Friday, August 15, 2014

Enough is as good as a feast.
Can you ever have enough of a good thing?  I guess it all depends on what the good thing is.  On Thanksgiving there are tons of people who have too much of a good thing.  It's that moment right after the meal and you say to yourself "I ate way too much".  You them remember years past having done the same thing and wonder why you didn't learn your lesson then.  Oh well, there's always next year to learn from this year's debacle.

There are people out there who can never seem to get enough of a good thing.  People who always want more, and in many cases will do whatever it takes to get what they want.  I guess the question that comes to mind is what is it that motivates others to need to have it all, and once they get the "all"  what are they going to do with it?  Herein lies the point of today's blog:  enough is as good as a feast and others should be invited to participate in your feast.

I was channel surfing not long ago and came across the show about hoarding.  First off, I was amazed that anyone could live this way.  I though that I was a pack rat of sorts, but I have nothing on these people.  Now some will say that hoarding is a mental disorder, others say it's a sickness.  I have no qualifications to state which it is, so I will say that it is just weird.  The point here is that there is more stuff in these homes then any normal human could ever use, or even want for that matter.  I have however noticed that hoarding is not just isolated to those who have stuff.  There are spiritual hoarders as well.  People who will strive for every kind of spiritual understanding, and yet when they receive it do nothing with it.  They keep it to themselves and never so much as offer any of it to anyone else.  It's kind of like the angry millionaire who works and works to get as much money as possible, and realizes that after all that work, he or she still doesn't have enough.  Now these people could never spend all that they have, and yet they still desire more.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against money. I like money I recognize what money can do for people, but I also have seen what money can do to people.  There must be a happy medium where those with share with those who are without.  Before anyone accuses me of a "Redistribution of Wealth" mentality let me say that I truly believe that if it's worth having it's worth working for.  I am not one to just say that everyone should be given a million dollars just because.  If one has the means to make money, the know how, then share that understanding with others to help them achieve the successes you have been fortunate enough to make.  If one has spiritual insight, then share that insight with others and help them gain the freedoms that you have gained.

There is a verse in the bible that says it would be better for a glutton to place a knife to the throat then to continue to be a glutton.  I know that sounds harsh but the point I'm trying to make is that you need to divest yourself of stuff before stuff becomes the focal point of everything that you do.  The reason we seek knowledge is not to hoard it but to give it freely.  This should be the mindset for every individual.  I could sit here and dream about destiny day and night, night and day, but what good would that do me, and for that matter what good would it do for the person who still hasn't discovered their destiny?  I write about destiny because it is my desire that everyone walk in their own.

Sharing the best part of you is what living is all about.  You can share the love you have in your heart in the form of a smile to the stranger walking down the street.  This simple act of kindness didn't cost you a thing and it just might be the thing that this person has been needing.  Sharing your wisdom that has been garnered over the years just might be the thing that someone needs to make a decision that has been pending for some time.  You never know what will come about when you share from the heart and give without any need for a payback.  Problem with many people is they only give when they feel there is going to be a return on their investment.  I will tell you that those who hold this belief will ultimately fall victim to the great demon of gluttony.

So I will ask you again, can you ever have too much of a good thing?  If you will give back, and give back without the need for praise or recognition then you will always be in a position where you will always have what you need, and have it in a measure that will never go away.  Give your love.  Give your knowledge and wisdom.  Give because in giving you will ultimately receive more then you could ever imagine.  It is time to give it away and watch others and yourself change in a mighty and powerful way.  If you are unable to let it go, it will ultimately leave you anyway, so why not do it on your own terms, and bless someone else while you're doing it.  Think about that.

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