Monday, October 17, 2016

As I sit here...
As I sit here today I am thinking about the hundreds of thousands of words that I have written in my life.  I am reflecting upon some of the millions of words I have shared with others.  As I sit here today I know that there is much more ahead of me, and the only thing stopping me from having those things I desire most is me.  I can dream, I can desire, and I can wish for things in my life.  I have come to a point in my life where I choose to think on those things that mean the most to me, and because I can think them, I'm also at a point where I know I can have them.

What I want you to do today is think about those things that mean the most to you.  Take some time to really zero in on the things you desire most, those things you dream about, those things that won't  stop rolling around in your head day in and day out.  These are the things that are meant for you, and these are the things that will ultimately show you your destiny.  What are you thinking about in this moment?  What one thing, if it were dropped in your lap right now, would change your life completely?  I dare say that most of you are thinking about something wonderful, and not something that is counter to who you are, what you want to do, and it certainly isn't something dreadful.  I know very few people who dream about calamity.  There may be people who always think about bad stuff happening to them, but the average person when they dream about something is dreaming about something that is beautiful and exciting.

I have been put through a lot in my life time.  I have seen society change, and I have seen it take a few steps back from time to time.  I have sat and wondered what my life would look like, and I will tell you that I am very happy where I am at right now.  I can't tell you that everything is perfect, but then again I certainly know that I am blessed to be able to do the things I do.  I love to write, and each time I sit down at my computer I am find myself in my happy place.  Where is your happy place?  What are those things that bring you joy?  If you are not experiencing joy right now, how long are you going to continue doing what you are doing before you make the commitment to change things up?  I see people each day and I often wonder what their life is like and if they are experiencing the joy that is available to everyone.  I look at people and often scratch my head when they make statements about their plot in life and how they would give anything to get out of the situation they are in.  I have learned over the years that people will only change when their current circumstances become so uncomfortable that they are forced to change.  Even then, there are people who will fight change with every once of fiber in their body.  If you find yourself unhappy in your current situation then maybe it's time to sit back and simply think about some of the things you would like to do in life but haven't yet done them.  I don't care how old you are, how experienced you might be, or even if you have failed a zillion times before, there is nothing that can stop you from obtaining your dreams if you really desire them.

When I first started writing about destiny I never thought it would have taken center stage in my life.  I will tell you that not an hour goes by that I don't think about destiny or simply talk to someone about destiny.  If you had asked me 15 years ago what I would be doing right now, I don't think destiny would have ever come up in the conversation.  That being said, when I look back on all the things I have done in my life, all the things I have experienced and all the things that may have happened to me, it was perfectly orchestrated to bring me to the place I am at right now.  Instead of looking at your past and trying to figure out why things happened, why not accept the fact that things happen for a reason and sooner or later you are going to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and you will know the reason for each and every event that ever took place, good, bad, or indifferent.

As I sit here today I am awe struck at the perfection of the Universe, and I am so thankful that I am a part of it.  We each have a power, we each have gifts and talents, and that power, those gifts and talents have not been wasted on you.  You may not be walking in your power yet, but that doesn't mean you don't have it.  If you want to experience power, then begin by accepting who and what you are.  Sadly most people today see themselves as simple mortals.  Truth be told you are so much more then that, but I can't make you see that, you have to know it, live it, and experience it.

As I sit here today my biggest wish is that each person would come to understand the brilliance of their creation.  As I sit here today my desire, my dream, is that destiny would be something that everyone thinks about, that everyone goes after, and that everyone accepts without question.  Can this happen?  I say yes.  What say you?

Sit back today and ponder this question:  if you could be doing anything right now, what would it be? It doesn't matter if what you want to do makes sense to anyone else.  It doesn't matter if the rest of the world thinks you're crazy for wanting to do something out of the norm.  What matters is that you are going after the things that mean the most to you.  I know what life is like when you are constantly desiring something and yet that something seems like a million light years away.  I know there are times when things seem impossible, but impossible is only a mind trick.  If you have a dream, I promise you that it is possible.  Take some time today to think about those things you desire most.  Don't bury them, embrace them, for they are you, and you are them.  Once you begin to accept this special gift, your life will change in ways to grand to even express in ordinary words.  I want you to say, "AS I SIT HERE....", and then see where life takes you.  It will be a journey of discovery, this I promise you.

Monday, October 10, 2016

What happens when all we get is mixed messages?
Life is full of mixed messages.  We often think one thing, and then something completely different comes about.  We often have the best of intentions and then something goes bonkers and those things we thought were sure bets have just become long shots, and there isn't a chance in hell of getting what you actually want.  We've been told to hold on just a little bit longer, that things will turn around, and then, from out of nowhere comes calamity.  If you're like me, then you've had these moments.  The key to troubling moments is to remember that they are just that, moments.  They do not define you, they do not control, and they will leave you as fast as they approached you.

There will be times when we receive mixed messages.  Our mind tells us one thing, while our heart is saying something else.  Your mind can often be the biggest culprit when it comes to things that get in your way.  Our mind does not always provide us the things we want, nor does it give us a clear picture of what to expect, or what to do next.  Now the heart, that's another thing all together.  The heart will never lead you astray, it will never lie to you, and it will always, always lead you on the right path.  Problems arise when we give more credence to our mind then to our heart.  The mind and heart is the quint essential mixed message maker.  I'm not saying that your mind is always going to be wrong, but when put into a position where the heart and mind are at odds with each other I am telling you to follow your heart.

I've been in so many situations in my life where if I had just listened to my heart and not my mind I would have been much better off.  Our mind is controlled by things we have experienced, by those around us who like to tell us what to do, and by feelings, that just might be wrong feelings.  The heart on the other hand is in direct communication with the Creator of the Universe, and because of this is able to receive messages and thoughts that are pure, powerful, and oh so important.

When was the last time your mind and heart were at odds with each other?  Did you follow your heart or did you do what most people do and follow your minds direction?  Certainly the mind is capable of making good sound decisions.  Our daily life is predicated upon listening to our mind, and doing what it says to do the majority of time.  What I'm talking about here is when you find yourself in a situation where you just aren't sure what to do next.  Your mind might be cluttered with all kinds of stuff put there by well intentioned people, but people who really don't understand what is at your core.  We often make snap decisions because someone somewhere expects the decision right away.  Your mind tells you to go ahead and make the decision, while your heart is telling you to take it a little bit slower, and maybe look at things a different way.  So now what do you do?  You can already feel the conflict because time is a wasting, and you do not want to disappoint anyone, let alone someone who is your superior.  So what do most people do, they make that snap decision based on what their mind is telling them to do, and they hope for the best.  This is the exact kind of mixed message that is going to mess things up.

One of the greatest areas of one's life that causes mixed messages is that of love.  We don't always understand why we love a certain person, but how many times has your mind told you one thing and your heart is telling you another?  I will tell you if you want conflict then just look at love and see what your mind tells you verses your heart.  There are times when both the mind and heart are on the same page in regards to love, but that is a rarity, and more often then not you are not going to have the option of not having to pick one over the other.

Let me ask you this:  can you remember a time when you followed your heart and it lead you astray? Conversely, can you remember a time when you only followed what your mind told you and you ended up in a mine field?  It won't take too many occurrences of the latter to get you to see the importance of following your heart, thereby stopping mixed messages.  I get how confusing following your heart can be at times especially when what you heart is telling you is so far from what others are telling you.  I get how frustrating it can be to wonder if you are doing the right thing, especially when the right thing is counter to the way others are doing things.  It's not always easy to follow your heart, but I will tell you that in the end, it will be a whole lot better for you if you will learn to do it.

Mixed messages are going to be around you your entire life.  But just like you learned to walk, ride a bike, drive a car, you can learn to listen to, and follow what you heart is telling you to do. In the long run you will be better off, and better off is always the way to go.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

There comes a time when all you can do is surrender.
Most of us have been in situations where we have wanted to give up.  This giving up can be based on never getting to the place you desire.  It can come from past failures or feelings that you will never succeed.  It can even come from a simple "I'm just tired of all the crap."  No matter where you are on the scale of either doing something, or trying to do something, there will come a time when you will have to decide what to do next.  Do you walk away from something, or do you stick it out?  Do you give it that once and final college effort, or do you simply turn away never to look at it again?

I think there comes a time when we will all be faced with surrendering, but the surrendering I'm talking about is not the surrendering that many people think of.  Most people when they think of surrender are picturing the white flag, waving that white flag, and hoping against hope that their captures will be gracious to the point of mercy.  What I would like you to look at today is a different approach to surrender.  I want you to embrace surrender, not as a failure, but rather as an opportunity to allow the universe to do what the universe has wanted to do from the very beginning of time, that being provide you all that you need,  and providing it when you need it.

Surrendering to the Universe is nothing more then accepting the perfection of the universe, the perfection of your own being, and that what has to happen will happen.  Surrendering to the universe is taking control out of your hands and placing it where it has always belonged.  Trust me there are people out there who would rather cut off their own arm rather then relinquish control of anything.  Those who are unwilling to let go, will ultimately discover that letting go is the only option they have left, and this often comes after much pain and suffering.

When we surrender to the Universe we are acknowledging that we are part of a bigger life force, and this life force is what will enable you to achieve all of your dreams, and all of your visions.  So many people have been taught that if something is going to get done, then it is going to have to be done by them.  To a degree this is correct, but what happens when what you have been trying just isn't working?  What happens when failure comes time and time again, and you are just about to give up on all of your dreams because quite frankly you are sick and tired of being kicked in the ass and coming up short?  When you are in this situation you have two choices:  you can either just quit and move on to something else, in essence surrendering to the total destructive force of failure.  Or, you can surrender to the universe, step out of the way, and let perfection happen.  We have made surrender a bad word, because we have been looking at it all wrong.  The way people have looked at it is based on man's conception of failure and success.  It is based on a set of standards, a measure of this or that.  Surrender in its truest sense is realizing that things happen, and they happen for a reason, but your perfection is not based on any outcome, it is solely based on you being you.

I have faced many a defeat in my life.  I have failed more then once, but I am still here and I am still doing what I am supposed to be doing.  Just because you face issues doesn't make you a failure.  That being said, when you surrender to the universe it is not something that is subservient, it is something that is totally the right thing to do.  The Universe is the sum total of her parts.  The Universe is not just the planets and galaxies that are spinning around at light speed.  The Universe is part of you, and you are part of it.  Just as you will never separate yourself from your parents, you will never separate yourself from the rest of the Universe.  Hell, why anyone would want to separate themselves from the universe is beyond me, but I digress.  Surrendering to the universe is probably the smartest thing you will ever do, and that goes for those who feel they are the smartest people in the world.  Trust me, the Universe is going to get what the Universe wants, with or without your help and cooperation.  My advise is that you begin to cooperate with the rest of the Universe and decide that you are going to go along for the ride.

I know people who are facing serious struggles at the moment, and I also know that I don't have it within myself the ability to help them get past these struggles.  I do know however that as a member of the Universal family of the Universe that I can stand up for these people and speak into any situation, and I can expect things to happen for the betterment of all.  If you are facing a struggle, if you are facing an impossible situation, then might I suggest that you tap into the universal forces that are out there and allow the universe to do what the universe does best.

There will come a time when all of us will have to decide will we surrender to the ways of the world, or will we joyfully surrender to the ways of the universe?  As much as we would like to believe that we can do it all by ourselves, you will eventually learn that you can't and in fact that you never have.  All you have ever completed was because of your place in the universe.  I know this might come as a shock to many people, but it's the truth.  All that you have, all that you are, and all that you will ever become is due in it's entirety to your place in the universe.  If you are looking for answers then maybe it's time you accept certain truths.  Maybe it's time that you take your rightful place.  Maybe it's time to surrender to the universe and in doing so put yourself on the right path.  This path will eventually take you to the place you most desire, doing the things you dream about, and being the person you so separately desire to be.  Think about it for a while and then do yourself a favor and just let go.  Trust me, it will change your life forever.