Monday, September 29, 2014

Show me the money!!
Yep, it's what makes the world go round.  At least that is what many think.  To some money is the root of all evil.  Others feel as though money is the measure of success.  The more money you have the more successful you must be.  I once felt that if I ever wanted to be completely happy then money was the answer. It's easy to say that money can buy happiness, but then why do I see so many people who have money who look miserable?  I also have noted that there are people who don't have a lot of money and their happiness is tainted because of this.  I have said many times in the past that if you cannot find happiness without boat loads of money, that happiness will still elude you when or if the money comes.

What I want to talk about today is why we are so fixated on money as the source of our happiness, and why so many people have fallen into the trap of trying to obtain money no matter what the ultimate cost might be.  I invite you into my world for just a few minutes and I hope that these few minutes must might change your life in a very positive way.

Money, whether it be the good old green back, the pound, the lira, the euro, is almost as mesmerizing as anything on the face of the earth.  It seems to be the basis behind almost any decision.  Can you move to a  new location?  "Not likely as you won't be making the money you're making now" so says a good friend.  Can you afford to buy the home of your dreams?  "I wouldn't dare just in case the bottom falls out of the market, I loose my job, or anything else that might come up un-expectantly."  How many people do you know that base almost every decision on money?  Is it any wonder we are in the mess we are in right now.

We have gotten to a point in our society where we have become the "haves" and "have nots".  Don't misunderstand me, I know one needs money to provide the necessities of life.  A roof over your head, food in your belly, and clothes on your back.  What never ceases to amaze me is the lengths people will go to to obtain more money, and while trying to get to the top of the heap, give up the one thing that could really bring them happiness, that being peace of mind.  I've had jobs that paid me an obscene amount of money, but did that bring me happiness?  Not really.  Certainly I had stuff, but all the stuff I had still did not fill the void that existed in my life.  I've also had jobs that others would laugh about, but yet I found myself content and living a life of bliss and contentment.

Let me say this, and if it makes you angry, then so be it:  if you making money is the bases for all of your happiness, then you will forever be without true happiness.  If you equate the amount of money in your bank account with the joy in your life, then you will be as empty as Fort Knox.  Until such time as one can find happiness outside of money, you could have an endless supply of money and still be missing true happiness.  We have done our young children a disservice by pushing them into careers simply because they will be elevated up the social ladder.  If you can teach your children that happiness begins with knowing the reason for being here, the purpose that resides in each and everyone of us, then and only then will true riches follow them throughout their life.

I would not trade what I am doing now for all the riches in the world.  Money is such a non-issue for me.  That's not because I have a never-ending supply of it, but rather because my joy comes from teaching and writing and I could never put a price tag on the happiness that comes to me while doing it.  I like money, I like what you can do with money, but if having money means giving up the one thing that I truly love doing, then money will have to go away.  I hear people who say, "it's easy for you to talk about this, you have money."  Well truth be told, I have been rich and I have been poor, and as the saying goes, rich is better.  Well I always thought I believed that last statement, but no longer.  I will tell you that running or chasing after money is never going to bring you true happiness even if you catch it.  True happiness is knowing that you are doing what you were created to do, and there is no amount of money in the world that would be sufficient for you to give up on your destiny.  For all the years that I chased after money, I can confidently say that I would give it all away, the money that is, if it stood in the way of me walking in my destiny.

Please realize that I am not saying that just because you have money that it is impossible to be walking in your destiny.  What I am saying is that if people would spend as much time and effort on finding their destiny as they did trying to make a buck or two, the whole money issue would work itself out in no time.  Try to find happiness first, and then I can almost assure you that the money will follow.  Show me the money, but not until I find true happiness first.

Friday, September 26, 2014

It only hurts for a moment.
We've all been the recipient of hurt in our lives.  Can you remember when you were little, you scraped your knee on the pavement and mom put that orange liquid on it that burned like the dickens.  Mom would say it only hurts for a minute, but you were sure your leg was going to fall off.  Sure enough the burning stopped and before you knew it you were outside again running and screaming with the rest of the neighborhood kids.

Such is the hurt we all endure from time to time.  When we are in the midst of it we think it will last forever, but true to form it eventually goes away, and all we have left are the memories.  The problem with most hurt is that we never know when it is going to come, who it is going to come from, and more importantly why is it something that finds us. I guess this could be classified as one of those mysteries of life that we never find out the reason for it happening.  Suffice it to say each of us will have to deal with hurt at some point in our life.  How you handle it is what will dictate what you bring forth from it.

I can't sit here and tell you that there is only one way to deal with hurt.  I have found numerous ways to deal with it in my life, but my way of handling it could be completely different from the ways you might have handled it in the past.  The key is to face hurt head on and not let the day go by that you let it sit there and fester, because it will only cause more pain and suffering to you.

I have seen situations where people are dealing with hurt and you wonder how in the world do they have the strength to stand tall during it and not want to lash out at the producer of the hurt.  I know there have been hurts in my life that if I could have taken my pound of flesh out of the perpetrator I certainly would have.  Thank goodness cooler heads prevailed and I did not act on my first instinct.  Lashing out at someone who has caused you pain and suffering is never going to change the fact that you have had to endure the pain and suffering.  As much as you might want to take them out at the knees, your best move is simply to let it go and let bygones be bygones.  I know that for most people this is counter-intuitive to what they may have been raised to do, but let's face it, two wrongs do not make it right and in the end you will be just as guilty as the other party if you try to give it back to them.  If you allow perfect love to be your guide then two things will happen.  First you won't make matters worse by going after the guilty party, and trust me that happens far too often.  Second, and maybe more important then the first, you will have protected the one thing you never want to loose, your own dignity and knowing that you choose to take the high ground.

I know how easy it is to want to go after that SOB who has done you wrong.  In our minds we can justify all day long why it would be right to put them in their place, but if one is callus enough to go after you, do you really think that what you do back to them is really going to make a difference to them?  In all truth, you are the only one that it is going to affect, and affect you in a negative way.  If you go after darkness, you are only asking for more darkness to come into your life.  If you on the other hand display love and forgiveness, then that is what will manifest in your life.  Given the two outcomes, what makes more sense to you?

Most hurt in our lives comes in the form of emotional verses the physical hurt that many have been exposed to.  I believe it is easier getting over a scraped knee then getting over a broken heart.  Whereas the two seem quite opposite each other, they are probably closer to being similar then you might think.  When you scrape your knee on the pavement you probably haven't started yelling at the pavement and calling it every name in the book.  You realize that it's there, you did something to fall onto it, and you simply walk away and lick your wounds so to speak.  On the other hand, if the hurt has come from an individual, you are ready to poke out some eyeballs.  Maybe instead of lashing out at the originator of this hurt you opt to show love and compassion, you just might see a different outcome.  I can promise you this: if you choose to operate out of love instead of leashing out at them, you will be the one that changes, and that change will be positive.

We may never know the motivation that others have for causing pain, suffering, or hurt to another person, but we can choose to handle it the right way and not how we may have done it in the past.  Displaying love toward someone who has hurt you will do more than just help you, it will set the other person free.  If we get into a tit for tat situation pretty soon the event escalates to a whole new level and no one will get out of it unscathed.  If on the other hand you display nothing but love to the individual, then I can pretty much bet the situation will not escalate and you might just figure out what is causing this person to lash out.   Once again, how you handle the situation just might bring light into a pretty dark situation, but it is the light that will show others the way to go.

Hurt is never fun, but it is something we will all deal with.  Make the choice to do the right thing, and not what the world expects you to do.  Doing the right thing, will keep you free, it will set others free, and before you know it, the hurt will go away quickly.  Think about that.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wisdom: it comes from experiences both good and not so good.
"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." "A penny saved is a penny earned." "Make sure you wear clean underwear".  OK that last one might be a stretch, but lets face it, we each have been taught certain things in life.  This wealth of wisdom from others who have experienced things in life is there to help us when we need it most.  Learning from the past, learning from other's misfortunes or missteps, is often one of the ways we are shaped.  The wisdom in all of this is to learn from things that will keep us from making the same mistake as others in the hope that we don't have to go through what others have gone through.

As parents we have tried to teach our children not to make the same mistakes we made, but with pretty much 100 percent certainty they will still make those mistakes.  Try as we might to help them out of a jam by explaining what to do, they seem hell bent on making those mistakes so they can experience whatever it is they desire to experience.  Not the wisest thing to do, but then again, wisdom does come from trials and tribulations.

I'm not certain what makes an owl wise.  It could be that the owl understands nature, the cycle of things, and with each cycle comes actions that come pretty natural to the owl.  The owl might be considered wise because it knows it's territory and knows what is available to it, and how to get it when needed.  I guess you could come up with a list of a hundred things that describe the wisdom of the owl, but suffice it to say, wisdom is what keeps this creature going.  Wisdom is what will keep each of us going, and with each situation we face, wisdom can change the outcome of pretty much everything in life.

I have learned over the years to not discount what has happened before, as it will probably happen again in the future.  It may not be identical to something that has already taken place, but you can pretty much bet there will be some similarities.  If one is wise, full of wisdom, then you will draw on past experience to help you through situations.  Why re-invent the wheel when you already have the solution to the problem?

I began writing this blog Sunday night, and mid-sentence was prompted to stop and when Monday came I was headed in a different direction.  I changed the entire entry and when it came time to publish the new blog I lost it all.  I went to try to find the one that I had written and behold this one popped back up.  I'm not sure what happened but I have learned over the years that things happen for a reason so I will continue on with this topic and see where it leads us today.  Sorry for the side bar, but bizarre is all I can say.

So back to wisdom.  Wisdom comes with a price tag attached to it.  Sometimes it comes cheap and at other times it has a hefty amount assigned to it.  Often people will run from those times that appear to cost too much, but like many things in life you get what you pay for.  There are times when we learn more because of the cost associated with something rather then going the cheapest route possible.  I know in my life that the wisdom I have accumulated over the years has always been worth the price I paid, even if I did not see it in the moment.

When we look at our lives we see things as we perceive them.  We may have others around us who see things differently, but in the end, it is all dependent upon how you see them.  You are the arbitrator of what goes on in your life.  How you handle each situation is going to be vastly different then how someone else might handle it.  What you gain or what you learn from each situation is going to be different from others who may not have been involved to the degree of your involvement.  We must get to the point where we focus on things that pertain to us and not be moved by what others think or say.  The wisdom that you gain from any experience is what moves you forward in your walk, your purpose, your destiny.

I may not have enjoyed everything that I have gone through in my life, but I can assure you that I have learned from every situation I have been in.  As much as I try not to make the same mistake twice I can also assure you that I have fallen down more then once in what I have done.  Each time I fall I pick myself up, think about what happened and try to remember what not to do in the future.  Wisdom is not so much never making the same mistake twice, but rather not stopping because in fact you are having to do things over yet again.  Wisdom is knowing that everything, as I have said before is a learning experience, and in said learning experience, you are growing with each occurrence.

I would love to say that gaining wisdom is never painful, but you and I know differently.   The great thing about wisdom is that you will always have the opportunity to prove things out.  You will always have the opportunity to do things over, and you will always have the opportunity to grow through each experience.  There is no lost opportunity in life if you will try to find the good in everything, even if the good comes from bad.

I have over the years been through some pretty crappy situations, but I have also grown to accept those things I cannot change, and not loose sleep over things that in the end mean very little.  I focus on what I can do, and not on what I can't do.  I will never change certain things in life.  As much as I might dislike certain things in life, they are there to teach me something.  Wisdom is letting life happen the way it needs to happen, and then making your next move.  Wisdom says there will always be a tomorrow and you will be a part of it.  Your spirit is eternal, thus making you eternal.  There is a lot you can accomplish when you know of the infinite nature of your being.  Wisdom is a part of you, and when you accept this, you are one step closer to enlightenment.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Standing alone, this is when the truth comes out.
When you're all alone, how strong are you?  When you're all alone, how do you see yourself?  When you're all alone, and no one else is around, what goes through your mind?  Are you confident?  Are you poised and ready for whatever might come your way?  Are you reflecting on the rest of the world, figuring out your place in the endless flurry of strife and concern being displayed by so many others?

It's easy to fall into a crowd, picking up on the emotions, the feelings that others are showing.  It's easy to blend into the background and just go with the rest of those around you, never displaying the uniqueness that is you. When you are all alone are you able to display the real you, the one that knows no limits, no bounds?  Can you see the talents that lay inside of you, those same talents that were placed there to help you achieve your rightful place in the universe?

I have often thought that the way we display our feelings when in those moments of solitude, when we are alone with just ourselves, are the true indicators of who and what we are, or at least how we see ourselves.  What I want to share with you today is the importance of how you see yourself when no one else is around.  When one is in the limelight it's easy to feel the energy of those around you, especially when those other people are showering you with their praises and accolades.  It is however a completely different story when you are all by your lonesome, and the lights and flashing bulbs of your paparazzi are miles away.  I have heard stories of famous Hollywood Stars and Starlets who when away from all the glitz and glamour, are anything but the people they portray on the big screen.  Just look at the late Robin Williams.  One of the greatest comic stars of our age and yet he dealt with a deep depression.  His ending was tragic, but how many people do you know who deal with the same issues?

When we stand alone, the real truth will come out.  The way we see and feel about ourselves will be front page.  What I desire the most is that you would come to an understanding of the greatness in you even if the rest of the world is blind to it at the moment.  Greatness is not measured by the size of your home, the fanciness of your car, or the amount of money you might have accumulated over the years.  If this is your measure of success or greatness then you have truly missed what is important in this life.  Greatness, true greatness, is something you are, it is not what you do.  Until we can get away from the stereotypes that others have promulgated, we will forever be trapped in a world that is hollow, shallow, and all together fruitless.

Your greatness is displayed each and everyday when you come to an understanding of the significance of you being here right now.  Your greatness is not measured by man's standards,  but by the depth of your appreciation for being here right now.  If you are dependent on the words from others to make you feel good, then all the words spoken in the world about your prowess, your abilities will add up to almost nothing.  You may glow in the words for a moment, but when you are alone what will you have to hang your hat on?  Don't get me wrong, it's nice to receive words of praise, words of encouragement, and words that make us feel good.  However, that being said, if that is what you measure your worth on, then you will certainly have issues later on, especially when all those words are no longer spoken about you, or around you.

We have to understand the importance of us first, before we can truly enjoy what others say about us. When I am standing all alone I know that I am a writer and a gifted speaker.  These are not words of conceit, but if I cannot see myself the way I was intended to be then all the words that others might speak will eventually fall off and what will I have then?  Each and every person alive has a greatness in them but until such time as they can see it for themselves everything else is meaningless.  There is a reason for you being here right now and the sooner you can come to an understanding of what that reason is the sooner you will be able to stand alone and know who and what you are.  I want nothing more then to be able to write and speak the rest of my life.  I want this because that is what I was placed here to do, and that is what I have chosen to be.  It doesn't matter what fame or glory might come my way, I do this because it is my destiny.  You have a destiny, and once you discover it, once you accept it, once you begin to walk in it, I assure you that your thoughts in those alone times will be all about who and what you are, and then you will know the truth about you.

I encourage you to spend a few moments in alone time.  Get a handle on how you see yourself and see if what you see or feel is in line with what you know to be true.  There is a greatness in you, but you must know it, feel it, believe it.  If you are not able to do this, those words spoken by others will fall like the autumn leaves and once off the tree you will see nothing but emptiness.  I can tell you that you are great, but you must know it from the deepest part of your being, or my words will just be meaningless the first time you are confronted with adversity, fear, or face an unknown situation.  I know you have it in you to come to this place, and when you do then you will understand who and what you are.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.
It's an early fall morning, the sun is out, there is a brisk feel to the morning air and life as you know it is pretty darn fantastic.  Is this how you began your morning today?  Is this the way you would like to begin each day? Well maybe not the brisk part, but you get my drift. Peace on earth does begin with you, for without peace in your own life there can never be peace over the rest of this planet.

I have learned over the last few years that peace is really a frame of mind.  This ability to focus on the good, feel the release of anxiety and stress, and walk in a manner worthy of the title Peacemaker.  This is a realm that few get to, but it is there for everyone to walk in.

In what moments do you feel peace?  Is it when family and loved ones surround you and the hassles of the day seem to disappear?  It is skiing down a slope covered in fresh powder, experiencing the wonders of the outdoors?  Is it sitting comfortably in your favorite chair with a book and hot tea, loosing yourself in time and not thinking about anything else but rest and relaxation?  You can have any number of these events take place, and while each can bring peace, it is entirely up to you whether you will experience them or not.

Let me ask you this: when was the last time you felt real peace?  I mean that type of peace where nothing seemed to bother you?  If you have to think for more than a few seconds, then that tells me that you have some changes to make.  Without these changes peace will continue to elude you, and then quite frankly, it will elude the rest of the planet.  Do you really think that with all the conflict going on around the planet that those involved have figured out how to live in peace?  Conflicts arise because peace is absent.

When I served in the United States Air Force many years ago, I was a member of the former Strategic Air Command.  One of the motto's we had was "Peace is our profession."  The other side of the coin was "War is just a hobby".  We never wanted to go to war, but push come to shove, we were ready and more than able to carry out our mission.  What I want to focus on is that peace as a profession, can do more than just detour war.  Peace can and will change the face of society, but only if others buy into peace, and desire to spread the rewards of a peaceful existence.

If one gets up each morning and is faced with uncertainty, fear, anxiety, there is almost zero percent chance that they will experience peace in any shape, fashion, or form.  That to me is an awful way to live, and if that is the reality you are facing, then my guess is that peace has alluded you thus far.  I feel as though there are moments in each life when we live in peace, but if you look at people, see the stress in their faces, the sternness of their posture, then you can only conclude that peace is not something they are experiencing in any given moment.  So here comes another question: what would you give to live in absolute peace?  Is this something you can believe in, or has the turmoil of life so dampened your spirit that peace is an impossibility for you?  This is the question only you can answer, but there is hope for everyone to live in such peace.

We have been conditioned to believe that there will never be a time when we will live in complete peace.  We have been conditioned to believe that we will always have wars, conflicts, and death and destruction.  This is what man has promoted and far too many people have bought into this premise.  There can be peace, but it must begin with each individual.  If you are without peace then it only stands to reason that the world will be without peace.  If you desire to bring peace to the world then you will have to begin somewhere and that somewhere is in your own backyard.  Peace must come to you if it is to come to the rest of the world.

Peace is very real and it is something that everyone can experience each and every day.  You will have to work at it, but if you never attempt it, you will never have to worry about discovering a life of peace.  There is a quote that I learned many years ago, "I would rather attempt something great and fail, then attempt nothing at all and succeed."  Peace may seem to be something that is impossible to bring to the world at large, but if we never attempt to bring it, then we will never have to worry about it showing up.  I believe we can bring peace if we first find it for ourselves and then share that peace with others.  Yes I am an idealist, but rather to believe for something that can change the world, then simply live the way we have been conditioned to live, never able to see past the conflict, hate, hurt, or fear.

Yes we can live in peace, but first you must choose it for yourself.  I hope you are with me on this.  Together we can change the face of this planet, and generations to come will look upon your actions with fondness and appreciation.  Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Become a beacon of light.
Ever been in that place where you would have given everything you had just to get some help?  Ever just needed someone to talk to, if for no other reason then you no longer wanted to feel all alone in the world?  Have you ever been in such a dark place in your life that even a small candle would have seemed like a burning supernova of light?

Most if not everyone has been in these places at one time or another.  It's never a fun place to be in, and it is my hope that you never have to occupy this place again.  If you have been in this place then you know how desperate one can become to escape it.  This is what I want you to think about when you have not given of yourself to others who were in need.  Now I know that extending the hand of friendship is not always easy.  Those in need seem to make the request at the most inopportune time, but I dare say that many of your request for assistance have come in the wee hours of the morning.

It's often easy to say that you are always available for those in need, but you and I know differently.  It's not that you want to hold back the help, but let's face it, when the request continues to come from the same people who have been helped by you and others so many times, there is a tendency to finally say "do it yourself", or "you made your bed now sleep in it."  If you indeed want to be a beacon of light, then do you really have the right to say no?  Take a look at the light house.  Can the light house pick and choose which ships will be the recipient of it's light or is the light out there for every vessel in the area?

As I lightworker I really don't have the right to pick and choose who is the recipient of my abilities.  God did not call me to this place to be the decider of who gets what.  When one is entrusted with a gift that is intended for humanity, then I guess humanity is your audience and there should be no holding back.  I have seen people who want certain things, they claim they will do anything to get it, but when push comes to shove they tend to back pedal especially if what they need to do to get what they want is more then they bargained for.  Now not everyone does this, but there are a few out there who do, and I feel for them.

If you truly desire to be a beacon of light, then you give up the right to choose who is the benefactor of your gifts, your generosity, and your efforts.  If you begrudgingly give to others out of some sort of obligation, then I will tell you don't waste your time.  Being a lightworker is something I am, it is not what I do.  I love being a beacon of light, and just as the lighthouse cannot choose the ships it supports, I cannot choose who comes to me for assistance.

A true beacon of light is egoless.  It is never what's in it for me, but rather how can I help.  I do not help because it brings me accolades or publicity.  I help because those are the gifts that have been placed in me, and gifts are there to share with others.  Now there is nothing wrong if you decide that you do not wish to be a helper of others.  There is no judgement on my part.  I do not have to live your life just as you do not have to live mine.  What I will say is this: if you are unwilling to give of yourself to others, you will never fully experience the life you were intended to live.

The law of sowing and reaping is very real, just as the law of attraction is real.  If you give peace, love, and joy to others then you will reap this as well.  If you are unable to sow a smile to someone in need then the time will come when that much needed act of kindness you desire will pass you by.  Being a beacon of light is so simple, but too many people do not understand it.  There are people who feel as though that giving for the sake of giving is counter to the mindset that you have to earn everything.  Sowing a smile to a stranger never cost a thing.  That smile you give to someone will ultimately change another life half a world away, twenty years down the road.  You may never know how your kindness changes a life, but you can bet it will.

We all have gifts and talents.  We have them for one reason and one reason only: to share them with others.  Man has conditioned us to believe that what we have is for us alone.  The more you can procure the more successful you are.  If you give something away, then you have lost it forever.  The truth of the matter is this:  if you give something away freely it will find itself coming back to you, and coming back to you in a measure that is unquenchable.  I may never know how my words have helped others, but I do know that I am doing what I was created to do, and by virtue of that my reward will be great.  I get to sow peace and happiness every day of my life.  I get to be a beacon of light, and my reward is knowing that I will never be without the same peace and joy that I extend to others.  Turn up that beacon of light and watch as the world changes right in front of your eyes.

Friday, September 12, 2014

It's always best to start at the beginning.
I know I have been on a rant lately about imagination and thoughts.  It's not that I have nothing else to write about, it's all about setting a foundation, and it is this rock solid foundation that will serve you well in the future.

Everything begins with a thought or idea.  There has never been a thing, as I have said before, that did not begin with a simple thought or idea.  We have hundreds of thousands of thoughts that run through our minds each and every day.  Many times we discount these thoughts and never give them much notice.  Others seem to stick around, and every now and again we will act on them.  Funny thing, when we place action to these thoughts things begin to take shape, things begin to happen, and then things begin to change.  This in and of itself should give you pause to think about your thoughts and ideas, and just what might come from them if you do more than just think about them.

I could have thought about writing my first book until the cows came home, but until I put action to those thoughts and ideas, nothing was going to get the book published.  How many different thoughts have you had in your lifetime that could have been something, but because you stuffed the thought deep and away from any forward momentum, things never seemed to materialize?  I dare say that there are very few people who have never had an original thought. In fact, I would say it would be impossible to think that there has never been a time in your life when you did not have a thought that if brought to completion could and would turn your life around entirely.

If we fail to act upon our thoughts and ideas you are just throwing away any chance of being the person you were intended to be.  Think about it this way, and for many of you who have read stuff by me you will have heard this before.  If there is an idea floating around your mind, there is a reason for that.  God does not put thoughts into our mind simply to pass the time of day.  The Creator of the Universe does not do things that does not ultimately have a purpose, and quite frankly will always give you thoughts and ideas that will lead you to the discovery of your purpose, your true destiny.

Certainly we have thoughts that pass through us that are way out there.  This can be said about everyone, but ultimately you will be given the direction you need to walk out your life's path, you simply need to take what is given and use it.  If one is going to walk in their own destiny, and not one set up or thought of by someone else, then you are going to have to figure out why you are getting certain thoughts and ideas, recognize where they come from, and step out and do something with these thoughts.

Why am I spending so much time talking about thoughts and ideas?  The answer is simple, thoughts and ideas are what will bring you to the place you are supposed to be.  I marvel at people that I talk with who will tell me they have no idea what to do next.  They seem to be in limbo in regards to their desires and wants.  When I push them for reasons they will simply tell me they have no idea what to do next.  This is when I begin to question them about what they are feeling, what they are thinking, and then they begin to realize that they have had the answer all along, but never gave thought to the thoughts that were floating around their mind.  Now don't misunderstand me, not every thought is going to have a direct correlation to your destiny.  Face it, we as humans have some pretty bizarre thoughts from time to time.  The thoughts and ideas I am speaking about will be right in line with your passions, and if handled correctly will get you to your destiny.

When I was in Corporate America I can recall being a part of many Brain Storming Sessions.  The common rule in any session is that there are no dumb ideas and to lay everything out.  Now not every idea that is presented at one of these sessions has merit, but there is merit in hearing every idea.  The purpose is to listen, keep an open mind, and then together as a team decide which option is best, and then proceed to doing what was recommended.  You have inside of you the same Brain Storming capacity as anyone.  You will have idea after idea, and your role is to weed out the weird, and keep only those that will ultimately get you to your goal.  Small ideas can lead to amazing things.  Some ideas are nothing more then building blocks leading you to a bigger or better idea, which will lead you to bigger and better results.  The key is not to discount those thoughts and ideas that keep popping into your mind.  There is a reason you keep thinking about it!!

Look back on some of those crazy ideas you may have had years ago.  You may not have put everything into action, but I can assure you that there are bits and pieces of each idea that have and will continue to play a part in what you are doing right now, or what you are trying to do right now.  Not everything is going to come to you signed, sealed, and delivered.  There will be occasions when you will have to continue to work on things, but this effort that you put out will ultimately show you where you need to go and how you need to do it.

Those little tiny thoughts, ideas, dreams, are and will always be stepping stones to your destiny.  Do not discount them, do not ignore them, and whatever you do, don't fight them.  If you have missed an idea, and that idea is part of your destiny, I can assure you it will pop up again in the future.  Your role right now is to be open to the ideas and thoughts that come to you.  It may take a while for things to jell up, but trust me they will.  Let your imagination fly and see where it will take you.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

It can all change with just a single one.
Our world seems to be turmoil.  Almost every where you look there is another crisis brewing, or one that simply won't go away.  You can hardly turn on the news or read a paper where there are not descriptions of the horror going on all around us.   At the rate we're going the entire planet will be victim to what is going on, and what can we do about it?

We look at what transpired thirteen years ago today and to many that is when life as we know it changed.  Many people no longer felt the safety that once was ever present in our country.  The care free days of things happening every where else but here on our own shores had changed forever.  Will we ever be able to live free again?  Free from the fear of terrorist actions against us, free from the worry that something could happen at any time, in any place, and in any number of ways?  Sadly there are many people who feel as though our best days are behind us and from this point forward we are simply surviving what may come in the future.  I however hold a different view of things, and today I will share with you my thoughts and maybe you just might feel a little better about things, and in this feeling know that things will be better.

No matter what movement has ever taken place in this country, or in the world for that matter, it all began with a single person.  Someone, somewhere, had a thought, and idea.  It may have been a simple thought or idea, but from this imaginative beginning, something came about.  This thought took on form when someone put action behind it.  It may have been something that could change the world, or something as simple as making life a little easier for a single, solitary individual.  The reason behind these thoughts, these imaginations matters not.  What matters is that someone thought something, believed something, and now just had to begin the gestation process to bring it to fruition.  I hold the belief that this world can change, but it will only change when each individual understands who and what they are.  I know I talk about this all the time, but the ability of one person to change the face of this planet has been proven out time and time again.  Who began the push for women in this country to have the right to vote?  Who began the civil rights movement that finally help remove the scourge of slavery and bigotry in this country?  These two events began with a single idea, from a single individual.  Certainly there were many more who picked up the banner as the movement progressed, but it still began with just one.

If we are to change the direction this planet is headed, then maybe there is that single, solitary person out there right now, who believes that things can change.  I was involved with politics for many years.  I will tell you that the problems we are seeing right now are in direct proportion to what we see on the local level.  If we can fix the politics in our towns and cities, then maybe things will change at the state level.  If things change at the state level then maybe things will change at the federal level.  Well if we look at the world, then could not the same thing be said?  If I can change the way I look at things, then maybe the person next to me can change as well, and so on and so on.  You see the movements begin with one person.  The question I have for you today is, will you be the first one to make the change?  A single person can move an entire mountain.  Sure it may be moved one bucket at a time, but it will move.  You can be that first bucket load of change that the world needs.  Will you take on this challenge?

We are not just simple humans who must move about with every whim or whimper that comes from others.  We can take a stand, and we can create change.  Our power lies in our own knowledge of who we are.  Our power lies in our knowledge of why we are here.  Our power lies in us because that is how the creator planned it.  If you continue to see yourself as just a simple, go with the flow, type of person then you have not yet realized the significance of your being here right now.  If you do understand the reason for being here, then you have the ability to begin to change the world.  You may only help one other person change, but that person might help two, and those two may help ten.  Before you know it, there are millions and millions of people who understand the divinity within them and then talk about changing a planet.

On this anniversary of 9/11 maybe we should take a moment to recognize that change must come to this planet, or we are doomed to repeat the tragedy that happened 13 years ago.  We can change the face of this planet.  Understanding who you are will help others understand who they are.  When one can see who they are then all the differences we have with others seem to fly away.  Focus on the good and I will tell you the bad will go away.  Look at it this way:  if nothing changes this planet will continue to experience the tragedies of 9/11.  If things do change, then we can simply put a small caveat in the history books, "It never happened again."  Think about it, and be the change the world needs.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Power of One
How much can one person get done in a day?  How much should a single person get done in a day?  How often do you get everything done in a day that you set out to get done?

Often the comments I hear is that there is not enough time in the day to get everything done that one desires or hopes to accomplish.  This often leads to frustration, worry, and a certain degree or level of anger.  So here is my question for the day:  how much is too much, and is too much something you have been trying to do for far too long?

I will admit that I love it when I can look back at the end of the day and realize that I have accomplished everything that was on my to-do list for the day.  I also know that I have found myself frustrated beyond believe when I have let the day slip by me and haven't done a thing that I set out to do.  Once again we have let our own idea of time, wasted time to be exact, to define the day, and that does nothing but bring about more frustration.  I understand that there are deadlines that have to be met from time to time.  I understand the restrictions that some jobs place on people and what these restrictions can mean to getting things done in a timely and effective manner.  I also understand that we tend to let these things ruin our day, and if our day is ruined, what does that mean to those around you who have to occupy the same space you are in?

The power of one is the power you have to accomplish all those things you have been destined to accomplish in this life.  The power of one is the most amazing thing in the universe and once you understand it, there will be very little that will stand in the way of you accomplishing some pretty phenomenal things.   The power of one is available to you, to your friends and loved ones, family, associates, to everyone.  This power has been around longer then you might realize and yet too few understand the power of one, let alone adopt it as a part of who they are.

What is the power of one?  Where does it come from?  Who is it for?  These are great questions and once you understand where it comes from, what it can do for you, and why you need to hold on to it, things will change for you, forever.

The power of one is an understanding of how powerful you are as an individual.  It is understanding that there is a power within you that is as powerful as anything and everything.  Some may think I am speaking in riddles, but when you finish this today, you will see that they are anything but riddles.  This power that I am talking about is the knowing that you are not here by mistake.  Your being alive right now is in the proper order of the universe, and there is no one else on this planet, in this entire universe that can accomplish what you were designed to accomplish.  If you can understand the potency of your being, the depth of your uniqueness, then you will begin to understand the power of one.

I have been on the other side of this power, and I will tell you it is no place you want to be, or if lucky ever have to visit.  Not knowing the real you is what keeps people from understanding and accepting the power of one.  If you cannot see yourself as an incredible being, you will never fully understand the power of one.  We have been conditioned throughout life to think less of ourselves as a way to mitigate any type of self-absorption.  After all who are we to think more highly of ourselves?Thinking to high of one's self is on par with conceit and self-importance.  This is what the world teaches, but who is this teaching coming from?  It comes from others who want to hold you back, hold you down, in the hopes that you never come to a complete understanding of the divine in you.  If you were to understand the greatness of who you really are, it would only show others what they are not.  These are the people who would do almost anything to keep you tied up and never knowing the true you.

You are one with the rest of the universe, and the universe is one with you.  As inter-connected beings there is nothing we are not, and there is not anything we cannot become.  We are only limited to the degree that we limit our imagination.  Imagination is what creates, and with each creation comes a better understanding and recognition of the power of one.  The power of one is never what others think about you, it is all about what you know about you.  This single point is what will catapult you to greatness, and this greatness is what you were born with.  The power of one is knowing that no matter what your background, your lineage, you are in fact the one.  There will never be another you, and there will never be a better time then right now.  The power of one begins with you and ends with you.  The power of one is simply you.  Your ability is unlimited, your understanding is unlimited, and your divinity is pure and holy.  It is time to forget about what isn't and focus on what is.  It is time to see you for you and not what others see you as or what others depict you as.  You will never measure up to man's expectations, but man will never ever be able to reach the points you will reach when you recognize the power of one.

You are it, it is you, and from here on out, this is what you will be.  You are the power of one.  We each have this ability and when we all accept this, watch the world change in front of you.

Monday, September 8, 2014

In a word.
Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not.  It comes in the morning, in the afternoon, and sometimes at night.  There are times when we expect it, and other times when it creeps up on us with little or no warning.  In a word: change.

Many people fight change with every once of fiber they have in their body.  There are those who embrace change, and at times live for it.  Where ever you fall on the spectrum, change is something that is inevitable in life, and the sooner you can accept this, the sooner you will be able to accept the change that is going to come your way.

Why am I talking about change today?  Could it be that I have had my share of it over the last few years?  Could it be that I expect it to come again?  Could it be that I just want you to know that change is something that can bring you the things you need in life that will enable you to be the person you were always intended to be?

There are people who have their lives all planned out.  I mean every minute of every day is scripted a certain way, and woe to the person who tries to change things up for them.  So many people resist change because of one thing and one thing only:  it upsets the plans they have made.  You see, when we become so inflexible with the stuff we do everyday, leaving no room for variation, we loose sight of some very important things, and opportunities.

Change is good.  Say that with me "Change is good".  You may not always believe it.  You certainly don't feel it, especially when you're in the midst of change, but I assure you that change is good.  The best change is when you know it's coming, you feel it coming, and you look forward to it coming.  I think most people only fight change because it hits them out of the blue with no explanation. If one is able to see the reason for change then one is far more likely to embrace it.  I haven't always liked change to be perfectly honest, but what I have come to understand is that change in my life is ordained by my creator, and because it comes from God I am far more receptive to it.

I know people who fight change every step of the way.  They fight it and fight it, and the only reason they do this is because they can't understand the importance of it in their life.  Once you understand that change is a great barometer for other things in your life, then I would think that that change would be far less of a bother and could quite possibly be something you look forward to.  Now this might not be the case for everyone, but it should be.

I have changed so much over the last five or six years.  Just as every cell in my body has changed over the last few years, so has my understanding of certain things.  My change came when I was finally able to realize who and what I was.  My change came when I was finally able to accept the divinity that resided in me.  My change came when I finally accepted my destiny and began to walk in it.  I am so thankful that I am not the same person that I was a few years ago.  I will say that some of the change has been painful, not always pleasant, but certainly needed, and I can say much appreciated.  It may not have been something I appreciated while going through it, but now very much so.

What are some of the things you refuse to change in your life?  If there are things that you refuse to change, then my question is why?  What is it that is making it difficult to accept change or to even make room for it in your life?  Is it fear of the unknown?  Is it not having control of everything in your life?  You know that giving up control is something that many people struggle with, but I will tell you, that until you are able to relinquish control, you will be put in situation after situation that will force you to give up control.  I think it best that you learn this lesson early, especially if you want to spare yourself from a world of hurt.

There is a major change happening today, and it is a change in enlightenment.  This change may force you to rethink certain things in your life.  This change may cause you to have to change up certain plans that you had written in stone.  This change may actually help you become the person you were always intended to be.  I can't tell you what form this change, this enlightenment will take with you, but I can assure you that it is coming.  I encourage you to accept it, grab on to it, and embrace it.  Trust me, your life, and the lives of those around you will be much happier if you can embrace this change.  Enlightenment is something that everyone can benefit from, and it is something that is going to spread like wildfire.  I just hope you are able to grasp these changes, make them a part of your life, and then help others with the changes they will be experiencing.

In a word: change.  Change is good, it is here, and it is here for you.  Embrace it, share it, and most importably believe in it.  It is a good time for change, and times will become great when you are able to accept it and live it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Freedom from your past is freedom for your future.
You will never move into tomorrow if you continue to hold on to the past.  You need to learn from the past, but you don't need to hold on to it.  People have made a fine art out of holding on to things of the past, and quite often they are things that do not necessarily serve them well.  It's a hard lesson to learn, but learn it you must or forever be held back.

I was in a time of meditation yesterday, and I was shocked when I discovered that I had been holding on to some things, that haven't served me well, and they may very well be the things that have kept me in a place of want for way too many years.  I won't go into what some of those things were, but what astonished me was when they happened and even more astonishing was that I still had not been able to cut away from them.  As Albert Einstein says we should learn from the past, but by golly that does not mean hold on to it and never let go.  If you ever want to move into the future you will have to relinquish the ties that bind you to your past.

I am a firm believer that we have used words, albeit unknowingly at times, that have kept us in a state of want, a state of lack, a state of confusion, and in a state of, well the list goes on and on.  The point is that we declare certain things in our lives that would be better left unsaid.  I hear almost daily people bemoaning their current situation and they are doing nothing more then propagating the species, the current situation I mean, even more by speaking negativity and unbelief in almost every avenue of their lives.  Until such time as you are able to watch what comes out of your mouths, you will be victim to your own words.

There is also the occasion when we have bound ourselves to beliefs that once again do not serve us well.  If you were the product of parents who always seemed to struggle financially, there is a good chance that you might continue the cycle.  It was all you knew, so it becomes your reality.  What is missing is a knowing that you were never intended to walk in lack, but to date you have not figured this out so the thoughts and conditioning of the past simply follow you along.  It is time to break the cycle and have what is your birthright.

I want to talk about vows for a minute.  When we speak of vows the first thing that comes into the minds of most people are the vows we speak at a wedding ceremony.  You promise to be together for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, until death do you part.  You are saying without reservation that this is what you will do.  Some people hold on to those vows, some do not.  However, we have made vows our entire life, and many times people are not even aware that they have done it.  I believe that vows should be taken seriously and one should never speak them unless their intent is to follow through.  Now I know things change in life, but vows should be taken seriously.  That being said, there are times when we have said stuff that will trap us in places we really would rather not be.  It seems like every time I have said "I will never" in my life, what ever it is that I have vowed never to do, always seems to be the thing I do or that finds me.  "I'll never be fat" well missed out on that one at one point in my life.  "I'll never be poor", once again poor found me.  "I'd never be like that person", yea that found me too.  You see, when you fixate on things, whether it be the state of your finances, your weight, or whatever, you tend to focus on the negative side of things, and the law of attraction then is forced to give you more of what you are focused on.  So if it's lack, you get to live through more lack.  If it's a weight issue, then you will be tempted every step along the way in ways that will make it difficult to ever shed those unwanted pounds.

Now I know that this may seem like a lot of mumbo jumbo to people, but we have to watch every word that escapes our mouths, or even tries to get out.  We often talk about the past things in our lives, but simply by talking about them they extend their life, and then it also extends the impact it has on our lives.  I know it's fun at times to play the victim card, but in actuality all that does is keep you bound to whatever it was that made you a victim in the first place.  You can learn from what happened, but you don't have to continue to relive it forever.

It is time to cut the cord of past vows that are not serving you.  It is time to cut the cord to past beliefs that no longer serve you.  It is time to cut the cord to your past which has done nothing but keep you trapped in misery, and in this misery you see no end to the downside of most things.  I encourage you to take a moment and simply make the statement, whether out loud or simply in your mind, that you break the words of the past.  Speak that you toss out all that has not served you well.  Focus on what awaits you and not on what has already taken place.  Yes we can learn from the past, but don't trap yourself in it.  There is nothing worse then living in that perpetual cycle of the past.  Trust me, the longer you live in it, the longer it will continue to be right in front of you, and then it's just like yesterday.  How nice would it be to wipe the slate clean and simply live the life that you always wanted?  You can do this, and I am standing there with you.  Remember the past is a great teacher, but the future is what should keep you always moving forward and moving forward with a smile on you face, joy in your heart, and peace as a way of life.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bridging the Gap.
The gap between what we want, and where we are is sometimes so wide, we often feel as though what's the use.  This gap has been described as that frustration, that not knowing why things are going so wrong so fast.  The gap often seems so far, so high or deep, that no matter what you try, think, or say, there really isn't any reason to continue to pursue those things that you truly desire.

Well that gap, in all reality, is nothing more then your inability to understand why you desire the things that seem to stand on the other side of the gap.  Once you begin to understand the reason you desire something, the reason it keeps coming back to you, the sooner you will pull this great divide together and have what you desire.

There's an old saying that the gap between having and doing the things you desire is really only about six inches, and this is about the distance between your ears.  Your mind is what determines whether you have what you want.  I have said this a thousand times before, but once again it bears repeating: you have not, because you believe not.  Your heart can tell you all day long why you can have your hearts desire, but that pesky mind is what keeps you from obtaining the things that truly mean the most to you.

So once again, what is it that you want?  Please don't insult my intelligence by saying nothing, because quite frankly there is something that everyone wants.  Be honest with yourself and admit that there are things you would like to have, love to try, but something is keeping you from it. Comments from others often stop people in their tracks.  The naysayers who will never be able to support you in your dreams and ambitions, those who want nothing more then for you to fail, because they can feel better about their own failures.  There are people who simply are unable to grasp the concept that they can have what they desire and since they have not reached that point where they can have what they want, they are hell bent on helping others stay in this place of frustration.

Let me ask you another question, and this question often frustrates people because they often do not have an answer.  Do you really feel as though you are deserving of having those things that you desire?  It's an honest question, but it's a question that many are unable to answer.  If you do not feel worthy of having all the goodness in life, then it is doubtful you will ever obtain it.  People have a tendency of believing that they must suffer certain things in life, simply because that is life.  Well let me say this, that is nothing more than a huge pile of crap.  You deserve all the finest things in life, and you deserve them everyday.  If you are not walking in this then the first thing to do is realize that you aren't and then begin to change the way you think.  So many people have been living without joy and happiness in their lives, and since they have been without it, they often get to the point, where not having it is normal.  If you constantly are living in an environment of lack, then that begins to be your norm.  You live with lack, you learn to survive on lack, and therefore you know nothing but lack.  It's time to strip away the lies that man has said is the norm, and walk in those things that were intended for you since the beginning of time.

The space between your ears is what needs mending, and once you fix that, the rest is as simple as 1-2-3.  I see people everyday who dearly want things but for whatever reason are unwilling or unable to go after them.  They have allowed fear to stop any movement forward.  This fear has been nurtured for so long, that they do not recognize it as fear.  Some will call it caution, some will call it playing it safe, but when you get right down to it, it's still fear.  Fear that you might fail, fear that you might look stupid, fear that others will be critical or judgmental.  Hey, I've been there, on both sides.  I have feared things, and I have also judged.  I'm not proud to admit that, but I am human.  What I have learned to do is not worry what others think, but rather move forward in those things that I know to be true.

So what is your heart telling you to do, that your mind is saying just the opposite?  What are those things that you know would bring you happiness and joy in your life, but for whatever reason your mind says to just play it safe and don't muddy the water?  This is the gap, the difference between your heart and your mind.  Sooner or later you are going to have to pick one, and it is my desire that you follow your heart, as it is impossible to have anything but truth come from the heart.

I know how horrible it feels to want something so bad and never really believing that you will have it.  I have spent hours, days, weeks, and months wanting, but until such time as I could believe,  what I desired was nothing more than a passing whim.  I urge you to step back, figure out what you really want, and do whatever it takes to get into your mind why what you want is what you should have.  The mind can be a huge benefit to you if you can get it to understand that nothing is impossible if what you desire is what comes from your heart.  Certainly this may take some retraining on your part to put away thoughts of the past, but the sooner you are able to move forward and forget about all the things of the past, the sooner you will be able to have those things that are in your heart.

The Gap is something that can be pulled together, and what used to seem like an impossible span, becomes a tiny crack in the sidewalk that you are more than able to walk over.  I urge you to begin to realize that you are divine, and through this divinity you can have all that your heart desires.  It all begins with understanding who and what you are.  I know who you are, you just need to come to the same realization.  Trust me, once you understand, there will never be a gap that will ever be too big to bring back together.

Monday, September 1, 2014

A new realization: it will change the way you look at yourself.
I think everyone can agree that there are times in our lives when we would like to see things changed up a bit.  Often people get mired down in the day to day routines that many find themselves in.  Many people get up in the  morning never expecting anything to change from what took place the day before.  It's as if we are on that treadmill where we are going a zillion miles per hour but the landscape never changes.  What we deal with or contend with never changes, and subsequently what we think, what we feel, and how we relate to others doesn't change either.

Well today is a new day and I want you to start thinking about something completely different.  This may be the first time you have ever given any thought to what I am about to say, but if you have read any of my other works then you have certainly heard about this before. Just how do you see yourself?  What goes through your mind when you see yourself in the mirror?  Are you thinking that today will be like yesterday, or is there something in the air that will change everything up today and allow you to begin to live like you have never lived before?

We set the stage for what we experience in life.  We set the mood, the tone, we even have some say in what will happen in the future.  If you are not able to see this, then this is your lucky day, because after today you will know that you have the ability to manifest those things in your life that you have long waited for, but until now didn't really believe they were for you.

There was a time not long ago that I was a manifesting fool.  I mean everything I could think about or say was coming to me quicker than poop through a goose.  Problem was I was thinking and saying all the wrong things.  I was always talking about the lack in my life, the lousy work conditions, the emptiness in my heart due to not having that special person in my life.  Oh you can bet I was living this because I was the one who was making sure that it kept coming and coming in my life.  It wasn't until I figured out that I was the cause of most of my problems that things began to change.  It wasn't until I realized that I had the key to my future, but until such time as I used the key I was still going to be trapped in this prison cell that I had created myself.

When I look in the mirror now I see a divine creation.  I see a person who has been touched by God because I was placed here by God.  I see a person who knows nothing of lack, sickness, or fear.  Now don't get me wrong, I have to work on these things daily, because one can fall back into bad habits quickly.  What I have learned over the last few years has changed my life in ways that I cannot explain, nor are they words enough to tell you how meaningful life has become.  Here's what I learned:  words and thoughts, my words and thoughts, are what will be front and center in my life.  Whether I want to believe it or not, matters not, truth is truth.  You don't have to believe in the Laws of Gravity, they just exist.  You can't change the law of gravity, you simply have to abide by it.  The same can be said about the Laws of Attraction.  Just because you may not believe in it doesn't make it a bunch of phooey.   You will manifest those things you speak about, think about, and feel.  Note to self: think on good things, speak good things, feel good things.  I know this might seem simplistic, but in reality it is.  We as humans like to complicate things, but the things that are spiritual are quite simplistic in nature.

I know people who have fallen to the depths of despair and when you try to help them out, they give you all the reasons why they will never get out of the place they are in.  It's as though they like where they're at.  This is probably true because it has become their truth, when in reality it is not truth but a mere illusion.  Here is the truth: you don't have to live this way.  You can walk in peace, joy, and happiness.  You set the stage for what is going to happen in your life.  You have the same creative power in you as that which placed you here in the first place.  Do you not have your parent's DNA in your body?  You cannot separate yourself from your parents, no matter how hard you may try.  Well the same can be said about your creator.  You cannot separate yourself from that which created you.  Since there is a part of the creator in you, then you have the same characteristics as your creator.  We have allowed people, those who supposedly have all the knowledge about God to tell us what God is like, and what they have depicted as God is nothing even close to what God is like.  Christ himself said that we are gods, that we should expect to do greater works then he did.  OK so who has done this?  Who has walked on water, turned water into wine, raised the dead?  We haven't because we have been conditioned by man to think that these things are only reserved for a few select people, those who have studied and shown themselves approved by those who think more highly of themselves then they should.

So when you look in the mirror do you see a divine being, or a mere mortal?  Do you see the creative power you have, or do you see someone who will always be lacking in life?  When you look in the mirror do you see someone who is deserving of all manner of good things, or someone who will have to go through life always wanting, always needing, or always being a day late and a dollar short?  How you see yourself is going to dictate how you live.  How you live is going to dictate how you feel.  How you feel is going to dictate how tomorrow turns out as well.  Maybe it's time to stop the cycle and begin to see yourself the way you were intended to see yourself and say to hell with what others think, say, or even do.

Until such time as you can see yourself the way the Creator of the Universe sees you, you will never reach the point where you will have those things you were intended to have.  It has taken me years to rid myself of the condition that well meaning people pushed down my throat.  I thought that lack was something that everyone had to go through to teach them humility.  I thought sickness was something that people had to go through to teach them dependence.  No these are things that man has said we have to go through when in reality it is nothing but bunk, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can move forward and walk in the life you were always intended to walk in.

It is time to look in the mirror and see what I see, see what God sees.  You are divine and you are one of a kind.  There is no need for sickness, no need for lack, and no need to feel like you are not deserving of all good things in life.  These are lies from man, and not from the truth that brought you into existence years ago.  Think about this and we can talk about it.  Life will change when you change the way you see yourself in the mirror, I promise you that.