Friday, April 29, 2016

Rich beyond measure
I think everyone at one time or another has had dreams of wining the lottery.  I know I have and the moment I purchase my ticket I begin to dream about all the things I'll do with my winnings. Problem is, I haven't won it yet.  I was reading through my emails the other day and I got one about mind-sets.  It really got me to thinking, and when I start thinking about certain things I also know it's time to write about them.

There are people who are trying to put all their efforts into getting rich.  Some will do it the old fashion way, they will inherit it.  Nothing wrong with getting an inheritance.  If you're one of the lucky ones who has had this happen to them, more power to you.  There are people who will work like mad to get rich.  Through sweat and determination they will get there.  Manifesting millions, maybe even billions of dollars, is not impossible.  To some it may be improbable, but the possibility still exist.

There are so many different thoughts on riches, and just what it takes to get there.  The Law of Attraction, The Secret, I am that I am, all things that work, but here's the deal:  it will only work once you understand true riches, and once you understand the real you.  Sadly most people are focused on getting rich because the current state of their finances is anything but abundant.  Let's face it, poverty sucks.  Believe it or not, poverty is not based on who you are, where you live, where you came from, or even if your distant uncle forgot to remember you in his will.  Poverty is nothing more then a situation brought on by limiting beliefs.  Trust me, if there was ever a monkey on my back it was the poverty mentality that I carried around with me for years.  I've heard people make the statement that if they were intended to be rich they would be at this very moment.  I've also heard people justify poverty by believing that there could never be enough resources in the world to allow everyone to have more money then they could ever spend.

Being rich is not just having boat loads of money.  Being rich is not simply being the head of a huge chain of stores, with a balance sheet that shows tons of profit.  Sadly, being rich is not a guarantee that you will ever discover your destiny, let alone walk in it.  I know people with tons of money, but there is no light in their eyes, no spring in their step, or even love in their heart.  Hey I get how nice having a bunch of money can be.  No worries about the electric or water being shut off.  No worries about how you are going to feed your family.  You wouldn't even have to think about spending thousands of dollars to upgrade to First-Class on your flight to Europe.  So what motivates people to seek out their fortune?  What is it that drives people to riches?  Once again, we've all dreamt of being rich, yet how many people are walking around right now with an endless stream of currency?

If your definition of rich is based solely on dollars and cents then I will tell you that you have really missed the boat, and even more importantly, missed a huge opportunity.  Contentment is key when you are trying to get a grip on riches.  There are plenty of people out there who have it all yet they are anything but content.  The old questions arises, when is enough enough?  Now greed will pop up from time to time, but greed is never going to be in the same category as true riches.  Those who deal with greed will never understand true riches because to them they never have enough.  I'm not advocating for poverty, nor am I saying that poverty is something we have to have.  I think poverty is something we all contend with in some measure simply because we have yet to understand who and what we are.  There are rich people who still walk around in poverty.  In this same light there are people who don't have two nickels to rub together who are rich beyond measure.

So what is your definition of True Riches?  If you could walk around being one of the riches people on the face of the earth, what would it look like?  I understand the allure of money.  I get the comforts that money provides.  I also know that there is a huge difference between those who have tons of money and those who know how to use money.  I'm not here to beat up on all the millionaires, nor cast dispersion on those who have no money, who feel they have no future, and no hope.  What I want you to look at today is what true riches look like and focus on that, and not on what the world has portrayed at rich.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people having an abundance of whatever it is they desire or need.  What I want to portray to you today is that money is not the end all when it comes to true riches.  At this moment I may not have a hundred million in the bank, but what I have, and what I get to do with my life is worth more then all the money in the world.

When you are living your dream, I will tell you that money will never come into the equation, and you will know that you have entered into a territory where only the truly rich will ever step.  True Riches will only come to you when you begin to experience the truly important things in life.  If you want to experience wealth then begin by accepting who you are, what you are, and why you are here. Destiny is tied to riches just as much as money is.  Wouldn't it be nice to have both?  Think about it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The view from above.
What must the rest of the universe be thinking when they see our planet, it's inhabitants, and the many different problems and issues we all deal with?  Now if you believe as many do that we are the only intelligent life in the entire universe, I guess that question is a mute point.  If on the other hand you can come to grips with other life out in our universe then let me ask you again, what thoughts would be going through those minds?  Better still, what do you think when you look at the ever expanding universe and wonder what role you play in it?  Do you even ponder the idea of having something of great importance to accomplish?  If not, why not?

Our planet is the equivalent to a grain of sand in all the beeches and deserts on our planet, when you compare us to the rest of the universe.  When you size us up as humans many would simply think that we have very little to do with things on such a grand scale.  There in lies the problem, we limit ourselves before we ever begin.  Once again that damn conditioning that you have been subjected to since birth has screwed up your thinking.  Now in all honesty I was just as guilty as the next person when it came to limiting beliefs and such.  I regrettably fell victim to words that were spoken to me about what I could and couldn't do.  Face it, we've been told since birth not to have a big head.  Those that think too much of themselves are conceited and prideful, and of course pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.  Can we for just once forget about what others think and try to see ourselves for who we really are?  I'm repeating myself but it has to be done: we are created beings, who have the capacity to create anything we desire.  The only thing stopping us from doing this is our own beliefs.

When you break us down to our smallest element we are simply energy.  The energy that exist in the farthest reaches of space is the very same energy that we are made of.  Energy, according to the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, can neither be created nor can it be destroyed.  The energy that is you has been around since the beginning of time, and will be around even after you leave your mortal body.  Since all energy emanated from the same source we are all interconnected.  Why is it that so many people have a problem with this concept?  Science has proven time and time again about energy, and yet we would rather believe in our own limits.  Given the option to create things or to simply sit around and wait for things to happen, what would you choose?  Given the option to have a life filled with nothing but happiness and joy, or a life empty of all emotion and always lacking, what would you choose?  Would you rather believe in the endless, limitless possibilities of your creative power, or hold on to the conditioning that tells you that only certain people will have success?

The view from above is often different from the view down here, but here's the simple truth:  it doesn't have to be that way.  I'd like to think that as a part of the collective consciousness of the universe that there just might be something out there that is bigger then life itself.  We limit ourselves because we have yet to realize just how vast the universe is, and the universe is us.  We limit ourselves because we would rather sit back and hope, instead of stepping out and creating our own reality.  This is not some Sci-FY novel, this is real stuff.  Those who will dare to step out side of the box of norms, which man has created, will be the ones who cruise to new heights.  Those who refuse to do things the same old way will soar to new places. Those who will simply believe in their incredible abilities will tower over the rest of civilization, and in doing so teach others that they have the same abilities.

Let me ask you this, are you tired of always waiting?  Are you tired of always being told that things need to be different even when your heart of heart tells you something else?  Are you simply tired of being just a cog in the wheel of life with no ability to really do what you desire most?  I've lived years trying to please other people and the only thing it got me was unhappiness and a whole lot of hurt in the end.  We are part of a universe that is so vast, so expansive, and so incredibly beautiful and yet we only see ourselves as humans.  Look up into the night sky sometime and tell me what you see, and then tell me how it makes you feel.  If you feel small, then you need to change.  If you feel as though you are just as much a part as the most distant star, now you are getting some place.  Stars and planets may be billions of miles away, but they are just as much a part of you as you are of them.

If you were the looking down at our tiny planet what would be going through your mind?  It is time to change how we see ourselves and in the process change the way we do things.  Trust me the universe is simply waiting for you to grab all that is yours and run with it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The moment I finally got it.
As I was strolling around my house this morning I just sensed a need to write a few things down, and I have learned to follow my intuition so here I am again.  I'll be the first to tell you that life and learning is a continual process.  We learn things and hopefully the knowledge we take from each event will remain with us for the duration.  There have been times when I have not been so quick to pick up on certain things in life, but eventually I was able to grasp what was being placed in front of me, and so the learning continued.

What has set me a part from many of the other carbon based units on this planet is that I have taken the time to learn just who I am.  If you had told me twenty years ago that I would be a writer and someone whose destiny was to help others discover their own destiny I would have called you nuts.  I was all set to take the political scene by storm and I wasn't going to stop until I had reached the pinnacle of political life.  As much as I loved all things political, and as much as I was good at the game of politics, it wasn't my true passion.  Certainly I had passion for what I was doing, but it was not true passion.  Politics was not what I thought about first thing in the morning, nor was it the last thing that was on my mind before I laid down to sleep.  My true passion finally manifested itself in my life when I discovered who and what I was.  My true passion was just that, truth.  Everything I had done up to this point was nothing more then a training ground.  When I look back on all that I have accomplished, all that I have learned, it is in absolute harmony with who I am now, and with what I am doing now.

If you are still looking for or waiting for that moment to hit you, don't loose heart.  Some People will discover their passion early on in life, while others will only hit their stride as the years begin to pile up.  The perfection of the universe will make sure that you have your "wake up" moment at just the right time, and in the manner that will make you believe every bit of what is in your heart to do.  There are days that I am simply amazed at what I have done over the last four years, and yet I am still in awe of what is still in front of me to accomplish.  What I love most about what I do is that I love it so much and I am so blessed to have this opportunity.  I've said this many times before, there are many counterfeits that appear in our life.  These counterfeits are nothing more then smokescreens to get you off track, keep you out of balance, and other wise away from your true destiny.  If everyone were to be honest with themselves, I dare say that many people would opt for a do over in life because what they currently have on their plate is not what was intended for them to have.  Sadly many people have settled for second best when it comes to walking in their destiny.  Now second best might be fine for many people, but second best is still going to leave a void in your life.  This void will nag at you and nag at you until you are finally forced to deal with it.

So who am I?  Who are you?  We are all a part of this marvelous, beautiful universe.  We were brought here to accomplish something.  Some will accomplish great things, while others will simply move through life wondering where all the wonders are.  The first step in truly experiencing and appreciating the wonders of life is to appreciate who you are.  You are divine, you are creative, and you have all you will ever need to succeed in life.  The one thing that stops most people is an inability to let go of past conditioning and open up your mind and heart to the real you.  I'm not talking about the you that others have painted you as, but the you that was intended at the moment of your own creation.  I'd love to kick the crap out of those people who have levied doubt and unbelief on you.  Most people only speak words of discouragement to you because they are the ones who are still trying to figure out the meaning of life.  I marvel at those who are jealous of other's successes.  I can only imagine what most be going through their minds when they see others who are excited about life, full of happiness and joy.  Our existence was never meant to be one of loss, lack, or emptiness.  We are here to empower the rest of the world with our worth.  We were placed here to open the minds of those who are struggling with doubt, fear, and worthlessness.

I am one with my creator, and I am here to lay the axe to the root of self-doubt.  If you want to truly enjoy life then start by owning who you are.  If want joy and happiness to be present in your life each and every day then own who you are and love who you are.  I spent many years hating myself.  I hated myself because I had yet to fully understand the significance of me being here, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do with my life.  I would simply exist, and that existence was nothing I really wanted.  There comes a time when you and your passion are going to have to meet up.  Until such time as you can openly admit what you love, you will always be one step behind the rest of those who have made the discovery.  Passion is real.  Passion is life.  Passion is what you think about first thing in the morning, and the last thing you think about at night.  Own your passion, and don't give thought to what others think about it.  Your passion is yours and yours alone.  Trust me, when you can boldly state and thoroughly live your passion, that will be the time when you will say "I finally got it."  Go after your passion with everything in you, for once you do that, everything you do will be just the way it needs to be.

Monday, April 25, 2016

You have not because you ask not, and you ask not because you don't believe.
What have you been believing for?  How long have you been believing for it?  Are you to the point where you are wondering if believing for something is all that it's cracked up to be?  If you are like most people there comes a point in time when you have to wonder if you are ever going to get what you want, be who you are supposed to be, and most importantly participate in this thing we call life fully.

Let me start out by saying that belief is nothing more then coming to terms with the simple fact that you are worthy enough to have those things you desire most.  The one thing that stands in the way of you accomplishing the things you dream about is one's inability to understand that they are worthy of all good things.  We live in an era where we have been conditioned to believe that only select individuals are deserving of the good in life.  There are people out there who have yet to understand that goodness is not something that is earned, rather goodness is who you already are.

I've spent hours, days, weeks, months, and years trying to figure out why I was always on the short end of the receiving stick.  My desire was to walk in abundance, walk in joy, experience happiness, and yet there was something that always seemed to get in the way of achieving any of it.  I could not for the life of me understand why I was always a day late or a dollar short.  I found it hard to accept the premise that I was divine, and in that divinity walk in all manner of blessings.  I know I'm not the only person who felt this way, nor was I the only person who had this type of experience in life.  The thing that turned things around for me was coming to grips with who and what I was.  The thing that helped turn things around for me was understanding that no matter what I might be seeing right in front of me, I was never placed here to be anything other then a creative being.  Each individual is gifted.  Every single person has something to offer humanity.  You are not just here, in this moment for the free popcorn.  Your presence here is for a very specific reason, and once you can come to grips with this then you are on your way to believing just about anything you want.

We as humans have been bombarded with negative conditioning most of our lives.  People telling us why we can't do something, why we shouldn't try this or that.  We have been made to feel that always striving for something is a great character builder.  Let me tell you that we were never intended to live a life of always needing something.  As hard as it might be to fathom this, you were never designed to live a life that had lack, or fear, or depression.  Our birth right is one of victorious living, of being at the right place at the right time.  If you find yourself in any other place other then total fulfillment then you have allowed the conditioning of man to rob you of what is truly yours.

Why do you want the things you want?  If your desire is to gain a huge fortune solely for the purpose of lording it over someone else, well your motives are all wrong.  What you are attempting to do is fill a void in your life with stuff in an effort to feel better about yourself. You can have all the trappings of life but until you discover your own true destiny you will alway have something lacking, and you will continue on the path of always wanting or needing more then you have.  If you truly believe you have a purpose, then go after that purpose.  My desire for abundance is not so I can drive the nicest car, or live in the biggest home.  My desire for abundance is so that I can help others achieve those things that are dearest to them.  What really motivates you and what would bring you the greatest happiness in life?  When you can discover this, walk in this, and be this, then and only then will you find yourself in the place where believing is as simple as taking your next breath.

I have worked and worked for years, and all that time there was still something missing.  I had to discover for myself that what I had never brought into the equation was what my purpose was.  Once I was able to latch on to that everything changed.  Once I could accept that I was good enough to have what I wanted most in life, then I could accept all the goodness that was mine.  There is nothing wrong with desiring things that will make you happy.  What harms most people is desiring things simply because others have those things you think you need or want.  When you constantly are trying to fill the void in your life with stuff, you will find that the void will always be there.  If you sincerely desire to change things, then begin by accepting the truth of who and what you are, and let go of all the stuff that others have told you you have to hold on to.

We all know what we want most.  What we don't always know is why we are lacking those things we want most.  The reason you have a desire for something is because you were intended to have the things you desire.  If you want to help others, then help others.  If you desire to do something in life that will change the face of humanity, then start doing it.  Believe that you have a purpose in life and go after that purpose.  When you begin to do this then all other things will line up as they were always intended to be.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Only time will tell, but time will do what you tell it.
You can sit back and do nothing as you attempt to watch the scenes of your life unfold. Many people have opted for this, and others have made the decision to create their scenes for themselves and not simply leave it up to chance.  There are people who will sit back and take whatever is thrown at them.  On the flip side some have learned that they have the power to orchestrate all that occurs in their life and they want to be the dominator and not the dominated.

When one lives by the creed that "only time will tell", what you are saying is that you are willing to settle for whatever takes place.  When you live by "only time will tell", you are abdicating your rightful place in life, and you have sold out to others who really don't care what happens as most of the time they have nothing invested in the situation.  Is this really what you want out of life?  Do you really just want to do the same thing day after day, week after week, year after year?  If I told you that you have the ability to tell time to stand still, would you scoff at the idea, or might you just take it to heart?

There was a point in time when my life was stuck in limbo.  I would say to myself that only time will tell what happens.  When I finally realized that I was creating my own reality by my words and thoughts, everything changed.  I was the victim of my own lack of understanding.  Is there anything else worse then just sitting back and watching to see what transpires?  Is there anything as frustrating as waiting for the other shoe to drop?  If you are living in this type of atmosphere then you are allowing time to dictate everything, instead of you dictating what time should be doing.  I understand that this might sound pretty bizarre, but the truth of the matter is that you do indeed control your life, and what you say, think, and feel is going to be what you experience.

Just for a moment I want you to think about having a magic lamp, and as you rub this lamp the Genie pops out and tells you that you have three wishes.  If you had to decide what three wishes you were going to make, what would they be?  Many would wish for money, others fame, and others happiness and joy.  It doesn't matter what your wishes are, what matters is that you take advantage of the situation and make the wishes.  Now this may seem like a fairy tale, but in truth you do have the ability to make a wish, or declaration is probably the better descriptor.  If you want money, declare it. If you want fame speak it out.  If you want joy and happiness, set the intention.

I've been in places where things haven't gone exactly how I wanted them to go.  My way of handling this was to simply state that I really didn't care that things didn't work out, but only because I wasn't really sold on the idea anyway.  Truer words were never spoken.  The simple truth is that things didn't work out because you really didn't have a passion for the things you were doing, and subsequently you didn't care what happened.  Trust me, when you attach passion to anything, you damn well do care what happens.  When you attach passion to something it becomes you.  When you attach passion to something there is nothing you won't do to see it through to the end.  When you attach passion to anything, failure is never an option.  So what are you passionate about?  What one thing in life would you walk through fire to get?  Everyone has one, some refuse to admit it, but everyone has a passion. When you are going after those things you are passionate about time simply stops.  You no longer have to worry about the time you have left.  There are so many people worried about time, how much is left, that they never do anything because their focus is on the wrong thing.  Forget about time, and instead of fighting it, just ignore it.

If you can focus on the right stuff, then all the other things that seem to creep in from time to time, will mean almost nothing.  When I sit down to write I very rarely worry about things that might be going on around me.  When I'm speaking to a group of people about destiny I'm not worrying about the little things that so often derail people from their appointed mission.  If you are worried about having the time you need to fulfill your destiny then you have fallen prey to what so many others have fallen prey to.  Destiny is perfection, and in that perfection you will be where you need to be when you need to be there, and all that needs to transpire will transpire in the appointed time.  Don't focus on things that mean nothing, focus on those things that mean the most to you.  Time is an illusion and the sooner you come to terms with that, the sooner you can let go of all the struggles that most people have with time.  Just a reminder, don't think that you can just sit back and do nothing.  What I'm saying is that you will complete what you need to complete.

Here's the bottom line:  you have the capacity to direct your world, your life in ways that the average person can't even imagine.  You have creative abilities that far surpass what you might have experienced thus far.  What I want you to do is to begin to accept who and what you are, forget about the limiting beliefs that have been crammed down your throat, and accept that you are divine in nature.  Face it, has what you've been doing up to this point really worked?  If you are still worried about time, wondering if you will ever get to the place you truly desire, what have you got to loose by simply letting go?  If you will begin to direct life instead of life directing you, then you will see the manifestation of all you desire.  It's pretty simple it's either yes or no.  Will you accept your creative greatness or will you fall back on what the world says is true?  It's time to step out into your new reality, and when you do, boy oh boy are things going to be fun.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I've learned most things the hard way, but at least I learned.
Oh to have a life where everything came simple, where there was never a doubt as to what you were supposed to do, where joy and laughter is the only thing one would experience daily.  A pipe dream?  Some say yes, some say no, some just can't answer that question because their own point of reference is anything but joy and happiness.

There always seems to be people around us who want to put in their two cents:  do it this way, don't do it that way.  Granted each person who speaks into your life most likely has the best of intentions, but just because someone says something is a certain way doesn't make it so.

I've learned a lot over my many years on this planet, and while some of my lessons are ones I never want to repeat, I can honestly say I have learned something from every encounter, every experience, and every step along the way.  When people run away from things they are only extending the time it will take to learn what was supposed to be learned.  You can go round Robin Hood's barn a thousand times, and you will continue to go around it until you pick up what you were intended to learn.  I know it can seem maddening at times, but face it, life can be maddening.  If you can find the joy in each lesson of life, then you will bring more joy into your life.  I've been in many situations that appeared to be joyless, but even during the most trying times I have attempted to find the silver lining.  It is in the discovery of joy that one finds out what life is truly all about, and once you discover what life is all about then you can be the person you are supposed to be.

How many times have you felt like giving up?  How many times have you seriously questioned your sanity?  How many times have you just wanted to smash something against the wall because your frustration was out of control?  If we were being honest each of us could probably come up with an example of each of these.  What I want you to do now is look at past situations and find the one thing that you learned during or just after the situation.  You learned something, even if that something did not come to you until a later date.  We go through situations because more often then not we have created those situations, and whether you want to accept it or not, we do create our own reality.

Now there are two sides to every coin.  Just as a lesson in life might be trying, there are also times when lessons are enjoyable, relaxing, and otherwise a pleasure.  I will admit I love it when I learn something and there has been no pain or suffering involved.  To some people it appears that knowledge only comes at the cost of comfort, but you and I both know that isn't true.  We often feel uncomfortable but that is not a punishment.  Our discomfort is largely an illusion that we have allowed to gain momentum and occupy ground that it was never intended to occupy.  I've said this a hundred times at least:  most of what we perceive as bad, or unjust, or simply out of control, is in fact all things we can control.  We suffer because of illusion on top of illusion.  We suffer because we allow our minds to run rampant, and then we wonder why things end up as they do.  We suffer because we have allowed man to condition us to believe that suffering is a part of life, and the only thing we can do is try to get through it.

When are people going to understand that we as created beings have within our selves the ability to create almost anything we can dream of.  Granted man has set the bar, and few ever manage to get over it, but that just means you need to rid yourself of the conditioning that you have been under since the day you were born.  When this universe was created do you think the creator had doubts about doing what was about to be done?  I think not.  Do you think the creator of the universe sat back and said "Gee I hope this works!"?  Do you really think that the only reason you are here right now is to simply take up space and to go thru trial after trial?  Hey man says that's why you're here, but I'm telling you that man is wrong.  You have been placed here to accomplish something very specific, and you will have the time you need to accomplish something very specific, but only if you choose to do so.

I know many have learned the hard way, but don't you think it's time to start learning things the right way and stop subjecting yourself to the screwed up messes that others have made of this planet?  You are only limited if you think you are limited.  You are only a failure if you think you're a failure.  You're only a mere mortal, if you accept the idea that you are just a mere mortal.  I didn't always want to learn things the hard way, but at least now I know I have options, and the option I choose is the one that says I don't have to fall subject to man's conditioning and I can do pretty much all I can dream.  I've lived a life of lack, but that's only because I felt I had too, because I wasn't worthy of abundance.  I've lived years fearing what others thought of me, and what did that get me?  I've lived years of crying out to my creator to show me what I was here for, only to be told by caring individuals that what I desired was just stupid and unachievable.  Well I'm here doing what I love more than anything, and I know that my destiny is to continue to do what I am doing right now.  Certainly some of the lessons I learned hurt, but I am so thankful that I went through them, because it has allowed me to accept the place I am in right now, and this place is my rightful place.

Don't run away from lessons, and don't think you won't go through more.  Learning is every bit as eternal as you are.  Find the joy in all things, and before you know it all things will bring you joy.  If you will accept your greatness, then your greatness will begin to shine and those around you will benefit from all you have inside to give.  Be strong, be brave, but by all means be you.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"  I was sitting in my car the other day listening to a song on my phone and it suddenly hit me:  many people have forgotten just how beautiful and magnificent they are.  Many have fallen prey to the words of others.  Far too many have been placed in an imaginary box of expectations, most of which are impossible to obtain.  Others too have allowed themselves to be painted one way, when who they are is just the opposite.

Today I want you to look into the mirror and tell me what you see.  Today I want you to discover that you are the "fairest" of them all.  In my upcoming book, The 40 Greatest Lessons of Life, I talk about beauty.  There's all kinds of descriptions we put on beauty.  There are all sorts of people who see beauty one way, while others see it another.  There are plenty of people who can look in the mirror and the reflection is beautiful, but they themselves don't see the beauty.  The reason they can't see the beauty is because they don't feel beautiful, they don't act beautiful, and they certainly can't accept beauty.  If you can't accept the beauty that is you, the perfection that is you, the totally awesome presence that is you, does it really matter what is being reflected back at you from the mirror?

We live in a time where our first instinct is too see how we measure up to other people's expectations of us.  Our lives have become nothing more then a measuring stick for others to either measure themselves against, or in some cases used against us because we have not measured up to their desires for us.  When did it become the norm to only see ourselves through the eyes of others?  When did this society become so screwed up that we lost our ability to accept who we are, even if who we are is contrary to what others want or expect from us?  When was the last time you looked into the mirror and boldly stated I like what I see?  When was the last time you looked into the mirror and was thankful for what you see?  When was the last time you looked into the mirror and was simply amazed by the sheer beauty of the person in it?

Let me ask you another question, and this question comes from a place that is going to be very opposite from what we have been conditioned to believe.  Modern day religion has painted us as "Sinners".  We've been told that each day we fail, we fall short, and only by the grace of God are we able to survive.  Here's my question:  how does God see you?  The Creator of the Universe does not see failure.  The Creator does not see a blob of flesh that is tossed about never knowing what to do, who to be.  God sees us as we were intended to be, creators in our own right.  Sadly man's conditioning has made us feel as though we have to settle for what ever is handed to us, when just the opposite is true.  Your beauty is beyond description, and your abilities are unlimited.

Man has allowed what other men have said to us to define us, to mold us and shape us, but the end result is nothing more then man's way of controlling us.  It's time that we forget what others may say or think about us, and move into a place of accepting our own greatness.  If you cannot see the greatness that resides in you then you have allowed the negativity of the world to limit you.  If you cannot see the beauty of your being, then you have allowed man to strip you of your true essence.

Why is it we find it so easy to focus on our own shortcomings, but we never see what makes us who we really are?  Can you even imagine a world that is controlled by people who are aware of their own awesomeness, and their only goal in life is to make others aware of who they really are?  I look into my own mirror and I am forced to say, "I like what I see."  I look into the mirror and I love what I see.  This does not come from a place of conceit, it comes from a place of knowing that I have been sent here to accomplish something.  It comes from a place that tells me that I have all the abilities I need to accomplish the things I've been sent here to do.  It comes from a place that tells me I am incredible and I have something to offer to others.  Those who cannot not accept this are the very same people who have yet to look into the mirror and realize they are the fairest of them all.

When you are able to accept your divine nature, when you are able to walk in your perfection, then and only then will you begin to see the reflection in the mirror that tells you "I am."  If you are in a place that is not benefiting you, then it's time to change how you see yourself, and ask that the mirrors in your life show you the real you. You can continue to believe what the world says, in which case nothing will change for you, or you can begin to see the reflection in the mirror and honor that which is being reflected back to you.  Your greatness, your beauty, your uniqueness is what defines you, and the sooner you can see this in your own mirror, the sooner you can walk in it, and the sooner you will be in the place you were always intended to be.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, I now know the fairest of them all, and it is me!  Never be embarrassed to own who you are.  Never belittle what was given to you, and never forget that your being here was ordained.  When you can accept all this, then the reflection in the mirror will be something that others will be talking about for years to come.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

When are you going to believe me?
It's the bottom of the Ninth, the bases are loaded, you're down by three runs, and little Johnny comes up to the plate.  Johnny was the last person selected for the team in class, but someone had to have him, so guess what, your team was the lucky winner.  Now Johnny has a heart of gold, but the physical prowess of a Jelly Fish on dry ground. All year long he has attempted to hit the ball, and all year long he has failed to even connect.  Heads are lowered in the dugout with almost everyone expecting three straight strikes and then they can be put out of their misery.  The opposing team is super excited because they know of Johnny's athletic ability or lack thereof.  Here comes the first pitch and it's a swing and a miss.  There's a solitary figure in the bleachers who enthusiastically is cheering for Johnny.  Here's the second pitch, once again, swing and a miss.  Johnny's team mates are slowly putting the equipment back into the bags, while the other team is eagerly awaiting their victory Ice Cream, and the solitary figure is still cheering for Johnny.  Here comes the third pitch, and.....

Here we have a group of people who basically believe what the out come is going to be.  One group sees victory, while the other sees defeat.  One is sure to be happy while the other is sad.  What's important is not what those around you think or believe, but what you think or believe.  You can have the biggest section of cheerleaders on your side, but if you don't think you have what it takes to be successful in any endeavor then you are probably going to experience strikeout after strikeout in your life.  If on the other hand you don't pay attention to what the Dooms Day People are saying or thinking, and you recognize the greatness of who and what you are, then my friends you are on your way to some pretty amazing things in your life.

There has never been anyone who accomplished great fetes who didn't believe they could accomplish what they set out to accomplish.  On the other hand the world is scattered with those who only saw defeat in everything and because of this their only experience was defeat.  When are you going to start recognizing that you have everything you need to complete the task you were sent here to complete?  When are you going to ignore the idiots who think they know better then you and simply rely on what is inside of you?

It's easy to cut and run when things are not going according to plan.  There are times when you may not do it right the first time, but what about the second or third time?  We have so many people who may fail after the first attempt, but make the monumental mistake of never giving it another try.  I've been in those positions where it never seems to work out, but I've also determined that I am going to continue trying until what I desire comes into being.  No one ever said life was going to be without it's ups and downs, but there are plenty of people who give up far too soon in the process.  Trust me, if you can't believe that something is possible, then you will always be the one who is sitting on the sideline simply being an observer.  You have to understand that you would never have dreamt of something, desired to do something, if you did not have what it takes to have what you want.  The Universe is a lot of things, but what it isn't is just a jokester laughing at your failures each time you might experience one.

It's is almost impossible to be successful if you are unable to believe in success.  It's nearly impossible to accomplish something great if what you are attempting is not really something you want or believe in.  If you are not 100% behind something, if you only put in minimal effort toward a goal or project can you really be surprised when things don't work out?  If you are going after things that you are passionate about, then I will bet you that you will come out of things on top and grinning like the Cheshire Cat when you have the things of your dreams.

When I sit down to write I smile, I laugh, I feel complete. Why?  Because this is my destiny and it is my passion.  When I sit behind a Radio Microphone I love every minute of every show.  Why?  Because once again it is my destiny.  If you have yet to discover your destiny, if you have yet to tap into your passion, then most everything you try is going to fall short of expectations. If on the other hand you go after your passions, boy do things turn out differently.  It's easy to believe in things you are passionate about.  If you can believe in it, you can have it.  This is not rocket science my dear friends.  Don't allow your dreams to fade simply because your team mates, or the opposing team think differently then you.  You have dreams inside of you because they are the stepping stones to your destiny.  Maybe it's time you focused on your dreams and not on what others around you are saying or thinking.

It's OK to dream, and boy o' boy when those dreams are surrounding your passions, just wait and see what comes about.  BTW, Johnny really enjoyed his victory ice cream.  You see, when that third pitch came across the plate, Johnny swung that bat like Mighty Casey, and just as Casey hit the ball, so did Johnny.  Oh you should have been there, both teams stood there in utter amazement as Johnny proudly ran the bases and brought in all three runners who ran ahead of him.  Funny thing however, that lone solitary figure who was cheering Johnny on, well no one was able to find that person after the game.  It was as if he just simply disappeared.  Oh well, who knows, maybe he's busy cheering on some other folks who are in need of cheering up.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.
I can almost here the theme song to "Gomer Pyle USMC", and that cheesy "Surprise, surprise, surprise" that he would call out to good old Sgt. Carter.  I'm quite sure that Carter was not at all surprised by the antics of Pvt. Pyle,  but that doesn't mean it didn't set him back on his laurels.  Happiness will at times take us by surprise, but what shouldn't surprise you is that happiness is really the state we should all be in, all the time.

I love what Ms. Montagu says, "It is not that we seize them", (moments of happiness that is) "but that they seize us."  Now there are several ways of looking at this.  Some will fall into the category that says all happiness is simply luck, being at the right place at the right time, or even "they were born into that life, lucky dogs."  Then you have those who for whatever reason never seem to experience happiness, never expect to, and certainly seem to discount it even when happiness does find them.  These very same people are under the illusion that they are not worthy of happiness, and at best it will be fleeting.  Then you have the group of people who live happiness, show happiness, and happiness simply pours out of them as routinely as water down a mountain stream.  Granted there are other examples, but for argument sake lets say that these are the main three.  Which one do you fall under?  Are you surprised when happiness finds you, or are you the type that sets out to find happiness? Are you the type who wouldn't recognize happiness if it reached up and bit you on the butt, or are you in that very special group of people of understands that happiness is in fact your birth right?

I was having an in-depth conversation with my best friend the other day and we talked about finding the joy in any situation.  Now one can equate joy with happiness, or happiness with joy, but my point is that until such time as you can see things through the eyes of happiness, then it is doubtful that you will ever experience total happiness.  Of course there are those who discount the ability to live a completely happy life, after all bad things happen.  True, but have you ever tried to find the happiness in a bad situation, or do you simply chalk it up to a bad situation, and let the chips fall where they may?  Finding happiness, or joy, whatever you want to call it, is nothing more then living in the state in which you were always intended to live, but we have allowed man to change how we see things, how we relate to things, and ultimately what is or isn't ours.

Happiness shouldn't be based on whether you drop from a 36 to 32 waist size.  Happiness is not a measurement of the car you drive, the house you live in, or even the prowess your children may display in a sporting event.  Happiness is knowing you are true to who you really are, and that you desire to be what you were placed here to be.  We have been so conditioned to see happiness through the eyes of what we have, or don't have, instead of seeing us for what we really are, spiritual beings who have a destiny.

Destiny is what life is all about, and until such time as you discover your True Destiny happiness is always going to be something you are going after but never quite reaching the promised land.  How different would your life be today if you were able to do those things that truly bring you happiness?  There are so many people today who are trapped in thankless jobs, being ordered around by others in thankless jobs, who seem to thrive on other people's misery.  If you are ever going to have the life that was intended for you, then you have to see things differently.  You were not placed here on this planet simply to ride the ups and downs of life, never knowing true happiness.  Your life should be something that gets you up in the morning knowing that you get to experience the joy of living.  Your life should be one filled with excitement, filled with thrills that know no end, and moments to sit back and smile because you have had the opportunity to do what you love most.

If you are not in this place, then maybe it's time to open yourself up to what is inside of you just waiting to be released.  Maybe it's time to allow happiness to seize you instead of hoping that you will someday seize happiness.  Happiness is nothing more then coming to the realization that you have the ability to command the universe and create things.  Certainly others may think you have gone off the deep end when you claim you have the ability to create your own reality, but those who scoff at this idea are the very same people who have lived a life void of happiness.  What makes more sense, living in happiness, or striving after something that you don't really believe in?

Find a happy thought, hold on to that happy thought, and watch as other opportunities are thrust in front of you to experience even more happiness.  Those who are already to poo poo on this idea are the very same people who believe you can only have true happiness a fraction of the time.  I love my life, the good, the bad, and I love that I know my destiny.  Yes there will be times when I am challenged, but I look at those times as learning moments, and I love to learn new things, experience new things, and ultimately walk in new things.  I find happiness in all that I do, all that I am, and all that I will become.  You have to do the same thing, and once you do, then there will be no surprise that you will be walking in happiness.  The choice is yours to make, but I suggest you make the right one.  Reach for happiness, accept happiness, and know that you are so worthy of it.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Enough of this nonsense.
Stop the Madness!  I'm going to break one of my cardinal rules today and I'm going to speak out about a few things political, social, and then I will try never to talk about it again, at least I will try never to write about it again.  If I offend someone, well not my intention, but we each have our own opinions and we are free to express them.  All I'm doing is expressing them today and hopefully it will open some eyes.

If you are like me, I'm so ready for this political season to be over.  Never in my life have a seen such a mockery of Democracy.  We have gotten to the point where the only thing that matters now in Washington is either getting power or maintaining power.  You could put 500 plus monkeys in the Senate and House and they could do no worse then what we have now.  I apologize to all the monkeys for putting them in the same category as our political hacks.  I refuse to say leaders, because they do nothing to prove they are true leaders or visionaries.

When our founding fathers created this country it was with the help of all those who fought to make us a country.  Government was never intended to lord over people, rather as a tool to ensure domestic tranquility, to make sure that everyone was protected, and that happiness was something everyone could and should enjoy.  Our representatives were never supposed to make a career out of public service, and we were supposed to be represented by those who served.  Does it appear that any of this is happening right now?  We have people who have made a career out of serving in the Congress, and I use the term serving loosely.  I have followed politics for over four decades and have never seen such a divided government, and I'm not talking about the three branches of government.  You have two major parties and they could care less about the other party, but in reality that really means they could care less about you.

How is it even possible in the current political climate we are in, that we could ever get to the point where we are looking out for every person, and the only thing we truly should be going after is helping others achieve what they were sent here to achieve?  You can claim all you want to that this is what our government is doing for us right now, but it isn't and you shouldn't believe that they are.  We have a government that is being corrupted by outside money.  We have a government who doesn't even understand the plight of the average citizen, and that is what drives me nuts.  If you are not a member of special interest, then you might just as well stand in line with all the other people who are never going to get what they truly deserve out of our government.  I'll tell you that I am damned tired of what I see, and I suspect that there are millions of other people out there who feel the same way.  Isn't it time that we take back our government and begin turning things around?

Our destiny was never to be controlled by our government, but rather we would control the government.  Our destiny was never to be lectured to by our leaders, but rather for our leaders to listen to our concerns and then go to work to remedy what has ailed us.  Hell, maybe I'm just rambling on, and maybe I'm the only one who feels this way.  That being said, I can't sit back and blindly continue on when I know we can do better.  How different would the world be today if every single person was aware of their true calling, walking in that calling, and living the life that was always intended for them?  How different would our country be if our leaders were more concerned with those around them, then just those who carried the same torch they are carrying?  It really is time to end the nonsense of career politicians.  If we do not find a way to fix this issue, we are heading down a path in which the results are going to be devastating.

The Only way for us to fix the problems we have is to come together.  The only way we are ever going to come together is for us to forget about our differences, leave our egos at the door, roll up our sleeves, and simply let compassion and love guide and lead your steps.  Yea I know that sounds dumb, and it sounds juvenile, but what has the division of beliefs gotten us over the last twenty years.  We have seen race relations set back almost fifty years.  We have seen the rich get richer, the poor poorer, and a middle class that is not at all like the middle class fifty years ago.  Funny thing:  the more advanced we have become, the less those in power seem to care about those people they are supposed to represent.

If ever there was a need for common sense government now is the time.  I don't care what your beliefs are, what I care about is do you care about others and are you willing to put their needs ahead of your own.  We are heading down a dangerous slope, and without some drastic change in the current trajectory, we are going to destroy ourselves.  It's time we took back our government and started operating the way it was always intended to operate.  We deserve better, but until you are willing to take a stand, you are going to have what you currently have.  Is that what you want?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Is it time to turn the page?
We often ask ourselves when is the right time to turn the page on things.  We often ask if there is a right time to turn the page on things.  As is the case with most things in life, the right time is not always in your own time line, but that doesn't make it the wrong time.  How often have you held on to things simply because you didn't know what the ramifications would be if you decided to let go?  The question I have for you today is this:  when will you finally make the decision that things need to change?  I've said this before, you can fight change with every ounce of fiber in your body, but when change is coming it will come, and you might as well accept that.

We continually turn the page in life, and often we are not even aware we are doing it.  For instance, when did you stop being a child and step into adulthood?  There are few people out there who can remember the exact date when they made the change, but it did happen.  There was a point in your life where you had to decide do I stay a kid, or do I move forward in my life?  You did what everyone else has done and that is you turned the page.  While turning the page may not always be fun, it is always necessary.  How many people do you know who are in jobs that they totally despise yet they feel like it's just not possible to leave?  People will stay put simply because the place they are currently in is just not quite uncomfortable enough to force a move.  Now I'm not advocating staying in a position until such time as it becomes unbearable, although that is the case for many people.  What I'm saying is that there will come a time when push will come to shove and you will have to make a move.  Failure to make said move is only going to make things worse, and why in heavens name would you want that to happen?

I'm not trying to beat anyone up today.  What I'm attempting to do is motivate you to take the next step, make the next move, simply get off the crapper and do something that is going to make life better.  Staying around situations that bring you nothing but hurt, sorrow, sadness, and worry is simply ridiculous.  I get how frightening it can be to think about turning the page, but face it, what is the alternative if you don't?  You can continue to have what you have now, and if you are like most people you are in a constant state of wanting something else, or you can make the decision that things will change for you today because you have opted for the change.

How many people do you know whose life is perfect?  I don't mean you think it's perfect, but in reality it is perfect.  There isn't a person walking the earth who can say everything is perfect.  If there is no one who has a perfect life, then why do others beat themselves up for not having a perfect life?  Just because life isn't perfect doesn't mean it can't still be good.  I get how certain situations can drive you nuts.  I totally understand how crazy life can get, and how there are times when all you want to do is curl up in a little ball and surrender. If you are looking for better days, then doesn't it make sense to turn the page on the past and look forward?  If you want to forget about the bad then don't keep looking at it.  Yes I know that looking at the past can bring you a certain amount of comfort, but is it really comfort or is it simply a crutch?  There will be those who will get pissed off at me for telling them to let go of the past, after all the past is what made them.  Fact is the past didn't make you.  The past is simply something that transpired, you were perfectly made the moment you came into existence.  Problem is most people have never seen their perfection let alone walked in it.  Now don't confuse your perfection with what others might classify a perfect life.  They are two totally different things.

It you want your life to be everything you want it to be then begin by turning the page on all those things that no longer serve you.  It might be a job, a relationship, it might even be the way you do things.  No matter what it is, take a hard look at things and see if what is happening, what you are doing, is what is best for you.  Hey face it, you already know those things that are not serving you. What you haven't been able to do is cut away from them.  If you are trying to cut things away keep working at it.  If you haven't started, you might want to think about it and at least set some things in motion.  Hey I'm writing this just as much for me as for you.  There are plenty of things in each of our lives that no longer serve us, but we each have to come to the place where we can admit it.

I am one who believes it is always a good time to turn the page on things that are no longer serving us.  The sooner you are able to get this monkey off your back, the sooner you can have the life you really desire.  Now just to be fair let me say this:  even if you get the monkey off you back, there is probably going to be another one just waiting to jump on.  I don't say this to scare you, but life will continue to throw things your way because we will always be learning.  However, each time you turn the page it gets easier and easier to turn each subsequent page.

So now you get to decide, do I continue, or do I make some changes?  I can't tell you what needs to be changed in your life, your friends can't, although they will make every attempt to try lol, only you can determine those things that require change.  Keep this in mind, change is not always swift, it's not always large in scale.  Change can be slow and it can be small, but it is almost always positive.  If you are crying out for change then simply position yourself so you can openly receive it when it presents itself to you.  Change will come as sure as the sun is going to rise tomorrow morning.  If you've been thinking about turning the page then it's a pretty good bet that the time is right for it.  Go after your change and watch as your life changes right in front of your eyes.

Monday, April 4, 2016

I think I finally figured it out.
OK, so maybe I've been a little slow on the uptake, but I finally figured it out. The Light Bulb has finally turned on, and now I can move forward, albeit at a measured pace, but move forward in those things that I've always known I should be doing.  So let me ask you, how many times in life have you made this very same statement?  How many times have you looked back at things and said to yourself how did I ever make it through that mess?

Figuring things out is all about opening yourself up for new expressions, new ways of thinking about stuff, and even the occasional change of scenery.  About that change of scenery, just one thought: If you are trying to move away from a problem simply by moving your location, more often then not the problem is simply going to follow you, but the change in scenery can often give you a different perspective, and that is what will help you through the problem, just saying.

It's great when the light bulb finally goes on and you get the answers you've been looking for.  There's no telling how long one may have been walking around in darkness, but there is one thing I know to be true:  darkness sucks!  We all know that life is nothing more then a series of lessons.  Lessons that teach us what we need to know, when we need to know it.  Our part in this often complex life, which in reality is only complex because we make it so, but our part is to be open to those lessons, learn from those lessons, and then be there to teach others what we have learned.

There's an old parable that says you will always reap what you sow.  The Law of Attraction is based on this truth.  If you want joy, show others joy.  If you want love show that same love to someone else without regard to what's in it for you.  If you want peace, well you're just going to have to accept peace and not get mired down in all the other crap revolving around you.  Intention, Intention, Intention, this is what lights up the darkness.  I'm getting ready for a major life move, but this move has been in motion for many years, and as the time is fast approaching for the manifestation I know that I began this journey years ago.  I can look back and see how all the pieces of the puzzle have now formed the complete picture.  Certainly there were times when all I could see was the single piece of the puzzle often wondering how it was going to fit, but lucky for me I was willing to continue to participate in the game.  Now as I see the entirety of the picture I can see how each part played a major role in getting me to where I am today.

I've seen so many people in life look at a solitary event and base the rest of their life on this event.  I've noted others who have allowed one thing to rule and dominate their life simply because they felt they had no recourse and simply had to accept when things happened to them.  Face it, events will happen in your life, but they are singular and not at all indicative of what the remainder of your life is going to be like.  If you can learn from events, then you have already won, no matter what the result of this event was.  I've had plenty of events happen in my life, many of which I never want to go through again, but I have learned from each of them, and that is where I find my joy.  Remember boys and girls, joy begets joy!

As I was preparing my morning cup of tea I began to think about worry.  It was strange but it was as if I finally had that "Ah Ha" moment, the light bulb finally turning on.  Worry is nothing more then a doubting of who and what you are.  Worry is nothing more then forgetting that you are a created being able to create your own reality.  Worry is nothing more then wasted energy.  We have years and years of conditioning to undo when it comes to worry.  This undoing may not come over night, but with effort on your part, you will be able to rid yourself of man's conditioning when it comes to worry, and when you do, your life will have changed forever.

Are you still waiting for the light bulb to come on?  Are you still waiting to figure things out? The wait often seems like it's never going to end.  This is a trap we have all fallen into, and it's a trap that is very easy to get out of.  Our hope for a better tomorrow is often the result of seeing things, and those things we see are not real.  I want to encourage you to forget all the things that are going on around you right now and simply meditate on your own being.  Know that you are in the right place at the right time.  Know that you are perfect in all things, and all things are playing out in the perfection of the universe.  When there is uncertainty in your life you can rest assured that you have forgotten your own perfection.  Once again light begets light, love begets love, and joy comes from accepting joy.

Today marks the start of a new journey for each of us.  This journey will bring you to the place you were always intended to be.  I finally figured out some things, and even though it would have been nice to figure them out sooner, the timing for this new found knowledge is spot on.  It is time to toss out any doubt you might be having and instead simply live in the moment.  When you can look at the here and now, learn from what is already behind you, then you can move forward into all of your tomorrows.  Trust me, things can only get better and then the light that is there to light your path will always glow bright.  You have my word on this.