Sunday, October 30, 2022

To each his/her own, but together we are much stronger.
 Many hands make lite work, a saying I learned many, many years ago.  Today I want to delve into the topic of being alone, feeling alone, and more importantly why we need everyone around us if we are ever going to get to our destiny.  This is a topic that so many people want to run away from, if only because it is an emotion that no one wants to admit to, but an emotion that most of us have felt at one time or another in our life.

Let me start out by saying that loneliness is a brutal, demoralizing, and life altering emotion.  We as humans were never meant to go it alone.  As a Spirit Being we should be in communication daily with our Creator.  I will make this statement, and even if you do not agree, I still want you to think about it.  If one never becomes aware of, if one never experiences, or if one never accepts the premise that they are spiritual first and foremost, then one will never have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe, and loneliness will be a constant companion in your life.  Some will say how can this be?  How can one be lonely if they have family, loved ones, associates all around them?  You can be in a room full of strangers, a room full of people you have never met, a room full of people who say not a word to you, don't you think there will be a tad bit of loneliness in that situation?  Loneliness is not predicated on numbers, or distance, but rather a lack of communication, a loss of closeness, an absence of feeling.  

Where as we all have our own vision, no matter what that vision is, I will promise you, there are people around who have been sent to help, whether you think you need help or not.  What we seem to forget is that those who have been designated to be our helpers, often it is their training field for them stepping out into their destiny.  Far too often people feel that if they don't do it all by themselves that somehow they are less successful, less likely to get the recognition they desire.  Trust me, if the only thing you are looking for is recognition, then I will say you will never get to your destiny.  Harsh words I know, but destiny is never what is in it for us, rather what is meant for the rest of humanity.  But I digress.  What I really need you to take away from this week's blog is a knowledge that together we are going to succeed, and together means many hands involved.  There is no conceivable way I can complete my vision by myself.  Number one, I don't want to do it alone.  Number two, I enjoy working with others, and in that work provide them all the blessings they seek.  If I never get recognized for what I want to accomplish, and that recognition goes to those who have assisted me, I am absolutely fine with that.  The name of the game is get to the finish line, and I don't care if I have to carry the rest of the team on my back to cross that line.  The old adage is we win as a team, and we fail as a team., and let's be honest, when it comes to destiny, failure is not an option.

Some might ask, why am I brining this up today?  Why am I talking about team work, and why not just go it alone?  Can you name one successful person who has ever reached that pinnacle and done it alone?  Go ahead, try.  Name me one person who has ever done it completely alone.  A incoming tide raises all ships. When I have individuals who join me in my vision, they are equal parts of my vision, and equally they will share in the joy of accomplishment, the thrill of victory, and an understanding that what we do is so much more about humanity then self adulation.  When I join another person's vision I am one with it, and the rewards are for all involved.  More important than rewards is the knowing that we have changed the world.  

My main point today, and I need you to really listen to what I am about to say, many hands do in fact make lite work, and working together makes us stronger.  There will come a time when all of us are going to have to realize that there is power in numbers, and that power is what we will need to fulfill our destiny.  That power, that will to succeed and walk in your destiny is only going to be experienced if you allow others to be a part.  Just because you had assistance in doing something does not take away that it was your vision, your destiny, and you being able to walk in that destiny.  Too many people have been sold a bill of goods and told that success is to be earned, but only by an individual.  

Many might be wondering why this topic, and why today?  We are entering a period of spiritual growth.  We are about to embark on one of most important phases of this Earth's history, and if those who believe that everything is based on their own deeds, their own efforts, and their own strength, then they are going to find out just how lonely life can be, and even more important, how unfulfilling their success will be.  I would much rather have numerous people along for the journey, and watch as they enjoy the fruits of our labor, instead of me basking in the glory of success.  When we allow others to share in our joy, share in our goals, share in our vision, we allow them to begin to walk in their destiny.  As they begin to walk in their destiny they too will bring others along side of them.  It is a beautiful cycle of fulfillment. 

Alone we may accomplish things, but together we will accomplish the impossible.  Alone we may have dreams and visions, but together we will add power to those things we desire to accomplish.  Alone we will experience loneliness, no matter how popular you may be, but together we will experience life the way it was always intended to be.  We are one family here on earth, and without regard to where we are on this planet we are still one, still connected, and we still need everyone to fulfill our purpose.  

Imagine a world of Joy, a world filled with love, a world that knows nothing of fear, nothing of lack, nothing of sickness.  This is a world where all of its inhabitants are walking in their destiny, and when each destiny links up with the others, then there is nothing that will stand in the way of absolute glory, absolute freedom, and an awesomeness that words cannot describe.  I don't know about you, but this is the world I desire, and this is the world that I plan on seeing and living in. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Love, Live, Learn
 One of the greatest mysteries in life is Love.  We were created from love, and we need love to be fulfilled.  Now let me begin by saying, love is not simply getting a mate, procreating, and then going off into the sunset of your years.  There are plenty of people who have never married, never had kids, and yet they have found true love.  What I want to establish today is the truth about love, not what the movies have portrayed, or the books, or the art, but what true love is, why it is here, and most importantly why it should be the center of everything you do.

If we start from the premise that God is love, then anything, and everything in the known Universe must come from that love.  Certainly there have been things that have altered love, but that doesn't make it right.  People have perverted the concept of love for generations.  People have used loved to justify some pretty evil things.  Pure love can never be defiled, as pure love comes from the Creator of the Universe.  

I'm pretty sure that everyone will agree with me when I say that there is a huge difference between loving someone, and being in love with someone.  I can love my house, my car, my dogs, but that is completely different from me being head over heels in love with my husband.  Of course there are days when I want to ring his neck, but the love I have for him is virtually unlimited.  The question you have to ask yourself is this really a God kind of love, and why do I feel so differently with my spouse than I do anyone else on the planet.  The answer to that question is simple, we were meant to be. Sadly when two people meet they often mistake love for infatuation.  But that is a different topic altogether.  What I really want to zero in on today is not necessarily the love between people, but rather the love that we should be operating in every minute of every day, and with everything we come in contact with.  

If I asked a million people, What is Love,  I would get a million different answers.  They would range from marriage, to kids, to job, the list is endless.  What love means to you, could be completely different then what your neighbor down the street thinks.  Love in many cases is a product of your upbringing.  If your family was functional, then you will have a different definition of love verses the individual who came from a broken , dysfunctional home.  Sadly we have based our understanding of love on those things that go on around us, and this is the quint essential mistake that most people make.  Without regard to how you were raised, where you lived, what you experienced, the true God kind of love never changes, and it has been changeless since the beginning of time. 

I have said this a bunch of times, if one is not able to love themself, then it is nearly impossible to receive love from someone else.  The foundation of true love comes from knowing who you are, why you were placed here in the first place, and realizing that you are in fact perfection.  If someone truly realizes who they are, if they see themselves as Spiritual Beings, then love is ever so easy to grasp, ever so easy to display, and ever so easy to share.  Sadly, the vast majority of the people on this planet haven't a clue as to who they really are, and this is the reason that love is absence from so many lives.  How can one display love if they cannot feel the love that created them?  How can one walk in love, if they themselves can't understand the love that created them? 

One of the toughest things to do in life is to love the so called "Unlovable".  There is no doubt that some people do evil in this world.  You can hate the evil, but can you hate the person?  Compassion needs to be in operation all day, every day.  Compassion and love does not mean you have to condone evil, and hate, it means you understand that deep below the surface no matter who is displaying this hate and evil, there is someone who has been absent from love most of their life.  That absence may have been self imposed, it may have been thrust upon them, but it happened to them, and in many cases it wasn't even their fault.  Surely compassion should still be felt for those who have fallen victim to hate and evil.  True Love will see any situation, and will still be able to feel compassion and love.  Not always easy, but he who is without sin can cast the first stone.  I've done plenty of things in  my life that I am not proud of, and by human standards I should be horse whipped for many things, and yet my creator has forgiven me, and still loves me. 

When we operate in love we no  longer look at the surface, but rather, look deep into the soul of a person.  No matter how hard hearted a person may be, and that hard heart is the result of never experiencing love, never loving self, so no matter how hard hearted, can you look with compassion on this person and feel love for them?  If you can, so so awesome, if you can't then maybe you need to ask yourself why?  The answer may shock you.  If compassion does not flow, then I will tell you that you have not accepted the love of your creator, and you do not completely know the essence of who you are, and why you are here.  Now this might upset some who read this, but truth is truth.  Love drives compassion, and compassion can free someone from bondage.  Ask yourself this: can you see good in everyone?  When you look at an enemy, can you feel compassion?  When you have been hurt by someone, can you feel love?  If you cannot answer in the affirmative to each of these questions, then I would suggest that you take a look at how you see yourself, and ask God to show you why he created you in the first place.  

Volumes have been written about love.  Page after page, after page have been penned about love being kind, love being non-judgmental. You would think that with all that has been written that people would understand love, but alas, that is not the case.  Only when, and I've said this before, only when you understand the significance of your creation, why you were created, and what you are, can you understand love, display love and compassion, and walk in that love and compassion.  

If what you want for mankind is that everyone feel love, if you have compassion for all, and I do mean all, then I will tell you that you undoubtedly know and understand true love.  There is such freedom when you feel this, see this, experience this.  When you are operating in love, then life takes on a whole new meaning.  When love is your guiding light, your compass, then you will see the face of God in all things.  If you find it hard to feel love, if you are ever chasing after love, never quite able to catch it, if you feel void of love, then start asking God to show you your own significance.  Loving yourself first, realizing that you came from love, is the only way to walk in total love, and let's be honest, why would you want to operate outside of that love?  Love, live, learn, rinse and repeat.  

Sunday, October 16, 2022

One Mind is not single mindedness, but let's see what we know."
I had originally planned on going an entirely different route this morning, but when Source says to do it another way, then I have learned that it best to listen, do as I'm directed, and realize that someone somewhere is in need of this information.  So Buckle Up Buttercup, and let's begin this Journey into the World of Single Mindedness, or as some have come to know it as "One Mind".

Sadly when we touch on the topic of One Mind, or as I like to refer to it as "Universal Consciousness", we have been lead to believe that this is nothing but pure folly, and we as individuals are just that, individual.  I will attempt to stay out of the deep weeds this morning, as there are numerous books, and volumes that have been written about this topic.  I will leave it up to you to go out and do your own research.  What I want to do this morning is simply open your mind to seeing things a bit differently, and this should help you realize that whatever you  are going through at the moment, you are never alone, and there are countless beings out there who can assist you in whatever manner you need.  

If we take a logical journey back, I do believe you will go away today with a different impression of who you are, and how your presence is in the perfection of your creator.  I do believe that everyone will agree that we each have a biological father and mother, and our person is a mixture of both said mother and father.  Your creation was a direct result of pervious creations, Parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents, and it continues on.  If one believes in the Story of Adam and Eve, then you would have to admit that we have their blood, and portions of DNA in our systems, no matter how deluded it might be.  Now let's go back even farther than that and realize that everything is energy, and as such energy can not be created or destroyed.  If you believe this is true, then the energy that is you, has in fact been here since the beginning of time, and all energy is the same, no matter where in this ever expanding Universe it might be.  With all this being said, if you are connected to your parents, then the logical conclusion is that you are equally connected to all energy in the known Universe.  If one is connected to something, then one is one with something, and it only makes sense that we are connected with the same Universal Consciousness that every other creation is connected to. 

Why is understanding "One Mind" so important?  We have been sold a Bill of Goods in regards to who we are, and just what our capabilities are.  There are fractions out there who want to keep us down, keep us ignorant, and other wise control us, so that they might benefit from our lack of knowledge.  We are so much more than we have been lead to believe.  Have you noticed how many people are now writing about "One Mind"?  Have you noticed how many people are talking about the difference between our Conscious Mind, and Sub-conscious?  Studies have been done all over the world about Collective Reasoning, telepathy, ESP, and other topics dealing with the mind.  Many people discount these studies. Many do not understand them, and even fewer give any credence to things outside of their understanding.  As I've said there have been volumes written about this topic, but my main thrust today is simply to get you to open your eyes, and mind, to something, that once accepted, will launch you into a whole new way of thinking, a new way of learning, and thus a new way of living. 

How is it that there have been times when you are thinking of a person, and no sooner have you thought about it, and that person is ringing you up on the telephone?  How is it that you are thinking about something, and bam, you see an article, or a commercial about the very same thing?  Sure, there will be those who will say this is just a coincidence.  Others will simply chalk it up to dumb luck or chance.  If you only look at something from the surface, you are only going to get the bare minimum, and the real truth behind something is never going to hit you.  Whether you want to admit it, we are all connected.  If you are able to grasp this concept, this truth, then you will never be able to feel alone again.  I get that there are situations that cause us to feel alone, but this loneliness is only a result of one not accepting the concept of One Mind.  

I'm brining this all up because we are entering a time of awakening, and if we are unable to realize that we are all connected, then we are going to miss out on the Greatest Awakening this Planet has ever known, and if you are caught just sitting on the sidelines, you will miss what was meant for you.  I encourage you to embrace your individuality , but at the same time, accept your connectivity to the rest of creation.  Everything on this planet is energy.  We often don't think of it in those terms, but just because we don't think about, doesn't make it unreal.  Energy has always been, and will always be, just as you have always been, and will always be.  When one discounts the idea of the One Mind, the Universal Consciousness, then it is no different than having a phone at your disposal, yet never using it, or acknowledging that you have it to use.  

I know I am only scratching the surface of this topic, but I am doing it in the hopes that you will do your own deep dive into it, and in doing so, come away with a different understanding of who you are, and how you are connected to all life, all things, and you are not just a tiny speck in this ever expanding Universe.  We have a tendency to place importance on things, on others, based on their walk in life, their "stuff".  We need to start seeing others as no different than ourselves.  At it's deepest level no one is more important than anyone else, even if society has force feed us crap about this person, or that person, and how great they are because of what they have done in the past.  When you can begin to see your place in this life, when you can begin to accept your greatness in this life, then and only then will you begin to do those things you were intended to do.  I for one do not wish to miss out on what is coming.  I need every created being, every living creature, to be a part of what I am doing.  Here's your clue:  believe it or not, every creature, human or animal, is in fact already part of your Universe, and there is no way to be separated from it, unless you choose to ignore it.  

Can one change the direction of the Sun?  Can one change the rising and falling of the tides?  Can one change the simple fact that we are born, we live, and eventually we die?  The answer to theses questions is No.  Well that same is true when we talk about the One mInd, and the fact that we are all connected.  Why not accept this gift, start looking into it, and start using it to better your life.  You have all the knowledge you need right at your finger tips, you just have to accept it, ask for it.  Remember, we have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we simply do not believe.  Believe we are the total sum of our parts, and there are many, many, many parts throughout the Universe, and each part is part of the other.  Chew on this for a bit, and let me know what you think.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

When the Divine becomes your reality
We all begin life the same way.  We may follow different paths, but in the end, the goal should be the same.  Today's topic is one that some have thought about. some have discounted, and others, sadly, just can't seem to wrap their mind around it.  What I want to share today is something that I have thought and felt for quite some time.  What I want to share today may to some be blasphemous, but I assure you it is anything but that.  In fact, if you find yourself on the other side of the argument, although in my opinion there should be no argument, but if you find yourself on the other side, I would call that blasphemy, and I will explain what I mean by that later on in the blog. 

Today I want to help you discover the divine.  I want you to embrace your divinity, your deity, and I want you to wear it every where you go, every minute of every day.  Too many times people are defined by what they do, where they live, where they came from, or even what they own.  We have placed people up on pedestals by virtue of their accomplishments.  What we have failed to do in many instances is see people for who they really are, We are in fact, whether one wants to believe it or not, we are divine in nature, and in spirit.  We are walking, talking, breathing deity.  Oh sure, we have been taught not to think more of ourselves then we should, but until one's divinity becomes their reality, then they are going to be tossed to and fro by every other doctrine out there.  

Just as you can never separate yourself from the fact that you were born, having both a biological mother and father, in similar fashion you cannot separate yourself from your Divine Creator.  If your Creator was Divine, how can you be anything else accept divine?  Once again we have been conditioned to believe only in our mortality, not our immortality.  Let me pose this scenario:  You're walking along the shore of a lake.  You look out and thirty or forty yards out you see a person unable to swim.  God speaks to you and says, "Go and save him."  Your response is "I can't Swim." "Go"  Now What?  You start out and you begin to step out first your right foot, then your left.  Wait a minute! You discover you are walking on water.  Those around you see you walking on water.  The person who is drowning sees you walking on water.  Do you think for a moment that this one event would not change your life forever?  Do you not think that those who observed your actions wouldn't be change, just a little bit?  Now I've never walked on water.  I've never translated from one sport to another.  Does that mean I can't do it, or does it mean I just haven't done it yet?  

Some day you are going to experience something, something unexplainable, something miraculous, and when that happens you will never ever doubt your deity again.  Often we feel as though we just live normal lives, when in reality we are more different than you ever gave yourself credit for.  Knowing one is divine verses just thinking it is the same as saying that hope and faith are the same things.  There's a huge difference between having faith, and just hoping.  This however is a topic for another day.  Accepting one's divinity is the only way you are ever going to accomplish those things that you were sent here to do.  Some things we're to do may not seem huge, at least huge in the eyes of those round us, but they are huge as it relates to your destiny.  Destiny is all about being in the right place at the right time, doing those things that someone else is going to need in order for them to step out into their won destiny.  

If your divine nature never becomes a reality in your life, if you only see yourself as a mortal person, if you settle for second best, you will miss out on some of the most incredible things that were always meant for you to experience.  

I'm not sure how this world got to the place where we have discounted the ability to speak to God, hear from God.  I'm not sure why we allowed others to rob us of our birthright.  I can't tell you what the future holds for each of you, but I can tell you it will not come close to what it should be if you refuse to understand, refuse to accept your deity.  I see people every day, present company included, who struggle.  I see people full of worry, fear, and anxiety.  Accepting your divinity, walking in that divinity makes it almost impossible to operate out of fear, live with anxiety, or not reach your destiny.  Once again, if you found yourself walking on water, do you think that you just might be changed, even if just a little bit?  My guess, is you would fundamentally change, and that change would almost certainly be life long.  

I can't tell you the best way to come to grips with your divinity.  I can make suggestions, but the bottom line is you must do it yourself.  Certainly there will be days when you might not feel divine, but just because you don't feel it, doesn't mean you aren't.  You were divine at the moment of your creation, and if you think that your true essence only began when you were conceived by your biological parents, then you need to rethink a few things.  Your spirit has always been, and will always be.  If your spirit has always been and will always be, then you will always be, and have always been a divine creature.  Some will find this all too much to believe, but those very same people will be the ones who struggle each day with everything that gets thrown at them.  

There comes a time in everyone's life when they are going to have to make a decision.  Are you going to go along with the status quo, or are you going to take your rightful place, and be a creator?  Are you going to allow others to define you, or will you accept your true nature, and walk out your life the way it is supposed to be?  I've had struggles my whole life, and even though I have lived to tell the tale,  there isn't a day that I don't wish I had learned this lesson sooner.  I have to remind myself daily of who and what I really am.  I have to accept my calling, and I have to walk in that calling.  Don't think for a minute we are going to be immune from the struggles of living a mortal life.  The key is to realize that you are much more than just a human.  

You are Divine.  You have always been Divine, and will always be Divine.  Once you begin to experience the Divine operating in your daily life, there is nothing that will stop you.  Once you accept the Divine in your life, there is nothing that will entice you to stop.  You are more than you know, and the sooner you accept this the sooner you will be walking in your destiny, and doing all those things that you have always dreamt of doing. 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

See a Penny, Pick it up, and all the day....
 So how many of you finished the rhyme when you read today's title?  Go ahead, you can admit it, LOL.  I wasn't sure what I was going to write about today, but as always Spirit is good, and after taking the dogs out for their walk, getting my coffee, and sitting down at my computer, resting on my mouse pad was a Heads Up Penny.  Knock me over with a feather, I now had today's topic, God is good.

I know the saying says, "and all the day you'll have Good Luck."  But there is such a huge difference between luck and faith, and I wanted to delve into faith, and how with just a little practice, you can turn your life around forever. We all have faith, some times it's for the little things, sometimes for huge.  Honestly it takes the same faith for little or big.  So what is faith?  How do you obtain it? How does one understand faith?  Most importantly, how do you keep it?  All good questions, and today I'm going to try and answer all these questions.  

Faith in its simplest form is believing that things are, before they are.  You go to bed at night with a faith that you are going to get up the next morning to conquer your day.  You have faith that when you put the keys into your car's ignition, it's going to start.  Now to the ordinary person this is simple faith.  What if what you want to do or accomplish is monumental?  What if you are seeking faith to move a mountain?  What if you are attempting to raise someone from the dead?  Once again, to the average person, these last two examples are going to take a huge amount of faith.  Problem is, most people don't realize that the faith to raise someone up for death's grasp, is no different than starting your car in the morning. Sadly, most people, and I know I am generalizing, but most people put limits on faith based on the task a hand.  It's easy to believe for the simple, not so easy believing for the difficult, or in some cases the impossible.  

Our faith gets tested daily.  There are some who exercise their faith routinely, other's try to extend faith, but only when they are on their last leg, only when times are desperate.  Problem with this scenario is how can one expect faith to work, if they haven't taken faith out for a spin so to speak, before the preverbal poop hits the fan? Faith is not just for trying times.  Faith is not only when "We" need it.  Faith needs to be a daily part of your life, and faith needs to be understood.  Problem is most don't understand, and certainly most only seek out faith when they are at the end of their rope.  If you believe in the perfection of your creator, then why is it so difficult to believe in your perfection, and even more importantly, that what you desire has been placed in you since the beginning of creation?  I often said this: If God placed a desire inside of you, do you think it was placed there just to play with your mind?  Do you really think that God gets his/her jollies by showing you something, and then taking it away as a tease?  It doesn't work that way, and if you think it does, grow up.  

"Let Go, and Let God" is a term we often hear, yet it is something we have difficulty with, and that is because we have yet to learn the simple concept of faith.  Faith in a Creator that can't be seen, is the same faith that will move mountains.  Faith in believing for this or that is really the foundation of our creation.  This world is being tested right now.  We are going through times that many never imagined.  If one can not exercise faith, they are going to be washed away by that torrent of doubt, which has held you captive for far too long.  When I sit down to write on Sunday mornings, I have faith that God is going to give me the words to write.  I never doubt it, and this morning was a prime example.  Honestly, I did not place that penny on my mouse pad.  I was in the shower this morning, and I had no idea what I was going to write about.  I'd have a thought about something, but it didn't seem concrete.  As soon as I sat down and saw what had been presented to me, not only did I thank God for "Pennies from Heaven", but also for the sign of what needed to be presented to each of you today.  

I recently shared that I am going through a rough patch with some family issues.  I have had to simply let things go, and remind myself that Creator God is the absolute authority in my life, and all things will work out for my benefit, and those around me.  When we let go of our expectations, and instead seek the perfection of all things, it is easy to extend one's faith, and know that things will work out.  I am not powerless.  I have power from on high, and with said power I release all things so that God's perfect timing, God's perfect love, and God's perfect plan can come into being.  We often try to create things that really need not be created.  Certainly we have ideas, and thoughts, but how often do we screw up things because we doubt, we fear, or we simply don't have the faith to wait in the perfection of things, and try to do things on our own timeline, and not God's? 

True faith is knowing who you are.  True faith is knowing that what has been placed inside of you, was placed there for a reason.  True faith is knowing that things will happen as they need to happen, and nothing that you do can change that.  When we try to orchestrate things outside of the perfection of God, this is when we will begin to have issues.  

One can depend on luck to get through a trying time.  One can look at luck, and place all their dreams on a chance outcome.  One can even look at luck, and hope for the very best.  If you take a penny and flip it, you have a fifty/fifty chance of it coming up heads.  If you embrace faith, true faith, you have a 100 percent chance of being where God wants you, being what God wants you to be, and doing those things that you were created to do.  

There is no doubt that our faith will be tested.  Things will come and go that will test our faith, but the testing of one's faith, as it is written worketh and creates patience.  Faith, while a seemingly abstract thing, is anything but abstract.  The only ones who think this, are the ones who don't understand faith, who don't believe in a higher power, and who will try to do all things under their own power.  Yes, there might be some success in doing things under your own power, but trust me when I tell you this: the time will come when you will have to have faith in something, and if you have never leaned faith, at that moment where one is tested, they will fail. 

Emily Matthews writes this, "At times, life's path seems filled with things that make the going rough, and we wish there were a smoother road, for we feel we've had enough...But, if we pause a moment and remember who's in charge, the hills that loom ahead of us no longer seem so large, and every rock before us, when we know we're not alone, becomes, not just a stumbling block, but one more stepping stone."  This my friends is faith, this is truth, and this needs to be our life. Faith is knowing that all things are going to work out in the perfection of our Creator, and when we can have confidence in that, then and only then will faith be a permanent fixture in your life.  Know this, faith as tiny as a mustard seed can move a mountain.  I send you love and light today, and I know that our best days are ahead of us, no doubt, no fear, and know the peace and joy that comes with a life filled with faith.