Monday, January 25, 2016

Never Forget!
There are certain things we are never going to forget: Our first love, our first car, the first kiss, and of course our first child.  There are moments in life that are brought on by tragedy that we will always remember what we were doing when the events happened.  For those who are old enough, and regrettably very few are still around, they will remember what they were doing on a December morning when all Hell broke out in Hawaii.  Others will remember what occurred on 9/11.  There are certainly moments in life worth remembering, and there are other moments that we simply cannot forget.

Today however, I simply want you to try and remember who and what you are.  It is in knowing your true essence that you are able to handle all that life may throw at you, and trust me life has a way of throwing us many different things at different times.  I'm sure it will come as no surprise to those reading this that there are times in life when we simply feel out of place.  Times when we just don't have the answers we seek, and times when you just want to roll up in a little ball and call for a time out.  I've been there, and as much as I would like to say it never happens to me, I can't, because there are times when it still does. I can get depressed, stressed, anxiety ridden, you name it, I am just as susceptible to these things as anyone else.  What I have had to do, and what I want to encourage you to do, is remember who you are, what you are, and where you came from.

I started reading a new book, and the timing for getting this book couldn't have been better.  I've been struggling with what to do next, and trying to be patient on the "waiting" front for what is next.  Sadly I am not the most patient person walking the earth, so to simply sit back and wait is not always easy for me.  I'm about a third of the way through the first reading and I will tell you that I had to pause to catch my breath as the words were penetrating, and often cut right to the chase of things.

Now I don't want to dig into all the mechanics of who and what we are, suffice it to say, many have forgotten the perfection of who they are, and more importantly the perfection of them being here right in this moment.  The intent of today's blog is to simply get you to "Remember to Remember" that you have a purpose.  A purpose mind you that fits perfectly with your passion, and a passion that is as true to self as anything.  Here's what so many have forgotten: your passion is as much a part of you as the blood flowing through your veins.  Your passion is as unique as your DNA is unique.  Just as no one else can have your exact DNA, well with the acceptation of Identical Twins, no one is going to have your exact passion.  Your personality, whether an introvert, extrovert, your mannerisms, your views on life, are all going to be a perfect match for your true passion.  Sadly many will never be able to acknowledge their true passion, but that does not mean they do not have one.

Today I want you to think long and hard on those things that would truly bring you happiness.  Happiness is a place of knowing that you will accomplish each of your dreams.  Happiness and joy are the by-products of knowing the real you, of never forgetting your real purpose, and of remembering to remember why you are here right now.  Your destiny was mapped out long before you drew your first breath, long before you were formed into this body, and it is in this destiny that you will find the peace that we all covet and desire.

I look around me and see so many people who are void of happiness and joy, and I have to wonder what was it that took them from a place of contentment to a place of loneliness, lack, and uncertainty?  My destiny is helping others discover their destiny.  My happiness is laced with others who have found their happiness.  When I get bogged down in worry, tempted to fear, and allow less than desirable circumstances to direct my actions, then I have let go of my true self, and that is never a good thing.  I am and will always be connected to my source.  We are all part of an ever expanding universe and because of this our opportunities are also ever expanding.

Today I desire that each of you remember to remember who and what you are.  Today I want to tell you that you cannot forget just how special you are.  I know how things can muddy up the water from time to time, but those things are only momentary, and they do not have the ability to rob from you the one thing that will always be yours, and that is your True Destiny.

As we continue to move forward know this:  you are here for a reason, and if you will keep an open mind, listen to your heart, then you will always know that things are as they need to be.  The seasons may change, the surroundings may change, but the one thing that will never change is the reason you are here right now.  In the perfection of time, in the perfection of your design, and in the perfection of who and what you are, you will find your destiny.  Never forget my friends, and remember to remember that you are you for a reason, and you are you for all those who will benefit from who you are, and for what you do.

Monday, January 18, 2016

No surrender, not now, not ever!
As hard as it might get at times, those times when you simply want to quit, to run away, to hide and never come out again, let me encourage you hold fast and never give in to the thoughts of surrender.

I get how hard it can be to hold true to what you desire most in life, especially when you might be facing issues that you simply have no idea how to get around.  I totally understand how the storms of life can drain you of any and almost all of your enthusiasm, your dreams, and wishes.  I would be an absolute liar if I told you that I have never dealt with depression, or anxiety, or even just the simple task of handling day to day issues.  I get all that, and I want to tell you that you have within yourself the ability to let go of it all and never look back at it.  This isn't some pie in the sky, get rich quick scheme. This is about owning who and what you are.  I find that every now and again it's a good thing to refresh others as to the benefits of being alive right now, and the significance of you being here in this moment.

Being brought into this existence didn't just happen.  There is not a person on this earth who doesn't have a destiny.  There isn't a single person alive today who isn't in the right place.  Now the place you find yourself in may not be perfect, but the fact that you are here right now is in the perfection of the universe, and in the perfection of the Creator of the Universe.  We sometimes forget just how important we are, especially when going through certain trials, or set-backs.  I certainly have had moments in my life when I just didn't want to go on.  I had fought and battled for what seemed like an eternity, and nothing seemed to break for me.  I had read book after book on positive confessions, on watching what words I spoke, what thoughts I had, and how I was feeling at any time of the day.  What was holding me back?  Why couldn't I catch a break?  I will tell you that as human beings we all have those moments when we simply don't have the answers, even when you want it more than life itself.

If you are trying to orchestrate your life based on what others expect, or think, or say, then you are making a huge mistake.  Basing your life on anything other then what is in your heart is a huge problem, and a problem that will come back to bite you in the ass.  You are you for a reason, and there is no one else who is responsible for doing the things you were placed here to do.  If you are the only one who can accomplish certain things, then why would you ever want to give that up?  Here's the problem in a nut shell: you simply don't believe your importance, or your significance to the rest of the Universe.  It's OK to admit that, it has taken me years to be able to accept what I was called to do, and even more years to figure it out. Our smallness has been thrust upon us by other small people who refused to accept their place in life.  Our inability to grasp our own significance has been passed down by those who simply didn't have an understanding of their own deity.

When we surrender we not only affect ourselves, but those who could have benefited from who and what we are.  I can understand why people quit.  Most people quit, and I know I'm repeating myself, but most people quit because they don't understand who they are.  I can beat this drum until the cows come home, but sooner or later you are going to have to make the choice: do I believe what others say, or do I trust my heart?

If you are in a place where you are completely satisfied with your life, with your surroundings, and with your place in this world, then kudos to you.  If on the other hand you find yourself asking "why" all the time, or "when", then might I suggest you take a step back and simply examine you.  Knowing the real you, accepting the real you, and honoring the real you is a great first step.  If you want to see walls fall, or impediments removed, then honor who you are.  If you want to experience joy, peace, and love, then honor who you are.  If you simply want to feel good about you, then start by honoring who you are.

When you can accept your beauty, your perfection, and your uniqueness,  you will finally understand why surrender is never an option.  In the perfection of your design is the perfection of your calling, your destiny.  You are perfectly equipped to do what you were placed here to do.  Why in the world would you want to quit, to surrender, when everything around you is perfectly suited for what you were meant to do?  Why would you want to throw away your dreams and visions, when you have everything you need to walk out those dreams and visions?

Today I want you to look deep within, and ask yourself what you really want.  If you can be honest with what is in your heart, then you can begin to have the things in your heart.  If you run from those things you want the most in life, you will be kicking yourself in the butt sooner or later.  Now is not the time to give up on things, now is the time to embrace all that you are, all that you want, and all that you know to be true.  Now is not the time to surrender it all away.  You will be better for having accepted who you are and why you are here.  Trust in the perfection of your creator, and make the determination that you will never quit, you will never surrender, not now, not ever!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How to navigate the maze of life.
Not everything in life is cut and dry, as much as we would love it to be.  Not every opportunity is going to spell itself out to you in blinding light.  There will be times when we will have to navigate the terrain, and often we find an unfriendly ground in front of us.  What options do we have when faced with the uncertainty of where to go, what to do, and how to do it?  I'm going to give you the answer to that question in the only way I know how to, in simple, common sense words.  There may be some who disagree with my response, as is their right, but before you pass judgement just read what I have to say, and see if it doesn't make sense to you.

Let's begin with the premise that what we have in life, what we go through in life, and what we become is something that has always been known, something that was always suppose to take place, and something that no matter what you may want or desire, is going to happen, but happen for your betterment.  Let us also agree that you are here right now because that is how the Universe designed it, and that my friends is a very good thing.  What I want you to see today is that no matter what may be going on around you, be it good or bad, that it is happening for a reason.  Just like a maze that is curvy and we often do not know what is around the next bend, just know that there is always a way out.  Certainly you may experience dead ends, but trust me, you will get to the end sooner or later.

If you have ever been in a maze undoubtedly you have found yourself repeating your steps from time to time.  You have just gone around another corner that you just know you have walked around before and the first thing most people think about is why?  Why in the world are you having to go through things time and time again?  The answer is pretty simple: there is something you are suppose to learn, and you will continue to go through things until such time as you understand the lesson that is in front of you.  Certainly there will be times when you will get discouraged, times when frustration will be front and center, but if you can keep a positive outlook and realize that things happen for a reason, then you will be able to handle and understand all those things that seem to get in the way.

People often get discouraged because they have forgotten or lost track of the original intent.  What were they trying to do, why were they doing it, and most importantly, what has to be will be.  If we can find the peace, the joy, and the happiness in all that we do and in who we are, then you will never see these set-backs, or delays as anything other then what they are, markers.  I've gone through things in my life that I would rather never repeat, but when I look back on things I can see the wisdom in everything that has happened, and I can take the lessons that were intended for me to learn.  I love it when things go smoothly, but I have also learned to accept when things don't run exactly to my desires, and that keeps me centered.

Many people have forgotten that one thing that was the basis for all that they do.  The passion inside of you is what will keep you moving forward without regard to what ever seems to be getting in your way.  Keep in mind that you only fail when you give up.  There is always a way out of a maze, it may require you to walk back to the beginning, but you will complete all that needs to be completed if you will not give up.

What is the one thing in your life that is your passion?  If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?  This is what you should be focusing on, and not worry about what is behind the next corner, or even if you are ever going to get around the next bend.  Life has a way of trying to get us out of place, a way of getting us to loose focus, or to let go of our dreams and visions.  If you are able to hold on to all your dreams, all your visions, then no matter what is in front of you, you will get to the end, and the results will be magical.

We have allowed circumstances and the words from others to get us off track.  It's pretty normal to lose hope when those around you are telling you that things are hopeless.  It's fairly common to want to give up when others have told you that what you desire is nonsense.  Don't allow the naysayers to direct your path.  You are the only one who has to believe in your dream.  You are the only one who has to hold on to your visions.  You are the only one who can accomplish the things you were placed here to do.  Mazes may be present in our life, but trust me when I tell you there is never going to be a maze that you will not be able to navigate if you can hold on to the real you, the authentic you.  Begin by accepting your greatness, even if it has been dampened by your surroundings, or events of the past.  You need not validate the negativity of those around you, and when you can let go of those things that do not serve your greater purpose, then you will see change.

A maze in your life may be challenging, but the benefits of coming out the other side are beyond what you might even imagine.  Do not lose hope, hold on to your passion, and know that good things await those who see the good in all things.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The battle isn't gone, unless you want it that way.
I know you're tired, I know you've been put through the wringer, and boy do I know what it's like to want to just quit, but please don't.  Today I want you to realize that you are the only one who has the ability to bring anything to an end.  If you desire to continue working toward something, or you want to change direction, you make the choice.  What I want you to realize is that it is just that, your choice.

If you look around you I will bet you can see the faces of many people.  Some faces will shine with smiles, and others will look worn out, almost lifeless.  Each of us has looked this way in the past, and what I want to encourage you to do today is make the decision that your face is going to shine with the brightness of knowing that you are the one who controls your destiny, and you alone will make the decision as too what comes next.

Life would be so easy if it weren't for the fact that things sometimes happen that we don't expect, that we can't explain, and that we certainly would rather not repeat over and over again.  Life would be so easy if we could just snap our fingers and pop, instant perfection.  A snap of the fingers and pop, all your dreams come true.  I dare say that very few people on the planet have not wished this, and are probably placing a wish out there for the very same thing right now.  Here's what I say:  if you are still hoping, still wishing, still waiting for your dreams to come about, then you still have some fight in you, and you best be getting to it.  Don't give up, don't give in, and what ever you do, don't let the bastards get you down.

I know very few people who haven't had to face unwanted circumstances in their life.  The difference between giving up or getting going is entirely up to you.  The battle isn't gone my friends, for the true warrior in each of us doesn't know the meaning of quit.  I've learned a few things over the years, and as sure as I'm sitting here writing this, I know that I know that the sun will come up tomorrow, and  each new day brings hope.  Hope renewed, hope rekindled, hope that knows no defeat, and hope that tells me that no matter what I may have gone through, will go through, that I will be just where I need to be.

Many people have experienced their own sort of "Waterloo".  Those epic battles where nothing seems to be standing when it's all said and done.  Those moments where all seems lost and there is nothing left but the crying.  But here's the big difference, and this is the one thing you can hang your hat on: you're still here.  If you're reading this, then you still have breath in you.  If you're reading this, then I know you haven't given up the fight, and there is still a battle in you to be fought.  Don't give up now, not when the end is so near, not when victory is within reach, and not when you know you will have the desires of your heart, doing what you love most in life.

I've had moments in my life when all I wanted to do was quit. I'd had enough of the struggles, enough of the heartache.  I had to come to the understanding of who and what I was before I could ever imagine a life free from the conflicts, free from the burdens, and free from all those things that wanted to take me out of the game.  I'm here right now, because quite frankly, that is the perfection of the Universe, and my being here is perfect, just as you being in the here and now is in the perfection of the Universe.  If you can accept your being here, then that is all you should ever need to realize that the battle is never lost, it is never too much to handle, and you have all you need to be victorious in life.

If you are at the point in your life where you want to simply sit down and give up, let me encourage you to look deep into your heart and tap into that one thing that lies deep within you, the one thing that brings you more joy then everything else combined in this world.  I love writing, I love speaking to others about destiny.  This is my mission, my calling, my destiny.  When things begin to sour a little, as they will do from time to time, I simply go to my happy place and know that my destiny is helping others discover their destiny.  It brings me joy, happiness, and most of all peace.  A life void of joy, happiness, and peace, is no life at all.   Finding that joy, finding that happiness, and living in absolute peace is what brings life, and it brings hope to others who might be looking for the same thing.

Yes the battles may rage from time to time, but you have a fighting spirit inside of you, and that spirit knows nothing of giving up, running away, or waving the white flag of surrender.  The battle is not gone in you, because you are you, and even when things around you seem intolerable, you know that hope is just waiting to shine in your life each day.  So will you continue to fight for those things that are meant to be yours, or will you give up and simply accept what others have said to expect?  Fight the battles my dears, and with each victory comes the spoils of war.  Never give up, never be fearful, and never ever doubt that you are special and that you are here for a very specific reason.  Now get out there and let the world see just who you are.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Take a deep breath and just relax!
Yep, it's already started.  The daily grind, the worry, the wondering, and the conjecture that if it's going to happen a certain way, you had better be the one to make it happen.

We aren't even a week into the new year and already many have picked up where they left off last year.  Might I interest you in a quiet moment of reflection, a minute to simply clear your mind, and allow happy, peaceful, and loving thoughts to roll over you?  Honestly, the world is not going to suddenly come to a halt simply because you took a moment to gather your thoughts, your emotions, or whatever else it is that is going to help you navigate your day.

There are so many people who are traveling the thought world at warp speed in an attempt to get things going in the right direction, but what they have failed to realize is that things are only going to come to them when they are intended to be there, and not a minute sooner. I have had to let go of many things as of late, not because I didn't want them or because they weren't for me, but rather because they will come to me when the time is right and not a minute before that.  We all have dreams and visions, and believe it or not they will manifest for you, but let them come to you when the time is right.

Letting go of things is the one thing that will allow them to come to you in the perfection of the universe.  Letting go of things and believing is what is needed right now.  So take a few minutes to simply let things go, and rest in the knowledge that what is meant to be will in fact be in the perfect moment.  I know how hard it can be to let go of a dream, a desire, a want, but letting go is the one thing that will bring all things into the here and now, and if I were a betting man, I would say that this is the one thing most people are wanting.

I have tried to orchestrate my world, only to find out that I didn't have all the answers, and all I was doing was weighing myself down with feelings of doubt, a certain amount of fear, and more often then not, wondering what I was missing.  Trust me when I tell you that until such time as you are able to release certain expectations, you are going to be running on the never ending treadmill, that keeps you moving, but yet you never seem to make it to your destination.

Taking time each day to be thankful for your dreams, thankful for your visions, and thankful for being in the here and now, is going to do more for you then you might imagine.  Taking some time each day to simply quiet your mind and go to a place of rest is going to release you from the expectations of others, the expectations that you have created, and allow you to rest in the knowing that things will come to you in the perfect time, in the perfect way, and isn't that what you really desire?

When it comes to life you really have two choices: you can try to control everything, in which case you will end up on that treadmill, or you can let go and watch as things fall perfectly into place.  So going nowhere fast or having it all is your choice, which one do you choose?  I for one like the having it all scenario.

I want you to think about this for a minute: resting in the knowledge that what will be will be is really the best way to live.  Now I'm not saying that you can't or shouldn't put in the effort to get what you want.  What I am saying is allow there to be some flexibility in what you are doing, and don't get so wrapped up in the end game, that you miss out on what is truly important.  There have been many things in my life that came at the perfect time, and there were times when I felt that that timing was off.  Looking back on things I now see the simplicity of waiting for the right time.  I've outrun life on many different occasions, and let me say it almost always blew up in my face.

Taking a few moments each day to simply relax, take a few deep breaths, and simply let nature have its way is going to transform you in such a dynamic way that you will wonder what took you so long to clue into this.  You can call this peaceful time each day anything you want.  Some will call it meditation, some will call it prayer, but all who do it will tell you that the value it brings to their life is immeasurable.  It is time to take some time and simply let go.  Visions and dreams are gifts to you, but how you go about bringing them to fruition is anything but a dream to many people.  Dreams can quickly turn into nightmares if you are unable to relax in them and know they will come in the perfection of Spirit.

Take a deep breath, relax, and watch as the world unfolds before your eyes.  If you can rest in the moment, you will set into motion all those things you hold most dear.  Sounds to me like a win win situation, what say you?

Monday, January 4, 2016

Can you feel it?
So the craziness of the holidays are now behind us, and if you are like the majority of the world, you are wondering what might be in store for you during the next 365 days.  As I look back on the previous year I am amazed at how fast it went, and then I wonder if this year is going to be any different?

Some of you may have made New Years resolutions, and who knows maybe, just maybe, you haven't broken them yet.  No matter what you are thinking, what you are desiring, or what you are believing for in the next year, this one thing I will promise you: those things that need to be will be, and those things that need to be revealed to you will come to you in just the right moment, for just the right reason.

I am going to encourage you today to let go of things, to toss aside things that no longer serve you, or things that simply have become meaningless.  I want to motivate you to do one thing for me this year.  It won't cost you a cent, and it just may be something that changes your life entirely.  Learn from the past, but don't get trapped in it, and by all means, don't let your past define you.  We have a way of always looking at what has been as something that will always be, when in actuality, what has been, is just that, the past.  I've allowed myself to be trapped in my past, because quite frankly I never thought I had an alternative.  I've learned from my past, and if my past is any indicator of my future, then I will say that this year is going to be one amazing year.

There is always a natural excitement when it comes to the New Year.  There is an expectation of things to come, and there is often a thankfulness for things that have been.  I desire that you run with the excitement, that you open yourself up for what is there for you, and that you allow yourself to be truly thankful for the things you have gone through, good, bad, or indifferent.  As I have said so many times in the past, life is nothing more then a series of lessons, designed to get you to the place that you were always destined to be, and to become the person you were always destined to become.

If I took a poll of 10,000 people and asked them if they were content with their place in life, what do you think the breakdown would be?  How many would respond from a place of either having what they need in life, or from a place of always needing more? Some would say that they are in just the right place, and there is nothing they would change.  I guess they may be the lucky few, and when I say few I mean it.  Sadly the vast majority of people, if being completely truthful, would say that life is nothing like they had dreamt about, or wanted.  Well it's a new year now, so I guess the possibilities are pretty endless in terms of what may or may not come your way over the next 365 days.

Ask yourself this question:  do you want a repeat of last year, or do you truly want to see things change in your life?  Do you want to look back on 2016 and realize that things were so grand, so exciting, so full of life, that there is nothing you would not give to have it again and again?  Even when faced with situations that the average person would describe as fearful, or lousy, can you find the happiness and joy in those situations?  It is in finding happiness and joy in all that you do, that will bring back to you more happiness and joy, and then the pendulum will begin to swing back in your favor all the time.

Each New Year brings with it hope.  Hope for all your tomorrows, hope for all your dreams, and a hope that says no matter what, I am going to have what I desire most.  It is this hope that motivates each of us to take another step. It is this hope that says do it just one more time, even if the last hundred attempts failed.  It is this hope that keeps us moving forward, and not giving up because we have a feeling that things will turn out OK.  As long as you have hope, you have a chance.  A chance to change things up, a chance to make things better, and a chance to reach the mountain top and see the world from a completely different perspective.

There are times when all we have is hope, because everything else around us is showing something completely different.  Don't be moved by what you see, as often what we see is simply an illusion, set out to distract you from what is really important.  Hope says that what is deep in your heart, is what will come to pass.  Hope is the belief that you are special, and because you are here right now, there are things that are only meant for you and no one else.  Reach out and grab what is yours.  Know the perfection of you, and love who and what you are.

I know what 2016 is going to be like, and I long for others to share in the excitement of the New Year, knowing that great things are ahead, and great things are just as much for you as anyone else.  Hold on to hope, let go of doubts, and accept the beauty of those things around you that are there as gifts to you each day of the year.  It's time to shine my friends.  Shine with a radiance of hope, and let your light be seen by others who may need direction.  Happy New Year and may blessings abound to you in greater measure then you could dream of.