Thursday, February 21, 2019

Fly me to the moon.
It has been almost 50 years since we first landed on the moon. I can remember the words of President Kennedy when he challenged us to put a man on the moon within the decade and return them home safely.  At the time it was thought to be a foolish idea, and there were many, many people who never thought such a feat could possibly happen.

Guess what, it did happen, and it proved that the impossible was indeed possible.  How many people have been told that their dreams were nothing more then whimsical fodder for other foolish dreamers to avoid?  How many people have been forced to forget about their own desires because someone else thought those desires were foolish and unattainable?  Now I doubt that I could have added much to those who put the first man on the moon, but does that mean I don't have the ability to achieve my dreams?  My gifts are mine to use, and to use in the fashion necessary to accomplish my mission in this life.  We have been given gifts and talents that don't always follow someone else's gifts and talents and thats OK.  You have been equipped with things that were meant just for you, and no one else.  I would think that many people have grown tired of hearing all the doubters and naysayers when it comes to what they want to accomplish.  I would think that many people have grown weary of people telling them all the reasons why they shouldn't pursue something.  I would also think that those who have been pushed aside would be mad as hell since they still believe that all things are possible.

Putting a man on the moon was no easy task, and quite frankly walking out your destiny is not that much easier.  There are forces out in the world who would love nothing more then for you to fall flat on your face, just so they could say they told you so.  All I have to say to those people is "Screw you." It's time we stood up for what we hold deep in our heart.  It's time that we acknowledge what we believe to be true.  It's time that we occupy that place that was always meant to be ours.  My dear friends I know that times can sometimes be difficult, but in those difficult times comes an opportunity to move forward even if it's only an inch at a time.  We didn't get to the moon overnight, but we did get there, and you will discover and walk in your destiny, you simply have to believe.

I've allowed fear to stop me many times in my life.  I'm not too proud to admit that I've also screwed up a few things along the way.  What has never changed is that deep feeling that I am here for a specific reason and I will accomplish all the things I need to accomplish.  I don't seek fame for fame's sake. I only want to be the person I was intended to be, accomplishing those things that I am supposed to accomplish, thereby touching the lives of those that need my style of inspiration.  Will I ever walk on the moon?  As cool as that would be, I doubt it, but that doesn't mean I won't help someone else do it.  All the dreams I have are there because someone needs to hear about them or be a benefactor of them.  If I can help someone accomplish their dreams then I have done what I was sent here to do.  Giving of one's self is a noble thing.  I don't give so I can be recognized for it, I give because I want others to walk in their callings.  I want others to feel what it's like to reach the mountain top and see views they may never have seen before.  I want people to be free to walk out their purpose in this life and see that they have had a part in many successes.

I was watching the State of the Union address a week or so ago, and there was a man in the audience who had in fact walked on the moon.  I sat there and thought about it and I was just amazed when I thought about it.  I mean this guy actually walked on the moon, it's almost too much to believe.  Do you think Neil Armstrong ever thought he would be the first man to step on the moon?  Do you think it was his destiny or was it simply just the luck of the draw?  You can answer that question anyway you would like, but I happen to believe in the destiny part.

It's time to set loose all the dreams you have held back because others told you there was no need for what you desired.  It's time to set loose all those things you hold so deep in your heart because what is in you is part of your destiny.  It's finally time to step out and be who you were always intended to be.  Walking on the moon was a great thing, but so is what you have to offer.  We need to get away from putting a value on what others either have or don't have.  We need to recognize everyone for the created being that they are, and accept them for the wonderful creation they are.  I long for a time when everyone is walking in their destiny.  Will it happen in my life time?  Some would say it's a pipe dream, but wasn't putting a man on the moon a pipe dream at one time or another?  Let's get away from always saying no, Or it can't be done, to saying let's do it.  Let's take the chance and see where chance might bring you.  Let's let go of the "it's never going to happen", and pick up on all the "OMG we did it."

Putting a man on the moon was a phenomenal thing, but what you can bring to the rest of society is equally phenomenal.  I encourage each of you to hold fast to those things that you dream about.  Hold tight to the desires of your heart.  Latch onto the possibilities out there, and never, never, never give up on your visions of the future.  There is much to accomplish in this life time, and I for one am not willing to leave until I finish my purpose.  It's a great day to be alive, so why not fly to the moon and see what real adventure is really like.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Too Little, too late.
OK, let's lay the axe to the root of what some think is the end.  Those who think they are always a day late and a dollar short, or it's just too little, too late.   There is no such thing as too little, too late, and the sooner you take yourself out of the place of thinking it's too little, too late, the better off you and those around you will be.

Each of us are so well equipped to handle those things we were intended to do it's almost scary. We have all that we need to be the people we were intended to be.  We, meaning you and I, are in fact more than what's on the surface.  We have the power and the right to live the lives of our own dreams.  How many of you can believe this?  How many of you want to believe this?  How many of you feel it's too late in life and there is no way that you will ever have all that you want?  I'm here to tell you that once you understand the true essence of your being, you will in fact begin to see your greatness and forget about what is shown on the surface and begin to look deeper and deeper into the real you.

Greatness is not measured by what you might have in the bank, or the size of your house or how fancy your car might be.  Greatness is not measured by your profession, or even what family you may have been born into.  We have been raised in a society where what you have is often the measure of what you are and this is wrong on so many counts.  I know it's easy to look at those who have been put in the spotlight and get the feeling that they have elevated themselves to a position of greatness.  Maybe they have achieved a lot of things, but have they really become great.  Certainly there are instances where people have achieved great things in life, and we the rest of society have been the beneficiaries of said greatness.  Sadly we have also fallen prey to certain beliefs that if we do not do equally great feats then we are somehow less great.  Understand, we are great by virtue of the fact that we are alive and walking the planet right now.  Our design is perfect as is our own destiny.  We need to get away from measuring ourselves against others and simply accept who we are.

Who ever said that you have to come from a certain segment of society to be great?  You don't, and once again greatness is within, without regard to your position in the societal hierarchy.  I see so many people on a given day who haven't the foggiest notion of who they are.  They walk around always looking for greatness around them, when what they should be doing is cultivating the greatness that already exist inside of them.  If you can't feel or sense the greatness that resides inside of you, then it's doubtful that it will ever manifest itself in any meaningful way in your life.   Remember, we create our own reality by our thoughts, our feelings, and our words.  If you are living in less then desirable circumstances, then you are going to have to own up to the fact that you put yourself there.  I know this last statement has the possibility of pissing some people off, but truth is truth.  The Law of Attraction, whether you want to accept it or not, believe in it or not, is very much real and it governs our lives.  The sooner you can put a smile of what you are going through the sooner it will change for you.

I don't know of anyone who hasn't had dreams of doing something great.  I have on the other hand, seen many people who do nothing with those thoughts of greatness.  Why in the world would you have a dream or thought of doing something great, if you weren't supposed to do something with those thoughts and dreams?  You have them because they are there to guide you to something.  Why is it we can discount the great things we want to do, but wholeheartedly accept the crap in life?  We are limited only because we have believed someone who told us we were limited.  I'd like to kick the crap out of those people who have told others what they can and cannot do in life.  Your life is your life.  You are here to accomplish something that only you can do.  You may not create something worth zillions of dollars, but you might be the one who guides the person who does.  Does that make your contribution to the cause any less impactful?  Get away from measuring things in dollars and cents and start to look at things in terms of Universal importance.  There is more to greatness then monetary value.

We have been told that we need not think too highly of ourselves.  Once again that is a load of crap.  If ever there was a time to think about your greatness now is that time.  We as a creation of the Creator have been sent here to create something.  What that something is will depend on you, and on your ability to decipher the signs that will undoubtedly be sent your way during your journey.  Why in heaven's name would you want to go through life always thinking you are just a little too late for something?  Why in the world would you want to always be thinking that someone else is worthy of all good things and you are not?  The simple truth is that you are just as worthy as the next person, because we as created beings are all worthy of having the dreams and desires of our heart.

I have a feeling that things are going to change for a good many people this year.  I have a feeling that some of you will finally have what you have been looking for.  I have a feeling that many people will finally receive answers to questions that they have been patiently waiting on for quite some time.  Why am I so sure of these thing?  Because I know I will be experiencing each of these things, and since the Universe is not a respecter of people, you can enjoy the same benefits as I.  I have set the intention that this year will build upon last year, and the year before that.  I have set the intention that I will no longer be just a bystander, but in fact will be much more of a doer.  I have set the intention that old things will melt away and I will walk in new ways.  I am not too little, and far from too late.  You are the very same, and it's time that you accept these truths.

Now is the time to move forward and now is the time to accept greatness.  Greatness is in you, around you, and it will be there forever.  All you need to do is receive it and walk in it. The Universe is ever changing, but what hasn't changed, and what will never change is the real you.  Now is the time to embrace the real you and accept all the greatness that comes with being you.  It's a wonderful day to be alive, and an even greater time to walk in your greatness.

Monday, February 4, 2019

It's a big world out there.
We live in an ever expanding universe.  We occupy an unbelievable body, capable of so many great things.  We are all here at the right time, meant to accomplish the right thing in the right way.  We are magnificent.

How many of you have given any thought to what I just said.  Most people are so preoccupied with life that they forget that there is so much more out there for them.  My task today is to get you to understand the importance of your being, and just why you are hanging out in this moment.

It is a big world out there, and we are so much more then the tiny, itty biddy piece of land that we occupy.  We have been sold a bill of goods that we are limited, and that just isn't the case.  We only fail because we have allowed others to call it a failure.  It's never a failure if you understand that you can always try it a different way, and experience a different outcome.  If failure was a death sentence then none of us would be around right now.   Failure, once again, is simply the opportunity to try it a different way.

It's a big world out there and each of you are just as worthy of greatness as anyone else around you.  Problem is we have allowed others to dictate our success and of course identify our supposed failures.  It is time that we forget about what others say and think, and begin to follow the perfect guidance that comes from within.  The moment you realize how incredible you really are is the moment that things will turn around for you.  I have said this a million times that your heart is incapable of lying to you.  We know deep down what is right, but we allow others around us to lead us astray from our chosen path.  When will you start believing that you have all you need to be successful?  When will you realize that most of what we see is an illusion, and illusions are anything but real.  When will you realize that you have a destiny?  Your destiny is not an illusion.  Your destiny is not something only meant for those who are born into riches or prominence.  Your destiny is the reason you are here right now.  We have to get away from the expectation of others and simply accept what is ours.  We have to let go of the worries and the thoughts of regret and walk in our destiny.

It's a big world out there and you have a purpose.  Whether you call it purpose or destiny matters not. I say this to so many people, you are not here just for the free popcorn.  You do not simply occupy space for the sake of occupying space.  Each of us has something to accomplish and until such time as you accept this there is going to be something inside of you continually prompting you to go after it.  Now some people will say it is restlessness, others will call it indigestion, I call it destiny.  That little burning ember that will not go out, and it will not let go.  You may try to bury it, but it will never go away, and it will make it's presence known throughout your life.  Think about it: that one idea that just won't go away.  That feeling that there is more to your existence.  That knowing that there is something out there for you.  This is why you are here right now.

I'm not here to simply stir the pot, although there is some merit to that from time to time.  I am here to motivate you to go after those dreams, to take a walk on the wild side, to realize that it is indeed a big world out there and you are here to change it.  If you are wondering if you will ever discover what your purpose is, the answer is yes, but only if you desire that.  Sadly there are many who will walk away from dreams, and leave ideas unfulfilled.  There are others that will discourage you from going after your dreams, because most of them never went after their own.  My dear friends, life is not simply going through each day doing the same thing.  Life is not what others say it is, but what you know it is.  The only way you are going to know what life is about is when you accept who and what you are.  Life is so much more then the do's don'ts that others have shoved down your throat.  Life is an experience, one that should be savored each day.  Life is thrilling and full of opportunity and possibilities.  If you are simply going through each day the way so many others go through life then you are going to wind up miserable like so many others.  It is time that you grab life by the you know what and move on to those things you know to be true.

It's a big world out there, and out there is someone who needs what you have.  Your special gifts were given to you so you might give them to others.  If you think otherwise you need to step back and think.  Think about why you are here, what you can do, and why you should do it.  Think about those lives that will be changed by your kindness, your smile, your actions, and your love.  We are not here simply to occupy space, we are here to change the world, one person at a time.

To those who believe they do not have the time to help someone else, they have missed the boat.  When we forget about others we have placed ourselves above the rest, and that I can tell you is a very dangerous place to be.  Lets face facts:  there are many people out in the world today who care for nothing else but themselves.  They will say they care about their family, but to everyone else, they need to take care of themselves.  This is not the way things should be.  We should care for others just as much as we care for our own self.  Showing compassion and love is every bit as important as your next victory.  Coming in first place is meaningless if you have forgotten to display love and compassion to those around you.

It's a big world out there and there are people who need you.  Take a few moments and simply think about those around you and what they might be going through.  Allow love and compassion to engulf you, and then transfer it to someone else.  There can never be too much love in the world.  There can never be too much compassion.  Those who think there is are the ones who have never been given it from others.  When you have been the recipient of love and compassion it is always easier to give it back to someone else.  The world is a big place, but we can make it more beautiful if we will give of ourselves to someone in need.  The world is not so big, the universe is not so expanding, that it couldn't use a little more love.  Give from your heart and see if things don't brighten up for you in a very big way.