Monday, February 29, 2016

One life to live.
No matter what your belief system may be, whether you believe in past life, eternal life, life in the hereafter, what you have in front of you right now is the life you are living.  Nothing is going to change the simple fact that you are here for a reason.  Nothing is going to change the simple fact that there are things that need to be done, and they need to be done by you.

When you look at life, and let's face it sooner or later everyone does, often people take a hard look at their life and begin to wonder if they have done it all.  Have they climbed the peak and reached the summit?  Have they navigated life to the best of their ability, and have they completed all that they desire and dream?  You wouldn't be normal if you haven't asked these questions, or at least thought about them.  What I want to motivate you to do today is to accept the fact that you have but one life to live, and if it's worth doing it's worth doing right, so live it to the fullest.

You have the perfect opportunity to make your life perfect.  You get to be and do almost anything you want, but you have to ask yourself do you really want it?  It's not good enough that others may want it for you, you have to want it for you.  You have to know at the deepest part of your being what will bring you happiness, what will bring you contentment, and what it is you were sent here to do.  Until such time as you grab on to your destiny, you will be leaving the pages of your story blank, or worse yet, allow others to write it for you.

I know what it's like to be out of place, to be doing something that just doesn't fit you, but at the same time you can't imagine being able to do what you really love to do.  I understand the agony of desire and wondering if that desire is ever going to blossom into something real, something tangible, into a life that stories are written about.  I want to encourage you to set aside all the baggage you may be carrying around with you and for a moment just be still and quiet and ask yourself this: am I happy?  Ask yourself am I doing what I love to do, what I've always wanted to do, and quite frankly what I've always known I should be doing?  Sometimes simply asking yourself the question is enough of an earth shaker to get things moving in the right direction.

We've all put together a Bucket List, but how many people have actually taken steps to complete some of those things listed?  It's one thing to write it down, but to complete each one is an entirely different story.  Why in the world would you desire to do something, think about it, dream about it, and yet still never do anything to do it?  What sane person desires to desire only to sit back and wonder why life has been sucked out of you and you haven't taken a single step toward those things that would truly bring you happiness?

Many people are on a treadmill that keeps going and going, but they never seem to get anywhere.  Lots of people have dreams and desires but they never manage to believe that they can have those things they desire most.  I've been there and I will tell you that simply existing at life is no life at all.  Until such time as you can begin to be the person you were intended to be, do those things that you were intended to do, you will always wonder what is missing.  What is missing is nothing more then you being brave enough to admit what you want, go after those things that you want, and never allow others to tell you that what you want you can't have.

There is no dream so big that you can't have it.  There is no desire that is so strong that you can't go after it.  We are only limited to the degree that we allow others to control our dreams and desires.  Your dreams and desires are yours, and no one has the right to take them away from you.  Imagine a life where all that you want you have.  Imagine a life where whatever you touch turns to gold.  Imagine a life where imagination is the driving force behind all that you do, and you get to turn your imagination into reality.  Now I would say that life couldn't get much better when you are turning your thoughts, your dreams, your desires into reality.

We each have this life, this one life, to be who we're suppose to be.  We have this one life to do those things that will impact the world, and change the face of humanity.  If you feel like you're not good enough to have all you desire, then you need to change how you see yourself.  If you feel as though what you want is out of reach, then you need to change how you see yourself.  You are a created being, who has the ability to create anything and everything you want, but you have to believe it first.  You have to recognize the greatness within you, and you have to accept that your own self is in the perfection of the universe.

We've allowed the world to tell us what is so, what is expected, and what we can or cannot do.  We've been bombarded with limiting beliefs and those beliefs have done nothing but bring you sadness and a whole lot of fear and doubt.  Well time to toss out all the negative and pick up the positive.  It may take some time to rid yourself of the garbage that the world would like you to believe, but when you do you will see your future, and that future will be one that can be lived with zero regret, zero fear, and then you will be living our one life the way it was always intended to be lived.  You are great, you are divine, and you will walk in those things that will make your heart sing out.  I have this on the highest authority, and now you need to walk in that authority.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Let's talk about you.
It's a bright sunny, almost spring day.  You are beginning your day and I'd like to know what is going through your mind.  Did you wake up this morning ready to take on the day, or is this morning like pretty much any other morning, where you have regrets, you wonder just what is going to go wrong, and will you have the energy to get through another day?

If you're like so many other people you have allowed each day to run into the other, never with any real expectation that things will change, and if they do change, it will probably only be, not for the better, but only to get worse.  Well my lovelies, today we are going to change all that.  We are going to set into motion a change in you that is going to be seen, because the true light that is in you is going to be seen, and trust me, people are going to wonder what has gotten into you.  If you're ready to make this change then lets begin.

The light that is in you, was placed in you from that which created you.  You will never be able to separate yourself from that which created you.  Just as you will never be able to change who your natural mother and father were, you will never change the fact that you were created for something, and that something is why you are here.  There is a light inside of you that needs to come out, and only then when you allow it to come out, will you be able to be the real you, the authentic, unique you.  People have tried to be something they are not, but in the end all it brings to them is grief, loneliness, and ultimately sadness.  Certainly they may be able to hide it for many years, but it will come to the surface sooner or later, and then they will have to deal with it.

We live in a society that has become more and more dependent on labeling people, in putting them in a box.  We live in a society where there are expectations, but those expectations are placed by others who haven't a clue as to their real nature, so why would you want to follow what they expect?  We live in a society that thwarts creativity, and often labels it as anti-establishment.  The only thing that I can see that is anti-establishment is the establishment that others have tried to cram down your throat.  I am so tired of having to fit into someone else's mold, into someone else's definition of who or what I should be.  Your uniqueness was never meant to be limited.  Your uniqueness was never meant to be denied, and it certainly was never meant to be ridiculed by others who simply follow the status quo and do what they have been directed to do, or even worse, been directed to be.

Your light, your inner beauty, your qualities and traits, have been given to you for one reason and one reason only: to share with the rest of the world.  You can have millions and millions of dollars just sitting in the bank, but if you never withdraw any of it, what good is it doing you?  You can know you have unique talents, but if you never use them, what good is it having them?  You have been given talent to bless others, to teach others, to help others, and to change the world or humanity as we know it.  The people who will crap on this idea, are the very same people who haven't a clue about true greatness, or at least the greatness that resides inside of everyone.  We have to get away from measuring greatness in terms of stuff, in terms of status, in terms of processions.  Greatness is nothing more then coming to terms with who and what you are, and owning every bit of it.

Have you shined your light lately?  Have you been a beacon of light to others, or has your light gone out, and you have yet to be able to light it back up?  It's OK if you fall into the latter category.  You are not alone, and I will tell you there have been plenty of times when my light has gone out, or at least I felt it went out.  Truth be told, your light can never go out.  Certainly you may see it as dim, but I assure you it is still there, and it is still shining bright, whether you see it or not.  You cannot put out your light, because you are light.

If you are like me, I have a real tough time with people who try to rule over others.  The bossy, bullying type of people.  I will admit that I have a hard time administering love to them, and there are times when all I want to do is kick them in the ass and tell them to get the hell away from me and others.  We don't need the negative energy around us.  That being said, these people are simply under the illusion that power is what is important, and the more they display it, the more important they become.  I will tell you that true ultimate power is only for those who understand their true selfs. Those that understand the greatness within them will never try to obtain power just to be a little higher on the societal scale.  Your greatness was never meant to be used as a measuring stick against other people.  Your greatness is there for one purpose and one purpose only: to share your light with others in the hopes that they will be able to walk in their own light.

It is time for you to understand your greatness, to walk in your own light, and become that beacon for others to look at as they try to get to their own safe port of call.  It is time for you to take your rightful place and in doing so, free yourself from those unrealistic expectations that others may have placed on you.  It is time to enjoy your life, for life was never meant to be torture, it was only meant to be paradise.  It is time to step out into your paradise and show others just what peace, love, joy, and happiness looks like.  Trust me, there are many out there who haven't a clue what they look like, and don't you think it's time they got a chance to experience it?  Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why giving up is never an option.
I understand all too well why there are times when one just wants to throw in the towel and say "I've had enough."  Life is a series of ups and downs.  Often the down times seem to be the predominant happenings, but trust me, the time will come when you will be perched on the mountain top and as you look down on the scenery, on the wonder and beauty of who you are, what you have done, and what you will do, and then you will shine as bright as the daytime sun.

The key to life's adventures, or misadventures,  is to realize that you will get to the mountain top and then everything you have gone through will all be worth it. There is not a single person who has been blessed with success that will not tell you that they have felt like giving up.  Time and time again people have set-backs, but the winner in the end will be the person who simply refuses to give up.  They have learned that giving up is never an option.

So many people have asked me what to do when their back is up against the wall, when all hell has broken loose in their life, and when they simply feel as though they have nothing left to give.  My response is always pretty simple, but it is also laced with a little bit of tough love.  Forget about what has already taken place, and instead focus on the fact that you are still here.  You're breathing, you're thinking, and you're doing something.  Life is never over until you take your final breath, and then you simply move on to a different place.  The fact that you are alive right now should be testament enough that you are in the right place.  Forget about the fact that it may not be just exactly where you want to be, but understand that whatever you are going through, you are going through for a purpose. If you can see this, then you can get through anything, and as you get through different things, then each time it gets a little easier.

It would be great if life were nothing but a fun filled, never know failure type of thing.  It would be great if each day were filled with accomplishments, and empty on the failure scale.  Life would be so grand if we could each have our hearts desire, and know that no matter what, you were going to get to the place where you were intended to be.  Here's the simple truth: you can have the desires of your heart, and no matter what, you will get to the place you were intended to get to.  Destiny is just that, it is destiny, and you will never change it.  What is most important is to discover what your true destiny is, and embrace it with everything within yourself.  You can go about trying different things, you can look here and look there, you can even run from those things that you don't understand or don't want to admit.  What you can't do is run from your destiny, because no matter where you are, it will find you.

There have been so many times in my life when all I wanted to do was cry and give up.  I've spent hours depressed, wondering what I was supposed to do with my life.  No matter how low I had gotten there was something that would not allow me to quit.  I've always had hope for tomorrow.  I've always known that there was something that I was supposed to be doing with my life, and that something was bigger then I could ever have imagined.  I would be a liar if I told you that I was free from doubts and fear, after all I am human, and it seems like fear and doubt are a part of each life out there.  Let me give you a little insight, if it were not for fear and doubt then you might never try something new, you might just go with the flow, and you might never take the steps that need to be taken to get you to your intended place in life.

You can't quit now, not when you're so close to having all that you dream about, not when your destiny is right in front of you.  Realize this:  you have everything you need to be the person you were placed here to be.  I want you to think for just a moment about those things that would bring you true happiness, and then I want you to feel the joy and peace, as if you possessed all these things right now.  When you can feel peace and joy, then peace and joy will be present in your life more and more, and the more you feel it, the more it comes and the cycle continues.  I don't have all the answers, but I do have the desire to have all the answers, so my only recourse is to continue to do what I am doing, and give what I already have.

Giving up is never the answer.  There are people who have regrets, I get that.  I wish I could turn back the hands of time for many out there and show them what their life could have been had they not decided to throw in the towel.  Living with regret is wasted energy.  You can change your life, and it doesn't matter what has taken place before now.  You may have had years and years of lack, but that can change in an instant.  Forget about the down times, and live in the moment.  Things change, but you have to be prepared for each change, and when you are, then you allow them to come to you.

So now you have to ask: will I keep moving forward, or will I submit to the pressures of life?  Will you accept the greatness that resides in you, or will you cower to the hostile pressures that others have taken upon themselves?  You can, and you will have victory in life if you will accept who you are, love who you are, and be who you are.  There is so much more to you then you might realize and what you have others need.  It is time to present yourself to the rest of humanity, and give them the gift of you.  Never quit my friends, never ever quit.

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Road that leads to nowhere. How long have you been on it?
We've all been on the road to "nowhere" at some point in our life.  Some have been able to get off of it, while others are still traveling it, just wishing they could get off of it.  Many have seen people traveling this road, and many have asked the question "why"?  Why would someone just stay on a trajectory that leads to ruin, a path that has no end, and a road that really is nothing but mile after mile of utter nothingness?

The answer to the basic question is that most people either don't know how to get off the road, or worse, don't realize there is a different path for them.  Well all of that can change, and it can change in an instant.  I've been doing some deep soul searching over the last few weeks.  It's not that things are bad at the moment, but I desire some change, and in order for things to change one must let go of the past and sometimes present, and allow for that change to come.

Often the letting go of things is the hardest things to do, especially when the thing you need to let go of is the thing that you know best, or for some, the things they believe are the only things they know.  It's always pretty tough to see what is ahead of you when you are wrapped around the wagon wheel.  Things are not always as they seem, and change will come to you when you allow the universe to order your steps and not simply hold on to those thing that are longer of service to you.

How long have you been waiting for the goodness of life to find you?  How many days have passed and still you are waiting for the joy and peace that you know is yours, but as of yet have not processed it?  The time has come to take what is rightfully yours and not allow doubt or fear to rob you of those things that were intended for you.

When you are on the road that leads nowhere, there is a confusion, a feeling of loss, and a desperate cry for anything that will change your circumstances.  I know this path all too well, and it has taken me years to realize that this is not the path I want, and I had to make some changes.  I had to accept certain truths, truths that for far too many years didn't seem like truths to me.  I'd seen others succeed.  I'd seen others have everything they desired, and yet I couldn't seem to have anything I hoped to have.  I had to sit quietly and come to terms with who and what I was, because quite frankly until that time came, it really didn't matter what I wanted, or what I hoped for.  Coming to terms with your true being, is the only way you are ever going to get off the road to nowhere, and it is the only way you are going to finally discover and walk in your destiny.  If you think your destiny is to always be without those things that bring you happiness, then you have never truly understood the real you.

Ask yourself this very simple question: are you truly happy right now?  Certainly we all have regrets of some sort.  There are things we wished we had done, but never did.  There are things we wished we had let go of, but never could.  There are even those in our lives who we never fully appreciated and never told them what they meant to us.  Let go of the regrets and realize that things happen for a reason, and you need to move past it.  Happiness is something that is for you, not just those around you, but for you as well.  When you can feel happiness in whatever you are doing, then you will finally be on a road that is going to lead you to the exact place you need to be.  When peace and joy surround your being, then you will know that you are heading down the right path, and that path is going to lead you to evermore joy, more peace, and more happiness.

Those who have never felt this, need to step back and begin to let go of the past, let go of the regrets, and simply open yourself up for what has always been there for you.  I know how tough it is when you are in the midst of a storm and you feel as though you haven't the strength to make it past or through one more day.  I know what it's like to want to end it all and simply give up.  I have been in that place many times, but I have not stopped believing that my path is right there in front of me, and it will lead me to the place I need to be.

The road that leads to nowhere, is not your road.  Others may choose to remain on it, but you have a choice.  The road to nowhere is no longer going to be your path, and you will see the scenery change right in front of your eyes.  There is no such thing as lost time, so no matter how long you may have been on this road to nowhere, you are still able to make it to your final destination.  Let go of any feeling that you are somehow never going to make it, and realize that you already have.  You are exactly where you need to be, and you are heading in the right direction.  Remove doubt and fear, and watch what comes about.  It is time to understand and accept your own greatness, own your own uniqueness, and walk in those things that have always been yours to walk in.  If you need guidance, then simply ask for the road to be illuminated, and then put one foot in front of the other.  Your journey is not over my dear ones, your journey is just beginning.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

It's all imagination, at least, that's how it starts.
Can you imagine a life where everything you could ever want or need, was right at your fingertips, whenever you wanted or needed it?  Can you imagine what life would be like if you never had to face fear, face doubt, or deal with the negativity that seems to be all around this planet?  Can you simply imagine a life so full of joy, peace, and happiness, that one day would seem like a thousand, and a thousand just like a single day?

If you can't imagine all of this, then it's doubtful you will ever be able to experience any of it, because to be frank, everything begins with imagination and thought.  I know I seem to be beating a dead horse lately, especially when it comes to setting your thoughts according to your desires, but there are so many people out there who have yet to figure this out, so let's give it another try shall we.

Everything you see around you today, be it your car, your computer, cell phone, television, they all began with a little imagination.  That imagination turned into a vision, a dream, and those visions and dreams turned into thoughts.  Thoughts that simply hang around for any period of time usually turn into action, and with action you begin to see results.  It's a pretty easy process to be sure, but it all starts with imagining things, and knowing that you can have pretty much anything you can imagine.

We imagine things all day long.  When you day dream, you imagine.  When you are driving your car to work, you imagine things.  You imagine how the day is going to be, and hope there is not going to be a crisis that has to be dealt with, so that your day runs smooth and without incident.  We often imagine a nice night at home with our family or loved ones, and how nice it is to simply have a place to call home, and someone to love.  Sadly people also imagine things that really serve no purpose, but imagine they do, and often have to live with the results.  If you are constantly thinking about what can go wrong, it probably will.  If all you can do is imagine a life full of regret, full of despair, then my guess is, you're going to have a life full of just that.

Now given the option to imagine a life full of all good things, or a life wrecked with havoc and discontent, what one makes more sense to hold on to?  I'm not saying that havoc can't enter a life, but if that is all you are focused on, you need not worry that it will pass you by.  On the other hand, if your imagination leads to happiness, contentment, smiles and laughter, then it's a good bet those things will be present in your day, in your life, and in the life of those around you.  Once again, given the option, which one do you pick?

This all may sound very simplistic, but in reality, it is that simple.  It's only because others have complicated things by always seeing the bad and never the good.  Just for a moment I want you to close your eyes and imagine you are getting up to start your day, and you realize that you have everything you could ever need.  When you think about it, how do you feel?  Does it bring a smile to your face?  Do you feel all warm and fuzzy?  I know this might sound corny, but imagining such things really does start the ball rolling.  Light begets light, love begets love, and thus the Law of Attraction rolls on.  You may have your doubts about this universal law, but you don't have to believe in the law of gravity to see the results do you?

I will bet you that when you imagine something really important to you, when you think of something beautiful or joyful, I will bet you that the last thing you are thinking about is all the crap that might be going on around you.  Imagining good, imagining joy and happiness, imagining that all you need is here, is what starts the wheel spinning, and once it has started it is nearly impossible to stop it.  If you only imagine what you are lacking in your life, then you are going to continue to be lacking.  Please, please, please hear me:  you can create the perfect life, but only when you are able to imagine that perfect life.  There is no way around this, and the sooner you can run with it, the sooner you will be living it.

Imagination is a gift we all have, but it is one that many have forgotten about.  If you will make it a point in each day you live to imagine beauty, peace, comfort, and simple things, then you will be on a journey that will take you to many marvelous places.  Don't allow your past failures to derail your future successes, and your future will be bright as soon as you can imagine it.  Take a few minutes today to simply appreciate all the wonderful things you can think of, and know that they are meant for you.  Imagination will change your life, and when you see these changes you will understand the greatness within.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Why limit yourself, when you're limitless?
Did you know that from an aeronautical standpoint, the Bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly?  Now don't tell that to the bee, they've been flying for hundreds of thousands of years.  The average bumblebee is twice the size of the average honey bee, and with about the same wing size, how it manages to get off the ground is any one's guess, but they do, and there isn't much you're going to do about it.

You see, the bumblebee doesn't know it can't fly.  It isn't worried about what others think, or what others say, and that my friends is the great equalizer.  If we can get away from the worry about what others are saying or believing about us, we can free ourselves to do some pretty remarkable things.

As humans we have allowed our past to dictate much of our future.  As humans we have believed many of the limiting words and thoughts of others, only to take them on ourselves, and in the end where has that gotten you? As humans we have limited ourselves because we don't really believe we are limitless.  Well the truth is you are limitless and it's only because of past experiences that most people are unable to walk in that limitlessness.  Well beginning today I want you to think about all the things you want to do, how you want to do them, and then do whatever you can to make sure that your thoughts and feelings line up with them.

I've allowed limiting beliefs to dictate my life for far too many years.  The truth of the matter is that we are creatures who were created to create things.  Somewhere along the evolutionary line we have been sold a bill of goods that has made us believe that only a few select individuals will ever achieve greatness and if we are lucky we will be able to observe other's achievements, but only from a distance.

Take a look at the Bumblebee again, it has wings, so as far as it's concerned, it must be able to fly.  Why would a created being be given wings if it wasn't intended to fly?  Not likely, so logically thinking, why would you be given dreams and visions, if the intend were for you to be void of them? You have dreams and visions because there are things you should be doing with them.  Certainly you might have dreams that are really out there, but somewhere there is an piece of that dream that needs to be brought into you everyday life, and once you figure out what that piece is, go after it.

There is a greatness inside of everyone, but our greatness has been dashed by the words or actions of others.  Our greatness has been usurped by our past hurts, past failures, or simply because we've tried to fit in and didn't want to muddy the waters.  Why in the world would someone have different dreams and desires if they were never intended to have any of it?  The notion that Spirit, God, or what ever label you want to place on the Source of your Creation, the notion that God wants to play "Gotcha" and watch you fail just to get his/her jollies is crazy.  Those who cannot grasp the significance of who they are, will never know what it is like to walk in the limitlessness that is yours. Those who allow what others say or think dictate their actions, will never know the limitlessness that is theirs.

There are so many people out there who don't even realize that they are the ones who are limiting their future.  How many times have you said to yourself that this is the way it is, and I just might as well get used to it?  If you grew up in modest conditions, you might think that modest is all that you ever will have.  If you grew up always being told that you won't amount to anything, what chance do you think you will have to accomplish the dreams inside of you?

You have to rid yourself of all limiting beliefs, but in order to do that you have to first understand just who and what you are.  When you can set the foundation of your life, a foundation that is based on nothing less then real greatness, then you can begin to expand what has always been yours.  We are not just flesh and blood who happens to be here for a set period of time.  We are spiritual beings who have a mission to complete.  Your destiny was never in doubt when you were created, but somewhere along the line you believed what others had said to you, and somewhere along that line is your destiny, just waiting for you to pick it up.

If the Bumblebee believed what all the experts said it would have died off thousands of years ago.  Don't allow your dreams to die simply because someone, somewhere, told you that it couldn't be done.  There are plenty of naysayers out there, but that doesn't mean you have to listen to them.  You are only limited when you think you're limited.  You are only a failure when you think you're a failure.  If you look at all the marvelous things around you today and realize that each one began with a single thought from an individual, why is it so crazy to think that you will walk in your destiny, and you will have the dreams you dream about?    There are no limits to you, so don't be swayed by others, and don't limit yourself.  If the Bumblebee can fly, then you can be who you were intended to be and you can do what you were intended to do, no matter how impossible it might seem.  Allow your dreams and visions to take flight, and see if your life journey isn't one that others will be talking about for generations to come.

Friday, February 12, 2016

A little of this, a little of that.
If only life were as easy as following a recipe.  If you want to make perfect cookies, you simply follow the recipe and do as it says to do.  The only time you are going to run into issues is if you decide to change things up, and then all you can do is wait for the final results and see how things turn out.

Have you ever been trying to follow a recipe, gotten halfway through preparing whatever it was you were trying to make only to find out that you were without one of the key ingredients?  At this point you have a decision to make: you can stop what you're doing and run to the market to get whatever it is you are missing, or you can simply put in a little of this or a little of that.  Now your recipe may come out fine when it's all said and done, but it won't quite have the zip you were looking for in the beginning, at least that zip you were hoping for when you first thought of preparing this dish.

Well life is a lot like this.  You have a perfect recipe for what it is you want in life, but at some point you realize you are missing a key ingredient.  You now have a choice to make: will you go and get the perfect ingredient, or will you simply try something else hoping for OK results?  I've been on both ends of the spectrum on this one.  There have been times when I would do what it took to get exactly what I needed, and at other times I would compromise and simply try to make due with what I had in the moment.  Would you like to venture a guess to how things turned out when I took the short cuts?

There is no way you are ever going to fully experience your destiny, walk in those things you were intended to walk in, if you are not willing to do what the recipe calls for.  When it comes to preparing your life for your calling, for your purpose, there can be no short cuts, no variances, and not just a pinch of this or that.  If you truly desire to be the real you, then you are going to have to accept the fact that there is no room for compromise, no room for just a little of this or a little of that, and certainly no room for "Gee I hope this works out."

There are times in each person's life when they are going to have to make the decision, am I going to do what is right, or am I going to simply make due with what I have?  Ever find yourself watching a television show and you're telling the person on the screen what to do?  Don't go around the corner, don't open the door, don't, don't don't.  We've done the same thing to friends who may be looking for answers or guidance and we are there to offer up our two cents.  It's nice to get advice, but it's always better when you can follow your own guidance, your intuition, your spiritual insight.  Doing the right thing may not always be the easiest way of doing something, or the most speedy way of getting something done, but I promise you, doing the right this is always the best way.  Waiting for the right time to do something will always pay off dividends.  It is only when we think we have cornered the market on smarts when it comes to timing, that we find ourselves in a huge mess of things.  Let the universe control the timing of things, and you simply go along for the ride.

The question I am asked time and time again is "How do I know what I need?"  If I had a dollar for every time I've asked myself that same question I could wipe out the National Debt.  I want to say something, and I hope you can accept it:  if you are only focused on what you perceive you need, then you will never focus on what you already have, and what you already have is quite sufficient to get you to where you need to be.  We have been conditioned by man to always believe we need more,  or there isn't enough of something.  You are perfectly equipped to hear what you need to hear, to do what you need to do, and be who you were always intended to be.  The perfection of your recipe was placed into you at the moment of your creation.  Sadly we have allowed man to screw things up, but you are perfect just the way you are, and there isn't an ingredient missing from your recipe.

Your life has always been as it needs to be.  Certainly there may have been times that were less then pleasant, but things have happened that needed to happen.  Your life is in perfect order, there are no missing ingredients and there is no need to go out and try to find something else.  What you need to do is accept who you are, and then allow those things that need to develop to develop.  There are no short cuts that can be made when it comes to destiny.  There's a difference when you follow a recipe and when you try to alter it.  The cookies may look the same when they come out of the oven, but I will bet you they don't taste the same.  Follow your heart, for this is the true recipe of your life, and do not alter it or deviate from it.  When you follow your heart to the letter, the end result will be something that is sensational and beyond what you ever could have hoped for.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Be Still, and know "I am".
There are times in each person's life when all they need to do is relax, take a deep breath, and realize who they are.  It becomes a problem when one doesn't know the real person they are. Many people walk around trying to be someone they are not, or trying to be the person that others expect them to be.  In either case there are going to be issues, and what I want you to do today is begin to see yourself for who you really are.  I want you to be still for just a moment and know the real "I am" and in doing so release yourself from the self-imposed prison cell that many find themselves in today.

Most of us have asked the question, "Who am I?"  Some can answer the question, some will avoid the question, and others couldn't answer it, even if their life depended on it.  If one is ever going to fully discover and walk in their destiny, which should be the desire of every person today, then one is going to have to come to an understanding of who and what they are.  I'm not talking about the person others think of you as, or desire you to be, or even portray you as, I'm talking about the person You really are.

We live in a world where there is so much false glamour, so much false bravado, and so many phony people.  Somehow many have be sucked into this place where they need to fit a mold, and god help you if you don't fit into the mold that others expect you to be in.  How nice would it be if we could simply ignore all the expectations that others have placed on us and simply be and do what we desire most?  How awesome would life be if all you had to do each morning was get out of bed and do the one thing you love most in life?  How incredible would it be if you could simply realize that no matter what others say or think about you, you are going to be your authentic self, and you are going to shine as bright as the sun, and you are not going to be moved by what others expect of you?

Is being your authentic self just a pipe dream?  Is it even possible to be true to yourself and not be swayed by what others say or think about you?  Of course it is possible, and to be perfectly frank, it is what you should be going after, if you haven't already done so.  Why in heavens name would anyone want to be something they are not?  The only reason people desire to be something they are not, and become what others expect them to become is because they don't know the real them.  They still do not know the "I am" of their own being, and because of this are forced to be something they are not.  Now trust me, I have been there, I have done that, and I will tell you, it is never going to bring you peace, joy, and happiness.  Until such time as you can accept you, until you can love you, and until such time as you know that you know that you are here for a reason, you will always be a slave to what other people want from you.

Let me ask you this simple question:  if you had all the money you ever needed, would you stay in a job you hated?  I know that money is the driver for almost every thing we do, or in some cases what we don't do.  But just for a moment I want you to think about that jerk of a boss who never has a supportive word to say to you.  The manager or supervisor who has nothing better to do each day then to berate you and make you feel as though you are lower then pond scum, what would you give to get out of that situation and just be free to be you?  Those who do not know the real I am, the authentic you, the person you were intended to be, will be the ones who remain in this caustic environment, and live a life that is anything but peaceful.

No one has a right to put you in a box.  No one has the right to tell you what you should be or how you should do this or that.  We have allowed ourselves to remain in those places, but that is only because we have yet to realize that we do not have be trapped in this pitiful existence.  My friends it is time to tell those who could care less about our authenticity to pound sand down a rat hole.  If you desire to be the real you, then begin by accepting the real you, loving the real you, and knowing that the real you is in the perfection of the Creator of the Universe.

I lived so many years doing and being what others wanted me to be and do, and it really never got me anywhere.  The time has come to stand up for you.  Being free to be who you are has always been your birth right.  Standing tall and knowing the greatness that is inside of you will change the face of humanity.  If you are ready to take a stand, if you are set to take your rightful place, if you are determined to be the real you, then you are at the right place, and believe it or not the time is right to do just that.  Being true to yourself is what will change your circumstances, your surroundings, and it will change your life forever.

Be still and know that you are you, and you are you for a very specific purpose.  I love being around people who know who they are, people who are free to be themselves, and people who simply love who they are.  Loving yourself is not conceit, loving yourself is the only way to live.  If you want to begin to enjoy your life, then begin by enjoying everything about you, and don't worry about what others may think or say about you.  Anyone who is dumb enough to pass judgment on you are the same people who haven't a clue about what life is all about, and it's doubtful that they are able to see the real them.  When you are free to be you, then you are free forever.  Freedom from man's expectations is true emancipation.  Get out there and be yourself, and see how things change right in front of your eyes.

Monday, February 8, 2016

This I know...
It was around 4 a.m. this morning that I was pulled from a sound sleep and shown what I was to write about this morning.  I love it when the messages come, and I have stopped worrying about what I will write each time I sit behind my keyboard, because the messages are always there for me.  I will say that I do love it when the message comes to me in the wee hours of the morning.  It tells me that someone, somewhere is really in need of hearing this, and I am so blessed to be able to be the one to bring it to them.  So with all that in mind, here we go, and I hope this speaks to you in a big, bold, and mighty way.

If there is one thing that I know, it's that happiness is never going to be found in those things that are not truly a part of us.  We might have all the signs of success, but if your life is void of the one thing that is at your core, then there will always be an emptiness to you.  Your destiny, that thing you were created for, is the only thing that will ever bring you true happiness.  You can try to fill your life will all manner of stuff, but when all the dust settles in your life, the one thing that is going to be at your core is your True Destiny.

I can't even begin to imagine doing anything other than writing and talking to others about destiny.  This wasn't something I sought after, it has always been something that I am.  Believe me, I tried to fill my life with other things in an attempt to satisfy the void that existed in me.  If I could climb the corporate ladder, buy a nice car, stash away a little more money for that rainy day, then certainly I could call myself a success.  What I discovered, and what I had to accept, was that no matter what I tried, no matter what I thought, the only thing that was going to bring me true happiness was doing what I loved doing.  I had to learn to "Live The Life You Love", and until I could do that, everything else was just fodder.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't talk about destiny to at least one person.  My conversations automatically move to destiny when I am talking with others.  Destiny is such an intricate part of my life, and it is what I am.  I see others around me who have yet to discover their destiny.  They, like so many others, are trying to fill their life with other things in an attempt to satisfy the emptiness in them.

Ask yourself this simple question: are you happy right now?  Do you get up each morning over joyed that you have another day to do what you love most in life?  If you can't, rest assured you are not alone.  The vast majority of people today, and this is not a generalization, are not happy with their walk in life.  There is often a feeling of "There has to be more to life then simply working to get by.", or "Is this as good as it gets?".  Trust me, if you are thinking this, then once again you are not alone.  If you are ever going to live the life you love, then the first step is to admit there is something you love.  Sadly too many people have been told that their dreams and visions will never amount to anything, so instead of fighting for them, they simply let them wither on the vine.

There are people out in the world today who love nothing more then bringing other people down to their own level of misery.  These very same people will try to nullify your dreams, your visions, and give you every reason to believe that what you are believing for is simply out of the question, and insane to think you can have those things.  These people are not on your side, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can step away from the negative and into a positive light of who and what you really are, and why your are here in the first place.

Know this: until such time as you grasp your destiny in your own two hands, until such time as you accept your greatness, and until such time as you live the life you love, there will be uncertainty in your life.  There is no worse feeling in the word then knowing you have all that you need, all that you want, and all that you ever dreamt about, and someone else tries to take it away from you.  Don't allow others to rob you of your true calling, your destiny.  Don't allow others to discourage you and keep you from stepping out into the things that are meant for you.  When the end comes, as it will for each of us, don't let you last thought be about all the things you never did because others told you it couldn't be done.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, life is such a wonderful thing, and it is made even more wonderful when you are doing what you love most in life.  If you are in a place that you don't like very much in the moment, might I suggest you take a hard look at what you are doing and ask yourself ,"Does this make me happy?'  If what you are doing brings sadness , if it brings strife and stress, if it does nothing but tear you down, then get rid of it.  Attach yourself to those things that bring you joy, that bring you happiness, and that brings a smile to your face each time you think about it.  Life doesn't have to suck.  It is time to Live the Life you Love, and live it with every part of your being.  I promise you that when you elect to put your destiny first, nothing else in this life will matter, and you will finally find that what you are doing, is what you were created for, and then you will know that life could hardly be better for you.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Turning hope into a new reality.
It's great to have hope.  What's even better is when your hope becomes reality.  The question that most people have is how do you do that, and how do you get passed all the things that cause people to loose hope and walk in a new reality?

I hadn't planned on writing today, but when Spirit says write, I obey, and I always know that there is someone out there who is in need of this message today.

Hope, as I have said many times in the past, is something that we all need from time to time.  I find myself holding on to hope, especially when things may not be going so well.  What occurred to me today, and the reason I am writing about this, is that I discovered something.  It has taken me quite some time to finally grasp this, but it is my hope, no pun intended, that you will see things a little differently after you read what I have to say.

Hope is a great thing, but in order for hope to really work out, you have to attach something else to it.  One of the biggest stumbling blocks that people run into when they are believing for something is that they really don't feel as though what they desire is going to be theirs.  There are limiting beliefs that come to the forefront, and these limiting beliefs are what stop anything from ever manifesting in your life.  If you do not feel worthy, if you feel as though it will always happen for everyone else and not you, if you simply don't see the divine in yourself, then all the hope in the world is going to pass you by.  I've been guilty of this, and until such time as I could see myself as worthy of abundance, worthy of success, and worthy of having all that I dreamt of, I was always going to be on the outside looking in.

I've found myself lately taking a personal inventory of the limiting beliefs that have plagued me for more years then I would like to admit.  We may never figure out what has caused these limiting beliefs to manifest in our lives, but I can assure you that until such time as you tackle them, they will continue to be a thorn in your side, and all the hope in the world is not going to get you to your rightful place in the universe.

If you were able to get out of bed on any given morning and have a feeling that things were perfect, and that the day was going to be so full of blessings that would overtake you, how would that make you feel?  If you knew that everything was going to play out as you hoped for, how would that change your feelings on any given day?  There are many people who find this to be an impossible thing.  They have fought and scraped for everything in life.  There are people who only expect bad tidings around every corner, and the thought of being free from stress, strife, and uncertainty is simply not something they ever thought possible.  I can tell you as fact that one who is unable to see the good, feel the divine, or simply believe for a better tomorrow, has within them limiting beliefs.  These limiting beliefs are what need to be cleared away, and until you are able to do it, you will always be hoping against hope.

Tackling the limiting beliefs we all have will take effort, but the effort you put forth in doing this will certainly pay off dividends.  The first step in being able to rid yourself of these dastardly beliefs is to realize the significance of your being.  There are very few people who totally understand the divine side of life.  There are even fewer people who can accept the premise that we are divine, and our deity is who we really are.  If you are always focused on what you don't have, or on what is missing in your life, then you have yet to grasp your divine side.  I'm not saying this to pick you apart, I'm saying this because I want you to change your thoughts, change your perspective, and begin to walk in what is yours, what has always been yours, and why you were placed here in the first place.

If every single person alive today has a complete understanding of their divine side, there would never be a limiting belief that would dare raise it's ugly head.  It is time to turn things around.  You are no longer unworthy, you are in fact worthy.  You are no longer lacking, you are abundance personified.  You are the most phenomenal creature ever to be created, and you being here right now is evidence of that.  Think about a future free from fear, free from doubt, and free from the thoughts of always wanting better for tomorrow.  This is your time to grasp the greatness within you, share that greatness with others, and accept your absolute worthiness, your perfection, and your deity.

Hope is not a bad thing.  However, hope that is left alone without a knowledge of your true self is simply going to keep you wandering in the wilderness.  It is time to say no to whatever limiting beliefs you might have, admit that they are there, and tackle each one.  Trust me when I tell you that your life will change in a dramatic way when you are able to overcome those things that have kept you entrenched in only hope.  It is time to turn your life around, and you will begin doing it when you begin to see yourself as you really are, a magnificent creation, with unlimited potential, and absolutely nothing to fear.  It is time to be the real you, the you that was intended at the beginning of time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

When you're in a tunnel, look for the light.
It may be the end of a long day, maybe even a long week, and some may have called it a long year already, but in the end, there is always light at the end of any tunnel.  The key to navigating each stretch of life is to realize that there is in fact light at the end of each tunnel, and when you get to the end, you will be as radiant as the light that is present.

Oh how easy would life be if we never had to contend with the ups and downs?  How great would it be if everything was always on a even keel and there were no worries, no doubt, no fears, and no thoughts of "what do I do now?"

I'm sure, if you are like me, you have asked yourself what should you do next, and will there ever be a time when the "next" question never has to be asked again.  I wish I could tell you that you will get to a point in life when there are no curves thrown at you, no hills to climb, and no battles to be fought.  As long as you have breath in your body you are going to have to face what ever comes across your path, good, bad, or indifferent.  The key to navigating these variances is to realize that you are here for a purpose, you have a destiny, and there is nothing in the universe that is going to change that.  You can hope, pray, cry out for relief , or even curse away your destiny, but it will always be inside of you, and most of the time just waiting to come out and play.

The light at the end of any tunnel is an illumination.  It is able to show you the way, chart your path, and direct you in the ways you should go.  The light at the end of any tunnel is going to shine as bright as the sun, radiate who and what you are for others to see, and ideally place you into the light.  There is no need to fear the light.  There is no reason to run from the light.  There is only peace, joy, and happiness in the light.  When your person has become illuminated you will carry yourself differently.  You will walk a little taller, speak with more boldness, and quite often operate in an authority that you never knew existed.

Have you ever had the opportunity to drive through a tunnel?  You always know when you enter, but until you get to the end, or can see the light at the end, there is always a thought of will this tunnel ever end.  If you are in the middle of a tunnel you can't see what is on the outside.  You know there are people and things on the other side of the walls, but you can't see them.  Life is kind of like the tunnel.  You may be in the midst of a struggle, you can't really see the end of it, and you certainly can't see the people around you, who are there to help you.  Faith says that the tunnel will end, the light will always be there, and there are always people around to assist you.  Now just as it is not always easy to tell when or where a tunnel will end, it's not always easy to believe there are people around to help you out, but they are.

I kind of look at a tunnel and think of it as a shortcut to wherever I am heading.  I was traveling through Virginia one time and had the opportunity to drive through the Chesapeake Tunnel.  I was very glad to do so as the alternative for getting to my destination would have added hours to my drive.  When you are facing a tunnel in your life why not look at it as an assist and not a barrier or bearer of bad tidings.  When facing a tunnel in your life turn it into an opportunity to get where you desire to go in much less time.  There are times when tunnels are the only available route for you to take.  You can either drive through them, or you can stay home.  If you drive through them you will ultimately get to your destination.  If you opt to stay where you are at, well we all know that you will never move forward, and you will never get to the place you truly desire to be in.

There is light at the end of each struggle.  There is always hope for tomorrow.  If you are unable to accept these truths, then life will become much more of a struggle.  Hope tells me that my dreams, desires, and my visions, will all come to pass.  Hope tells me that no matter what is placed in front of me, I will move forward in my destiny.  Hope tells me that no matter how long the tunnel may be, there really is light at the end.  If one goes through life void of hope, what do you really have?  Hope is what gets us moving, keeps us focused, and hope is what each of us need.

If you desire to see the light, then you are going to have to move forward.  You will have to enter the tunnel, but you can enter it knowing that there is an end, and when you reach it you will know that the journey was well worth it.

I have had my share of tunnels, and I have also had my own share of "woe is me" moments.  What I endeavor to do each day is take on each day and see the light at the end of each day.  When you can embrace all that you are, all that you do, and all you desire to be, then the length of the tunnel will mean very little to you, and that is a very good thing.

Look for the good my friends, and go after the light.  Light purifies and light brings forth more living.   Your journey may be marked with tunnel after tunnel, but I assure you that at the end of each one is a glorious light, and the light will be shining through you for others to benefit from.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Is time running out? What will you do?
It's all a matter of perception.  Or is it?  Let's face it, often what we perceive is a product of what we may have just come through, what we may have experienced in the past, or even what we have been taught.  No matter how you look at it, perception is what we have, but perceptions can change, and in that change can come some remarkable things.

Many are under the illusion that time is running out, and there is no way on God's Green Earth that they are ever going to be able to accomplish all that their heart desires to accomplish.  Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, another day has gone by, another hour, another minute, and you are still wondering what you are going to do with your remaining time.  Time, no matter what your perception of it might be, is in fact an illusion. When you are solely focused on what you think you have left, you are in fact placing yourself in a trap that is never going to release you, no matter how badly you want to be freed from it.

If destiny is real to you, then time no longer has a hold on you.  If you believe in destiny as I do, then you must come to the conclusion that you will have all the time you need to accomplish the things you were sent here to do.  I understand that you may not always see things come about in the time frame you hope for, but I assure you that things will come about as they need to, and in the perfection of the Universe.

In my book, If Tomorrow Never Comes, I ask the question: what will you do with your last twenty-four hours?  I get people who will answer this question, but their answer is always based on the limits they have placed on time, and not the unlimited time of the universe.  My purpose behind the question is not to get you to worry about your last twenty-four hours, but rather to get you to think about those things that really mean the most to you, and to prompt you to go after them.  I understand that you are not going to climb the highest peak in the known world in only twenty-four hours.  It's doubtful that you will build an entire company in only 1440 minutes.  The thought of traveling to a place half-way round the world and experiencing all that it has to offer is not something that is typically going to be accomplished in only 86,400 seconds.  Truth be told, it doesn't matter how many seconds you have left, how many minutes, or even how many hours or days you have left.  What matters is that you spend the time you have left going after what you desire most.

Regret over never going after your dreams is a regret that is unnecessary.  You can go after your dreams, and you can put action to your visions.  The only one stopping you from doing this is you, and if you let what time has past, or what time you think you have remaining dictate what you do, then you are making a huge mistake.  Isn't pursuing what you hold most dear something you would give anything to do?  Now if you can't come up with anything to do, then you might just as well continue on with what you are doing, and not worry about tomorrow.  Sadly, the vast majority of people today are not doing what they love, they feel trapped in dead-end thankless jobs, and most have limited hope that things will ever change for them.

If you are looking at the time clock, if you are wondering where all the time went or if you are going to have enough time to turn things around, then I will tell you, you haven't discovered your destiny yet.  I don't say that to scare you, to anger you, but only to tell you that destiny is there for everyone, and sooner or later you will come face to face with it.

If you only had twenty-four hours remaining, what would you do with that time?  Think about it, what would you do?  I feel as though everyone has an answer to that question, but whether you want to vocalize it is an entirely different matter.  There are so many things I would do if time were truly limited to just the next 24 hours.  Luckily I don't look at life that way, and I realize that I have all the time I need to accomplish what I was sent here to accomplish.  Now my time might run out before I complete everything I want to complete, but that's OK.  I want to go out with a bang and not just a whimper.  I don't look at time and wonder where it all went, I look at time and I am thankful that I get to use the next seconds, minutes, hours, days to do what I love most.

So do you really think time is running out, or might you be willing to see that time is here right now, and what you do with the here and now will dictate what you do tomorrow.  What are you going to do with all of your tomorrows?  Will you make the most of them, or will you simply follow along with all the others who can't wait for tomorrow because that will mean they are done with today?  Let's make all of our tomorrows count by living in today, and following your destiny.  I assure you that life will never be dull when you follow your passion, when you dare to dream, and when you realize that time is in fact on your side.