Thursday, August 21, 2014

Love, Love, Love, and did I mention Love?
Love, love, love, love, love:  what is it?  Who has it?  Why is it so stinking hard to recognize it and when you do, how do you hold on to it?  These and other questions are what I will attempt to answer for you today.

Some never give love much of a thought, but love comes in many forms and many ways.  Without a true understanding you will miss out on some pretty amazing things in life.   Love can have both a positive and negative affect on you.  Most of the time the effects of love on a life are stunning, and other times those signs are far more subtle.

Do you love your job?  If not, why not?  Do you love your home?  If not, why not?  Do you love yourself?  If not, why not? I have seen people over the years put themselves in certain situations that they know they hate and yet never take the time, nor put in the effort to get out of them.  If you don't love your job, then why in all that is holy do you stay there?  The answer most people give is they don't have a choice.  There are bills to be paid, kids to put through school, and the list goes on.  Pardon me if I sound harsh, but that is nothing but a cop out.  You do have a choice, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can rid yourself of those things you do not truly love and pick up those things you do.

Do you love your home?  Is your home your castle, your place to unwind, a place to feel peace and happiness, your refuge?  If this is missing, then I would suggest to you that change needs to come about or everything in your life is going to begin to spiral out of control.  Everyone needs a sanctuary, and as far as I can see to most people that should be their home.

Do you love yourself?  If you don't love who you are there will be problems, untold problems, that will never go away until you can grasp the greatness and perfection of who you are.  How many people do you know that can confidently say that they love their job, their home, and themselves?  If I were to ask you those same questions what would your response be?  For me, I love my job.  I get to write, to speak, to meet people all over the place, and talk about the one thing I love most, destiny.  I love my home because in it I find peace, and I can unwind and just relax.  I love me, not in an egotistical way, but I love me because I was put here by my creator and in being here I realize I am here at the perfect time for what I was intended to accomplish in this life.

Most people when the topic of love comes up automatically go to love in the form of romance and such.  I can't deny that love and romance are a much needed thing in life, but I will tell you that love and romance will never be what it should be if you have not taken care of the other three loves that I have just spoke about, and this also involves the object of your affection as well.  Both parties need to get a handle on job, home, and self if there is ever going to be bliss in a relationship.  If you look at relationships that break up I can pretty much bet that one of the main reasons is the job, the home, or just your own self-loathing.  Face it if you can't love yourself how in the world could you expect to love someone else and have that love returned in a way that benefits both of you.

Love in any shape can be complex, no doubt about that, so why in tarnation would you want to add to the chaos by not taking care of the aforementioned three areas that will be the driver in any relationship.  I know there will be people that will say that they need the love of their life so they can get to the point where they love the job, the home, and themselves.  Problem is it's just the opposite.  Now just in case someone wants to start throwing stones at me let me say this:  loving a job, your home and yourself is not a guarantee.  However that being said, you stand a far better chance of having that blessed joining with another if these three things are lined up.

Chances are if you are walking in your destiny and know that you are doing the one thing that is the reason for you being here, then you will probably have a peaceful home, and I can pretty much assure you that you will see the god in you so loving yourself will be a pretty simple task.  You see love is so much more than just the physical.  Love is more than just the emotional.  Love encompasses almost every area of your life.

I have messed up more times than I'd like to admit in the love department.  Had I known what I know now, I might not have made the mistakes I made.  I have loved individuals more than I ever thought possible, but because I had not taken care of the most basic things in my life that love could not sustain me.  Would I like the opportunity to relive certain things and get it right, certainly I would.  However, I learned some very valuable lessons and for that I am thankful.  It didn't matter how much I loved the other person, until such time as I could know me, the real me, all the love I had was just surface and nothing more than a passing fancy.  I have learned the hard way what it is like to lose at love, and what is more difficult is it could have all been prevented had I taken the time to know the real me, the me that God intended me to be.  Please do yourself a favor and get to know the real you.  Seek out ways to implement your destiny in what ever you do.  The job you have might be filling this place right now or it might now, but until such time as you feel complete in what you are doing, until you love it, there will be something missing in your life.

Love is a wonderful thing, but it's only wonderful when you can receive it, give it, live it, and more importantly know that it governs virtually every area of your life.  Love, love, love, love, it's more than just a four letter word, it's more than just a feeling.  Love is knowing, love is patient and it is kind.  Love is what should govern every minute of your life and guide each step you take.  If you can do this, then you are in for a wonderful time, and you will help others enjoy the power of love, the glory of life, and the happiness that only true love can bring.

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