Sunday, May 31, 2020

Ode to Spring.
Kind of a weird title for this week's blog, but since this is the start of my summer hiatus, I didn't want to imply an ode to summer, signifying it is over, so instead opted to say good-bye to spring, and hello to my three months of rest and relaxation.  Truth be told there will not be a whole lot of rest and relaxation as my editor has my book and I'm having to go through that process, and my husband and I are buying a house.  I'm not complaining, I love both getting another book out and buying a house, but that limits the rest and relaxation just a tad.

As is my custom I generally take June through August off from writing and speaking engagements.  We all need time to recharge, and I am no different than anyone else.  This period each year allows me to simply let go of things, and take some time to simply reflect, dream, and more than anything just enjoy many of the simple things in life. That being said, I didn't want to leave without providing you some words of encouragement, show some love, and more than anything, thank each you for taking the time to read this each week.  Authors should never take their audience for granted, and I assure you that I don't.  If only one person read my blog, or bought my books, I would still do what I do each week.  Besides it being therapeutic for me, I simply enjoy the daylights out of it.  I say I won't write for three months, but occasionally I will post a surprise blog, simply because I find it difficult to stay away too long.

What I want to share with you today are simple words meant to encourage you, inspire you, and motivate you.  First, know that you have all the talent, all the hutzpah, all the ability to do and be what you were always intended to be.  We have the tendency to discount some of our abilities at times, in light of what we see other people do, but that can never be a distraction to you.  Even if someone else has the same mission in life as you, there will always be differences because each of you are different.  Don't get wrapped up in who is doing what, and why.  You follow your heart, and let things evolve as they need to evolve.  Second, know that inspiration comes from within, from the heart.  Certainly others can inspire us to do new things, but without a total buy-in from the core of your being, full inspiration just can't happen.  Your gifts, your talents were placed in you to equip you to be the person you were always meant to be, doing the things you were always intended to do, and to touch the lives of others, that had to or need to be touched by you.  There are no coincidences in this universe.  You were placed here to do something, if you still haven't figured out what that something is, now is the time to discover your purpose.

Motivation is what we sometimes lack.  Motivation is something that many will search for from time to time, but seems to be in short supply, especially when things may not be going according to plan, or when we run into a road block.  I want to motivate you to simply step out into things, and let the perfection of the universe take you the rest of the way.  Now don't think there won't be a need for effort on your part.  What I mean is that what has to happen will happen, and what needs to be done will be done, because that is how the universe operates.  That being said, better to be an active part in it all, then simply responding to what may or may not happen.  I get how we loose motivation at times because of some of the things we face on a daily basis.  I get how it's easier to simply put things on the back burner and wait things out.  I even understand that there are times when we just want to bury our heads in the sand, and not come out until things settle down.  I encourage you to fight these feelings and thoughts.  Nothing is ever going to be accomplished if we just sit back and hope things change for us.

We are living in difficult times, and there is so much going on right now, not all good.  No matter what might be going on around you, there is still something that you have to do.  Number one on the list of things to do is don't loose heart.  Contrary to what might be happening, you still have a part to play in life.  It would be easy to simply sit back and wait for things to settle down, but what if what you have is what others need?  If you don't do your part, then there will be others who will be unable to accomplish their part.  We might feel as though we only have a small part to play in the total scheme of things, but your small part might be the catalyst that someone else needs to catapult themselves into their destiny.  In this crazy universe of ours, all things are interconnected.  All things work together, and sadly certain things work against us.  Your role is to add energy, good energy to the things around you.  Your charge is to be the best YOU that you can be.  Your authentic you, your unique you, that is what the rest of humanity needs, and it is what makes you who you are.

As I prepare to relax, or attempt to relax for the next three months, I know that this is the time that I need to recharge.  Each of us need those times to recharge our battery, to fill our own bodies with love and light.  I challenge each of you to take a few moments, no matter how long those moments might be, to rest in your beauty.  I encourage you to rest in the knowledge that things are going to work out.

Writing this last blog before my hiatus is always bitter sweet.  As much as I love writing I know that I need this time away, if for no other reason then to unwind.  Remember this: taking time for you is a necessary step in your evolution.  Gestation is a natural process in life, and if you are ever going to birth the things you were intended to bring forth, you need this period of development.  I always know that when I start up wring again in early September that I will have gained some valuable information that I will share with you.  Now maybe this info is just for me, but I always seem to see how it applies to others, and I always intend to share with you what I learn about me.  I know that my three months will be busy with other things, but I also know that I will look forward to September coming as well.  Have a remarkable summer, and know that I send you all the love I have to give.  Rest in your perfection, walk in your love, and share the best of who you are with others.  You have so much to offer, and people are waiting patiently for what you have for them.  Reach out anytime to me, and I will respond, that I promise you.  Until September!!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Learn to live, or is it live to learn? You decide.
Most people, if not all have heard the term "the seat of higher learning."  Many attribute this to colleges and universities, although learning begins to take place from day one of our lives, and continues for the duration, no matter how long that duration might be.  There are some who love learning, and others who run from it like rats off a sinking ship.  Many would be full time students, forever and a day, while others would never darken the doorway of any place of learning.  No matter where you fall on this spectrum, learning lessons is always going to be your choice to make.  With that in mind, I'm going to use a few motivational techniques this morning to move you in what I believe to be the right direction when it comes to all things learning.

Mastering life's lessons comes easy for some, while others seem to struggle with it daily.  I'm not so sure that those that struggle are always on the short end of the stick.  Believe it or not, testing and trials do teach, and often the wounds of war are lasting.  I'm not here to say we all need to be whipped by life in order to learn, but often the most challenging of lessons, are also the most life changing.  Well, life changing if you are willing to learn from experience. I'm of firm belief that all learning is good, but all learning is not always going to come from a classroom.  Most classroom education is very sterile, and by that I mean basic.  Two plus two is always going to equal four.  Our planet orbits the sun.  However, what came first the chicken or the egg?  When we get into thought provoking situations the learning is not nearly as sterile, nor simple, and that's when things get a little wonky.

There is no escaping the lessons we are destined to learn in life.  I've always said that you will continue to go around Robin Hood's barn until you learn the lesson you have been sent to learn.  I'd like to tell you that I've always learned lessons the first time around, but not true, and not even close.  Try as I might, I get slammed with stupidity from time to time, maybe more like stubbornness, but in reality one and the same.  When we run from learning, we are actually running from life.  There are people believe it or not who are absolutely scared to death to learn.  I'm not quite sure why they got this way, maybe a few hard knocks in the past, but terrified they are.  Some people say that learning is exciting, or it should be.  But we can't discount those who because of past hurts and scares would rather not go through things again.  It would be so simple to think that it's always going to be one and done, but not so.  We will repeat mistakes, if for no other reason than to get better at repeating mistakes.

If one will embrace learning, then one will enjoy living.  If someone wants to run from life my guess is that one or more of life's lesson is pushing them in that direction.  There is no escaping life's lessons, no way, no how.  Well unless you live under a rock, and never come out.  Embrace it, embrace it, embrace it, and after that, maybe try to embrace it a little bit more.  Whether you want to admit it, we all take something away from lessons.  We might not have taken 100 percent of what we were supposed to get, but even a small percentage is still a life lesson, and each life lesson moves us a little farther along our path.  In actuality, isn't that what life is all about?  I mean moving forward on your path, discovering new things, doing what you were sent here to do?

I honestly can't tell you how I got to where I am today.  Certainly I've learned lessons along the way, but if you had told me years ago that I would be an author I'd of thought you mad.  Can I see how all the lessons have gotten me here?  In reality, some of my lessons really sucked, and I still can't figure out why I went through them LOL.  That being said, I have learned a few things over the years, and I have learned to embrace change, embrace lessons, and most importantly, embrace life for the learning  environment that it is.  You can either choose life, which we already know is full of lessons, or you can run from it.  However, if you choose to run from life, you are still going to have to go through the lesson process, there is no escaping it.  God had a sense of humor when all this life lesson stuff was put into place wouldn't you say?

In all seriousness, learning opportunities are growth opportunities.  There will be things that come simple, and others sadly will be hard.  Some learning is colorful, and at other times they are shades of gray and you will have to decide what is best.  It would be nice if all learning was cut and dry, but not so, and that's still ok.

I guess my very simple question to you today is what decision will you make?  Will you embrace lessons that are meant to mold, shape, mature, inspire, or will you turn away and ignore them?  It's kind of a rhetorical question because no matter what you say, you really don't have a choice when all is said and done, as you will learn the lesson you are supposed to learn no matter how much time it takes.  If you don't believe me simply keep doing what you might be doing.  Trust me, lessons will find you in some fashion or form, and you will learn what you need.

I want to leave you with some encouragement, as some might think that life will only be something to look at with dread.  You are destined for great things.  You didn't come to this life simply for the free popcorn.  In the perfection of the universe you will discover your destiny, and that destiny will be the things that dreams are made of.  Embrace lessons as a formula for your uniqueness.  Be open to lessons as a foundation of who you really are.  When you finally begin to live the life you were always intended to live, doing the things you were always intended to do, touching the life that need your very special gifts, then you will see the genius of the universe, and why you have gone through what you have gone through.  Trust me, life is such an adventure, and life is a journey of discovery.  It is in discovering your gifts, stepping out into your destiny, that will make every past lesson something to appreciate, and something so worth embracing.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

We remember those....
It has become one of the most iconic pictures from WWII.  This event, along with many others, has framed the history of our great country.  History is laced with people and events that have shaped lives, created memories, caused us to remember, and hopefully sealed our hearts with thanks and appreciation.  

We are about to celebrate our annual Memorial Day here in the United States.  We take this day to remember those who have fought so gallantly, and have given, as Abraham Lincoln proclaimed, the last full measure.  What I want to do today is encourage you to remember all those who have come before you, who may have inspired you, taught you, or simply provided you insight that you didn't have before.

We come in contact with millions and millions of people during our life on this earth.  Some have had very little impact, but others have turned your life around.  We remember these people because they have imparted something that was needed, or desired, wished for, or dreamt about.  We remember because we desire to hold on to those things that we can't afford to get rid of.  If you think back I'm quite sure that there are people who you have known who have played a huge part in your life.  Most everyone would look at their parents and would classify them as having played a role in your upbringing.  Teachers and instructors have played a role.  Bosses and co-workers have all affected your life in one way or another.   Each person you come in contact with will have an impact whether large or small, whether you see it now or not.  What's also important not to forget is that you, yes you, will also impact the lives of others. Your impact may not seem like much to you, but to someone else it may have changed their life forever.  I like to remind people that the smile you give to a stranger will ultimately affect someone half a world away, twenty years from now.

One of the things we tend to do as humans is discount the effects of our actions, or our words on others.  We often want to downplay our significance, and I can understand that, no one likes a braggart, but let's not completely eliminate the chances that you did indeed change many lives for the better with your words and actions.  There have been various people who have impacted my life, and tons of incidents that have brought me to where I am today.  I think as we get older the memories become so vast that we don't think or remember in terms of specifics, rather segments or times.  I remember the sixties, what a great time to live.  I remember the seventies, what a great time to dance and jam.  I remember every phase my life, and each period provided what I needed in that moment, and what I would need for later periods in my life.  These are what we long to remember, and these are the moments that really formed who we became.

Life is full of moments we remember fondly, and with each moment someone is probably attached to those thoughts.  Many people have come and gone who have formed who we have become, and while some of those people may only be around in spirit, their presence is felt daily.  I have a simple question for you today:  what do you think your impact will be on other people's lives?  Have you made it a point to leave something for others to ponder?  Have your actions provided memories for others, memories that will shape their lives?  Living is not just about what brings you happiness, but what you have invested in others that brings them happiness.  My desire is that the words I write, whether in this blog or in the books I publish, will have a positive influence in other's lives.

We remember all who have come before us, and I hope we have hopeful anticipation for those who are still going to come into our lives.  We meet those people who have always been destined to change our lives in one way or another.  You too have been destined to change a life or two.  I know our celebration of Memorial Day is only one day on the calendar, and while I appreciate that the almost everyone recognizes this special day, I want to make sure that I don't simply rely on one day to remember all those who have been so critical to getting me to where I am today.  I want to thank each person, whether they realize they changed me or not.  Now it's impossible to list every person who has impacted my life, so I will just send out good vibrational energy to each one, and with that, a wish for great things to come to each of them.  

To my Military Brethren I offer my heart felt thanks for all the sacrifices they have made.  I so loved my time in the United States Air Force.  It was a period in my life that I will fondly remember, and it was a period that changed me forever.  There are millions of individuals who have given the ultimate sacrifice to our great nation, and not one of them should be forgotten.  When we forget even one, we minimize the sacrifice they made, and that in my mind is unacceptable.  I encourage everyone to take a quiet moment and simply say a prayer for all those who bravely committed to protecting our way of life, our liberties, and our freedoms.  Each one is deserving of our highest honor and respect.  Young or old, male or female, each gave the best of who they were, and we owe them the best we can give them in memorium.  As we celebrate our past, we can also look to our future.  Our future is going to be formed by what each of us do.  There is a mission that each of us must complete, as there are people who need what we have.  Don't allow others to rob you of what you were sent here to accomplish.  There are too many people who are waiting for you to step out into your destiny.  You may not know these people, and they certainly may not know you, but that doesn't change that there is something that you are supposed to do.  I hope that I am remembered when I am gone as having changed a life or two because I was faithful to do what I was sent here to do.

As we remember those who have come and gone we acknowledge their sacrifice, and we give thanks that we can fondly remember what each did, what each meant to us, and how it has taught us the importance of sacrifice.  I salute each of you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart that I can reflect and honor you, if only in my own small way.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Be bold, and know the truth.
If one is ever going to begin to move on their dreams, then you have step out in boldness, and know that what you are about to do is going to be magical.  Stepping out doesn't always mean going at it like a bull in a china shop.  You can step out into anything, and it doesn't have to be at a thousand miles per second.  Yes there are times when you simply have to jump in the water all the way and not simply stick your toe in.  Conversely, there will be times when you may want to slow it down, just to make sure you are doing things the right way.  Today is all about telling you that there is nothing wrong with a little boldness, and that you are simply a beautiful, magnificent creation.

People have a tendency to describe boldness as sort of a "in your face " kind of thing.  Even the meekest person can display boldness.  There is boldness in purpose.  There is boldness in action.  There is even boldness in not taking action, because the situation calls for pause.  Don't get hung up with words, instead focus on the premise.  Boldness means you actually have made the decision to own something, to work it, to do what was meant to be done.  Boldness simply put is standing up and moving forward.  We all have dreams whether we want to acknowledge it or not.  Many people have buried their dreams because some callous idiot decided to tell them why their dreams was impossible, or stupid, or simply too far out there.  I want to encourage you to dig those dreams back out, dust them off, clean them, and tell that idiot to back off.  Being bold with your dreams is what will eventually show you your destiny.  Dreams are stepping stones to destiny, and destiny quite frankly is why you are here.

I've talked about dreams so many times in the past, but we often forget some of our dreams, but thankfully, those dreams will always find a way of creeping back into your life.  Haven't you wondered why you just can't let go of something.  Why does this thought keep coming back to me?  Why can't I let go of this foolish idea?  Why, why, why?  Well it's pretty simple, you're not supposed to let go of it.  You're supposed to boldly step out into this dream, and do something.  I'm a dreamer, and my dreams have led me to where I am today.  Now I haven't seen every dream I have come to fruition, but that doesn't mean they are any less true, and it certainly doesn't mean they aren't going to happen.  The Universe is perfection when it comes to timing, and when the time is right your dreams will be manifested.  There's a saying that if you can dream it, you can have it.  When you think about your dreams, doesn't it bring you hope. When you think about your dreams, doesn't it make you smile?  When you think about your dreams, I bet it puts a smile on your face.  Dreams are simply magical, and it's in the magic that life becomes an adventure.  I can't comprehend life without magic, or adventure, or even hope and joy.  One of the reasons we have dreams, besides the obvious, is because dreams keep us young, and youthfulness is eternal.

I've got to tell you that I get excited when I think about all that I dream about.  If you find life to be a drag, or at times overwhelming, simply slip back into your dreams, and escape for a while.  You will find that you will forget about the drudgery of the day, and leap into a state of bliss.  The longer you stay in a funk, the harder it is to get out of it.  The sooner you feel your dreams, think about your dreams, dream about your dreams, the sooner you will rise above it all, and begin to live like there's no tomorrow.  If there was no tomorrow, what would you do?  If you only had the opportunity to do one more thing, what would it be?  I will bet you dimes to donuts that your first thought of what you would do would come from a dream you have had.  I'm telling you dreams will not go away.  Even after you have fulfilled a dream, another one is ready to step up into its place.  That's what's wonderful about dreams, they just keep coming, and that is what keeps us youthful and full of energy.

I want to encourage you on this perfect day to think about those things you dream about, and just make a decision that you are going to go after them, one at a time.  My recommendation is that you try not to multi-task when you're dealing with your dreams.  Focus on one, and then move on to the next.  Chances are, the order you choose, will be the right order, and then all things will begin to fall into place.  As things fall into place you will begin to see the wonder of the universe, and how utterly amazing things really are.  There is a time and place for everything.  Your role is to allow things to play out, do your part, and then let go.  We don't always have to control everything.  In fact, sometimes if we will simply get out of the way, we will see the results we have desired, and then watch joy, peace, and happiness come rushing in.

The time has come to know the truth about who you are.  The time has come to dream bigger.  The time has come to accept greatness.  The time has come to be bold and stand in your amazing power.  We are not just simple mortals.  We are so much more than that.  Why do you think you dream so big?  Why is it that we see greatness?  In our dreams we see all that is possible, and now your task is to turn this dream into reality.  You have been equipped with all you need to see your dreams come to pass.  You might have help from unexplained sources, let it happen.  You might be offered assistance from a complete stranger, let it be so.  Don't think you have to do it all yourself.  Realize that others may need to come along for the ride.  Believe it or not, your dreams are a part of their dreams, and you might not even know this person.  Everything works in perfect order, and in the perfection of the universe.  Allow this perfection to be your guide.  Once again boldness does not depend on volume, or pushiness.  Boldness simply means you own it.  Boldness means you desire it.  Boldness means you can't let it go, and you have no desire to let it go.  If you will stand in boldness, not let go of the truth, you will see your dreams come true.  Your dreams will enable others to achieve their dreams, and together both will have a life that is truly amazing and magical.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

On the lighter side of things.
I figured that with all the press about Covid-19, and with what most people are going through at the moment, that maybe we could set aside a few moments this morning just to relax, maybe have a few laughs, and simply see the lighter side of things.  I hope that I can get you to think about some of the good out there in the midst of all the crap that is flying around.  It is difficult sometimes to remember that we are in fact creatures of divine nature, and that no matter what is swirling about, we are quite frankly supposed to soar above it.  Now scoring may not always be an easy thing to do, but soar we must, if for no other reason than to protect our sanity.

Doris Lessing, a Nobel Laureate, was spot on with her comment.  Laughter has the ability to heal.  The bible says that laughter works like a medicine.  I love it when my husband laughs.  It does something to me.  I can't stay sour, or down when I am exposed to laughter.  There have been times when I have bouts of uncontrollable laughter.  I mean that deep belly laugh where you almost find it difficult to catch your breath.  Now that is a good time, and it is those times that tend to take away all conflict, all sadness, all thoughts of doom and gloom.  I'd say that as a society we need that right now, more than ever.

Have you ever been in a situation where you know you shouldn't laugh, but your laughter has a mind of its own, and out it comes?  These moments are priceless, and it's these moments that I believe we need to be in right now.  There are different kinds of laughter, but we each have our own reasons to laugh, and there are different situations that bring on laughter.  I love a good sitcom on television,  I've watched several that almost bring me to tears.  I will confess that when I am in the middle of a good laugh, my laugh becomes almost this high pitched, girl like giggle.  I'm embarrassed to tell you all this, but it's who I am.  Why not be real, right?  In this realness will come peace, happiness, joy, and just a smidgeon of relief.  Have you ever noticed that it's nearly impossible to be worried about the stuff that is going on around you when you are in the middle of a laughing spell?  When I'm feeling a little out of sorts, or just dealing with a complex issue I will often go to youtube and simply watch something that I know is going to make me laugh.  On the top of my list, and I've seen it hundreds if not thousands of times, are two skits from the old Carol Burnett television show.  I love the Dentist routine with Harvey Korman and Tim Conway.  Harvey can not control his laughter, and it's almost impossible for me not to laugh just watching him trying to maintain his composure.  The second skit is about the two elephants, and the family playing a board game.  Carol Burnett is always turning away from Tim Conway, and I tell you it works like a charm to get me out of any funk I might be in.

Have you ever noticed how laughter is contagious?  I've been to a few comedy shows in my time, and the funniest part for me is the other people laughing, and that gets me caught up in the laughter, and then it's off to the races to see who looses all control of themselves.  In a previous job that I had I was driving about 50,000 miles a year.  I would generally be on the road five for six hours a day, and I would listen to the Comedy Channel on Satellite Radio. Well the people who would pass me on the road must have thought I was crazy as I would be laughing uncontrollably listening to a routine.  When you are in this bout of laughter you cannot focus on anything else, and that my friends is a good thing.  If you are fighting a war right now, stop what you're doing and just find something to laugh about.  If you are depressed try to discover the laughter that resides inside of you.  If you're just cranky and irritable, go do something silly to someone.  I love watching people get scared or pranked.  Yes I am twisted to a degree, but I will laugh at them, and if you're anything close to normal, you'll find yourself laughing as well.  

I know how difficult it can be to try and pull yourself out of a period of depression or as some call it a "funk".  Truth be told, if you don't try to get out of it you're simply going to go deeper and deeper into it, and then it's almost like game, set, match.  Once again, just try to stay upset and angry when you're experiencing a good belly laugh.  I was having dinner with my brother and his family one day not long ago, and my brother was acting kind of nutty, and we both started laughing so hard.  It was that uncontrollable laughter and it was simply amazing.  I'm not quite sure what set if off, but it was one of those spontaneous moments that will go down as simply euphoric.   When being challenged, and you feel as though there is no escape from the challenge, why not find something to laugh about and see if you don't get a breakthrough.

Laughter is a medicine.  I'm sure someone, somewhere, has done a study or two about laughter, and the merits of laughter.  Without regard to what results might be shown from such a study, I have no doubt that a good laugh will certainly change the atmosphere of any situation.  I guess the only way to prove this out is to get too laughing.  In all seriousness, let's be less serious.  We can be so fixated on certain things that we loose track of what is really important, and what is not.  No matter what someone might be going through I really believe that a little laughter will bring a much needed release from tensions and anxiety.

When the going gets tough, the tough need to lighten up and simply laugh.  Find joy, and in finding joy, step away from those things that are not really serving you well.  Laughter is a funny thing when you think about it.  Dark and dreary can be swept away with moments of laughter.  I challenge you to find something to laugh at, laugh with, laugh about, and see if it doesn't change the atmosphere around you.  You can choose to stay swept up in whatever is happening around you, or you can be swept up in laughter and watch as situations change right in front of your eyes.  Given the option to stay put, or to reach above the situation, what makes more sense to you?  As I said before, it's impossible to think about doom and gloom while you're peeing your pants with laughter.  Trust me, peeing yourself can happen when you're laughing so hard.  Yea you might have to change your knickers, but you certainly won't be worrying about others things.  Get to laughing, and get to changing your outlook.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

T-Minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6....
And we have lift off!  It was August of 1969, and pretty much the entire planet was glued to their television screens as the United States was set to become the first Nation to put a man on the moon.  Had President Kennedy not made the declaration years earlier, this might not have happened for years, and certainly not by the USA.  What I want to do today is set a challenge for you.  Now this challenge might not be as ambitious as putting a man on the moon, but in many ways it might be more life changing.  I truly believe the time has come for you to begin the countdown to what you were intended to do, and get started doing it.

I recently signed an Authors Agreement with a new publishing company for my next book.  I've known for a while that this was the time.  I, like so many others who are needing to make a decision, would say things like "hey Universe provide the money".  Of course once the money showed up I would do what I needed to do. Problem was the money didn't show up, at least not in the way I had anticipated it, or wanted it to.  I really only had one option, take that leap of faith, start the countdown, and accept that I was about to go on another fantastic journey.  You see, if you want things to move, you've go to start at T-minus whatever and work your way down to the start.  Certainly there are planning stages that each of us go through.  Some of these steps are complex, others are just distractors because you really don't want to move forward.  My warning to you this morning is limit the distractors, and simply move ahead with the launch count.

I'm reminded this fine day, that anything worth having, is worth working for.  There are very few times when something is just going to be handed to you on a silver platter. Now I'm not saying I wouldn't mind that happening from time to time, but the chances of something great happening to you, without your participation in some way or another, is very unlikely.  Would I like something to be dropped in my lap un-expectantly? Of course I would.  Do I even believe that it is possible?  Once again, anything is possible when you are dealing with the perfection of the universe.  But this I also know:  if you can't see the end already, you really aren't going to have to worry about the beginning.  Faith says that you believe in something long before your natural eyes might see it.  Faith says that without a doubt you know something is going to happen, even if you can't see how yet.  Faith is really just holding true to the vision you have, and not letting some idiot rob you of it, and there are plenty of idiots out there.

I want to go back for a moment to the seeing things complete, even if you're just at the start of something.  I can already see my next book on the shelves of bookstores, and in the hands of people.  I can see book signings, and speaking engagements.  Do I know just how things are going to proceed, in someways yes, and in other ways no.  I simply know this is going to happen, and I will do my part to make sure things move forward.  You have to take ownership of anything and everything in your life.  I'm a big picture type of person.  I dream big, and there is nothing that can make me not believe all of my dreams are not going to come true.  You might be in a completely different environment right now than what you are dreaming about, that doesn't matter.  What matters is that you are open to doing what you feel you must do, and not be deterred by what others might say to you.  I've had plenty of people who think I'm nuts for what I envision for my future.  I want everyone around me to discover their destiny, and everything I do is geared to helping others discover and walk in their destiny.  I might do it through my writing, over the radio or television waves, or simply in conversation.  Either way people are going to be exposed to my thoughts, and those thoughts just might be the catalyst that launches them on their next adventure.

We are all living in what has been called the "New Normal".  Honestly, I'm living, and have been living in my new normal for quite sometime, and I'm encouraging each of you to live in your new normal.  Now just to be clear, normal is anything but in most cases.  Standing firm in your power, in your might, in your divinity, is going to seem abnormal to most people.  Just remember, most people haven't a clue as to their true essence, so don't let their doubt and negativity affect you one iota.  We are in a time when we are going to have to stand up to normalcy, and simply be our authentic self, even if that is strange to everyone else around you.

There was much planning and preparation that went into putting a man on the moon, and getting them back to earth safely.  Believe it or not, there has been much planning and preparation in your life to get you to this very point in time.  You may not be completely aware of all the prep and planning, but rest assured it has gone on, and will continue to go on.  We learn about things daily, and even when you are not aware of the learning going on, it is still going on.  If you are going to take that leap of faith and move forward in your grandest desires, your biggest dreams, you will have to take the first step.  I am not in the same place I was ten years ago because I took the first step.  My path has shifted and changed directions many times over the years, but that doesn't mean I've made the wrong choices in what direction to go, it simply means I've let things progress as they needed to.  Writing a book is pretty easy.  Getting a book published is pretty easy.  What isn't always easy is stepping out and putting the first words to paper, or in my case hitting the keys on my keyboard.  No matter what you are wanting to do, hoping to accomplish, you will need to make the first move.  Most of the time what we see is going to be based on how badly we want to see it, and your willingness to go after what you want.

Some launches got delayed because the weather was not right.  Some events were cancelled because of other issues.  Delays will happen, but that doesn't mean it won't happen for you.  The Universe is perfect, and that being said, don't stress.  Hold fast to your dreams, and see them as already being alive.  If you will do your part and simply believe, the Universe will do its part and bring all that is good, peaceful, joyful to you in a measure that you will not believe.  I encourage you to begin your countdown, and as each second ticks off the clock may the excitement grow, the joy expand, and certainty become clearer than ever.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

When the moon is in the seventh house.....
Now I bet you thought I was about to go into a song.  No, what I want to do this morning is really inspire you.  I want to motivate you to finally take that step into what you were always intended to do, but still haven't quite made the leap to your destiny.  I was out this morning taking my dog for her normal morning walk, and as I turned the corner I could still see the night's moon.  The lyrics to the song popped into my head, and then I started thinking about all the things that others do,  that I don't.  Hang with me for a moment and you will see where I am going with the moon analogy.

When I saw the moon I began to think of astrologers.  I thought about their great gift to read the stars, to provide insight to other people.  Once I thought about them, I began to think about some of the other gifts that people operate with, healers, psychics, mediums.  The list is quite exhaustive, and maybe you operate in some, maybe none, and maybe you're just not sure.  No matter the case, what I want you to realize is just because someone else is doing it doesn't mean you should be, or doesn't mean you can't.  I've often wanted to be able to see auras, to translate/transport from one place to another, to see spirits.  Now maybe I'm supposed do it, and just haven't developed it yet.  Maybe I'm just supposed to be a writer.  Truth be told, I love writing more than anything, and if I never see a UFO, or ever hear from someone who has passed over, oh well, I'm still a writer.

I will tell you that most of the time when we are admiring someone else's gifts, longing to be able to do it as well, we have neglected to look at our own gifts.  I'm not saying that you don't necessarily have the same gifts, what I'm saying is that you need to accept your skill set, walk in it, own it, and be happy with it.  There's not nothing wrong with appreciating what others do, just don't let it distract you from what you really should be doing.  I've accepted my particular calling.  I've grown as a writer, and I can't see myself doing anything else.  Now I may venture into other areas, radio, Television, lecturer, things like that, but each of these areas are nothing more than another avenue of expressing my talents.  What I want to encourage you to do today is look at your talents and use them.  When the time comes for you to step out into things, if you haven't already, you will know in no uncertain terms that you are doing what you were created to do.  There is nothing better in life than pursuing all that you are.

I want you for just a moment to think about what would really make you happy.  I've asked this question numerous times in the past, but if you could be doing anything right now, what would it be? There's something magical in doing what you love to do.  There's also something totally freeing when you are doing what you were created to do.  When you walk in your special gift there is nothing that can take it away.  When you are expressing the real you, there is nothing that will pull you away from your calling.  The problem with most people who are being tossed about by what they see others doing, is that they have yet to accept what was placed in them to do.  Now I realize that it sometimes takes time to come to terms with your path in life, but while you are searching things out don't beat yourself up because you aren't doing what someone else is doing.

The world is a large place, and there is plenty of room for each individual gift.  There is not just a single writer for the entire planet.  There is plenty enough room for other healers, mediums, teachers, and the like.  Just as there are various seasons each year, there are differences in each path, and your task is to figure out where your path leads.  Be encouraged that even in this moment you are open to see what the universe has for you.  We grow each day, we mature.  What you were doing yesterday may be different from what you will do tomorrow.  I can remember many, many years ago, 36 to be exact, I was laying in bed one night, lamenting that I didn't know what I was good at.  Now keep in mind, most everyone has done this from time to time.  Sadly when you are thinking these things you often feel as though you are the only one on this entire planet going through it.  Anyhow, as I was laying there I heard in an audible voice, "I've given you the ability to speak."  Well needless to say I really did look around to see who was talking to me.  To make a long story short, when I heard those seven words my world was turned around.  Now it has taken me all these years to really get to this point, but all the lessons I learned since then, all the events, all the ups and downs, has gotten me to where I am today, doing what I am doing today.  I want to encourage you not to loose heart.  I want to remind you that trying to eat a piece of fruit before it is ripe is going to take away some of the pleasure of eating that fruit.  An unripened banana is no less a banana, but it will be different than what it is truly meant to be like.  The same can be said about your calling.  Don't be in such a hurry to step out, that you walk out prematurely.  You will know the right time to do things.  I promise you this:  if you will be patient, your patience will pay off dividends to you.

No matter where you are right now in your search, in your desires, or where you are on your path, you have to believe in the perfection of the universe.  We as humans want to second guess almost everything in life, but second guessing never really helped anyone.  The timing of the universe is perfection.  Stop trying to do things on your time line, and let them roll out when the universe says to roll them out.  Simply take this time to perfect your trade.  What you are supposed to do is going to look different then what someone else is doing.  I often wonder where my gifts will take me, but to be honest be open to whatever the universe says to do is half the fun.  I know that I am honing my craft. I know that there is more for me to do, and I am willing and able to do it.  You're most important thing to do right now is just be open to do what you are shown to do, and let everything else work itself out in the perfect timing that is there for you.

When the moon is in your whatever house, you will know that the time is right to be, to do, and to own what you were sent here to do.  Until such time, relax and enjoy the ride.  All things lead to the finished product, you might as well enjoy the process of getting there.  One last note, and this is more of a warning more than anything.  There will be good days, and not so good days.  Each day however, is a day to learn something.  Never discount the learning process, it is designed to get you to your perfect place.  Shine on my dear friends.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Be still, and know.
It's difficult when life is coming at you a million miles a second to remember that there is a time to be still and just know that things will work out. Maybe now is that time for you. Heck, maybe it's that time for everyone during these crazy times.  I think when all the pandemic issues have left us, and I'm not sure when that will be, I think we will look back and will have learned a very valuable lesson.  I just want to warn you that I may write some things that send you over the edge, that might anger you, or in some cases, make you turn away out of disgust.  No matter how today's blog makes you feel, do me a favor and just think on it for a moment.  There's nothing worse than making some kind of knee jerk reaction.  Let these words percolate for a while before you go off and do something crazy.

At this current moment I have not lost anyone to corona, nor do I know anyone personally who has.  I hope you find yourself in that same place.  If you have lost a friend, a loved one, a family member, then I offer deep condolences to you and your family.  I would never make light the loss of a loved one.  Loss is a terrible thing, and it takes everything you are to get past it at times.  What I want to bring forth this morning is just a simple reminder.  Now honestly, some may take this as a rebuke, but that's not what I am attempting to do this morning. I simply want to remind you of who you are.  I want to bring to the forefront of your mind why you were created in the first place.  I just really want to encourage you to break away from what others are doing, and do your own thing.  Doing your own thing may seem bizarre to others around you, but sometimes weird and crazy is what the doctor ordered.

I had a nearly two hour drive the other day to get to a job site.  During that time I put on some oldies but goodies to pass the time.  I found myself reflecting on some things that I had long ago put aside, as if to say I had outgrown them.  We have a tendency at times to downplay the importance of past lessons, but on this occasion I was glad to open that box again.  Anyway, what I discovered is that in many ways I am far more centered, far more aware, far more focused on the real me, then the me that others would like me to portray.  So many people are walking around fearful of everything they see, everyone they run into, and that must really suck to be honest.  Now I'm not suggesting that you throw caution to the wind.  I wouldn't throw myself into a pit of venomous snakes and have no cares. What I'm suggesting is that you take a few moments to thinks about things.  I was reading a quote from Adrienne Maree Brown, "Things are not getting worse.." she says, "They are getting uncovered. We must hold each other tight and continue to pull back the veil."  It is tough when you know the true you, and yet you are constantly reminded of your "mortality" by those around you who live in utter fear each day.  Certainly we are all going to die one day.  That being said, death is simply the end of a chapter, not the end of the book.

What I'm trying to say is this, and I will be as kind and as delicate as I can be.  Stop letting things get in your way.  Stop worrying about things that have no bearing on who you really are.  Walk past all the fodder out there, and simply be still and know.  You are not some weak human.  You are not someone who is subject to the way things seem to be.  You are a creator. You are a spiritual master.  You need to take up your sword and slash the daylights out of all the negativity out there.  For crying out loud, is it any wonder why people are down and depressed over having to be cooped up in home for the last 50 plus days?  If you fall into a pile of crap and never wash it off, you're going to continue to smell like crap.  Maybe not the most delicate way of saying it, but I am what I am.  Step away from the doubt, walk away from the fear.  If you hold on to it, you will own it, and who wants to own doubt and fear?

I want you to know the significance of your being.  I want you to walk in your power, and not abdicate your rightful place in this universe because of someone who is unable to get out of their own way.  Let's face it, there are plenty of people out there who are scared to death right  now, but does that mean you have to follow suit?  You can if you want to, but you're not obligated to get on their train to nowhere.  Let me ask you this, has worry ever changed the outcome of an event?  Did the hours spent pacing the floor ever impact what you were going through?  I would much rather focus on my self, my true self, my essence, than only see fear, doubt, worry, and the list goes on.  Now let me say this, just in case someone is thinking I don't care about precautions.  There is nothing wrong with being careful.  There is nothing wrong with following guidance to keep you safe.  What I am addressing here is not basking in all the fear out there.  My god, I don't have enough time in the day too worry about what others are freaked out about.  To be honest, I'm quite content at the moment.  I'm really pretty happy.  Why?  Because I don't have to be what everyone else expects me to be.  They can walk around with one foot in the grave, I don't have to follow.  I know I am that I am.  I know my power, and I accept my greatness.  If you want to get above the frey, then walk in your "I am Presence", your power, and your greatness.

Be still, and know that you are something special.  Be still and know that you are a creator.  Be still and know that you can and will change things around you.  Life is precious, and while we only have a finite amount of time on this earth, what you do with that time is going to dictate your level of happiness and joy.  My advice is don't think on things that distract from your happiness and joy.  There will be things that come up in life that will challenge you, no doubt about it.  How you handle those challenges will depend on how you see yourself.  See yourself as strong, as determined, as a spiritual master, and you will handle all situations.  See yourself as insignificant, as just a mere mortal, and you will get buried beneath all the garbage out there. It's really as simple as that.  I'd like to think that I will never have to deal with negativity, but you and I both know, not likely.  Stay focused on the real you, know your true essence, and then watch things change in front of your eyes.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Don't always believe what you see.
Is it real, or is it memorex?  Is a mirage real, or just a figment of your imagination?  What seems real to some, when you really delve into it, it's just something that isn't.  When you finally get to the place you think the object should be, like an oasis in the desert,  it is just an illusion.  Well the same can be said about some things that go on in our lives.  Often we feel they are real, but after reflection, after refusing to give in to what others expect, you discover it is simply another illusion.

What I'd like you to do today is focus on reality.  Stop looking at things that really don't matter, and instead look at things differently.  Much of what we have been taught in life is based on untruths.  Now these untruths have been handed down to us from previous generations, who had them handed down to them from previous generations, and so the cycle continues.  It is time to break the cycle of conditioning, and start looking at things through the eyes of a creator.  It's time to change things up and toss out the old ways of doing and seeing things, and now see with your spiritual eyes.  Stop listening to others, and listen to your heart.  There's no doubt about it that a mirage can seem real, especially when what you see is what you think you really need.  Sadly what you think you need is nothing more than your inability to believe that you already have everything you need.

Here's a simple truth, yet many make it almost impossible to grasp:  you are everything you will ever be, and you have everything. already, that you will ever need.  Has that last statement made your head spin?  Truth is, you were complete at the instant you started forming in your mother's womb.  I'm not talking about your physical self, I'm speaking about your spirit, your true essence.  We focus too much on what we see.  Most of what we see in life is nothing more than a mirage.  It looks real, but it's not.

We've been told in the past that man is ever evolving. If you look at technology, I would agree, we are forever expanding our knowledge base, and with that comes amazing inventions.  We as humans however,  have not evolved.  Well, evolved in terms of our true abilities.  We have been conditioned to believe that we are simply mortals.  Our view of being human has limited us to a mere pittance of what we should truly be operating as.  Do you remember the television series Bewitched?  Samantha would simply twitch her nose and there was a result.  Now we call that witchcraft, but what is interesting is that when she twitched there was no doubt what the outcome would be.  Well unless of course you were Aunt Clara, and then all bets were off.  Let's be blunt: you inhabit a flesh and blood body, but you are first and foremost a Spiritual Creature.  This body is going to turn to dust some day, but your Spirit, your true essence, is never going away.  Why do we focus on things that are only temporary, when what we should be focusing on is what is eternal?  It's maddening when I see others who refuse to accept what is real, but will base all things on a mirage.

Think about this: if we expanded our abilities as spiritual beings to the same degree that we have expanded our knowledge of technology where would be be right now?  If we simply held true to our true selves where would we be right now?  If we operated in spirit and not in flesh where would we be right now.  We have allowed our lives to be controlled by things that aren't real, and negated all those things that are real.  There will come a time when we are going to have to make a decision.  I guess the only question I have for you is what will you decide?  If you want to evolve you are going to have to tap into your own power.  This power was given to you simply because you were created.  There have been so few people over the eons who have truly walked in their power.  When man was created we were given dominion over the earth.  We have walked away from that, and it has gotten us to where we are in this moment.  We see things and we believe that they are real, when most of the time they are simply illusions.  We see things and we automatically accept them as normal.  There is nothing normal about lack, or scarcity, or fear, or anxiety.  Yet we allow each of these to control our lives.  It's time that we take a step back and recognize the huge bill of goods we have been sold.

Can you even imagine a world where each inhabitant walked in their power.  I'm not talking about the power that others try to use to control people.  Truth be told if we knew our true essence there would be no competition among others as others would know the true meaning of personal power.  I detest those who think they are better than others.  They seem to believe that everyone around them is there to serve them.  They will do anything to make it to the top of the social latter.  This is not walking in your power, this is stupidity, and it is dangerous.  Walking in your power, and not being moved by illusions or mirages, is the only way to experience what you were always intended to experience.  I have to remind myself each day that I am that I am.  I have to always be mindful of my words, my thoughts, and my feelings.  Each of these things have the power to create.  Many times we create things in our lives that we really don't want, but we can't blame anyone but ourselves from bringing them into existence.

So you have a choice to make.  Will you continue to be moved by illusions, or will you live your truth?  Will you stand in your power, or will you be controlled by what others tell you you must do?  I for one am tired of living in fear of reprisal for being different.  Different is what I am striving for.  Walking in my uniqueness, my strengths, my power is what I desire.  I was created to create, not simply do what others expect me to do.  I was placed here to have dominion over all things.  That does not mean to dominate, that is ego.  I want to know the peace, the joy, the happiness, of being the real me.  We take life one day at a time.  We move forward one step at a time.  We grow one experience at a time.  Let's move forward together, and see what is real.  Trust me, walking in what is real is so much better than walking in the illusions that others have set in place.  A mirage is not real, let's not be fooled by them.  Walk in what is real, and create your own reality.