Sunday, October 31, 2021

You do know that the Classics never Die!
 Did I turn out to be just like my parents?  I can remember growing up and listening to our music and my parents just rolling their eyes. Today I listen to some of the songs on the radio, and I roll my eyes.  It's not that I don't like it, I'm just unfamiliar with it.  I long for the days of my music, the classics so to speak.  Now mind you, the classics are gong to be different for each generation, as each generation had their own thing.  The point of all this is that I want you to reflect today on a few classics.  These classics matter not what generation you grew up in, or even if your generation is in the here and now.  When I speak of classics I am speaking of certain truths, that when grasped, lived, and believed will change the way we do things, see things, and help us become what we are supposed to be.

So what is a classic, and why should we hold fast to the original as long as we can?  A classic is timeless, it is something that shouldn't be changed.  As many people say if it was good enough for mom and dad it's good enough for me.  If you look at certain artist today they will do a cover or remake of an older song.  There will be some differences in how they do it, but at its core it is the same song.  Take for instance Dolly Parton's "I will always love you."  A big hit for her, but when Whitney Houston did the remake for the movie "The Bodyguard", we all know what it meant for the song.  When we look at some classic truths as it pertains to living, there may be some differences from its origination, but at its core the idea is the same, and the need for these truths will never change.  I've written about these truths in the past, but there's something that is prompting me to write about them again this morning, so here we go.

You are perfection, created from perfection, and brought to this time out of complete and total love.  This perfection and love is all that is, and all that will ever be.  In your design, in your makeup is the real you.  We all go through different things in life, and these happenings have a way of changing how we see ourself, but how we see ourselves should never alter our understanding of our perfection.  I walk around at times and look at people, and I try to get into their minds and figure out what they are thinking in the moment.  Are they aware of their perfection?  Do they realize the power they have, and do they understand just how significant they are?  Sadly there are countless people who can't see this, and quite frankly are so beaten down with the cares of this world, that there could never be an end to their misery.  This is a very sad state of affairs, but it is also one that can be changed simply by going back to the basics, or should I say the classics.

There are tons of people who will always ask why certain things happen all the time, why this catastrophe, why this pitfall, why, why, why.  Well if you're going to ask a question when sorrow comes, shouldn't you also be asking questions when goodness follows you? You can't tell me that your entire life has been nothing but sorrow.  There has to have been a time when you experienced joy, happiness, and love.  I get that there are those who have had a hard life, but that life has not been void of goodness completely.  Certainly some refuse to look at the goodness, as walking around in a funk is their chosen path, but in reality, there is goodness if they look deep enough.  When goodness is fast approaching you, maybe you should be asking how do you keep it.  

Another classic truth that many seem to forget, or maybe I should say are unable to accept is that you as a created being were created to create.  You were put here to change humanity.  You were never intended to simply come along for the ride, but rather lead others into their destiny.  Just for a moment think about the world we live in.  There is turmoil almost everywhere you look.  Where does this turmoil come from?  Do you really think that we were created simply to go through hell each and every day of our life?  Folks, it's time that you start realizing that we have been sold a bill of goods in regards to what is normal, and what is not.  The old adage is this, "If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got."  It's time to change things up a bit, and finally begin living the way you were intended to live.  If you will grasp some of the classics, if you will begin to live the classics, then and only then will you be able to move forward.  

I can remember chaperoning a field trip for my daughter many years ago, and there was a dance.  The DJ was playing all the songs of the day, but then came the classic "YMCA". These kids thought it was such a great song not even realizing that it was almost thirty years old at the time.  How could something this new be so old they thought?  Well the classics may be old, but they are just as alive today as they were yesterday.  The classics may be wrapped up with different titles, different packaging, but they are no different today than when they were first instituted.  

So what classics are important today?  To be honest, all of them.  You do not have to fall prey to the previous conditioning of man.  You don't have to think that you are incapable of having your dreams come true. Your are an eternal being who has no beginning and no end.  You have always been and will always be.  You need to understand that no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what will happen in the future, you are never going to change who you are, or the fact that you divine.  I know that some will not be able to grasp these classic beliefs, but they are as real as real gets.  

The classics are classics because they are the best of the best.  You, believe it or not, are the best of the best.  If I could flip a switch and instantaneously you could realize the significance of your existence I would do that.  We all battle certain things each day, but that battle should never be the reason you forget who and what you really are.  You are a classic.  Classics never grow old, never fade, and they never ever diminish in importance.  This perfectly describes who you are.  Never forget, never give up, and never doubt that your being here is what is needed right now.  Change humanity, change the world.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Be Still, and know "I Am"
Take a deep breath, let it out, and know that what is happening right now was already ordained before the start of time, as hard as that might be to realize. We are in a constant state of learning, of change, of growth.  There are times when we just need to sit back and be still, and allow what is going to play out to play out.  What I'd like to do today is remind you of a few important things that just might bring you a little peace, a little comfort, and possibly shed some light on what has been going on around you.

I was with a new acquaintance yesterday, and to say that our meeting was orchestrated by Divine Intervention is an understatement.  I love when God puts me in a place where I can speak truth to someone. I love it when Spirit allows me to be the messenger of good tidings.  What we discussed is unimportant as to what I am writing today.  What is important is what God showed both of us in regards to simply being the real us.  The real us as I have said and written about numerous times in the past is Spirit.  We were created by Spirit because of love, and we need to operate as spirit from a place of love.  Far too many people have forgotten, and that's if they were ever even aware of their true essence, but they have forgotten their true nature.  They have allowed what's happening around them to dictate all that they do.  They have missed one of the most important aspects of their creation, and that is the simple fact that they are immortal, they are perfection, and they are God Incarnate.  Now some will scoff at this, but I suspect that those who feel that I am whacked for saying or thinking these things, these are the people who will continue to struggle with life on a daily basis.

It is time to just be still and know that "I am that I am", that you are the great I Am presence, believing that all that you desire, all that you dream, is just waiting for you to accept it.  Certainly we are faced with issues on a daily basis.  We've all gone through things in life that we might not be able to explain, things that we would rather forget, and things that just seem unfair.  When we focus on things that bring us down, cause us discomfort, makes us question humanity, these are the times that we must, emphasis on must, grab ahold of who and what we really are.  If you fail to recognize what greatness has been placed in you, if you simply see yourself as a mere mortal, you are going to continue to suffer like so many others around you.  

If you will purposefully be silent and reflect on this "I Am" presence, then you will begin to understand the magnitude of why you are here in this moment.  If you will reflect on all that has gone on in your life, how it has positioned you in the perfect place, in this perfect time, then and only then will you begin to operate in your totally awesome, endless, unlimited power.  If on the other hand you are walking around in defeat, going by day by day wondering if things are ever going to get better, I can bet you dimes to donuts that you have not grasped your true significance.  When you are able to understand your "I Am" presence then you will begin to look at situations as opportunities, and not simply deterrents, or roadblocks.  When you are able to understand that you have been given the most priceless gift in the universe, then and only then will you be able to step out into your destiny, and complete the task that you were ordained to complete.  There are days when each of us needs to be reminded of who we are, what we are, and why we are here.  It would be idiotic of me to say to you that I don't have days when I wonder what in the hell is going on in my life.  That being said, there are also days when I can see God's Rainbow that reminds me that all will be fine, that all will come together, and that my purpose is not simply "Gee I hope I get there someday." 

We all have hope.  It is hope that forces you out of bed in the morning.  It is hope that says today will be better than yesterday.  Hope springs eternal, and as an eternal being, we need to fully comprehend that what we do today is going to last an eternity.  It really is time that you dust off those dreams that you have set aside.  It is time that you remind yourself of all that you hope for, all that you desire, and all that you pray for is actually yours already.  You have had dreams and desires placed in you for a reason.  God the creator of the universe has not placed these dreams and desires into you simply to play take away, or to mess with your mind.  There may be people who believe that God is a vengeful God.  That his/hers only desire is to keep you guessing, keep you wanting, or make your life miserable.  This is so far from what's real.  You have dreams and desires because those dreams and desires are what will get you to your destiny.  Look at it this way: when you hope for the best for others you do so because you have compassion for them, you love them, and you want nothing but goodness for them.  If you feel this way about others, why in the world would you think that that which created you would want anything else but the same for you?  

It is so important that we grasp the concept of "I am", and that we take the time to simply embrace, hold on to, and live in this 'I Am" presence.  If you believe that we were created in God's image, if you believe that you have the Creator's essence in you, then why do you find it so difficult to accept that you should be operating in the power and might of the creator?  We see ourselves as small and insignificant because we have not accepted who and what we are.  We have been conditioned since birth to believe that we are limited.  We have been force fed inaccurate information, albeit from well intentioned people, but inaccurate information about our true essence and abilities.  We don't walk on water because we can't believe we can walk on water, and yet we have the same abilities that Christ had.  The bible says that we were reminded in times past that we would be doing greater works than Christ.  How many people do you know right now who are doing greater works?  This in and of itself should tell you that we have bought into the idea of being mere mortals.  It is time to be still and know "I Am".  It is time to stand up, time to take a firm stand, and announce to the world that we are no longer going to be pawns in this life of only a few will ever have it all.  

I would be remiss if I didn't touch on one very important subject as it pertains to walking in this "I am" presence.  If your motives are not pure, if your desire is only to lord over others, I can assure you that you will never fully walk in, nor do you fully understand the concept of 'I am that I am."  If you only desire to build up treasure here on earth, then you will never be the person you were created to be, and I promise you when it's all said and done, and what was meant for you is revealed to you, you will regret that you did not come at things from a pure heart.  When you reach out and touch the "I Am" presence, you will find that the dreams you have, the desires, will be more than you ever imagined, so, so, so much better.  When you walk in this  "I Am" presence you will not be able to understand just how phenomenal things are.  It will be like living in a perfect dream, but in reality your dreams are exactly what you should and will be walking in.  

Be still and know that "I am that I am."  I encourage you to seek out this presence, to feel this presence, to embrace this presence.  So, take another deep breath, let it out, and allow the true you, the authentic you, to finally feel what life is supposed to be like.  It is there for you, all you have to do is accept it.  Be still, and know.


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Hopscotch; is your life erratict?
We think of Hopscotch as a kids game.  Now I haven't played it in years, and I do mean years.  What I want to talk about today is the word "Hopscotch", but what I want to focus on is the verb side of it.  When used as a verb it means to skip from place to place, or move erratically. Many people find themselves in Hopscotch Hell these days.  They aren't sure what direction to go.  They start, they stop, they start again.  They go left, they turn right, they go in circles.  Many people are simply walking or running around like a chicken with its head cut off.  The simple question from others is why?  Why no direction?  Why so crazy?  Why, why, why?  People are asking themselves this very same why question.  Why is this happening?  Why can't I do this, or do that?  Why can't I seem to get ahead of anything?  Well maybe it's time to simply stop, take a deep breath, and realize that as creators we have a role in what is happening, and in what will happen.  I want you to just relax for a few minutes and let what I am about to share with you settle into your consciousness, and simply rest in the knowing.

When I set out on my journey as an author I didn't think of it in terms of being an author, I thought about it simply as hoping someday I would be able to get published.  What I didn't realize, or at least wasn't able to grasp yet, was the fact that I was already a writer.  There was no becoming an author, I simply had to accept the fact that I was one already.  When a puppy is born, does it have to become a dog?  When they manufacture a car, did it come off the assembly line as anything else but a car?  You are what you are, and even if there is a period of adjustment, a period of growing into something, that thing that you are is already fully developed in you, even if you don't see it.  The mistake that most people make is they miss what is really ordained for them, and instead try to fill the voids in their life with things that are anything but what should be driving them.  You were born for a specific reason, and until such time as you can identify what that one thing is, you better sit tight and relax. There are plenty of people doing things, and having a certain amount of success with what they are doing, but does that mean they are doing what they were born to do?  If you fail to step into your destiny, there is going to be a void in your life that cannot be filled with anything that will completely satisfy you.  Trust me, I have tried to fill my voids with things only to walk away from situations still feeling empty, unfulfilled, and directionless in life.  It really does suck when you know deep inside there is something you are supposed to do in life, and yet you haven't the foggiest notion of what that one thing is.  

If you find yourself on that Hamster Wheel just spinning around, and going nowhere, or just in circles, why not just step off the wheel and simply ask the key question?  I've said this before, but I want to repeat it simply because repetition is often what is needed. We have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we simply don't believe.  Many don't believe they have a destiny.  Many don't believe that they have a purpose.  Certainly everyone has passion, but then they feel as though passion could never lead to destiny, and that is just plain wrong.  Passion does lead to destiny simply because the passion that was placed in you was placed there to get you to your destiny.  Think about this: if you could be doing the one thing that brings you absolute joy, and you could be doing it forever, wouldn't you choose to do it?  Too many people people see passion as something frivolous.  They see passion as something that is meant just for a few moments in life.  This is so wrong on so many different levels. Far too many people equate passion as something that is fleeting, only momentary.  My passion for writing is anything but fleeting.  Once again, I am not an author because I want to be an author, I am an author because that is what I was created for.  Your calling, your passion, your purpose, is why you are here.  You can't change the reason you are here.  Certainly you can run from it.  You can choose not to accept it.  You can even put something in its place.  However, if you do any of this, you will be walking away from the real you, and you will be playing hopscotch the remainder of your life. 

Although it took me a very long time to accept who I was, what I was, that didn't change the fact that what I was has always been, and will always be.  Even though I ran from the real me for years, it was inevitable that I would one day walk in my destiny.  My hope for each of you is that you discover your destiny, accept your passions, and move forward without wasting a single day.  When one begins to "Be", and no longer wonders "What", then and only then can we lay down doubt, walk away from uncertainty, and stop the continuous back and forth of a hopscotch world.  Don't ever doubt that you have purpose, that you have passion, and that you have a destiny.   We were all created from love, and this indisputable fact is what should govern your life.  When we share those things that are the best of us, when we walk in our greatness, we then open up the realm of possibility in our lives.  When we walk in peace, run with passion, we begin to see the "Why" of our existence.  You are not here simply to take up space.  

As I write this I am listening to a song by Michael Wayland called " I have loved you a thousand lifetimes." You can find it on youtube.  Do me a favor and pul it up, listen to it as you read this again, and let it take you on an adventure.  Allow it to speak to you.  You have been loved for a thousand lifetimes, and it is because of this love that you are presently here.  You have a mission to accomplish, and that mission is not merely going in circles.  Your mission is to change the face of humanity.  No matter how big or small your role may be, the importance of you walking in your destiny can never be overstated.  There is nothing small about you.  There is nothing that can ever take away from your reason for being here.  It is time that you walk in all those things that you were intended to walk in.  Know this:  greatness never came from desire, never came from effort. Greatness is what was placed in you from the very beginning of time.  All you need to do is accept the greatness in you.  Yes you may have to put in some effort to get to your destiny, but it is never going to be predicated on anything other than the fact that your destiny is your destiny.  You can never change the reason for your being.  It is time to accept your calling, and in doing so, release unto the world all the best that is in you.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

If you're looking for answers, be still, and know."
Is it just me, or are there a whole lot of people who seem to be waiting for answers, or seeking direction in their life?  Many have prayed, some have screamed out, others have simply given up on waiting for the inspiration, the answer, the direction.  Today I want to provide you with a simple remedy for those times when answers may not come as quickly as you might like them to come.  Today I want to encourage you not to loose faith, not to loose sight, and never give up.  There's a quote I've heard many times in the past and the main point of it is that if you give up, how do you know if what you were believing in was not just around the next corner.

Let's be real for a moment.  When we are waiting for something, no matter what it is, there is an uneasiness that exist in most people that what they are wanting, what they are waiting on, simply is never going to manifest.  Been there, done that.  If I told you that everything you desire, everything you dream of, every thought, every feeling, is already done, would you believe me?  If I said that you control the outcome, would you believe me?  If I simply said that it is finished, would you believe me?  There's a fundamental truth that everyone needs to accept.  This truth is what will finally set you free from doubt, from uncertainty.  In the midst of any turmoil, any battle, any ordeal, there is a moment when only you can determine how you will address the issues.  In the midst of any turmoil, battle, or ordeal, you must know that all things are as they were designed to be, and in this perfect design you are in the place you are supposed to be.  I know this may not be as comforting as you might like, but it is truth.  Look at it this way:  if you will begin to live life knowing the end result is already done, then getting to this point is as simple as being still, and knowing.

Let me ask you this question:  who put the dreams you have inside of you?  Who gave you your visions, your feelings, your desires?  If the Creator of the Universe put a vision inside, a dream, do you think that happened just to fool with you?  Dreams and visions are there to move you in the direction that you were intended to go.  Feelings, thoughts, words, are all meant to create the perfect picture, and that picture is what will help manifest those dreams, those visions.  There are those who will think evil, do evil, be evil.  I can assure you that these things have not originated from the divine.  Evil is present in the world, there's no doubt.  But evil, is not original, it is a divergent thought from what was intended for good.  I wish we could rid the world of evil, but I can only do my part, and not allow evil into my life.  Lets however get back to the main point:  you have been given all the answers, and those answers have always be available to you.  They may come in different forms, at different times, but they are very much present.  What we need to do is simply filter out those things that are contrary to our dreams, our visions.  

I truly understand how incredibly frustrating it is when you want something so bad, and there appears to be no end in sight.  I've been waiting for certain things in my life for a long, long time.  Certainly there are times when I wonder if what I want is really meant to be.  It is in those times when I have to remind myself that it is finished.  What you have been waiting on was complete since the beginning of time.  thoughts that are contrary to what you desire, what you know to be true, need to be nipped in the bud.  I know it's difficult sometimes to do this, but it has to be done.  A contrary thought captured, is a thought not released to do harm.  The bible tells us to think on good things.  Why is that do you think?  There are plenty of people out there who do nothing but tear down goodness by thoughts of dread.  Love and light defeats fear and hatred all the time.  

If you feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders, it's time to release that and know that what you hope for, what you extend your faith for, is yours already.  When you are asking yourself,"What is going on?', know that you will get the answers you seek.  As difficult as it is to be still and know, this is really the only option that makes sense.  When anxiety comes, take a deep breath, and try to relax.  Yep, not always easy to do, but anxiety, coupled with fear, is never going to bring you to a place of calm.  When you are looking for answers the best place to start is from a place of calm, and the only way to get to the calm is to release any doubt, and know you are divine in nature.  I know what it's like to pace the floor.  I know the feeling of wondering what to do.  Those jitters may be the caffeine, but pacing the floor and wondering what is going to happen will only increase the feelings of doubt.  I've been there, and when I find myself in this place I have to dig deep and remember that I am what I am.  I have to remember that all that happens is to put me in the perfect place.  When the crap hits the fan, I simply have to let go and let God.

Let me end with this, and I hope that this gives you hope.  You are a perfect creation.  Created in the image of God.  Your abilities are unlimited, and your dreams will come to fruition.  As tough as it may seem at times, there is a happy ending.  I can speak words of encouragement, send each of you love and light, but what I cannot do is make you accept the truths that are yours.  You are powerful, you are perfect, and you already have all that you need to step out into your destiny.  It's easy to fall back and doubt, to fear, to wonder.  What's tougher to do is to believe.  Believe in your goodness, your beauty, your uniqueness.  Take a moment us to be still, and let the peace that passes all understanding wash over you.  We tend to think the worst, and when it's all said and done, the worst never happens.  Let go of the fear, the concern, the doubt, and simply rest in the knowing that all is as it should be.  So let it be written, so let it b done!

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Dawn of a New Era
We've all heard the saying that it's always darkest before the dawn. It also appears that our times are darkest before we enter into an awakening.  Well my guess is, if your life is anything like so many others, present company included, we have all come through some dark times as of late.  What I want to do today is share some encouragement.  I want to spell out what is about to happen, and when it does, what it will mean to you, to me, to everyone who is awake enough to see what is going on.

I've been writing this blog for over twelve years now.  During that time my journey has taken many turns, and with each directional change I have been put into the right place for the right time.  Much of what I have been writing about is now coming out from other platforms, and that brings a smile to my face knowing that I for once have been ahead of the curve. Let me explain, and in this explanation you just might pick up something of interest that will also change the direction you have been heading.

I have been absolutely amazed at the number of enlightened people who are now beginning to see the creative abilities that have laid dormant inside of them for years.  This creative ability has always been inside of you, and you have been using it everyday of your life whether you recognize it or not.  As created beings we were created to create.  Our words, thoughts, feelings, actions, all add up to what will be coming down the pike for each of us.  If you are walking around with that Little Black Thunder Cloud hovering over you at all times, then you will be in a constant state of upheaval.  If you are constantly complaining about all that is bad around you, never recognizing the good, then that cloud will do nothing more than rain on your parade.  If on the other hand you realize the divine nature of your being, the significance of you being here in this moment, and the magnificence of you creative abilities, then and only then will you begin to see things as they really are, and not just the make-believe world that others have told you about. 

At the beginning of man's experience on this planet, we were never intended to live in fear, to experience lack, or sickness.  When our history began it was supposed to be a history that showed success, grandeur, and all manner of excellence.  Sadly due to man's frailty, we have slowly morphed into something that can no longer recognize our divinity.  We have been relegated to being simple bystanders who have no real say so in what goes on.  This my dear friends is not what was intended from the beginning, and we need to go back to the beginning if we are ever going to move forward.  We are indeed entering a new era.  We are about to shed the past, and do nothing but walk into our futures, a future that has promise, that has beauty, that was deigned specifically for us.  

If I took a poll of let us say Ten Thousand people, how many of those thousands would tell you that they are doing what they were born to do?  How many would be living the life of their dreams?  How many would simply say they are happy to be alive, and happy to be doing what they are doing right now?  Sadly I believe that number would be tiny, almost impossible to believe. Yet, we have been made to believe that this is the state of our existence.  We have been made to believe that this is as good as it gets.  We have been made small to be perfectly honest.  I'm here to tell you that you are anything but small.  Each cell in your body has more potential, more power, more creative ability, then the power released from a nuclear weapon.  Sure there will be those who will not be able to believe this, but time I assure you will prove this out.  

When we are facing dire situations we often feel small.  When we have the weight of the world on our shoulders we tend to forget that we were created to stay above the fray.  When we begin to doubt these truths we are in a constant state of darkness, and the dawn seems to be frozen in time.  I need you to believe me when I tell you that you create your reality.  I need you to understand that no matter what is going on around you, no matter what others may be going through, you were designed in such a way to be able to escape all the bad, all the negative, all the doubt.  Is it easy to simply turn from situations and not look back? Not always, just ask Lot.  I get how entrenched we can become with the things that are going on in the world right now.  I fully understand that many, many, many people are feeling lost.  I've been there, and the only way I found to get out of this trap was to focus on the real me.  The "I am the I am" me.  The all powerful, and all knowing me, even if you have not come to a full understanding of the real you yet. 

Ii can't tell you how many hundreds of blog post I have written over the last ten or so years.  I can tell you that my motivation for writing has not changed over the years.  My desire is that each person that reads my words simply takes away with them a little encouragement, a little wisdom, and a knowing that they are not alone in this journey of discovery.  Our destiny, our true destiny, is what we were created for, nothing more, nothing less.  As I have said numerous times in the past, we are not here on this planet just for the free popcorn.  We have a calling, we have a purpose, we have a destiny.  You must believe that you are fully equipped to accomplish those things you were placed here to do.  You have to recognize that those feelings, those passions, those dreams, have all been placed in you for a very specific reason, and that reason is what will lead you to your destiny.  People have laid down visions, forgotten about dreams, stepped away from desires simply because some nimrod told them they couldn't do it.  I'm here to tell you that those passions and dreams that you have are never going to leave until such time as you place action behind them.  You certainly have the option to try to cover them up, to walk away from them, but they will rise up again in the future, this I guarantee.

We are stepping into a new dawn.  We are stepping into a new reality, and that reality is all about you. Not the make believe you, the real you.  The you that was created at the beginning of time, and will be here til the end of time.  This reality is what you were designed to be, designed to walk in, and most importantly, designed to give to others so they might walk in their own destiny.  

We are entering a new era of divine abilities.  We are stepping into our rightful place, but only if you will divest yourself from the past that has limited you, and made you believe you were insignificant.  In the beginning was...   You were the beginning, you are the end, you are everything in-between.  It is your time to experience the dawn.  It is your time to fully embrace all that you are.  It is time that we celebrate the life we were always intended to live.  It's time to turn the corner, and walk on the path, the journey, that was always meant for you.  It is time.  It is a new dawn.