Monday, August 4, 2014

When it's all said and done, let's hope there is more done then just said.
And they said it couldn't be done.  Foolish people who doubted you.  Yea, but you knew from the beginning that things would work out and that all that you desired was going to happen.  What's that, it hasn't all panned out?  Things haven't been going your way?  You mean you haven't even started yet?

These are scenarios that play out every day, of every week, and each month throughout the entire year.  I wish I could change the outcome of many things that are taking place in other's lives, but I can't.  Certainly I can be there to comfort when things might go from bad to worse.  I can stand up and cheer for others.  I can't however make anyone take what is just in a dream phase and turn it into reality.

Today I will get up on my soapbox yet again and try to motivate and inspire others to take the chance on what is certainly in their heart to do.  At the end of the day I want you to look at what you have accomplished and say "Well done!".  At the end of the day I don't want you to beat yourself up if things haven't gone perfectly.  It's not so much how things went as it is that you started something.   Often people want the end result quicker then the end result should be.  We live in a world of instant gratification: fast this, fast that, instant this, instant that.  If you can't see the results immediately then obviously something must be wrong.  Well that is just tomfoolery and it's time to let those notions go that have no real merit in your life.

You can be all ready to go and do something, but until such time as you go and do it, it still is nothing more than a dream.  "I stand on the precipice of something great" someone once said, but the key words are "I stand".  You can stand and look out from any vantage point, but in reality it's just looking, it's not doing.  Once you jump off that precipice, now that's an entirely different thing.

I've allowed fear to stop me so many times in the past.  I was afraid to fail.  I was afraid what others might think or say about me.  I was afraid that what I had hoped for wasn't really intended for me, and I was just being foolish thinking that I deserved to have the best in life.  All these fears tore me down.  These fears made me feel small.  These fears began to dictate how I saw myself, and it wasn't a pretty picture.  It is time to cast out this fear and realize that you have come fully equipped to handle every and all situations that might arise as it pertains to your destiny and walking in your own dreams.

I'm going to ask you the question yet again:  what do you really want to do?  What is the one thing that you think about that excites you more than you can describe?  What little thought just won't leave  you alone?  That thought that just picks, and picks, and picks at you?  Yes it can be annoying, but better to be annoyed then ignored.  If you haven't figured it out yet, no worries, you still have time.  However, let me give you a warning: if the reason you haven't figured things out yet is because you are afraid of what you might learn about your destiny, or afraid of what is going to be required of you,   you have made a huge miscalculation.  You can try to run from your destiny.  You can try to ignore the dreams. You can even replace things with meaningless stuff, but in the end destiny is destiny, and either you find it, or life is going to suck!

We are in a time when decisions are going to have to be made.  In the absence of decisions, you will continued to be buffeted by anything and everything that comes down the pike.  Why do bad things happen to me, why can't I seem to get ahead, why, why why?  I have spent the better part of the last six months reflecting on certain things that have kept me from enjoying the life that was intended for me.  I had let that ever present ego dictate what I could and could not do.  I had let my words and my thoughts keep me from the one thing that I desired most.  If you are in this position then it is time to put some action to your dreams and finally say to yourself "Well Done".

If all I ever do from this point forward in my life is write and talk about destiny I can assure you that I am cool with that.  I get to get up each morning and do what I love, do what I was created for, and do what brings me peace, joy, and happiness.  There are far too many people out there today who cannot say the same thing.  They are faced with a job they hate, surrounded by those who have no idea what it is like to experience joy in their life, and that sucks.

Yes it's time to say well done, and live in the moment that has been your moment since you were created.  You can do this, and I will be there to help you along the way.  I look forward to hearing your stories and sharing in the joy that comes from walking in your destiny.

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