Monday, January 28, 2019

Bring it Home.
If ever there was a time to bring your dreams or ideas to a final conclusion, now is that time.  If ever there was a time to "Bring it Home". now is that time.  If ever there was a time to dig deep and give it your all, now is that time.

Why should there be a sense of urgency right now to complete those things that you were intended to complete? It's pretty simple: only you can complete those things that you were created to complete.  It's no more let someone else do it.  It's not the responsibility of someone else to do those things that only you can do.  It's your responsibility to choose to walk in those things that you were destined to walk in.  Far better to do it willingly then to be dragged about, crying the entire time.

Ask yourself this simple question: are you happy?  Are you confident that you are doing what you're supposed to be doing?  Are you sure that you have not settled for second best, because second best was just a tad bit easier to get to?  There is no judgment on my part no matter how you answer this question.  I just want you to think about the place you are in right now and make the determination if it is the right place for you.  Sometimes we stay put because staying put is all we know, or it's all we want to know.  Staying put in one place to long is nothing more then a life sentence of complacency.  We have to change, just like the seasons have to change.  We have to grow just like any other thing in nature has to grow.  We have to evolve.

Life is funny as it will force change on you, even if you fight change all the way.  I know so many people who so want out of the rat race they find themselves in, but still haven't figured out how to do it.  I also know of people who would love nothing more then to throw caution to the wind and simply fly off and do what is in their heart to do.  They don't take this route because they have lost faith in the simple truth that their dreams are stepping stones.  These stepping stones will lead you to your destiny, and your destiny is the reason you are here in the first place.

There have been moments in my life where things seemed to pile up.  When I say pile up I mean almost to the point of suffocating me.  I simply wanted to roll up in a little ball and let life roll right past me.  I was so overcome with worry and doubt that it was impossible for me to even get out of my own way.  At this point in my life it wasn't a matter of bringing things home, it was simply a matter of survival.  I didn't care about my dreams, all I cared about was getting through the day.  I had so been beaten up by the rest of the world, that I had nothing left.  I'm not sure what the tipping point was, but I finally had had enough of the garbage and decided I was not going to let the bastards get me down.  I took months to look deep within and figure out just who I was.  In the process I also discovered what I was.  The combination of the two is what set me free so to speak.  Coming to the realization of who and what I was changed my life forever.  I finally understood the truth that I was here for a reason.  I had a destiny.  I was created to create.  Once I was able to accept these truths, everything began to line up in perfect order.  Now just so you know, I still have struggles and battles, after all I am human.  I still come up short from time to time, I am human.  There are even times when I still doubt and worry, once again that human thing.  What I have learned however is that no matter what I am going through, the real me never changes.  The dreams I have are still real and they are still mine.  The desires in my heart are still real and they are still mine.

No matter what you may have gone through in life, what you might be facing right now, you still have a destiny, and you still have dreams that need to be brought to completion.  There is never going to be a time in your life when you will not have a dream to go after.  Having dreams should make you happy beyond belief.  Knowing that you will always have dreams to go after should keep you young forever.  I've always said that the point in time when you give up on your dreams is the day you begin to die slowly.  Never give up on your dreams, and for god sakes don't grown up.  The child like faith, that simple joy of a child is what each of us should always strive to maintain.

So what do you say, will you join me and together we can bring it home?  There has never been a better time to join forces and kick the crap out of complacency.  I learned a long time ago that I can't do it all on my own.  I need help, and if you are being honest with yourself you need help as well.  Life is always going to be better when you live with others around you.  Life is always going to be better when you open up yourself to others.  Life is always going to be better when you let love become your driving force.  Allow yourself to love others, and for goodness sake let others love you. Let's agree that having your dreams come to fruition is a good thing.  Let's agree that you deserve to have the desires of your heart.  Let's agree that you are just as deserving as anyone else.  Let's agree that it's time to bring it home, and bring it home in a big way.  It's time to run with your dreams and finally see where those dreams will take you.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Is it time to make a move?
It seems like ages since you made a move.  It seems like everything is lining up perfectly for you to make a move.  Hey, it's time to make a move.  Yea you, time to get moving.

There are times when each of us get comfortable, and living in that comfort is something we have longed for.  It seems like once you get comfortable, there is no real motivation to change things up, since change will undoubtedly muddy up the waters or ripple the water.  I like comfort.  I like normalcy.  I like knowing.  At the same time, I also like the challenge that comes with making a move.  I like the adrenaline rush when something new comes along and I get to experience it for the very first time.  Isn't it strange that we like calmness and normalcy, but we also like the thrill of the hunt.  The expectation that something grand is just over the next ridge and once we get to our rightful position we will see what we have always dreamt of seeing.

Sometimes making a move isn't easy, as is evident by most people's refusal to do anything out of the norm.  That being said, making a move is sometimes your only option, especially when what you have wanted for what seems like eternity is right over that next ridge.  There have been times in my life where I could see my future as clear as day, but even with clear concise evidence of what lied ahead, do you think that was enough to get me out of my comfort zone?  We as stubborn humans will often fall back on the idiotic simply to prove how stubborn and stupid we really are.  Why in heavens name would you want to give up on your hopes and dreams, hopes and dreams mind you that you have known about for eternity, why give them up simply because you want to hold on to things that up til this point have really done nothing for you?

I guess there is some truth to the old saying better to stick with the devil you know.  I however, tend to ignore what others feel is the right way of doing something, and will typically do it my way.  The bottom line is that I trust doing things my way.  I have proven to others time and time again that I can get things done, if you will just let me do it my way and get out of my way.  Now I'm not saying this to brag or seem like an ego maniac.  I'm saying this because I trust who I am.  I trust what I know, and I trust that I have the capacity to do whatever it is that I put my mind to.  So where am I going with all of this?

It's time that you trust your gifts, your callings, your intuition, your gut.  It's time you make a move and do what you have known to do all this time.  It's time to take your rightful place and lead others to their destiny.  We learn so we can teach.  We teach because we care.  We care because that is our true nature.  Once you realize that all that you have inside is only there so that you might give it away.  We have fallen prey to the idea that we are measured by what we have.  Success is nothing more then accumulating stuff.  The more stuff you have the more successful you must be.  This might be true in the eyes of the untrained, but for those who understand spiritual law, you will only become successful when you have learned to give it all away.

I love being able to recognize a need in someone and then behind the scenes do something to help them achieve what they were hoping for.  I love watching the underdog succeed when everyone else around them had written them off years ago.  I so admire those who refuse to quit in spite of being knocked down time and time again.  I love it when someone displays a humbleness.  That feeling that there is something more then just getting for me, but rather doing for others.  That humbleness that says how can I help you, so you can help others.  The humbleness that just makes you real.  There are people out there who sadly equate being humble with being weak.  These people feel that power is what motivates people.  That money is the essence of life, and if you are ever going to be a success you need both money and power.  Truth is, I would rather be remembered for being a humble caring individual, then being remembered for how much money I made or how many buildings may have been renamed in my honor.  I want people to remember me because I cared enough to give them my very best.  Giving of yourself to others is what is needed.  Giving from the heart to others is what is needed.  Giving because it is your true nature is how things were designed to be.

There are many people out there today who know they need to make a move.  There are many out there who know the time is now.  There are many people who just need a little encouragement and a little love shown to them to get them on their way.  It is time to make a move ladies and gentlemen.  It is time to stop pandering to the doubters and naysayers.  It is time that you accept your reason for living.  Let's be honest:  walking in those things you dream about is nothing shy of total utopia.  Why if you long for something so much, have you been unwilling or unable to go after it?  Doesn't make sense to me that people want things, but never do anything to get themselves to the place where they can have what they want.  It is time to make a move, time to make your move.  It is time that you accept your place and walk in your dreams.  You can do this, I know you can.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

When you wish upon a star....
Love begets love, light begets light.  Hope springs eternal.  Each new day brings blessings and each evening brings joy.  And yes, when you wish upon a star your dreams will come true.  So how many of you today believe any of this?  Maybe a better question would be, how many want to believe this?

It's easy to say we believe, and yet for so many believing doesn't seem to be enough.  Many people seem to struggle with what they want, when they want it, and how they want it.  It's one thing to want something, it's totally different when push comes to shove and you have to decide, do you believe in something, or not.

There are so many things I believe in.  I believe in Santa.  I believe that good will prevail over evil.  I believe that the New England Patriots are the best football team ever.  OK, that last one was shameless I admit, but a boy has to have some fun, but I digress.  My point here is this:  simply wanting something is never going to be enough, especially if that "want" is spurred on by lack or by another feeling of being without.  One of the things most people seem to forget is that they have been equipped with certain abilities that for some reason have been tossed out.  When you finally realize that you can have the desires of your heart, that you can create your own reality, and that you can create with your words, then and only then will you be able to wish upon a star and have your dreams come true.  Wishing is not simply throwing something out there and hoping for the best, but rather knowing that it will be so.

Sadly, so so many people have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to manifesting things or not manifesting things in their life.  You were never placed here on earth to live through lack.  You were never intended to go without.  Man has dictated what we can have, or in some cases what we should have.  We have been taught that we should only have enough, and anything else is greed.  Sorry, but that is one big load of crap.  Capital C R A P.    How many times have you not gotten something you wanted and immediately your mind went to a place that said you didn't get it because you either were not good enough, or that you were not worthy enough?  Being good enough should never enter the equation and feelings of unworthiness is nothing more then having zero knowledge or understanding of who and what you are.  It's time we take charge and finally begin walking in those things that have always been there for us, but we have never accepted them.

Just think of a world where we have all that we need, all that we want and desire and that we finally have a handle on the real meaning of life.  Think of a world where people understand their destiny, have begun to walk in their own destiny, and have finally put their ego away for good.  What would the world be like if this were all the case?  Well I can tell you we would get away from all the conflict because people would no longer be moved by greed, but moved by compassion.  Compassion for those around them, and compassion for the rest of society.  Think about a world of peace.  Think of a world void of conflict.  Envision a planet of absolute solitude.  Hard to imagine I suspect, but it is possible, and it all starts with you.

When you wish upon a star you have to accept the desired outcome.  One thing that always had me puzzled was the fact that someone had such a desire for something, but somewhere down the line that desire was overtaken by a feeling of "it ain"t going to happen".  Where did things go wrong?  Why if you want something so bad is it so difficult to believe you're supposed to have it?  The Universe does not put a desire in you just to mess with you.  You have desires because there is something that is supposed to come from them.  You have dreams and desires because they are the true stepping stones to your destiny.  You have dreams and desires because you are in fact worthy of having all that you desire and dream about.

We have so allowed others to tell us what we should be, what we should want, and what we should do, that we have lost sight of what is real.  When will it be time for you to have what you really want?  When will you put yourself first?  Putting yourself first is not being selfish.  Putting yourself first is anything but selfishness it is really selflessness.  You will never be able to be something for someone else until you become all you can be to yourself.  You will never be all you can be to yourself until you walk in those things that were always intended for you.  You have dreams because there are things you need to do in this life, and those things you do are going to help others do what they need to do.  If you constantly put what you want away, you are never going to be able to help those around you, and there are plenty around you who need help.

When you wish upon a star you are simply acknowledging what you already know to be truth, what you already know is yours.  When you wish upon a star you are setting into motion those things that need to be accomplished, not only for you but for others as well.  When you wish upon a star you are accepting that you can create, and your creations are very much real and very, very needed by those around you.  keep wished, and keep believing.

Monday, January 7, 2019

The Possibilities are endless!
We are one week into the New Year and I'm wondering what the rest of the world is wondering.  Are there so many people who believe that the possibilities are endless that the world is finally going to change for the better?  Are there people out there who refuse to give up and no matter what they are facing, decide that facing it head on is better then any retreat?

Most of us have entered that one week in the year where we are trying to catch our breath from the hurried holidays, while at the same time trying to make sense of what we want from the upcoming year.

This year it is my intention to breath life into your dreams.  It is my intention to communicate to each of you what I believe and share it in a way that you believe it also.  It is my intention to change the world, albeit, one person at a time, by changing the way people think, the way they act, and the way they live.  You see, there is nothing that can't be done, because the truth is, the possibilities are endless.

How many of you truly believe that you are special?  How many believe that you can have the desires of your heart?  How many of you are at a point where failure is no longer an option and to hell with what anyone else thinks?  I was speaking with a friend the other day and I found myself looking forward and realizing that the only way forward was to stop looking back.  If I am going to complete my task, then I need to move forward, and I can no longer allow fear to dictate my steps, or lack thereof.  I feel an energy in me that I have not felt for a long, long time.  I have an anticipation in me that says things have shifted and now is the time.  I have a desire to touch the hearts and minds of others, helping them reach those places they have dreamt about.  Believe you me, I have gone round Robin Hood's barn so many times as of late.  Lessons I thought I had learned years ago, all of a sudden had come back full cycle.  What was I missing?  What was it that I needed to learn?  What in God's Name was I supposed to be doing?  I ask myself the same questions you ask yourself.  I fall down just like others fall down.  I cry out just like you, and I wonder what tomorrow will bring.  What I will never do is give up on all the possibilities, after all, they are endless!

Many people have already given up on 2019, and the first full week is hardly in the history books. Many are wondering if this year is simply going to be a repeat of last year, and if it is, well all bets are off.  My dear friends, if things are going to change this year for you, then you are going to have to change the way you see things, the way you talk about things, and the way you feel about things.  If you want 2019 to be different then 2018, then change things up.  You'd have to be an idiot to think you can continue down the same road, not change what you are doing, or have done, and expect things to magically change for the better for you.  That's right a complete idiot to think that.  My goodness, life can be all you want it to be if you will simply accept certain truths, that quite frankly up to this point you have failed to accept.  Truth number one:  you are perfection, wrapped up in the perfection of that which created you.  Truth number two:  you can never separate yourself from that which created you.  Truth number three:  you were created to create.

When was the last time you simply sat down and thanked God that you are who and what you are?  When was the last time you just smiled because deep, deep down inside, you knew what was coming next and it is so, so good?  I hurt when others hurt around me.  I'm one of those people who feel what others are going through, and being an empath is no easy task, but it is one I humbly accept.  I face challenges just like anyone else.  There are moments that all I want to do is roll up in a tiny ball and cry.  There are days when I just want to tear someone's head off.  We're human after all, and being human means being real.  Why hide behind what you think others think of you?  Why not just put it all out there for others to see.  There is a freedom that comes with being free enough to be yourself.  I don't care what others think about me.  Those that know me, love me, and when I have that, I have pretty much all I need.

If you need a friend this year, reach out to me.  If you need someone to talk to, reach out to me.  If all you need is someone to listen and not try to fix it, reach out to me.  The best part of me is no different then the best part of you.  We are all connected and once we can accept that, then things will really begin to look up.  There is power in numbers.  How great would it be if you knew there were others around you that wanted as much good for you, as you want for you?  The possibilities are truly endless.  We are only limited by how limited our mind works.  If you want to reach for the stars all you have to do is, well, reach.  If you want things to change for the better, then let go of the not so better stuff.  If you are hanging on by a thread, be thankful for the thread.  You are a creation of the Creator of the Universe, isn't it time you acted like it?

My expectations are high this year, and I've set my intentions.  Feel the energy and love.  You have angels and ministering spirits who want nothing more then for you to have what you desire most, why not get them involved in your life.  My friends it's too early to give up on 2019.  I promise you I won't give up on you if you don't give up on yourself.  Smile, the possibilities are endless and the very, very, very best is yet to come.  This I promise you.