny ball and just give up.  What determines the outcome once again is your will and desire.  There simply is no other way to look at it.  Nothing in this world has ever taken place simply because someone got lucky and something just manifested for the sake of manifestation.  There is nothing that will ever happen if first you do not attach your will and desire to it.

Let me say this and I hope you will accept this point.  You are not wrong, you are not unworthy simply because you do not have the will or desire at the moment.  There are times when someone has to grow into it, but absent of these two things, there is nothing that will ever come about, and all the crying in the world is not going to change this truth.  If you want it bad enough, then you will go out there and do what you need to do.  If you decide you do not want to do what is required to get you where you thought you wanted to be, then that is the decision that you have made.  No one is going to fault you for this, unless of course you have been blaming others for you not being where you want to be.  No one on the face of this planet has the ability to take away from you your own will and desire.  The only one who can't take this away from you is you.

So let me ask you one more time: what is it that you desire most right now?  If you can't answer this question, then you have bigger issues to deal with then simply getting past the obstacles that others are contending with.  If you can put words to your desires, actions to your desires, and show a will to have what you want most out of life, then I can assure you that you will have your hearts desires as sure as I am sitting here right now.  Take a few moments today and think about what you want, and ask yourself if you really want it.  If the answer is yes, then I will promise you that the will to get there will trump any obstacle that may appear or try to appear.  The first step is determining what is important to you and then go after it.  You can do this, and together we will celebrate in style when you get there.  Safe journeys to you and remember that if life is a journey, never go it alone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The absurdity of it all.
When you break down our being; when you break down everything that is present in this world, all you have is energy.  Some energy is slowed down to a degree so we can see it, and touch it, and then there is energy that we cannot see with the naked eye, but no matter where it is, it is still interconnected.  You will not be able to change energy no matter how much you try.  You may think you can destroy it, but it simply takes on a different likeness.

Now this may seem like a weird topic to write about this morning, but just stay with me and you will see where I am taking you.  We live in a world where we like to compartmentalize everything.  We try to put people into categories based on how we see things, and that is often based on what we want or desire.  We look at people and we say how they should act or how they should be.  We have forgotten that we are all different, and that difference is there for a reason.  I grow weary of those who expect something from others, and this is mainly because they don't want to deal with their own issues.

We are entering a time of enlightenment.  This period is of supreme importance if you are ever going to take your rightful place in the universe.  The first thing you are going to have to realize is the total absurdity of having to fit someone else's idea of who or what you are or what you should be.  I want to lay the axe to the root and tell you that the time has come to break away from expectations that others have laid on you and simply become the person you were always intended to be.  It all goes back to trying to fit that square peg into a little tiny, little bitty, round hole.  It is time to take your place, take a stand, draw a line in the sand, and tell those who have designs on your life to pound sand down a rat hole.  As Immanuel Kant says, "Have courage to use your own understanding."  You have everything you will ever need to be the person you have always been designed to be.

I was minding my own business the other day, just going through my normal routine, and all of a sudden I had a revelation of something that had eluded me for years.  I was struck by how simple the final outcome was, and yet I knew that had I not been going through the things that I was currently going through, then I might not have picked up on this very meaningful insight.  I had been allowing what others were doing to dictate many of my actions, or in some cases inaction.  I had let fear of the unknown rule my steps, and instead of focusing on the things I knew to be truth, I had let that fear paint a bunch of different pictures, none of which were reality.  I had simply let my self-imposed immaturity to emerge again, thus stopping, and almost backtracking on my own enlightenment.

It truly is absurd that we have allowed people to paint us the way they have painted us.  What is even more absurd is that we have allowed it to shape us, identify us, and otherwise define us.  It is time to stop letting others define you.  It is time to stop allowing others to dictate what you can and can't do.  It is time to put your big boy and girl pants on and take that leap of faith.  A leap that is probably must less daunting then you might imagine.  Listen, I am right there with you.  I have had my share of set-backs.  I have allowed circumstances to dictate my actions.  What I have begun to do is to reflect on the "I am" presence that is internal and make things come about that have always been intended to come about.  I hold fast to my own divinity.  I no longer allow words of doubt to come out of my mouth, and on those rare occasions when they do, I simply bind them up quicker than you can say Jack Robinson.

Absurdity is nothing more then adding value to statements that come from others that for all intends and purposes have no value in the first place.  Now don't misunderstand, there will be times when you will receive information, guidance, and insight from others that will definitely serve your purpose.  Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  What I am saying is, use common sense to come to an understanding of what is good and what isn't.  Kind of like separating the wheat from the chaff.  

We are indeed entering a time of enlightenment, and those that choose to be a part of it will find their lives changed in ways that they can't even imagine right now. Those who choose to ignore what is being placed in front of them, will find themselves treading over the same old territory time and time again.  Those that choose to ignore it will have to sit back and bemoan what a terrible hand they have been dealt and wonder why them, again.

This is your chance to change things up.  It is your opportunity to ignore the absurd and walk in your rightful place.  I'm telling you now, and I know this to the very core of my being:  the world needs what you have to give.  You have a remarkable future, but you need to accept that and begin to walk in it.  Say good-bye to the absurd and say hello to you.  You have all you needs, so what I now offer is a little encouragement to get you on your way.  Be encouraged!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Stop measuring, and just be and do.
It is so easy to look at others and either desire what they have, what they do, or what they are dreaming of.  It's so easy to look at others and ask yourself why them and not me.  On the other side of the coin it's not always easy to remember that what someone else is doing was meant for them and not you.

I have tried to measure up to people my entire life.  Do it this way, do it that way, do it anyway but the way you wanted to do it.  After many years of failure I finally discovered that if I had done things the way that I wanted to, I would have been far better off in the long run.  Unfortunately we have created an environment where we are nothing more then individuals with out individuality, and even worse, we are measured against a standard that has been set by others who are still trying to reach a certain standard.  I will tell you that I am tired of having to fit in.  I'm tired of always trying to keep up with what others think I should do, or try, or even be.  When we measure ourselves against others we have neglected to realize that who and what we are has nothing to do with what someone else is doing or thinking.  In an effort to ensure that everyone fits in, we have taken away from a large majority of people the understanding that individuality is good, that it is OK to be different, and one need not dip their head in shame because they are different.

My friends it's OK to be different.  It's OK to not measure up.  Why in the world would you kick yourself because you have not measured up to a standard, set by someone else, who hasn't the foggiest notion of who you really are?  Why would you allow someone who has zero clue as to the real you, make you feel less human, less successful, simply because you haven't measured up to "their" standard? Now I understand that we have to have certain standards when it comes to safety, when it comes to compliance and such.  I'm not a complete dunce.  What I'm talking about here is measuring up to others expectations as it relates to who and what you are as a divine creature.

I am who I am.  I am just what I was intended to be, and if who and what I am is not good enough for those who think I should be different, then so what.  We have been trying to fit square pegs into round holes for far too long, and it's time that you take a stand against this.  You are incredible, and even if others have not seen your uniqueness, who cares.  You continue to be the person you were always created to be, and let others come up to your standards, don't you fall down to theirs.  Being yourself is the most important thing you will ever do.

It is so easy to allow others to measure you against someone else's success.  This is something that goes on day in and day out.  It is also something that will be the nail in the coffin, so to speak, to accomplishing the things you were sent here to accomplish.  In the story of Cinderella, the wicked step sisters would try to cram their huge feet into the glass slipper, in the hopes of gaining the Prince. The slipper was designed for one person and one person only, and all the shoving, all the forcing, and all the hope in the world was not going to allow those sisters to gain something that was not theirs to begin with.  It is time to find your glass slipper and know that the fit will be perfect. Stop trying to be someone you are not.  Stop trying to do things simply because others feel or think you should be doing them.  In the end, the only one that is going to be hurt is you, and why in the world would you want to subject yourself to such hurt and pain.

We are entering a time when each of us will be pushed to make the ultimate decision.  Will you be the person you were created to be, or will you morph into something that someone else has decided is best for you?  The time is fast approaching, if it has not already reached you, when you will make the choice.  They say that the path to hell is paved with good intentions, and certainly there will be those who claim to have your best interest at heart, but in the end, they don't really.  If those who keep telling you what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, would simply apply this much energy on doing what they were designed to do, then they would realize that it's time to shut up and let you be the person you were meant to be.  Simply because you may not do it the way they want, doesn't mean what you are doing is wrong.  Don't measure your success against another's success.  Don"t design your life around what others may have done.  Just because it worked for them doesn't mean it will work for you.  It is time to be you, just you.  It is time to do what you were created to do.

My desire is that you would discover your way.  My desire is that I be there to help, but never by making it about me. My desire is that you become you, the real you.  The unapologetic you, the person who stands up and says to the rest of the world, here I am, and take me as I am, because I am not going to change the perfection that I am.  When you do this I can assure you that doors will open, things will change, and others will stand in amazement as they look at the person you have grown into.  It is your choice to make, and it will be in the appointed time.  Have faith, and know that life is good, it is very, very good.  I stand with you, and I look forward to hearing all about it.

Friday, January 16, 2015

It's time to dig a little deeper, it's time to look at personal responsibility.
I was torn today on what to write about.  I have had these two topics swirling around my spirit and instead of picking just one, I have opted to incorporate both into today's blog.  We are in changing times of late.  There are things that are going on around the world that defy description.  There have been horrors, calamities, and other things that just boggle the mind.  What I have noticed is that we have lost ground on one particular aspect and that is accepting personal responsibility.  It appears that things are always the fault of others.  That the situation we find ourselves in is a result of what others have done, or in some cases what they haven't done.  First off, that is bunk.  We are in situations right now because we have put ourselves there through our words, our actions, or simply our feelings.  Now you may not want to hear this, but I am forced to speak, or in this case write, the truth.

When did everything become someone else's fault or doing?  When did we give up and simply give in to what a large part of society has fallen for?  If you want to take things to the next level, in this case digging deeper into who and what you are, then you are going to have to accept the responsibility for doing it and not depend on others to get you there.  Certainly there will be people who will be there along the way to guide you, but if you are unwilling to take the first step to your spiritual maturity, then an army of people who desire to help you will mean nothing.  Now I'm not trying to beat anyone up today.  What I'm attempting to do is to shed some light on a topic that has fallen on deaf ears.  Look at some of the things that have become other's fault.  We have shootings overseas that are being blamed on what others have done.  So I guess because someone else has done something that someone may not like that that gives others the right to kill, maul, or destroy.  The reason we have these events taking place is because there are people who don't understand who and what they are and they have let others dictate what they should be or what they should do.  I know that there will always be those who lack the ability to fully grasp the divinity that resides in them, but you don't have to be that person.  It is time to dig a little deeper and realize the reason for your existence.  It is time to finally come to grips with what you were created to do.  Most people who refuse to dig deeper refuse to because (1) they are afraid of what they might find out. (2) They are not willing to accept personal responsibility for their actions or lack of action.

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, the time has come to take the next step.  It is time to begin to dig a little deeper and realize that you can be anything you want to be, have anything you want to have, and while doing this be a blessing to those around you and the rest of humanity.  Below each layer of hurt that you have been carrying around with you, beneath each failed attempt at something, is your opportunity for growth.  John Wooden once said, "Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be."  If your life is not going in the direction you desire, then change things up.  Tell yourself it is time for a change, and take the first step in a new direction.  No one can make you do anything you do not desire to do.  You have to be the one who is willing to dig a little deeper, digging deeper to come to the understanding and belief of who you are.

I have been guilty of just waiting for things to happen.  I was under the false assumption that if what I wanted to do was ordained by God, then magically things would appear when I wanted them to appear.  Now this can happen, but more often then not you are going to be the instrument of what takes place.  We have free will and the angels and other ascended masters will simply sit back and watch what transpires until such time as you give them the ability to act on your behalf.  Each of us has an arsenal of weapons that can be used to help you get what you want, help you get to where you want to be, but weapons will be of no use to you if you do not engage with them.  It has to be your decision whether you will use the tools available to you, or if you simply wait for others to do what you want done.  I am of the mindset that I want to be involved, so I have to get off my ass and do what I know to do.

Some may get the feeling that today's blog comes across as accusatory, but that is not the intent.  What I want you to see today is that you have all you need to be the person you desire to be.  All you need to do is begin to dig a little deeper, gain some understanding of your divinity, and just why you are who you are.  I have spend years taking away layer upon layer of past fears, past hurts, past failures, only to discover that those things weren't even real.  What is real now is who I am.  What is real now is me.  I am.....I am a writer, a speaker, a teacher.  I am abundant beyond imagination. I am fully equipped to do what I was born to do.  Each of you must come to an understanding of "I am" and once you do, then change will occur, forward motion will occur, and life as you know it will change forever. It is up to you.  It is time to take some personal responsibility and be who you are.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Letting go of the past, and moving forward with your hopes and dreams.
Sometimes things happen that are unexplainable, and sometimes you just gotta let things go. Each time you pick something backup that has transpired you are forcing yourself to live it again, no matter how bad it might have been.  If anyone desires to move forward in those things they have dreamt about or desire, then they have to let go of the past.

There is no doubt that we can learn from the past, but learning a lesson is far different then having to relive past hurts and failures.  There have been so many situations in my life that if I could have just let things go, I would have been much better off.  If I was able to not dwell on past things I would have been much better off.  If I could have just let things go and not continue to fixate on them I certainly would have been better off.  It has taken me years to learn this very valuable lesson and it is my hope and desire that you will learn from my past mistakes and move forward with your hopes and dreams.

Having the ability to forgive someone for something they may have done to you is the first step in moving past a hurt.  Forgiveness is a hard nut to crack for many people, but it is a necessity if you are ever going to move forward in the things you desire most.  I have been hurt in the past, and most of it was never intentional.  Have you ever done something nice for someone and they never even said thank you?  What was your first thought if this happened?  If you are like most people you got down right angry. Here you are giving of yourself and not so much as a tiny thank-you was thrown your way.  Well it's going to be a cold day in hell before you do something for this person ever again.  We've all been there a time or two in the past, but what needs to happen is to determine what you really were looking to gain in the first place.  Were you simply "doing" to get something in return, or were you doing because it was the right thing to do?  I get how bad it can feel when things are not reciprocated, but what was the motivation in the first place?

Letting go of the past, no matter how big or small the situation, is something we all need to do.  Have you ever said to yourself that you wish you knew ten years ago what you know today?  Have you ever wondered what decisions you would have made back then if you had the information and knowledge that you have now?  I know I've done it, and if you're honest with yourself I'm sure you have done the same thing.  Problem is we can"t go back and re-do anything that has transpired.  We can fix past mistakes, but we can't make them disappear as much as we might like to.

Why am I bringing this up today?  Maybe it's because I have to look at this topic again, and if I am dealing with it then it's a pretty good bet that there are others out there dealing with the same issues.  I was reading over some old journal entries from months and years ago, and I was reflecting on some conversations that I wrote about that had happened between me and some other people.  Most of the conversations were surrounding things that had happened to these people.  What struck me was the fact that they continued to own what ever had happened and each time they relived the situation they were simply bringing everything back up to be lived again.  Letting go is the only thing that is ever going to free you from the chains that will bind you up forever if you cannot move past these things.  We were never designed to hold on to past hurt.   It was never intended to be that noose around our neck.  I know how lousy it can be when a hurt finds you, but you have to learn to let it go.  Holding on to past hurt is never going to affect the person or persons who hurt you, it is only going to affect you, and affect you in a negative way.

Your hopes and dreams will never come about if you are unable to let go of the past.  If your past is lined with failure, hurts, disappointments, now is the time to cut the cord and let them fall into the abyss.  If you had to decide today what to follow what would it be?  Would you go after those things you dream about, those things you hope for, or would you desire to repeat all the hurts from the past? I dare say that not a single thinking, feeling human would choose the past over dreams and hopes.  So ask yourself the question, what do you prefer?  If it is hopes and dreams then let go of the past.

There is an old saying that says "If you fail to look at history, then you are doomed to repeat it." In some respects I would agree, but when you get down to it, I think if you continue to dwell on history there is no doubt it will repeat itself and then I am forced to ask "why?".  Let me leave you with this final thought, and we will pick up on this extremely important topic the next time we meet.  The reason so many people are unable to let go of the past is because they do not understand the power they have inside of themselves to set the intention, live with intention, and therefore design what the future will look like.  If one can never see the future then the only option they have is to live in the past.  When we meet again we will talk about the power of intention, the power of your words, your thoughts, and your feelings.  Intention will set the stage for what will happen, and when done right then only right can come about.

Monday, January 12, 2015

To be or not to be, that is the question.
This marks my 303rd blog over the last year or so.  If this were a television sitcom there would be a huge cake to celebrate.  I guess I will just have to celebrate in my own way.  That being said, today I want to encourage you with my thoughts on what you should expect over the next year.  There are so many people who have given up on their dreams.  This comes about because they have been discouraged by the comments of others. In addition, there may have been self-doubt, or simply life has beaten them up beyond belief.  Well that can all stop today, and if you are wise you will heed the words that are about to be shared with you.

First and foremost, and this is going to be the theme for this year, you are divine.  Your divinity is a part of you.  What you may not have at the moment is an understanding or a belief in this divinity, but that doesn't make it any less real, nor does it separate you from it.  Just because the moon is on the opposite side of the earth and you can't see it, doesn't mean it's gone for good. Simply because you can't feel the divinity, or see it, doesn't mean it does not reside in you.  This is what I need you to see today.  I have been reading a book called the "I am Discourse".  It has changed me in ways that I never thought possible.  It has opened my eyes to the unlimited possibilities available to each of us.  It has solidified what I always felt as truth, what I always thought possible.  For me, a new journey has begun, and on this journey I will endeavor to learn as much as possible of the "I am" presence that is available to all humans.

This entry today is not going to give you all the answers.  That will only come if you choose to delve into this subject on your own, and truly hold near to you what you learn.  What I want to do is nudge you just a tad in the direction of the "I am" presence in your life.  As you dig deeper, think and ponder these messages, then and only then will you come to an understanding of just who and what you are.  I have been tossed and spun around by countless doctrines over the last forty years, and until now I never knew who I really was, nor what I was capable of doing.  This is the knowledge that I desire to provide to you, and then push you on your journey of discovery.

So here is the question: to be or not to be?  You have come to a cross roads.  The time has come to make a decision.  You can continue on the path you may have been on for some time, experiencing the same results.  You can stand and wait for things to change, but who knows how long that will take, if it ever happens at all.  You can move forward and discover the greatness embedded in you and  watch as life changes before your eyes.  So many options available to you, but when you get down to it there really is only one choice to  make.  I can't make the choice for you.  Certainly I can try to motivate you to one particular choice, but in the end only you can make the right one.

In any journey in life, or any endeavor that people take, there are always others on a similar journey.  What I need you to see is that you cannot measure your success or failure by what others have done,what they have tried, or what they may be doing in the moment.  When we measure ourselves against others we will almost always come out on the short end of the stick.  I have seen people who are envious because someone else might be doing the one thing they have always dreamt of doing. Instead of being joyous that these people are walking in their destiny, they can only complain and wonder why it's not them instead.  In the strongest possible way I am asking you not to fall into this trap.  We are all different and the timing that takes place in our lives is not necessarily the same timing for someone else, but timing is in the perfection of our creator.  Forget what others are doing or not doing and focus on you.  You may learn something from someone else, but don't think that you are somehow a failure because they are doing it before you.

It would be easy for me, and I will admit I have fallen into the trap before, of seeing what others are doing and being jealous that it wasn't me doing it.  I wanted to have a temper tantrum and just have it my way.  Instead of being happy for other's success, I was downright pissed.  Thank god I was able to realize that my timing is not their timing and my destiny is not their destiny.  There may be similarities, but that is where it stops.

The time has come to put away the things of the past that have not worked for you, and begin to see things differently.  There are numerous examples of historical figures who have understood the divinity that resided in them.  There have been books written about those who understood what it was to be divine and then use this knowledge to help others achieve the same level of awareness.  Becoming aware of who you really are is only the first step.  The reason you need to know you is because you will never ever be able to help others achieve their destiny until you understand yours.

To be or not to be, that is the question.  Only you can answer it, and only you can take the steps required to get where you need to be. I will be here to help you however I can, but what I cannot do is create the desire in you for you to become all you were intended to be in this life.  There is so much more for you to do in this life, but it all begins with understanding the real you.  The divine you will never change and it will never go away, but you must come to it and accept it.  Once you do, your life will be different forever.  Let's begin to dig deeper, feel deeper, and believe like we have never believed before.  In doing this you will see things like never before, and then we will change this world like it has never changed before.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Is it "Turning Point" time yet?
Yep, we all come to one sooner or later, a fork in the road.  Two divergent paths either meeting or going on their separate ways.  We all come to a turning point in life and once you can accept this you can get on with living your life.

Questions always arise: do I do this or do that? Is it time to change careers?  Do I begin a new diet? Questions on top of questions, decisions on top of decisions.  What is one to do when the fork in the road is made known to us?

I know very few people who have not had to address this issue in the past, and I'm pretty confident that this is something that all of us are going to have to face again in the future.  The question I have for you today is, what are you going to do when you have to make the decision?

I came to a turning point in my life not long ago.  I had to decide if I was going to allow my past to hold me back from my future, or was I going to throw all the pain away and do what I knew I was supposed to do?  Now I had some pretty hefty baggage that I had been carrying with me for many years, and as much as I wanted to dispose of it, I also had grown accustomed to having it with me.  It brought me comfort, and no matter how bad the pain was, comfort is something we do not like to let go of, no matter how bad things get.  What I want you to do today is make the decision that it is time to let go of the past, and move toward your future.  I can't tell you what your future holds, but what I can tell you is this: if you can't let go of the past, then there will be no future for you.

My greatest desire is moving forward with helping others discover what is their destiny.  It is something that I think about day in and day out.  I doubt there is a single hour of any day that I do not think about destiny.  It is such a part of my life right now.  Each of you have this same drive in you.  Many know what they want, but have yet to figure out how to get there. Some have yet to discover what the "thing "is, but they are trying their hardest to discover it.  Unfortunately, there are others who have given up on discovering their destiny, and have decided that they will just go through life and take what comes their way.  This is so sad to see, but at the same time so avoidable.

Things in life change.  Situations come and go like the seasons, and we view things differently depending on where we are at in the moment.  What you need to do is grab hold of what you know to be true, and never let others discourage you, alter your desires, or steal the one thing that is yours.  I have had more negative words spoken about my work with destiny, but I refuse to hold them, focus on them, or even acknowledge them.   People have a way of destroying a vision, and what is sad is that the vision is not theirs but someone else's.  You can't allow someone steal what is rightfully yours.

If you could be doing anything right now, what would it be?  If the answer you give is anything contrary to what you are currently doing, then I know you have yet to accept or walk in your destiny. Now there is no shame in that.  Many people have yet to discover their destiny, but that doesn't mean they don't have one, and it certainly does not mean they won't discover it.  What I want you to see right now is the importance of accepting that things don't have to stay the way they are, especially if what you are currently doing right now is not bringing you peace, joy, and happiness.

If peace is not a part of your daily life maybe it's time for a change.  If joy is missing, maybe it's time for a change.  If happiness is something that seems long gone, then maybe it's time for a change.  I would say that a fork in the road is fast approaching and you will have to decide what path you are going to take.  You can continue on the same course and things will stay pretty much as they are right now.  Or, you can alter your course, experience new things, and see where life takes you.  Given the two options, which one makes more sense?

We will all come to the turning point in life.  Often it shows up when you least expect it, but show up it will.  There is nothing better then having the opportunity to change things up, and in this change, place yourself on the path to your destiny.  I have had many forks in the road in my life, and I am so glad that I did not ignore them.  Not all of them have been pleasant, but each one has taught me some valuable lessons.  Turning points are there to correct your life's course, and until such time as you take the right path, situations will always present themselves in an attempt to get you to where you need to be.  Keep your eyes open for the forks in the road.  Take the right path and life is everything you hoped it to be.  Refuse to make a choice, and the choice will be made for you in having to repeat things that most of us would rather not repeat.  Never be afraid of choices.  You can do this.  It is a turning point for many, and I love it when opportunity comes knocking.  Listen for the knock, and then choose your path.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's never how you start, but how you finish that counts.
You've heard it said that slow and steady wins the race.  If there is one thing that I have learned over the last few years is that life indeed is no sprint, but a marathon.  How you make it through the miles and miles of stuff is ultimately up to you, but slow and steady is not a bad bit of advice to heed.

I have seen people in the past try to take all kinds of shortcuts when it comes to learning life's lessons, only to have to repeat most of them because they failed to learn the lesson that was meant for them.  I am just as guilty as anyone having done this, but I have also found out, maybe through trial and error, that it is best to ride things out, learn from them, verses having to go through the whole thing again.

I know of no one who hasn't had to deal with their fair share of lessons in life.  The key to any lesson is to take from it all that benefits you. In addition, see the good no matter what has happened or may be happening right now.  There are hundreds of sayings about perseverance.  We all know them, but they are the last thing we want to hear when we're in the midst of a struggle or fight.  If I had fallen off the horse who knows if I would have gotten back up or not.  In my estimation there is no such thing as winners or losers.  I see those who are willing to work at something and those who are not.  I also see those who stop at the first sign of conflict or adversity.  The question is, which category do you fall in?  When faced with a challenge is your first instinct to fight and move forward, or retreat back never to attempt this thing again?

We have all given up on something in the past.  We have all come up short from time to time.  There is no shame in that. What is shameful is when you simply quit.  What is shameful is when you let others tell you there is no hope, not a prayer in the world, no shot at such and such happening, and you believing them.  My father taught me that if it's worth having it's worth working for, and if it's worth doing, it certainly is worth doing right.  Well life is no different, no matter what you may be facing, so matter what you have gone through, and no matter what others may have said to you.  It is not the right time to sprint through life, only catching a tenth of what you need, what you desire, and most importantly what is meant for you.  Moving ahead a warp speed might be great in the movies but it certainly isn't meant to be the constant in any one's life.  Slow and steady my friend, slow and steady.

It would be great if our adventure was tame and there was nothing that popped up that surprised us, dashed our hopes, or otherwise turned things inside out.  The fact is, very few people ever have this type of life, and for most everyone there will be times when we are tried to our breaking point.  The issue is not that you face uncertainty, the issue is what do you do when you are looking at adversity smack in the eyes?  Do you high tail it out of there?  Do you look for ways to mitigate the affects of what ever you are facing?  Do you simply believe, as I do, that most everything we face is of our own construction, and we have the ability to overcome it?  Our words, our thoughts, and our feelings are a good indicator of how we will handle different situations in our life.  If everything you put your hands to seems to smash into a thousand pieces, then I will ask you what have you said about things, and more importantly how do you feel about things.  If you cannot feel the joy of doing what you love to do, then my guess is you will never have the opportunity to do it.

If one failure in life meant the end to everything we know and love, then we would all be in a box in the ground six feet under.  Failure is not forever.  Failure is just giving you another opportunity to do it better.  We have been conditioned to believe that failure somehow makes us less of a person.  Trust me, failure is going to rest on your door post sooner or later.  How you perceive a failure, or how you rebound from it, will tell others just what is important to you and what is not.  Failure is nothing more  than being closed off to your source.  Failure is nothing more then not recognizing the divinity that resides in you.  Failure is seeing everything as final and acting as though it is.  I am here to tell you that nothing is final until you take your final breath.  I have fought for things throughout my life, and it finally hit me not long ago, that fighting for something almost always comes because we have not truly believed in what we were doing, what we wanted, or what has been promised to us.

If you have had failure in the past, learn from it, but let it go.  If you have not reached a certain level, learn from it, but let it go.  If you feel like things will never happen for you, let that go, and never pick those thoughts up again.  Failure will  only come when you give up, period, end of story, case closed.  This year will be a year of breakthrough if you will follow a few simple rules.  Number one: get to know the real you.  Not the person that everyone thinks you should be, but the real you.  Rule number two:  never, and I mean never, forget that you are here for a reason, and you will walk in your destiny.  Rule number three:  always know and never let go of the understanding that peace, joy, and happiness are just as much for you as anyone.  Rule number four:  you can never change what has already happened, you never know what tomorrow will bring, so live in the here and now.  If you will do these simple things, you will have success and you will see your deepest dreams come to fruition.

Once again, it's not how things may have started that counts, but how you finish things up.  I know you can make great strides this year, and I look forward to hearing all about them.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Keep climbing until you reach the top.
Life is a series of steps, each one leading you to a new adventure, a new level of self-awareness.  Each time you gain some ground you are opening yourself up for new ideas, new ways of thinking, and new opportunity for the future.  It is only when we stop reaching, that we begin to fall back onto the old ways, and if you're not careful loosing whatever ground was gained during the initial steps of your journey.

Awareness of who you are is one of the first things you need to understand, and it is something that you are going to have to accept as truth.  Most people have a difficult time coming to terms with the divinity that resides in them.  They have been taught that divinity is  reserved for a select few, and it really doesn't matter what you do, greatness is not a guarantee.  That my friends is garbage and I am here to tell you that you are as divine as anyone that has ever walked the earth.

Ask yourself this question:  given the option to walk in the absolute knowledge of who you truly are, or accepting the incorrect thinking of those past, what option would you prefer?  If you are desiring to know more about the real you, then why do you allow the conditioning of man to dictate how you see yourself or what you are able to accomplish in this life?

This year I am going to delve into what makes us tick.  Why are we here and what is it that makes us truly special in the eyes of our creator.  We have been brainwashed into thinking that we have to abide by the rules of man, when in actuality we are governed by a might higher calling on our lives.  If you are still trying to figure out your place in the universe well this year you are going to get answers.   I have spent the better part of the last five years studying, reflecting, and meditating on those things that have allowed me to grasp some of the unanswered questions that I carried around for years. Now I don't have all the answers yet, but what I do have is the ability to tap into the Universal Consciousness and that my friends is a treasure trove of unlimited knowledge and it is what will pull you up to the next step, and then the next step and so on and so on.

I'm going to repeat something I wrote about the other day, and I want you to make the decision to move full speed ahead with it.  If you want certain things to transpire this year then set the intention and don't let anything deter you from accomplishing the things you desire.  Carefully watch your thoughts and your words.  Everything we go through in life is a direct result of what we say, what we think, and what we feel.  I can't sit here and blame others for the lousy situations I may have found myself in in years past.  I have been the designer of what has taken place in my life, and you have been the architect of all that has transpired in your life.  Getting a handle on this is going to help you begin your journey.  I could write volumes on what it is to understand who and what you are.  You can read my words, but unless you take action, unless you stand firm in the knowledge of who and what you are, you will continue to face challenges that up until this moment have kept you from your destiny.

I was meditating the other day and I had to accept the fact that I had been missing the mark when it came to who I was and what I was supposed to be doing.  I was measuring myself against others and when I did this I was stopping myself cold in my tracks.  There are writers all over this planet.  What they have put down on paper is quite literally life changing.  What I had to recognize is that their path, their calling is different then mine.  I had to stop measuring myself against them, and realize that I was me.  No one can accomplish the things you were created to accomplish.  There may be some similarities but that is where it stops.  The only thing you have to measure up to is your understanding of who you are.  The only thing you have to accept is why you are here.  In the total scheme of things, nothing else really matters.  It has taken me years to be able to understand this concept and I have to keep telling myself that I am me, I am here, and I am just exactly where I need to be.

This year is your year if you will allow it to be.  If you will set the intention that you are going to come to the understanding of your being, then it will happen.  We are designed by perfection, and in that perfection we have what we need.  The only thing you have to do is accept this truth, hold on to this truth, and never grow weary.  Each step you take is getting you one step closer to your destiny.  Your destiny is why you are here.  Let's take this journey together and let's become what you were always destined to be.

Friday, January 2, 2015

You have not because you ask not. You ask not because you simply don't believe.
Well it's finally here, 2015.  The month long lead-up to the start of the New Year is finally over, and now the question is:  what do you do with it? What will 2015 look like?

If you are like most people you look forward to ending the previous year and look outward to what you hope is change for the better.  What would you say if I told you that you have within you the ability to set the tone for the entire year ahead of you?  What would you say if I told you that you control all that will go on during this next year?  If you desire something then all you need to do is set the intention.  Now I know that there are many, many people out there who can't believe it is as simple as that, but in all actuality it is that simple.  What isn't simple is forgetting what has transpired in the past and let the past go.  What isn't simple is forgetting what others tell you and go with what you know to be true, even when it goes against the norm.

Living with intention is knowing and accepting what you should be doing, doing what you love, what you are passionate about, and living like there is no tomorrow.  Most everyone I know goes to bed each night with the intention of getting up the next morning to live another day.  If you can set the intention for getting up in the morning, why is it so difficult to set the intention for what you want for the upcoming year?  I get that what you want might be something huge, but given the fact that the Creator of the Universe put that desire in you, isn't it plausible that the means to get those things also reside in you?  Once again, if you allow the conditioning of man to control your thoughts and actions then you will continue to live the life that you have so ardently desired to be left behind when the previous year came to a close.

I will tell you that there is really only one thing that will stop people from setting and living with intention, and that one thing is disbelief.  Doubt and unbelief will kill a vision, kill a dream, and soil a future quicker than poop through a goose.  Most people stop asking and stop dreaming because they have stopped believing.  Well, that's if they ever believed in the first place.  There are plenty of people out there, present company included, who have allowed situations to drive decisions, even when you know that what you are doing is wrong and contrary to what is in your heart.  I have allowed fear, doubt, and past happenings to dictate what I did, or in some cases what I didn't do.  The key is to say "Not any more".  You have to draw a line in the sand and take a stand.  If you desire something, then simply set the intention. If you are looking for a particular outcome to a situation, simply set the intention.  If you are looking at 2015 and want to know the outcome, simply set the intention.

I can hear the naysayers already.  If setting the intention were that simple then everyone would be doing it, and the world as we know it would change.  I could not agree more. If everyone walking the planet set the intention of discovering their destiny, began walking in their destiny, then I can assure you that the world would most definitely change, and change for the better.  Problem is, far too many people haven't a clue about their destiny, have never even pondered the importance of setting an intention, and that is why they hope against hope that the next year will be better then the last.

Let your New Years Resolution be that you will set into motion the thoughts, the words, the feelings of completing what you desire to complete this year.  Make it a daily event that you set the intention of what you want to transpire during any given day.  Certainly this may feel like an act of futility at first, but I can tell you that the times will change as your actions and thoughts change, and then you will see the world in an entirely different light.  Look at it this way: if you have been on the loosing end of things over the years, what have you got to lose?  I mean really, if what you have been doing over the last decade hasn't work, what makes you think things will be different this year than last?  If you want things to change, and change for the better, then why not try setting an intention.  The worst thing that could happen is that you move no where, and how much different is that then what your are experiencing right now?  If, on the other hand, things turn around and you figure out that you in deed do control what happens in your life, well then life as you know it will change forever.

I cannot sit around any longer and let words of doubt come from my mouth.  The thoughts that do not serve me nor my purpose on this earth, are the thoughts that I now hold captive.  I feel, right now, what it will be like to write and publish another book.  I can feel the excitement of walking on stage and speaking to five thousand people.  I have set the intention of changing the lives of others by what I do each and every day.  If you desire to have the same results, if you want to get out of the trap you have been in, if you simply want to experience different things, then start setting the intention that that is exactly what you will do.  If you can not speak it, think it, feel it, you will never have to worry about doing it.

2015 can be your breakout year.  Certainly we hear people say this each new year, but this year can be different.  Set the intention.  Learn more about who and what you are.  There is a presence inside of you that is there to guide, there to move, and there to change you.  If you want 2015 to be different, then you need to change things up.  I promise you this:  if you can set the intention of what you desire in 2015, not let doubt or unbelief sway you, then all your dreams will come into existence.  This is a great time to move forward, and together we will change the face of this planet.  It may take some time, but we have all the time we need.