Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thoughts, words, beliefs, and then results.
The question that arises most often is when.  When will I be old enough to drive a car?  When will I be old enough to go on a date?  When will things begin to change, and when can I expect happiness in my life?  OK, maybe you haven't asked yourself the first two questions in quite a long time, but sure as I'm sitting here I know there are people who continually ask themselves the third question.

We want to know when we can expect things to turn around in our life.  The trials, the tribulations, the ups and the downs.  We want to know when we can expect good things, and not continue on the course that we have been on for who knows how long.

We have all been guilty of asking these questions, and more often then not we have not positioned ourselves in the right place to hear the answers.  Today I want to share with you what I have learned over the years and it is my earnest desire that you pick up on what has taken me way too many years to discover.  If you're ready to get started, take a deep breath and open your mind and heart to something new.

What kind of thoughts go through your mind during the day?  Do you think about all the beauty that is outside in nature, or do you focus on the cluster that is currently happening in your place of employment?  What kind of words come out of your mouth during the day?  Do you release words of peace and joy, or do you continue to bemoan the situation you find yourself in?  What do you really believe?  Do you believe that you are a divine creation or simply a human who is taking up space and sooner or later the end will come and that as we say is that?  If you have not gotten the results out of life that you have been hoping for or expecting, then it's a good bet that any one of the three things I just mentioned is completely out of whack.

If your thoughts are on anything besides what is truth, then you are just asking for a mess to occupy your time and space.  The question then becomes what is the truth?  The truth is, you are a divine creature, and there is nothing that the Creator of the Universe has done that is not perfect in every way.  Certainly man has made an art out of screwing things up, but I assure you the mess up is not on God's part.  Thoughts come before words, and words are those things that ultimately turn into beliefs.  The next question is, do your thoughts and words line up with the Creator's?  If you are thinking or speaking things that are contrary to the nature of God, then I can assure you there is going to be a mess that someone is going to have to clean up.

There needs to be a reconditioning of our minds.  We have been so conditioned by man to think one way, when the nature of God is completely the opposite.  Is it any wonder things go bad in people's lives?  They have been made to think that all the crap we contend with in life is normal and that it has to be there in order to teach us character, that is B.S. to the ump degree.  Begin holding your thoughts captive, when you find yourself dwelling on the negative, stop it.  Sooner or later you will begin to see a pattern and you will begin to check your thoughts at the door.  Once you are able to get your thoughts under control, and yes it will take practice, then you can begin to watch what comes out of your mouth.  If you are constantly saying how bad things are, how things will never change, why is this happening or that happening, then you will continue to get these things in your life.  Stand firm and set the intention:  I will be free from this chronic illness, I will prosper, I will walk in those things that I dream about.  If you can begin to use your words to support verses destroy then you will also get to the point where you have created a new belief in your life.  You can do this all day long but unless there is belief to back it up, you are wasting your time.

As Buddha said, once you are able to master your thoughts and words, then you will be on your way to a path of wisdom, enlightenment.  I can sit here all day long and tell you why peace and happiness are yours for the taking, what I can't do is make you change.  I try each day to hold captive those thoughts that are contrary to what I know to be truth.  I try each day to watch the words that I let go from my mouth that are contrary to what I know to be truth.  Until such time as you are able to get to this same point you will continue to contend with all the negative that man has told you is normal.  The question I have for you right now is what is more important to you:  staying in the dismal surroundings you find yourself in right now, or elevating yourself about it?  The decision is yours to make.

Some will say that this is just hogwash.  There is nothing that we can do to stop what is going to happen to us.  Well you can believe that if you wish, but I will tell you that you will then position yourself for all manner of crap, but if that is your desire then continue on doing what you are doing right now.  If on the other hand you desire to change things, change them for the better, then I suggest you begin with your thoughts, then your words, and then watch things change before your very eyes.  It ultimately is up to you.  I suggest you begin by setting the intention and then hang on because life as you know it will change, and change for the better.  Think about that...

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