Sunday, February 27, 2022

Slide into life, and enjoy it.
It's time to get on with life.  Time to slide into it.  Time to dip your toe in the water.  It's simply time to get off the sideline and into the game.  Now how's that for a bunch of idioms to start the day?  What I want to do today is simply encourage you to take the next step in whatever it is that you were designed to do, what you were put here to do.  I want to encourage you to find your passion, and follow that passion, and let it take you to your rightful place.

I was having an in-depth conversation with my confidant the other night.  I am no different than any other human in that there are times when I doubt myself.  There are times when I wonder about things just like most everyone else.  It isn't that I was having a "Woe is me" party, rather I was wondering why certain things had not transpired in my life, things that I am open for, things that I desire, but things that I'm not quite sure why they haven't taken place yet.   We all have those moments where we're just sitting back wondering.  Well I'm here to tell you that in these moments we have to think back to what is in our heart, what our dreams are, and believe that these things are in us for a reason.  God does not place desires in us, dreams in us, thoughts in us, just to play with us.  These are the things that we were created to do, and these are the things that we need to head toward or we will always be wondering why.

If you took the entire population of the world today, somewhere around 7.5 Billion people, how many do you think have awakened?  How many do you think are completely aware of their purpose, have made the decision to follow that purpose, and are completely sure of why there are here right now? My guess is the percentage is very small.  If I had to guess I would say it is around one half of one percent.  That leaves the vast majority of people who are probably wondering why?  Why are things so tough? Why are things so crazy?  Why am I not content, and is this as good as it gets?  So many people have not slid into life because so many people are still unaware of what they are here to do.  Now it may be that they are aware of things, but just haven't a clue how to get where they want to be.  I've been there in the past, and there is no doubt that I will probably deal with this issue at some point in the future.  My suggestion to the vast majority of the world's population is that they make the decision to simply hop on the slide, push away from the edge, and see where it takes them.  

There are times when we don't know what we don't know.  There are times when we do know things, yet we haven't a clue how to get where we want to be.  It's kind of like when you place an address into your GPS, it plots your course, yet you question the route it is taking you.  Some will second guess the directions, and will decide to take an alternate route and suddenly the GPS has to reroute you.  You head in the new direction, only to find out that the original route was the best one.  When we second guess things we often delay what was supposed to happen in the first place.  I get how difficult it is to operate in faith at times.  I totally understand the Great Unknown, and how frightening it can be to open up to it.  What I want to encourage you to do today is put aside fear, and simply make the decision to get on the slide, go down it, and enjoy the ride.

One of the great mysteries of life is what is around the next corner.  There are people out there who profess to know it all.  There are people that think they can control everything, and without exception the rules of nature don't apply to them.  As humans there are certain limitations that we all need to contend with.  At this moment in time I have yet to learn how to fly under my own power.  I can't move at the speed of thought from one place to another, and as much as I wish I could, I can't create gold and silver out of water.  I know I am being a little dramatic, but the main point I want to make is instead of trying to do what may be impossible at the moment, why not focus on what is possible.  Focus on what you can do to bring about some of the dreams you have, even if that means taking things one small step at a time.  

We are all going to make mistakes in this thing we call life.  There are going to be times when we don't know the next step, can't see the roadmap in front of us, and will undoubtedly question the GPS.  Let's be real, we are human. What we can do is take a deep breath, remember that all that is going to happen is happening for a reason, and know that in the end we are going to end up where we were always intended to be.  I think one of the hardest things to believe in is that we are in fact perfect in our design, perfect in our passions, and even if that perfection has some bumps along the way, things are happening because they have to.  If we can learn from every situation, if we can accept certain truths, then we will be positioning ourselves in the perfection of our Creator.  So many people have forgotten that the outcome to our life was determined at the beginning of time

The end of this life is going to come to each of us at some time in the future.  What we have to do is take advantage of every moment of every day to position ourselves in the perfection of our design, the perfection of our being, and in doing so we will walk in a manner that is perfect.  The first step is not to be afraid of what lies ahead.  We need to embrace all that there is to embrace and realize that we have the opportunity to do great things because that is our destiny.  Fear stops all things.  Truth is what will move us forward.  I encourage you to live into your destiny, and watch as the world opens up to you, and all those dreams, that passion that resides inside of you comes to a fullness that you have always wanted.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Celebrate Life
It may be a single victory.  It may be a long series of triumphs.  It might be something you have always dreamt of, thought about, or simply desired.  You might be on your way to something big, something significant, or something small but positive.  Whoever it is, whatever it is, it's time to celebrate.  We can celebrate the small things, the big things, the things we think about, and even the things we might run away from.  Celebration is a mind set, and it's a mind set that we each have to have, if we are going to have the victories in life.  Today I simply want to encourage you to step out and celebrate.  How you celebrate things might be completely different from someone else, but the act of celebrating something is going to free you up to receive even more victories in the future. Heck it might even encourage others to follow in your foot steps and show a little excitement about those things in life that are worth celebrating.

There are things we tend to always remember and celebrate. Be it a birthday, anniversary, maybe a promotion at work, or if you're really lucky, celebrate retirement from work, and walking into that relaxed state of mind that comes from having done it all and now enjoying the fruits of your labor. When you get down to it celebrating something is nothing more than showing appreciation for it.  If we are unable to appreciate things there will come a time when those things to celebrate will simply stop manifesting in your life.  I get how difficult it can be a t times to remain positive and find something to celebrate.  I fully understand what life is like with the pressures of certain things that tend to weigh people down.  That being said, it is specifically in those trying times that you really need to find the joy in something and celebrate that joy.  

I recall news reports of victims of tornados in the south.  You can see destruction all around, death has shown its face, and yet when pressed, people will show thanks that they are still alive.  Yes difficult times, but ever so thankful that they have lived to fight another day. There are times when celebrating something, even celebrating destruction, is warranted.  It all comes down to one's mindset.  Can we find the good in any situation?  Can we find it in ourselves to see good, when faced with bad?  I can't make someone see things differently, but what I can do is encourage you to see the light in everything, and trust me there is light in everything in this life, dim as it may seem at times.

We recently went through a very difficult time in our family with the passing of my twin brother.  While we find it hard to see the good in this bad situation, there is good.  While we will miss his physical presence in our life, we also know that his spirit is eternal, and he is now doing what so many have done before him, and that is living in a realm of absolute peace, unlimited ability, and zero impossibilities.  Think about what existence is like in the afterlife, and think what it would be like if we had those abilities here on earth. The absence of pain, total health.  The ability to travel at the speed of thought.  Being in more than one place at the same time.  While many cannot even imagine this, those who have gone on to the afterlife are experiencing all of it.  As ugly, as painful, as saying good-bye to a loved one, there is still joy in the presence of death.  It is finding the joy, it is in celebrating ones life that allows us to move past the hurt, ,one past the pain, move past the thoughts of loneliness, and in some cases abandonment.  

Each and every person is going to handle each situation differently.  Some will close themselves off to others.  Some will reach out for comfort, while some will run from it.  I'm not here to tell you how to handle each situation, rather I want to simply encourage you to find something to celebrate.  There's an old saying that encourages us to be thankful for the things we have, before we bemoan the things we do not have.  I know it is difficult sometimes to be thankful for things, especially when there have been things that have been taken from us.  I fully understand what it is like to have something removed, knowing that it never will be in that physical form again.  

Let's be real for just a moment.  I think we can all agree that life sucks sometimes.  We go through things that we wouldn't wish on our worst enemy.  We often wonder why.  Why am I going through this shit show?  Why do bad things happen to good people?  I wish I could answer all those questions.  I wish I had an answer to why things happen as they do.  I am just as human as you, just as prone to asking why.  What I would like for you to do is simply take a moment to think about a few things that just might create a reason for you to celebrate.  As a created being, one who came from love, we have the ability to create as well. We have forgotten our creative abilities because often they are buried below those layers of hurt and pain.  We have neglected the perfection of our design, or should I say have forgotten about it, and thus we have fallen prey to what others say we can or cannot do.  It's time we began to celebrate who and what we are.  It's time to celebrate the fact that no matter what may be going on around us, we do not have to fall victim to what others think, what others do, or even what others might claim has to happen.  

When we choose to celebrate things, we choose the better option.  There are always two or more options to things, and yet we tend to fall back on the option that says we have no choice.  Well I'm here to tell you that you always have a choice.  It may not seem like it at times, but yes you do have the power to choose.  Christ said to choose life.  You can either choose to live life in absolute torment, or you can choose to live life with celebration.  You can choose to live in darkness, or choose light.  You can choose to love, or choose to hate.  The choice is always yours to make, and to be honest, only yours to make.  I can encourage you, motivate you, but you have the ultimate choice in how you are going to live your life.  

If we can choose to celebrate both the big and small victories we win.  If we can choose to celebrate life, and not death, we win.  If we choose to celebrate all that we are, all that we know, then we win.  I encourage you to celebrate you.  I promise you this: if you can be happy with the little things, sooner or later they will grow to huge things, and then it will be victory after victory, celebration after celebration.  It's up to you to take the first step toward the next celebration of life.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Passing of the Torch.
This is probably the most difficult blog I have written to date. I come here today with sadness, some anger, but mostly questions.  I am an Identical Twin, and although there have been moments in both of our lives that we wanted to kill each other, there is also a bond that exist between twins that can never be broken.  Sadly my brother is in the final stages of cancer, and undoubtedly will be moving on to his next adventure in just a few short days.  I do not say this for sympathy, rather I tell you what I am feeling because I want you to look at life,  more importantly look at your life.  

When we pass the torch we are moving it from one torch to another.  One torch will go out while the other is beginning a new journey.  When my loving brother takes his last breath, as sad as it will be for me, my sister, our mother and father, and his family, he will in fact be moving on to another adventure, and his spirit will be just as alive, just as whole, and just as perfect as it is today.  We will all pass the torch as some point in time, what I truly want you to do today is grasp a few important points.  

Passing the torch from one to another is a transfer of the very same flame.  It may be heading in a different direction, and the torch may be a slightly different design but in truth the flame is the very same.  The purpose of the original torch may be different from that of the new torch, but it is still the same flame.  When we go on to our next adventure, when that moment comes when we no longer exist as we know now, we don't stop being who we are, we simply move on to a different expression of who we are.  We will always have memories of those who have come and gone before us, and although many tears will be shed, I know that my loving brother is on to something completely different that he is equally qualified to do.

Up to this point I could only empathize with someone who either lost, or was about to loose a sibling.  I now know the heartache.  Up to this point in my life I never really looked at mortality beyond knowing of others who have passed.  Loss this close, loss this deep is so very hard to comprehend.  I guess it's not until the final moments that we realize that this change we are about to have thrust upon us, will indeed change us forever, as we will never have his physical nature around us again.  Yet though it all I can only be thankful that I was able to call him brother, that we were "The Twins".  I am so thankful that God allowed  us to come into this world together, and it was this togetherness that gave us a very special, unique bond that no one else is able to share, well unless you're also an Identical Twin.  

I do not tell you all of this for sympathy, I'm saying all this so you might look at things a little differently.  You have been blessed by being here in this moment. We all have a mission, a calling, a purpose.  While many will live very long lives, others are very short in comparison.  No matter who you are, no matter what you do or what you may have achieved or accumulated during this life time, you will not be able to add one second to a life that is already predetermined.  It is so vitally important that you do what you were sent here to do.  There are countless lives waiting to receive what you have to offer, and if you feel as though you have nothing to offer to anyone you are greatly mistaken.  

We are all going to pass our torch at some point in time.  We started at one specific point in time, and we will end at one specific point in time.  Dealing with death is never easy, but it is far more difficult when you do not believe that the true essence of an individual lives on.  I know that I will never be able to hug my brother again, or talk with him on our weekly zoom calls.  I know that part of me knows this, part of me understands all this, and yet part of me feels as though I am in a dream.  But this I do know: he lives on in spirit, and now he will not be bogged down by the things of this world.  He will continue to be what he has always been and that is total spirit.  I am sad, and yet I am a little jealous as he will know what is on the other side.  We all wonder what it will be like, but he will now know the truth.  

If you fear death might I suggest that you begin to look at life as it really is, a phase.  We will go from phase to phase, at times knowing, at other times with what seems like no connection at all.  There are many mysteries in life, death being the biggest.  So many wonder what is beyond death.  Is there a heaven, is there a hell?  Do we simply stop existing in any form?  I do not look at this flesh and blood body as the end.  I do not see my brother's passing as an end.  Yes I want him around, and no this is not easy by any stretch of the imagination.  But my faith says that God the Creator's plan is perfect, and I will stand in that perfection.  

To my brother I simply say "I love you Steven, and I will see you on the other side".  


Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Strand of Rope
A cord of three strands is not easily broken.  A sailor's rope, without the aid of a knife is almost impossible to rip apart.  However, if one strand begins to unravel, then the whole thing can come apart.  Today I want to talk about Oneness.  Today I want to reiterate the importance of realizing that we are not simply humans, that we do not just exist for the sake of existence.  I want to encourage you to take a step forward and accept the call that was placed upon you, that you accepted, at the time of your creation. I was reading before bed last night and stumbled upon a piece that made me realize that I had been writing about this topic for years, but it also made me very much aware that I needed to really focus on it in this week's blog post.  There comes a time in everyone's life when you have to decide to do something with what you know, or simply lay low and let life roll past you.  I encourage you to pick up on what I am about to share, and embrace it with every fiber of your body.  As we continue to walk through the Great Awakening, this is a huge part of what we are growing through.  Notice I said "Growing", and not simply "Going".  We need to fully grasp who we are, what we are, or we will be like the millions, if not billions of people who haven't a clue as to what they can or cannot do.  Let's discover a few things today, and on this journey of discovery, open up to the many wonders of who you are.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the very first step.  Our journey began at the beginning of time, and will continue until the end of time.  So many people are unaware of this truth.  We don't just inhabit this body for a time and then drift off to nothingness.  You may not be aware of what took place before you took that first breath outside of your mother's womb, and none of us really know what to expect after we take our last breath in our current form.  Death's sting has caused worry for many, many people.  Fear of death is real for so many people, yet do we really need to fear death as it is simply a transition point into something different.  Now I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about life after death, because the simple truth of the matter is that there really is no such thing as death, merely a transition into something else.  What I want to focus in on today is why we have been created, what we should do about that creation, and what in tarnation is Oneness.  

Most people are unaware of their creative abilities.  Too many people simply go through life being reactionist, and not being proactive.  If I told you that you could have all you desire, all that you dream, all that think, would you believe me?  If I stated that we have the same creative ability that our Creator has, would you think I went off the deep end?  The truth of the matter is that we are in fact creators in our own right.  We have within us the same creative abilities as God the Creator, and the sooner we realize this, that we accept this truth, the sooner we can be and do what we were sent here to do.  The reason people are worried about tomorrow, the reason people find it hard to get through life is because they have not, or are unable to grasp the concept of oneness with God.  You are never going to have it all, if you can't believe that you can have it all.  You will never walk in freedom if you are constantly fighting with thoughts of lack, thoughts and feelings of separateness.  Ladies and Gentlemen we are not simply bystanders in this thing we call life.  We are in fact more powerful, more knowing, and more important than anything else in the Universe.  

Each of us are a single strand in the rope of creativity.  If one strand breaks then the rope is just a bit weaker.  Put together, kept together with our belief in who and what we are is what keeps the rope complete, keeps the rope strong and nearly unbreakable.  If you were scaling a mountain with safety straps and rope, would you not bring with you rope that is whole?  Would you be unwise and take with you rope that is already half ripped away?  If you did that would be foolish to say the least.  No, you would make sure that all safety ropes were intact.  Well in life, we need to make sure we are intact.  We need to make sure that we are one with the rest of creation.  How does one remain one with creation?  We recognize that we are just that, joined together.  In a marriage ceremony we hear that what God has joined together let no one separate.  Well in life, what God has placed together let no man put asunder as well.  If you attempt to separate oneness, then you are no longer one.  

I hear so many people who will claim that they believe in God, a higher power.  But to be honest they are simply restating what they have been told, yet with little belief in what they are saying.  If you truly believed that you were one with your creator, then you would also believe that you have creative ability.  You would believe that you have the same characteristics of God.  My friends the time has come to draw a line in the sand.  Either you are going to accept who and what you are, or you are going to simply fade into the background accepting whatever gets handed to you.  Now many will believe that I am going off the deep end when I say things like this, but I am responsible to speak truth whether or not others like what I say.  The only reason people are unable to believe in their greatness is because they have been force fed a line of crap about who and what they are.  They have been made to believe that there is nothing that will change what they are going though so they might as well accept it all and simply move on with life.  I'm here to tell you that this stupidity has to stop, and it has to stop now.  You have power placed in you by God.  You create every day of your life whether you believe it or not.  

If one is truly one with God, then we have to realize that we cannot be separate from God.  You can run from it, deny it, but the fact is you are one with your Creator.  If we are one with God then truth be told we are God.  Yes I know some will want to stone me for saying this, but they are the very same people who are being tossed about each day by those things that life throws at them. Enlightenment is coming to terms with the real you.  Awakening is walking in all that you are, and not simply accepting what others say to you.  Going back to marriage again.  It says that when two are married they become one.  Think about it.  If we are one, we are the same.  If you have all the attributes of your Creator, then why are you walking around worried about what comes next?  Why are you doubtful that you have al that you need?  Why in the world have you allowed others to put you in a box, and believe that you are small and inconsequential? We have to stop the madness, and we have to be who we truly are.  

We may see ourselves as a single strand, but we are all put together to make a rope that is never going to be broken.  Time to accept who and what you are, and time to stand up and make a statement.  We are one, we are complete, and we will not simply go into the night to fade away.  You have power, you have knowledge, and you have the right to be what you were created to be.  Stand strong my dear friends and know that you are God.