Sunday, March 30, 2014

There are no shades of gray, only black or white.
In life some people will tell you that there are no shades of gray in things, and that things are only black or white.  I'm on the fence when it comes to this, and there are not many times in my life that I am on the fence about anything.  I have known periods in my life when many, many things were gray areas, and not everything was as simple as black or white.  I guess it all depends on your vantage point, and what it is that you are trying to figure out or trying to accomplish.

Shades of gray, when it comes down to it, is nothing more than confusion.  Not knowing if something is supposed to be this way or that way.  Not knowing if what you are doing is right or wrong, or even possible.  Not knowing if what you want is really what you want or what someone else wants for you.   Boy have I been down this road before and in all likelihood will have to travel down this road again in the future.  This time however, I will be equipped with something that I never had before, but that I have finally found, and it has saved my life more than once.  When anyone is confused it is a sign that they either lack the required knowledge to do something, or they are attempting to do something that was never intended for them to do.  It is very similar to trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.  Sure you may be able to jam it into this space, but was it really designed to fit into it?

The one thing that I discovered, that has changed most everything from shades of gray, was my True Destiny.  No longer was I being tossed and spun around by others telling me what I should be doing and why I should be doing it.  I had taken ownership of my destiny and that cleared up any shade of gray that may have existed.  Now is the time in your life when you must take ownership of your destiny and begin to walk in it.  There is no worse feeling in the world then desiring to do something and yet never feeling like you will be able to do those things that are dearest to you.  It's almost like walking down a long corridor that never seems to end and with each step you take the corridor seems to grow in distance, making it nearly impossible for you to get to the end.

If you find yourself on that perpetual tread mill always moving but going now where, then I suggest you stop what you are doing and make the determination that you have a destiny.  Determine that you will walk in that destiny, and that no longer will the shades of gray that have fogged up your vision keep you from doing those things that you were designed to do.  I wish I could tell you that I have all the answers, I do not.  I wish I could keep you from the ups and downs of life that you will experience, I cannot.  What I do have is a desire to see you walk in your destiny and anything I can do to help you discover and walk in it, is what I have been designed to do.    There are not enough descriptive words in the English language that I could use to tell you how I long for everyone to walk in their own destiny.  Not the destiny that others have picked for you.  Not the destiny that you think you should walk in, but the destiny that you know you should walk in.

When I was a child I saw things as a child, and there were many shades of gray.  This happens when you are tossed about by everything that others tell you and you have yet to determine for yourself what is truly important to you and what those things are that make you who you are.  Self-discovery is something that we will all have to accomplish if we are to accomplish those things that were birthed in us at the time of our creation.  Many times these discoveries are hindered by some of the things we experience in life.  Many times these discoveries are covered up by hurt and fear, but there will be a time when you will have to take a deep breath and just jump into them.  If you are at that place in your life when you know there is more to life then what you are experiencing right now, then this should be a sign that it is time for more self-discovery.  If you are all the time anxious and on edge, this is a sign that you are just about ready to take a dip in the pool of destiny.

It is time to rid yourself of all shades of gray and determine what is real, what is right, and what is your destiny.  Your age, social status, your education, where you live, where you came from, or even how others see you is not what will determine if you walk in your destiny.  You and only you can make that determination.  I and many others like me are here to help you discover your destiny.  Until such time as you decide that you want to walk in your destiny, you will not walk in it.  The joy, happiness, and contentment that you will experience when you decide to step out in your destiny is a feeling that will never be duplicated, no matter what you try to measure it up against.  We all deserve to have these feelings of contentment and satisfaction, and you are no different from anyone else.  If you lack the joy, happiness and peace in your life that you have always desired, then might I suggest you put down what ever you are doing and spend some time in quiet meditation and ask for some answers.  I have said this before, people do not ask the question because they often do not want the answer.  We have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we do not believe.  You must believe that you have a destiny before you will ever walk in it.  Trust me, you have a destiny.  Ask the question and see if the answer does not come to you.  There has never been a better time to discover the greatness that resides inside of you, and this greatness is there to share with others.  Please take some time and discover those things that have been placed in you.  Until we meet again, know the great desire I have to help you walk out your destiny.  What you have is what I need and I am not to shy to ask for your help.

Friday, March 28, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
No, I am not writing about Christmas because it is still so bloody cold outside and here it is nearly the first of April.  I am writing about Christmas from the stand point of the expectations and the excitement that comes with the holidays and how we prepare for them.  When I was much younger I would not sleep for what seemed like weeks before Christmas Day.  As kids we were so excited to wake up in the morning run down stairs and see what Santa had left for us under the tree. Now I know this may seem very Norman Rockwellian, but just stick with me and I hope you will see where I am taking this.

When was the last time you bolted down the stairs in the morning, any given morning for that matter, to see what the day had in store for you? When was the last time you were excited about getting up and being able to take on the day, just knowing that something magical was going to take place today?  When was the last time that you quite frankly were looking forward to going to work and knowing you were going to have an impact on the rest of humanity, or at least a small part of it? If you do not feel this every day, then the question I have for you is why not?  Why are you not excited about each day and the opportunities that are surely going to pop up for you?  Why are you not thrilled to be a part of this thing we call life and know that you will have an impact, a positive impact, on some one's life today?  

That excitement that you had on Christmas Day is the same excitement you should have each and every day of your life, if for no other reason then you are able to walk in your destiny and do the things that you were created to do.  I so love sitting down each morning and just writing.  I may have a specific topic to write about, or I might just wing it, which is pretty much what I do each day, but I love when Spirit gives me the topic for the day and then the words that go with it.  I can't take credit for what I write, I just listen and put down what pops into my spirit.  I didn't choose my destiny, it was chosen for me.  I have however made the choice to walk in my destiny, and you will have to make that same decision.  Will you walk in your destiny, or will you just ramble on through life always wanting more or something different?

Ask yourself this very simple question:  are you happy right now?  Do you feel as though you are just going to settle for what life throws at you and let the chips fall where they may?  Is there something that you know you should be doing with your life and if so, when will you begin going after it?  These are all the same questions I have asked myself a million times, and there are millions of people asking the very same question each and every day.  It breaks my heart when I see someone who is struggling with these questions because I just want to reach out and do what I can to help them out, but they need to want the help and more importantly they need to understand that there is more to life then just getting up in the morning to repeat what has become common place to them.  I know how tough life can be at times, but more often than not the reason we go through tough times is because we have yet to realize that the majority of tough times are things that we have brought on ourselves by our own words and thoughts.  If you believe as I do that you are a divine creation and that there is nothing that God has created that is not perfect from the get go, then you must also realize that perfection awaits you in regards to your destiny and walking in that destiny.  Just think how thrilling it would be if each morning that you got up you knew that you would be doing the one thing that makes you happiest in this life.  You would have a smile on your face that would never come off and you would share your joy, peace, and happiness with as many people as you possibly could.  Joy, peace, and happiness are infectious, and if you don't believe me, just look at some of the people you hang out with, or those who you don't want to be within ten feet of because of their caustic personality.

Walking in your destiny is like that Christmas morning many years ago when you could not wait to see what was beneath the tree.  You just knew you would get what you asked for because you had faith. Well it is that same kind of faith you must display when it comes to walking in your destiny.  Open up the present with your name on it, and see what is inside.  Go ahead and scream and shout with joy because you got the gift of your dreams.  The gift of your destiny is as simple as opening up the package and taking out what is inside.  You can have received the most excellent gift in the world, but if you don't take it out of the box what good is it to you?  It is time to take this great gift and use it in the way that it was fashioned for you to use it.  You have asked for your destiny a million times in the past, but you have missed the answers to your request.   Lucky for you Spirit is patient and will continue to offer you packages to open and use what is inside.  Excitement, that is what you need each day.  Excitement that says I get to do this and there is nothing better in the world then what I get to do.  That is your destiny and that is what you were created to do.  Go ahead and open the box, look inside, pull out what is inside and know that your life will be different from this point forward if you will just take your destiny out of the box and use it.  The gift of destiny is what you have been crying out for and now you will have what you have desired for sometime now.  Enjoy the moment, and then get out there and help others discover what is in their box.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Just let it go!
There are all kinds of things in life that we know we should let go of, yet there is a part of us who would give almost anything to hold on to them.  It might be a grudge, an old love, even bad memories which provide us ammunition when we want to justify certain actions that we take.  No matter how you look at it, holding on to something that is not of benefit to you is certain death.  Now I am not speaking about physical death, although there are people who will go to an early grave because of certain things that they are unable to let go of.

If you look at the picture that accompanies today's blog you can see a pair of handcuffs.  When these cuffs are opened up they almost form a heart. Why is this significant?  If you are unable to forgive, if you are unable to forget, if you are unable to move forward, then for all intents and purposes your heart will be closed off to almost anything that could be good in your life.  When you open up your heart and realize that this is the only way in which to live your life then almost all those things that have hampered you in the past seem to melt away.  Loving someone who has done you a wrong is difficult, but if you are unable to display love, then you loose on two counts. Not only are you hurt by the actions of others, but you have hurt yourself by your own actions, or in some cases inaction.  Love in its simplest form is the one thing that should be ever present in your life.  Showing love to others will break down walls.  It will melt the hardest of heart, and in most cases it will free up feelings and emotions that have been blocked for far too long.

When one has difficulty letting go of things, then I would think you need to ask yourself why.  Why is it so difficult to let go?  Why do these old emotions keep coming back and why do they still bother me?  Why can't I just get over it and move on with my life?  Most everyone has asked these questions in the past, and probably will ask them again at some point in time in the future.  The great thing about it is that you are at least asking the question.  If you walk around ignoring all these things then it is most likely that you will not have the ability to let go of those things that need to be let go of.  To be handcuffed to past hurts, past loses, past regrets, is to place your self into a prison cell without a key or even the possibility of ever escaping your captors.  Trust me, I have been bound up with past hurts, fears, and regrets for way too many years and all it got me was acid in my stomach and sleepless nights.  I had to find a way of letting go of things, and until such time as I did, you can bet your bottom dollar I was as miserable as anyone could get.  I would get angry at the drop of a hat, fly off the handle at some stupid, almost inconsequential event, and blow my stack at what most people would say is nothing at all.  I know none of you have had to deal with things like this, but just in case I wanted the truth to come out.

Letting go of things to most people is not easy, after all many have had practice for many years of holding on to things that should be done away with.  That being said, failure to learn this valuable lesson is going to keep you in bondage, and that bondage will never be easy to live through.  When you open your heart to forgiveness, when you are able to turn the other cheek, and when you are able to let go, you then leave the past which allows you to live in today, and that opens the door for the future.  The true measure of spiritual maturity is when you are able to look at a situation and realize that there is learning to be had, and in this learning you are taking one giant leap toward greater understanding of just what it is to be free from those things that would love to keep you down.  I have seen people who have let situations that took place ten, twenty, or even thirty years ago, dictate all their tomorrows.  This can never be a good thing, and once you are able to understand this, you will be putting yourself in a very admirable place.

Letting go can be difficult, but letting go is the only thing that can keep you moving forward toward your destiny and being the person you were created to be.  Don't allow past hurts, fears, lost loves, or whatever is looking you in the face deter you from what you were called to do in this life.  Letting go of the past is something you must do.  I know you can do it, and truth be told, I suspect you want to do that.  When things are difficult it is in direct correlation to the blessings that will come from it.  I am determined to empty myself of past hurt and fear, because anything less than that will keep me from doing what I was destined to do.  My desire to talk about destiny to others is what allows me the ability to get over things.  Your desire to accomplish the things in your life must also be the driver which allows you to shed the past and move onward.  I know you can do it, and I cannot wait to hear all the stories of success.  Take that step toward your future by leaving the past behind you.  We can learn from the past, we just can't be stuck in it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I am, what I am.
What can I say, I am what I am.  Your are who you are, and everyone is who they are supposed to be.  End of story, case closed, period.  Now to many this may seem like a very self-centered view of one's self, but in actuality it is the best possible view you can have of yourself.  There are certain things that people need to know about themselves, and until such time as you either come to this realization or in some cases enlightenment, then you will always be walking around trying to figure out why this or that has happened, and why it has happened to you.

I was having a conversation with two very close friends on Saturday.  I had one of those "Ah Ha" moments, and for me it answered many, many questions that had been going through my mind as of late.  Now I have spent the better part of the last four years setting a foundation for what is about to come about in a big way.  The vast majority of that foundation was getting to know the real Scott.  Who was I, why was I put here in this moment, and more importantly, why haven't the New England Patriots won a Superbowl in over ten years?  OK, that last one wasn't really one of my life questions, more like an observation, LOL.  Anyway, I had to know the real me. What makes me tick, what makes me special, and what in the world was I supposed to do with my life?  I have wandered about for so many years knowing that I had something special to offer, but at the same time I did not feel special.  I did not feel worthy of what I saw other people obtaining.  Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't that I didn't want to obtain certain things, it was that there was something there that was blocking my ability to get what I wanted.  Now just in case some smart ass feels as though that the things I want are surrounded by money and fame, I can assure you that is not the case. I could care less about money, and I certainly do not need fame to know that I am special.  I long for a deeper spiritual awakening. I so desire to see into the spiritual realm and to understand many of the great mysteries of life.  I would meditate and meditate and during those quiet moments ask for a small, yet very important sign, that I was where I was supposed to be and that those spiritual beings sent to help us was in fact there to help me.  My "Ah Ha" moment came when I realized that I didn't feel worthy of seeing into the spiritual.  Now there are all kinds of reasons why people do not feel worthy of something, but in the end, that worthiness is not measured in how God sees you, but rather how you see you.

I know that my life growing up was not perfect.  I was loved, but there was an element that was missing and because of this absence so was my ability to feel worthy of who I was.  Regrettably I have carried this with me for far too many years.  My worthiness is not based on what I do, or what I don't do. My worthiness is not predicated upon what I went through as a younger child, or what I will go through as an adult.  No, my worthiness is based only on the fact that I am a creation of the Creator of the Universe, and because of that my worthiness is never something that I need to question again.  I have run away from things in the past because I didn't want to face the prospect of not being worthy of getting what I truly wanted or hoped for.  When I finally figured out that I had been the reason for my lack, the reason for my emptiness, and the reason for my seemingly endless streak of bad luck, I was able to cut a cord, a cord that desperately needed to be cut.

We are all worthy of every good thing in life, because goodness is the only thing that Spirit can provide to us and everything else is nothing more than smoking mirrors that we have believed as truth for way too many years.  The illusion that God slaps us with bad is idiotic.  The belief that many people have that says they will never achieve is likewise idiotic.  Worthiness is not something you have to work for.  Worthiness is not something that comes over time.  Worthiness is not something only set out for a few select individuals who happened to have been born into the right family.  Worthiness is your birth right, and once you can pick up on this the sooner you can take your rightful place in this world.  I have been through a lot, and yes I have learned from it all, but one of the greatest lessons I have learned is that I am worthy, and there is nothing that anyone can do that will ever change that fact.  If I am worthy, then so are you.  If I can have the dreams in my heart, then so can you.

I am who I am because this is how God made me.  I am so very thankful that he made me the way I am and you need to understand and be thankful for the way you were created.  We are all worthy of the desires of our heart, the riches of this world, and the understanding of those spiritual forces designed to be our guides and helpers.  If you struggle with feelings of unworthiness, then begin by knowing that you are sheer perfection because your are a creation of the creator.  You are spotless and your are unique.  Once you can accept these things watch and see if the gates of heaven are not opened to you and that blessings and opportunities will overtake you.  I am worthy, you are worthy.  I accept the greatness in knowing that and I accept the fruits that also come along with this knowledge. It is time to think on these things and once you grasp them watch and see if things do not change in a very big way for you.  I look forward to hearing all about it from you.

Friday, March 21, 2014

I have a dream.
I have a dream.  Each of you have a dream.  Those who claim they do not have a dream are either just simple idiots, or unwilling to admit what they really want to do for fear of what others might think.  Dreams can come to us while we sleep, while we walk around on a beautiful spring day, or while we sit at our desk at work wishing we were any place but here.  Today I want to encourage you to take a step toward achieving all those dreams that may have yet to be spoken to anyone, but still are very real to you.

There was a time when I would tell people that the only difference between a dream and a goal is that you would work toward a goal, but dreams would only come to fruition if everything else in the universe lined up and of course there was an element of luck attached to it.  Since making this statement many years ago I have slightly changed my position on this.  Now I still see goals as a very important part of each life, but goals should always lead toward the fulfillment of one's dreams.  My goal each week is to write my blog at least three times and share it with you.  I love writing and I love motivating others toward their goals and dreams.  It is a work of passion and I love every minute of it.  My goals will ultimately lead me to my dreams.  My dreams are much bigger then simply writing a blog three times a week.  Writing is easy truth be told, what is harder is helping people realize they can have what they want, when they want it, and how they want it.  My dream is to help others achieve each of their dreams.  When I say achieve their dreams I mean really walk in those things that they have held in their hearts for years, and walk in those things that would truly bring happiness to them and countless other people.

If you believe as I do that dreams are given to you by the Creator of the Universe for a very specific reason then why in the world would you ever discount a dream?  When you take the time to reflect on the joy you would experience when you achieve a dream, then it really does make sense to go after your dreams with everything you have inside of you.  I can't let go of my dreams.  There is not a single day that passes that I do not think about helping others discover and walk in their destiny.  It is something that is so real to me, and it is something that I just can't deny.  I have let fear stop me in the past, not because I was unwilling to do certain things, but because I thought who was I to have such lofty goals and dreams.

When I set out to write my first book I wanted to write about destiny:  How each of us have a destiny and how important it is to discover that destiny and ultimately walk in it. When I set out to write my second book the process was the same, then came the third, the fourth, fifth, and finally the sixth.  My goal was to write something that would help others discover their reason for being here.  These goals have all lead me to my dream of motivating and encouraging others to step out into those things that would completely fulfill them.  I love getting up in front of a crowd and share stories of victory, and also stories of failure.  I want people to realize that they are no different then I and if I can do what I love most in life then they can do the same.  What I need you to see is that there is no measure of a dream.  We have to get away from putting values on our dreams verses someone else's.  The dreams I have are for me and the dreams you have are for you.  It is quite possible that your dreams will be far reaching and far more important then mine, but it doesn't matter because they are your dreams, and they have been given to you for a reason, that reason is what you were born to do.  I cannot be who you were intended to be just as you cannot be the person I was intended to be.  We have to get away from always feeling that we have to compete with others and that if our dream is not somehow superior to theirs then we have missed the mark.  If your dream is to be the best parent in the world, then be that parent.  When it is all said and done you will have walked in your destiny and that is all that matters.

It is now the moment of truth: have you given up on your dreams or are you willing to take a step toward them?  Look deep into your heart and be honest, have you left your dreams on the rubbish heap of life simply because others have made you forget them or possibly because you thought they were unattainable?  It's never too late to pick up on your dreams.  There is nothing worse in life then wanting something, seeing something, and believing in something, and yet that something just seems a little outside of your reach.  It's not that they are out of reach, they are simply things that you just don't quite believe yet.  Believe in your dreams.  They were given to you for a reason, and you can't just let them sit there and never put any action toward them.  At the end of the day you will hate yourself for giving up too soon or not fighting hard enough for what you truly believe in.  You must believe in the dreams that have been given to you.  They were given to you and only you, because you and only you can do what has to be done with them.  Never stop dreaming and never stop believing in dreams, they are divine guidance meant specifically for you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A tale of two cities.
You open your eyes and before you is nothing but splendor and beauty.  All things are perfect and the times could not be better.  "Please pinch me, I want to make sure this is real." You open your eyes a second time and for sure you want to go back to the original view as now you see nothing but desolation and utter sadness.  How can this be?  How can there be nothing but beauty and tranquility one moment, and the next nothing but fear and dread?  Our lives are quite similar to what Dickens writes, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."  The question I have for you this fine day is why?  Why such a change from one day to the next, one week to the next, or one year to the next?  Why are there moments when all things are right, and just seconds later things come toppling down on you?  Either we are in our own "spring of hope"  or our "winter of despair", but never just one without the other.

I was woken up at two this morning with today's blog topic.  I repeated it several times in my head so as not to forget it, but then I realized that when Spirit gives you something, it will always come back to you when you need it, so I was not worried that I would forget it in just a few short hours.  What I wasn't sure of was why this topic, and why today.  When I got up this morning I had all kinds of ideas running through my mind, but the one that was most prevalent was a simple truth: we set our own days up by our own words and thoughts.  Most people want to believe that only good will prevail, but they tend to allow the negative to creep into their lives, simply because they have come to expect it.  We set ourselves up for failure because we speak it into being.  We set ourselves up for hurt because we speak it into being.  We set ourselves up for trouble because we feel as though that nothing better will come along to take its place.  If you can change the way you think and speak, you can change the way your day will go.  If you can change the words that come out of your mouth, you can change the direction of your life.

I can remember a time many years ago when I went to Paris, France.  I had always hoped to get there one day and as I stood beneath the Eiffel Tower I literally pinched myself to make sure I was awake and not just dreaming that I was where I was.  I couldn't believe I was standing there, but I was, and it was magnificent.  How many times have you had to pinch yourself to make sure that you were not dreaming when you were in an incredible place in your life?  Most people who have to pinch themselves do it because of doubt.  They want to believe that good things will follow them, but in truth they do not really believe it.  Shouldn't goodness be a part of your day every day?  Shouldn't the best things in life be a part of your life every day?  If they are not, the question has to be asked once again, why not?  Why do bad things happen to good people?

You have a decision to make today.  Will you allow things to come into your life that bring you no value and only hurt and despair, or will you take control of your words and thoughts and start to realize that you have the ability to change what ails you?  I will tell you that most of the time people are unaware of the words they speak, but the danger lies in the fact that whether you are aware of what you are saying matters not, those words will still come back to haunt you.  As I have said so many times in the past, we have been conditioned since birth to accept certain things into our lives.  We have been conditioned by others who have not yet figured out that the words they speak have power and if they ever want to change the direction of their life, they had better change the words that are coming out of their mouth.  Man says we have to suffer lack.  Man says we have to learn to handle times of turmoil.  Man says we have to take the good with the bad.  Well let me say this, stop the madness, stop it once and for all.  If someone is telling you that things have to be bad just because it will help you appreciate the good, well then they are not doing you any favors.

You are a spiritual being first and foremost.  Yes we have a human body, but that is only a shell.  Your true essence is a spirit, and as such, your spirit is as perfect as God is perfect.  If your spirit is perfect, then what your spirit tells you is also in that perfection.  If what your spirit tells you is perfect then why are you not following what your spirit is telling you to do?  I will bet you all my future earnings that your spirit is never going to tell you that living in lack, or living in fear, or living just for the sake of living, is God's best for you, nor is its God's plan for you.  Man will say these things, but never God.

Let me ask you this final question:  why do some people seem to have all the luck and others seem to fall into a pile a poop every time they try something?  If God has said it is good for good to happen to others, why then are you always on the other end of the stick and only experiencing bad?  God does not play favorites, and he is not a respecter of people.  What God does for one God will do for others.   If you cannot see yourself experiencing good, then good will never follow.  If you cannot speak of good, then good will never follow.  If you cannot believe that good is for you, then you will never experience good.  You are just as deserving as the next person, problem is, most of the time we don't believe that.

Yes it was the "best of times" and the "worst of times", but it was all based on what you believed and what you spoke into existence.  It is time to watch what comes out of your mouth and begin by knowing that you are deserving of good things just like everyone else.  When you get up each day be thankful and begin by just saying "this is the best of times".  Trust me, your day will begin with a smile, and if that happens it will end in a smile as well.  Let me know what you think.

Monday, March 17, 2014

It takes two to tango!
Does it always take two to tango?  I guess this depends on what your definition of tangoing is.  The reason I am bringing up this topic this morning is because I have come to the conclusion that if life is a journey, then there is no reason whatsoever to do it alone.  I know there will be those out there who will fight me on this, as is their right, but that will not deter me from my commitment to share with everyone that you need others in your life to get you to the point you were intended to get to.

I have had people along side of me throughout my entire life who have been pillars to me.  Without them I certainly would not be where I am at today, and without them, I dare say that life would have been a whole lot more complicated and less joyful.  I have managed over the last three of four years to complete six manuscripts and at the end of each one I have acknowledged certain people in my life who have been there for me and without them, well lets just say that life would not have meant as much to me.   I dedicate each book to someone, not because I owe them anything, but because I desire to let them know how important they are to me in my life.  If you were to write a dedication or acknowledgment page, who would you include?  Who are the people who have meant the most to you and have imparted to you in a measure that is almost incalculable? I am of the opinion that we all have these people in our lives, yet we often neglect to tell them how important they are to us.

It is true that we all have people who come and go out of our lives, sometimes they depart for the right reasons and sometimes not so much.  We have lost loved ones due to death.  We have fallen away from certain relationships because of time, distance, or just the everyday events of life.  I have some regrets in regards to some people who have come into and out of my life.  There are some who I wished I had told them what they meant to me, and there are others who although I learned lessons from them because of their presence in my life, I would just as well not have ever met them.  Where ever you fall on the spectrum is not the issue; what is at issue is that you recognize that you cannot complete this thing we call life alone and being an island unto yourself.   I know how difficult it is to let others know your fears and doubts.  We as humans have been conditioned to believe that if something is worth having or doing, then you must do it alone.  That is such rubbish and the sooner you get this stinking thinking out of your head the sooner you can accept the help that others have been gracious enough to offer you.

I want to take a minute and touch on a topic that is quite out of this world so to speak, but I would be less than honest if I did not spell it out here and even more so, disrespectful to those forces out in the universe who have been sent to help, when all else fails.  As a writer, light worker and empath, I depend on my understanding of God, Angels, and other Spiritual Messengers to do what I do.  So many people have disregarded these beings, if for no other reason then they do not have a belief that they exist.  I can assure you that they do exist, and they are there to assist you in so many different ways.  I have been guilty of dancing around this issue when I deal with others, mostly out of a fear that they will see me as some strange or "off my rocker" type of person.  It has only been in the last year or so that I have found myself unmoved by other's doubt or ignorance of spiritual matters and I make a point of interjecting spirituality into almost every conversation I have with others who have come to me for guidance.

I could never have made it this far in life had it not been for my relationship with other spiritual beings.  I have witnessed the unexplainable.  I have felt the presence of angels and I will tell you that they are very much real and very eager to assist you, if you would simply ask for help.  It really doesn't matter who you call upon when you need assistance: friends or acquaintances, angels or other messengers, the point is to be willing to allow these entities to be there for you, in the way that you need them to be there.  If you were walking around the desert dying of thirst and someone gives you a glass of water, you have two choices: drink it and live or don't and die.  The same can be said about asking for assistance from others: ask and get what you need, or don't and go without. Which one makes more sense to you?

You see, it does take two to tango.  The question you have to ask yourself is will you be brave enough to make the request and once made, will you be wise enough to accept what comes your way?  I have said this before, but like so many other things that I have said in the past, it bears repeating:  we have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we don't believe.  Simply because something may not be explainable does not make it unreal or impossible.  You each have allies who want nothing more than to help you out when you need it most.  Do not let your unfamiliarity with spirituality stand in the way of getting help when it is most needed.  Life is complicated, but it becomes even more complicated when you refuse help or when you refuse to ask for it.

Think about this for a minute and then ask yourself a simple question.  Has there ever been a time in your life when you experienced the unexpected or unexplainable, but when it was all said and done you knew that you had been helped by something or someone that just happened to be at the right place at the right time?  Help is always available if you are brave enough to ask for it.  I ask for it everyday and I receive something everyday.  Give a try and see if those situations that seemed impossible or impractical don't just pan out the way you always hoped.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Circle of Life: it's more like the circle of opportunity.
There is a pattern to life.  We are born, we live, and eventually we die.  There isn't a lot we can do to alter this cycle.  Some have a long life, some short, some challenging, and some are full of love, happiness, and joy.  We tend to desire the love, happiness, and joy more than anything else, but sadly life can be full of other less thrilling circumstances.  We tend to lament about all the bad things that transpire from day to day, maybe in an effort to get sympathy from others, or maybe its just wanting to share the wealth with other less fortunate souls.  Either way we spend far too much time thinking and pondering the reason why things happen the way they do and why they had to happen to us. Might I suggest that you look at things a little differently and maybe this will change the whole panorama of your life.

I have been just as guilty as the next person when it comes to crying foul and wanting others to walk in my misery.  I find that it is always more fun when others are involved, OK a little sarcasm I grant you.   I want to share a few thoughts on what I consider the "Circle" and it just might surprise you as you begin to change the way you look at, think about, and do things.  So grab a coffee, put your feet up and join me on this little journey we call "Destiny".  Things are about to get really, really, really good for you.

First things first:  quit crying over that missed opportunity, or what you perceive as a missed opportunity.  Should of, would of, and could of, plus $2.99 will get you a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts, $4.29 at Starbucks.   We tend to get wrapped around the wagon wheel due to things that didn't go according to plan or that jumped out and bit us on the ass.  Once again everything we go through is a learning opportunity and every opportunity is just that, a chance to do things again, but this time do them better.  I can't tell you how many times I have come up short on things, and if I had quit after failing the first time, I would be sitting around wondering what has gone on with my life and crying non-stop.

Second, and this one everyone is guilty of:  stop complaining and watch what words come out of your mouth.  We attract negative things in our life because we allow negativity to come out of our mouth.  Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction matters now.  You will never change or alter the Law of Gravity and you will never change or alter the Law of Attraction.  I am constantly amazed to hear people complain about this or that, and then wonder why these things continue to haunt them and never seem to loosen its grip on them.  If you continually bemoan the fact that you have no money, then you will continue to bring this poverty mentality on you and you will never get over it.  The same can be said if you are complaining about your job, your family, your friends, whatever it is you are complaining about, you can pretty much assure yourself that it will continue.  I know this may seem like a hard thing to come to grips with, but you better come to grips with it or forever walk around in misery and contempt.

Not sure why I got off on that Rabbit Trail, but undoubtedly someone needed to hear it.  Opportunity, or like I like to put it, a "Do Over", is always going to make itself known to you.  If you miss an opportunity, and it was in direct line with your destiny, then that opportunity will present itself to you again, and again, and again, until you are smart enough to pick up on it.  Your destiny was preordained and there is nothing that is ever going to change the fact that there are things that you are supposed to do in this life.  You may run from it, but that doesn't mean that you are not supposed to be doing it.  If you believe in destiny then you must also believe that God who designed you perfectly would also provide you the opportunity to walk in that destiny.  If you miss it, then it only makes sense that God would bring the opportunity around to you again and again, until you pick up on it.

Let me stop here and give you a warning, because there are people out there obstinate enough to purposely miss an opportunity because they believe it will show up again when the time is more in line with their desires.  This type of arrogance is not something I recommend you latch on to.  We have free will and Spirit is never going to trump your free will.  That being said, if you are dumb enough to think that you have to answer to no one, then you will find out in due time that things can and will get dicey for you.  My advise is to be open to the opportunities that come your way and be thankful for each one.  Thankfulness and appreciation go a lot farther than arrogance and self-centeredness.

If your true desire is to walk in your destiny, then please never loose heart over a perceived missed opportunity, because they will come back around to you.  If your motives are pure, then allow the goodness of the universe to come back around to you.   Opportunities are a never-ending loop.  They will just keep coming and coming.  The key is to grab it while you can.  You were created to fulfill your destiny, so it only makes sense that the opportunity will always present itself for you to do just that, walk in your destiny.  Anything other than that would make the Creator of the Universe imperfect, and that is an impossibility.  Look for each opportunity and when you see one, grab it, run with it, and never look back at the previous missed ones.  Missed ones are long gone, and now it it time to look at the here and now.   Opportunity awaits each of us, and each of us now has the opportunity to walk in our destinies.  Now that is a great thing wouldn't you say?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Do you just blend in, or do you stand out? The decision is yours.
I stepped out onto my back porch this morning just to take in a few deep breaths of the fresh morning air and I saw, perched on a clump of trees, a beautiful long haired brown cat.  At first I didn't even see it as it blended in perfectly, but as the cat moved I saw it and just watched it for a few minutes.  As I looked I wondered just how many times in my life I have just blended in with the landscape instead of making a bold statement of who and what I am.  The question I have for you this morning is when was the last time you made a statement of who you are verses just blending in with the rest of society?

Now there is nothing wrong with blending in, and there are times when this is not a bad thing.  But, there are other times when one should boldly stand up and be seen for who and what they are.  The beauty of your individuality, the splendor of your confidence and determination; these are things that belong to you but should also be shared with others.  There is nothing worse then getting lost in the landscape because one is afraid to step out and be who they were designed to be and more importantly, share those things with others around you.

We have all been given traits and characteristics for a specific reason.  The personality you have is there to allow you to be the person you were intended to be and accomplish the things that were intended for you to accomplish in this life.  I have seen people who have placed themselves in a self imposed exile because they refuse to show their true colors, all in an effort to fit in.  Did you ever give thought to the fact that the personality you have may be there for others to learn from?  If someone takes offense to who you are, then that is their cross to bear, not yours.  I could no more change my personality then I could change the color of my eyes.  Sure I could put in different color contact lenses, but that would just be a mask, the true color of my eyes would not change.  Likewise, I could attempt to change my personality to fit in better, but would I really have changed who I am, or would it just be another mask?

I guess my point in all of this is to say that maybe the time has come for each of us to be the people we were intended to be and if others don't like it, well then tough.  They are not the ones who have been called to what you have been called to do, so why worry about how they may interpret why you are the way you are.  There is nothing worse in this life then relegating yourself to a position that you were never intended to be in, but you have placed yourself there because you wanted to be liked or because you didn't want to rock the boat.  Once again, did you ever give thought to the possibility that you were placed in that position to do just that, rock the boat.  There are plenty of situations out there that are in dire need of being rocked a little bit, and if you can be the driving force to get it done then more power to you.

I am simply amazed when I see someone who has all the talent in the world, but for whatever reason has decided not to progress as far as possible for fear that others may think of them as some self-centered, ego maniacal, know-it-all.  Please don't seek yourself short.  Don't pull back into your shell simply because those around you may not have the ability to accept you for who you are.  Your greatest asset is knowing why you are the way you are, and knowing how to use the tools that have been placed in your hands in order to accomplish certain things in this life.  I don't give a rat's ass if what I do, or who I am bothers someone else.  They have not been tasked with what I have been tasked to do, and they certainly do not have the foggiest notion of my true intentions.

I have been ridiculed in the past because I always give people the benefit of the doubt.  Some say I am a pushover, some feel as though people take advantage of my kindness and generosity.  I am forever telling people that I only do what I desire to do and no one makes me do the things I do.  If I want to help someone out financially, then what does that hurt anyone else, it's my money after all.  I love to help others see the talent they have inside of them and help them step out into it.  There are those who feel as though I feel I am better then them because I want to help others, somewhat of a misguided view, but hay, they can think what they want.  I can't change my desire to help others, and because of that I can't change what I have been called to do.  I could easily try to mold into the wood work and just be like everyone else, but that would not be good for me, not good for others, and certainly not good for those who need what I have.

So answer me this:  do you just want to be part of the landscape or do you want to be the person you were intended to be, full of promise, full of talent, and full of life?  Step out of the framework that others have tried to put you in and set yourself free on your own path.  Do not let others define you.  Do not let others limit you.  Do not let others box you up so that you never walk in your destiny.  It is time that you make a splash.  It is time for you to begin to paint your own portrait, where you can be center piece, and not just a part of the background.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Question Authority? I think so!
We have been told many things in life.  Some of them are correct and some are way off base.  There are some who follow blindly and others who ask the questions when warranted.  Where do you fall on all of this?  Do you take everything you hear as gospel?  Do you blindly follow others simply because you have been taught to do this?  Do you take a stand when you know that things have gone crazy even at the risk of standing all alone?  I have been accused of muddying up the waters from time to time.  I have even been accused of being an instigator, although I think that is a pretty strong term and I don't really feel as though that is who I am.  I am simply one who will not take what others say without first looking at it logically and basing my decisions on what I know to be true.

The whole issue of following or leading, falling into lock step with others, simply because everyone else is doing it, or being your own person, is what I want you to look at this morning.  It's easy for me to sit here and tell you why you need to be your own person.  What isn't easy is getting you to the point where you are willing to fall onto your own sword because of what you believe.  Questioning authority is not just something that you see on a bumper sticker: questioning authority is something we all need to be doing.  Now let me say one thing, and let me make this crystal clear:  questioning authority is not something we do just to be an idiot, or something we do just to prove we are better then someone else.  We question authority because what you may be seeing is not in line with your own belief system and therefore worthy of your discourse.

I have been called a rebel in the past, but that is because people have not always seen that my way of doing things is simply that, my way.  It may not always be the right way, at least in other people's eyes, but it is right in my own eyes.  When we give into the pressure that others exert over us simply because they desire us to be like them, then we are giving away what is ours and that is never a good thing. When someone has an issue with what you believe, with what you honor, and with what you desire, then that is their issue and not yours.  Now I have seen people take questioning authority to a whole new level of absurdity, and I am not saying this is right or wrong.  It is my hope that there is a method to their madness, and they have a reason for doing what they are doing.  Just as I would not want one questioning why I do things, I give people the benefit of the doubt and just simply trust that they are doing what they believe they should be doing.

There are some very obstinate people walking the planet these days, and their whole reason for being is to disrupt or upset whatever is going on.  They have no real interest in the outcome except to say they want to be the one who puts everything into a tail spin simply because they are that ornery. We all know people like this, and quite frankly they tend to get under my skin.  I'm all for sticking to my guns, but there comes a time when even I have to give in to the pressure and just let things happen the way they are going to happen and see what comes next.  To sit there and fight city hall just for the sake of fighting is stupid.  It is a waste of time, and utterly mind numbing truth be told.  If you are the contrarian, the consumer advocate for all things, the "get out of my way and let me do what has to be done" kind of person, I recommend that you have a fairly tight grip on reality and not just be the boy that cried wolf.

I guess this all comes from a place where I find myself and that place is being tired of hearing how this is how we have always done things.  Oh sure, there are those who confess and want us to believe that they think outside the box, but when all is said and done they have gone along with everyone else and nothing ever changes.  We are in a time when we need to start questioning why this is done a certain way or why do we allow other things to happen the way they happen.  If all you want to do is go along for the ride, then you really have no say in where you end up.  If on the other hand you desire to be the one who directs and determines where things go, then I suggest you start thinking about how you would do things, and just go ahead and be bold and do it your way.  Contrary to popular belief, most people have the ability to do things right and often they are never given the chance to prove themselves because others are too worried about giving up control.

I really detest conformity.  It puts everything into a supposedly nice little box, at least that is what most people think. What it does is trap us into continuing things a certain way because we have not had the balls to question authority and stand up and tell others that things have to change.  Question Authority?  Oh yes most assuredly, I say yes.  I am so tired of towing the line, especially when that line is nothing more than a noose around the neck of individuality and ingenuity.  I will no longer be relegated to staying in my little box.  I will no longer be subject to idiotic sanctions or rules that serve no purpose other than keeping people pushed down.  Oh yes it is time to question authority.  If you have a problem with that then might I suggest you think about the last time you had a great idea and were told that you needn't worry about it because that was not in your job description.  How were you feeling in that moment?  Did it give you warm fuzzies knowing that your ideas were tossed on the dung heap before ever giving it a respectful review?

Stick to your guns, stick to your beliefs, and don't give up.  Sooner or later the rest of those around you will see you for who you really are and just maybe that will give them the strength to be who they are.  It only takes one person to begin a new movement or trend.  Might I suggest that you be the keeper of the dream and show others how it is done.  Yes it may come with some bruising, but in the end it will be worth every bit of what you have gone through.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Sometimes you just have to laugh, since crying won't do you any good.
It's Friday and if you are like so many other people you have had your ups and downs this week.  It's Friday and if you are like so many other people you can't wait to get out of the office and just head out to some other place that is anywhere but here.  It's Friday and like so many other people you have said it's all over but the crying.

There's no doubt about it, weeks and days can be challenging and no matter how you look at it when you are in the middle of it, all you want to do is cry. However, there is a better way of handling it.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all about a good cry every now and again.  I think it does a body good to get out all the emotion and bent up frustration, after all very few of us live a completely stress free, absolutely nothing wrong with, kind of life.  The issues arise when crying is all you do, and quite honestly in reality,  it has done nothing to eliminate or solve the real cause of the problems.

I have learned the hard way that if one is going to look out for one's self, then you have to take off the gloves and play the game like there is no tomorrow.  I have spent years trying to please everyone and in the process the only one who was miserable was me.  Yes there are times when we are our own worse enemy, and sitting around complaining about how bad life can be is never going to get you ahead in the game of life.  OK, so the situation is almost intolerable.  You are at the end of your rope. If you have to go through one more moment of this torture you are going to bust.  I have heard all this before and said all this before.  I guess I have gotten to the point where I just have to laugh about it now.  How many times can one get knocked down and still get back up trying to make a go of it?  I have been knocked down plenty of times, and each time I have to question myself as to why this is happening and more importantly why am I the one at the end of the "beat em up" stick?

Each situation you face, every occurrence, all things that go on from day to day, are lessons to be learned.  Some lessons are easy, others are monstrous, all are there for a reason.  I know I repeat myself a ton, and as a writer I do it for effect, as much as anything else.  But the simple truth is I need you to understand certain things, and without this basis of understanding and knowledge all other things will be fruitless.   Why people bemoan a lesson is beyond me, well not really beyond me, but more like wonderment.  I won't deny that some lessons can be painful, but not nearly as painful as having to repeat things over and over until you are finally smart enough to pick up on things.  If someone has the knowledge that everything is a learning opportunity, put in front of us to teach us something very valuable, then why the crying?  Why not see it for the opportunity it is, and start laughing, because you are never going to change the inevitable.

I love going through lessons, not because they are fun, which most are not, but because I know that at the end of the day, I will have learned something that I need in order to move forward in my destiny.  Do I always handle lessons with laughter?  Come on now, I am human and just like you I have my days when I want to blow something up.  I have learned however, that taking a few moments to reflect on what is going on and not just jumping into a situation with both feet before looking around, is often the thing that keeps my ass out of the fire, although I have felt the flames in times past that is for sure.

So it's Friday and you have the perfect opportunity to put the past behind you and learn from those things that you may have gone through this week.  Your choice is to carry the frustration and anxiety around with you until you head back to work on Monday, or, let it go and laugh a little.  Realize that the choice is always going to be your own, but when you look at it logically do you really have a choice in the matter?  Find the good in each situation.  Determine what this lesson is supposed to teach you.  Put two and two together and come up with four.  Believe you me when it is all said and done you will know why things have happened a certain way and then you will proudly declare that all is right with the world and you needed these things to happen to get you to your proper place in the universe.

So it's Friday and now you have the perfect opportunity to turn a new leaf and do what you know to be true and let go of the things that have not benefited you in the past.  No need to cry, unless of course you are watching a good movie, and I will admit I get teary eyed during those, but dry your eyes and take a deep breath and let out a deep belly laugh.  Realize that laughter does work like a medicine and right now your medicine cabinet should be full to the brim.  When one knows that all things line up according to a divine plan, then the struggles and pitfalls we go through will seem to be inconsequential and you will be able to laugh off the small things, gain the strength to handle the really tough battles, and wisdom to be able to distinguish between the two.  Go out this weekend and show the world that you are not  measured by your successes but rather how you handle the really tough things that get thrown at you during the week. Your destiny awaits you if you will begin to laugh instead of cry, if you will lead instead of follow, and if you will believe rather than doubt.  It's a great time to be alive, and now you must help others come to this realization.  Get out there and play the game, and show others how it's done.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

And now for something completely different.
There are days when you just feel a little different, almost kid like, and you just want to throw caution to the wind and let it all hang out.  There are also those days when you are trapped with expectations and unrealistic demands from others, and don't you know those kind of days suck.  Well today is one of those kid days, and because of that I am throwing caution to the wind and just letting it all hang out.

We have a tendency of making our days more complicated then they really need to be.  This is in large measure because of what we have come to expect, and that is based almost entirely from our own experiences.  Good or bad, experiences do teach us something, and we would be wise to learn from them.

So today I want to challenge you.  I want to encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and do something completely different.  To hell with expectations, to hell with demands; go out there and just be a kid.  If there is something that you have been wanting to try, then try it.  If there is a place you have always wanted to explore, then start exploring.  If you have always wanted to speak your mind to someone, well start talking.  We have so stuffed ourselves in our own little boxes, that anything that even appears to be a little different is something that we run from.  It is time to run toward the excitement, run toward the unexpected, and run toward the differences that really can make the difference between just the mundane and the exceptional.

Let me ask a question:  how many of you had your day planned out before you ever stepped out of bed this morning?  How many of you have so scheduled your day that there is zero room for change or alteration?  How many of you would give anything just to throw the plan out the window and do something completely different?  If I had to take a guess, I think that the majority of people out there would just assume throw out the current plan and do something completely different.  If that is the case, then what are you waiting for?  Oh, let me guess, there would be those around you who would frown at this.  Well it is time to tell them to get over it, and time for you to take the step toward your personal freedom.  You have the freedom to make whatever choice or decision that you want to make.  We have given up our free will and replaced it with the will of others.  Those "others" probably have zero idea of what really makes you tick, and in all likelihood could care less what you want or desire. That being the case why would you concern yourself with what they think?  No matter what you do they will have already formed their opinion so screw them.  If ever there was a time to be a little selfish then maybe this is the time.  Don't you have a right to happiness?  Don't you have a right to be the person you were created to be?  Don't you have a right to walk in your destiny?  The answer to each of these questions is yes, a big fat yes, yes, yes.

I was just remembering a time many, many years ago, when I was a young Airmen in the United States Air Force.  I was stationed at RAF Mildenhall, in the United Kingdom.  Man was that a great time in my life.  Now I have had many good times in my life, but England was one of the better times.  I loved being able to do my job, and when I was not at my job, I loved what was available to me.  There were very few times when there wasn't something exciting to do, and in those time when I needed to just relax and do nothing, I was able to do that as well.  The point here is that I was very responsible for doing my job, but after that, I was responsible for being true to myself and in being true to self I lived life with zero regret.  How many people can sit here today and say they have zero regret?  I can't, but that doesn't mean I don't want to get there.  What I want you to see is that regret is nothing more then not being willing to do what you know you should be doing and not caring what others think.

So maybe, just maybe, it's time to do something completely different.  Maybe this is your chance to get out of that box you have found yourself in and spread your wings.  Being free to be who and what you are is the best possible thing in life.  If you want to be a kid, then be a kid.  If you want to do something out of the ordinary, then do it.  If you just want to shake up those around you, then let the shaking begin.  I would think that there are a few people around you who could use a little shaking up.  There is nothing worse then becoming predictable.  On the other side of the coin, there is nothing better than spontaneity.  Throw caution to the wind, and see where you don't end up.  Face it, going someplace different, can't be any worse then the place you are in right now.

It is a great time to bring laughter and joy into your life.  If you have been lacking in this department wouldn't it be a good time to get it back.  If you have plenty of it, then share it with others, who most likely need what you have.  No matter how you look at it, laughter and joy is always good, always appreciated, and always needed.  Put on your kids face today and just enjoy.   The sooner you can break out of your predetermined mold, the sooner you can really be the person you were intended to be.  It is your call, but do yourself a favor and try something just a little different.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Let it all hang out. Part II
Happy Monday!  I took a few days off, well from writing that is.  We have been doing some remodeling, and those tend to turn into ten plus hour days. However, this is a new week, so time to kick it into high gear and get back to blogging.

I want to talk about expectations and setting the intention today.  There are times in each person's life when they are desiring something, but that something never seems to materialize. Far too often people want, but then something gets lost in the translation and once again they are waiting and waiting for something to come about that seems to be just out of their reach.

Setting the expectation or the intention is nothing more than seeing things that may not be as if they were in the here and now.  When I set out to write a book, I see the completed book even before the first word is written.  I see the thousands of people who will read what I have written and how their lives will be changed by the words on paper.  I feel the joy of completing the manuscripts and then seeing it published.  If I cannot see the end product then there is no real reason to step out and try to do something.  Intentions must be the first thing you do if you are ever to move forward with those things you know you should be doing.

I have been guilty of sabotaging my own life because I failed to set the right intention.  I can want and desire all day long, but if I cannot see myself doing what I desire, feeling what I desire, then all the want in the world is not going to add up to a tinker's hurrah.  I want to give you a word of warning, because this is where most people fail.  They begin the right way, they set the intention, but then something comes along that knocks the wind out of their sail and all of a sudden what they were believing for simply vanishes.  Come hell or high water you must hold on to your intentions.  Oh they will be tried, but the strong will survive because the strong will not give up hope.  I have wanted to step out further into my destiny for quite sometime, and I know what it will be like when I am speaking in front of thousands of people in various venues. If I let the naysayers have their way, I would still be working some corporate 9 to 5 job, with zero job satisfaction, and even less personal satisfaction.  Just because I may not be speaking right now does not mean it will never happen.  To me I know the whole of my journey and I have an open heart for it.  Most people fail not because some outside influence got in their way, but their own self got in the way.  They have forgotten that they are the ones in control and in charge and in the absence of self-rule, nothing is ever going to get done, at least the stuff that is closest to their hearts.

I was just talking to a friend who is having a difficult time with life right now.  I had to remind this person that the words we speak will often turn into self-fulfilling prophesies.  As spiritual beings we have the same ability to manifest things as our creator.  Problem is, we often speak things into the universe that we would not wish on our worst enemy and yet we are asking for them to manifest into our own lives because we are not smart enough to realize that what we say we can have.  If you are tired of living in lack, then simply stop talking about lack in your life.  If you continue to talk about hating your job, then chances are you will continue to be stressed over work related issues.  We attract what we say, so clue into this and only say things that you would like to attract into your life.  This is not rocket science my friends, and yet too few people will pick up on it.

If you are beginning your journey then enjoy it.  Quit talking about all the ruin in your life and start talking about the good you desire.  If you are tired of the ups and downs, then set the intention to stay above the fray.  There are so many things you should be thankful for and yet when was the last time you spoke about them?  If you focus on the bad, then bad will follow you each and every day of your life.  If you want to turn things around then begin by watching what you say and even what you think.  If I find myself in a mode where I am thinking negative thoughts then I simply close them out and bind them up.  I will think about those things that I know to be true, that I know are for me, and that I know I am suppose to be walking in.  I will tell you that getting your words to line up with your intentions is one of the hardest things to do, but once you master this, your life will change for the better and then you will never go back to the old way of doing things.

If you believe in the divinity of the Creator, then you must also believe in your own divinity.  As I have said before, you will never separate yourself from the one who created you.  If it is impossible to be separate from God, then it is also impossible to separate yourself from those things that God has placed in you.  Face it, failure at this point in time is not an option.  If you have read my blog for any period of time then you must know by now that I am not willing to let anyone walk away from their destiny.  There is a shift about to happen in the spiritual realm and if you are wise you will prepare yourself for it.  Do not find yourself on the losing end of this shift.  I am telling you that things will turn around for you when you begin to talk in a way that is creative in nature and not destructive like your history has shown.

There are great things in store for you when you realize that you create the greatness that you desire.  Set the expectation and intention and see if things do not turn around for you.  You may experience a small hick-up from time to time, but these minor glitches need not be turned into major obstacles that sidetrack you from your destiny.  It is time to learn a new approach and when you do, see if things do not change for you in a mighty and powerful way.  Let me know how things go and together we will celebrate in style.