Monday, August 18, 2014

Live free, or die!
Live free , or die.  The motto of the great State of New Hampshire.  As a border state of Maine, my home now, I have heard and seen this saying a million times, but until recently I hadn't put two and two together to get four.  I was watching a show on television and out of the blue it hit me:  if we are not free to be who we were destined to be then you have already died.  You have died to self, you have died to your vision and dreams, and you have laid the ax to the root of who you are, your destiny.  Death comes quickly when vision is lost and when destiny, your true destiny, is ignored.

Each of us has the God given freedom to walk in our destiny.  Being bound up by man's thoughts and views is anything but freedom, and as was said moments ago, death comes quickly.  Of course you know I'm not talking about physical death, but rather a death far more devastating, a death of purpose.

If you get up in the morning and wonder why you are here it's a pretty good bet that you have not discovered your purpose and because of this you are most likely trapped in things that others expect of you.  You may want to change, you might think about change, and you might even, dare I say it, do something different.  Until you get to the point where you are pursuing what you were created for, you will be trapped in a prison set up by others who haven't a clue as to your true identity.

Living free, is living the life you were intended to live, doing the things you were intended to do, and impacting the lives of others that you were sent here to impact.  To be perfectly blunt, doing anything else is really death.  You may not see it that way, but eventually you will get to the point where you will say to yourself what's the use.  As you make that drive into work for the gazillenth time, and for the gazillenth time you wonder why you are doing this again, maybe you might reflect on these words and seek out a change.  I often wonder why people refuse to make a change when change is all they really want.  I've heard people bemoan their current state of life, and yet do nothing to change it up.  They are anything but free, and certainly death of purpose in on the doorstep.

I know how pressing life can be.  Over the last five or six years I have bounced from job to job simply because I wasn't brave enough to not settle.  I saw the bills piling up.  I got the constant phone calls from bill collectors.  I got to the point where I would take any job simply because I needed to survive.  Problem was I wasn't surviving any better after getting a job then I was while looking for one.  I finally had to stand my ground and call a spade a spade.  If in fact I am a writer, then damn it, call myself a writer, spend time writing, and forget about all the other things that would like to distract me from what I know to be true.  Death to me would be a time when I could no longer write.  To be honest I would rather not live in this existence then give up writing.

There comes a point in every one's life when a decision must be made.  You may have several different periods in your life when the opportunity to make this decision will come, but trust me, the time will come when you will have to decide.  Will you pursue those things that you know to be truth, that lie deep within your heart, or will you simply follow what man has said is your path?  There is not a single person on the face of the earth that will not have to make this decision.  I don't care where you live, what you do, what you currently have, you will still have to make this decision.

We've all  been told that things are not going to be handed to us on a silver platter, that money doesn't grow on trees, and if you do a certain thing you will go blind.  I will leave that last one up to your imagination.  All kidding aside, what most people don't understand is that destiny is already in you.  What you have to grasp is that it is for you, that you must choose to live it, and until you do you are not living free.

I was having a discussion with a very dear friend the other night.  I know he will always tell me the truth, even when the truth may hurt a little bit.  We began talking about my desires, my love for spreading the word about destiny, and my dreams of changing humanity.  He knows that I am not doing this for the fame, for the money, or even to store my own ego.  I am doing this because that is why I am here on this planet, in this moment.  He said that I needed to be free.  Maybe his comment is what got me thinking, and then I just had to write about it.

Live free, or die.  What will you do now?  If there is something inside of you that is saying that life has to be more then it is right now, maybe you are on the cusp of finally being free.  If you are feeling as though you have spent too many years going after what others thought you should go after, maybe you are on the cusp of finally being free.  If you are certain that what you know in your heart is moving you in a new direction, then you are certainly on the cusp of finally being free.  I encourage each of you to think about where you are right now and whether you are free, or whether death of purpose is looking at you right in the face.  I have faith in you.  I know there is a destiny inside of you.  You have to have faith and know there is a destiny within.  It is time for you to regain your freedom and step out into a world that needs what you have, and needs it badly.  No more death of purpose, only freedom to live the life you were intended to live.

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