Friday, August 8, 2014

The Circle of Life.
We're born, we live, and then we die.  This is the circle of life.  We have no say when our life begins.  For that matter we have no real idea when our life will end either.  We do however have a lot to say about how we live our life, you know,  that time between birth and death.

I have written about the Circle of Life in the past, but I hope to put a different spin on it today.  I first observed the Circle of Life when I was present at the death of a close family member.  At the time of his passing he was like a child, unable to care for himself.  It was amazing that we come into this world dependent on others, and most of the time we depart this world also dependent on others.

The portion of life that I want to focus in on today is that portion that you have a direct impact on.  What one does with one's life is entirely dependent upon how one see's their own life. To be more specific how people see themselves. There are people around who see nothing but success.  There are people around who see nothing but failure.  Then there are the people who see nothing, noting at all, and wonder why nothing ever happens in their life.  Let's focus on this third group of people shall we.  After all those who see success will live it, and those who only see failure, probably won't be reading my words anyway.

When one has no clue as to the reason for being here, it is doubtful that they will ever reach a point where they are walking in their own destiny.  People were not put here to walk in a barren land, where only a few achieve great things, and fewer still experience heaven on earth.  Unfortunately there are many who walk around in perpetual hell, never knowing the pleasure of living within their passion.  Now this is in large part because their passion has been beaten down by so many others who also know nothing of destiny.  It is for this reason that you must come to terms with the one thing that will set you free from a place of always desiring more and never quite getting it.

What is the one thing?  It is how you live your life, why you live your life, and most importantly that you recognize the important role you play in this thing we call humanity.  Without this knowledge you will be one of the unfortunate ones who goes from day to day always wanting more, but never really expecting it.  Without this knowledge you will always be a day late and a dollar short.  Without this knowledge you will go to your grave always wondering what could have been.

There is another circle of life that I want to talk about and this circle is a never ending cycle. Which side of the cycle that you fall on is entirely up to you.  On one side of this cycle is opportunity, possibilities, and an endless parade of peace, joy, and happiness.  This cycle comes to you when you have understood that destiny is in everyone and your destiny is just as important to the rest of the world an any one else's.  This cycle comes to you when you understand that you dictate what will happen next, and you set the intention.  Instead of being just an observer of things going on around you, you in fact become the catalyst for things that happen.  The second side of this cycle is just letting things happen, and seeing where the chips fall.  You have no expectations, you get tossed about by every different doctrine, and you fail to realize the significance of your being here right now.   Sadly a large segment of society falls into the second category, and sadly this is where many people spend the majority of their life.

If you are in category two then I suggest you create an exist strategy to free yourself from this self-imposed exile and begin to accept all that you are.  Understanding the perfection of your design, the greatness of your calling, and the unlimited potential that resides in you is a great first start.  This may not come easy at first as you have had to hear all the damning words that have been spoken by others who as of yet have not discovered destiny for themselves.  That being said, you must free yourself from the expectation of others and realize that you are fully capable of achieving those things that you hold in your heart.

The circle of life is not just birth and then death.  The circle is intention, it is experience, and it is being.  Being the person you were sent here to be, impacting those who are all around you, and giving of self so that others might share in life, the way life was intended to be.  You can either be a full member of this thing we call life, or you can simply exist.  Simply existing will keep most people in the place they find themselves right now.  Always needing a little more, always wanting for this or that, and always wondering why life seems to be such a drag.  Life is not about just existing.  Life is not about always wanting or always lacking in something.  Life is about giving all you have and giving with an open heart, a smile on your face, and a song in your heart.  I will tell you that a life that is full of love, full of smiles, and full of joy is a life that will not be tossed about.  A simple smile will remove fear, it will remove sadness, and it will remove doubt.  It is time to smile and realize that this circle is for everyone.  Find your place in it, and then help others find their place.

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