Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Take a little time to appreciate things. Gratitude is the Key!
It's been said that taking time to appreciate all that you have, will be the driving force behind staying in the good place you find yourself in.  I guess that leads me to the question that so many ask and that's, what if I don't like the place I'm in?  Great question, and here's the answer:  be grateful that you recognize the need for change.  Be grateful that you are now in a place to make changes, and with those changes will come a newness to life.

There are so many people who are unable to be grateful or who can't appreciate all that they have.  I can assure you that very few people who are nearing the end of their existence would not give just about anything to extend their existence.  I want to leave this world with one thought: that I gave it my all, that I lived life to the fullest, and that there isn't much that I would change.

Have you ever given someone a gift and realized that they didn't really appreciate what you had done for them?  What was the first thing that crossed your mind in that moment?  If you are like most people there was a bit of irritation.   Irritated because you took the time to do something nice, irritated  because you feel almost used, and mostly that you simply were not appreciated.  Now I never give a gift so that I can receive in return, but at the same time it is nice to be appreciated for what you do.  After all we are all human and being appreciated feels nice, no denying that.

Now put the shoe on the other foot.  How many times have you received something in life and didn't show appreciation for it?  Be it a gift, a promotion, of love interest, or even a lesson learned.  Face it, when you are going through a tough time, albeit learning a lesson, did you in fact show gratitude for what you were going through?  If you are like most people, you did not.  Hey, we hate the bad stuff that happens to us, but even if it isn't number one on our hit parade list, it still is there to teach us something, and in that something you should find the joy.

Showing appreciation is what the Universe thrives on, and in return the Universe gives you more to appreciate and show gratitude for.  I love the things I have, but I love the things I've learned, and the things I've been through to a larger extend.  All the things I have gone through have gotten me to the place that I occupy in this moment.  I wouldn't trade the place I am in right now for all the money in the world.  I wouldn't give up my writing or speaking for anything.  It is who I am, and it is what I love most about my life.  What things do you love most about your life?  Have you been able to show the gratitude and appreciation for them?  When you can begin to do this, then your life, as I have said so many times in the past will change forever.

As Master Cheng Yen says, "Gratitude, rather than complaint, opens the doors to life."  Once again, if you are constantly focusing on those things that seem like a drain, how can you possibly be looking for the things that will bring you joy, peace, and happiness?  Often we spend so much time complaining about the bad things in life that we neglect to see all the good that we still have.  If you can't appreciate the little things in life how do you expect to experience the big things in life?  It's kind of like school, you have to get through First Grade before you can earn your PhD.

Believe it or not, I appreciate everything that I have gone through in life.  It has taught me some valuable lessons, but it has also brought me to the place I am at right now.  The things you have gone through, or might be going through right now are happening because it is bringing you to a place that you need to be in.  This place is simply a stepping stone to getting you to the next place you need to be in, and then the cycle continues on.  Trust me, I know how tough it can get in life, and equally as tough is accepting that there is a purpose behind everything.  However, if you can find it in yourself to appreciate all of it, then the lessons you are learning will be ripe with abundance for you.  The rewards for showing gratitude and appreciation are vast, and I would think that most people would appreciate the rewards of life.

You can begin this change in your life simply by appreciating the moment you are in right now.  Certainly you might be in the middle of a crap storm, but at the end of this storm is a rainbow, and at the end of the rainbow is the pot of gold.  It is only when you can't recognize the learning opportunities that you miss out on some of the best things in life.

Appreciate what you have.  Show some gratitude for what you have gone through.  Learn to accept that growth comes through many types of events.  These events may be easy, some might be hard, and others down right agonizing.  It doesn't matter what happens, what matters is how you look at things and the gratitude you display as a result of things taking place in your life.  This may not be the happiest of times for you, but boy oh boy, they certainly can bring about the biggest changes in your life, and change is good if you can see the upside to it.  Gratitude and appreciation my friends is the key, and it is the key that will open up the doors to a treasure trove of goodness for you today and into tomorrow.

Monday, April 27, 2015

So you want it when?
There is no pleasing some people.  In fact, there are some people who never expect to be pleased, and then wonder why the world is falling apart all around them.  We seem to be expected to live within the expectations of others almost on a daily basis.  "You can't do this, you can't do that."  "You need to go to college, and you better study... "  "I want the job done and I want it done my way, which is the right way."

How can we ever be expected to manage the expectations that others place on us?  If you're like me, I hate living within the parameters of others who haven't a clue as to what is important to me and what is not.  Other's expectations about us as individuals are in a word, crap.  Now let me say something, just so you don't think that I'm trying to be obstinate just for the sake of being obstinate.  The expectations I am talking about are all the ways that people feel you should live your life.  It's as if you have no say so in what happens in your life, how you turn out, and what you are supposed to do with your life.  Once again in a word, crap.

If you are ever going to come to the realization of who and what you are, then you need to forget about other's expectations and simply follow what you know to be your path.  It's pretty easy to manage your own expectations when you forget about the ridiculous expectations of others.  It's funny that people seem to be more focused on others then themselves.  It's also humorous when I think of those who have all the answers about my life, but can't figure out what they should be doing with their own life.

Parent's have expectations of their children.  Employers have expectations of their employees.  Husbands of wives, brother of sisters; everyone has expectations of everyone else.  We even have expectations of ourselves, and often those expectations are impossible to meet.  Well today I want you to look at things just a bit differently, and with that, change the direction of your life forever.  If you're ready to change then let's get started.

First things first: what are some of the expectations we place on ourselves?  We all feel as though we need to be perfect.  Well in the Creator's eyes, you already are.  We feel as though we need to be smart and intelligent.  Well in the Creator's eyes, you already are.  We expect to be loved and cherished.  Well once again, by the Creator you are.  If God already sees you in this fashion, does it really matter how others see you or feel about you?  If you can't accept the way that Spirit sees you, then I will tell you that it doesn't really matter what others say or feel, or for that matter what you say or feel.

The only real expectation I want to place on myself is to know the real me.  Once you know who you really are then all the other expectations that others want to place on you will not add up to a hill of beans.  If you really want to manage expectations then start by coming to grips with who and what you are.

Here's what I expect of myself:  that I will live each day seeking out ways to fulfill the calling on my life, and that I will look deep within myself and come to an understanding of the greatness within me.  I expect that doors will be open for me that I may walk through that will lead me to the place that I was always intended to be in.  I expect that I will always show compassion and love to others and in that compassion and love help others understand what they were created to be.  I have an expectation that I will always have what I need, when I need it, and that there is nothing that will be impossible to do.  If you are not able to believe these things my guess is you have yet to grasp the significance of you being here right now.

The time has come for you to turn your back on the expectations of others and no longer worry whether you fit into their system of doing things.  Other's way of doing things has nothing to do with how you do things.  You may be able to learn from others, but you are always going to have to put your own spin on things.  There are no cookie-cutter remedies for how we live our life.

Why should you ignore the expectations of others?  If you are surrounded by hundreds of people, each who have different outlooks, then each of them will have different expectations of you.  How in the world would you ever be able to manage all the expectations of those hundreds of different views?  You couldn't, and you shouldn't.  Focus on your expectations of yourself, and when you focus on them You just might begin to realize how God sees you and then the expectations will have been met.  Once again God does not see you as insignificant, or dumb, or worthless, or any other thing that is contrary to God's nature.  That being said, if you see your worth, your beauty, your greatness, then there would be nothing that would keep you from being the perfect being you already are.

Walk free from the expectations of others and simply know that you are already perfect in God's eye. This should be enough to free yourself from what others expect of you.  I want nothing more then to be the person I was intended to be, and I assure you when you step away from what others expect of you, you can start being the one you were always meant to be.  Think about it.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Until the very end.
Time and time again we run into those people who just stick it out and don't know the meaning of quit.  We sometimes question their sanity, as if what they are doing is crazy and you can't quite understand why they would put themselves through such torture.  On the other side of the coin you have those who simply give up.  They have made the conscious decision that it just isn't worth the hassle to go through what they have to go through in order to get what they want.

It always comes down to how bad you want something and are you willing to stick it out.  I am not here to cast stones at those who have made the decision to sit this one out.  I know that life can be difficult and often even the strongest people get smashed from time to time.  The difference between those who quit and those who don't is how bad or how much do you believe in those things you desire?  If you really believe that you are destined for something, then there is no way that you would ever give up on your dreams, no matter how many people try to talk you out of them.

I can't see myself doing anything else in life other then what I am doing right now.  I love to write and I love talking to people about destiny.  Now there may come a time when I pursue other interest, but at the core of it all, it will still be about destiny and helping others discover their destiny.  The question that always seems to cross my mind when I see someone give up on their dreams is why?  Why give up on something that should mean more to you then almost anything else in the entire world?  I understand that the going can get tough from time to time, but does that mean you simply walk away from the thing that could bring you unlimited joy?

If you walk away from something that you call your destiny, then in fact you never believed it was your destiny.  If you know in the very core of your being that you are supposed to do something in this life, then there is nothing that could stand in the way of you pursuing it.  Certainly we might hit a snag here or there, but when push comes to shove, you will be the one pushing through it all.  Until the very end, there is nothing that will stop you from fulfilling your purpose here on earth.  This is what separates those who truly believe and those who are simply giving things lip service.

I've had moments in my life when I have tried different things, but I simply didn't have a fire inside of me to really move forward in different areas.  Believe it or not, that's OK.  Not everything you try is part of you destiny.  That being said, if it is part of your destiny, then wild horses couldn't stop you from going after certain things.  I know I'm saying the same thing over and over, but this is one area that cannot be over emphasized or stressed.

Let me ask you this question:  if you were faced with a life or death decision what would you do?  The preservation of life is one of the strongest urges we have.  Many people when faced with death do some pretty incredible things to survive. Why?  Because the need for survival is a basic human instinct.  This same instinct is what should drive you in regards to your destiny.  If you really believe in something then that instinct will kick in and nothing will get your eyes off the end goal.  It all comes down to what you believe and what you don't believe.

Look at those people who surround you who have nothing good to say about what you want in life.  Every goal or dream you share with them, they seem to talk down, crap on, or simply tell you you're nuts to think that such a thing is possible.  How many of these people are actually doing something with their life?  Are they walking in their destiny?  Are they changing the face of humanity?  If I had to wager a bet I would say they are not.  If those people are trying to speak into your life, then my question is, why are you even contemplating letting them do that?  You don't need to give them the time of day, because quite frankly they would never give you what you need.  Stay away from these people and protect the dreams and visions you have for you life.  I know this might seem like you are being spiteful to simply tell them to go away, but in the long run they are doing nothing to encourage you in your destiny, and any type of discouragement is never going to get you where you need to be.

Surround yourself with like-minded people.  People who will speak life to your dreams and visions, people who will encourage you to pursue those things that will bring you happiness and joy.  The people who support you might not have all the answers, but what they do have is a belief in you and sometimes that is the difference between success and failure.

If you have begun to understand what your purpose is, then you have no choice but to take it out until the very end.  If you stop, you will never forgive yourself.  But let me give you words to think about: if you have discovered your passion, your calling, your purpose, or your destiny, I don't think you will ever have to worry about not taking it out to the end.  The excitement of walking in your destiny will be the thing that moves you forward each day.  When you have tasted the sweet wine of your destiny, there is nothing that will stop you from going after more of it.  That is the difference between knowing and simply wondering.  Hold on to your dreams, and when you do, your dreams will take you to lands that once you only imagined, but now they become as real as real can be.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Carry on my dear ones, carry on.
If ever there was a theme or thread that passed through each of my blogs, I guess it would have to be my desire to see each and every person walking this planet discover and walk in their destiny.  Sadly, I realize that there will be those who never get to this point.  That doesn't mean I'm going to give up.  Alas my calling, my purpose, my passion, and my destiny is to help as many people as I possibly can to identity their destiny and begin to walk in it.  I have determined to carry on with this mission no matter how long it takes, where it takes me, or even how much it cost me.

We are all going to have to make a determination to carry on with things, or simply lay them down and wonder what could have been.  Living a life of what could have been is miserable.  Living a life of empty efforts is miserable.  Staying in a job or profession you hate is also miserable, but there are many who have decided to do this.  Certainly in their mind they have good reason to stick things out. Many might be close to retirement age.  Others have to figure where the rent money is going to come from, or how to pay the next tuition payment for little Jimmy, Jody, Biffy and Buffy.  I get that, I really do.  I've been in jobs that I felt trapped, and would have given anything for the perfect exit strategy, for that matter any exit strategy would have done.

There comes a point in time however, when you simply can't take it any more.  The sleepless nights, the acid stomach, the mood swings, these all seem to be a very present thing in many lives, and yet they continue to carry on doing the very same thing.   When I say "Carry On" I don't mean stay with what you are doing.  I mean carry on and go after those things that you know would make you happier then a lark, more joyful then a bunch of playful kittens, and far more encouraged with life then you might be in this moment.  No one deserves to live a life full of dread.  Just think how life would be different if instead of looking at Monday with dread because it meant another week at that meaningless job, you got to go to work at a place where you really meant something.  A place where you were respected, and a place where your dreams really do matter.  Imagine a workplace where your family time really was important.  Can you even envision a place of work where you didn't want Friday to come because that meant you couldn't do your thing again until Monday?

If I took a poll of a million people, I wonder how many would tell me they love their job, and can't think of anything else they would rather be doing.  I would hope it would be One Hundred percent, but you and I know that it's not, because you and I both know you hate what you're doing.  Life is too short to be taken up with trivial task that only benefit others and never benefit you.  I've worked for companies who talked a mighty talk, but when push came to shove, the only thing that really mattered was the bottom line of the profit sheet, and your dreams or hopes be damned.  I hate companies that pay lip service to their employees.  I always hear that they want the best for their workers, but somehow their best never seems to serve the greater good, and certainly not the workers who are expected to give it their all and for what, 1/350000 of what the CEO makes?  Sorry, that just burns my ass, and I needed to get that off my chest.

Don't misunderstand me, I am a capitalist, and I know that companies need to make money to stay in business.  But when profits trump everything else, you can damn well bet that the people who work there become nothing more then cogs in the big corporate wheel.  If you are currently in a place where your dreams for a better life are being trampled on, then get out of there and get out of there in a hurry.  As I said, life is too short to be taken up by those who haven't the foggiest notion of what makes you tick, what is important to you, and what dreams you have that have yet to manifest in your life.

I have been laughed at because of how I see things.  People have commented that I don't understand business because I refuse to let what has become mainstream dictate how I run my company.  Good.  If I ran my company the way that so many others run theirs, I wouldn't have a company.  More importantly I wouldn't deserve a company.  I don't care what you do for a living, what I care about is are you doing what you were placed here to do?  If you are, great.  If you aren't then what are you waiting for?  Isn't it time that someone invested in your dreams and visions?  Isn't it time that you were the recipient of all that is good and meaningful?  The day will come when you will have to look back at your life and figure out if you were all you were supposed to be, or go away always wondering what could have been.

My friends, the time has come for each of us to move forward in our destinies.  It is time to carry on and do what makes you happiest, and when you do fulfillment will be there for you.  Success is knowing that you are in the right place, doing the right things, and being who you were created to be. Anything short of this and you will always be a little empty, always wondering what else is there, and always wanting something just a little bit different.  Stop the cycle of madness now and simply go after those things that are in your heart to do.  When the end comes you will never have to worry that you didn't get to where you were supposed to be.  Carry on dears ones, simply carry on.

Monday, April 20, 2015

What do you do, when you don't know what to do?
Sure it's easy to get from Point A to Point B when you have a map.  It's pretty simple to complete the task when you have the Technical Manual right in front of you.  Baking a cake, no problem, simply follow the recipe and there you have it.

But what do you do, when you don't know what to do?  This scenario plays out each day with countless people, and often the results are the same.  There is stagnation, no forward progress, and frustration to beat the band.  The question then becomes what do you do now?

People will begin to ask the when, what, how, where, who, and why questions.  Sometimes they will get the answers they seek, and other times they will continue to be bogged down in the "can't get moving" phase.  So once again, more frustration, even less forward progress, and continued stagnation.  How do you cope when you are in such a situation?  What can you possibly do to change what has become a personal prison?  The simplicity of the answer might surprise you, but at this point most people are all for simplicity.

There is a saying that most people have heard, necessity is the mother of invention.  It is often when one is faced with insurmountable odds, that the very best in them comes to the surface.  This doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens a lot.  What separates those who are able to figure out what to do verses those who remain immobile? I know I'm asking a lot of questions today, but I want you to start thinking about a few things, and when you do, your life is going to change almost over-night.

People don't fail at things because the world is set against them.  People don't have bad things happen to them because they deserve it. Things happen to people because they let them happen to them.  If one were to understand the greatness that resides in them, then 99.9 percent of the things we call tragedies or set-backs would simply go away.  I know that sounds like a bold statement, but bold or not, it's truth.  You can sit around asking the who, what , where, and why questions until the cows come home, and you will be no closer to your destiny then you were yesterday.  Getting hold of who and what you are is the only thing that is going to propel you to your destiny.  There are no short-cuts, no magical beans you can plant to climb the beanstalk to your destiny.  The only way you are ever going to fulfill those things you were sent here to fulfill is by understanding your design, your divinity, and your greatness.

I look at people all during the day and I think to myself, where are they?  Do they understand what awesome power they have, or do they feel, as many do, that there is nothing that is going to help them get to where they want to go?  If I had to put a number on it, I would say that only a very small percentage of those alive today understand the greatness they have within.  In my book that can only be labeled as a tragedy.   I will tell you that I still have a lot to learn about my greatness.  I can tell I haven't reached where I want to be because there are things that still get at me.  I might get frustrated over something someone has done.  I might get angry over something completely insignificant.  These things show me that I still have a ways to go to totally understanding my deity.  That's OK, at least I am aware of it, and can take steps to learn more, feel more, and see more.

It's when you either give up on learning about you, or feel as though you know it all right now, that you will be put into a position where you are forced to acknowledge that you still have something to learn and that you don't know it all.  That's OK, we've all been there, and probably will visit this place again in the future.  That being said, why not begin looking at the real you.  The real you that has everything you will ever need to live a life of success, a life full of peace, happiness, and joy.  Given the option to be without these things, or to live life to the fullest, which one makes more sense?

I have thought long and hard about what my life would have been like had I not taken the time to discover the real Scott.  The Scott who has unlimited potential, and the Scott who knows that no matter what,  I have the ability to manifest anything I desire in this life.  There is a freedom that comes with knowing the real you.  You were placed here because there is something that you have that others need.  If you want fulfillment then the only thing you need to do is grab hold of the truth of who you are.  Being a divine being is not limited to just a few lucky souls.  You are divine, and in your divinity you will soar to new heights.  You will get to the point where you will never ever have to ask what to do next, because you will always have the answers you need.  It all begins with knowing you.  Take the time to gain this knowledge and everything after that will come to you in the twinkling of an eye.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Determination is...

I can sit here all day and tell you that things are going to work out all right, but when you are in the middle of your misery, is anything I say going to help you feel better?  I hope it will, but if you are like me, sometimes you just need to make a determination for yourself that you are going to get through these trials and life is going to turn around for you.

Everything we go through we go through because it is meant to teach us a valuable lesson. Not everything is going to be bleak and awful.  Many times the experiences we have are full of joy and happiness, and you can still learn from those moments.  It seems though, that the trying times are the times that we learn the most, but often this only comes after much pain and suffering, and at a price.  What is that price?  Well funny you should ask that, because I am going to try and explain it for you.

The price of determination is you.  You must be willing to shed your past feelings of who and what you are, and begin to accept what is a basic truth.  You are good enough.  You are of worth.  You are a human being will unlimited potential.  Now I will say that when you are in the middle of a less then desirable situation the last thing most people think about is the greatness within them.  But this is what you need to do, and failure to do it is only going to mean more misery, more dread, and a life that quite frankly sucks.

I have spent what seemed like a lifetime trying to do things, but do things from a totally different perspective.  I thought that if I worked hard enough, went through enough crap, and didn't give up, that eventually I would get to the place where I could say that I survived it all.  Problem was, that after each set-back or period of turmoil, there was another one right in front of me, and the process began again.  What I failed to do was realize that I never fully expected to be free from all this crap so I was just relegated to living a life full of crap.  If you understand what I am saying, then I can pretty much bet you have gone through the same scenario.  Here's the golden nugget:  you don't have to.

If you believe as I do that your creation was done so on purpose, then you must also realize that you have a purpose.  This purpose, this calling, your DESTINY, is why you are here.  You have been given an opportunity to be everything you ever wanted to be, and have a life that is free from the bonds that have wrapped up so many people in the past.  The only thing you have to do is figure out who you are.  As I have said so many times in the past, not the you that others think you are.  Not the you that you have been forced to become.  Not the you that simply goes through each day never knowing when calamity is going to find you.  The you I'm talking about is the perfect you.  The you that was created out of love, by love, and for love.

When ever I see people who are trying to navigate a difficult situation, I often wonder what is going through their mind.  Are they simply trying to overcome the situation?  Are they doing what they always did?  Do they realize that there is a simple answer to a question that has been made far more complicated then it needed to be?  You see, you have everything you need right now to walk in absolute victory.  It may not be the first thing that pops into your mind when you come face to face with a problem, but it should be.  The first thing you should do when faced with uncertainty, calamity, or just the trials of the day, is to offer up thanks to your creator for putting you here, and knowing that you are fully equipped to handle the task.  When you can come face to face with your Deity, your perfection, then you will never have to worry about what comes at you.  You are divine, and with this divinity comes power and ability not know to ordinary man.  However, if you understand your divinity then you are no ordinary person.

When you can grasp the God Presence in you, you will never again fear what has stopped so many people in the past.  When you can accept the God Presence in you, you will never ever doubt the perfection of your design, nor the power available to you to do remarkable, almost impossible things in your life.

Yes many times we have stumbled when faced with difficult roads, but determine to unleash the divine in your life.  Unleashing your true self will certainly lead you to beautiful destinations.  I know the ups and downs of life, and trust me, when you fully accept who and what you are, then the ups will always be front and center for you.  When you finally accept who you are, life will change.  When you finally accept what you are, life will change.  It is time to lay down the thoughts of the past, the conditioning of the past, and pick-up a new truth, your truth.  You can change the landscape of your life, and with this change you will see all the beautiful destinations waiting for you.  Determine that you will no longer fall prey to what was, but what is.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pay it forward.
Destiny is all about paying it forward.  Destiny is never what's in it for me, rather what's in it for those who can be touched by what I have to offer humanity.  I know there are plenty of people who think what a load of malarkey, but before you throw stones hear me out.

When I talk about what is best for humanity it's not because I want people to think what a righteous guy I am.  I want them to realize that there is more to life then what I can accumulate here on this planet.  Paying it forward is taking what is best for others and putting those needs ahead of your own.  That's not to say that what you need is unimportant, not in the slightest.  What I am saying is that if you will put your focus on what you can do for humanity, you will never have to worry about your needs being met.  Those that continually strive after what they need, always seem to need more and quite often never seem to be able to obtain those things they feel they need.

We live in a time where we are always being conditioned to look out for number one.  How many times have you heard that no-one cares about you and if anyone is going to take care of you, it has to be you?  How many times have you seen others simply jump out in front of others because what they are desiring has to be more important then what others desire?  A perfect example is the "Black Friday" sales during the holiday season.  It has gotten so bad, that most stores don't even take the holiday off, for fear that it would affect the bottom line of profits.  I've seen first hand the lines that begin to form.  The people who will cut in line, or do what ever they have to do to get those special deals, that if they can't get, means the end of mankind as we know it.  If you are hell bent on getting what you want in the sale, what else are we willing to do to get what we just have to have?

Now not everyone is like this, but lets face it, there are a lot of people out there who will never worry about the neighbor down the street, simply because they are more worried about themselves.  Paying it forward is simply being human, and following what should be natural to you.  What is natural? Well it should be displaying peace, joy, and happiness.  Problem comes in when you aren't experiencing peace, joy, and happiness in your own life.  It's awful hard to give away something that you don't process.  So I guess the next logical question is why aren't you experiencing peace, joy, and happiness?  I'm sure there are a million reasons why people have lost this in their life, and yet they seem to try to fill the void with stuff that really is only a band aid on a much bigger problem.

Until such time as we can put others ahead of ourselves, we will never fully walk in, or even understand our destiny.  I realize that this is so counter to what we have been taught all our lives, but just because you may not see the importance of being there for others, doesn't make it any less of a need.

How important is discovering and walking in your destiny to you?  Do you really want it, or are you comfortable just going about your day and letting what happens happen?  Now lots of people are OK will letting the cards fall where they may, but if that is you, then don't complain when things don't go according to your plans.

I was meeting with a dear friend the other night.  We were talking about my company and figuring out what our next step was.  I would tell her what my visions were, and she would tell me her visions.  She and I are so much alike in-as-much as we truly want this company to take care of those that are taking care of our vision.  This is so counter to what Corporate America has turned into, because Corporate America has forgotten the most important thing, and that is taking care of those who take care of you.  Say what you want, but most companies today are only paying lip service when they say they really want to be there for each employee.  They will be there for them, but only until it starts affecting the bottom line, and then watch all the support leave as quick as poop through a goose.

Paying it forward says you stick with it until the job is done, and you don't worry about the cost.  If you are doing right, then the cost is never going to be a factor because the revenue you need will always be there when you need it.  In the end, what you do for others is always going to be of greater significance then what you do for yourself.  In the end, I can assure you that what you have done for others will have a lasting impact on generations because they will also pay it forward and then the cycle will continue on for many years to come.  Your destiny is not just what happens today, but what will happen the next day, and the day after that.  When you are walking in your destiny you will be affecting lives that haven't even begun yet.  Walking in, and understanding your destiny, is the ultimate in paying it forward.  You think about that for a little while, and then let me know how that resonates with you.  I look forward to hearing about what comes next for you.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Life, life, life, oh how I've missed you.
Many people often miss out on some of the most important aspects of life because they are too busy going after the insignificant.  Others are so focused on what they desire for the future that they miss what is right in front of them in the here and now.  And just to make sure we don't leave anyone out, there are people who are so fixated on the things of the past that their todays and tomorrows are not even a thought.

If you want to change your life then maybe today is the day that you get some insight to what is really important, and what isn't important falls to the side, never to occupy your time again.  Now this isn't going to answer all your questions, but if we can answer just one, then you know there is hope; and tomorrow you just might attempt to answer another question and the same for the next day, and the next.

First off, what is life?  Is life simply going through the paces each day, never fully expecting things to change, or is it something we should fully embrace?  Believe it or not there are people out there who do not embrace life.  They meander through life taking what comes their way and they never so much as wonder why things are the way they are. Many people have just given up on living, and have relegated themselves to just be spectators.  This I tell you is madness.  Is it better to just sit back and let things happen, or is it more advantageous to get out there and make something happen?   I can answer that question for myself, but I can't answer it for you.

At a recent seminar that I hosted I laid a foundation for the group.  It is my premise that until such time as we understand the power and greatness we have within ourselves, it really doesn't matter what is going on around you.  If you are walking in anything other then your divinity, then you are going to be tossed about by every form of doctrine out there, and sooner or later you will just implode.  The bases for all life is to understand your origins, and to come to a full understanding of who and what you are.  Anything shy of this is going to place you at a disadvantage, and sooner or later you will simply just go through life and accept all that comes, or in some cases, doesn't come to you.

I believe in living life to the fullest.  When I go from this place the last thing I want to worry about is did I do all I could have done to be of benefit to humanity.  There are plenty of people out there who have never given thought to humanity.  Certainly they have given thought to themselves, but humanity never entered the picture.  I will say this again: destiny is never just about you, it is about humanity, and what your gifts and talents can do to better those around you.  If your focus is simply on you and what you can get because of your purpose or calling, I can assure you that you will never fully embrace, nor be made aware of your full destiny.

If your destiny is calling out to you right now, then you should also be looking at your life and realizing that there is much left to do, much more to experience, and so much more to learn.  There is never an age when we stop learning, and contrary to what some people think, learning is good.  Only those who think they know it all will push back on this concept.  Somehow, there are people who feel as though it is demeaning to have to admit that they don't have all the answers, or that there is anything that they don't know about.  I can assure you there is plenty I don't know about.  As passionate as I am about destiny, and helping others discover their own destiny, I have just scratched the surface of my knowledge.  Because I have just scratched the surface I am always open to new ideas from Spirit.  I wish I could take credit for all I write, but I can assure you I learn as much from my writing as anyone else.  I have committed to write what Spirit gives me, and I go back and read it after so I can gain insight.

You can change your life right now.  Instead of being the one who is always looking at life and wondering where it went, why not be the one who grabs life and runs with it. Let life take you as far as you're willing to go with it.  There is nothing worse then wondering where life went, and always feeling as though it has passed you by.  The only reason life will pass you by is because you were unwilling or unable to accept your destiny.  Ask yourself this simple question:  are you happy where you are at right now?  Be honest with yourself, but don't beat yourself up if the answer comes back to you that you need to make changes.  Change will only come when you become so uncomfortable in your current state, that change is the only alternative.  Changing to bring about your destiny is OK.

If you feel you have missed out on life, then today is a good day to change how you see things.  It is ok to want more out of life, especially if your current state is one of lack, fear, doubt, or unhappiness. Life is an adventure, and you need to want new adventures in your life if you are ever going to experience them.  If you have missed out on things don't sweat it.  Today is a new day, and with each new day comes newness of life.  You just make sure you make the most out of it.

Friday, April 10, 2015

To each his/her own.
The power to forgive is entirely up to the person who needs to forgive.  Whether it be forgiving a fault of others, an act against you, or simply forgiving yourself, you are the only one that can make the decision to do it.

Walking around with unforgiveness is nothing more then setting yourself up for even more pain and suffering, but this time brought about at your own hand.   I know first hand how difficult it can be to forgive someone, especially when you want to take your pound of flesh for whatever happened to you.  I also know that the only way to ever get past what might have happened is to turn the other cheek and allow Karma to do it's thing.

It's not always easy to forgive.  It's not always easy to look at the perpetrator and realize that something was going on that caused them to act in whatever fashion they chose to act.  You've all heard the saying that "men in glass houses should not throw stones."  So let me ask you this simple question:  are you completely faultless in your life?  Has there never been a time when you may have lashed out at someone because of anger?  Said something that ought not have been said?  Held that grudge simply because it brought you comfort or a little satisfaction?  Face it, we've all done these things, and we've all been in a position to need forgiveness from others. If you ever want to be forgiven for the things you have done, then isn't it only right that you choose to forgive those who have come against you?

I have found over the years that forgiveness comes much easier to those who have a solid foundation of knowledge as to who and what they are.  This comes about by taking the time to understand your divinity, your greatness, and your birth rights.  This may come as a shock to many, but living in a bubble, always wondering why bad things are happening to you, is nothing more then a lack of understanding of your true self.  In a recent seminar that I held I tried to lay a foundation for those in attendance that talked about knowing the real you.  Not the you that others depict you as, not the you that others expect you to be, but the you that was established the moment of your birth.  Until such time as you own your own uniqueness, my guess is you will have to deal with unforgiveness in your life.  Trust me, that is not a good thing.

When an individual can come to grips with their own power, their own beauty, and their own destiny, then I will tell you that offering and extending forgiveness is quite easy.  Holding on to a grudge is never going to change what has happened.  If you are unable to let go of things, then those things will control you until you die.  Forgiveness sets both you and the one who committed the deed free.

Are there things in your life right now that you have not found the ability to let go of?  I've heard stories of individuals who have been fighting for years and years, and after twenty of so years have forgotten what the transgression was that started the whole kerfuffle.  What a travesty to allow all those years go by simply because you were unable to look past it and extend to someone else the grace that you expect to be extended to you.  I've also known people who have picked up the offense of others.  I know how easy it is to have sympathy for others.  To see what has happened to them and want to lash out at the ones who had the nerve to treat them in such a fashion.  It's as if you want to fight their battles for them.  I guess you might say this is the honorable thing to do, but trust me it is the wrong thing to do.  Instead of picking up their offense, why not teach them who they are and provide them with the ability to get over the offense themselves.  There is such dynamic power that will come to you when you realize just how great and divine you are.  Those things that used to drive you nuts, no longer have a hold on you.  That being said, passing this knowledge on to others will also allow them to get past whatever might have happened to them.

You will only be able to forgive others to the degree that you are able to forgive yourself.  You will only be able to forgive yourself when you have a handle on who and what you are.  You will only get to know the real you when you are able to understand that you are indeed divine and your creation was meant to be.  It is time to drop the victim mentality and accept your greatness.   Once you are able to do that, then most of what used to drive you crazy will no longer have a hold on you.  You will be able to turn the other cheek and extend the grace and forgiveness to others that will ultimately change the face of this planet.

We each have to make the decision how we will handle different situations, but a word to the wise:  forgiveness is yours to give and extend, and when you can do that you will see things clearer then ever before, and you will walk freer then you have ever walked before.  It is up to you what you will do with this new ability to forgive, but maybe, just maybe you can help others do the same thing.  Forgiveness is key, and it is the key to you being the person you were always intended to be.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Which direction is right for you?
So you have begun your journey, and you have come to a crossroad.  What direction do you go in?  Which path do you take?  How is one to know the right way of going about your chosen endeavor?

All good questions, and let's see if we can't get you some answers today.  First things first:  whenever you are in a quandary as to what to do or where to go, it is always best to follow the leading of your heart.  I have said this so many times in the past, but I guess kicking a dead horse is called for from time to time.  Your heart is incapable of telling an untruth.  Whether you want to call it your heart, or intuition, or simply your "gut", more often then not, when we follow our heart, we come out fine.

Most people, when faced with a decision, will seek out advice from those closest to them.  Be it a family member, a friend, or other loved ones, people have come to rely on these people for council.  Now this can be of benefit to you or it can be a curse depending on how these people see your current situation, or how they tend to look at life.  If they are the type where the glass is always half full, well chances are they are going to motivate you to take the next step.  If on the other hand, the glass is half empty, well I might decide to keep my options to myself and not bring them in to help.

I have known people who have had great ideas, only to have these ideas squashed by others who themselves were stuck in their own journey, without the knowledge of how to get moving.  When push comes to shove, you are always going to have a better understanding of where you want to go, how you want to get there, and what it will take, so why give in to what others are saying to you?

I have been stuck before, and I reached out for advise from those I trusted and knew they had my best interest at heart.  Still, it has always come down to me making the decision what to do next, and until I was able to make the decision nothing else mattered.  We can go round Robinhood's barn a thousand times, but until you decide what to do, nothing else really can help you.

I've been in situations where people have offered me their best advice, and because there was so much coming at me, I couldn't figure out heads from tails.  Face it, it is always best to keep it simple, and not try to always reinvent the wheel.  When you are bombarded with all the options that people want to throw at you, it becomes harder and harder to decipher what is good for you and what is just a colossal waste of time.  Often you have to go through these periods of wasted energy to fully appreciate that you have all you need to make the right decisions.  I will tell you that the main reason most people can't make a decision is because they simply do not trust their intuition, their heart.  The reason people can't trust their heart is because they have never spent enough time communicating with it and don't recognize the heart's voice.  If this is you, then might I suggest you turn off all the outside distractions and simply sit still for a bit and listen.  You might be amazed at what you here, and all that stopped momentum might just get moving again.

So what is the right direction to go in?  It is always going to be the direction that brings you peace of mind.  I have made decisions in the past that never quite sat well with me, and would it surprise you to know that almost 100 percent of the time, the wrong decision was made.  Conversely when peace reigns supreme after a decision is made, you can pretty much bet the right decision was made.  It all comes back to your intuition, and time and time again it will be proved out.  When you can trust your intuition you can trust your decisions.  When there is peace, then you don't have to worry.

On any trip you might be on, very rarely are there zero deviations.  You might be heading out for a day trip with family and friends, have had the course all planned out, and as soon as you turn the corner you run into construction, detours, and then what?  Well you simply correct the course and continue on with where you were going.  You are never going to eliminate detours in your life, so you might as well get ready to change things up from time to time.  After all, isn't getting to your final destination really what counts.  There will be time when you will have to turn left instead of right, but somewhere down the road the opportunity will provide itself for you to get back on track.  A simple detour is not there to derail you, often it is there to keep you safe.

So here's the bottom line:  what ever direction you go in, you should find peace and contentment.  Peace that you are on the right path, and contentment that no matter what happens, you will always be able to get back on track.  Worry and doubt are never going to aid you on your journey.  I can bet you dimes to donuts that if you are focused on everything that can go wrong, then everything will eventually go wrong.  Trust your heart to lead you.  Move forward, and if you want to take it slow at first, no one should fault you for that.  Just don't go so slow that you miss opportunities that are up around the next corner.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Morning of a New Day.
It's a Monday morning, and all through the house, far too many people are simply going through the routine that comes with most Monday mornings: realizing that the weekend went by way to fast, and that they are looking at what is going to be a very long week, a very long week indeed.

I actually love Mondays because it means a new week of writing, a new week of adventure, and a new week to experience something that is sure to stretch me is some way.  I love Mondays because I never know what the week has in store for me, but this one thing I do know: whatever it is, it is for my benefit.

So here's a Gut Check:  how do you feel about Monday mornings?  Are you excited about the possibilities, or are you like so many others who just want the week to end, hopefully on a high note?  Please try to remember that each day brings with it newness of life.  You are now one day older then yesterday, and that means you have one less day remaining on this earth.  What will you do with a life that is one day shorter now?  I guess you can sit around wondering what the week will bring, or wonder when tragedy will befall you, but to me that is an awful waste of time.  I for one like to focus on all the things that I am going to be able to do this upcoming week.  Some of the stuff will be a repeat from previous weeks, but some of it is going to be completely new to me, and that excites me.

It is the morning of a new day and hopefully the main thought running through your mind is the enormity of what awaits you during the next twenty-four hours.  You see, you have a very important task to attend to.  You have been charged with something that only you can do, and no one else.  What is it you might be asking?  It is being the person you were created to be.  Being you is something that no one else can ever achieve, and being you is what the world needs today. Your authentic you, the you that has dreams, and visions, and the you that has been placed here for a reason.

I hear a comment so often when I talk to people about destiny, and the answer I give is almost always the same.  People will often say, "what if I don't know what my destiny is?"  My reply is, maybe it's time to find out.  Now I don't make that comment to come off as cute, or smug, or even a know-it-all. I make the comment because it is time to discover your purpose, your calling, your destiny.  Ask yourself this question:  are you tired of getting up each and every Monday morning, just hating the fact that it's Monday again?  This should pretty much clue you into the fact that something needs to change in your life.  Trust me, if you get up on enough Monday mornings feeling like this, it's only a matter of time before you go mad.

Life is such a journey of discovery, and discovering your purpose should be the first thing you think about each day you have the privilege of being here.  Too many people feel as though life has become such a burden, that it is no longer seen as a privilege, but rather a sentence.  The very saddest part of this is that it doesn't have to be this way.  You can have a life that is so full of joy and happiness simply by accepting certain truths, and then running with them.  Truth: you are divine.  Truth: you are whole and complete.  Truth:  you are perfection in motion.  Truth:  you are fully equipped to do those things you have in your heart to do.  Truth:  you have a destiny.

If you are unable to grasp these simple truths, then you are going to have a series of Mondays where you will wish the week were over already.  On the other side, when you begin to live in these truths, then I can assure you that Mondays will become one of your favorite days because you get to do those things that you love to do.  Now given the option to hate a Monday or love it, which one is more appealing to you?

Many people have become so disillusioned because they have had to repeat the same thing week after week, and there never seems to be an end to it.  Well of course things are going to seem this way when you have neglected to allow your passion to rule the day.  If someone is constantly pushing down their passion because it may not fit what they are currently doing, sooner of later something has to give.  Trust me, your true passion is never going to go away.  You might be able to mask it for sometime, but it will always come back to the surface, and then you are going to have to deal with it. It never ceases to amaze me when I talk with people and they feel as though there is no passion for anything in life.  The reason there is no passion is because you have allowed the cares of this world to rob you of your passion.  You have listened to those who know nothing about passion to rob you of the one thing that would truly make you happy.  Face it, if they rob you of your passion, what have they got to loose.  You on the other hand, if you loose your passion, what are you going to loose?

It is a new day, and a day of new beginnings.  Remind yourself of the truths of who and what you are.  Grab hold of the day and expect things to change.  You will only remain in the place you're at if you fail to grab hold of your own divine nature.  Discover what this life, your life, has for you and know that you are worthy of all the peace, joy, and happiness that life has to offer.  Now go take on today and live like there was no tomorrow.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Better safe then sorry: a warning or a cop out?

When you are told that it is better to be safe then sorry, what comes to mind immediately?  Most people would say that it is a cautionary statement.  Don't take risk, don't bet the farm, or don't do anything stupid.  Most of us have heard this statement most of our lives.  Whereas there is some merit to this statement, there is also a tendency to take it to an extreme, thereby stopping any forward momentum for fear that something, anything could go wrong.

We as humans have been conditioned to believe that only if things are one hundred percent assured, should we proceed with our plans, or with what we desire to do.  Once again, I can see some merit to this.  There are many people who will surge out in front of the rest of the crowd in an effort to get out in front and stay there.  I guess this is OK if you know the course, but what about those areas that you have no understanding of?  What happens when what you thought was going to be out there, is in fact not out there?  At this point you are kind of walking a tight rope without the benefit of a safety net.

Now I'm not here to say that we should never take chances.  We take chances each and everyday with things that we do, that to many people would seem routine. We get up in the morning, get ready for the day and head out of our homes to do whatever it is that we are supposed to do.  We don't give much thought to things that could go wrong, we simply go through our day as if it were as natural as can be.  We don't continuously think of what might happen.  What would happen if all of a sudden someone drives straight into your car on the way to work?  What would happen if while you are getting out of your car on one of those snowy frozen New England Days, you slip, brake an ankle, and can't get up?  If we take"Better safe then sorry" to an unhealthy level, then we might as well stay in bed, and never leave the comforts of home.

I'm not saying that there isn't some wisdom in being cautious.  What I'm saying is don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Don't allow some unnatural fear stop you from accomplishing the things you were intended to accomplish.  When we allow fear to dictate our actions, often there is inaction, and with that nothing ever gets accomplished.  Following your heart is always going to take you in the right direction, at the right time.  I allowed fear to stop me many times in the past.  I allowed "better safe then sorry" to curtail any movement, and once that happens all you have left is a bunch of "woe is me" moments.

Time and time again it can be proved out that simply taking a step in the direction you want to go will start a journey that is sure to be fulfilling.  There are no standards you have to meet when it comes to doing the things you desire to do.  How can there be a standard when you are the first to do something, and you have to be the first to do something, because you are the first one doing the things that you placed here to do.  No one else has your destiny, and no one else has been tasked with what you have been designed to do.  It would be different if others had an identical calling, but I can tell you right now that isn't the case.  There may be people who are trying similar things in life, but their background, their experiences are completely different then yours, so their activities are going to be different.  When we measure what we do against what others have done, we are simply asking for trouble.  Now I'm not saying we can't learn from others.  What I'm saying is that we can't mirror what others have done because our life is not a reflection of their life.

I truly believe that many people have used the excuse of "Better safe then sorry" to justify their own insecurities, almost as a justification for doing nothing.  I have been there, I've done that, and all it got me was a nervous stomach, a lot of frustration, and no where closer to walking in my destiny.  I often wonder what the world would be like if everyone alive was walking in their destiny.  How much better would the world be if this were happening right now?  If you were smack dab in the middle of your destiny, how much different would your life be then it is right now?  How often have you reminded yourself that it is better to be safe then sorry?

If you are ever going to step out fully in your destiny, and throw off the confines of others, then you just might want to forget about "better safe then sorry" and instead simply be you.  You already have what you need to be successful.  You already come fully equipped to take your place, a place that you were destined for since the beginning of time.  Might fear creep in from time to time?  Certainly, but fear will only grip you if you allow it.  The greatest opponent to fear is knowledge, and you should know by now who and what you are.  The main reason people fall prey to the being safe and not going after their desires is because they still don't believe in the vision or dream.  Oh they want to believe, but there is still a tiny element of doubt.  This doubt is locked within being better safe then sorry.  Get rid of the doubt, you get rid of the fear.  If you can rid yourself of fear, then there really isn't anything else that can stop you.

So now ask yourself this question:  is "better safe then sorry" a warning, or is it a big fat cop out?  I think you probably know the answer I'm going to give, but now you have to decide.  Stepping out in your destiny is why you are here.  Sitting back and waiting for things to be perfect is nothing more then being safe.  Situations may never be perfect for people to do the things they are supposed to do, but I can assure you that your calling is perfect, your creation was perfect, and because of that, your destiny is perfect for you.  Understanding this now, what possibly could stop you from taking your rightful place?  Stop waiting, and start doing.  You are ready to strike out, and there will always be people around who will be there for you, so there is no need to worry, no need to fret, and certainly there is no need to be better safe then sorry.  Now get out there is show the world who and what you are.  They need you, and you need them.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

When life collides with reality.
Our own thoughts are such a powerful force in our life.  Our thoughts have the ability to bring about all manner of things to us.  Some of those things are what we desire, and others are things we can't believe we are having to deal with.  It would be great if we could blame all the bad in our life on someone else, but the truth is, we are the designer of most of what takes place in our life.  This may not be what you want to hear  today, but I would be remiss if I didn't at least try to get you to see this reality.

No matter what life may be throwing at you there is a silver lining.  That silver lining is the ability to craft whatever life you desire simply by adjusting your thoughts, your words, and your feelings.  Now this may seem like a brash statement.  Of course the question arises, how do I control my thoughts, my words, and my feelings?  If everyone was able to control the thoughts that went through their mind on a daily basis we would see a far different landscape.  So let's delve into this and see where it takes us.

In the computer world there is a saying, "Garbage in, Garbage out."  Our mind is by far superior to any computer out there today.  The processes that the mind, the brain, can complete in a nanosecond are phenomenal.  We are so close to our own mind and brain that we don't often think about it in these terms, but trust me your mind is remarkable.  However, just for a moment, think about some of the stuff we allow into our mind on any given day.  And please, don't think I am trying to condemn any of the items I am about to list.  You are all adults and can decide what to do with your spare time, or what activities you are drawn to.  We have individuals that spend hour on top of hour each day with computer games.  Kill this, shoot at that, destroy this city, fire this rocket.  It seems that many in society are trying to escape the realities of life in something that will ultimately become their own reality.  We watch movies that show death and destruction.  We listen to music that calls for the death of police, the rape of women, and countless other subject matters that I won't dignify by writing it here.  If you are constantly placing this stuff in your mind, can you wonder why things might not be going as well as you might like?  As I said earlier I am not condemning anyone who spends time with these things.  You are all adults and you can make up your own mind, but suffice it to say, you might want to rethink the time you spend on these things.

When was the last time you simply sat down and thought about your greatness?  To the average person this exercise would border on the ludicrous.  Why is that?  Is it wrong to think about all the greatness that is in you?  Is it crazy to accept that your design is perfection, thereby making you perfect?  If you are unable to sense the greatness, then you have been sold a bill of goods by those around you who haven't the foggiest notion of why they are taking up space on this planet.  If you are constantly surrounded by the negative, what do you think is going to appear in your life?  If you want love, give love.  If you want joy, share joy.  If you want a life filled with negativity and discontent, then by all means continue to feed this into your life with the mindless stuff I had mentioned earlier.

Please don't misunderstand me: you have the right to do whatever you want.  But that means you don't have the right to get upset when things go wrong.  Just for a moment I want you to think about something that brings you joy.  It might be the smiles and laughs coming from your children.  It might be you having just completed a task that brings you tremendous satisfaction.  When you are in this moment, are you thinking about anything other then how good you are feeling?  I dare say that there isn't a bunch of fear, or doubt running around your mind in this moment.  These feelings and thoughts of joy and happiness will multiply and bring you more joy and happiness.  It is the Law of Sowing and Reaping.  It is the Law of Attraction.  If on the other hand you are feeding into your mind thoughts of doubt and fear, then guess what the results are going to be?

You have to realize the greatness in you, and you must, you absolutely most accept the fact that you are worthy of all good in life.  If you can't accept this, then you will forever be going after something that will always be one step ahead of you.  We have been conditioned by man to believe that life is nothing more then a series of unfortunate events that we must navigate day to day.  Those that live in lack, well that is just your plight in life.  To those who can't seem to get a leg up on life, well that is just what hand was dealt to you.  No, no, no!  This is man's concept, it certainly is not the way it was intended, and it certainly is not what you signed up for when you step into this existence.  You have to toss out the garbage that you have been fed all your life and begin to see things in truth.  Truth is you are good enough, you are worthy.  Believing anything else is just going to keep you bogged down in crap, and who wants that?

Let today be the day that you throw off the negativity of life, and put on a new cloak of joy and happiness.  Begin today by realizing that you are worthy of good.  Take hold of the thought that things will work out for your benefit and that the past is just that, the past.  We can learn from the past, but we certainly don't need to be trapped in it.  Allow your thoughts to be focused on the desires of your heart, and watch as those desires manifest in your life.  It may take some time to really get situated in your new thoughts, but pretty soon it will fit like a tailor made suit, and you will begin to walk around feeling and looking like a million bucks.

It is time to change up your thoughts, feel like there is nothing that can stop you, and talk as though what you desire most is already placed smack dab in the middle of your hands.  When you can do this, then there will be nothing that will ever take you back to the days of old when you felt like life had passed you by.  Think it, feel it, say it.  I guess that pretty much settles it.