Monday, November 26, 2018

Take a step back and just remember this.....
I think you'd have to agree with me when I say that life itself is kind of funny.  There are times when life seems to run away from us and then there are times when life just seems to pile up on us.  Each of us have been in different situations where we wonder what to do next.  Often we forget that there will be times when all we need to do is take a step back and let things go.  One of the biggest mistakes people make today is that they forget one simple fact.  This forgetfulness does nothing but dig the hole deeper and make life a whole lot more unpleasant.  This one thing is something that you would do well to remember.  Are you ready for it?  Here you go:  we were created to create!

I've just come through a period in my life where I had to take inventory of the things I wanted to do and begin to prioritize some things.  During this time I fell back on some pretty bad habits.  Yes even I deal with things that I thought I had beaten in the past.  Now before you go off on a tangent I'm talking about thoughts and feelings.  I've beaten myself up pretty bad lately with the old, "I'm not good enough." and "When, when, when, will things get going for me."  Because I was feeling this way I knew that not all was well and that I needed to make some changes in my thinking.  Low and behold I was reminded of the fact that I was created to create.  I had gotten so wrapped up around the wagon wheel that I had forgotten this simple truth.  I'm writing this today because I think there are many out there who have also fallen down and had a hard time picking themselves back up.  If I can get kicked in the butt then so can you.  But just as important is the fact that if I can get back up on the horse then so can you as well.

Remembering that you were created to create begins with the knowledge that you were created for this very moment and nothing can change the fact that you are a spiritual being, who has all the tools one would need to do whatever your heart desires.  It is only due to man's conditioning that we think otherwise.  There always seems to be a list of things we can't or shouldn't do instead of there being a list of all the possibilities out there for us.  Don't get me wrong, I fall prey to thoughts of despair and dread from time to time, after all I do inhabit a mortal body.  What I've had to do is go deep into my self and realize the perfection of my creation and in that perfection know that I am that I am.  I can never separate myself from that which created me, and since I am part of that which created me, then I carry within me the ability to do all things.  Now many will read this and will automatically fall back on the thoughts that we have to contend with the world round us and all the things associated with that world.  Here's the problem with that scenario:  you forget who and what you are.  When we forget about our creation, about our perfection, we will always forget just how powerful we are.

We are fast approaching the end of the year.  With each passing year many will reflect on the previous 11 or 12 months and of course look ahead to the next 12.  There will be thoughts of what didn't happen and if we are lucky, there will be thoughts of what did happen and hopefully what did happen was what you wanted.  Understand this; whatever happened last year was a direct result of the thoughts, words, and feelings that occupied your being over the last 12 months.  Maybe you've been fighting with feelings of despair, sadly despair breeds more despair.  If joy was the ruling emotion in your life these past 12 months, then it's a pretty good bet that joy will continue to reign in your life.  Whether you want to accept it, or simply believe in the Law of Attraction matters not.  We are the creators of our reality, and if you want to change your circumstances then simply change the way you talk about things, think about things, and feel about things.  I know that may seem like something out of crazyville, but it's true.

You can be in a pitch black, darkened room, and one little match will begin to light up that room.  There is no need to remain in the darkness of life, when you have the ability to be a light.  When One goes around always wanting something, or claiming they need this or that, maybe the best way to start is to think about all the things you already have.  I have so many blessings in my life, do I really need anything else?  When I begin to think about the things I don't have, then I forget about and am less thankful for the things I already have.  Do you see the issue here?  If you can be thankful for what you have, you will get even more.  I know that many will have a mind tilt on that one, but truth is truth.  Creating is as simple as seeing things as done, even if they have not yet begun.  Creating is feeling the joy of something even before that something has taken place.  Creating is accepting the greatness of your being, and walking in that greatness without regard to what may be around you.

You are perfection, and you being alive right now is in the perfection of the Universe.  Why would something so perfect every need to be subject to things that bring strife and stress?  Well they don't and the quicker you pick up on this the sooner you can take your rightful place.  We were created to create the life of our dreams, and we have those dreams because it is what we are suppose to have in this life.  People forget that they are not alone, and that what they need they already have.  You simply have to accept what is inside of you, and know that it is inside of you for a very specific reason.  Get out there and created the best world possible, and see if things don't change for you and the rest of the world.

Monday, November 19, 2018

You can always be thankful for something....
I know this is going to sound cliche, but it is Thanksgiving Week and I would very much like each of you to really give some thought to what you are most thankful for.  If you are like me, and most people are, then you have had your struggles along the way.  Life to many has never been easy, and it would be so easy just to simply forget about past happenings and drudge through life with very little happiness to show for it.  I've been there, trust me.  As many of you know who have followed my blog over the years, there was a time in my life when I didn't care if I lived or died.  I had gotten so beaten down by life itself that I didn't care quite frankly whether I lived another day.   Thank the heavens I was able to pull myself out of this funk, and it is my hope that no one ever find themselves in a similar place.

Struggles will come and go in our lives, but each struggle will in fact make you stronger, wiser, and in reality more real.  How many people do you know who seem perfect?  The problem with perfection is that it comes with a price.  No one is perfect and no one is immune to struggles.  Those people who try to hide these struggles are trying to portray perfection, but as I just said that will come with a price.  Embrace each struggle, and learn from each struggle.  I know that I have grown over the years, and the growth has come as a by-product of those things that may not have been pleasant to say the least.

As we approach our Day of Thanks why not put away all doubt?  As we approach our Day of Thanks why not see each day as a day of possibility and with each possibility an opportunity to grow?  If you are looking to grow, if you are desiring strength, then honor what you have gone through in life and make it a testament to your greatness.  I am so, so thankful that I get to do what I love most.  To some people they go their entire life wondering what they were created to do.  I found my destiny, and I endeavor to walk in that destiny each day of my life.  If you are still looking, then don't give up because destiny will find you.

I was meditating the other day as I have some very big decisions to make over the next few months, and it was brought to my attention that I had forgotten that I have the ability to set the intentions of what I desired most.  It was as if I had been hit in the head with a bat.  I couldn't believe that I had forgotten the key to living:  I was created to create.  I had been so wrapped up in trying to figure certain things out, that I had forgotten just how powerful I am.  Let me let you in on a little secret; you are just as powerful and just as able to set things in motion in your life.  It was in this moment of awareness that I began to see things a little differently and I was able to take a deep breath and show some thankfulness.  I will tell you that thankfulness will go a long way in making your day a little brighter and lot more enjoyable.

If you were forced to write down the things you're thankful for, do you think your list would be exhaustive or simply a blank piece of paper?  If I asked you to list three things you were thankful for, would you do it?  What if I just asked for two things, could you do it?  How about a single item or thing you are thankful for, can you do that?  Now I'm not talking about just saying you're thankful, I mean can you find one thing that you are truly thankful for?  I get that there will be some who can't even think of one thing, but that inability to list anything in this moment is simply because many are being swept away by the torrent of "stuff" that is being thrown at them right now.  It is in the most trying times of our lives that we are able to really grow and become far stronger then we ever thought we could be.  Strength is not simply how much one can life or endure.  Strength comes in many different forms, and what form you choose is up to you.

If you can be thankful for the little things in life, then it is only a matter of time until you will be able to be thankful for the big things in life.  The Law of Attraction is very real, very alive, and very much operating in each of our lives, whether you believe it or not.  If you sow thankfulness you will reap thankfulness.  If you throw out seeds of joy and love, then joy and love will grow and you will be the beneficiary of the harvest.  If you have been carrying sorrow and despair around with you this whole entire year, why not drop it now and realize that there is no time like the present to start anew.  Today is a new day and no matter what happened last night, last week, or even last January, you can lay down those sorrows and despairs and start fresh.  Sobriety, for those who are struggling with addiction,  is one day at a time, and so to is your decision to walk in thankfulness.  There will be times when we fail to be thankful, but when that happens simply start over.

It is time to create the life you intend to live.  It is time to be thankful that you control so much more then you may have given yourself credit for.  It is time to smile, to laugh, and to walk forward with a confidence that no matter what may be thrown at you, you will be victorious.  Give thanks, show thanks, and accept thanks into your life.  You are far better off today, then you may have been yesterday, and this is because you still have a pulse, and because you are alive you are able to create the life of your dreams.  Be thankful, and smile because creating greatness is a wonderful thing.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Three Little Things"
I've learned many things while on this planet.  Some have come easily to me, while others have had to come with a two by four across the noggin.  Either way, I have learned a few things a long the way.  What I want you to learn today are three simple things.  Now these three things are not the totality of what you need to learn in life, but they are three things that if you can get a handle on them, will certainly help you along the way of your journey and ultimately your destiny.

The first thing you need to know is that you being here in this moment is not a fluke.  It is not a mistake, and most assuredly it is not something that just happened.  You being here in this mortal body is exactly what needed to happen.  I've heard others state that they were born either 50 years too early or too late.  Nope, they were born at just the right time.  Secondly; you are more then you could ever imagine.  We have been limited by what man says is normal, or acceptable, or even possible.  We have been limited by our past experiences, past failures, or simply by the words that have been spoken to us from well intentioned people.  The moment you can let go of these limiting beliefs the sooner you can fully walk in all that was intended from the moment of your creation.  Last, and certainly not least, you were created to create.  We are in the exact place we are supposed to be in, and we got here by virtue of every word you have spoken, every feeling you have given action to, and every thought that may or may not have been allowed to cross your lips.  Contrary to what others might tell you, we do in fact create our own reality.  You can argue this point until the cows come home, but truth is truth and the sooner you accept certain truths, the sooner you can take your rightful place among the living.

So why do I think that these are three of the most important lessons you can learn in life?  Without an accurate foundation, without an assurance of your unique being, you will never be able to navigate life, and failure to accurately navigate life, you will never fully step into the roll that was created specifically for you.  How many people do you know that constantly bemoan life?  There are countless people that were it not for bad luck, would have nothing to talk about, let alone commiserate with others about.  How many people do you know who are simply not comfortable in their own skin?  There are so many people out there today who are trying to be everything to everyone, while what they should focus on is simply being the best "Me" there is.  No one else has been equipped to do what you were created to do.  Your gifts and talents were designed around what your destiny is.  You never have to be something you're not, because once you realize who and what you are, you have everything you could possibly need.  Folks, I am what I am, and I'm damn proud of it.  I may not be perfect, in that I make mistakes just like everyone else, but I am perfection when it comes to me being here right now.  I am in the perfect will of the Creator because I am here right now, and I am sheer perfection with regards to my destiny.

There have been times in my life when I found myself questioning who and what I was.  I would be in groups of people who seemingly had everything in life, and I knew that I didn't have everything.  I've been in groups of people who appeared to have all the answers, and I knew that I really didn't have all the answers.  What I've had to do is separate myself from the rest of the group and realize that I have been perfectly equipped for me.  Your gifts and talents were not meant for me, in as much as you need them for your destiny.  My gifts and talents were placed in me because they are needed to get me to my destiny.  I may never know all that you know, but you can rest assured that I know what I need to know to get me to the right place in my journey.  I've been to places that I was never intended to be simply because others had gone there before me and I felt I needed to do the same thing.  I've talked about things I had no real idea about simply because everyone else was talking about them.

Creation is a daunting word.  In my mind creation is something that is beyond description.  I think of the great artist of the past, be it painter, sculptor, or writer.  Each began with a so called blank slate and the end product was nothing short of amazing.  Many see things as complete before the first stroke of a brush is put to canvass.  We as living, breathing creatures, have been placed here to create something.  What that something is, is different for each person, but know this, creation is at the core of your being.  So many people walk around life with this almost dead look.  They might have failed once or twice in the past, and because of this, all other things in life will certainly be failures as well.  Not true, not true at all.  If I were going to stop because of one simple failure you might as well put me in the ground right now.  We all fail from time to time, nothing wrong with that.  A simple failure will never take away from the fact that you can create.  Besides, failure will almost always be followed up with opportunity to try it again.

So lets recap shall we:  you are here because now is the right time.  You are you, because only you can do what you were put here to do.  You are truly special, and you have dreams that will lead you to your destiny.  Lastly, you can create your own story.  This story will be full of truth, loaded with excitement, and the ending will utterly blow your mind.  Don't fall prey to others negative words or actions.  Hold tight to your own beliefs and begin to walk in all those things that deep, deep, deep down in your being you know to be true.  It's as easy as 1-2-3.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Rest, Rest, Rest. Give it a try.
Lives tend to move at warp speed, and before we know it we often are simply looking for a chance to catch our breath.  Most of us get up on a Monday morning giving thought to what the upcoming week is going to bring our way.  There are many who look at each new week as a whole assortment of possibilities, while others wonder what catastrophe is just around the corner.  Our minds latch on to both sides of the equation:  what will be good, and what will be bad.  We go from one situation to the next; go, go, go, stop, stop, stop, go, go, go.  The problem is, is that we never take the time to simply quiet our minds and let the body do what it does so well, and that's keep us from harm.  It's time to schedule some rest into our daily lives, and in doing so, give our being the break that it so desperately needs from time to time.

I realize that each of us have a schedule.  We have deadlines to meet, projects to move forward on, plans that seem to change daily, and not by our wishes but by the wishes of others.  We take on each day and yet we never quite get the hang of taking care of ourselves.  There is the ever present Law of Diminishing Returns.  Sooner or later everything is going to come to a halt if we don't take the time to give ourselves the time we need to recoup.

Rest is not simply getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night.  Rest is not simply taking that wonderful Sunday afternoon nap.  Rest is a time where you can escape into utter nothingness.  Rest is a period of absolute tranquility.  Rest is something that needs to be in our daily lives, even if that period of rest is simply measured in minutes and not hours.  We have become a society of investors.  We invest our time, we invest our money, we invest our hearts and soul into others, and we invest our energy into things we deem appropriate and needed.  When will we see the importance of investing a little time to rest?

I know people who are always on the go.  I know people that are always on the hunt.  Certainly there must be something to do, and if they're not doing it, something is dreadfully wrong.  We've been conditioned that everything has to be done yesterday, but the only thing that is going to come from this botched up thought is a whole lot of stress, a ton of anxiety, and a mess of zero rest in our lives.  Is this really the way you want to spend your day?  I'm all for having goals.  I'm a huge believer in planning things out.  What I want you to realize is that nothing is so important if it requires you to give away something that is so important.  You can have tons of money and success, but if you can't quiet your mind for a few minutes each day, sooner or later you are going to be spending all that money on medical and counseling bills.

Rest my friends is the key.  Rest is a reward.  When you are able to see the importance of taking just a little bit of time each day to rest and quiet your mind, you will begin to see the rewards that come from it.  Now I'm preaching to the choir when I talk about rest, because I am just as guilty as anyone of having put everything ahead of my need for rest.  The issue is certainly brought to the forefront when we continue to ignore the signs.  These signs will tell you that rest is needed, and in fact rest is something that is probably lacking in your life.  If you cannot sleep, my guess is you lack rest.  Mindful rest people, Mindful rest.  You have to be able to shut down your mind, or sooner or later your body will begin to shut down.  If you can't seem to focus or maybe you've lost the ability to see joy in everyday things, my guess is, you have not found the ability to really find a place of rest.

I'm not saying any of this to bring you down.  I'm saying these things to build you up, to give you hope, to change the way you do things, and in doing that change your life.  Rest is not negotiable.  Rest is not a "if I get a chance" kind of thing.  Rest has to be a priority.  You taking time to rest each day has to be as common place as you breathing.  I know I may be trying to simplify things, but simple is better then complicated any day of the week.

Light begets light.  Love begets love.  Rest begets a new you.  When you incorporate rest into your daily routine, you will fundamentally change the way you see things, the way you do things, and people around you will benefit from these changes.  The old adage is "what comes around goes around."  If you fail to protect yourself, then you are asking for all forms of bad and crazy to come into your life.  If bad and crazy does come, then so do the moans, the complaints, the crying, and the anger.  You can change all of this by being good to yourself and allowing yourself to step into periods of rest throughout the day.  Remember it's not the quantity of time you spend, but the quality of time. You can shut down your mind and meditate on light, love, peace, and joy.  If you do that, guess what comes back to you?  Now you've got it, and now you can begin to rest a little bit more, and enjoy life a whole lot more.  You have mind word on that.