Sunday, December 27, 2020

If you want to see what 2021 is going to be like, simply look in the mirror.
Well here it is, the last posting of 2020.  Some may be saying hooray, others may be just a bit sad, and others, well others are kind of like what this past year has been like, happy to get it over with, and wondering what the next year will bring.  As I was contemplating what to write about I couldn't get my mind off the fact that no matter what has been happening around us, we still control what is going to happen.  The simple truth is that if in fact you want to see what the next year is going to be like, simply look in the mirror and your reflection will tell you all that you need to know.

What do you see when you see yourself in the mirror? Looking at yourself in the mirror is kind of like when someone wants to take your picture.  Some love getting in front of the camera, i.e. selfie, selfie, selfie.  Others run from the camera, as if it were capable of stealing your soul.  What I want you to do today is see the beauty that is reflected back to you from the mirror.  I have another book coming out in early spring title, The 40 Greatest Lessons of Life.  In one of the chapters I talk about beauty, and what beauty really is, and not what it isn't. If you are not able to see the beauty that is the real you, not just the surface, then does it really matter what is being reflected back to you from the mirror?  My point in saying this is that you need to see all of you, the real you, the authentic you, the unique you in the mirror, and when you do that, then you will see what the next year is going to be bringing to you.  

Do you think that God, in his/her infinite wisdom, would simply drop you here on this planet to let you suffer eternally?  Do you think that the reason you are here is simply to learn every difficult lesson in life by going through difficult situations?  Now we may think that the case, but in reality it simply isn't true.  Those who believe that they are suffering for a greater cause are simply fooling themselves.  We were placed here to create.  We were placed here to have dominion over things.  How many people do you know who have taken control of the situation and are walking in their full power?  I dare say not many, and truth be told, I'm not there yet.  I try each day, and each day gets easier and easier to navigate my chosen path, but I struggle with things just like everyone else.  But here's one thing I don't do, I don't see the glass as half empty.  I don't see things as if the end of the world were coming, or that there is bad lurking around every corner.  

If you are looking for joy in 2021 begin by accepting joy in your life.  The mighty oak tree started out as an acorn, and the world wasn't created in one day.  Things may take time to germinate, to blossom, to grow, but rest assured they will mature, and things will happen before your eyes that will astonish you, if you will simply accept the truth that you are a creator.  So let me ask you, do you see a creator reflected back to you from the mirror?  Do you see yourself in all your natural beauty, with all your wonderful abilities?  If not, why not?  2020 sucked for so many people.  Many went through the ringer.  Some lost most of what they had worked for their entire life, and some are still struggling.  In those difficult times it is nearly impossible to see the good in things, but here's where the rubber meets the road, you have to see the good in things.  Each experience is a teaching moment, and what you learn from each moment is meant for something that is going to happen again in the future.  Too many people are living from a place of defeat.  Too many people have given up the fight, have lost hope, have simply decided it's not worth it.  I will tell you that these same people have failed to see their true selves in their own mirror.  They have failed to recognize their greatness.  They have never stepped out and operated in their full power.  

I don't make New Years Resolutions.  I have goals, I have dreams, but I also live one day at a time, doing what I feel is best for each day.  Don't misunderstand, I have plans, but they are as fluid as they come, and they will change as situations dictate.  Too many people get locked down in what they want, unable to make any changes for fear they will loose it all.  There's no such thing as loosing it all until you take your final breath.  If you have the freedom to adapt, the ability to move things around, the desire to keep things always changing, then you will have found one of the keys to happiness.  It is only when you have cemented your ways that life really gets difficult when change comes, and believe me change will come to everyone.  The greatest gift you could offer yourself is the gift of courage.  Courage to take on each day.  Courage to ignore all the false talk that goes on around you.  Courage to simply stand in what you know is truth and not worry about what others think or say about you.  Plenty of people probably think I'm nuts because I believe in my power.  I believe I am a creator.  I know who and what I am.  Let them think what they want, I at least am free to soar with the eagles.

2021 will be what you make it.  2021 will begin with how you see yourself.  2021 will bring you all you desire.  Be warned, make sure you desire the right things.  Believe it or not, there are people out there who really do desire misery, don't ask me why, victims, love being victims.  Begin today by simply appreciating what is in your life right now.  Look around you, there has to be something you are thankful for.  Find one thing and simply smile, knowing that it is in your life.  I love our new home.  I love my husband, our dog, my ability to write.  I appreciate what I have, and I look forward to what will happen with the new book this year.  You have to accept goodness in your life.  You have to expect great things.  If you are always waiting for the other shoe to drop, I promise you, it will drop sooner than later.  There's a saying that is often said, why do bad things happen to good people.  Some will even question why good things happen to some of the meanest people on the planet.  Things happen because they have to happen.  We learn from things, and if at first you don't succeed, you will have ample opportunity to learn the lesson again, and again, and again, until you pick up on the right message.  

2020 was a precursor to 2021, but not in the way that many portray it.  If you have been able to find joy in 2020, no matter how small that joy may have been, then you will find joy in 2021.  If on the other hand you feel like "what's the use.", then you just might have a more difficult time navigating the upcoming year.  Don't fall prey to what others around you are saying.  Focus on the mirror, look at your reflection, and see beauty, see strength, see perfection, and know that there is nothing, and I mean nothing that is more powerful than you.  You have been equipped for this journey since the beginning of time.  Look into your eyes and see them reflect back to you.  Look into your soul and know that inner self is there to guide your steps.  If you will take your rightful place at the beginning of this new year, then you will be in your rightful place at the end of the year, and then the cycle begins.  2021 will be magnificent, if you will see that magnificence in you right now.  

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Twas the night before Christmas....

 Twas the week before Christmas, and if you're like

most families, or people, things are just a little crazy.  This week's blog is all about how do we handle these trying times, or better yet, how do we get into the holiday spirit, if the holiday spirit has escaped you thus far.  Christmas is supposed to be a time of peace on earth, good will toward men.  If 2020 has shown us anything, it has proven that we have a long way to go to get that peace, and even farther to go to display good will.  Today's blog may step on a few toes, so I will attempt to be as kind as I can be, but there are a few things that need to be said, but they are being said to bring about peace and good will to all.

When I look at the landscape of our country, and for that matter the world in general, most everyone has been tossed into a tail spin because of the COVID pandemic.  We were supposed to have family over Christmas Eve, but that has been put on hold as a family member was just tested positive for the virus.  To be honest I really was looking forward to having family over, as they would have been the first guest to our new home since moving in at the end of October.  Now I could have really been disappointed, but when it's all said and done, is there really anything I could do about it?  Even if we don't have a house full of people, does it make it any less a holiday?  Just because I can't show off our new home, all decorated to the hilt, does that mean we can't enjoy it?  Christmas is about remembering who we are, what we are, and why we are here.  Even if I were sitting alone in this house, it wouldn't change who I was, or why I am here.  It's so important to show thankfulness, and believe it or not, even in these trying times, there are a ton of things to be thankful for.  If we only focus on the surface stuff, those things traditionally thought of at Christmas time, and we don't focus on the real important things, then there is going to be a tendency to be disappointed when things don't go according to plan.  

With that being said, what should we be thankful for, and what should we be celebrating this holiday season?  I'm very thankful for my husband and our dog.  I love our new house, and I love my new job.  Even if it's just the three of us celebrating, I am thankful for it.  I am so, so thankful that I get to write, and I get to share my thoughts and dreams with others.  I love that I get to talk about destiny, that I get to encourage others to go after dreams.  I can hardly contain myself when confronted with a challenge of helping someone step out into their dreams.  These are the things I think about during the holiday season, and these are the things that I cherish and love.  To me, it's never been about getting, but rather, and as cliche as this might sound, it's always been about giving.  When one sows love, they receive love back, 

There's no doubt that the holiday season brings out the best, and worst in people.  Many suffer from depression during the holiday seasons.  The sad fact is that depression is a real issue, and we often overlook it because it isn't present in our own lives.  Spreading good cheer, sharing love, compassion, and reaching out to those with needs, this is our shared task, and this is what the holiday season is really all about.  We can talk about the birth of Christ, but what about those who do not associate Christmas, at least the 25th of December, as the birth of Jesus?  Remember there are just as many non-believers, as there are believers.  If we simply lump everyone together, we are going to alienate many, and those we alienate, are just as deserving of our love, compassion, and shared abilities.  When we look at the holiday season, why not begin with self-love?  If we can begin to love who we are, what we are, then we can also begin to share that love with others.  If we can stand in our perfection, our uniqueness, then we can begin to share all the goodness with others.  If we simply recognize the significance of "Us" we can change the face of humanity, and change the way that many see this time of year.

Let me ask you a simple question.  Most people tend to give gifts during this season.  I will tell you that I do appreciate a nice gift, but it's not the gift so much as the motivation behind the gift.  This leads me to this question:  what is your motivation behind the gifts you give this season?  If you are giving to get, you are never going to fully appreciate, or even enjoy the purpose of the season.  If on the other hand you are giving because you want to touch a life, well that is the horse of a different color.  Our motivation needs to be to touch, and cherish another life.  Our motivation needs to be to share love, and not share because it means getting something in return.  I could go on and on about the reason for the season.  I could paint a picture with words of what I think is the perfect Christmas.  What I want you to do is simply begin to enjoy the opportunity that stands in front of you.  You have the chance to change lives, and that change can be significant or it can be simple, but change none-the-less.  

If you find yourself being impatient as you wait at the checkout line at your local department store, ask yourself why?  If you find yourself stressing over a timing schedule, ask yourself why?  If you simply find yourself stressing, ask yourself why?  I get that there are many reason to be stressed, but in the end, you are the only one that can decide what to stress about, and what not to stress about.  I will get up on Christmas morning and do two or three things.  First shower and get ready for the day.  Have my first cup of coffee that will be set to brew at Six A.M , and then put the Cinnamon Rolls in the oven. Of Course the dog will be up and we will have taken our morning walk, and then she will be by the counter wanting for whatever is about to go in the over.  At some point my husband will get up, and we will have the fire going in the fireplace, music on, and we will begin our gift sharing.  Millions and millions of families will be doing the same thing, and that is special.  Please take a moment and think of those who are away from families and not able to enjoy these times.  Send love and light their way.  They may never know you are sending them this good energy, but they will get it.  

Each year we think about, we plan out, and we anticipate this time of year.  Each year we make the promise to ourselves that we will try to recognize the real reason behind the season.  Well, this is your chance to recognize the real reason behind the season.  We are special gifts, each of us, to the rest of humanity.  What has been placed in you is in you to share with others.  When we share our talents, our gifts, we are simply doing what we were created to do.  Giving of yourself is the single most important thing you may ever do, as there is someone, somewhere who needs what you have.  Please, please, please don't neglect sharing your gifts to others.  In sharing with them, you are enabling them to share with others the gifts they have been born with.  This is the true meaning of the Holiday Season, and I encourage each of you to share what you have been blessed with, thus blessing others around you.  Love and Light, and let's prepare for the next year, as we say with anticipation, God I hope it's better than 2020, LOL.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

And then there was you!


You have always been, you will always be, and you have an unlimited capacity to do all manner of miraculous things in your life.  How's that for an opening statement?  Well today I just feel a need to lift you up, and remind you of a few important facts as it relates to who and what you are.  There's no doubt that most people have been put through the wringer this past year.  Many are tired, some are just over it, and some, maybe a few, just don't know what to do next.  I've always found that when I am not sure of the next step it's always better to take a few moments to simply think, reflect, and to a certain extent, step back and see things as they really are.  I guess that means you need to have a handle on the way things really are.  Well that's what today's blog is all about.  

I was reading in a Course in Miracles the other night.  There was a section that dealt with creation.  Now I've said this many, many times in the past, and even though you may have heard it, or read it, the key is to believe it.  We were created to create.  Sadly we often function from a place of reaction, instead of operating from a place of creation.  I dare say that if I told you that you could have anything you wanted at the snap of a finger, many would jump at that chance.  The simple truth of the matter is that you can have anything you want.  Now it may not always come at the snap of a finger, but it will come.  Our thoughts, our words, our feelings are what create our reality.  If you are sending out words of doubt, feelings of fear, or thoughts of dread, do you really think anything other than those things will come into your life?  Creation is not a "just for some and not for others", it is for everyone.  Creation is at the center of our being.  

When we find ourselves in the middle of a crap storm it is very difficult to remember the significance of our being.  When we face the many challenges that have been thrust upon us this past year, we often forget the reason we are here in the first place.  You being here is not simply to take up space.  Our being here is to bring about a change.  Humanity needs what you have, what you are.  It is time to stop thinking that we are small and inconsequential.  The power we have is virtually unlimited.  I want you for a moment just to think about your imagination.  In your imagination there are no limits.  You can think and be anything you want in your imagination.  In reality our imagination is our starting point for all things.  Remember that everything that exists today in the form of inventions, everyday items in our life, began in someone's imagination.  If there was no such thing as an imagination where would we be?  I'm not sure why so many people simply ignore those things that pop into their imagination.  I think for the most part people have been conditioned to believe that imagination is only for children, and that there is a point in life when you need to let go of those things and grow up.  Well I will tell you that I never plan on growing up, and I will never let go of those things that are in my imagination.  Those things that you think about daily, are the things that you need to be focused on daily.  Ideas, thoughts, imaginations are all things that have been placed in you for the benefit of you and others. How do you know if what you think about today is not going to be something of importance to someone twenty years down the road?  Everything works together.  There is nothing that goes on that does not have a purpose, even if you cannot see the purpose this instant.  We have been so conditioned to believe in the here and now.  If we can't see it, smell it, touch it, then it can't possibly be real. What a load of crap!!!!!  I will say it again, everything has purpose.  There is a reason for everything that goes on.  

It is vitally important for you to accept, and come to terms with "you".  There is a moment in time when we are all going to have to make a decision.  Will we continue to listen to what others portray as truth, or will we take hold of the real truth about us?  The real truth is what will catapult you to the next step.  The real truth is what will allow you to take what is in your imagination and make it real.  The real truth is what has been buried for far too long, and now it is time to raise it up, and stand in that truth.  The real truth, and here's the bottom line, the real truth is that I am that I am.  I am a creator.  I am one with my creator.  I am empowered with unlimited power and ability.  Sadly when one says power too many people jump to the conclusion that I am wanting to dominate others, or over power them.  That is not real power, and anyone who desires to dominate hasn't a clue as to what real power is.  Trust me, those who are power hungry will never ever fully stand in their power.  Our existence is nothing more than a stepping stone for others.  What we do, we do so others might step into their destiny.  In helping others recognize their destiny, we are fulfilling our own destiny.  

Being alive today is no mistake.  Going through what we have gone through, or will go through is no mistake.  Understanding your significance is key.  I know I tend to repeat myself often, the writer's curse I guess, but I repeat so you know I need you to grasp a concept or idea.  There are certain things in life that cannot be understated.  There are certain things in life that need to be cemented into your mind and thoughts.  Do you really think that you being here is just something that happened for no good reason?  Let's be real, you are here in the perfection of the Universe.  You are perfect in design, perfect in capabilities, and perfect in what has been placed in you to accomplish in this life.  Certainly there will be times when we doubt why we are here.  There will be times when we feel the bitterness of life, but if we can let go of other's expectations, and focus on the real us, things will happen.  You are all things.  You are perfection no matter what others may say about you.  I challenge you to accept your perfection.  I encourage you to walk in your perfection.  We may not know what is around the next corner, but isn't half the fun of living knowing that we can turn the corner?

You can do all things because you are all things.  Set aside doubt, set aside fear, and take the first step toward your destiny.  We live in a time when people need what you have to offer.  Little things become big things.  Ideas become reality.  You have been creating your entire life.  It is time to create the life you have imagined in the past, but yet were afraid to accept what was in your imagination.  You are worthy of all the goodness life has to offer.  No one should live void of happiness.  No one should exist simply to exist. I think if you will take a moment to think on all of this, you will begin to feel differently.  It is time to live like you were always intended to live.  Let's be honest, a little joy and happiness is what this world needs, and it needs it in a big way.  

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Let's talk about Love.
Love is gentle, Love is kind. Love is the glue that binds all things together.  I've talked and written about this subject many times in the past, but when I was waking up about five this morning, my spirit picked up on the need to talk about it again today, as there just might be a few people out there who need to be reminded just how important love is, why we need it, and why it is the glue that binds.

We were created from love.  I'm not talking about the act of making love, we all know it takes two to tango.  I'm talking about the Creator of the Universe.  We were created to create.  We are simple creatures of love.  Made from love to love.  We all love something.  It might be a person.  It might be an activity. It might be simply loving life, which is something that many people have yet to really experience.  When you can say that you really love life, that you love yourself, then you will be on to something.  It's impossible to go through a day and really experience love if you do not love who and what you are. It's impossible to change the face of humanity if you don't walk in love.  Love for self, love for humanity, is what changes things, and changes things for the better.  

It took me years to fully understand the importance of love.  It took me even longer to finally love myself. I've loved many things in my life.  I've loved many people. Some people experience puppy love, and some have a love so deep for another that their entire life is focused on that person.  No matter the depth of love, it is still the one thing that you can't let go of.  I guess the question I have for you today is this:  if you love something, and can't let go of it, do you think there might be a reason for that?  I met my husband many years ago.  We've been through some good times, and not so good times.  Even through the ups and downs there was always something that kept us coming back to each other.  I've often said that you have no control over who you fall in love with.  When love happens it simply happens.  Many find it easy, others search for it their entire life.  I truly feel as though there is a soul mate out there for everyone.  Finding that soulmate is not up to you, after all, it's already written in the stars.  What you need to do is get out of the way and let things happen as they need to happen.  Not sure why this came up, but certainly someone needed to hear it.  Back to what I was saying.  Love will find you if you are open to allowing it.  I've known many people who will do almost anything to sabotage love.  Not quite sure why they do this, but they are also the ones who will bemoan how lousy life is, and why they are so lonely and absent of love.  

There have been so many books and articles written about love.  Some go into the dynamics of love, some take a much lighter note, others delve into the how's and why's.  I'm not sure that any book, or for that matter even this blog, can spell out the exactness of love.  We can try to define love, try to explain it, but in the end, love is what is at our core, and no matter how you display it, how you look for it, or even how you may run from it, you can't escape the need for it.  I've often wondered about those who say they don't need love in their life.  Certain people will fill their life will all kinds of activities in an attempt to fill a void that exist.  Let me fill you in on something.  Destiny and love go hand in hand.  You have a destiny, and that destiny is going to be centered around why you are here.  Those things that you were created to do, will always be something you love to do.  That love for what you do is what will create an atmosphere around you that people will want to experience along with you.  You will never fully walk in your destiny if you are unable to understand the importance of love.  You will never fully love until you accept your destiny.  Strange how these two things work hand in hand, but I digress.  

Is there a difference between physical love and emotional love?  Is there a difference between loving a dog, and loving your job?  Is there a difference in anything we attach to love?  This is a rhetorical question to be sure.  Love is love, is love.  You either love something or you don't.  Small love is still love.  Big love is still love.  Love of life, love of job, love of a person or thing, yep still love.  How we love can be different, and everyone has different ways of displaying love, but at its core, love is still love.  The love I have for my husband is different than the love I have for our dog Lucy.  The love I have for Lucy is different than the love I have for my daughter.  Even though I may display each segment of love differently it is still love no matter how you cut it up.  Here's what I want you to understand: you can't stop love.  You may not want to display it, let's face it, many people are afraid to show love.  But you're never going to stop it.  There are plenty of situations in the world today where love is not center to what is happening.  But just for a moment let's think about this world and what it would be like if every person alive was walking in absolute love.  What would our world be like then?  I know that it's wishful thinking, but a world full of people who understood love and destiny would be completely different than the world we have right now.  

I could write a book on love, so trying to get my point across in this tiny blog is not simple, but I hope you will pick up on what I am trying to say this morning.  If you are searching for love, if you feel as though your life is void of love, then you need to start accepting love, and you need to realize that you are love.  As I said earlier, everyone loves something. Now it may not always be the best things we love, but we do love something.  The key to happiness is to love those things that bring you closer to the real you.  Filling your life with empty things, just to make you feel good is not love. Begin to love you.  Start with accepting your beauty, your grace, your uniqueness.  Stand in awe of your greatness, and love every aspect of who and what you are.  When you can start doing this, then you can start expanding the love that is around you.  Remember that light attracts light, and love attracts love.  I love writing, and I love talking with people about destiny, and who they are.  Had I not understood that I came from love, that I am love, there is no way I would be doing what I am doing right now.  I can not stress this point enough:  it all begins with loving the real you.  If you will accept the real you, love the real you, then you will really begin to walk in love.  When you are walking in love, you are one step closer to walking in your destiny.  When you are walking in your destiny, you are going to be operating in a constant state of love, and it will simply multiply exponentially to those around you and those you come in contact with.

Love is patient, love is gentle and kind.  Love is not just some sappy phrase that people like to throw around from time to time.  Love truly is the glue that binds all things together in the universe.  Let me close with this, and let me encourage you to think about this last statement for a while.  You are love.  It's impossible to be void of love no matter what one is going through.  Love may be covered up with issues, with situations, but it's still all around you, it's still in you, and it's still who you really are.  You will never escape love, because you are love.  If you take a bucket of water from the ocean is the water in the bucket any less ocean?  If you come from love, can you ever stop being love?  Know you are love, and begin to walk in that love.  People need it more than ever, and you have what they need.  It's time to give it away.