Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Give me liberty, or give me death.
When Patrick Henry uttered these words in 1775, few understood the significance of them.  They would later figure it out, but at the time, there was only "what might or could be" that was crossing their mind.

We all know the outcome of that little skirmish called the Revolutionary War.  America became it's own country and from our constitution came the Bill of Rights.

When I think of liberty today, I think of what I desire to accomplish and I realize that because of the dedication and patriotism of those who have come before me, I have the right to go after all that I desire, all that I dream, and all that I am.  

When European Immigrants came to our shores the first thing they saw was Lady Liberty.  She was standing there in New York Harbor welcoming each and every one of them.  What must have been going through the minds of those who had just spent days, maybe weeks, anticipating their arrival and what would come of their decision to leave their home and begin a new life, in a new country?

There are many who have yet to make the decision to strike out on their own and walk in their destiny.  If I were in a place where I had only two options, what would I choose?  In the immortal words of Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death."  Allow me to walk in my destiny, or give me death is another way of looking at things.  I don't mean death in the literal sense, but rather death of desire.  The liberty, the freedom to be what you were intended to be, why would anyone choose to be anything other then what they were intended to be?

There are many reasons why people haven't made the personal decision to seek out their destiny.  I say personal because all the prodding, all the nagging, or all the prompting by others does not mean a thing until you are ready to make the decision to go after what you have inside of you to do.  Fear is probably the single bigger reason that people walk away from their destiny.  Fear that they don't have the ability to accomplish those things they desire.  Fear of what others will think about their crazy ideas.  Fear of what will happen if things don't work out.  It is time to grab fear by the horns and put a dagger through the heart of it.

Having the liberty to walk in your destiny is afforded to everyone.  Liberty is not base on your lineage, your walk in life, or your social status.  Liberty is afforded to all simply because you are just like every other person walking the earth, a divine creation.  What I want you to do is picture yourself sailing into New York Harbor, seeing Lady Liberty, and feeling the excitement of a new beginning.  Yes those who sailed over to this county had certain concerns, that comes with being a human, but underneath it all was an expectation that things would be different, better, and all together more rewarding.  Once you take the first step toward your destiny things will be different, better, and all together more rewarding.

There comes a point in each of our lives when we come to a crossroad.  It is the time when you have to decide what is important and what is just the expectations that others have placed on you.  The important things in your life are those things that shape you and make you who you are.  The important things in life are those things that bring you peace, joy, and happiness.  When you come to this crossroad you are the only one who has the power to decide which path you will walk down.  You can choose the path of liberty: freedom to be who you were created to be.  You can choose death: following the expectations of others.  Either way it is your decision to make, and only your decision.  Certainly you can accept guidance and ideas from others, but the decision continues to be your own.

When I set out to create True Destiny I had only one purpose: help others discover the destiny that resided in them and help them walk in it.  My desire has not changed a bit since I began.  Talking about destiny brings me the peace, the joy, and the happiness that  I never fully had before.  I had moments of it in the past, but never to the degree that I have it now.  There is something almost magical that happens when one decides to follow the leading of their heart and step out into those things that they were intended to be in all of their life.

So what will it be: liberty or death?  The decision rest with you, and only you.  I have lived two lives, one full of uncertainty and doubt, and one full of promise and the anticipation of what lies ahead for me.  I choose to accept the promise and I anticipate marvelous things ahead.  You must choose, but choose wisely.  If you are at a point, a crossroad, where you know a choice must be made, then I applaud you and I stand ready to help you any way that I can.  Yes it may be a little intimidating at first, but this too shall pass.  Cast out fear and accept this truth:  you are fully able to walk in those things that you were intended to walk in.  You will experience the peace of life, the joy of being what you were created to be, and the happiness that comes from helping others.

It is time to choose liberty, and see the beauty of a new land, a new time, and a new you.  I look forward to hearing your story.

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