Sunday, May 29, 2022

They just couldn't quite wrap their head around it...

It's the final Sunday in May, and that means that this will be my last blog for the summer.  It's always bitter sweet when this day comes because as much as I love writing, I equally love my annual hiatus, which in truth is just a period to unwind, unload, and otherwise calm my mind as much as possible.  However, that being said, I want today's blog to open your eyes, and hearts, to something I may not have talked about before, but really feel a need to cover it.  I would like to preface my words with this:  we live in challenging times.  Many of these challenges have hit people hard, and I mean hard in so many different ways.  I have seen families divided.  I have witnessed otherwise adult people act in juvenile ways that would make a parent blush.  I feel the pain that so many are experiencing.  What I want to do is suggest a few things that hopefully will answer many questions that have been circling about in your mind. 

I was participating in a discussion on a National Platform yesterday afternoon, that ended quite late, at least at the point that I left the conversation, it was late into the evening.  Sadly I left the talk because it had taken on a different feel.  Early on during the initial time of discussion it was uplifting, challenging at times, but otherwise full of love, appreciation, and mostly unconditional and non-judgmental love.  Sadly, in my opinion, and mine opinion only, the feel of the room changed.  What caused this change you might ask?  People came in with an agenda, their own agenda, and their own belief system.  Now, everyone has the right to their own opinion, and everyone has the right to their own beliefs.  What I witnessed were people who had already tried, convicted, sentenced, and hung the criminal before there even was a criminal.  I witnessed people so set in their beliefs that there was not a chance in hell that you could even rationalize with them as to possible different outcomes.  I'm not going to go into intricate details, but what I want to do is simply offer up an alternative solution, and allow you to choose.

Most everyone believes in a god.  Whether you call God a him, or her, whether you call God Spirit, or Source, it all comes down to a Creator.  I hope we can at least agree to this premise.  Most people believe that the bible is the inspired word of God, set down as a guideline to life.  So with that said, I would think that those who believe the bible, equally believe that God provided us his word, believe that God did this to teach us, and allow us to grow.  So if God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and if God gave us the words of the bible to teach, does it not seem logical that God is still in the business of teaching people with his words today?  If, going down little deeper, God was still wanting to teach, is it not possible that what people are learning today is equally as important as those words written ions ago?  I only say this because of what I witnessed on the call.  

Let me use an analogy.  Let's say you are in an elementary math class, there to simply learn the basics.  You have to learn that 2 plus 2 equals four, before you can figure out the area under a curve in calculus.  You've got to start small and end big. Bear with me, and I think you will see where I am going with this.  If we take the analogy of going one step at a time, increasing our knowledge along the way, we would have to agree that we are always learning.  If we are always learning, obviously there have to be those around who can teach.  Before you had airplanes, did we have people who could tear apart an airplane engine and put it back together?  Of course not because there were no planes.  So, how could one learn about something before something was created?  So here's my question to each of you:  if we are always learning, if we need people around who can teach, doesn't it make sense that just maybe God is inspiring others to continue to write down his words for later generations to learn from?  Isn't it kind of narrow minded to believe that God has nothing else to teach us?  I'm not taking away from the bible, not in the slightest.  What I'm doing is suggesting that maybe, just maybe God the Creator of the Universe still may be trying to teach us, but teach us from a different level, a level that can only be seen with spiritual eyes?  If God is still trying to teach us, then maybe, just maybe, he is also trying to bring us to a new level, with new words.  I personally believe it's absolutely idiotic to think that God in the perfection of God is done providing us guidance.  I'm sorry if this offends someone, but putting in a box by blatantly saying that your way is the only way, is in my opinion stupid and ignorant.  The hate mail will probably flow, but this is my belief, and you of course can believe what is in your heart to believe.

I guess I am saying all that to say this:  "Lighten up Francis".  OK, my attempt at humor.  If anyone remembers the movie "Stripes", you will get my joke, but I digress.  There are people who believe in prophets.  I'm not here to sway anyone one way or the other.  But let's assume prophets are real, and didn't disappear at the end of the Apostolic Era.  If we took the inspired word of God and put it down on parchment, to teach future generations, then why couldn't the same thing be happening now?  Why can't we accept the premise that God is still trying to teach us? Face it, we live in different times, with different things, might it be necessary to also teach about these differences?  I'm sorry, but I just can't accept that we have nothing else to learn, but more importantly that there is still a need to write down what Spirit is saying. But this is simply "New Age Crap" so say those stuck in their limited beliefs.  When we stop the ability to learn, accepting that there is nothing else to learn, I will promise you, you are screwed.  

So here we are at a crossroads again.  Do we go down the path that limits us, or do we go down a path that continues to grow us, educate us, inspire us, and brings us to new levels? I'm sorry but if you feel this is all there is, nothing else to learn, nothing else to be taught, then I feel you will miss out on some pretty remarkable stuff.  Remember, we just might be in the generation that was designated for now, because we were ready to take the next step in our evolutionary development.  I don't mean evolving into something different than human, I mean evolving in our knowledge and accepting our gifts and callings.  When we limit God, we limit ourselves, those around us, and the rest of humanity.  When we tell God that we know best and he or she had better not think about ever adding any new words to the other inspired words of God, then you have just made a mistake of such monumental proportions it's unreal.  

Open yourself up to the possibility that there are new things coming.  Be open to hear what is happening, why it is happening, and most importantly, what your place is in what is going on right now.  I have not idea what is going to go on during my time away, but I bet it is going to be fantastic.  I leave you with this blessing:  Be bold, Be strong.  Never back down, never be afraid, and walk in the power and glory of your creator.  We have won already, now it's time to bring the victory to the rest of the world.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Highway to Heaven
There's a highway to heaven.  But the first thing we need to determine is what is heaven, and where is it?  I'm not here to debate religious teachings, or personal beliefs.  What I want to do is provide you with additional thoughts that will lead you down a highway to heaven, or better said, lead you to your destiny.  When it's all said and done, believe it or not, we all have a destiny, a purpose.  The sooner you can accept this fact, this truth, the sooner you can begin your journey of discovery.  Half the fun of being alive right now is dreaming about your tomorrows.  Half the fun of being alive right now is realizing you are your dreams.  I was participating on a discussion last night on a national platform that at any given time has about 1.5 to 1.6 million viewers during their broadcast.  Somehow the group got on a discussion about what was taking place in the world today, and you could tell the vibrational energy in that room was slowly but surely beginning to go lower, and lower.  Now typically I will sit back and listen, and only when prompted to do so, will speak out.  Well thank God I was promoted to speak, and for the next thirty or forty minutes began to take this group on a journey of discovery.  I'm not saying this to puff myself up.  No, I say this to tell you that you also have to discover a few things, and you need to start walking on this highway to heaven.

Too many times during our day we allow things to bring us down.  We find ourselves surrounded by people who have absolutely nothing good to say.  Surrounded by people whose vibrational energy is only slightly higher than that of a nat.  I'm not judging, I'm simply stating truth.  If you find yourself surrounded by these types of people, get away.  If you can't get away, then immerse yourself in quiet mediation and protect your own energy.  I think if you asked 1000 people what they feel like when they are around negative people, probably 1000 of them would tell you something like it sucks.  They will drain you, and drain you, and drain you of any positive vibrational energy you might have, and even that energy that you have stored up.  Get away from them anyway you can.  

They say that the path to Hell is lined with good intentions.  Well the Highway to heaven is paved with good intentions, as good intentions sets the tone, and in doing so you are setting yourself up for good.  What do I mean by that?  If your intent is to be happy, you are going to find ways to be happy.  If the intent is to receive love, you intention must be to give love.  If you want to walk around in light, shine your own light.  Intention, intention, intention, you must set the intention and nothing can get off the course of that intention.  It may seem ridiculous to say, but you will get what you want if you will hold fast to those things you have set your intention, or thoughts on.  Remember, we were created to create.  When you set out to complete a task, do you start out by thinking you will never accomplish it?  No, of course not, and the same can be said about most things in life.  As a young 19 year old I was flying to England for my first duty station in the United States Air Force.  I was reading on that very long flight to England and came across a quote that I still remember today, and that was nearly fifty years ago.  The quote said, "I would rather attempt something great and fail, then attempt nothing at all and succeed."  Now I'm not telling you to have thoughts of failure.  What I'm saying is that anything worth having is worth working for.  If your desire is to write a book, do you set the intention of writing it, and can yo see the finished product, even before the finished product has been produced?  

If you are unable to see what's yet to be manifested in your life, and yet you still believe it will happen, then yo are holding the intention in your heart, and the likelihood of you obtaining what you want is pretty darn good.  

Growing up with spiritual maturity is not something that is going to happen over night.  Growing up spiritually is not something that can be measured in dollars and cents.  Spiritual Maturity is what will shine the light on your path, the highway to your destiny, a destiny that leads to heaven on earth.  So what or how should we classify heaven on earth?  Is it having the big house, the fancy car, and boat loads of money?  Is heaven on earth nothing more than reaching the top of the corporate ladder?  If your answer to either of these questions is yes, I can assure you that you are not experiencing heaven on earth.  Heaven on earth is walking in your destiny, and cherishing every single moment, of every single day.  Experiencing heaven on earth is knowing the true meaning of life, and how you fit into that meaning.  Experiencing heaven on earth is realizing that God's plan is for you to have all things here on earth as you would have in heaven.  Too many people have forgotten the promise of heaven on earth because they have focused on every other thing except what should be focused on, and that is the real you.  When you come to a clear understanding of the real you, the true essence of who you are, then you will be inhabiting heaven on earth, and not a moment before that.

I don't we want to beat a dead horse, so let me end with this, and I only want you to think about what I am about to say.  If you are always struggling to find your little piece of heaven here on earth, stop whatever it is you are doing and simply thank your creator for creating you.  Thank God for placing you here right now,  as you being here right now is in the perfection of the universe.  Take a few moments just to be thankful that you have survived all the fiery darts and arrows of life, that you have conquered fear and yes even death, and that you are so much more than just an air breathing carbon unit.  When you can begin to accept your greatness, your uniqueness, your beauty, and strength, then you will begin to experience heaven on earth.  When you can identify with your divine nature, the perfect nature of god that resides inside of you, then you will be experiencing heaven on earth. When you realize that the Highway to Heaven is never going to put you where you should not be, then you will begin to believe in the direction you are going.  When you place your feet upon the Highway to Heaven you will experience things that you never thought possible, and will realize that in fact, all things are possible.  Your path is lit up, your highway awaits you.  Set all fear aside, all doubt, all stress, and anxiety, and simply bathe in the love of your creator.  You have this, I know you do.


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Would you give me a break!!!

Yep, we've all had those days when we simply want to roll up into a little ball, and hope the world goes away.  We've had those moments when we just want to shout "Would you just give me a break!"  If each of us were being completely honest and transparent, we've had those moments when we have just wanted to scream out 'ef it all".  Today I want to provide some wisdom, some common sense approaches to survive these times, and maybe in the process, walk away a little stronger, more relaxed, and somewhat relieved.

First and foremost, if you feel you're the only one on the planet who goes through moments, or even days like this, you're not.  We are human, and as such we are prone to human emotion, human thoughts, and human feelings.  Try as we might we have not gone through the Vulcan Kolinar where we have wiped out all human emotion, and to that I say thank God.  As humans we are challenged each day with events, happenings that would try the patience of Job.  There are times when we are successful in overcoming these challenges, and then quite frankly there are times when we unload with a barrage of expletives that would shock a sailor.  No matter what has happened, what we are looking at, what we are feeling, we are going to have to find a way to push through it, and recognize that we will be tested.  These are the test that just might try men's souls, but these are the test that will strengthen us, teach us, and fortify us with the power we will need for our future.  Remember, you are not just a mortal. You are a created being with unlimited power, unlimited awareness, and abilities that just might shock you.  When you finally come to the conclusion that what I write is in fact truth, that will be the moment where you will never ever have to ask for a break again.

With all that being said, one might ask, "How do I get to this point?".  How do I overcome the arrows that are being fired at me?  How does one work their way through this maze, and find the other end.  The answer is quite simple.  You do it one moment at a time.  Contrary to what others might profess, you can only do one thing at a time.  I'm not talking about walking and chewing gum, any one can do that.  What I'm talking about are the daily task, daily events, even the daily grind we go through.  Sure there are those who profess to be experts at multi-tasking, but they are so full of themselves, it's almost putrid.  No-one, and I do mean no-one is so talented that they have found a way to complete multiple complex task at one time.  Well let's put it this way:  complete multiple task with an outcome that should be expected.  I am always amazed at those who have placed themselves so much higher than others because they have fallen prey to ego, and now they believe they are super human, but not super human in they understand the beauty of their spirit, and unlimitless nature of their spirit.  Yes we are spirit first and foremost, and in that spirit there are no limits.  Still we are human, and wisdom dictates that we tackle one problem at a time, put it to bed, and move on to the next one.  If we live in the moment, not fretting over the past, not worried about the future, just the here and now, you will come to realize that everything is an illusion, and we have the ability to paint any picture we want.  Now if you want turmoil, if you want confusion, there's no problem with getting it.  If you want peace, if you want joy, then you need to accept it, but accept it as a station in life that you should never leave.  People are absent of love, joy, peace, and tranquility because they are too focused on things, that in the long run, really have no meaning whatsoever.  

So the above forces these questions:  How do we rise above the frey?  How do we stay above the frey? How does one keep focus when everything around us is blowing up?  The answer is much simpler than you might think.  Were you able to walk in total illation, much like Christ did, do you think there would be  anything that could stop you?  If you only walked with zero doubt, zero fear, total trust in your true essence, then you would walk in total illumination.  Total illumination is knowing where you came from, operating in spirit at all times, and creating with your thoughts, your words, and your feelings.  How many people do you know who are operating in total illumination?  I know of no-one, but then again my sphere of people are know is extremely limited compare to others I know.  That's not to say that they do not exist, because they do.  Sadly illuminated people are often misunderstood, and many, many people are weary of achieving this level for fear of what others will think of them.  Worrying about what others think of you is a sure sign that you are not walking in total Illumination, as well as one who is controlled by their ego.  I know this might sound harsh, but ego, and worrying about what others think about you is simply not what you need in your life.

When you are looking for a break from the stress, from the turmoil, from the crap of everyday life, the only way is the spiritual way.  Knowing that you are spirit first and foremost will take you farther on your journey than anything else.  Life is a journey of discovery, and the sooner you discover your spiritual side, the sooner you can rid yourself of the stress, the turmoil, and the need to scream out "Give me a break."  There are many paths that lead you in one direction or another.  That being said there is really only one path to become illuminated, one path that leads to freedom, one path to a life that many only dream about. Here's a clue: if you can dream it, you can have it.  Remember, we have not because we ask not, and we ask not because we don't believe.  One must be aware of their awesomeness.  One must beware of their divinity.  One absolutely has to be aware that they are so much more than just human.  

Meditate and accept the truth that is being presented to you.  Yes there will be days when you do not believe.  There will be days when things are not exactly smooth sailing.  There will even be days when you doubt all this stuff about being super human and divine.  Dismiss these days, and instead focus on what you know to be true, what you know to be beautiful, what you know to be pure, and holy.  When you focus on all these things you will no longer focus on the bad.  When you focus on the beauty of who you are, you will no longer focus on the darkness.  If you focus and think on all these things, you will never have to say"Would you give me a break".  Think on these things and press on to a wonderful life.


Sunday, May 8, 2022

Will you choose to cross the bridge?

Your life has lead you to this place.  A place where a decision is going to have to be made.  Do you cross this bridge that leads somewhere, somewhere you may not know, have never heard of, have never thought about.  This bridge may not be state of the art, in fact it might just be rickety, broken in spots, or altogether ready to fall apart.  But the simple fact is that this bridge does in fact lead somewhere, and that somewhere is exactly where you need to be, so you can do exactly what yo need to do.  

What I want to do this morning is encourage you to put one foot in front of the other and simply trust that the Creator of the Universe knows exactly what is best for you, and this path, the direction you must head in, is in the perfection of the Universe and your Creator.  

Often in life we wait for things to be perfect before we make our move.  We look for things to be in place before we step out into things that we know little about, because not knowing scares the daylights out of most people.  We've all seen pictures of those walk bridges that span this 5000 foot drop off.  We have to get to the other side, as what we are looking for is on the other side, and the only way to obtain that one thing is to be brave and cross the bridge.  The wind is whipping, the bridge is swaying, and the people in front of you, and behind you seem to be frozen in fear, thus not allowing you to move forward, or even back to the starting point.  The only thing you can think about at this point in time is how in the world are you going to get off of this thing, and why did you even start in the first place?  Well you started in the first place because you knew the answer to all of your questions, the completion of all of your dreams, was located on the other side of the bridge.  Let's be real for a moment: if you knew that the answers you seek are on the other side, do you really have an option of what is the right thing to do?  If you are truly interested in finding your destiny, walking in that destiny, and completing the task you have been charged to complete, then no, you really have no option but to cross the bridge.  

We've all come across those situations where we doubt.  We've all faced days when we fear.  If we were being honest with ourselves, we've all had those days when we simply don't want to go on, because going means more hard word, unknown endings, and even worse the possibility of failure.  Trust me when I say failure is never fatal.  Many people before you have failed in their endeavors and yet they have gone on to do some pretty incredible things.  The bridge they crossed was equally unstable, broken, and so long one could not see the end.  Seeing the end of something is not important to be truthful.  Simply watching where you are walking, and understanding that eventually you will get to the end, that's the important part, and just like that before you know it,  you will be where you were intended to be.  

Let's be real for just a moment and accept the fact that things in life are not always easy.  Things in life are not always black and white, having numerous shades of gray around them.  Things in life are not always fair, at least fair in the eyes of the person going through something that is unexplained.  When you feel as though things in life are unfair, you are looking at it all wrong.  I know you may not like hearing that, but I would be remiss if I did not point out a few things, that just might help you think in a different way.  When you say this isn't fair, or that isn't fair, aren't you really just blaming something else on someone else?  When you say that something isn't fair you have failed to realize that the thing you are going through is in fact there to teach you something of extreme importance.  Certainly what you might be going through really sucks, but you have to find the joy in the lesson you are learning.  

Our bridges, your bridge, is not something to fear. It should be recognized as the path you must walk.  Yes you have a choice whether you are going to cross the bridge or not, but in reality if you have gotten to the point where you are facing these bridges, do you really have a choice?  What I mean is haven't you already invested enough of your time and energy in getting to this point, that turning back now would be just a very foolish and stupid act of defiance.  Now that may sound harsh, it's not intended to be, but I really need you to think this out for a moment.  If you have already gone through the fire, already been twisted and prodded, already been tossed about, why in all that is holy would you choose to stop moving forward?  

So why am I talking or writing about this "fictitious" bridge today?  We are entering a time of awakening.  We are fast approaching a time when all creatures of this planet are going to have to decide what direction they are going to follow.  Will they follow their own heart, or will they simply step in tow with the rest of humanity never asking why, never asking where, and simply blindly going with the masses?  To whom much is given, much is required to quote scripture.  You have not been placed here just to take up space.  You were not created just because your parents wanted a child.  You were placed here because you are the only one who can do what you were intended to do, and your bridge is the only bridge you can cross that will get you to the place you are supposed to be.  It's really that simple, and the sooner you accept that you have a path you must walk, the sooner you can get off your backside and get to the place you are supposed to be.  I have ceased to worry how things come across to someone, since my motivation is only to get you to the place you need to be, so you in fact can do those things that you have in your heart to do.  Let's face it, life is so much better when you get to do the things you love to do.  The things you love to do are those things you were meant to do, and if you are not doing them, then I have to ask, why?  I don't get people who know what they love, and yet they chose to walk away from the things they love simply because they are afraid to walk across the bridge because they cannot see what is on the other side of it.

We have entered a time when action, your action, has to be taken.  We have reach a point intake when we can no longer go with the masses, and we need to follow our path, cross our bridge, and get to the place we were intended to be.  The time has come to put fear aside, realize that we may not have all the answers right this moment, but having faith to realize that god is not going to send on a wild goose chase to nowhere.  You are going to the place you need to be, and that means you must cross this bridge, no matter how uncertain you may think the outcome is.  Remember this, God already knows the outcome.  We just have to be faithful and do what we know to do.  Yes the bridge may seem broken, and we not not see the end of it, but trust me when you step off of the bridge you will see it completely different, and those things that you feared, will no longer cause that fear, and only joy will remain because you have been taken to the place that was always yours.  Take the first step, then the second, and then the third, and before you know it, you will have crossed over into the most wonderful, fulfilling place you could ever have imagined.


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Rest, Rest, Rest.
 So today is simply a day of encouragement.  It is a day to remind yourself that you are deserving, you are special, you are magnificent, and you are a divine creation, with all the promises of the Creator coming to you.  There are days when we simply need to be reminded of things that somehow take a backseat to our awareness due to circumstances that we find ourselves in from time to time.  There are days when things seem impossible.  There are days when we don't know left from right, up from down, good from bad.  Often these days blend into one another, but this is the time when we need to find that time just to rest.  Turn off the radio, the television, step out into the night, take off your shoes and simply stand on the grass and soak up the earth's energy.  If your idea of relaxing is sitting on a beach, reading a good book, soaking up the sun, then do it.  If circumstances will not allow it at the moment, then simply visualize it, feel what it would be like to be sitting on the beach, and smile and accept those feelings of rest and relaxation.  Granted thinking about a beach and actually being on the beach is different, but believe you me, the results will be the same as unlikely as that might seem.  That unfortunately is a discussion for another day, and one that I assure you we will be having.

Why is rest so important? Well, let me ask you this, why is air so important? Water? Food? We need air, food , and water to survive, and no one in their right mind would question this.  Rest is just as important to living, to surviving, to moving ahead with those things destined for you.  We've all heard of people burning the candle at both ends, and we all know the results of doing that.  You can only go at warp speed for so long before everything around you comes to screeching halt, or comes crashing down around you.  There is not a single successful person that has not faced failure in one form or another.  There is not one person alive or dead for that matter who has not faced death, or will face death at some point, can't change that.  Well there is not one person who will ever be what they were intended to be if they do not find time to rest, time to relax, and time to simply let go of everything from time to time.

So what is rest?  Is it simply laying on a beach on a beach chair watching the waves come in?  Is it floating on a boat on a quiet lake?  ls it watching your favorite movie, with a bowl of popcorn, and your dogs or cats sitting on your lap?  I could describe a thousand and one things that could be classified as rest, but it all comes down to what brings you to this place of rest.  For me, I'm resting right now as I write this.  My dogs are laying quietly in my home office with me, well quietly most of the time, and I am loving every minute of writing this blog this morning.  I'm not thinking about the power bill, what to make for dinner, or what the next week is going to involve.  I'm not focused on what task to get to next on the never ending list of task to do.  No, I am simply focused on writing this, and nothing more.  Rest is focusing on the task at hand of doing absolutely nothing, and loving it.  Rest is the absence of stress, the absence of worry, and the ability to block out those things that want to zap your energy.  

We have to make time to rest. As an example:  I always take the summer months off from writing. Beginning in June and going through the end of August, I don't write.  I accept no speaking engagements, well an occasional interview I'll do, but other than that, nothing.  Why?  I need time to recharge.  I need time to simply be a bump on a log, and do as little as possible. It's not that I don't love writing, or that it becomes such a strain on me, not at all, I just need time away from those things so I can bring the best each time I do the things I love.  When things become a task, and not a love, you have issues.  Look at your profession and ask yourself this question:  am I able to give 100 percent, and love every minute of it?  Now if you asked this question to 1000 individuals what do you think the answer would be?  No matter what you do for work, no matter what you have achieved thus far, no one can continue forever without resting from time to time.  Those who feel that they can go on forever are only fooling themselves, and the time will come when everything around them will come crashing down because they never found the time to simply rest.  

So why am I bringing up the topic of rest today?  Every now and again when I sit down to write I have to really let go of everything and simply clear my mind in order to hear the direction I need to go in.  This morning I was sitting here, and the direction I thought I was going to go in, was in fact just the opposite of what I now find myself writing about.  I began to practice what I preach, and I simply quieted my mind, took several deep breaths, and began to rest. Well what do you know, rest, rest, rest, was all I got, and being Captain Obvious I had no other choice other than write about rest.  I can not stress enough the importance of you taking the time to simply lay down everything, and find that place of rest.  This place could be a million different things, but in the end the results will be the same.  Trust me, rest is what will keep you sane, it will keep you at peace, and quite frankly it will keep you young.  

We spend so much time trying to be what we are supposed to be, or what we believe we are supposed to be, and instead of simply being, we are always doing.  We do one thing to become something.  We look here to go there.  We move in one direction to get where we believe we need to be.  We are always on the go.  We never stop.  Trust me, it's only a matter of time until everything, and I do mean everything, will come crashing down around you.  Rest is not something that we hope for, it is something that you are going to have to make time for.  If it is go, go, go at all times, if it is non-stop "I have to get here", you will get to the point where you won't even enjoy the end result when, or if you get it.  I cannot emphasize enough the importance of you taking care of yourself and finding that time to rest.  I may be those deep breaths you take while driving to your next destination.  Rest might come in the form of simply pulling up to your favorite coffee shop and sneaking that donut that everyone says you should not have.  Rest might be snuggles with your pet on a Saturday morning, when you know the list of things to do today is as long as your arm.  Trust me, taking an extra five or ten minutes to simply love the snuggles is not going to mean the end of the world.  

Rest is taking the pressure off of you, if only for a few minutes during the day.  Rest is recognizing that you are worth the time to be or step away from, everything and anything, that keeps you from peace.  Trust me when I say this: a life void of rest is a life void and absent of peace.  A life absent of peace is a life absent of joy, happiness, and why in the world would you want that?  I encourage you to find the time to rest.  Find the time to recharge your batteries.  Find the time as they say to simply "smell the coffee".  There are so many people who will never ever experience the true happiness of life because they are so busy seeking after happiness.  Happiness does not come from exerting effort, happiness comes from recognizing who and what you are.  Find time to rest, and in that rest happiness thrives.  Find time to rest, and in that rest growth comes.  Find time to rest, and in that rest you find in yourself the things that the world needs, and that only you can bring to it.  Find rest my friends, and know that only good can come from it.