Monday, December 28, 2015

In the still of the night.
In the still of the night is a place of quiet contemplation.  In the peaceful still of the night is an atmosphere of almost unlimited thoughts, dreams, and visions.  In this still place is a place where you can wander away, leaving the cares of this world behind, and seeing what should be, what could be, and if you're open to it, what will be.

As 2016 approaches most people are reflecting on the past year and wondering what the future has in store for them.  Will the next year be a repeat of the previous year, or will you for the first time experience all that life has to offer you, and realize "god I love my life"?  Many people will attempt to hold true to their New Year's resolutions, and like so many others will fall away from them early on into the new year.  Whether one is able to successfully adhere to all they put into place at 12:01 a.m., or allow them to fall to the wayside, there is still much to accomplish over the next twelve months.  We may have learned a few lessons over the past twelve months, but I can assure you there will be additional lessons to learn over the next year, and with that new found knowledge will come a freedom the likes you have never known.

I approach each new year with fond memories of the past, but with an excitement of what awaits me in the future.  I have set my intentions, I have aligned my words to those intentions, and I have in me a knowing that what I can imagine, what I can dream, and what I can envision, I can have, and I can have all of it.  I challenge each of you to set your intentions for the next year, and begin to believe that what you desire most will in fact come your way.

I was meeting with my core group of trusted advisers just before the holidays and we were discussing what we expected to come into place over the next twelve months.  With each word that was spoken the excitement began to build, and as the excitement was building so too were our expectations, because we knew that what we desired most was in fact going to be happening to us and for us over the next year.  I encourage each of you to forget about the past for a moment and imagine a future where all of your dreams come true.  If you can imagine it, you can have it!

When I look back on 2015 I will tell you that most of what I was thinking about a year ago, seems to have gotten lost in a fog.  What I mean is that my year was so much better then I had first hoped, and because of that, I have simply let go of what could have been, and grasped onto what is.  If we continue to wonder about what could have been, you will miss what is right under your nose, and then you will miss out on what is meant for you right now.

I am asked by so many different people what I see in the Spirit Realm for the upcoming year, and as much as I would love to say I see it all, my response to them is "What do you see?"  It really doesn't matter what I tell you, what matters is what you are believing for, what you are able to imagine, and more importantly what you are willing to accept.  2016 can be your breakout year, but only if you are willing and able to breakout from the past, and begin to hold fast to your dreams, to your visions, and to what you hold most dear.  It is only when we let go of those dreams and visions that life takes a turn, and often that turn is down a dark, dreary road, that leads to nowhere.

So here is my simple guidance for you for the upcoming year: dream it, imagine it, believe it, and then own it.  It doesn't matter what you want, what matters is that you hold it tightly and not let go of it. Society may think you nuts, family may think you nuts, and those closest to you may think you're nuts, but hold true to your dreams and visions.  Forget about regrets of those things that may not have come about for you in 2015.  Trust me, they may not have been there for you because the time was not right.  Everything happens for a reason, and everything that needs to happen will happen in the perfection of life.  This is where faith and believing come in, and this is where most of us are tested on a daily basis.  It's easy to think we have missed the mark, or that we have missed certain opportunities in life, but you haven't missed anything.  What you have experienced are life's lessons, and those lessons will be invaluable in the future for you.

As we approach 2016 begin by dreaming, and when I say dream, I mean dream big.  The old adage is "in for a penny, in for a pound."  If you're going to dream, why not dream big.  Face it, what have you got to loose? If you will allow yourself to let go of your imagination, and what I mean by that is give it a chance to work its magic, free it up, then you will see things fall into place.  The freedom to dream, the freedom to imagine things, is your birth right.  Don't do what so many before you have done and either give up on their dreams and visions, or simply discount them entirely.

So we are ending this year in just a few days, are you excited because 2015 was great, or simply excited to get it behind you?  Think about your answer, and then imagine next year, and how great it will be.  Imagination is step number one, followed by the dreams and visions for the upcoming year, and then comes the celebration when all you desire comes to you in all of its glory.  Don't allow others to take away your hopes and dreams.  Hold them close in your heart, and soon, very, very soon, you will begin to see things as they should be, and then you will control what happens next.  Happy New Year, and here is to the many blessings that will find you, and to the many blessings you will share with others during the next year.

Monday, December 21, 2015

It's never too late!
"Like sands through an hourglass, these are the days of our lives."  OK, I know a little over dramatic, but maybe you will indulge me today as this is a magical time of year, and one never knows what may happen.

I've watched over the years as people, seemingly good, loving, and often well meaning people, gave up on their own dreams and hopes.  I've seen life being sucked right out of these people, and in the end, they were merely a shell of what they were supposed to be.  There are many reasons for this happening, but would you believe me if I told you that in each case, it was avoidable?  I'm not saying that certain things would still not have happened, but the end results would have been quite different had these people simply come to an understanding of destiny, and just how important destiny should be to each and every person.

You know it really is never too late to accept your destiny, walk in your destiny, and ultimately change the face of humanity.  Humanity is not the sum total of it's parts, humanity is each individual part, and maybe just maybe you were intended to reach a part of humanity with your gifts and talents.  Touching a life is what destiny is about, and that one life that you touch, the person you simply smile at one morning on your way to work, needs what you have just like you need what they have.

We've entered Christmas week, and with each event we attend, with each party we stop by, and with each card that we open, there is a special feeling of "Peace on earth, goodwill toward men." Sadly, there are many people who find the Christmas season anything but Jolly, and others who would give anything just to hide up somewhere until it was over.  We hear reports from those in the know that depression rises during the holiday season.  This depression could be the by-product of a workplace who only cares about the bottom line.  This depression could come as a result of a loss of a loved one, and memories that seem to fade over time.  What ever the reason, depression is real, and maybe we should reach out to those who suffer and offer them a little peace, a little goodwill, and maybe just a shoulder to cry on.  We are our brother's keeper, and we should reach out to all people and provide them what they need, love, even if they refuse to admit it.

Oh my dear friends, believe me when I tell you that it's never too late to embrace your destiny.  It may come to you in the twilight of your years, but it will come when the time is right, and when you are ready to accept it.  The greatest gift we can give to one another is the gift of understanding and love.  It is the gift of ourselves, and offering what we have, who we are, to others who are in desperate need of finding the true meaning of life.  Life is not simply about working hard, putting money away for a rainy day, or leaving a legacy for others to ponder.  Life is transferring to others the special way you have of being you.  The way you look at things and always see good.  The way you love others because love is what binds all things together.  The way you go about your day overjoyed because you are so blessed having the opportunity to experience destiny.  These are the gifts that should be shared during this time of year, in the hopes that the sharing will continue throughout the entire year.

I am a writer, a motivator, a person who attempts to see the good in all people, and a person who desires that all would walk in their destiny.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not contemplate destiny, and try to bring the message of destiny to at least one person.  It may seem corny, but that is who I am, and that is what I have been charged to do in this life.  Maybe it's time that you discover what your purpose is, and begin to walk in that purpose.  My passion is helping others discover their own passion.  Certainly there are days when I question my existence, but that is because I just like everyone else on this planet are bombarded with the cares of this world.  There are struggles that each of us will have to contend with, but with each struggle comes clarity of purpose, as purpose is why you are here.

Yes the sand in the hourglass will continue to pass, and with each grain of sand that passes through is a moment that you will never get back.  How wonderful would life be if each moment was spent doing what you love most, and creating for yourself memories of how great life is?

It's never too late to accept your destiny.  It's never too late to become the person you were intended to be.  It's never too late to grab life by the horns and make the most out of the time you have left.  Take a moment today and ask yourself who am I?  There is greatness in every person, but this greatness begins with your own understanding of why you are here, and what you were sent here to do.  You are an amazing creature, and you have within yourself all that you need to discover and walk out your destiny.  My Christmas wish is that you begin to accept your perfection, share your dreams and visions, and be you.  The world needs each of us, and each of us makes up the world.  Merry Christmas to each of you, and may the spirit of this season grown into something very special for you.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The richness of life; have you tasted of it lately?
Oh we have hit that joyous season where peace on earth goodwill toward men is front and center with everything we do each day.  What's that?  You aren't seeing it?  You aren't feeling it? Wow, well maybe I could be wrong, but isn't this what the holiday season is supposed to do for each of us?

Let's face it, there are many people who have issues with the holidays.  There is so much pressure to keep up with what everyone else is doing, what everyone else is planning to do, or what others desires to do.  There are the countless parties to attend, the family gatherings, the this, the that.  This joyous time of year is anything but joyous.  So how do we get it back, how do we begin to enjoy the richness of life, and how in god's name do we get through the next twenty or thirty day?

Let's begin our discussion with one simple fact: you are amazing just the way you are.  With all your faults, with all your missteps, with all your "Screw this" moments, you are still unique, beautiful, and so very much one of a kind.  Stepping out into the richness of life is as simple as coming to realize that all that is in front of you, all that is now behind you, and all that you may be experiencing today, is there for you.  It has shaped and molded you into the perfection that you are.  Yes there are times when things may really suck, but those times also help us to grow, and growth is what each of us should desire each and every day of our existence.

The richness of life is knowing that no matter what you may be going through, there is hope for tomorrow, and with that hope comes peace, and with peace comes comfort.  Maybe my approach to life is simple minded, some might even call it bizarre, but my approach helps me to realize that no matter what is staring you down, it can't keep you down.  What's my approach?  I accept me.  I love me.  I know that only I can do what I was created to do.  This is not some elitist thing.  It is simply realizing the perfection of my design, the perfection of me being alive right now, and the perfection of the dreams and visions that I hold.

Being rich doesn't have to be measured by belongings.  It's not sizing up the castle over the next hill and wondering if yours is bigger.  Being rich is not having all the money you need to do anything you desire to do.  Being rich, experiencing the richness of life is as simple as stepping out into the night, looking up at the star lit canvas above you and knowing that you are as splendid as any of the stars above your head.  Richness is accepting all that you are, so that you can do all that you dream.  Richness is walking in your destiny, and knowing that your destiny is why you are here in the first place.

Let's face it, there are so many people today who can't understand riches, because they have allowed man's conditioning to dictate what is expected, what is warranted, or even who is worthy of such and such.  Every person on the face of the earth deserves to discover and walk in their destiny.  Destiny is not a respecter of people.  If one can walk in their destiny, all can walk in their destiny.  I've had people try to get me to change my stance on this, but I can't.  Just because you haven't discovered your destiny doesn't mean you don't have one.  Simply because you have not begun to walk in your destiny, doesn't mean you won't ever.

The richness of life is right there in front of you, all you have to do is pick it up, accept it as yours, and then take ownership of all that comes with it.  If you feel mired down in the demands of others, if you feel trapped by the expectations of others, if you simply need to feel different then you do right now, then begin by accepting you.  Begin by loving yourself, and come to point where you can see that all that you desire will indeed come to pass.

This time of years brings many things to the forefront:  insecurities, feelings of lack, thoughts of loneliness, and moments of sadness.  It's time to change all that, and in doing so, help others to get out of the holiday trap.  It is time to begin to taste the richness of life, and help others partake of this feast as well.  Each life is amazing, and amazing things should come from each life.  Life span is not what measures a life.  What measures a life is the way you live yours.  What measures a life is your ability to be you, just you.  Let this holiday season be the one that you step out into your new world.  This new world of richness will be like no other, and then you will never be the same.

If you want something to put on your "Grown up Christmas List" let it be accepting the richness of life, and finally coming to terms with your significance to the rest of humanity.  You are not here just to take up space, you are here to change the face of the world, even if you have to do it one person at a time.  Riches are here for you, but only if you are willing to accept them.  My advice, accept them!