Sunday, August 24, 2014

A moment in time.
It was that moment in time when life changed.  It was that one moment when nothing else seemed to matter.  It was a moment, a singular moment when I knew I could  no longer say "when" but would say "now".

We all live by time.  Sometimes time is our friend, sometimes our worst enemy.  We all live within the supposed restrictions of time: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  There are times when we squander it, waste it, disregard it, and even laugh at it.  No matter where you are you are probably aware of the time and what it will mean to your day, your plans, your interest.  We have made time one of the focal points of our day, and quite often it will dictate what we do, when we do it, and very often how we do things.

Let me ask you this:  if time were a non-issue how would that affect what you might do on any given day?  If time were not a part of your structured day, how might you change things up?  If time were only an illusion, what might you consider doing that you never thought possible before? Here is the truth:  time is an illusion, at least time in the sense of our destiny.  There is no doubt that we have 24 hours in each day, but what you do with those hours is what separates the doers from those who simply stand around waiting for something to happen.  Why is it certain historical figures have achieved some pretty astounding things, and yet they still functioned with the same 24 hours that you and I have each and every day?

There is one moment in time when each individual will have to either accept who they are, or walk away from it, never experiencing the perfection of their life.  You will have ample opportunity to discover who you really are, but there will come a time when you will have to make the decision for yourself.  Will you search out and walk in your destiny, or will you simply lay down and give up before you ever fully understand what greatness lives within you?  These are the questions everyone will have to ask themselves.  I've had to ask and answer them, and you will have to as well.  The decision is ultimately yours, and if or when you finally make the decision your life will change forever.

The time of this decision has been edged in stone since the beginning of time.  I have talked with people about this, and they seem to get this glassed over look as though what I am saying is so far off the beaten track they are looking to commit me to some mental hospital.  Your destiny was set long before your parents ever dreamt of having children.  Your destiny has been around longer then this galaxy.  Hard as it may be to believe, your destiny is why you are here and sooner or later you will step into that moment in time when you become aware of it, and with any hope accept it and begin to walk in it.

Why am I beating the drum so loud on this topic?  I see so many people walking around lost, scared, frustrated, and utterly broken.  What really bothers me is this frame of mind, this personal hell, this prison, is completely avoidable.  I know many will think me mad, but just in case you are willing to give me the benefit of the doubt that maybe, just maybe, I know what I am talking about, then I have something to say to you.  It is time for you to draw a line in the sand and instead of saying "when" start saying "now".  I don't care if you are 18 or 80.  I don't care if you are married or single.  Straight or Gay, black or white.  Your destiny is all you should be focusing on.  It is the one thing that will bring you undeniable happiness and joy.  Your destiny, your purpose, is the one thing that belongs only to you, designed with you in mind, and it is something that no other person on the face of the earth either here now or in the future, will ever be able to accomplish.

I asked you earlier that if time were not an issue, what would you do?  I want you to answer that question, because the answer might startle you.  You see, time is not an issue.  Time is something we have put on things when time should never come into the picture.  If you believe as I do that the Creator is perfect, then you must also understand that when something is supposed to happen it will happen, whether you want it to or not.  If we take things to it's next logical conclusion then you would have to agree that if things are supposed to happen, then the time constraints we put on things is a colossal waste of time.  We are trying to design something that has already been designed.  All we need to do is get out of the way and let it happen.

I do believe many people are about to face that one moment in time when they will have to either move forward or forever wonder what happened to life and what happened to happiness.  Please, I implore you, don't be that person who wonders why things passed them by and all they ever knew was heartache, loneliness, and emptiness.  This is your moment to take what is yours, become the person you were intended to be and release the expectations of man, that quite frankly never got you a thing.  It is time to change things up and in this change become the person you always knew was inside.  It is a wonderful thing to be alive today, and today you get to experience life in a new way.

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