Sunday, January 31, 2021

Beginning to see the light.
I actually started writing this week's blog last night.  It wasn't that I had writer's block, as I don't believe you can stop the Spirit from communicating with you, no matter how hard you might try to run from it.  No, I just wasn't feeling it, and about two paragraphs into it I decided not the right topic.  When I got up this morning I went through my normal Sunday ritual: shower, dogs out to do their business, take them for their walk, and feed them.  I got my coffee up and running, and then told Alexa to continue where she left off.  Almost instantly this new idea flew out of nowhere.  Well nowhere isn't really the right word.  Spirit had another idea for you today, and I try to bring those things that people will be able to use throughout the week.  So here we are, and I think you are going to be excited to read what I have to write today.

We've all been told that we are living in the perfect time.  Perfect time is perfect because you are perfect as the universe is perfect. Those that lived thousands of years ago were also living in their perfect time.  If you believe as I do that the Universe and God are perfect, then can there really be any imperfection in regards to you being here in this moment?  That being said, what you have gone through in life, what you have experienced, has brought you to this very place, and it has prepared you for what you are about to step out into.  And yes, I did say step out into.  If you are reading this now, you are still here on this planet with something to do.  If there is something to do, then you are here to do it.  If you are here to do it, then you will be equipped to do it.  You will discover new talents, new abilities, and everything that you have gone through is what has prepared you for this up and coming moment.  Can I get an "Amen" on that one?  The days of wondering if you are good enough, they are over.  There should never be a question of being good enough.  By definition good enough is essentially just that, good enough.  You have everything you need to accomplish the things you were sent here to do.  Your personality, your thoughts, your abilities, all of these are good enough to place you where you are, doing the things you do.  

Are you beginning to see the light?  Are you starting to realize that you have everything you need.  There is no such thing as not having enough.  Faith and trust that your design is perfection is really the only thing that matters.  Once you grasp the significance of who you are, then you will begin to accept and see that glorious light of who you really are.  We often have to hear things over and over again to begin to believe them.  If that is the case, then I will continue to tell you that you are enough.  There are too many instances where we no longer see ourselves as our creator sees us.  We see simple, we see incomplete, we see insignificant.  We are none of these.  Our abilities are as numerous as the stars in the night sky.  Our talents are as endless as time itself.  When we begin to see our true essence, it is then that our journey can continue.  Up to this point many have been spinning their wheels, often asking if this is as good as it gets.  Well as good as it gets is nothing more than an acknowledgement that we have not fully grasped the significance of who we are.  When you fully understand who you are, there will never be a time when you think that this is as good as it gets, because quite frankly things can only get better and better.  

Are you beginning to see the light?  As I write this morning I am so utterly thankful that I get to do this.  My writing is not something I simply do, my writing is all together who I am.  You to have this inside of you, you simply have to decided to do it. You might be tasked with something totally out in left field, but the truth of the matter is that there is someone who is also out in left field who needs what you have to offer.  To be perfectly honest, there are going to be times when you simply have to take leap of faith and do something.  Remember, the journey of a Thousand Miles begins with the first step.  When I set out to write my first book I never knew where it would take me.  Now this book hasn't even been published yet.  It will be my forth book that gets published, but there is a reason I have been holding it back.  You'll just have to stay tuned to see the reason for that, but I digress.  What I want you to realize is that no matter where you find yourself today, tomorrow is going to be different.  Those roadblocks that seem to pop up will ultimately fade into the distance.  Your task is simply to take one step at at time, and move ahead.  

We all need encouragement from time to time, after all we are human, and there will be times when we are just a little behind the power curve.  The encouragement I want to express to you today is that of achievement.  Not achievement for simple fame or glory, but achievement of self-awareness.  When you become aware of who you really are, that is the time when you will take another step toward your destiny.  When it's all said and done, destiny is what we are about, and destiny is what we should be after.  I wish I could snap my finger and instantly you would be walking in your destiny.  Alas each walk is different, each destiny is defined, and each of us will have to discover it for ourselves.  The blessing is that you will discover your destiny, and when you do, you will see life for what it really is, a journey of discovery.  

As I wrap this up, let me leave you with one final thought: you are good enough.  Allow the light to come on and realize that no matter what has happened before, no matter what will happen in the future, you are where you were always intended to be, doing the things you were intended to do.  There is no such thing as chance when it comes to the universe.  You being here right now is no accident.  You having gone through what you went through is no coincidence.  Everything has lead you to this very moment, and in this very moment I want you to take the next step.  Maybe it is your first step toward you destiny, but taking a step is always going to be better than just staying put.  Our journey of discovery is never going to end.  We will learn new things everyday, and everyday we will be one step closer to total awareness.  As you move forward know this, you are glorious.  You are wonderful, you are everything you need to be, and you will continue to evolve.  Our evolution was written about eons ago, and we will only become more aware of our abilities as we allow our abilities to chart our course forward.  Accept this journey, and accept who you are, who you are becoming.  We need each other more than ever.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

I've got an Angel on my shoulder.
I have an Angel on my shoulder and her name is Mercy.  I have an Angel on my shoulder and her name is Grace.  I have an Angle on my shoulder and her name is Love. We all have angels, and we, believe it or not, have dominion over them.  Some find it hard to believe that we can command the angels, but in reality, the angels desire and hope that we will command them.  Their mission on this planet is a mission of divine providence. Their main objective is to do our bidding and the bidding of our creator.  Now angels may be a topic that many think about, but sadly many never utilize this very special gift.  I've often said that the angels will let your house burn down unless you loose them to protect it.

What I want to do today is introduce you to your angels, and yes you have thousands, if not tens of thousands that are dedicated to you, and only you.  Even as I write this this morning I can feel them around me, and if I'm being totally honest, I may be writing this for me, just as much as it is for you this.  We need to be reminded from time to time that we are not on this journey alone.  God so desires us to be successful in this incarnation, that we have been provided with worker bees whose only mission is to be there for us. We've almost all heard of the Archangels,  Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and many others.  We have angels who work things out ahead of us.  We have angels that stand guard over us.  We have angels that are just waiting to be sent on their next mission, often a mission of mercy if you ask me.  Sadly most of our angels simply sit around until they are given something to do, and that something is what we direct them.  Here's my question, if we have been given this gift, then why in the world aren't we using it more?  I mean, you have angelic beings whose only goal is to help you with your goals, why are you leaving them out of the equation?  It's likened to running in a horse race accept you leave your house in the stables, sally up to the starting booth, all others have mounted their horse, but you're just standing there on your own two feet.  You getting my point?  

Have you ever asked your Angels what emir names are?  Have you made an attempt to get to know them, ask them who they are and what they desire to do for you? If you haven't maybe this is a good day to start the conversation.  Not utilizing this gift is like having a zillion dollars tucked away in a very big mattress but never pulling out a single bill to use for your daily needs.  It makes no sense to have these remarkable resources and yet never using them.  Right now in this moment why don't you simply ask them to introduce themselves to you?  We as humans tend to want to do everything ourselves.  If we can't do something, then obviously we weren't meant to do it, at least that's what we think.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  We have allies whose only job is to assist us in whatever endeavor we are undertaking.  Please, please, please don't let this opportunity pass you by without at least trying to team up with your legion of helpers.  

We face challenges each day of our life.  Some challenges are quite simple, others more complex.  Wouldn't it be nice to know that no matter the level of challenge you have angels who are there to help you along the way?  If you are looking for a way to be successful then ask the for help.  If you are looking for direction, then ask for help.  If you just want to sleep well at night, ask for rest.  You have not because you ask not, and you ask not because you simply don't believe.  I'm not saying that to make you feel bad, I'm saying this to make you aware that you are not in this journey alone, and when you team up with the support that is yours, you cannot fail.  

I've been in situations in my life where I know angels have been involved.  I've been saved by them, guided by them, and yes even entertained by them.  Angels have a sense of humor and if you will simply slow down and let them show you their humor you just might smile a bit more.  I write these words this morning because we are in some crazy times.  Crazy times require crazy actions on our part, and there will come a time when you are going to need some assistance in treading this tricky water.  I'm here to remind you that you have multitudes of helpers that desire nothing more then being your feet, your mouthpiece, your heart, and your directional finder.  

I ask my angels for simple things like trying to find my hammer, or the flashlight batteries that I can't remember where I put them.  I ask for directions, and for the closest gas station when my tank is on E.  There is nothing you can't ask, but what ever you do, and I want to underscore this so you don't misunderstand me, you can never ask your angels to hurt, harm, or endanger anyone simply because you may be angry at them.  Angels were never created to harm, only to aid.  If you have anger toward another then the only thing I would be asking my angels for is a softened heart.  Don't allow your human emotions to bring harm to anyone.  Angels are the creator's gift to you.  They were created to help us along our life's path of discovery.  If you will ask the questions, they will provide you the answers.  I,  like many of you, need to be reminded of these simple truths from time to time.  I need to be reminded that I am not in this thing called life alone.  

I want to encourage you to start a conversation with these divine creatures.  I want to encourage you to get to know these helpers, these wonders, these guiding lights.  When you can recognize the sound of their voices, then you will be able to follow their guidance.  Your angles will wrap their wings around you, and the comfort that this provides is indescribable.  I release my angels right now to do what needs to be done to open doors, to smooth the way, to simply simplify my life.  I wish I could say that I lean on my angels everyday, but I like you, tend to forget that each angel is like an arrow in my quiver, but only good when pulled out and used.  

I want to encourage you to begin a conversation and make the invitation known to each of your angels.  Allow them to work on your behalf.  If you want to see change, then begin to change the way you see your angles.  I've never seen an angel with my eyes, at least not the winged type. We have each come in contact with angles, we just didn't know it or realize it. That being said, I do know when my angels are around me as I feel them, and I do mean I feel them.  Goosebumps have always been an indicator when my messengers are around.   Discover what indicators are there for you, and when they go off, talk and make your request known.

I leave you with this:  There's an Angel on your shoulder and it will never leave you.  Touch your angel. Talk to your angles, and know that the conversation can be a two way conversation,  you just have to listen for their response.  There's an Angel on your shoulder, and it's time to ask her name, get to know her nature, her desires, and most of all, know that she is there for you, and only you.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

It should be like water off a duck's back.
Words hurt! We often let what others say about us define us, and that is a monumental mistake if you ask me.  There are all kinds of reasons why people say the things that they say.  Most of the time they feel justified in what they are saying, even when what they are saying is absolutely wrong.  What I want you to do today is allow any words of hurt, any words of discouragement, or words of doubt to roll off of you like water off a duck's back.  

I learned a long time ago that not everyone in this world is going to like me.  Not everyone is going to agree with what I write, or what I say, or even what I feel.  That's OK with me, and it's OK because I know who I am.  I know where I came from, and I know where I'm going.  What I want from each of you is that same determination to move forward no matter what kind of words may be spoken about you, or to you.  We are living in divided times right now.  One side of the fence thinks one way, the other side thinks another.  Families are being divided right now because there are varying viewpoints.  Maybe we were destined to go through all of this, but that doesn't make it any easier to navigate.  How we handle words spoken to us, or about us is going to dictate how you move forward with your life, and moving forward is what has to happen.

When you are able to accept who and what you are, then and only then will words roll off you like water off a duck's back.  Being able to separate yourself from what others say about you, and what you know to be true about you is what will keep you strong.  It will keep you focused, and it will keep you on your life's path to destiny.  I've seen the destructive nature that others attempt to bring into other's lives.  I've seen how horrible it can be when we latch on to what others say or think.  I can't keep people from saying certain things, but what I can do is make the decision on how I am going to react when certain things are said to me, or about me.  We all have feelings, and there are times when those feelings get hurt.  Hurt feelings are nothing more than a surrender to things that simply are not true.  When you know and accept the real truth of who you are, then words spoken out against you will have no weight.  This is where we need to find ourselves, and this is the place where we will begin to walk in our anointed calling.

What is truth? I guess the answer to this question is largely dependent on how you see the real you.  If you are walking around with doubt, with fear, with uncertainty, then truth may seem like a very long way away from you.  If on the other hand you understand your greatness, your power, then doubt is gone, fear is a distant thought, and uncertainty cannot exist.  Being able to combat any word spoken against you is as easy as recognizing the Great I am presence in your life.  When you know that you are a creator, when you understand your birthright, then no manner of slander can come against you.  Walking in your strength, living in your oneness with your creator is what elevates you above everything that would try to come against you.  In these times we find ourselves in, we need to understand and accept our beauty, our uniqueness, our ability to walk above the fray.  

Do you know and accept your truths? If you do, then you are ahead of the rest who don't.  If you find it difficult to accept your truths, then times might be more difficult, but the times won't be impossible to navigate.  Let's face it life is always easier when we see the sunlight, and we aren't walking around in darkness.  Darkness is the absence of light, and since we come from light, then in reality we should never walk in darkness.  Darkness only comes when we don't accept the light that is in us.  Understanding the light in you is the first step in being able to let words roll off you like water off a duck's back.  Accepting the light that is in you is as easy as recognizing the majesty that you are.  Now if you can't accept your majesty, then it might be a little more difficult to walk in your light. Accepting your majestic self is what transports you to an entirely different place.  This place of assurance that things are perfect, this place that says that all things work for those in the light.  We have a home, and in this home is hope.  In this home is love.  In this home is acceptance.  Living a life of hope, of love, of acceptance of your true self, now that is a life worth living, and that is a life where words will have no affect on you in the slightest.

It is time to take a stand, and it is time to accept who you really are.  What others say about you means nothing.  Certainly it is nice when we hear words of praise, or words of encouragement, but those words will fall quickly if we are not aware of our true essence.  I've seen people fall to pieces because someone spoke unkind words to them.  I've seen people break apart as others made accusations that simply were not true.  If your understanding of who you are is built upon a solid foundation, then no word spoken against you will have any affect on you.  I've been hurt before by words that were spoken against me, but I've also been guilty of speaking words against someone else.  When we speak evil to others that is a pretty sure bet that you have forgotten who you really are.  Kindness, love, and understanding come when we are kind to ourselves, when we love who we are, and when we understand our true nature.  

Unkind words will never be gone for good until such time as everyone is walking in their true destiny.  I hope and pray that that day will come at some point, but until such time as everyone is full awaken to their true essence, we will deal with hurt feelings from time to time.  Stand strong in who you are.  Walk with your head held high, but not with a feeling of superiority, rather a feeling of completeness, of confidence, and of humility.  When you stand in your power, when you walk in your greatness, when you are aware of you real beauty, then there will never be a time when you will worry about what others think or what others say.  Words spoken against you will be like water rolling off a duck's back, and then you will know true freedom.  


Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Merry-Go-Round of Life.
 Is life like a Merry-Go-Round, and does it seem like things are simply going in a circle?  Life in fact is a cycle, and like a merry-go-round you go round, and round, and round.  What I want you to see this morning is that each time you go around in a circle things do change.  At first glance, or first thought, when one is riding around the merry-go-round you think that things are the same with each pass.  But if you look deeper, and if you observe your surroundings you will notice that each time you do go around things are very different.  That parent with the child the first pass around is no longer there the second time.  The groups of people who started out watching have moved on.  The general scenery may be the same, but those intricate details have changed. This may seem like a weird analogy, but please stick with me this morning, and I think you may come away with a new way of looking at things, and if you look at things differently, then the outcome has to be different.  Let's get started.

Each new year brings new opportunities, and each new year reminds us of what did or didn't work the previous year.  The key to any success is to learn from the past, and use what worked, discarding those things that didn't.  Going back to the merry-go-round for a moment, at first glance the merry-go-round can seem pretty mundane.  Unless you're a child who is simply there for the pleasure of the ride, most adults hate the idea of repeating things over and over.  We as adults, at least most adults, like adventure.  Most adults are ok with things being changed up from time to time, as long as the change is spelled out as to why and how.  It's only when change is thrust upon us with no explanation that we tend to have issues with it.  I digress.  If I had to describe the merry-go-round in one word I would have to day "boring".  Boring and mundane are pretty much the same in my book. Going around in circles is simply painful to me.  I like change, I like certain challenges, and I like adventure.  Doing the same things, the same way, at the same time is just not adventure in my book.  Now I'm not saying that stability is a bad thing.  I'm not opposed to stability in terms of knowing that all things will work out, that all things are meant to be, and that all things work together for a common purpose.  That being said, I do appreciate a little thrill seeking at times.

What I really want you to think about this week is how you approach things, and how you react to things that come your way, or that you are experiencing right now.  If we look at things as though they are certainties, then we fail to realize that most things in life are nothing more than illusions that we have created with our thoughts, our words, and our feelings.  If you are ever going to get off the merry-go-round of life you are going to have to recognize the importance of who and what you are.  When we accepted our charge of coming into this life we were never intended to simply comply.  We were never destined to ride around in circles and take what came our way.  Sadly too many people accept what they see, and never realize that surface stuff is not the real stuff of life.  If ever there was a time to take your rightful place, to accept your birth rights, now is that time.  We are entering a period of adjustment.  We are approaching a time when we will need to recognize forces that do not have our best interest at heart.  Now is the time to approach life differently, and begin to create.  Creation is what you were born to do, and creation is what will bring you to the place you need to be, to complete the things you need to complete.  

There is uncertainty swirling all around us right now.  That uncertainty is only made greater when we fail to accept our charge in this life. So the question logically is, what is your charge in life?  Your existence is to bring energy, high vibrational energy to those around you.  To lift others up, to create an environment to create.  When one is reactionary verses being pro-active, then things are never going to work out as they were intended to work out.  If you find yourself boxed into a corner, you have failed to take your rightful place.  I'm not saying this to condemn, rather to encourage.  If you could see your power, if you could release your power, if you could accept your power, things would and will be different.  We are incredible beings, and the sooner you accept who you are, the sooner you will take your rightful place and get off the merry-go-round of life.  Going in circles is never going to get you to your final destination.  Going in circles will only take up time, and that amounts to a whole lot of wasted time.  

There are times when I like to be eloquent in my writing, and there are times when I like to be direct.  Hopefully I can accomplish both this morning as I try to get each of you to see the importance of the times we are living in right now.  Through the centuries many people have lived through trying times.  Many have succeeded in getting to the right place, while others have failed.  Right now however is not the time we want to find ourselves on the short end of the stick.  What we do today, and what we attempt to do in the not too distant future will have an impact on generations to come.  I know that may seem overly dramatic, but truth is truth.  We are being tested right now the likes we have never seen before.  It would be easy to roll up and do nothing, but doing nothing right now will have consequences to devastating to describe.  We need to stop going around in circles, and we need to change.  There is an urgency the likes I have never seen before.  This calls for each of us to take our rightful place and to do what we were sent here to do.  We are not mere mortals.  We are created beings.  

The merry-go-round that many have found themselves on is about to stop, and as you step off you will have the opportunity to do some pretty remarkable things.  You however have to make the decision to get off and to move forward.  Certainly there is a feeling of comfort when all you do is the same things time and time again, but changing things up is what is going to usher in the change that others need to have.  Warriors and Sages, mystics and sayers, kings and queens, all have been brought here to bring forth change.  Your responsibility is to accept your calling, and begin to walk in it.  Take a step forward my dear ones.  The Tao reminds us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  Whether you have been at it for years, or you are about to really begin your quest, fulfillment comes when you recognize the real you.  

The first spin on the Merry-Go-Round can be thrilling, but that thrill is generally short in duration.  The reason we get off the merry-go-round is that there is no need to spin your wheels, there is no need to stay put, not when you have so much to offer to others.  You did not receive your gifts, your talents, simply to say you have them.  I encourage each of you to seek release from the mundane, the never ending circle that the merry-go-round represents, and instead grab the golden ring.  It is only a matter of time until you see things line up.  This time we are in needs all that you are, and all that you are is so much more than you can imagine.  

Sunday, January 3, 2021

It's like training a new puppy.

The excitement of a new puppy.  My husband decided to stop by one of the local shelters the other day.  His eyes met hers, and as they say spirit is spirit, karma is karma, and energy is energy.  He asked me if he did the right thing by bringing her home, and the only answer I could give was a big yes.  His spirit was telling him that our "Dolly" needed and deserved to have a forever home with us.  After all, there is plenty of love to go around. The universe can and will orchestrate some pretty wild and amazing things if you will let it.  Certainly there are some growing pangs that we are having to go through.  We have a three year old Shepard/Lab mix named Lucy who is having a little difficulty with the new sister.   Having been the queen of the household for these three past years, this is very new territory for her.  That being said, no one can tell me that animals can't feel, don't love, and certainly don't need to feel secure.  The thought of her being euthanized in less than a week was enough to have my husband make the decision, a decision that I stand by with out reservation.  

OK, a long intro, but an intro into what I think this next year is going to be like for each of us, if we remember just a few simple things.  Puppies take work.  They need love, and they want to feel secure.  They will show you unconditional love, and that love is really not based on anything other than the fact that they know nothing else.  If your life is so organized and you are not one to upset or flip over the apple cart, then don't get a puppy.  Puppies need attention, and that attention takes time.  That attention takes patience, and that attention may or may not fit into your organized life.  I say all that to say this:  it's time to be flexible, and it's time that you let things happen as they need to happen. If you are the type who is used to getting up at the same time each day, going to bed at the same time every evening, and every minute of your day is scheduled out, well, don't get a puppy.  Sadly if your life is so regimented that there is no margin for change, then what you experience this upcoming year may in fact upset your apple cart.  I don't get the sense that 2021 is going to be like 2020, as a heavy sigh of relief is heard across the collective planet.  But what I do expect is that things will be settling into place for what is about to happen all around us.  We've been talking about an awakening for quite some time.  This awakening is going to happen, and some pretty amazing things are gong to come from it.

Let's go back to the puppy analogy, and see how your puppy, and your year may shape up.  Dogs are loyal, and that loyalty began the moment you accepted it into your home.  Dogs/puppies know when they are accepted into the fold.  Have you allowed yourself to be accepted into the fold of Universal consciousness and the collective?  We are all connected, but unless you accept this premise, you are always going to be one step out of sync.  If you can't anticipate a puppies needs, i.e. when it has to pee or poop, you are going to end up with a mess on your hands.  A puppies schedule is not in stone, and it is nothing less than something fluid and flexible.  You need to be fluid and flexible anytime you take a puppy home, but this flexibility is what will allow you to roll with the punches, and then what seems like an impossibility, is something that is very possible.  This upcoming year is going to take flexibility on your part.  We are entering a time when what used to be normal is no longer the case.  How we see things, what we feel, what we say, is going to dictate where we go, and how we get there.  

I've observed people who will get a puppy, but when they realize the amount of work involved with training, raising, nurturing, they decide they no longer want to accept the responsibility, and opt to get rid of this rich blessing.  I know there are going to be a few difficult moments as we attempt to get Lucy to accept Dolly.  But I see the end, and I don't much worry about anything before that.  I look into each dog's eyes, and I also communicate with their spirit letting them know we have enough love for each of them, and each of them will always have our love.  If you are ever going to really reach your point of fulfillment, your moment of "I've made it", you are going to have to realize that there will be moments of difficulty.  There may be times when you will need to change things up, as unnerving as that is to some people.  Flexibility I think is one of the new buzz words for this upcoming year.  Flexible enough to change when change is require, and an open heart to know that change is good.  

So why bring in the puppy stories today?  You never know what a puppy is going to need, and you may not know what a puppy is going to do.  You may just have to respond, and respond the best way you know how to.  Even the best dog trainers on the planet realize that there is an element of "OMG" when it comes to training a dog.  It is this flexibility, this ability to adapt, that is going to help you through out this next year.  This is a building year ahead.  This is a year to get into position all those things that are going to be required in the not too distant future.  That's not to say that blessings are going to be void this year.  On the contrary, blessings are ripe for the picking.  I know that every year there is an anticipation of what lies ahead.  Faith and hope is what forms most expectations at the beginning of each year.  A faith and hope that things will be different from the past.  A faith and hope that you will finally reach your goals.  A faith and hope that what you know in your heart to be true will finally manifest into your life.  It is this faith and hope that helps me work with Dolly and Lucy each day.  I know they will be licking each other in just a short period of time.  I know that they will be playing and loving, and protecting each other.  It is this faith and hope that I take into my everyday life, because it is this faith and hope that has gotten me to this very point in time.  

I'm not telling you to go out and get a puppy, but there are plenty that need forever homes that's for sure, my little public service announcement.  What I'm trying to say this morning is don't be inflexible this year.  Roll with things and accept things that come up.  The biggest blessings come from the biggest challenges. We gain in knowledge each time we are placed into a new situation, but this knowledge is what you will need for whatever comes your way.  

So here's my wish for you as I complete the first post of 2021.  I send you love and light.  I set the expectation that you will be fully equipped to handle whatever this year has in store for you.  I touch your spirit with my spirit, and I unleash the potential in you.  There are mountains to climb, and peaks to reach, and let me tell you the view from the top is spectacular.  Blessings to each of you, and know that I am but a message away if you ever want to chat.