Monday, May 25, 2015

The Last full measure of Devotion.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States gave one of the most famous speeches of all time at Gettysburg.  Most remember the first sentence of the speech, "Four Score and Seven years ago...".  The President also made reference that government was set up by the people, and for the people, but that is not what I want to bring to your remembrance today.  On this Memorial Day I want to reflect on a line from this very short speech that speaks about the sacrifices that many made during the Civil War, and similar  wars after that, which in Lincoln's words was, "The Last Full Measure of Devotion."

I proudly served this country as a member of the United States Air Force.  I retired many years ago, and although much has changed in the services since the time I served, one thing has not:  the commitment and dedication of those who wear the uniform.  Being a member of the Air Force was such a huge part of my life, and truth be told, I would go back tomorrow if asked to serve.  As we celebrate those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to our great nation, I often wonder what was the motivation to make such a huge declaration of pride, loyalty, and devotion, to what some believe is a country on the down slope.

I have to believe that most who have served have done so because there was something inside each of them that made them believe that there was much more to life then simply going after things for personal gain.  The American Soldier is motivated not by riches or position, but rather a belief that life is special and as such, it is worth protecting.  The American Airmen knows that liberty has been paid for by the commitment of those who have served before them, but it is that same liberty that is the cornerstone for what they do today.  The American Sailor knows that while they may be oceans away from loved ones, it is their service that provides this country with the Strongest and most advanced Sea Faring Force in the world.  The American Marine, the most feared and respected ground forces known to man, is the same person who would tend to a child wounded and bloodied by those who give no credence to innocence.

The men and women who have served have done so because they know that life is so valuable, and they understand that they might have to sacrifice their own life in that service.  I love our men and women in uniform, and god help anyone who has negative words to say about them within earshot of me.  I have seen our uniformed members go up an above the call of duty so many times, and each time I am rocked to my very core with their willingness to do what is needed without regard to their own safety.

It takes a very special person to put personal interest behind the interest of an entire nation, and our young men and women do this every day of their lives.  We should shower them with our praise, with our respect, and with an undying gratitude for what they do, with no expectation of reward.  I for one, appreciate the sacrifice, not because I made it in the past, but because I would do it again in the future if called upon to do it.  Those that serve do not serve because they have been forced to, they serve because the feel called to, and that my friends is what separates us from the rest of the civilized world.  The All-Volunteer Force is what has made us the most respected Military Force in the World, and it is this All-Volunteer Force that steps out and provides humanitarian assistance to the far reaches of this globe when called upon to do so.  I am so very proud of our men and women in uniform, and I am so thankful that I can publicly thank them for all they have done, for all they are doing, and for all they will continue to do into the future.

The American Fighting Man: both young and old, male or female, straight or Gay, officer or enlisted, you are who we honor today.  You are who we will honor tomorrow, and you are who we remember with heartfelt thanks for all you have given to us.  As you go about your business today, think about those who have put on the uniform, those who have served, Police, Fire Fighters, and First Responders as well, and simply send up to the heavens a Thank You.  We can never repay the debt that so many have sacrificed their lives for, and I for one will always remember that with freedom comes sacrifice, and we can never forget the Last Full Measure of Devotion that so many have made on our behalf.

I salute each member who has ever served, those currently serving, and to those who are contemplating putting on the uniform of our Armed Forces.  May blessings follow each of you each day of your life, and may our combined thanks, love, and respect, provide you with the encouragement to continue on with the battle, until we all know peace.  Happy Memorial Day, now go out there and thanks a veteran for what they have done.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Don't be afraid of adventure, it's why you're here.
"It was an adventure of a lifetime"  said the excited couple as they began to unpack from this momentous outing.  Adventure in any life is often filled with thrills; it is filled with excitement, and often life can change as a result of certain adventures. The problem that arises is when you close yourself off to such events, and in doing so, you miss out on some very insightful, if not life altering offerings.

I love an adventure.  Given the option to sit around and do nothing, or go out and experiment with something new, I choose the new every time.  I can get bored fairly easily, so being able to do different things is something that speaks to me often.  It is only when you remain where you are, that you begin to fall back, and falling back is never going to get you where you need to be.  Challenging yourself to get outside of your comfort zone and doing something totally off the wall might do you some good.  There is nothing wrong with zipping down a line, scared to death and screaming like a little girl, peeing your pants, and then wanting to get back up and do it again.  Variety is the spice of life we are told, and adding this spice just makes life taste that much better.

You were not put here on this planet simply to take up space.  Contrary to what some would profess, you also were not put here simply to work 24 hours a day.  All work and no play as the saying goes makes for a very dull life.  Adventure has always been, and will always be something that brings newness to things.  Adventure often brings us clarity.  If you are constantly in the same place, doing the same thing, experiencing the same results, maybe changing things up a bit, experimenting with new activities, basically seeking out adventure, would do you some good.

I marvel at people who never change things up.  They are stuck in a time vacuum it seems, and there is almost zero desire to do anything different.  Yet, these are the same people who will complain when things don't go their way, or when life seems to be at a standstill.  Really?  You hate the fact that life seems to be crawling along at a snail's pace, and yet you see no reason to try something different in life?  What am I missing here?  Adventure, adventure, adventure!  Do yourself a favor and try it out.  How many times have you almost cancelled doing something, and once it was over you were so thankful that you took part in it?  For that matter, how many times have you tried something new, only to realize that you got much more then you bargained for, and what you got brought about positive change?

Just for general purposes today, go out and do something random.  I mean do something that you might never think about doing, and do it with the mindset that you really don't care what others will think, nor do you really care what it may look like.  If you are always safely tucked away into your little life, never being willing to try something new, how do you expect things to change for you?  Now if change is not something you seek, then by all means stay where you are at, doing what you have always done.  On the other side of the coin, if you are tired of the same old rat trap, then go out there and create some adventure.  Why do you think all these reality shows have taken up so much of the television air time?  People are seeking adventure.  They want something different, they want to know that there is more to life then a simple 9 to 5 job, a significant other, 2.5 kids, a dog, two cars, and maybe a boat.  Now I have nothing against a steady job, a loving mate, children to brag about, or a dog that only displays unconditional love.  I think these are all great things.  However, if you have these things already, and yet you still are missing something in your life, then you have to ask the question, why?

Adventure will keep you young.  Adventure will keep you alert.  Adventure will keep you on your toes, and that extra two or three inches just might provide you with a slightly higher and different vantage point, thereby changing how you see things.  Stuck in the doldrums sucks.  I wish there were a better way for me to put it, but why mince words.  Either you want to have an exciting life, or you don't.  You can either decide to live fully, or you can walk around with one foot already in the grave.  Which one will you choose?

As I've said to so many people, you are not here just to take up space.  You are here for a very specific purpose, and until such time as you take your rightful place, life is just going to be so so.  Allow different adventures in life to spring board you into your destiny.  All that we learn, all that we do, was intended to get us to our True Destiny.

Adventure is nothing to be afraid of, it is something that needs to be embraced.  When you can begin seeking out new adventures, new experiences, new ways of enjoying your life, then you will be on your way to a fulfilling and rewarding life.  Life is supposed to be thrilling.  Life is supposed to be something that brings joy.  If you can find adventure, then you will find that thrill, and you will live with that joy.  As far as I'm concerned, I can live with that.  Get out there and do something new and exciting today, and for goodness sake, have fun while you're doing it.  After all, life is not about not taking chances, life is about expanding, and living every moment.  Have fun today, and let me know what you discovered.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Now that was over the top!
Oh my, looking back I'm not sure I would have ever thought things could be so good, so utterly fantastic.  Sure I had dreams, but man was that over the top.  Goes to show that things do work out, and they are almost always better then you ever imagined.

So who reading this today has ever uttered those words?  Have things been over the top for you?  Have things been better then you could ever have imagined them?  Are you walking in your dreams right now?  If I were a betting man I would say that the majority of people alive today would not be able to say they are walking out their dreams.  This is not to beat them up, but to encourage them to put down the remote, get off the sofa, and do something about it.

I sat around for what seemed like an eternity waiting for something to be dropped in my lap in regards to my company.  I had the dreams, I had the energy, I had tons of ideas, what I didn't have was a starting point.  I waited and waited for Spirit to give me that starting point, but the wait seemed like it was never going to end.  It took a great and honest friend to kick me in the ass and force me to take action.  Sometimes all we need to do is take baby steps, and before you know it you are taking bigger steps, and then comes the leaps, and then you are running at full throttle.

What I want you to think about today is the feeling you will have when you look back at things and think to yourself, "man was that over the top."  This is something that most people desire, yet few have experienced.  Well my lovelies, today is the start of a new day, and you to can be in that select group of people who have experienced all that life has for you.  If you are ready for that, then let's take a closer look at some things and see if we can't get you moving in that direction.

I was meeting with my Executive Assistant the other day and we were going over some thoughts about what we wanted to do in regards to and True Destiny.  I receive tons of emails each day, generally from other companies eager to have me try what ever they are selling on any particular day.  I'm not opposed to companies selling things, heck that's what they are there for.  What I am opposed to is some of the ways they go about selling their services.  I hate smoke and mirrors.  I've hated it since I was young, and I hate it even more today.  So many companies prey on those who are searching for answers, often who are at the end of their rope, and these companies promise the "cure all".  They show you all this grand stuff and then tell you that if you want to turn your minimum wage life into one that has "six figures" all it's going to cost you is this much.  Talk about kicking a man when he is down.  If someone is at the end of their rope, do you want to guess how much they have to spend on chasing their dreams?

True Destiny wants nothing more then to provide those in search of their destiny a means to get there.    There have been times when I have cried out not knowing what to do next.  All I wanted was a lifeboat to keep me a float.  I would get this offer to help, but there were always strings attached.  If you wanted the real answers simply sign-up in a "member area."  If you want the keys to success, simply sign-up and the cost is only $497.00.  Guess what that did to my dreams each and every time I was asked for more money?  Ladies and Gentlemen, your destiny is not for sale.  There is a way to understand your dreams, to walk in your destiny, but it shouldn't put you in the poor house in order to do it.

Let me say this, and I'm sorry if it comes across as cutting:  if you are going to bet your future on some web site that promises to help you turn your life around and it's only going to cost you this much, then don't bother wasting your time or money.  The only one's who are going to get rich are the ones that you send your money to.  The only way you are ever going to live your dreams is to believe in those dreams, and figure out who and what you are.  Let the snake peddlers do what they do, and you focus on you for a bit.  My True Destiny is helping others discover their destiny.  That is my dream, that is my vision, and when I look at it now, boy has it been over the top.  I want you to have this same experience, but it is going to take effort on your part, and you are going to have to want it.  I can't make you put out the effort, and I can't make you want it.  All the sites out there selling things that will help make your dreams come true are there to make money.  I do not begrudge them the opportunity to make money, but what I can't stand is when someone loses their dreams because of the money.

When you are looking for help, then ask your heart what is the best way to go.  Your spirit is never going to send you down a path that is not heading in the right direction.  When I talk to people about their destiny the first thing I do is find out about them.  What works for one person does not mean it is going to work for the next.  If you are buying into cookie cutter solutions, you are going to get cookie cutter results.  Why would you want to be like everyone else, when you have the opportunity to be you.  The uniqueness of who you are is what should be present in everything you do, and it shouldn't be masked by mass marketing from someone else.  It is time to be what you were created to be, and not what someone else's creation is.  Yes you can seek help, and there is plenty of it out there for you, but please use your head when deciding what to do.  As I said before your destiny is not for sale, and not at any price.

I know this is going to upset some people, but I didn't come here to win a popularity contest, I came here to help those who still need to discover who they are.  If I can't be true to my beliefs, how can I expect you to be true to yours.  We do what we do because we love it.  When profits come before everything else, then there is bound to be problems, and those are problems I never want in my company.  Destiny is real, and destiny is for you.  We can help you, but you have to decide, and the only way to do that is to follow your heart.

Monday, May 18, 2015

The path to Heaven is paved with good intentions.
Most people have heard the saying that the path to hell is paved with good intentions.  I happen to think the opposite.  First off if you are living in hell, it is quite possible that you never grasped the concept of setting the intention and believing in those intentions.  I believe that experiencing Heaven on earth is available to everyone if they will set the intention to do so, and when they succeed they will know that they are different from most people walking the planet today.

Setting an intention is laying things out to the Universal Consciousness, to God, and your own EGO, and not letting thoughts or words of doubt creep into your day.  Setting the intention is coming to grips with what you truly desire and realizing that you have every right to expect the desires of your heart to come into existence.  Why would the Creator of the Universe lay a desire on you if the Creator didn't want you to have that desire?  The simple answer is that it wouldn't happen that way.  God is not in the business of setting people up to fail, or setting people up for heart ache.  It is not in God's nature, never has been in God's nature, and never will be in God's nature.  We  conditioned humans expect things to blow up in our faces.  God never said they would, God never wanted them to, and God certainly did not cause them to explode in your face.

I'm tired of people who proclaim that the reason they didn't get what they wanted is because God held back from them.  Are you an idiot?  I know that may sound harsh, but once again why would God place a desire in you simply to see you go without it?  He would not.  Hear me loud and clear, he would not!!  The reason things do not happen in people's lives the way they want them to is because the moment something comes up that messes up their own little apple cart they are blaming others for the demise of their desires.  It has nothing to do with others, it has everything to do with you.

Intention is nothing more then owning what is yours, what has always been yours, and what will always be yours.  We have let the conditioning of man to control us for far too long.  God never said you needed to live a life of lack.  God never said you had to accept second class status, or that you had to walk around with a million different ailments.  This is all man's doing, and until such time as you accept this fact you're going to be held captive by man's expectations.

I can't tell you how many times God has taken it on the chin by man, who constantly blames the almighty for not hearing their prayers.  If you are unable to understand who and what you are, then you will always be the one holding that empty bag of goodness.  The time has come to throw man's conditioning out the window and begin by setting the intention that you will have all that is in your heart.  Now I've been just as guilty as anyone when it comes to words of doubt coming out of my mouth.  It has taken me quite some time to train my mind and my mouth to only say what I truly desire and stay away from words of defeat, fear, and uncertainty.  How many times have you said that things will mess up only to find that things in fact do mess up?  Is there any question as to who perpetrated this mess you find yourself in?

Now I know that this blog may seem kind of hard hitting today, so let me change it up a bit, and give you hope.  After all, hope is what allows us to take on each new day, and hope is what gives us the drive to go after the things in our hearts.  Learning to set your intentions is what will put you on your path of self-enlightenment.  It will create hope in what some thought was a hopeless situation.  Intention setting is nothing more then having a belief of what is inside of you.  Think about it this way: what brings a smile to your face?  What would make life so exciting, so worth living, so totally appealing, that you would not want to miss a single moment of it?  Do you have a mental picture of this thing?  Good, now ask yourself how you would feel if you were smack dab in the middle of it?  These are the desires of your heart, and these are the things you need to set the intention of having in your life.  You can sit back and do nothing, and you will be no worse off then you are right now, or you can set the intention that you will have your desires and then watch life change in a very dramatic way.

If you are currently just drifting through life waiting for things to happen, my guess is that not much will happen.  If on the other hand you set the intention that you will have the desires of your heart, then you will certainly begin to see a shift in things, and in this shift you will begin to live the life that  was always intended for you.  If you want to experience heaven on earth then begin to believe in those things you have deep within.  There is happiness out there for you, you simply have to believe it is for you.  There is an appointed time for everything, and maybe, just maybe this is your time to finally go after all that you dream, all that you desire, and all that you know is yours.There is not a better time then now, and once you decide to set the intention of having all you want, then and only them will you begin to see the changes you really want.  Create your own path to heaven on earth, and when you are walking on that path, I assure you life will be something to smile about.

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Lion and the Lamb.
There are days when we are as fierce as a lion, and others when we are as meek as a gentle lamb.  How is it that we can be both, and at times be neither?  I know people who go through life with such intensity, and never display that meekness that is called for at times.  Conversely, there are others who are so meek and mild, that they seem to be the ones who are constantly being walked all over and taken advantage of.  There has to be a middle ground, right?

Finding the middle ground is the key to almost anything we do.  Those who are constantly on the go, never stopping for anything, are the ones who will miss out on some very important things in life.  Others who simply go with the flow, never creating ripples, well they also miss out on a lot that life has to offer.  How do you find the middle ground, and how do you manage to stay there?

I learned a long time ago that balance in all that we do is the key to happiness.  Happiness is what creates peace in almost any situation, and with peace you are able to follow it up with joy.  Happiness, peace, and joy are what most people desire, and yet by the looks of things, many people are without any of it right now.  Can you be both a lion and a lamb?  Is there really anything that will balance your day to day life?  Well by now you must know that my answer is going to be "yes" to that question.

Having an understanding of your reason for being here is a huge advantage that you will have over others who have zero idea of their real identity.  Finding your real identity, and of course refusing to succumb to the conditioning of man is also another way to bring balance to your life.  There is such a stark contrast between a lion and a lamb, and yet there are characteristics of both that could serve each of us well.
The lion knows its place in the animal kingdom.  It knows its limits, it knows it strengths and weaknesses.  The lamb knows its place in the animal kingdom, and also its strengths and weaknesses.  Wait a minute: they both know the strong and weak, and they still survive?  Well maybe nature does have something to teach us.  If the lion and the lamb are able to survive, and they are very opposite of each other, then why is it people have such a tough time figuring things out, when they are different from each other as well?

The lion was built for strength.  It's doubtful that a tiny little lamb could bring down a running animal.  Each animal is aware of it's own characteristics and doesn't try to live outside of them.  Why is it we humans are always trying to live outside of who we really are?  I mean if you are doing something that you were never meant to do, doesn't that mean you are living outside of what you really are?  If you are living outside of what, or who, you really are, should it come as a surprise that things don't always work out well?  Help me out here:  living outside of who you are equates to not being who you are, and if you're not being who you are, then there probably isn't a lot of balance in your life.  Am I making my point?

This is not to beat anyone up.  I make my share of mistakes, and there are times that I live outside of myself.  What I want you to see is that balance in life is only possible when you begin to understand the reason you are living right now.  When you can understand your strengths and begin to limit the weaknesses, then you will begin to bring balance.   Please don't confuse being meek and mild with weakness.  They are all together different animals.  The balance you bring to yourself will indirectly bring balance to the universe.  If the universe is immersed in balance then how much different would the world be today?

The lion and the lamb can live together.  We as humans can live together even with all of our differences.  We must find the fierceness within, and the meek and mild as well.  When we live with balance, we begin to really live.  Each day will bring new challenges, and each day will bring new opportunity.  Will you tackle the challenges, and will you accept opportunity?  A balanced life will allow you to do both, and when you are able to do both then you will in fact be where you were always intended to be.  Let's learn from the lion and the lamb.  A world that can work together will be a world that finally is heading in the right direction.  I don't know about you, but I am weary from all the conflict.  I want balance, and I want it for each of you.  Find your true self and live in that truth.  When you do you will know balance and then fierce or meek, you will rule the kingdom.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Let's talk about love.

Lets talk about love.  We deal with love issues almost every day of our life.  Some of these issues are tiny and insignificant, while others are all consuming and often gut wrenching.  Love is the cord that binds all things together, and love is the one thing that can tame the savage lion.

I won't try to define love for you, as love is different for every individual.  What I will say is that life can never be complete without love in it.  What form this love takes is entirely up to you, but eventually you will have to grasp the concept of love and make it the center of every thing you do and in fact every thing you are.

I have experienced different levels of love in my life.  I have loved certain jobs, I have loved different places I lived in, and I have loved different people.  No matter what circumstances I found myself in, or where I was, love is what grounded me, and love is what kept me in a good place.  If you hate what you are doing, if you hate where you are living, it is almost impossible to enjoy life to the fullest.

I've known people who go from one place to another, one person to another in the hopes of finding their heaven on earth.  I do believe you can find that Nirvana, but first you must be willing to recognize that not a single person can operate without love in their life in some form or another.  No one has the right to tell you who, what, or even when to love.  There will always be people around you who will have opinions on what is appropriate, what is right, and what is in your best interest.  It's nice to have people who care about you in this way, but when it comes to love I have found that following your heart is the only way of guaranteeing that you have what you need and want.

I want to say something, and I do pray that it comes out the way I intend it:  finding love, whether it be in a partner, or job, or place to live, never requires you to change who you are.  What I mean by this is that if you are being forced to be anything other than your unique self in order to obtain these types of love, then you are doing yourself and those around you a huge disservice.  Not being who you really are when it comes to love is nothing more then trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. It just will not work, and in the end someone is bound to be hurt, and that someone is normally you.  I have tried to change for the sake of love, but what I changed into was nothing like the person I really was, or the person I was created to be.  Don't settle for someone who demands there be changes in who you are, or in what you desire most out of life.  If my love interest is demanding that I change professions, I can assure you that my love interest will not be my love interest for very long.

When you find that love, no matter what form it takes, hold on to it, and never let go of it.  I have in my heart a love that no no bounds and that is because love is not supposed to have any limits.  I think if you asked most people there is someone who you love more than life itself.  We often can't explain it, we often don't understand it, it's just there.  There is a reason for this, and once you can accept this, the sooner you can experience it and enjoy it.

We have the capacity to love because we were created from love and by love.  I'm not talking about the love that is portrayed in the movies, I'm talking about a love that is so deep, so encompassing, that words can hardly describe it.  This love was placed in you so that you might enjoy every aspect of your life.  A true love will compliment who you are.  A true love will fulfill you in more ways then you might think possible.  A true love, and pardon the corniness, will complete you.  We will have many loves in our life, but truth be told, there will always be that "One" that was meant to be.  Sadly we settle for less, when all you really wanted was the "One". Do yourself a favor and wait things out. It doesn't matter if your biological clock is ticking, it doesn't matter if everyone else is doing it, what matters is that you hold out for the love that will mean more to you then all the riches of the world.  When you experience this true love, then all those riches will dull in comparison to what you have in your life.

I have let people talk me out of love, even when my heart was telling me to hang on to it.  I have let situations pull me away and lead me in directions that were never meant to be.  I have held on to certain things because it was impossible for me to let go of them.  I have asked God to strip this love away because everyone was telling me why I needed to let go of it.  How do you let go of something that was placed in you before the beginning of time?  If you are wise you won't, and if you are patient the time will come when all will be made known to you.

True love is worth waiting for, even when the wait seems like an eternity.  True love is what keeps you young, and true love is what makes going after all of your dreams that much more enjoyable.   Love doesn't mean there won't be misunderstandings and arguments, it simply means you are willing to do the work to keep it real, keep it alive, and keep it new each and every day.  Face it, just the thought of having this type of love in your life probably has put a smile on your face and joy in your heart.  If just thinking about it does these things, think about what your life will be like when you are living it for real.  Reach out and love and allow love to reach back at you.  At the end of the day love is what will make you want to get up the next day to do it all over again.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

When it's decision time, always follow your heart.
Tough decisions, man don't they suck sometimes?  It seems we often find ourselves in positions where we have to make some tough decisions.  Sometimes these decisions involve career, sometimes health issues, and other times decisions of love.  No matter what category your decisions fall into, it is always best, always best, to simply follow your heart.

It's always easier when the decision you have to make only involves yourself, but when it brings others into the mix, that's when things tend to get dicey.  Most anyone that knows me knows that I hate confrontation of any kind.  I also would never choose to hurt someone on purpose.  I know that there have been occasions when I have hurt people, but I assure you it was never out of malice, it simply was the result of a decision that had to be made.  I've worked for many, many years, and I've had to fire people in the past.  I don't know many good managers or supervisors that relish the thought of having to let someone go.  It is often gut wrenching, and it can cause many a sleepless night.  But when a tough decision has to be made, I have always wanted to be the one to do it, that way there can be no blame placed on those innocent around you.

I know people who will put off making a decision as long as possible simply because they don't want to make it.  Not making it is never going to solve what ever issue is at hand, and in reality all it does is worsen things by delaying what is probably the inevitable.  I've been the recipient of that in the past, and even today I will still put off difficult decisions, mostly because I have in my mind that the results will be not the best.  Generally speaking things hardly ever turn out as bad as we imagine, but that doesn't seem to stop us from putting things off.

I'm not sure that there is any one area in which a decision is required that is quite as difficult as one dealing with love.  How often have we stayed in situations longer then we should have simply because we were afraid of what the end result would be?  Matters of the heart are in my estimation the most sensitive, and yet the ones most people hate to deal with more than anything.  After love I would think that vocational choices, when or if to change careers, is probably number Two on the list of difficult decisions to make.  I know people who absolutely hate what they are doing, and yet they cannot make a decision to save their life.  This is when fear comes in and robs people of the ability to think clearly and rationally.  I've had jobs in the past that I absolutely hated, but because of financial needs was forced to stay where I was at.  I let the fear of no money keep me in a place that was draining the life out of me.  Misery was my middle name, and I was not about to let go of that namesake.  It was only when push came to shove that I finally made the decision to get out, and as is the case most of the time, things worked out better then expected.

We will all face difficult decisions in life.  When the time comes ask your heart what to do.  Your heart is always in communication with the Creator of the Universe, and the Creator's wisdom and compassion is beyond words to describe it.  There have been many sleepless nights that could have been avoided had I just listened to my heart.  Your heart knows what is best for you because God knows what is best for you, even when you don't.

If you are in the middle of the decision making process simply step back for a minute, ask some questions, and then quietly sit and expect an answer.  People who lack the information needed to make a decision, lack it because they simply never asked the question.  When you ask the question, you will always get an answer.  Now, that doesn't always mean you're going to like the answer, but you will get one.  The second biggest problem with decision making is when you begin to second guess the divine guidance you have received.  Face it, we've all been there when we feel we know better, and we are hell bent on doing it our own way, only to find out after that our way was not the right way.

Decisions can be life changing, and anything that has this much significance in your life needs to be looked at, and consideration made to what is really in your best interest.  Your heart is never going to reveal to you things that are not in your best interest.  Follow your heart, follow your heart, follow your heart!  I can't make this point any clearer.  If you don't recognize when your heart is telling you something, then might I suggest you get acquainted with it.  Spiritual insight, or intuition, or whatever you want to call it, is always spot on.  God is not going to have you do something that is contrary to the plans for your life.  Conversely, we will do things that are in direct opposition to what is best for us.  These decisions that get us off track are often masked in situations that appeal to us, but in all likelihood will not benefit us, but they do gratify us momentarily.  Do not let instant gratification be the deciding force in making a decision.  It will burn you, and then you will suffer for it.

Decision time is heart time, and heart time is resting in the knowledge that Spirit has everything under control and you can rest knowing that things will work out as they need to work out.  When making a decision don't second guess your heart: follow it, listen to it, and always, always believe in it.  Believe in your heart and let it guide you to places indescribably beautiful.

Monday, May 11, 2015

New Beginnings

Ever wished for a Genie in a Lamp?  If you did find it, have you given thought to what you would wish for?  The average Joe would probably ask for riches, or fame, or even both.  You have all kinds of people, from all walks of life, who would ask for countless different things.  Someone would of course ask for World Peace, another would desire that sickness be eradicated from the planet, and another would want a halt to global warming.  All laudable things, but what others would ask for is probably different from what you would ask for.

If I had a wish I would want my thoughts to always be ones that were directly in line with the Nature of God.  What is God's nature?  It is peace, joy, happiness, and of course love.  I dare say that most people think on these things from time to time, but at other times their mind is constantly in a struggle with what they see around them, and what they see around them often becomes what they think about.

If you are always surrounded by fear, anxiety, dire straights, then it's more than likely that your thoughts will be on these things.  If your thoughts are on these things, then you are simply asking for these things to be present in your life, and why you would want that it beyond me.  If on the other hand you are constantly thinking about peace, joy, happiness, and love, then how much different might your life be then it is right now.

New beginnings do begin with new thoughts, and you are the one who controls what you think about.  There was a time when all I could think about was all the things I didn't have in my life, that I thought I needed, or wanted.  It wasn't the kind of thoughts that would bring these things to me, it was the thoughts that only wondered why I didn't have what I really wanted.  If we could just change what we think about, and let go of all the negative, you just might find that things will change in your life in a very dramatic way.

Take a look at these two scenarios and tell me if it doesn't ring true.  Number One:  you get out of bed in the morning, and because you had a fight with your significant other the night before, you just know that the day is going to royally suck.  True to form you get to work, your favorite parking space is already taken, and there is a line a mile long at the coffee stand.  You have ten minutes to get to your first meeting, and now you get to do it without your morning Cup of Joe.  As if things couldn't get any worse, you have left your meeting notes at home on the kitchen table, and now you get to wing it.  As luck would have it, you are giving this presentation to the Partners, and how you hate speaking in front of a crowd.  I guess at this point I would wonder what the rest of the day is going to look like, and I think everyone already knows what kind of day this person is going to have.  Number Two:  you get out of bed and the first words out of your mouth are "Thank You".  You recognize that you have another opportunity to live the life that you always dreamed.  You get up and as you walk downstairs you can smell the brewed coffee, the toast, and the eggs and bacon.  You smile, and you say "Thank You" once again for the many blessings in life, and yet you have only been up for an hour.  You get to work and that favorite parking space is available, but you see someone who looks as though they need a bit of joy so you waive them in, and you carry on to the next available spot.  You get to the lobby and waiting for you is a note from your assistant with a Cup of Joe reminding you of your meeting, and your text is waiting for you in the folder attached.  How is the rest of this person's day going to be?

If you think about it, being grateful for what you have is always going to bring you opportunity to have even more.  Conversely, always bemoaning what is missing, is only going to exacerbate the situation, and you will find yourself getting farther and farther away from happiness.

I hear people who always say that it's easy to be happy when you have what you need, but try being happy when you don't.  Too many times we try to put the cart in front of the horse.  You can't expect good to follow if all you think about is what you are lacking in life.  It's almost impossible to experience peace and joy in your life, when all you think about is how rotten things are.  Sooner or later you are going to have to change the way you think, change the way you feel, and change your entire outlook on things.

Peace begets peace, joy begets joy, happiness begets happiness, and love, that all important love, begets more love.  Given the choice to be with all these things, or being without, what would you choose?  If you will give these things to people in the form of a cheerful hello, or smile, or even a simple act of kindness, what do you think will come back to you?  If you can begin to think about those things that are in God's nature, then you will begin to operate in them.  If you begin to operate in them, then you will bring even more of it into your life.  It is that simple.  So you can either get up on the wrong side of bed in the morning, or you can begin your day with a simple "Thank You" and watch as your day unfolds in ways that will keep a smile on your face through out it.

If you want new beginnings, then begin to create thoughts that will push you in that direction.  You do control what happens in your life, and guess what, you don't even need that Genie.  Begin to show thankfulness and gratefulness, and you will see the world in a whole new light.  Be the light that the world needs, and in doing so, you will have all you could ever imagine.

Friday, May 8, 2015

I am all things.
I am in a decision making mode right now.  Whenever I have to make some changes, I often find myself going "internal" so to speak.  I do this because I never want my decisions to be affected by what is going on around me, or by what others think or say, especially when those other people have zero idea of the basis behind the decisions.

It is in these moments that I depend on my knowledge and understanding of just who I am, and why I am here right now.  This knowledge, this understanding has to be the basis for all your decisions in life.  If you fail to recognize the significance of who you are, then you undoubtedly will make the wrong decision and then one only knows what the outcome will be.

I often see people drifting from one event to another, one crisis to another, one disappointment to another.  These individuals will continue to suffer these moments because they have not as yet come to the realization that they don't have to be a part of them.  In any process there needs to be a foundation laid so as to provide a solid base.  If your foundation is not based on who you are, then I can assure you that when trials come, as they will, you are not going to have what you need to get past them.  I spent years crying out for help and yet help never seemed to come.  I could never understand why those around me were enjoying success, were enjoying life, and I had taken a back seat to life and simply was going along for the ride.  I decided at this point that it is far more advantageous to be the driver of the vehicle and not just a passenger that has no say so in where you are going.

People fail because they feel that failure is a part of every day life.  This point of view is so destructive, yet it is the focal point of so many lives today.  This has to end, Today!  If you are ever going to move forward with your dreams and visions you must begin to see that these dreams and visions have been placed in you for a very specific reason.   As I have said so many times in the past dreams and visions are stepping stones to your destiny.  I am all things because my Creator said so.  I am all things because I am no different then any other person who has been able to accomplish great things.  I am all things because I am here right now.  We were not placed here to simply take up space.  We were created to bring a piece of the puzzle that humanity is putting together.  Without your piece the puzzle would be incomplete, and that is not what was planned from the beginning of time.

If you cannot see yourself the way that God sees you, then you are doomed to walk around always wondering why the good in life has forgotten who you are, and all you will know is suffering and lack.  My dear friends you have within you the ability to climb the highest peak and from that vantage point see the world in a totally different light.  It all begins with recognizing the simple fact that you are divine, you are unique, and you are a spiritual being.  I know so many people who are fascinated with Angels.  Angels are magnificent beings.  Their abilities are varied, but they have a mission.  What most people fail to realize is that your "being" is far superior to Angels, for you have free will, while the Angels do not.  Angels can only do what is requested of them.  You on the other hand have the ability to create.  I love my angels and I love speaking with them each day.  I love the comfort they bring to me, the knowledge they impart, and the understanding that tells me that all is as it should be.  However, I love the fact that I can do more then my Angels can.

When you find yourself in a dark place, then ask for light.  When you seem to be stalled and unable to move forward, ask for a push.  When you are facing a trial, then realize that there is nothing in this world that has greater power then your words.  You can create the way out, you can create a new path.  You may ask for some assistance, we all need that from time to time, but realize that you were smart enough to ask for the help, while there are others around you who refuse to do so.

When you finally realize who and what you are, I promise you that life as you know it will change forever.  As I write this I have tears streaming down my face.  Not because of sadness, but because I have been blessed to understand who and what I am, and my life changed when that happened.  This is what I desire for each of you.  You were not born to experience all the downs of life, you were born to create, to inspire, to lead, to build, and to extend love and compassion to those around you.  You were created to change the face of nations, to heal old wounds, and to share with humanity all that is good.

I am all things, and you are all things.  Together we are all things.  The sum is the total of all its parts.  Each of us has a part to play in this thing we call Life.  You can either accept your role, in which case life will be grand and brilliant, or you can run from it and forever wonder why things just never go well for you.  Given these two options, which one makes more sense?  It is time to turn things around, and the first step in this process is to begin laying your own foundation.  A foundation that is solid and strong.  A foundation that is made from the knowledge of who and what you are.  I promise you this, if you can discover the greatness within, the divine within, there is nothing that will ever be able to rock your foundation, and then you will begin to see things happen that those around you will be utterly amazed by.  You have my word on that, and my word is my bond.  Begin now, and ask for signs, ask for confirmation, and ask for assistance.  It is all there for you, if you simply ask.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A whole New World.

We sometimes get used to things.  Often we fight change because we have grown accustomed to having things a certain way.  What amazes me more than anything is when I see individuals who hate their station in life, and yet do little or nothing to change.  The obvious question is,why?  Why if life sucks so bad do people refuse to do anything to change the situation they might find themselves in?  I feel as though the answer is quite simple.  That being said, how I answer this question is going to be different then how others might answer, but just for giggles, let me tell you what I think.  I think people stay in the place they are at because quite frankly that's all they have ever known, and to a degree it does bring them comfort.

If you are sick and tired of all the negative in life, then maybe it's time to look at things a little differently.  During the Apollo Space Missions, there was a picture taken of the earth coming into view from behind the moon.  It was the first time that the Apollo Crew had ever seen this sight, and it gave them a whole new perspective about our planet.  Had they never seen this sight, then they would have continued to believe just like before, and into the future.  If you ever want to get out of the trap you feel you are in, then you are going to have to look at things differently, from a whole new perspective.

Our world is not the world that man says it is.  Man's conditioning has done nothing to help most people, and the view from man's perspective is often slanted, warped, and all together wrong.  I'm not saying everything is wrong, but there is a large portion that needs to be thrown away and never picked up again.  I'm going to get up on my soapbox again, and I hope you will indulge me.  If you are not able to recognize the greatness in you, then that greatness will never come out.  If that greatness never comes out, then you will remain where you are at.  If you remain where you are at then things are never going to be as they should be, as they were intended to be.

There is so much opportunity and possibility out there, but unless you accept this premise, you will always be wondering when your "Good" will come to you.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not thank God that I am privileged to be doing what I do.  This new perception did not just appear over night.  It took time and patience, and a whole lot of tears.  I see the world differently then I did just a few short years ago, and this is because I see myself differently then I did just a few short years ago.  This is the time when you are going to have to decide, do you continue with the world's ways or do you discover that you control what happens in your life?

There is a Whole New World out there for you, just waiting for you to conquer it.  I can't do it for you, your friends and family can't do it for you, only you can do it for you.  Search your heart and be honest with what you desire.  If change is what you desire, then seek change.  If knowledge is what you desire then seek knowledge.  If understanding is what you desire then ask for that understanding, but be sure to ask with pure motives and not from a position of desperation.

When I was at the lowest point in my life I knew I could go no lower.  We've all heard when you're at the bottom the only direction you can go is up.  Those words mean little when you are the one at the bottom and the feelings of despair and loneliness engulf you every moment.  However, this is the time to surrender to a Higher Authority and simply ask for help.  I was speaking at a recent seminar and I said that your personal Angels would stand and watch your house burn down unless you gave then charge to do something.  Well, if you are at the lowest point in your life why not give your Angles charge and release them to do for you?  Face it, what do you have to loose?  You already feel as though you have nothing, so might as well try something different, right?

How would your perspective of the world change if you had everything you ever dreamed of?  How would you see things if only goodness, peace, joy, and happiness were present in your life?  Would the world seem like a whole new world if you were living in the Peace, Joy, and happiness?  Your world was never meant to be occupied by the trails of life.  Your world was never meant to be taken over by worry or fear.  Your world was always intended to be one that was in submission to your will, and you were meant to have dominion over it.  Alas, man's conditioning has lead us to a point where we can't see any of that any longer.  Well it's time to recoup what is rightfully yours and begin to live in a whole new world.

Ask for guidance, ask for knowledge and understanding.  Accept love and support, regardless where it comes from, and realize that you are so worthy of all manner of help.  Needing assistance is never a sign of weakness.  We all need help from time to time, the weakness comes in when you refuse the help that comes your way.  There is a Whole New World out there just waiting for you to discover it.  Start now, and start by recognizing that this world is just as much yours as anyone else.  You are deserving of it all, and when you realize this, then the worlds riches will be yours.

Monday, May 4, 2015

A little Bird Told Me.....
There's all kinds of reasons we gather information.  Information we need to make a good decision, information to know what to do next, and information about who and what we are.  We can get this information from trusted friends and advisers.  We can get this information from books and the experiences of others.  There really is no limit to who brings the needed information we seek.  Here's the problem: often we don't listen to, or even give credence to some of the information we receive.  Why is this do you think?  Why when we have the answers right in front of us, do we disregard it?  Is it because we think we know better?  Is it that we don't trust the source of the information?

Have you ever been in the midst of doing something, and something inside of you keeps prompting you to change things, not to do something, or to do something completely different?  You decided not to heed your instinct, your intuition, and after, you would have given anything to turn back the hands of time and do it differently?  Now these decisions or events may be insignificant, but at other times they can and do lead to monumental change or havoc in our lives.

Why do I bring this up?  Most people are unaware of their connection to God, and just what this connection means.  We have been conditioned to believe, by man, to believe that God is somewhere, but that somewhere is untouchable, and that to think that the Almighty would waste time speaking to, or otherwise directing us mere mortals, is something out of fantasy land.  I can assure you that this is not the case, and today I want to encourage you to tap into an unlimited resource that is yours.

I believe we are surrounded by heavenly beings, Angels, and others whose role it is to provide us the answers we seek.  I have said this so many times before, but it bears repeating:  We have not, because we ask not, and we ask not,  because we don't believe.  How awful is it that we have a resource available to us that would give us anything we seek, and yet we do not take advantage of that resource?  This is the case when you discount the possibility of Spirit providing you correct information whenever or wherever you need it.

I want to go back to man's conditioning and share with you why I think it is so dangerous to discount that you are a spiritual being first and foremost, and that if you want your life to change, then you need to learn about your spiritual self, and let go of the limiting thoughts that man has said you have to live by.  To believe that you have to suffer lack, or live in fear is nonsense.  To believe that you have to suffer the pitfalls of man, or somehow you have to live through adversity to show that you are strong is garbage.  I don't doubt that there are many people out there who go through trying times, but don't blame God for those times.  If what you are going through is in direct opposition to the nature of God, then I can assure you it is not from God.  Most if not everything that is contrary to the Nature of God comes from the Nature of Man, and that is not the nature I want to hang my hat on.

Man has a warped view of God.  I wish I could be less blunt, but I don't have the time to beat around the bush.  Man has tried to paint the picture that the only way that God would ever bless you as an individual is if you first do something for him.  It's as if you only receive something from God when you give to him first.  This is such utter nonsense.  God placed you here, and if God placed you here then he gave you everything you need to do what you were placed here to do.  There is nothing that you do not have that you need to walk in your destiny.  That being said, if you can't recognize the ways that God communicates with you, then you will never get to the point you are supposed to be at.

I'm sure I will get some hate mail for this blog, but I refuse to say something that is not truth, and I am equally sincere in my determination to get you to where you are supposed to be.  And where you are supposed to be has nothing to do with what man says you need to go through.  I know people who feel as though walking around in poverty is a character builder.  I know people who feel as though a certain amount of fear is a good thing because it will teach you caution.  Let me be perfectly clear:  poverty and fear are not creations of God, they are creations of Man.

If you can't let go of man's conditioning then you will always be held hostage by it, and as long as you are being held hostage, you will never discover your destiny, let alone walk in it.  God has taken it on the chin more times because man loves to set limits to what God will do for you, or to set guidelines to what you must do to hear from God.  Throw all of those ideas and thoughts out the window, they are garbage.  Your spirit is in direct communication with God's Spirit.  You were created to have communion with God anytime you desire it.  Talking to God does not require some advanced Theological Degree.  Talking with God does not require a burning bush.  Talking with God only requires that you recognize that you are divine, and as such, are worthy of openly talking with Spirit anytime you desire.

If you desire answers to some of the more challenging questions about life, then try going to the source of all knowledge.  Forget all the "Thy" and "Thee" stuff and simply say, "Hey, it's me and I am having a crap day."  It's not as if Spirit doesn't already know what you are going through.  There are many avenues in which to receive Divine Guidance, open yourself up to these and set your intentions to get what you need when you need it.  If you were in a hot dry desert in need of water and a cool glass appeared in front of you, you still have to make the decision to take the glass and sip from it.  If you choose not to take what is right in front of you, then you choose to suffer.  If on the other hand you decide to take a sip, then you are able to move forward in your journey.  The decision is once again yours to make.  Might I suggest you make the effort to get to know the many voices of the Creator of the Universe, and in doing so be the one who gets the answers, and not the one who gets the boot.  A little bird told me all this and I just thought I would pass it on.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Just take a breath, and enjoy the world.
So you've been going at break neck speed for what seems like forever, tired yet?  You've been doing everything to secure the top spot on the leader board, was it worth it?  You've spent a lifetime amassing a small fortune, can you take it with you?

We have been programmed since birth to go after those things in life that we feel will make us happy, bring us success, and otherwise place us apart from those who can't seem to get out of their own way.  But at what cost?  Did all the hours you invested into getting where you are at really pay off?  If you have not been able to enjoy even the smallest things in life then I would think you would want to take a look at your life and maybe make a few adjustments.  I learned many years ago that having all the things that people feel show success, is nothing more than a filler for a void that exist, that really can only be filled when you discover and walk in your destiny.

Now I am not discounting that one needs to work hard.  But the old adage to work smarter, not harder, are words to live by.  At the same time, equally important, is the adage to stop and smell the roses.  What's wrong with taking some time to just breath and realize that the Universe has everything in place for you, and all you need to do is respond when opportunities come to you, grab all that life has to offer you, and by all means simply enjoy life for a while.

I spent so many years trying to reach what I thought was the "Top Spot", only to find out that I still was empty when I got there.  It didn't satisfy me, nor did it fill the void that existed in my life.  I certainly had every material thing I needed in my life, but spiritually, emotionally, I was as dry and empty as a Texas Oil Well.  I spent so much energy trying to get somewhere and yet I had no clue as to what was going on around me, and I had forgotten what was most important: enjoying what I did have, and not worrying about what I didn't have.  I dare say that I'm not the only person on the planet who has had to deal with these issues.  Isn't it time that we all just take a step back, show some gratitude for what we have, and try to enjoy the splendor of this thing we call living?

Our life was never meant to be spent simply trying to make our own little empire.  I am not discounting those who have been able to do some pretty remarkable things, but if you can't enjoy the process of getting to this place, is it really worth it?  If you hate what you have to do to get where you want to be, is where you want to be really the place you are supposed to be at?  Think about it:  you hate what you do, and yet you still do it because the world, what, says you have to?  Why in the world are you spending so much time and energy on something that isn't even what you really want in life?  To me that's just dumb.

When I sit down to write, or to speak to a audience, I am living my dream.  I love the work that goes into writing and speaking.  It brings me so much joy, and there is never a time that I don't love doing it.  Is what you are doing right now bringing you joy and the feeling that you love every minute of what you are doing?  If it is, fantastic.  If it isn't, not so fantastic.  I love hearing comments from people who have attended one of my seminars or workshops.  I love receiving comments from those who have read some of my work.  I don't love it because I am thinking how great I am, I love it because people are finally discovering what life is all about.  I love it because people are finally realizing that life doesn't have to be torture and dread.  I love it because it is helping people discover what is most important to them, and they are taking the steps necessary to walk in their own True Destiny.

If you are constantly doing things because others expect it of you, or you have set some unachievable expectation in your own life, might I suggest you take a step back, breath, and simply enjoy the world.  This little break in the action just might be the one thing that brings back your sanity, fills your life with a little more hope, and gets that damn monkey off your back.  There are so many things we should be thankful for.  There are things all around us that should remind us how privileged we are to be alive right now.  There are things all around us that need to be noticed, and in seeing them bringing you just a little more joy and happiness into your life.

You can spend a lifetime going after those things that others expect you to go after, and yes it can provide you with every comfort known to man, but is it worth it?  Has all this effort you put forth, doing things you hate, made your life any better for you?  Only you can answer this question, but for your sake I hope you will take some time to answer it.  Life is too short to be taken up with things that will never bring you closer to your destiny.  Now if knowing or walking in your destiny means nothing to you, then by all means continue on with what you are doing.  But if you are reading this, then my guess is, you are not happy with where you are, and maybe taking some time to smell the roses is just what you need right now.

Take a deep breath, enjoy the beauty around you, and have faith that what you need to discover will in fact be there when you need it.  Your destiny is what you are, and why you are here right now.  How great to walk in that destiny and at the same time enjoy everything that life has to offer. I dare say that many lives would change forever if this was taking place in every life.  This and much more is available to you if you will begin by taking a deep breath and simply enjoy the world around you.