Sunday, September 26, 2021

When you come to a cliff, it's time to choose."
 How's it feel when you're out on the ledge?  Some might find it invigorating, other's are scared to death, while some just might begin to think about things out of necessity.  Each of us have metaphorically found ourselves looking over the cliff at least once in our life, and maybe not knowing what to do next.  To me, being on a cliff is nothing more than an opportunity to think, to reflect, and believe it or not, to dream.  There are so many negative connotations when one thinks about being on a cliff.  What I'd like to do today is lay the axe to the root of fear.  What I want to share with you today is nothing more then my thoughts on just what being on the cliff should entail, and what options you have if you find yourself facing what may seem like an impossible situation.

Let's begin by first saying that everything in life is happening because we basically put it all into motion.  The good, the bad, the ugly, it all came from us.  As hard as the may be to hear, we need to realize that we are creators, and as such we create everything we experience, everything we go through, and everything we will go through.  Now I don't say this to be a "Debbie Downer", far from it.  I say this to make you aware of your great abilities, and how you must realize that to those who much is given much is required.  So what is required?  You are required to understand your power, and in that power whether you realize it or not, you do create.  There's that word again, create.  I'm beginning to see a pattern.  Now I'm not trying to be flippant.  What I want you to see is that you can't play around with this great power that you have, even if you are not fully aware of said power yet.

It's not easy to be on the precipice and wonder what direction to turn.  Too many people will simply turn around and go back to where they came from.  Conversely, how many people do you know who would throw caution to the wind and simply take a leap of faith?  Now I will tell you that I am not fond of heights.  Get me on a ladder or on the roof of a house, and I'm simply uncomfortable.  I'll go up a ladder, but it's not what I would call my natural habitat.  I think most people have a natural fear of falling.  We as humans, at least most humans. have a survival instinct.  Some will call it flee or fight, some will call it, well, whatever they want to call it, but suffice it to say we want to live on.  Yes there are those who because of situations that they are facing feel like quitting, giving up.  Some have had such a horrendous life that coming to the end may seem like a respite.  

I've been to the cliff's edge many times in my life.  There have been times when I didn't want to turn around, as I was tired of the fight, and at the same time I didn't have the strength, nor the faith to believe I could take a leap of faith.  Being alone, being weary is like being on the edge, you look around and you just can't see a lot of options.  Do you remember the Indian Jones Movie when he was looking for the Holy Grail?  He came to the precipice and he had to decide, take the leap, or fail in his mission.  When he took the step he actually was on a stone bridge, the illusion was simply that, an illusion.  He didn't see safety, he didn't see success.  When we are at the precipice, we need only see, feel, and speak success.  Now I will readily admit I don't always see success when faced with a challenge.  Believe it or not I am human, and I'm just a prone to human emotion, human frailty as anyone else.  What I had to learned to do is step back, take a deep breath, and simply remember that I was in fact perfect in my design, perfect in my timing, and perfectly situated to have all the blessings of life.  Blessings didn't have to find me, I simply had to accept them as already being there.

I was given the title to my next book a few weeks ago.  I always know it's time to write another book when I get the title, and then the chapters come rolling in.  I will start the process in the next few days, and then I will write the book, one chapter a day at least, until it's finished.  I bring this up because I want you to understand that timing is everything, and if you will simply look for the signs, listen for the clues, you will always know what to do, and when to do it.  I like so many have had struggles over the last eighteen months.  Durning these last few months I have had a peace about me, a peace that reminds me that I am that I am, and that I need not worry about things.  I've walked up to the cliffs edge, and yes I've been forced to ask the question what do I do now?  Believe it or not the view from the precipice is not always something to fear, but rather to grab hold of.  The view from the cliff's edge is an opportunity to do something different.

Stepping out into your destiny is what is in front of you right now, even if it feels like when you take that leap of faith there is absolutely nothing there to stop the fall.  Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things yet to be seen.  We need faith, and even when faith seems like a fleeting thing, it is still very much present in your life.  When you lay down at night for a sound slumber, rarely is there any doubt that you will not be up and about tomorrow doing your thing.  This is the faith that needs to be displayed no matter what you may be facing.  I'm talking just as much to me as I am talking to you.  I need to b reminded daily of who I am.  I need to remind myself of what I am.  When I, or when you come to the edge all we have is our faith.  Faith to live, faith to do, faith to believe in. When we approach the edge we can choose to see beauty, or we can choose to see nothing but fear, nothing but doubt, and nothing but failure.  I choose beauty over fear.  

We will all come to the edge at some point in time.  How you proceed from this place is entirely up to you.  I can't make you take the next step, but I can surely encourage you to extend your faith.  I can't take the leap for you, but I can surely remind you that faith without action isn't really faith, it is simply a wish.  It is time to challenge yourself and fear not.  The task may look impossible, but impossible is nothing more than doubt.  You would never have been given the task if you did not have what it takes to complete the task.  You are fully equipped to handle all that comes your way.  You are fully equipped to walk in your destiny.  You are fully equipped to look out over the cliff and see beauty, to feel joy, and to know that all is as it should be.  Fear not, and know that you are more than enough.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Spread your wings and fly."
Every now and again we need to be reminded again of a few very important facts when it comes to our own development. These facts, at least what I perceive as facts, some may argue of course, but these facts are so fundamental to all of us, that I want to take just a few moments today to remind you of them.  

First, and probably the most important fact is that you are spirit.  Yes we inhabit a mortal body, but that is only temporary.  Your spirit, your true essence, is eternal, infinite, never ending, always has been and always will be.  Without regard to what your age is, whether when you were two years olds, or fourteen, or even sixty-four, your spirit has never, and will never change.  Your spirit is perfection in its design, in its operation, and it is the only thing that will never change.  Secondly, and almost on par with fact number one, you are a product of creation, and since you sprung from creation, you were always intended to create.  These two facts are ones that not everyone will be able to grasp, and in that failure to grasp and understand, numerous people are left feeling alone, incapable of achieving anything, and living a life of "if only I could..."  It should never be if you can do something, it should always be I can, I am, or even I have.  Many people will take the stand of "I will", but in truth, "I will"  only means maybe.  I know it may seem like splitting hairs, but thinking I will is not the same as "I am" or even "it is so".  

I've struggled with finances my entire life.  I've tried to figure out what this stemmed from, and to be honest, I'm still trying to figure it out.  We can walk around feeling that we have victory in an area of our life, but that victory is short lived each time we are challenged with something.  Walking in spirit, walking in truth, is in fact, a continuous process, and just because you do it once doesn't mean you never have to do it again.  No matter what your struggles may be, and everyone has them whether they want to admit it or not, but no matter what your struggles may be, if one can hold true to facts one and two, you will find that those struggles become things of the past.

Fact number three, and this I will take from a story from the late Dr. Wayne Dyer.  There is a Head of State (HOS) who is meeting with another Head of State.  During this meeting one of his aids runs into the meeting with absolute chaos written all over her face.  The HOS calmly reminds this young lady of Rule Number Six, and with that she quietly walks back out of the office, with what could only be described as a huge sigh of relief.  Moments later another individual comes screaming in with similar facial expressions, only to be reminded of Rule Six yet again.  As chance would have it this event happens a third time, with the same response from the HOS.  By the third time the other HOS is absolutely floored. He's observed three panic stricken individuals change or morph into peace and solitude just by being reminded of Rule Number Six.  Obviously HOS number two has got to find out what is going on so he asks the simple question, what in hell is Rule Number Six?  The Head of State quietly responds "Rule Six, Don't take yourself so damn seriously."  Curious, the second HOS asked what the other rules are, and he is told, there aren't any others.  When we take life so seriously we loose our ability to dream, to feel, to walk free from other expectations that others have placed on us.  When we take life to seriously we loose that childlike faith we were born with.  Life is full of illusions, most if not all, are made up.  Your reality, your truth needs to come from an understanding of who and what you are, and as this is what is changeless in your life.

When we are born we are like the caterpillar.  We have some learning to do, some growing, some changing, but our essence will not change once we morph into the glorious butterfly.  If I could have one super power it would be the power of flight.  How different is it from crawling around to having the freedom of flight.  Once you have accepted your true self, once you understand the significance of your being, then and only then will you be able to spread your wings and truly fly.  

To create, is to believe in your ability to create.  If all you do is respond after the fact, you will always find yourself questioning why this or that is going on.  When you stand in your magnificence you are then spreading your wings, and maybe for the very first time.  I cannot stress enough the importance of knowing.  Oh sure we can regurgitate fact after fact. We can claim one thing or another. We can hope til the cows come home, but until such time as you know that you know, that you know, it is basically  meaningless.  I could write volume after volume of words describing this to you.  People could scream the same stuff from the rooftops, but only you can take this information and make it real in your life.  

There is one other fact I want to touch upon today, and it might seem simple, but it is one that when taken to heart can help you achieve your butterfly status, and thus begin to fly free from the bonds of this world.  This last fact is this:  be yourself.  You were designed with only you in mind.  You are not meant to be like anyone else.  You don't have to act one way, and feel another, simply to fit in. Your uniqueness is what makes you so special, so incredibly special.  We are each an impressive creation.  Our talents are unlimited, and our destiny is right in front of us.  One must choose to stay above the fray.  One must choose to accept your greatness, your beauty, your individuality.  Remember, you already "are".  You don't have to get there, you already are there.  Your completion has always been here.  When you're feeling like "someday", or "maybe when", or even "I hope so", remember that you have always been, and will always be.  You are never ending, you are spirit.  If we can choose to live in the eternal, and simply the temporal, a lot of things begin to make a lot more sense.  

It's time to spread those wings and fly.  It's time to accept all that you were created for.  Trust me when I say this:  life is grand, but only because you are grand.  Step out into your greatness, and enjoy the flight.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

When in the course of human events...."
Let me assure you that today's blog is not going to be a political commentary, as I avoid conflict whenever possible, LOL. No, today I simply want to talk about liberty.  I want to encourage you to step out and recognize that you are worthy of all good things, and that without regard to what might be going on around each of us, we are still Independent, still able to dictate what happens to us, and most importantly, walk in a manner that was preordained.  How's that for a run- on sentence?

There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that most everyone has been challenged in one fashion or another the last few months, heck, maybe even the last few years.  We have seen turmoil in the streets, upheaval in our lives, and sadly many have experienced loss on a scale almost unimaginable.  It is in these times where many will question humanity.  People will question what is real, and our  belief system is tested almost daily.  Faith it seems for some isn't even enough to sustain them.  I won't embarrass myself by claiming I know it all, or even that I know what one is feeling or thinking.  We all experience different things, and we each travel on different roads.  What I do know is this, we have been equipped to handle everything that might be thrown at us, even if we doubt it from time to time.

I've been reading a book, or should I say re-reading a book by U.S. Anderson.  It's premise is that we are so much more than mere mortals. In fact, we were created to create, as I have been saying for years, and we need to accept our divine nature.  If you look at the term independent, the word liberty, at its core it simply means free.  We were never intended to be in bondage to what others think, what others say, or what others expect of us.  Conversely that also means that you're not entitled to demand things from others that you don't expect for yourselves.  I've really been thinking about struggles over the last few months.  Now I, like most other people, struggle with things daily.  Now my struggles may seem simple to some, while what I go through may seem monumental to me.  I guess it all depends on where you are, and what you are going through.  Struggles are not always something that spells doom and gloom, often a struggle is simply not knowing what direction to turn, or what to do next.  We can and do make things bigger and worse then they need to be from time to time, but I guess that's human nature, even if that nature is contrary to what God intended for us.  

They say that freedom is not always free, that it comes with a price, a cost.  The cost of freedom is always dependent on you to be perfectly honest.  You either choose to be free or you choose to be in bondage.  I guess that leads me to question what is bondage.  Bondage is when you feel you are locked into another's perception.  Bondage is when you feel as you have no recourse, no choice, no escape from the things going on around you.  The truth of the matter is that you always have a choice.  You can choose to be who you were created to be, or you can choose to fit someone else's idea of who you are.  What do you think is the best idea.  For me I choose to be me.  I choose to walk in my destiny.  Now walking in one's destiny doesn't mean we are never going to be challenged.  We all know that challenges come and go.  Walking in your destiny is simply knowing, it is believing that you have a purpose.  Destiny is destiny, and the sooner you realize you have a destiny, the sooner you can laugh at bondage, slap away fear, and walk in what some call victory.  

When in the course of human events you find yourself doubting, feel as though the whole world is against you, remember this one salient fact, you are divine.  You are "I am that I am."  The power you have to create is infinite, and once you discover this, once you begin to live it, if you haven't already, then you will be living an independent, liberated life.  There are laws that we are required to follow, laws created by man.  We follow them because we have been taught to follow them.  So why don't we all follow the laws of the one being that created us?  Why have we forgotten that we superior to the angels?  Why do we feel like we have no power, no escape, no options?  We have abdicated our rightful position, and instead accepted servitude, enslavement to what others deem is our course in life.  Well today I want you to declare you independence from what others expect, what they tend to demand.  I want you to be liberated from the shame others have placed on you for your daring to be the real you.  The real you is what the world needs, and quite frankly the real you is what the world fears.  When I say world I mean that portion who will do what they are told, and never deviate from what is expected of them. 

It's easy to be an armchair quarterback.  (I only bring that up as this is Week One of the new NFL season.)  
 But I digress.  We need to focus on us, and not on others.  What others do is predicated on what they are going through.  What you do more often than not is going to be completely different, but that does not make it right or wrong.  Independent thought, liberated action is individual, and never meant to be one size fits all.  We are all as different and diverse as each individual snow flake.  We do not have to fit the mold, for as we have been taught since the beginning of time, when we were created they in fact did break the mold.  No one is ever gong to be you, and you need not be anyone else.  Accept your differences, and walk with pride knowing that you are you.  

We live in difficult times, but there is no need to make them more difficult by not accepting your greatness, your individuality, your unique being.  We all need to be reminded from time to time what is important, and now is that time.  Take time today to remind yourself of your dreams, your passion.  If all you do is accept the calling, trust me when I say that doors will open for you so you can walk in those dreams and in those passions.  I know the beauty of life, and my desire is that each of you know it as well.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

We Believe!! At least you should.
 The Summer is fast coming to an end, fall is right around the corner, and my hiatus has come to a close. Now I sit back and do what I love most, and that's letting you know all the thoughts that are going through my mind, and hoping against hope that these thoughts bring you some clarity, some comfort, and most of all some rest.

Like most things over the last 18 to 24 months, we are experiencing some pretty wild and bizarre events.  We have faced adversity, looked fear right in the face, and often have wondered just what in tarnation is going on right now.  What we have been going through is no different than what others have gone through for generations.  The big difference is that we are going through it, and not just reading about it in a history book.  What I want to do this morning, this first Sunday in September is set you free from expectations.  What I want to do is bring you a little comfort, and let you know that what is about to take place needs to take place, and once we are through it, well let's jut say things are going to be just a tad bit different.  Let's get started.

As the picture in today's blog states, "Each Day is a New Beginning." New beginnings should bring you joy, it should bring you comfort, and most of all it should let you know that you are at the right place at the right time.  I have said this before and want to reiterate that there are no mistakes when it comes to the Universe, and you being here right now, going through the things you are going through is no mistake.  We all believe in something.  Some people believe that everything has a purpose.  Others believe that thing are never going to work out, that there will always be things to struggle with, and that life just isn't worth living.  No matter what side of the equation you fall on, believing is what brings about events in life.  What I want you to think about is all the things you think about.  If your focus is on those things that bring joy, well my guess is that you will experience joy.  If on the other hand all you can see is doom and gloom, well you most likely will have a difficult time with things.  The choice is always going to be yours to make, and the sooner you opt for joy over gloom the sooner you can live the life you were always intended to live.

I want to say something here, and I hope and pray that you will take it to heart.  Hardly a day goes by that we aren't challenged in some fashion.  We are challenged by the situations we face.  We are challenged by the thoughts we have.  We are challenged by what has happened to us in the past, and now we face the same situation again.  It's easy to live when joy surrounds us, but when challenges come we tend to loose heart, feel down, and generally forget that each day is a new beginning.  The first Sunday in September is my starting point for the next nine months.  It is my starting point where I get to bring you my thoughts, my hopes, my desires.  I may look back at my time away from each of you, but my focus is certainly on what lies ahead of us.  As such, I want to encourage you to forget about what you perceive as a challenge and instead look upon all things as opportunities.  We are stepping into an Energy Shift.  We are walking into an Awakening.  We are going to emerge, and when we do, we are going to be different, stronger, wiser, and ever so much more joyous.  How can I say this?  I can say this because I know that I know, that I know what we were created for.  

I want to paint a word picture for you, and I want you to think about it.  Most everyone has blown up a ballon in their life at one time or another.  While doing it there was a wonder of just how big you could blow it up before it would pop.  As the balloon got bigger and bigger you would blow a little more air into it, stop, look, and almost close an eye out of a fear that it was going to pop.  The question was just how much more could you blow into it?  How much more could it take, and did you dare to blow one more breath into it?  Well our life is no different.  Are you going to take one more step, not fully knowing where it is going to lead you, even though there might be a little fear of it "popping"?  Are you going to move forward with your dreams not always feeling confidence?  Let's face it, confidence is not always easy, especially when it is coupled with uncertainty.  

I had two really significant conversations over the last couple weeks.  Both of these conversations opened my eyes to a newness let's say.  The first conversation was with my closest friend.  She said something that  has changed my life.  It all surrounded accepting what God's plan was, and accepting said plan.  It all meant being willing to step out and know that I was willing to do whatever was ordained for me.  I had to accept the blessings of God, the perfection of plans, and the beauty of walking in God's plan.  Most importantly, I had to ask, and in asking also believe.  The second conversation was with my twin brother.  His daughter has called in a panic because her dog Dodger has gotten away from her, as he was startled with some fireworks that had been set off.  To make a long story short my brother and his wife drove from Ft Worth to Dallas to help find Dodger. Now this little tike is so cute, so loving, and the thought of him being lost forever was heart wrenching.  My brother and his wife believe in prayer.  At approximately 1:30 in the morning he simply asked God for a Dodger miracle.  Bring him back, and bring him back safely.  Well God is good, and literally with in a matter of seconds there was Dodger walking down the street where he had previously been scared away from.  Was he supernaturally brought back there?  Who knows, all I know is that this is what my brother now calls a "Dodger Miracle."  Well today I want you to do both things for me.  I want you to accept the best God has for you, and say that you will step out into it. That you want God's best for you.  You may think it, but there is nothing like speaking it out loud.  Secondly, accept your "Dodger Miracle."  There is no difference between retrieving a little dog, and manifesting riches.  The only difference is your believing.

Each day is a new beginning.  Each day brings you a choice: do I believe, or do I doubt.  We believe in all kinds of things, but there are many things that we  believe in that simply are not real, only perceived.  Believe in what is real.  Hold fast to what is in your heart.  I want you to prepare yourself for what is about to come forward in your life.  When you experience joy, it makes you want more joy.  Today you can start with a small amount, and expect more tomorrow, and even more the next day.  Walk in these new beginnings, and believe that your best days are just now starting.