Sunday, January 30, 2022

OMG, It's a Triple Black Diamond Run
 Yep, you're at the top of the summit, and it's what you've been waiting for you entire life, attacking the Triple Black Diamond Run.  It's taken years of preparation, years of training, and years of practice.  The view from the top is magnificent, and your adrenaline is pumping.  Goggles are on, safety straps are checked, and there's nothing left to do but push off.  Chime, chime, chime, and your alarm clock just woke you from your slumber, looks as if your conquest is going to have to wait for another day.  This is the ultimate cliff hanger, no pun intended.  What I want to bring to you this morning is encouragement in the form of knowledge, knowledge that you have always had, but until recently may only have begun to learn about it, or realize it was inside of you the whole time.  The topic I want to talk about is your Spirit, that magnificent creation that has always been, will always be, has had no beginning, and no end.  I've talked about it before, but for some reason I'm being prompted to bring it up again, as I believe we are entering a time when who and what we are is going to take center stage, and we need to be prepared.

When I first started out on my journey of discovery I was ill prepared for what I was about to do.  I've always been the type that wanted answers, and to many people's dismay I was always the one who asked "Why".  It wasn't that I wanted to be the contrarian,  I simply wasn't the type to simply accept everything that was being presented.  There's a huge difference between knowing something, and simply accepting something at face value.  There's a huge difference between living something, and simply wanting to experience it.  So my journey of discovery began by coming to grips with the real me.  You have to understand, and I need you to hear me, you have everything you need to accomplish all that you dream, all that you feel, and all that you were placed here to do.  Your Eternal Spirit, the real you, did not need maturing when you were created.  Your Eternal Spirit did not need to grow up, it didn't need to live through experiences, it has always been whole, full, and without exception perfect in its design.  Many will ask, or in some cases not be able to believe that your spirit has not had a beginning, and will have no end.  If you are able to grasp this concept, then you will be able to accept that your only real task in life is to get in stride with your eternal spirit, and become one with it.  Sadly many, many people will never allow a coupling of spirit and flesh, as they believe that this physical body has priority over all other things.  It's just the opposite, and the sooner you realize this, the easier life will be in the long run.

There's an old saying, "expect the worst, but hope for the best".  There is a huge difference between hope and faith.  Now this may seem a bit off topic, but stay with me and you will see where I am going with it.  We hope that things will work out each day of our life, but hoping, and actually having faith that things will be as they need to be is totally different.  Hoping that I will have finances to live the life I desire is completely different than believing that those finances already exist.  Hope is not faith, and faith is what we need to be operating in at all times.  I say all that to say this:  if you will listen to your spirit, you will never have to have hope, as you will always be in the know.  Let's go back to the mountain top for a moment.  When you are at the top and you have prepared yourself for the Black Diamond Run are you thinking about all that can go wrong, or are you thinking about the excitement of making this run?  You have a choice to make, you either push off and start the run, or figure out a different way to get down the mountain.  To me it's an absolute waste of life to prepare for this moment and then simply give up before what you have prepared for has even started.  Well this is what we have to decide each day of our life.  Whether you believe it or not, you have been prepared for this moment your entire life, and now you have to decide what to do with what you know.

Your spirit is incapable of telling a non-truth, as such you need to listen to what your spirit is telling you, and follow what it says.  People seem to have the hardest time believing that you have perfection operating inside of you, and this perfection is in the form of your real essence.  There is nothing sadder in the world than having all that you need to succeed, and yet you never take advantage of what has been placed inside of you.  Your spirit is not merely something that you occasionally communicate with, your spirit is the real you.  

We are in a period of awakening.  This Great Awakening will be missed by some, misunderstood by others, but in the end what is going to happen, is going to happen. There are plenty of people out there, people you know, people who you thought had it all, that will simply miss what is going on right now.  They will miss it because they will think they know it all, but this so-called knowledge that they have is nothing more than what their mind fabricates, which is based on what they see with their eyes, and not what they feel in their heart.  It is so easy to miss what is real because we have focused on those things that we see with our eyes.  I'm here to tell you, and you can take this to the bank: trust your true essence, listen to what the real you is saying, and don't be moved by what your eyes see.  Indeed there may be some truth to what you see,  but if you only look at the surface, and not what lies below it, you will miss most of what you are supposed to see.  

So you are about to start your run down the Triple Black Diamond Run, and you better have the faith to believe you are going to make it down in one piece.  If there is any bit of doubt, do you want to bet what the outcome will be?  You are prepared for what is about to happen, and you need to believe in this preparedness, and not doubt the outcome. To those who have been given much, much is required.  You have been given the complete knowledge of the Universe, know what you do with this knowledge is completely up to you.  Think on these things, believe what is in your heart, and go forward with a confidence that there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

You're on the Red Carpet Now!
 Yep, you've made it. The cameras are flashing, people are talking, and you are a Superstar.  How's it feel?  If you're like most people who have reached the pinnacle, it feels pretty good, and truth be told, it should feel this way. Whether you know it or not, we are all walking the Red Carpet, and the reason being: you're pure perfection.  You are one of a kind.  All I want to do today is remind you of you.  I want to take you on a journey of discovery, and on this journey of discovery remind you of all the wonders that you are, all the wonders you process, and all the wonders that you give to others.  It's a great day to simply sit back and relax, knowing that what is about to happen was ordained before the beginning of time.

First and foremost you have been blessed with a never-ending Spirit.  You are forever, having always been, and will always be.  Think of the wonders of you; you are the beginning and the end.  Now many will struggle with this concept, but that's only because they have allowed what others tell them to dictate their beliefs.  There are some simple facts in life that are non-disputable.  We are human, and as such, there will come a time when we depart this body.  There is nothing you can do that will extend your life even one second from its appointed time.  People have been looking for eternal youth, the fountain of youth, and other various things to extend life, but what they have failed to do is realize that what they have in the form of their own spirit is as eternal as eternal can be.  Now that we have taken that argument off the board we can continue with our description of your perfection and greatness.

When we think about people walking the Red Carpet we more often than not see celebrities and such.  We see Executives and the like displaying their persona with cameras flashing and people cheering in the background.  Well, for just a moment, I want you to picture yourself on said red carpet with all the Angels and Ascended Beings cheering you on, wondering about you, whispering how they wish they could be like you, longing just to get a glimpse of this incredible person.  If you can't feel this, if you can't see this, if you can't accept this, then we need to change the way you see yourself, because this is exactly how the Creator of the Universe sees you, and this is exactly how you need to see you.  You are nothing shy of perfection.  You have creative ability in your words, your feelings and thoughts, and you need to realize that there is nothing impossible when it come to you.  

When time began, you became spirit.  Your spirit did not need to be taught anything.  Your spirit was complete, it was perfection.  As such you were equipped from the moment of your creation to do anything and everything you could imagine.  Sadly, we have been bombarded with limiting beliefs in regards to what we can and can't do.  The time has come to get rid of these limiting beliefs and walk in the perfection of our design.  I've said this before, but it bears repeating: until such time as you can grasp the significance of your creation, you will always be subject to what man says you can or cannot do.  Until such time as you accept your perfection, you will always wonder what could have been.

Let's digress for a moment and talk about something that so many people contend with and that's insecurity.   Ever wonder why people are insecure?  Every wonder why people who appear to have it all, are still some of the most insecure people walking the planet?  If you talk to people who appear to have it all their greatest fear is loosing it all.  This insecurity in and of itself is enough to send people over the edge.  Many people spend so much time worrying about loosing it all, that they never have time to enjoy the things they have.  Don't fall into this trap.  What you have, quite frankly, can never be taken from you. Your creative abilities are yours forever, and forever is just that, forever.  Remember, you can see a glass as half empty, or you can see it as half full.  The decision to walk in your perfection is yours alone to make.  No one has the power or ability to take from you what is yours.  Only you can sacrifice what is yours, and giving it away is not really in your best interest.

Now back to our story.  When you step out onto the Red Carpet I want you to remember that you were placed on it for a reason.  Your presence is what others will be drawn to because they want to know how you do what you do.  Your energy, your power, will be on display, and many, many people are going to want to experience what you experience.  Don't think for a moment that you have nothing to offer.  Sadly, many people will never experience the Red Carpet walk because they will be unable to recognize the significance of their creation.  Don't be in that group.  Your eternal spirit will never ever end.  Your creation will never end.  You will never end.  I can't tell you the specific reason for you being here right now.  What I can tell you is that you are here for a reason, and you need to figure out what that reason is.  I see so many people in my daily life who have never discovered the reason for being here.  They get up each day and simply go through the motions, often wondering if things are ever going to get better for them.  I see people who wander, and wander, and wander, never knowing what direction to head, never knowing what to do next.  Don't be in that group.  The time is here for you to step out onto the Red Carpet and show the world who you are, what you are, and why you are here.

We are in the Great Awakening right now.  We are entering a period of great growth, of awesome awareness.  As you move forward in your perfection, you will bring others along with you, and that is what life is all about.  What you have been given was given to you so you might share it with others.  It was given to you that you might bless those around you.  Your simple actions today will affect the world of tomorrow.  What you give away, will come back to you a hundred fold.  As you step out onto the Red Carpet you are also inviting others to join you.  This journey of discovery is not only for you, but for humanity as a whole.  We have been given much, because we are expected to give much.  As you take your place in front of the cameras, as you share your joy, your love, your energy, know that you are doing what you were created to do.  Enjoy the spotlight, and know that you have been given a great gift, meant to be shared with those around you.  

Sunday, January 16, 2022

T-Minus Ten and Counting
And We have lift off.  Anytime you have something very complex that is supposed to happen, much like a Rocket Launch, there is much that goes on behind the scenes to ensure that things run smoothly.  There is not a single person who is responsible for getting this rocket souring into space.  The team in place has responsibilities that when tied all together ensures a smooth successful launch and recovery of the spaceship. Well wouldn't you know it, life is much the same way.  Certainly you are pretty much center stage for life, but if you think you have gotten to be where you are at without the help of others, then you have really missed it.  While we may not always want to give credit for our successes to others, we need to realize that we have not gotten to our current location alone.  What I want to do today is simply make you aware that what we don't see, is sometimes as important as those things we do see.  

There is not a single day that passes that you haven't been assisted by someone else.  Some assistance comes from those we know, some from complete strangers, and even still, from those we don't even see.  Assistance can come in the form of what we read, what we hear, and of course what we see.  Assistance can come from places we know, places we've never been to, or even places we have only dreamt about.  My point is that we need to acknowledge that we are not in this thing alone.  We are the sum of all our parts, even if we don't see, or know of every part in the system.  

I think everyone would agree with me when I say that often things come to us at just the perfect time.  Many have wondered when will this happen, or when will that happen.  Trust me, things are going to happen when things are going to happen and not a moment before.  We often want things right now, but right now may not be in the perfection of the universe.  Maturity is knowing and accepting the perfection of the Universe, and knowing that everything is under control, even if we are not the ones controlling it.  Many may be wondering why I'm heading down this trail this morning.  We are about to enter a time, a time mind you that many of us have been waiting for for quite some time, but we are heading into a period of growth, a time of great awakening.  It is during this awakening that we are going to be made aware of what has been in place for thousands of years, if not millions of years.  We are going to start to see why things have been the way they have been, and we will finally begin to see what our part is in all of it.  If you think you do not have a part in the Great Awakening, then quite frankly you are asleep.  I don't say that to hurt, but rather to open your eyes to what is about to happen.  If you have been waiting, well I believe the wait is over, and that my friends makes me very happy.  

I want to paint a picture for you, and in doing so, maybe you will see how everything fits together.  I want you to think about a corner in your home.  Look at the walls and see that everything comes together.  You don't have corners that never connect.  If they didn't connect you would not have walls, and if you didn't have walls you wouldn't have a home.  Now not all corners will be perfect in measurements, but they still come together to form the corner.  The same can be said about this awakening.  Not everything will be perfect, at least what we hope perfection to be, but our perception of perfection is not always what perfection truly is.  We have to have faith that what is about to happen needs to happen, and it needs to happen in the way that the Universe plans it to happen.  Often if we will simply take our hands off of things, those things will happen as they need to be, and not simply orchestrated by us, who at best is fallible.  

Going back to the wall scenario.  Beneath the drywall lies two by fours.  Now not all the two by fours are finished, and there is always the possibility that there are some missed cuts, bad measurements, but once complete you will never see the mistakes.  Well this awakening is much the same.  We may have missteps, we may make mistakes, but when it is all said and done, the perfection will be there, just like the corners in your home.  We have to know, we have to trust, and we have to believe.  If you can't believe that you will be where you need to be, if you can't hold fast to the promise of your perfection, then you are always going to be looking for something else, and that something else is not going to put a smile on your face.  

What we do on any given day is going to have ripple effects down the road.  That smile we extend to a stranger will affect someone half a world away twenty years from now.  The way we deal with others will change lives,  as is evident by those who have made positive change in your own life.  We have all had people who have impacted our life.  Some things have been good for us, and at other times, things have happened that we would rather forget, but still a learning experience.  We have to realize that we are much like the launch of a rocket into space.  We have a part to play, and if we do not do our part then the rest of what has to happen is never going to happen.  

While there will be people who will do massive things, those huge things have no more impact on humanity than the little things you do.  Certainly there will be people who will be catapulted to the front and seen my millions. but that person who is doing stuff behind the scenes where no one sees is just as vital to what is taking place right now.  Is the custodian who sweeps floors in a Multi-million dollar company any less important than the CEO?  Well if you only see things from the surface you would say the head is more important than the tail, but you would be so wrong.  Each step we take is orchestrated, and each step is essential to the success of what is about to take place in the universe.  We each have to accept our role, embrace that role, and do what we have to do with heart, with love, and with confidence.  Things are about to take off, and once we lift off, there is no turning back.  

Now is not the time to loose heart.  Things are about to change, and things are about to take off like never before.  Many have been waiting for a long time, but those with eyes to see, ears to hear, have known that things will happen in good order, and things will happen in perfect design.  The time has come to embrace what is about to happen, and it is time to take the ride of your life.  We have ignition!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

One down, Fifty one to go!


Congratulations, you made it though the first week of 2022.  If you're reading this today it should be a day of celebration.  Why you ask?  Well that answer is simple.  You should be celebrating because you get another opportunity to shine during Week Two of 2022, and then you get to do it again, and again, and again, until I am writing the final blog for the year, and entering into 2023.  There are times in life when we look at the big picture, and there are other times when we have to take each victory as they come, no matter how tiny, how small, or how far apart they may be.  What I want to do today is simply encourage you to be willing to take that leap of faith, to begin to chart your path, navigate this thing we call life, and ultimately find yourself where you were intended to be from the very beginning of time.  

As you enter Week Number Two take a look at what you went through durning Week One, what lessons you learned, and build upon it.  Remember that Two plus Two is Four.  Everything in life is perfection even if that perfection is sometimes painful.  The key to navigating life is to understand that what is happening is happening for a reason.  Often the things we go through have been orchestrated to get you to a particular place in life.  Often the things we go through is to get you to understand the real you.  Often the things we go through in life are there to inspire, teach, and otherwise position you for the next great adventure.  Light begets light, love begets love, joy brings more joy. Conversely, if you are constantly complaining, constantly wondering when the other shoe is going to drop, then can you really expect the outcome to any situation to be a positive one?  We create situations with our words, our feelings, our thoughts.  When you hold captive all thoughts of fear, thoughts of dread, or thoughts of failure, you are taking each of these things out of the equation.  When you begin to realize the power you have to create, then and only then will you begin to live a life that is truly inspiring.  When you finally accept your place in the Universe, then and only then will you begin to have the life you were intended to have.

One of the big lessons I learned over the last week was to let go.  I learned a long time ago that I could either let God be God, or try to do everything myself.  Sadly when we attempt to take God out of the equation we are only taking ourselves out because we are God.  We were created with God inside of us.  As hard as that might be to believe, it is true.  You see, we have been sold a bill of goods that we are somehow just creatures, just mere humans, unable to get out of our own way at times.  We have been conditioned to believe we are limited.  We have been forced fed a diet of can't do this, can't do that.  We have been subjected to doubt, and we have allowed limiting beliefs to control pretty much all that we do, or at least attempt to do.  If you survived the first week, and once again you did, then something got you through it.  If you are reading this, then there was something that brought you to this place.  If you are in this place, then there is something that you still need to do.  Accepting that you have a calling, that you have a passion, that you are here for a reason, is what should get you the the next week, and every week thereafter.  

For a moment I just want you to think about that one thing that moves you.  I want you to think about that one thing that you have not been able to let go of, that you think about, dream about, almost daily.  Just for a moment I want you to look at your life and picture yourself doing what truly makes you happy.  Your passion, your dream, was given to you as a gift.  If I gave you One Millions Dollars today, but told you that you could not touch it, does that money do you any good?  If I bought you a huge mansion, but then would not allow you inside of it to live, what benefit did having the mansion have for you?  Why would the Creator of the Universe place a passion inside of you if the intent was not for you to walk out that passion?  Why would you have dreams, if those dreams were not meant for you?  Why, in all that is holy, would you desire something, believe in something, and then be told that it was just a joke, that God didn't really want you to have what you desired?  It doesn't work that way people.  We have dreams because we are supposed to follow them.  We have passions because we are supposed to do something with them.  I will stand on the mountain tops till the day I die and profess this belief.  

I see so many people on a daily basis who are defeated.  They simply have stopped believing that life is anything but a noose around their neck, and they are about to swing.  Life was never intended to be a struggle.  We were meant to rule the world, not lord over it, or over other people, but rather have blessings that abound so we might bless others.  Do you for a moment believe that joy is restricted for only a select few?  We have to stop living in defeat and accept the premise that our being was meant to be, and that we each have a part to play.  I remember a quote I read over 50 years ago.  I was heading to RAF Mildenhall in the United Kingdom for my first duty assignment in the United States Air Force.  The quote was, "I would rather attempt something great and fail, then attempt nothing at all and succeed."  If you are waiting for something just to happen, and never take the first step toward your dreams, toward your destiny, you will fail I assure you.  We are all living in a time when we need some encouragement.  We need to know we mean something, that we have something to offer.  Well I'm here to tell you that you do mean something, and that you do have something to offer.  We need to realize that even the little things we do in life are often the most important things to someone else.  The smile, the greeting, the love we display to others may mean the difference between life and death.  I know I may seem overly dramatic today, but maybe we just need a kick in the pants to move forward in those things that have been lying dormant in our heart for quite sometime.  

Week Two of 2022 is your opportunity to wake up your dreams.  Week two of 2022 is your call to step out into those things that you long for.  Week Two of 2022 needs to be the start of your journey of discovery.  I can't tell you what to do.  I can't promise you that things won't get rocky from time to time.  What I can tell you is this; when all is said and done, you will understand that you have had a part in this thing we call life, and in completing your role, you will have had an impact that will be immeasurable to someone else.  We all need to be inspired from time to time.  We all need a reminder of why we are here.  We all need to feel as though we matter.  Well, you do matter, and what you have to offer can only be done by you.  It is time to accept your calling, to walk in your destiny, to change humanity.  To those who have been given much, much is required.  You have been given more than you know, and the time has come for you to step out into those important aspects of your life, that others quite frankly need so they can step out into the things in their life.  It is a cycle, but it is a cycle that you do not want to break.  

Sunday, January 2, 2022

It's a New Year, Yea, Yea,!! It's a New Year!!
 Guess what?  If you're reading this today, you have in fact made it thru that shit show we called 2021.  Now in all fairness, there were some very good things that transpired in the previous year.  Granted, one might have to dig deep to see them, but often digging down is what is best, especially when you want to find the truth.  Truth of the the matter is that we have been given a very precious gift, and that gift comes in the form of the many, many lessons each of us took with us into this new year. I think most people would agree that we tend to look at New Years as a beginning, a do-over, an opportunity to make right the wrongs of the past, and look to the future with joy, peace, and a little hope.  

What I'd like to do today is set the frame work for what I believe is going to be a crucial part of the upcoming year, in the hopes that I can prepare you for what is going to happen.  Let me correct that last statement, for what I believe you are going to "Become".  Everything we have gone through in life has prepared us for what we are about to do, what we are about to embark on.  Every situation, every lesson was nothing more than a proving ground for this moment. Sure that may seem dramatic, but I want you to hear me, what we are about to experience is going to make the past seem like child's play.  What we are about to experience is going to amaze those who have been asleep, only wishing they had woken up long ago. 

There can be no doubt in any one's mind, at least any normal thinking person, that things are changing fast. We have embarked on a journey that is going to amaze even the nay-sayers.  We are going to experience life the way life was always supposed to be.  We have been enslaved by generations of others who have wanted to dominate us, take advantage of us, and otherwise keep us down.  It is our time to live like Kings and Queens, enjoying life like it was always intended to be. The first step in experiencing this change, this new way of life, is to believe that you are worthy of walking in abundance, in living with health and vitality.  The first step is accepting your creation, and your creative abilities.  If ever there was a time to grasp your real essence now is that time.  One of the saddest parts of this new beginning, this journey, is that there will be those who still will not believe.  They will continue with the status quo, and they will be the ones who will bemoan the continuation of sadness, the never ending "what could be" mentality.  I want to encourage you to open up your minds, your hearts to what is about to transpire, and I want you to be a part of what was destined long ago.  

If we look back at history there have always been those who suffer because they could not, or would not change with the times.  What I mean by change with the times is that they have not been able to see how things could change, how things could be better, or how things needed to be.  Let's face it, when one has been beaten down, when one has been taken advantage of, it is hard to believe that things can or will change.  I want to encourage you not to fall into this trap.  I need you to believe that all manner of goodness, all forms of greatness, are just waiting for you to accept them.  There are so many people who will claim they have the answers, that they know the way.  Well, I don't have all the answers, and I certainly don't know what path each of you need to go down.  What I do know is this; we each have a path, and we have been equipped to handle it all.  

Here's my list of what I believe we need to grasp as we embark on our journey known as 2022.  Some of what I am about to share has been shared before, but repetition is not always bad.  We often face what we perceive to be giants in our life, but they only appear as giants because we have not recognized who we really are, or what we really are.  When you can grasp the significance of your being then you will realize that what you once thought of as giants are nothing more than tiny little nats flying about.  We have allowed others to belittle us.  We have accepted our "insignificance", or what others have told us we are, and we have not told them to stuff it up their arse.  We can no longer run away from what we are, from who we are.  We have allowed others to make us small, when in actuality we are anything but.  The time has come for each of us to stand in our power.  It is time for us to radiate to those around us an energy that would make the sun seem dim in comparison.  We are so much more than what others want us to believe about ourselves. The time has come to accept this truth.

Next on my list of what we need to grasp is this:  nothing can stop was God has placed in motion.  My recommendation is that you accept this fact and that you make the decision to be a part of it, and not just a spectator.  When one becomes a part, one begins to live, and once you begin to really live, you will never turn back and desire what you left behind.  The beauty of what is in front of us can not be described in words.  I don't know about you, but for me there is an expectation.  It's more than just hope, it is now a knowing.  Knowing why we are here, and knowing what we need to do.  We are the total sum of our parts.  We each will play a part in this next phase, and without you, someone will not be able to be where they need to be, doing what they need to be doing.  There is nothing that can stop what is coming.  

As we enter the year 2022 I long for each of you to experience all the beauty, all the joy and love, all the majesty of what is about to happen.  As we embark let us not forget that we are one with each other.  No one is more important than the other.  Each of us has greatness flowing through our bodies.  Each of us is a vital part of the equation.  The time has come to understand that we are no longer just minimal, we are in fact superior beings, sent to change the face of humanity.  The days of lack are over.  The times of despair and fear have gone by the wayside.  Today we embark on an adventure that is as magical, as beautiful, as wonderful as was always intended.  I encourage you to step into this next phase of growth, and as you do set your expectancy level too high.  We are about to enter into a time of exponential growth, increased awareness, and unbelievable joy and happiness.  Don't miss out because you doubt.  If you need proof, simply ask for it, it will be given to you.  Let's really enjoy this year, and know that we were created for such a time as this.