Saturday, January 28, 2023

If ever there was a time

If ever there was a time to discover and walk in your truth, now is the time.  If ever there was a time to rid yourself of old beliefs, those things that have held you back, now is that time.  If ever there was a time to fully understand your perfection and significance, now is the time.  In this world we live in we are buffeted each and every day with things we don't always understand, things we don't like, and things that would love to knock us off course.  I'm hoping that what I have to share with you today will bring you some comfort, some understanding, and provide you with a renewed desire to take no prisoners.  Let's get started, and see where this crazy journey of discovery takes us.

When we are in the midst of a struggle most people will begin to question things asking why, or how, or even when will it end?  Honestly, it will end when you have learned the lesson that was set out in front of you to learn. I know that may not be the popular answer, but if you always do, what you always did, you'll always get, what you always got. I get it, easier said than done, but, and this is a huge but, the sooner you realize that not all change is bad, and in almost every situation, change is something one should embrace. Once you can accept change as a necessity then things can move forward as planned.  I say all that, to say this:  the time has come to step into your real purpose.  The time has come to walk in your power and might, and the time has come to share with the rest of the world those things that have been laid up inside of you since the beginning of time.  

So what are some of those old limiting beliefs that have tried to keep people down?  What are some of the things we have been told, that we have been expected to believe, and that we have been assured are truths?  Before I really walk down this path to describe a few things, I want to say something.  Many of the limiting beliefs we have are subtle at best.  Many are laying right below the surface, and yet we believe they are so cemented in our lives there is no way to rid ourselves of them.  Let's put this out there to clarify something: limiting beliefs are never who you are, or what you are relegated to.  They are not real, and therefore are not meant for you.  Now that we have that covered let's move on. 

 Limiting belief #1:  We are simply human, destined to live out our human experience nothing more, nothing less.  Crap, crap, crap.  We are in fact infinite beings, with no beginning , and no end.  How can something that has no beginning and no end be limited?  Infinity has no limits, therefore you have no limits.  Keep in mind we have been conditioned to believe in limits and as such we have limited ourselves.  Our creator never intended us to live "without", and the sooner we take our rightful place in the universe the sooner we can operate the way we were always intended to operate.  

Limiting Belief #2:  We are only flesh and Blood.  Far too many people live under the false impression that we are born, we live, and then we die.  In the eyes of most people this is truth. However, to those with spiritual eyes they know that life is everlasting, and that no matter what may happen to this human vessel, our true essence lives forever.  One's inability to see this truth, to walk in this truth, will cast a cloud over them for this existence simply because they will always be looking for the end, wondering when it will come, how it will come, and what they should be focusing on never comes into view.  

Limiting Belief #3:  We are powerless.  It is so sad that the vast majority of people live with this impression of themselves, when the truth is anything but us being powerless.  How can a vessel that is infinite be powerless?  When you look at those who came before us who walked in total enlightenment, do you think for a minute that they saw themselves as limited?  An Enlightened Being by definition cannot see limits.  If only one person in history was enlightened, then we must believe that all people were intended to walk in the same enlightenment.  Why? Simply put, the Creator of the Universe is not a respecter of people.  What is done for one is done for all, and unless you grasp this truth you will always be one step behind, one day late, and one dollar short.  Harsh sounding maybe, but truth none-the-less.

When I set out to begin this blog almost 13 years ago I never imagined I would be writing it for this long.  I've questioned the reason why I continue to write, and truth be told there have been moments when I felt defeated in what I was doing.  I can take no credit for what is written in each post.  My Divine Creator gives me each and every word to write, and all I do is replicate what I'm told on this page.  There have been times when I would literally cry because I wanted the world to read this. I'm not looking to be famous for what I publish, I simply want people to read and hear, and do what God is sharing.  No matter what I might be going through at any given moment I am always grateful that God has allowed me to be on this platform.  Where it ultimately takes me, I do not know, but I will be faithful to the gift I have been given, and I will gladly go where it takes me.  The gifts inside each of you were placed there for the very same reason, to get you to where you are supposed to be, doing the things you are supposed to be doing.  Limiting beliefs will only delay what God's plans for you are.  

Let me end with this picture, and it is my hope that this will solidify what I am trying to share with you this morning.  I want you to picture a beautifully wrapped gift just sitting in the middle of the room.  You have no idea what is in it, but you are mildly intrigued by it.  There is a note on it that reads "Open Me".  Now there is no mention of who it is from, or who it is for.  There are some who would tear right into it, others would wait for direction or better said permission to open the package.  Deep down inside of you, in your heart, you just have this feeling the package is for you, and what is inside is life changing. Sadly, because of past events you are almost too afraid to touch it, let alone open it.  This is a limiting Belief.  The package is yours, and you need to open it, and freely receive it.  It matters not what is inside, what matters is that you choose to accept this gift, open it, and embrace everything about it.  

My dear friends we have come to the precipice.  Will you accept what is yours, do what you were created to do?  Will you walk in the freedom that allows you to be you?  Will you accept the fact that you have no limits, you have no end, and that there is nothing you cannot accomplish?  I can show you all things, but only you can make the decision about what you will do with this information.  I cherish each of you, and my wish is that you would pick up your mantel and walk in those things that you have been created to walk in.  There are people who are dependent on what you have to offer.  We are powerful beings, and the world needs what we have.  Never loose sight of this truth.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Heart of the Matter.

 What is at the Heart of the Matter?  When one talks about love, about compassion, about understanding, what is that all about?  Can someone truly love, and if they can, do they ever really experience it?  These are all good questions, but in reality, these are questions that can only be answered by the one asking them.  What I want to do today is simply share my views on love, and really why love has to be, no exception, has to be center stage in each person's life, or nothing but trouble will come from it.  Now I didn't say being in love, or loving someone had to be center stage.  What I'm saying is love must be the motivator in everything you do, every day, all the time, period, end of story.  Is it easy to operate out of love at all times?  No not really, but what helps is when you know what love really is, and what it is not.  

There are all levels of love in life.  We start out with Puppy Love, that first real crush we had on someone. There's the love for a job, a home, a different part of the world.  There's romantic love, love for a child, love for a pet.  It all comes from the same place, and even though there are different levels, love is simply love.  Many people struggle with the idea of love, many never feel they experience it, many want it so desperately they would do anything for it.  Before you go beating yourself over the topic of love, let's take a step back and look at the foundations of love.  

We were created to love because we were created from love.  I'm not talking love from your biological parents, I am talking the love from the Creator of the Universe.  This love is without spot or wrinkle.  This love is unadulterated.  This love can never be altered, nor can it ever be retracted.  Sadly far too many people do not realize this, and they look for love in all the wrong places.  I'm going to make a comment, and although you may disagree I'm going to make it anyway.  If you are unable to love yourself, if you are unable to see the greatness in your design, in your creation, then the love of your life could be looking you in the face and you would never recognize it.  If you cannot see you were created from love then you will never be able to feel love, show or feel compassion, be moved by those things that cry out for love.  I love who I am.  It's not love in a conceited way, I simply love me because I was placed here in the perfection of the Universe, and because of that I can receive all the love that my Creator has for me.  I feel so bad when I see people who walk around empty of compassion.  It's not that they can't show compassion that saddens me, it is they are unable to receive love because they do not see the love that their entire life has been based on.  

Your heart is the center of your being.  Your heart cries out to display compassion, to feel and give love.  You can spot someone void of love simply by their ability, or inability to show compassion.  When you observe this you are seeing someone who probably has never felt love, or maybe just rejected it, and that is total sadness in my eyes.  Believe it or not I learned more about unconditional love by having my dogs.  It may sound silly, it may sound childish, but they love unconditionally, and almost by osmosis you begin operating the same way.  I can come home from a rough, rough day at work and they want nothing more than love and attention.  Here's the thing, they don't demand love, they simply want it, they want to show it, and it brings them joy to display love to their mommies and daddies.  

Let's cut to the chase and tell you why love is so vitally important in your life.  If your life is void of love then you will attempt to fill that void with any number of things, and in most cases what you fill it with will ultimately bring you to a place you do not wish to be in, nor did you ever expect to find yourself in.  I'm not saying this to put fear in you.  I'm saying this because love is so wonderful, it is so edifying, it is daily nourishment, daily rejuvenation.  Love which operates in one's life will keep you young, it will manifest endless joy.   But I so need to say this again, if you cannot find it in yourself to love yourself, then you will never experience true love, and the void will simply get bigger, and bigger, and eventually what you fill that void with will overcome you, and not in a good way.

The world is loaded with books about love.  Movies celebrate it, television is loaded with it, but the single most important thing to remember about all that is published is that it is not you, and only you can receive love.  I've been in situations where I cried out for love, never expecting to find true love, and often wondering what was wrong with me.  Well what was wrong is that I did not know who I was, didn't love who I was, and subsequently was never in a place to receive love.  I'm telling you, love yourself, and love will find you.  

Love is always going to be tested, because we live in a world of imperfection.  We make mistakes, we often say things we really don't mean, and many times we strike out at those who love us the most.  We are human, and as such we are going to botch things up from time to time.  True love however, no matter the circumstances will last an eternity.  For those who have found true love, it is a thing to be cherished.  For those seeking it, it is something to hold on to and extend your faith that it is there.  Who we love, let's face it, we really don't choose it.  It simply happens, and often happens when you least expect it, and from people you never expected it from.  

The sad truth about love is that far too many people discount love's importance.  So many people will say they don't need love for success. Many will say they don't need love for happiness.  I say that that is simply because they have never experienced love in the first place.  Do you truly love your fellow man?  Is compassion your way of life, or is showing compassion and love only when it is convenient?  Love truly does conquer all things.  Love, when truly appreciated, truly understood, and freely received will change any life, without regard to circumstances, or status in life.  

Absolute love needs to be accepted absolutely.  Absolute love is a gift given to you because you were created from love.  When you can accept the Creator's Love, you will never be without it in your life, and then and only then can you share it.  When we truly share love, we must do so without any expectation of pay back.  Certainly it will be paid back, but you cannot orchestrate or design the way it will come back to you.  Absolute love is natural, and it must be treated as thus.  When you know you are loved nothing else can hurt you.  When you know you are loved you will walk in your power, in your might, in your perfection, in your beauty.  Based on that life will be very, very good when you begin to accept absolute love, and walk in that love.  Love will conquer all things.  It is time to embrace love, show love, live love, love love, and know that others will be blessed as you walk in love.  

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Take the Blinders off, God is in you!!
I'm going to tell you right up front that this week's Blog just may send some over the edge.  It might also open your eyes to things you have thought, but never fully realized.  It may bring some clarity to things you have often felt, but never really understood the reason why.  You have heard me say, or as a minimum I have written about it numerous times in the past, that we have been conditioned since birth to believe certain things, and not entertain other things.  Sadly most of what we have been taught about God is fundamentally incorrect, and those things we have been told to walk away from are more truth than you could ever realize.  Now I want to say upfront that this is not about church bashing, or New Age Dogma.  What I want to do today is open your eyes, have you take the blinders off , and maybe for the first time in your life realize that there is more to this life than you realize.  Hold tight, because some of this ride might just get bumpy.

We were created by a Higher Being.  You can place whatever label you would like to place upon this being, but I will call it God, Creator, Source.  No matter how you label it we were created.  Many people fail to realize that our creation was not just this body that came from your mother's womb, but rather our infinite spirit, which has always been , and will always be.  Once again I have said this many times in the past, and yet far too many people still do not realize the significance of their creation.  What I need you to do right in this moment is shut down your mind, open your heart, and take in what I am about to say.  God is in you.  There is nothing you can do to change that.  You cannot separate yourself from this fact.  You can run from the things of God, you can ignore what your spirit is telling you, but you can't separate yourself from that which created you.  

When Spirit directed me to write about this topic this week I will tell you that it wasn't my first choice, nor was it something I was over the moon happy about.  If there is one subject in this world that can ruin a dinner party it is that of spirituality, or religion.  Too many people have differing views, and let's be honest, wars have started over religion.  I'm not talking about religion today. I'm talking about the real you, the spiritual side of you, and a side that is more real than you could ever imagine.  However, this is a side that not enough people have become familiar with, or have completely ignored it.  Well today I am going to introduce you to this side of you again, and it is my hope that you will become intimately familiar with your spiritual side, and by doing so become familiar with the God that resides inside of you.

It is no secret that I have been going through some battles as of late.  These trying times have challenged my beliefs, they have pulled me, twisted me, and almost killed me, metaphorically speaking. What they have also done is forced me to look internally to what is the real truth of my existence, and who and what I am.  I had forgotten that I am that I am.  I had vanquished my infinite side, and instead focused only on my own humanity.  Trust me when I tell you that your humanity is never going to pull your butt out of the fire.  I have cried more tears, questioned more beliefs over the last year than I think I ever have.  Through it all the one salient point that kept coming back to me was that I was more than just a mere human, I was in fact a spiritual being, who had the essence of my creator flowing through my entire body.  When we see ourselves as limited, we are limited.  When we see ourselves as creative, then we create. When we see ourselves as spirit then we operate on a whole new level.  This spiritual realm is where we were always intended to operate, and often we only get to this level when things have truly gotten out of hand, or out of control.  It is my hope that by you ready this, you will make the decision that operating from a spiritual realm is the preferred method of living.  

There has been so much truth hidden from us because once you know you know, and the powers that be cannot afford to have you knowing the real truth about who you are.  At the moment of your creation you were given the keys to a jail cell that too many people have tried to keep you locked up in your entire life. This freedom that you were destined to walk in has been stolen from you by those who only want to control you for their own gain.  When you finally realize the power you have by virtue of your creation,  the unlimited ability that is really yours, then and only then will you put the death nail into those who have wanted nothing but your sheer destruction. 

If you believe in a loving and benevolent God, why in heavens name would you be relegated to a life of misery and false hope?  Why in God's name would you be expected to live a life of lack, a life filled with sickness, a life only knowing fear, having no love, and always wondering what evil is hanging around the next corner?   This doesn't sound like any God I want to have a relationship with, and to the ones holding you back that is just fine with them.  When you come to an understanding of the greatness of who you are, and that this greatness has always been, and will always be inside of you, then you can kick the evil back, say good-bye to lack and sickness, and for once in your life operate from a place of knowing just how incredible you are. 

Do you want to know one of the easiest ways to know if you recognize that God resides inside of you?  The answer may shock you.  One of the telling signs that you understand your significance is that you operate with compassion.  You are moved by what you see, and there is very little that would stop you from righting a wrong, stepping in to rescue a defenseless animal, share love with a stranger, seeing people not from their outside appearance, but rather their spirit.  If you do this daily I can pretty much bet you have given thought to God, and God has touched you in a personal way.  

My dear friends take the blinders off ,see the world and yourself, for the greatness that it is.  How I wish I could touch each of you, release a blessing on you, and have you feel the power of God flowing through every fiber of your being.  Know this, no matter what you may go through, where you may have come from, you still can never change the fact that God is inside of you, and this allows you to operate well above just a normal human existence.  Step out and let God show you just how powerful you are.  If you will allow this things will change in your life forever. 


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Withering Heights; When you don't know, what you don't know.
 I hardly know where to start today, and to be totally transparent, I wasn't even sure I wanted to write this week.  So much going on right now, and so much that I simply don't know.  I certainly can latch on to intuition, but even intuition at times seems like a million miles away, and almost untouchable.  I was questioning my Divine Creator, asking why this was like this, or why things were like that.  I found out fairly quickly that I didn't know, what I didn't know.  I also discovered, or better put, reminded myself about the perfection of the Universe, and in due time, I would indeed have the answers to all things.  We as humans while in the midst of a struggle, or upheaval, have a tendency to want to have the answers right away, while not realizing that learning from each situation we face is what this whole thing is about. 

It is so frightfully tough to be in the midst of a battle, feeling as though your entire world is falling apart, and having to remind yourself that number one, you created this mess, and two, you will get out of it.  So many people will have a brain melt with that last statement.  How can one create the mess, and be thankful they are going through it? Feelings, thoughts, and words are what create our reality.  Change the way you think, change your reality.  Simple, not really, but necessary if you are ever going to get on the side of joy, happiness, and peace.  There is an awful lot going on around us at the moment.  Some is good, some bad, some downright destructive.  How you relate to any of these things that are going around is going to be dependent on how you see yourself.  Do you see yourself as a victim?  Do you see yourself as an overcomer?  Do you even see yourself rising above the fray, and walking in peace, joy, and happiness?  Trust me, if you can't feel the joy, peace, and happiness, no matter what is going on around you, then you are in dire straights to be sure.  

How many of you have cried out in desperation to be released from the torment you might be going through?  Have many of you have asked for a supernatural touch to ease the pain?  I know I have, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that.  In moments like this our only real option is to change our mindset, and know that we have the power to overcome, but we also must have the will.  It's never easy, and sometimes it's even harder to admit that we don't have all the answers.  It's in times like this that we must, and I emphasize must, dig deep and know that we are equipped to handle it all.  Many people believe that God will never put us in a situation where we do not have what we need to get through it. The saying goes that it is always darkest before the dawn.  Just about the time we are ready to give up, throw in the towel, something happens to get us through, or something happens that switches on the light of "Oh I get it".  Going through a struggle is nothing compared to giving up on a struggle.  We cannot ever give up, for in doing so you are simply saying you are not good enough, not strong enough, not smart enough, and none of that is true.  You are good enough, strong enough, and smart enough.  This you must believe, and this is how you have to operate. 

If one simply ignores what is going on around them does that mean the issues will simply disappear?  You may not see them directly, but until you tackle the issues they are still there and they will manifest all kinds of issues down the road.  When you tackle a battle head on, then and only then will you be able to gain a victory.  It really doesn't matter where the battles come from, we have to engage to win.  Often those things that comes against us are brought to us from those who supposedly are closest to us.  Family, loved ones, friends, are often the catalyst to our struggles and battles.  I haven't quite figured out why that is the case, but it doesn't change the fact that we have to give all things over to God, and with the power we have within us, move forward in those things that are meant to be. 

There are times when we are going through struggles or times of distress that we automatically feel as though we have missed it somewhere, that somehow we have failed.  I was recently told by someone that I was fooling myself.  That what I write, when I write is nothing more than empty words, and who was I to classify myself as an author/writer.  Let me tell you, that hurt, and it hurt badly.  This accusation was made to hurt me, and let me tell you, it did.  Once again, those who are closest to us often are the ones who hurt us the most.  I could have packed up shop and never ever written again, and that would have been the easy thing to do.  I never asked to be a writer.  I never planned on publishing books.  I've written millions of words over the last decade, and I can assure you I take no credit for the things I write, as they are nothing but downloads from my Creator.  Our gifts, our callings all come from the Creator of the Universe, God.  This calling, these gifts are freely given, and they must be accepted, no matter how large or how small they may appear.  

We may not have all the answers as to why things happen, or why we have been called to do a certain thing.  What we need to do is simply be obedient, and follow our spirit.  It would be easy to feel as though my writing is insignificant, has zero merit, and in fact is foolish to think it will help or inspire anyone.  What I do is remember that if only one person gains from the words I have presented, then I have done what I have been called to do.  We don't know what we don't know, and because of this we have to take things on faith.  Faith is believing.  Faith is recognizing that a larger power is in control.  Faith is knowing that you are indeed on the right path, doing the right things, and in the right time, what you truly desire will be there for you.  

Were it possible for me to snap my finger and have all the misery, all the hurt, all the fear and unhappiness removed from the world, I certainly would do that.  My guess is most everyone else would do the same thing.  All I can do is remove it from my life, and allow others to do the same in theirs.  One at a time is all it takes for us to change the face of the planet.  One at a time is all it takes to start a movement.  One at a time is all it takes to bring an idea to life.  One at a time.

We may not have all the answers, that's OK.  We certainly don't know what we don't know, but trust me when I tell you that the answers you need will be there when you need them.  Trust in your Creator.  Trust in your calling.  Believe that all things conspire to bring you to the place you belong, to do the things you were intended to do.  The perfection in which You were created is the same perfection you have inside of you to do the things you dream of doing.  Go and do great things, for greatness is what resides inside each of us.  Love and light to all.