Saturday, October 28, 2023

I told you so!!

 I've said so many times in the past that the day will come when everyone will be woken up to the truth. The day will come when all living creatures will come to an understanding of the significance of their creation.  Well I do believe we are fast approaching that time when the masses will awaken, when they will finally discover what has been known since the beginning of time. Today my simple task is to provide each of you a little encouragement, a small amount of reassurance, and maybe a smidgen of insight.  What you ultimately do with this information is entirely up to you, but it is my hope that you take it to heart, that you ponder it, and more importantly, that you simply hold on to it.  

We have been going through some trying times recently, and in my opinion it's time to open up the gates of blessings to one and all, and part of that blessing is coming to a full understanding of your true worth, your true nature, and the reason you were placed here on this planet in this particular time period.  Please allow me today to provide some encouragement, maybe just a bit of direction, and in doing so provide you with some ammunition to fight off those forces who would simply like to destroy you.

Recently the topic of being chosen for something big has been thrust out into the world.  I agree, and I also see many who have been chosen but they have yet to pick up on this very important, very special call to duty.  Now there are many reasons for one's refusal to pick up on this very special assignment, but let me make this impassioned plea to request that you reconsider your decision to simply ignore the signs, and instead embrace what you have been called to do.  One can be called, but one must choose to accept that calling, and this is what I want each of you to look at.  There are times in life when we come to a crossroad.  There is a point in time when one must decide what direction to go, and ultimately decide how they are going to accomplish certain things in life.  I doubt that this crossroad is the first you have ever experienced, but dare say I, it may be the most important you have ever encountered, and the decisions you make, the direction you choose to go, will have ramifications for a very long time. 

So what are some of the things I have told you previously?  Number One:  You were created to create.  We as humans are divinely embodied with unlimited power. Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe otherwise.  Suffice it to say, there is nothing out of our reach, as our reach is unlimited.  Soon, very, very soon, eyes will be opened to this ability, and then everyone will off to the races so to speak.  Number Two: I told you that you are Spirit first and foremost.  If the true makeup of your existence is Spirit based, then common sense dictates that we should operate spiritually, and part of that operation is listening to the Spirit that created us.  Why is it so difficult to believe that God speaks to us?  If you have a conversation with the Creator of the Universe, and acknowledge that conversation,  most people will look at you like you have two heads.  Those things that people do not understand, or that people have yet to experience, they tend to nullify or discount.  Hey, if you want to disregard the greatest power in the Universe, I guess that is your option, but it probably is not going to be in your best interest.  Number Three:  We are not only Spiritual Beings, we are Eternal Spiritual Beings.  What does this mean?  It means we have always been, and will always be.  If we have always been and will always be, then does it not make sense that we will accomplish those things we were sent here to do?  Now you may not be aware of all that you have been created to do, trust me, at some point in time it will be revealed to you.  Just know that you have a purpose.  I've had people ask me time and time again how I can be so sure that each person has a purpose? Think about it, does it make sense to have a creation that is unlimited in power, will never cease to exist, that does not have a purpose?  It kind of defies logic wouldn't you say?

Why am I talking about this today?  There are so, so many people languishing in hopelessness.  There are people who feel that life has passed them by, and that they have somehow been forgotten.  If one is in this place, then I can assure you that they do not see themselves for who they truly are.  The time has come to open up and realize that there is so much more to you than you have been made to believe.  I see so many people who are holding on for dear life, grasping for that life raft.  There could be a life raft right in front of you, but if you don't know how to climb aboard how is it going to benefit you?  I know this may come across as crazy talk to you, but the honest truth is that you have every answer, to every question, already inside of you.  Problem most people have yet to figure out how to hear the answer to your questions.  Your Spirit is unlimited.  It has within it every knowledge of every experience you have had.  Within your Spirit you have answers to every question.  How could anything that has been around forever, not have a memory of everything that has happened forever?  I know this is going to boggle many minds out there, but that's the main problem.  We try to solve every issue with our limited mind, and not with our unlimited Spirit.  Think about that!!

Let me end with this:  we must choose in life what we are going to believe.  We must choose what path we are going to go down.  We must chose life or death.  In times of stress, in times of fear or anxiety, we tend to go back to that which we know.  The saddest part of going to back to what we know, or what we think we know, is that the thing we think we know is not truth.  Once again the truth about you is that you are unlimited, powerful, creative, and most importantly, immortal.  When you can embrace this truth, when you can say with assurance that this is you, the real you, then you will be on your way to experiencing life the way it was always intended to be.   Ask yourself this question:  why is life so tough?  Why are there so many challenges each day?  To the degree that you have been created to do great and mighty things, that is the degree of challenge you will face in life.  Until such time as you recognize that you have all that you need to overcome these challenges, these challenges will always seem larger than life.  I encourage you to think more of yourself, even if thinking more of yourself is counter to what others have said you need to act like. Remember we have been conditioned to believe we are limited, and I can assure you, you are anything but limited.  

I leave you love, peace, happiness, and joy.  We are about to be launched into a new world, and know that you are uniquely equipped to do all that needs to be done for those who need it.  You have been called, chosen, and now it is your time to step out into your new position of power.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!

 I think it's time to celebrate.  Yea, I really think it's time to kick up our heels, and let em' rip, let's bring down the house.  I might goes as far as suggesting that we just say to hell with all the mandatory things that many want us to do, and we simply take that mental health day and just do something fun, something we've thought about doing, something that will put a smile on our face, and that smile will last for days.  Anyone with me?  I guess many might be wondering why I am suggestion this day of celebration.  Well, truth be told,  many have just come through some trials.  Many have been fighting the good fight for what seems like a lifetime.  I just feel it's time to enjoy life for a bit, and see things as they truly were meant to be, and not how things might be portrayed in the press, on television, or any other media out there.

We have so much to be thankful for, and there are times that we just need a little reminder of this.  No one that I know is immune to struggles.  Some of these struggles are quite small, others are enormous.  Some are able to handle them, others seem to be pushed down with no ability to escape them.  What I want to do today is simply give you something to celebrate, provide a glimpse into what awaits each of us, and in this picture give you reason to celebrate.

When is the last time you had a celebration?  Even more importantly, when is the last time you celebrated you being you?  When was the last time you said thank you for where you are right now?  I get there are situations out there that tend to stop any celebration.  When one is ass deep in daily grinds, it is almost impossible to think about celebrating anything.  Society is full of things to be fearful of.  World events have people worried about escalating events leading to a total collapse of society, and the end to life as we know it.  Let's be real, hard to celebrate when we are focused on the end of the world.  Problem is, we are focused on the wrong thing, and until we get our eyes off of all the stuff they want us focused on, we will never focus on those things we should be thinking about.  What are those things we should be focused on?  Here's the simple answer:  they are the same things we should be celebrating.  

Why are people not celebrating their own uniqueness?  Why are people not celebrating their perfection?  Why are people not celebrating the fact that there is nothing more powerful than their own words, feelings, and thoughts?  I've written about our unique abilities numerous times in the past, but maybe this is another opportunity to bring them back to your remembrance, and in doing so help change the way you see things.  If you think you are nothing more than a human, talking up space on this planet, only scraping by until your time is up, then you are going to want to hear what I am about to tell you.  The time has come for you to celebrate the fact that your creation was not by chance.  You being here in this moment was known since the beginning of time.  Your power is unlimited.  The only reason you don't stand in this power is because the world has tried to stifle the knowledge about it since the moment of your birth.  If I were to offer you unlimited riches, unlimited knowledge, immortal health, would you accept this gift? Sadly, many have been conditioned to believe that such splendor is reserved only for certain people, and they are not one of them.  Well let me assure you, you are one of the "certain people", and the sooner you come to realization of this the sooner you can take your rightful place, and the sooner your celebration can begin.

I want you to think about this: we've all been told that we need to celebrate life.  Now most of the time this statement is attributed to the unborn.  No doubt that needs to be celebrated, but what about celebrating your life?  When is the last time, if ever, you have celebrated you?  When have you put value on you?  I'm here to tell you that once you begin to see your value, your beauty, your profound impact on this planet, then you will begin to see all kinds of reasons to celebrate, and that celebration should be day in and day out.  Sandi Patti and Larnelle Harris sing a song called "More than Wonderful", old song, and I'm showing my age, but a song that has impact.  Most of the time when I hear a song I place myself into the song, and I proclaim that I am what the song is about.  I am Wonderful.  I am beautiful, powerful, a creation of such splendor words cannot describe.  If you do not see yourself this way, is it any wonder why the trials of this life get you down, make you want to give up, question why you are here?  The sad truth is that most people do not see themselves in this light, and then wonder why life has thrown them into a tail spin. My dear, dear friends, the time has come to celebrate your greatness.  The time has come to celebrate and own just who and what you are.  The time has come to stand up and step into all those things that were always meant for you, but have been robbed from you from those who could care less whether you live or die.

It is indeed a great day to celebrate.  Celebrate the fact that we are victorious.  Celebrate that we have been placed here and chosen to be a part of the greatest awakening the world has ever seen.  I fully understand struggle, maybe better than most, but my struggles are nothing in comparison to my victories. I have within me unlimited power to create.  I have in me knowledge that will change the world.  I have in me love, compassion, joy, and happiness, and there is no end to any of them.  Now if this is not something to celebrate, I'm not sure what to say to you.  Take a few minutes and see if these words don't resonate with you.  If they do speak to you then embrace them, own them, wear them, and get off your butts and start celebrating.  

We have been challenged, we have been scoffed at, ridiculed and laughed at because of our beliefs.  I wear that as a Badge of Honor, and I encourage each of you to place that badge right smack dab in the middle of your being, and wear it proudly.  When we accept our calling, when we accept the reason for our creation, when we accept all that is already in us, then we will take the city by storm, and change will come not only to those around us, but to humanity as a whole.  We live in thrilling times, as this is the time for you to come out of your shell, and dawn the beauty of your existence, and show others just what true beauty looks like, what true power can do, and what absolute love can mean to the rest of this planet.  I encourage you to think on these things, take them to heart, and once and for all celebrate all that you are, for what you are is more than enough. I leave you peace, love, happiness, and joy, and I know it will fill you to overflowing.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Truth about Love.

The truth of the matter is that Love never fails. Whether it be the absolute love we have for others, or the love that we should have for ourselves, love does not fail.  We as humans fail, but true love, the love that was placed inside of us when we were created cannot fail.  What I want to do today is bring to the forefront of your mind just how important love is, and why love needs to be at the center of everything you do in this life.  

I have spent the better part of my life chasing love.  I have looked hither and yon for it.  There were times that I thought I had found true love, and there were times when I realized that what I thought was love was really something completely different.  It wasn't until I spent some time getting to know the real me that I was able to love me, and I mean really love me, that I was able to understand the importance of love, and what part it was playing in my life.  One of the most simple truths in life is that when one is void of love, individuals will attempt to fill the void with other things that in the end serve no real purpose.  If we delve into the topic of love we will find why it is so essential to every aspect of our life, and why in the absence of love, one will never obtain that place they so earnestly seek out.

I was sitting with my two dogs yesterday.  These two beautiful Spirit Beings have shared their unconditional love with me, and have taught me unconditional love.  Like most dogs there are times when they do things you wish they wouldn't, but when I look into their eyes, I realize that there is no malice in them.  How can I get angry with them when their intent was not evil?  Most of the time when I get angry it's simply because there is an issue I am dealing with.  How wonderful would life be if we operated this way with everyone we come in contact with?  What if instead of finding fault with everyone we simply looked at them the same way my dogs look at me when I come home from work?  What if we loved everyone unconditionally and gave them the benefit of the doubt when something went wrong?  I see so many people who jump to conclusions about every situation only to find out later on that they were the ones in the wrong.  

Is it possible to imagine a world where every single soul was driven by love?  Can you think of anything that would stand in the way of greatness if everyone were to operate out of unconditional love?  I get that many people feel this is an impossibility, but only because they are the ones who are not walking in unconditional love.  I guess the question I have to ask is walking in unconditional love even possible in the times that we are living right now?  Current situations in the world would say no.  There are wars going on right now, and the main reason is that they have pitted themselves against differing political and religious beliefs.  Let me be brutally frank:  politics and religion very rarely operate in love. Certainly people will claim they are operating out of love, but the results would say otherwise.  I'm not here to beat anyone up, what I am trying to do is get you as an individual to look at love, operate in love, live in love, see in love, and maybe just maybe it will bring results to those around who have opted for a different solution in life.  

Those that know me know me to be a love nerd.  I can watch a Hallmark Christmas movie and nine times out of ten I am crying like a baby at the end because it touches my heart.  My compassion for hurt or abused animals is off the scale.  My desire to help the underdog, those individuals who have been written off,  is what drives me.  The reason?  Well that's simple to answer.  I love life, I love who I am, and my desire is that everyone on this planet would operate the same way.  I despise injustice, and those individuals who attempt to control others, void of anything even remotely close to love, well let's just say there is a special place in the afterlife for these low lives.  I make no apologies for loving everyone.  Have I always been successful in walking in this? No, just being honest.  With that being said, I may have failed in the past, but each day is new, and with each new day I am able to display love, live love, and hopefully transfer love to others.  The question I have for you is this: do you believe?  Do you believe that love can heal all wounds?  Do you believe that love can conquer all?  Do you believe that love, fully received by you, can be given back to every living creature?  

There is a reason that love is so important in life.  We were created by love, because of love, and without regard to what others have displayed previously, love needs to be the driving force in everything we do.  Those individuals who have a hard time with love, meaning treating everyone with compassion and love, are the ones who have either never experienced true love, or who simply do not love themselves.  For those in this boat, get a dog, lol.  If you want to learn compassion, unconditional love, these four legged fur babies will certainly teach you, if you let them.  We've all dealt with angry people in the past.  If I had to make a guess I would say that this anger stems from a lack of self love.  If one cannot appreciate the greatness inside, the reason for your creation, then it is doubtful you will ever fully grasp the concept of self love, and in the absence of self love will never fully embrace love for humanity.  

Allow me to end with this, and as I try to put a beautiful bow on this gift of love, I hope you will take some time to think on these things I have presented to you today.  Love is eternal because you are eternal. Love is powerful because you are powerful.  Love is beautiful because you are beautiful.  Given the option to operate in love, or be void of love in your life, which would you choose?  One would think that the answer would be simple, and yet there are people out there who feel they don't need love.  Sorry, that is foolishness gone to seed.  We all need love.  Once again, those who are blind to love probably have little or no self love.  Love changes things.  Love creates things.  Love even in its simplest form, even in the tiniest of measure is the strongest force in the world.  When my fur babies look at me with those eyes I melt.  There is nothing I won't door them.  How great would life be if everyone we came in contact with saw us like that and desired to do anything for us?  This is the measure of love, and the measure of love is always going to be based on what you put out, but also what you are willing to receive.  I leave you peace, joy, happiness, and of course love.  Now go out there and change some lives. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Well, will you look at that! Someone actually woke up finally and saw things as they are, and not how others see things.  Well, will you look at that! Someone actually started seeing themselves for the beautiful creation they are.   Well, well well, will you look at that!  You have finally started seeing the real you, the beautiful you, the amazing you, the perfect you, let's hear it, hip, hip, hooray!!  OK, I'm being somewhat dramatic this morning, but my point in exposing my nerd side is to say that I really, truly desire that you begin to see yourself the way the Creator sees you, and that is a creation without spot or wrinkle.

Today I simply want to speak to your beauty.  I once wrote that no matter what your walk in life is, no matter what you may have accrued over the years, the homes, the cars, the money, if you are unable to see the beauty that rest inside of you, does it ultimately matter what may be reflected back to you from a mirror?  

We've all heard that beauty is only skin deep, that beauty will fade over time, and what you are left with are only memories of days gone by.  Well there is truth in this statement if what you believe about beauty is narrow minded and limited to this earthly realm.  Beauty is actually much deeper, much more complex, and yet simple.  Let's face it, you can put lipstick on a pig, and even though it may be a very cute pig, it's still a pig.  What we do to enhance the appearance of beauty has nothing to do with the real beauty of a person.  There are people who spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on cosmetics, clothes, and the like, to enhance their definition of beauty.  Sadly, no matter what they do, they always seem to need more, or to do more to enhance that image of beauty.  Don't misunderstand me, if pampering one's self brings a better self image, I will never tell someone not to do that.  When we have a positive self-image, we are capable of doing some pretty incredible things as we are focused. True beauty, the beauty you were born with can never, and will never fade.  Certainly our ability to recognize that beauty is challenged from time to time, but not seeing our beauty is no different than not seeing our creative abilities, or our eternal spirit, or anything else for that matter that we were created with.  If one focuses solely on outer beauty, which indeed will fade over time, they are simply focusing on something that is not real.  Our true beauty is changeless, much like our Spirit, and as such, is really the only real thing as every other thing in this world is temporary.  

If we look at society today there are so many people who deal with negative self image.  Many people hate their body, be it eye color, hair color, maybe a few more pounds than they would like, or in some cases wishing for more mass.  Some feel inadequate because they don't have the six pack, or they don't have the hour glass shape.  Nothing wrong with wanting that, but the question you need to ask is why do you want this?  Why is it important to have what society thinks is acceptable?  Do you really think that once you get this hour glass figure, once you dawn that new wardrobe, once you shed those "Extra Pounds" that somehow your entire life is going to change?  Things may change momentarily, but only for as longs as you don't go after another project, another set of demands from society of how you should look or act.  

If you do not start seeing the true beauty of your essence, you will be that person who will be striving for things their entire life and never feel fulfillment.  If you cannot see that you are beautiful by virtue of your existence in this moment, then you will continually be going after that next great product, that truly amazing procedure to do whatever it does to make you more appealing.  Your ability to see your true beauty is so critical because not seeing that you are indeed beautiful even without all those things we feel we need to feel beautiful will make it impossible to see your worthiness.  Did you hear me? If you cannot see your true beauty you will never ever get to the point where you can believe in your worthiness.  Why is it so important to see that you are worthy?  If you cannot see your worthiness then life will pass you by and you will never have all those things that you are supposed to have in life.  Beauty and worthiness go hand in hand, and the absence of either in your life is going to make for a very challenging life.  

We have been taught so many wrong things over the years.  Is it any wonder so many people suffer from body image issues?  We have been taught that we need to suffer, that we need to go without, as if that somehow creates character.  Total Horse Shite!!!! We go without because we have yet to realize the significance of our creation, the beauty of our creation, the worthiness of who we are, without regard to what we either do or don't do in life.  I'm here to tell you that until such time as you accept your beauty, the beauty you were created with, and the beauty that is inside of you, until such time as you see yourself as worthy of all goodness, you will seek out alternatives to fill that void.  When you actually see your beauty, your worthiness, then that search for perfection will cease, as you will finally see your perfection.

If you believe as I do that we came from love, created by love, then why is it so difficult to believe that we should be limited in what we can do, what we can have? There are no limits to what we can have, what we can do, there are only those limits that others have thrust upon us.  When we finally step out into our true creation, then and only then will we begin to live the life we were always intended to live, void from the restrictions this world has placed upon us.  How wonderful would this world be if every single person on the planet understood their true beauty and worthiness?  How different would the world be if every single person understood destiny, walk in that destiny, and shared the best of themselves with others?  Is this possible? I believe it is, but it will take an army of creators, an army of believers who will usher in a new understanding of what is important, and throw away all those things that no longer serve our greater good.

Everything begins with knowing, accepting, and walking in your beauty.  Everything begins with understanding and accepting your worthiness.  The time has come my dear, dear family to open up your minds, your hearts, and accept what is in you.  Understanding and accepting that you are beautiful and worthy is truly the cornerstone of this new foundation for living.  Will you accept this? Can you see your beauty?  I am beautiful and I am worthy.  You are beautiful and worthy as well.  We need everyone to hear this, believe this, live this.  As we change, as we accept, we set for on a journey to change the rest of humanity, and let's face it, humanity needs some change.  I leave you with peace, love, joy, and happiness on this beautiful day.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Would you you believe me if I told you.....

There are many falsehoods that people hold on to in their lives. Sadly many of these have been passed down by previous generations, and although they were introduced to us with good intentions, there is still a lot of stuff that we have been taught that just isn't true.  What I would like to do today is to provide you a clean slate, and give you some thoughts to ponder, and in doing this, bring you into the light so to speak.  Let me begin by saying this:  I do not have all the answers, and I would not be so brash to think that I know it all.  What I do bring is my insight, my thoughts, my understanding of just who and what we are.  It is this understanding that I have meditated upon over the last 15 years, and it is this understanding that I have tried to bring forth in all of my writing.  Ultimately you will be the judge of what I present to you today, but I ask you to keep an open mind, a waiting heart, and most of all use your own discernment.  Let's get started, and see where it takes us.

Would you believe me if I told you that you have the ability to create your own reality?  Now most people believe they are simply going through life, and their actions are based on what is thrust upon them daily, and if luck has anything to do with things, they just might squeak out a meager existence.  You would be correct that people base actions on what is currently going on, but what if you had the ability to direct what was going to happen in your life?  What if you had this magic wand and all you had to do was speak things into being?  Would you do it? Would you choose your words and watch what you asked for?  Well the truth is, you do manifest in your life daily, and the end result of this manifestation comes from the words you speak, the feelings and thoughts you have, and the energy you inject into any situation.  Sadly, most people are oblivious to this truth, so the words they speak are often contrary to what they truly desire in this life.  Most words spoken are a reaction to what is seen, to what is felt, and those words carry a tremendous amount of power, even if what it brings is negative.

Would you believe me if I told you that you are eternal, that you have your Creator's essence right inside of you, and there is nothing that will ever bring this wonderful, beautiful, unlimited nature to an end?  If you find this last statement difficult to believe it's because you have been conditioned to believe in your human mortality, and you are not seeing things as the Creator of the Universe sees things.  Why is it that we can believe in a life after death, but we can't believe in that same life here on planet earth?  If your Spirit is going to live forever after death, then why can't people believe, or realize, that the spirit does not change, and if it has unlimited ability in the afterlife, why does it not have the same abilities in your current state?  I'm going to use the Ocean Water example again.  Pull a bucket of water from the ocean, fill a kiddie pool with it, and you now have a kiddie pool full of ocean water.  The water does not change, it's simply a change in location.  If your Eternal Spirit does not change, having the same abilities no matter what location it might find itself in, why do we not recognize our abilities?  Once again, we have been conditioned to see our limits.  We have been taught to be limited.  Certainly there are people who are able to cut loose from this type of conditioning, but sadly the vast majority of people never do, and instead live each day slaves to a system that has nothing but lack, fear, and dare say I, death.  I believe the time has come to separate ourselves from what we have been taught, and stand in what we know to be truth.  It is only in standing in your power, in your birth right, that you will overcome all the garbage that the world has thrust upon you.

Would you believe me if I told you that nothing you see is real, and only make believe?  Just as time is an illusion, so is everything around us.  Everything in this universe is energy.  Some is slowed down sufficiently to be seen with the naked eye, other energy is so fast that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Just because you can't see energy does not make its existence impossible.  If in fact we are living in a story line that has no definitive end, then don't we have the ability to change any and all outcomes? The only thing that never changes is your Spirit.  Bodies change as is evident that you no longer have the body you had when you were born.  Our body changes constantly but our Spirit remains a constant.  If the only constant in the Universe is our Spirit, then everything else is not real.  If it's not real, then why are we so worried by what we see or don't see in this life?  

I fully expect that many will not see what I am trying to say this morning.  I've been writing about these same things for almost 15 years, and only now are people beginning to grasp much of it.  I really had a difficult time deciding if I was going to write this week, as what was placed in me to write I knew would be controversial, and anyone that knows me, knows I hate confrontation.  That being said, I am always mindful of what Spirit gives to write, and I really must do what I'm directed to write.  Nothing that I write is contrary to any doctrine or belief that has been taught for generations.  If anything it is nothing more than a clarifying of information that should have been taught long ago. 

We have to get to the point where we begin to accept the significance of our creation.  We must get to the point where we begin to accept the abilities that we were born with.  We absolutely need to begin to walk in our power.  I see defeat in the eyes of so many people each and every day.  I see those who desire the best that life has to offer, but hasn't a clue as to how to obtain any of it.  We all struggle, as we are all human, and there are times that we forget that we are so much more than human.  Sadly we have to struggle with the rest of the world who knows nothing of Spiritual Abilities.  We have to battle with the naysayers, with the doubters, but all is not lost.  The time has come to open up to the real you.  The time has come to begin a new chapter.  This chapter is all about completion.  This chapter is all about creation, and what part you have in this creation story.  The most important part for you to understand is that you have not been excluded from this story.  You have not been left out of the goodness, the joy, the peace, happiness, and love.  All of these things were always intended for you, sadly they have been hidden from you because others chose to disregard them.  

It is time to recognize your abilities, and it is time to believe.  It is only in believing in your abilities that you will be able to walk in them.  Trust me, when you begin to see that you can, and do create all that is going on around you, then and only then will you have the life of your dreams.  Is Nirvana real?  Is perfection even possible?  Are we really supposed to enjoy all that life has to offer, void of sadness, void of sickness, void of all things dark and dreary?  The answer is yes, yes, yes, and yes.  Take a few moments and think about what I have shared today, and open yourself up to the possibilities that all of this is true, all of this is meant for you, and that this is who you really are.  Once you open your eyes to it, the landscape of your life will change forever.