Saturday, February 24, 2024

Where Our Journey Begins.

Today I simply want to speak about you, your journey, your destiny, and how you fit into the ever increasing Universe.  So many people feel as though they are insignificant, small, tiny, or no worth.  This belief is so contrary to the real you, and I need you to realize the real you, and just how important you are to the order of things in this huge, and largely unknown Universe.  

We begin our journey as new borns, and while we know very little in the natural sense, our Spirit is fully developed, mature, and otherwise unlimited in its abilities.  Sadly most individuals never take the time to understand the spiritual aspect of life, and thus limiting what they are able to do, or in many cases what they were created to do in the first place.  I know I sound like a broken record when I talk about tapping into your spiritual side.  I know I sound like a broken record when I remind you that we as humans simply inhabit a mortal body.  That broken record continues to play when I remind you that the Creator of the Universe created your spirit long before your physical body was formed in your mother's womb.  Sadly many go through life never familiarizing themselves with this truth, and in missing this truth, miss out on many, many things in life.

If one believes in Eternal Life after you leave these mortal coils, then that begs the question what is eternal life?  I'm not going to delve into the hereafter today, rather I want you to consider this one thing, and if you disagree, that's ok, we are always free to hold our own truths, our own beliefs.  If your spirit is going to live on eternally after you die, when does this period start?  Does eternity start tomorrow, or did it start yesterday?   Silly question I know, but don't you think it deserves an answer?  If Eternity is forever, meaning it is infinite in scope, does that not lead one to believe that if we are going to live forever in spirit, then we have lived forever in spirit?  If something infinite has no end, then it also means that it has no beginning.  I'm not here to define Quantum Physics, or argue to validity of non-destructible energy.  What I want to do is simply give you food for thought.  We are energy, and as such energy can neither be created or destroyed as set down in the First Law of Thermodynamics.  If in fact this law is true, then all the energy that occupies the ever expanding Universe has always been here, and will be here until the end of time.  In my years of study I have never had anyone argue this point, and not agree about the lifespan of energy.  I have on the other hand had people very upset because they claim this is new age poppycock.  

When Christ came against the Pharisees he was considered New Age as he was quite vocal about the hypocrisies being displayed daily by the Religious Elite.  Christ walked in his fullness.  Christ understood that he was Spirit first and foremost, and encouraged all that would listen to follow his example.  Sadly we have been conditioned over the generations to believe that being lead by our own spirit is somehow some mystical magical, never to be uttered, way of life. We have been told that if anything comes from anything other than a Chosen Elite member of a Church then we are being misled or deceived.  Sorry folks, I just can't embrace stupidity and ignorance.  We have a Spirit, it is me.  We have a Spirit, it is you.  I guess you can argue the point until the cows come home, but if you think or believe in life after death, then how can anyone not believe they are spirit first and foremost?  

Why am I trying to pound on this idea or philosophy today?  We have been sold a bill of goods over our lifetime.  We have been made to feel insignificant.  We have been told to sit down, shut up, and take life as it is.  God help you if you come at me with this dibble.  We are so powerful, so all knowing, so unlimited in our abilities, and yet who do you know who is operating this way?  We have been dumbed down over the generations to believe in our limitations, the limitations that man has placed on us.  I can assure you that your Creator, God, never limited you, nor does the Creator of the Universe want you to walk around thinking you are anything other than Superior, beautiful creations able to create.  

Why do you think that the Religious Elite of this world want you to stay dumbed down?  Might it be that if you knew of your true abilities, those things placed in you at the time of your creation, that cannot be taken away, that if you were aware of them, then you wouldn't need these people to control every aspect of your life?  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against religion, but walking in your true nature is not religion.  Walking in your true essence is knowing you are Spirit.  Walking in Spirit threatens those who have tried to control you.  I'm sure I have alienated quite a few today, and if what I am writing offends you, I can't do much about that.  People have lived in fear because they knew there was more to life than what has been told to them, but when they stepped out into those things that their spirit was telling them to step out into, they were dismissed by the would be Religious Leaders as heretics, loose cannons.  When you do anything that threatens the establishment the first thing they do is try to take you down.  I'm tired of being controlled by those who feel they have earned the right to dictate my actions, my beliefs. Sorry, not sorry, you can take your limiting beliefs, your demands, and push them on someone else.  I know what I am, who I am, what I've been, and I will stand in those things.  I am powerful, unlimited in abilities, and I am a divine eternal being.  If you truly believe that you will live eternally after death, how can you doubt your power right now?  

If you fail to recognize the Unlimited, and I do mean Unlimited ability of your own Spirit, then you are going to fall prey to those who want you to believe you are anything but unlimited.  When you walk in your power you are a threat to those who are attempting to keep you pushed down.  Why are there people who try to control you?  Why are there people who think they are better than you, and you should be subject to their desires to direct your steps?  It's time we cut away from the rules of man, and instead walk in what God has placed in you.  The sooner you recognize your abilities, the sooner you say no to man's control, the sooner you can be what you were always intended to be.  

If what I am saying today makes you cringe, maybe you need to take some time and ask God if you are actually aware of what God has placed in you.  We were never meant to be controlled by man, rather we should be lead by our Spirit which is lead by God.  I will let you ponder this.  We are infinite beings.  We will never die, and as such, at some point in time we will be privy to the greatest mystery of life, what awaits us on the other side.  The time has come to step out into why we were created, and what we were created to do.  Look at it this way:  if so much energy has been used to keep us in slavery, what have they been trying to hide from us?  When you can answer that question, you will be on your way to understanding the purpose behind your creation.  Never give up, never give in, and know that who you are is who you are supposed to be.  I leave you light, love, peace, joy, and happiness.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Temperment: Now what are you going to do about it?

Everyone has a personality.  Everyone has emotion. Everyone has a choice to make:  how will you react?  As humans we face many different challenges and events in our lives.  What we don't always know is how we are going to react to each event, each challenge, but rest assured there will be a reaction.  What I'd like to do today is simply make a few suggestions, and in doing so, maybe give you some food for thought.

We all know people who are laid back, others are wrapped tighter than a spring, and then there are those who simply show very little emotion, but down deep are just waiting to explode.  There are things that will set people off, while some simply are not even aware of what is going on around them.  Where we as humans make the mistake is when we look at someone's reaction and automatically comes to our own conclusions without really looking at why someone may react in the way they react.

Each of us live very different lives, and with each experience learn different things.  What I see so often is that knee jerk reaction to immediately judge someone base on how they may handle situations.  This is wrong on so many different levels.  The old saying is never judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.  This is great advice, and yet so few seem to follow it as they feel entitled to judging someone without really knowing the full story.  

Why am I bringing this up today?  We have to get to the point in our life where we observe and fight the urge to respond.  I'm not saying that you can't ever have a response, but let's be real for a moment and acknowledge that there are many people, some who you know, that will fly off the handle at the smallest things without the benefit of knowing the entire situation. People react in different ways for different reasons.  We may not always agree, but once again, how you act at times people may not agree with either. When I was in the Air Force I worked for the Strategic Air Command, and we had a saying "To Error is human, to forgive is not SAC's Policy". We would laugh about this but there was a slight truth to this.  Not so much that we shouldn't forgive, but that there are those who find it impossible to forgive.  In my estimation never a good place to be.  We might not always agree with how someone reacts to a particular situation, but once again, put yourself in their shoes.  Instead of flying off the handle take a few minutes and maybe think about what they may be going through, and how what they are going through may in fact be part of the reason they react the way they do.  In certain cases an ounce of prevention is worth that pound of cure.

 I think we can all agree that there have been times when each of us have flown off the handle.  Little things can set us off, but the thing we have to do is come to a determination as to what the cause of us flying off the handle is.  At times the tiniest of things can set us off, and on the flip side it often takes a ton of things to get us to go into launch mode.  No matter the circumstances we ultimately control how we react to certain things, and those reactions are directly correlated to what we might be going through at that particular moment.  I just think that there are times when we need to extend grace to others if for not other reason than we need that same grace extended to us.  Operating with grace, understanding, and forgiveness is really the only way we should be operating.

What is temperament?  Is temperament based on environment? Is it based on historical events?  Is it based on our own DNA?  I could certainly give the clinical definition of it, but in the total scheme of things, temperament is just you.  It is based on what you have experienced, the good and the bad.  Since we all go through different things in life, we all have a different style of dealing with issues.  Since we are all different then it only makes sense that we will deal with issues differently than others.  If we are truly being honest do you really want to be judged for how you handle situations by those who have no idea what your life has been like, or what you have gone through?  Judging someone based on your observations is so wrong.  There have been plenty of times in my life when I have misjudged someone and later on had to ask for forgiveness.  That I can tell you is a humbling experience.  Suffice it to say being wrong in your judgment of others only has to happen a few times before you learn not to do it.

As I said earlier, we need to extend grace to others.  We need to understand that things happen, people react, and we need to know there is always a reason for their reactions.  Only a fool thinks they know it all, but sadly there are fools all around.  My observation of others is simply that, an observation, and not every observation demands a comment.  There are times when we see something that we are better just to sit on it and make no comment.  Truth be told there are plenty of people who will jump at the chance to jump on someone for something they said, or because of their actions, and maybe just maybe we should wait until we strike.  I don't know of the pain one might be going through, and without that knowledge any action I take in retaliation for someone's action is speculative at best.  

People are hurting right now and the last thing they need is someone with a holier than thou attitude jumping all over them because they reacted a certain way.  I know it may seem like I am standing on my soapbox, but when are we going to realize that people are human?  I have no right to judge someone else.  My choice is always mine to make, and I choose to operate in forgiveness, in grace, and in doing so allow others to know that no matter what, I accept them.  So many are quick to judge without having the full story, without knowing the real reasons for something, without grasping that people handle situations differently.  Once again, put yourself in their shoes.  You might discover that your reaction is the same as their reaction.  

I see name calling going on.  I see accusations being flung about like confetti in a Fifth Avenue Parade. Why?  The day will come when someone calls you out for your actions, how will you react?  You might be completely justified in what you did, what you said, how you acted, and yet someone will judge you based on it.  How's that going to make you feel?  What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander, unless of course you're on the other side of the equation.  The time has come to see things the way your Creator sees things.  We must extend grace and understanding.  When the world can begin to operate in this fashion then we will see much less conflict, and I can only assume that less conflict will undoubtedly bring about more peace and tranquility.  Time for you to choose, and it is my hope that you choose wisely.  I leave you peace, love, joy, happiness, and a earnest hope that you will see things differently than you may have seen them in the past.


Saturday, February 10, 2024

What does it mean to "Find Yourself"?

I'd like to begin by asking a very simple question: Do you know who you are?  If I were to stop you on the street and ask for your elevator pitch about you, how would you go about describing yourself?  The sad truth is that many people have yet to discover their authentic self.  Certainly many have paraded around in a false suit of what others feel they should be like, or act like, but have they really discovered the real them, and more importantly accepted the real them? Well today I want to delve into this topic, and it is my desire, my hope that you will begin to see things differently, or if you already know the real you, help others get to the same point you are at.

It has taken me many, many years to get to know the real me, and many years to accept the real me.  It wasn't that I doubted, it was I had been walking around always trying to fulfill the expectations of others.  Each person, different expectations, and I would try to be what they wanted.  It got to the point where I didn't know if I was coming or going.  I finally got to the point in my life where I didn't care what others thought about me, what they might say, or even what they might do if I refused to go along with their plan.   Each person reading this today is going to have too, if they have not done it already, walk away from the expectations of others and simply be who they were meant to be.  The question arises, what were you meant to be?  In its simplest terms, you were meant to be you.  The you with all the quirks, all the weirdness, all the little of this, the little of that.  We were never meant to be like anyone else.  We may have been made in the image of our creator, but not necessarily in the image of all those who want you to be just like them.  

So how does one find themselves?  How do you discover the real you, the authentic you? How do you separate what others think verses what you know?  How do you accept you for you, and not give a flip if what you are flies in the face of someone else's normal? The first step in this process is for you to realize that you are who you were always meant to be.  Certainly we all have perceived faults, but are they actually faults, or just something that someone has said they don't like about us?  Please understand this: your personality, your likes, dislikes, your passions are all part of you, and they are in you because they go right along with your destiny.  Please stop trying to fit in with what others expects, and start doing what you have always thought about doing, long to do, dream about doing.  There is a reason you have desires and passions, and it's not to simply fit in with the cool kids club.  

I hear often the term "New You".  Well let me ask you this question:  is it really a new you, or have you finally recognized the you that was created at the beginning of time?  Have you finally just accepted that you have a destiny, and that you will walk in that destiny without regard to what others may say or think?  It's kind of exciting when you're able to shed yourself of other's expectations of what your life should be like, and instead follow what you know to be true in regards to why you are here in the first place.  We are so often dragged down by what others expect of us.  We feel trapped in endeavors that other have placed upon us, and that does nothing but rob us of our own true understanding of who we truly are.  

Had you told me twenty years ago that I would be a writer I would have thought you crazy.  It was nothing I ever hung my hat on.  Today I see who I am, and I am confident in who I am.  My heart's desire is to bring forth in everyone their own awareness of who they are, and why they are here, nothing more, nothing less.  I look at people and often wonder if they have come to the conclusion that they each have something to offer humanity, and accept the calling that has been placed in them.  Imagine a world where every individual has accepted their own greatness.  Imagine a world where each person is walking in their destiny.  Imagine for just a moment a world ruled by love, compassion, understanding.  How different would life be right now if we all were just who we were created to be.  Can this happen?  I think it can, but it will only happen with the assistance of that which created us.

There exist in the world today so much turmoil, so much doubt, fear, and uncertainty.  How does this work itself out?  It get's fixed when each person gets fixed, and that fix action is coming to an understanding of why you are here, who you really are, and you finally understanding the real you.  Some will get to this point sooner than others, but if you believe in the Divine, then you will have to believe that all things are possible, and where you need to end up, you will end up there.  If you are like me there is probably a yearning inside to see more, do more, be more.  This desire is not to be boastful or prideful, rather to share your understanding with others so they might share in this wonderful life.  I know there are selfish, self-centered people in the world.  We see them, and often question why?  Why do certain people think they are all that?  Why do people feel they are better than others, and walk around like they are the only people that matter in the world?  When you come to grips that we are all special, all unique, all beautiful creations, then and only then can you begin to be what you were intended to be.  Maybe the time has come to accept the real you.  Finding the real you is nothing more than accepting you.  When you can throw off the expectations of others, the false judgments, the lies that others may say or think, then and only then can you take your rightful place in this world.

Finding or discovering the real you is not always an easy journey, but it is one that each of us has to take, and in taking this journey you will discover some pretty incredible things about who you are, and why you are here in the first place.  While life is indeed a journey of discovery, it is a journey that was designed just for you.  Others may experience similar things in life, but not identical to your journey.  You were placed here for specific reasons, and as I have said so many times in the past, only you can do what you were created to do.  My destiny is simply to help others discover their destiny.  I have within me the same abilities you have to accomplish what it is you were sent here to accomplish.  Have zero doubt that there is something for you to do in this lifetime.  

Once you find yourself, your life will change forever.  The things you do will be for others benefit.  When we loose the need to be the center of attention, when we realize that we are merely here to assist, then you will be able to recognize your many talents, and those talents will aid others in achieving their life purpose.  The time has come to accept your calling.  The time has come to step out.  The time has come to see your brilliance, your beauty, your depth of purpose.  With each step of this journey you will grow, you will prosper, and you will be a vital part of the Universe's plan for humanity.  I leave you light, love, peach, joy, and happiness.  Together we will bring about the change that is so desperately needed in this world, and we will know that we did our part.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

When you've done all to stand, stand some more, even when things look insurmountable .

 I hear stories daily of people who are struggling.  There can be no denying that things are certainly in a total upheaval at the moment, and very few are immune to this upheaval.  What I want to do today is simply encourage you to keep the faith, and not give up.  I could stand here and give all kinds of reasons why certain things happen, or why certain things seem to pass people by.  I could easily point fingers and try to blame the rest of the world for it's woes, and take no responsibility at all.  This is not about pointing the finger of blame at anyone, rather it is about what you can do when you face uncertainty, when you face calamity, when fear and anxiety take over, and all looks as though life as we know it is going down the crapper.  

So many people who find themselves in the midst of despair have forgotten that inside of them resides the furry of a lion.  You might have the personality of a quiet church mouse, but the lion is still present, but maybe just not yet recognized by you.  Well with everything going on around the world, today may be a good day to get acquainted with the Roaring Lion that is inside of each of us.  

Is it possible to look past current situations and see life as it was meant to be?  Is it possible to stand above the fray and not be ruled by what we see, rather ruled by what we know and believe?  When anyone is in the middle of a struggle let's be real, it's difficult to see past the struggle.  It'e even more difficult to find the joy in any struggle, but truth is, there is joy.  Now lest you think me crazy let me explain.  We all can pretty much agree that life is a series of lessons, lessons to get us to our destiny.  Each lesson whether coming from good or bad situations is just that a lesson to teach us something.  The joy comes when we realize that we have in fact learned a valuable lesson.  Often the lessons tells us not to do something again, as that something is what got you into trouble.  Joy comes in the form of knowing that you have protection, that you have insight, that you have any number of things to get past struggles.  It's easy to get dragged down into the pit when faced with certain challenges, but if you go down the pit that is a decision you have made, no one else.  You can rise above it, but only if you believe you can rise above it.  I get that it is easy to say, not so easy to do, but let's be real, in the end what choice do you really have?  Stay in the pit, or rise above it, take the blows, and move on.  It's been said a million times over that no matter how many times one may be knocked down, the key is getting back up.

Here's a truth, and play close attention: when one is in a struggle, you can either let the struggle define you, or you can define yourself.  You can stand in what you know to be your truths, or you can be kicked down and give up.  I fully understand struggle, as I have had what seems like a lifetime of them.  Through it all it has taught me who I am, what I am, and that I have all that I need to rise above all things and claim a victory.  Struggles do not have to come with a death sentence, but you absolutely have to see that they are there to teach us.  Not every lesson is going to be enjoyable, but once again we can find joy in them if you will allow yourself that opportunity.  

It seems as though that the full wrath of evil has come to occupy the earth.  It seems as though no matter where we look we only see fear, catastrophe, and loss.  What I need for you to do today is realize that even though these things are taking place, we need not be controlled by them.  When we relinquish our power we are saying that everything that is going on around us is more powerful than we are, and quite frankly that is a lie.  There is nothing in this Universe that is more powerful than you.  The real issue is that most people have yet to embrace their own power.  I don't say this to insult or accuse, I say this so that you take a look at what has been created in you, in the hopes that you figure out that you no longer have to be controlled by outside events.  If one believes in the perfection of your Creator, then one must also believe that you have been created with certain abilities.  

Let's see if I can't simplify this, and in doing so, paint a picture of the real you.  Let's for a moment think about something you have always wanted to try, but since you had never done it before, there was an element of doubt that occupied the space in your head.  Picture this: on a trampoline, up down, up down. You're about ready to tuck your legs up and do a back flip. Up down, up down, not quite ready for that tuck just yet, as a tiny bit of fear has creeped in.  So now it's go time, up down, up down, still no tuck.  Frustration is beginning to show, but yet something inside is saying just do it.  Up down, up down, and finally the tuck, and there it is, a flip.  You did it, you can't believe how simple it actually was, and now it is flip, after flip, after flip.  You actually begin to laugh at yourself because what you once thought was impossible was in fact so simple.  Well whether one is looking to do a flip or something else, there is always an element of doubt or fear that has the potential of creeping into the picture, until you realize that there was indeed nothing to doubt or fear.  You have just released that Lion.  You have not fallen prey to the naysayers, to the doubters or haters, you simply took your rightful place, and accepted what was yours all along.

What does all of this have to do with standing, and continuing to stand?  It has everything to do with you knowing that you have no limits, that you have the ability to speak creation, to determine certain outcomes with your own words.  We can occupy darkness, or we can walk in light.  We can accept defeat, or we can claim victory, and know that victory is ours.  If someone gives up then who is responsible?  I am in no way saying that every situation is easy.  I get the concept of difficulty in life, probably more than you realize.  That being said I have gotten to the point where I no longer allow circumstances to define me, and you should never allow circumstances, or even others, to define you.  Things are going to happen in life, unexpected things, but one must be aware that you have the ability to get through each situation.  I can only encourage you never to give up.  Often those who are put through trials and tribulations the most have the greatest calling on them.  

We need to stand, release the roaring lion, and know that no matter what gets thrown at us we will overcome.  In any war or conflict there is generally a winner and looser.  Now I think there is no winner so to speak as war brings loss, but what I am saying is that at some point there will be a so-called winner and looser.  So in the conflicts you face will you be the winner or looser?  Battles are fought and won in times of war, but in the end those who who display strength, courage, determination, will ultimately come out victorious.  I say all that to say this:  never give up, and never doubt that you have been called to do something greater.  You have been chosen to do wonderful things in the future, and even though it appears that things may be crashing down in front of you, never doubt that you will be victorious.  It is time to let out the roar, stand up in your power and might, and never doubt that you have been called to do something very, very special for the rest of the world.  I leave you light, love, peace, joy, and happiness.