Thursday, December 29, 2022

It's a New Year, and Go!!
 I was going to take the week off, but things being as they are, I've decided to publish a blog.  It may not post until 2023, but we'll see what happens. I have had lots, and lots, and I do mean lots of things running through my mind.  Some have caused conflict, others have brought clarity.  If anyone knows me they know I hate confrontation.  If anyone knows me they also know that I will do anything for anyone, often at the cost of me going without.  I do not say that for sympathy, rather as a point of reference.  For the better part of my life I tried to do things that I thought other people expected of me.  I always sought out the acceptance of others, or better put, the approval of others.  It wasn't until later in life that I was able to get over this short coming, and finally accept who I was, the gifts that God gave me, and the mission or in the words I often use, my destiny.  It in is this light that I want to share with you what I feel is important, and why this upcoming year is so critical to what you desire in life.  Now we always hear about the next year being critical, or that something big is going to happen, that our ships are going to come in, the planets will line up. In my mind it's just the same crap different day.  I do believe, from the bottom of my heart, that 2023 is indeed going to be a monumental year on a different number of fronts.  Some people will understand what I am saying, others will walk around scratching their head and thinking what's so different from this new year vice the year we just had.  Now I could go on for days describing what differences will take place in the upcoming year, but time and space being at a premium, I will keep it as concise as I can, and hopefully you will grasp what I am about to share.

There can be absolutely no denial that there has been a shift going on the last few years.  Most of the world is in turmoil, countless people have lost the battle, and yet we are still in a war.  To some this may be an actual war, to others only spiritual.  No matter what front you find yourself on, we are fast approaching a time when knowing certain things is going to be paramount.  Operating a certain way is going to be a necessity, and most importantly, being true to yourself is an absolute must.  Herein is the main topic of this New Year's Blog.  Being true to self is what must be our focus in the coming days, weeks, and months.  I guess with this last statement, we need to understand what is "Our True Self".  Everyone sees themselves differently, based on circumstances, events, and things that have happened in the past.  Without regard to what may have transpired in the past, what you feel may happen in the future, knowing self is the only way we are going to traverse the path ahead.  

Our journey into self-awareness didn't just begin.  We have been in a learning mode since the beginning of time.  Now this thought may just send some over the edge, but I would be remiss if I did not speak truth.  Our true essence, our spirit was fully formed and developed at the beginning of time.  We as humans have to understand our spirit if we are ever going to follow the guidance provided by our spirit.  Our spirit is infinite.  As I've said so many times in the past, it has always been, and will always be.  It has no beginning, and no end.  We fail to recognize the significance of our spirit because we have been conditioned to ignore it.  Self-awareness is the awakening.  This awakening is going to be different for everyone because everyone brings various things into the equation.  Past fears, hurts, up, downs, all become a part of our experience, and those things are what typically keep us from listening to, or doing what our spirit is directing us to do.  

I'm not trying to be overly dramatic, but we are in fact at a precipice right now.  We must either decide to remain where we are, suffering loss, loosing hope, giving up, or we need to step out into those things we were destined to do, and accept the significance of our being.  Sadly there is no other choice.  Equally as sad, is there will be those who will choose to remain where they are at, being blown about by all manner of chaos.  Given the option, which choice do you think is the correct one?  I can't make the decision for you, but what I can do is encourage you to look at a few facts that might make your decision a little bit easier.  Fact number one:  you have been equipped with an Infinite Spirit.  This spirit knows all, can do all, and is just as much a part of you as any other part of your body.  I think you would agree that everyone knows how to utilize their own arms and legs.  Each has learned to see, to hear, to breath.  Most of what we do daily is second nature.  Well, knowing or listening to your spirit also must become second nature.  The only reason it may not be right now is because you have not allowed it to be.  You have not grown familiar with your own spirit.  This is in large part because you have never been allowed to really operate spiritually and only operate from a purely human standpoint.  Fact Number Two:  This is not your first Rodeo.  Your Spirit has been around since the beginning of time.  Now I'm not sure anyone really knows when things really began.  Some say it was the Big Bang, others will argue that point, it matters not.  We indeed started at some point, and your spirit started at the very point where all things began.  As hard as that may be to wrap your mind around, your spirit has had all the time it needs to now all, and if you will listen it will tell you exactly what you need to know, when you need to know it, for any situation you might find yourself in.  Fact Number Three:  It really doesn't matter what you have been taught, what you belief, as truth is truth, and the truth of the matter is you are spirit.  We inhabit a mortal body, but once this shell is gone, your spirit is still alive, as it always has been, and as it always will be.  

It's a New Year, and while many will come up with resolutions, most of which never continue past maybe the first week, maybe it's time to change things up from the past and begin to live the way you were always intended to live.  We were created to have dominion over all things.  We are not small, we are not weak, we are not stupid or lazy, we are in fact the most powerful thing in the Universe, SPIRIT!!  If you cannot grasp this truth, then sadly you will continue on with things the same old way, getting the same results.  

It's time to get on with life, but get on with the life that was always destined for you.  No matter what last year brought your way, 2023 is going to be totally different.  The difference will begin when you understand the difference between flesh and Spirit.  The difference will begin when you accept truth from fiction.  The difference will begin when you walk in your true essence, and not simply the flesh you occupy.  I'm here to tell you that big things are coming, and coming at a pace that will boggle the ordinary person.  

My dreams for this upcoming year are no different from years past.  My dream is to walk deeper, stronger, more determined than ever, but walk in Spirit, and not flesh.  My desire for each of you is the very same thing.  We have been bombarded with negative for way too long.  We have been moved by what we see with our natural eyes, and not what is truth as seen though our own Spiritual Eyes.  It is my deepest wish and desire that each of you make the determination to see in the Spirit, and in doing so, launch yourself into the perfect place, a place that was always designed for you to be in. Join me in agreement that what you desire most will manifest quickly.  What you dream about most will come to fruition.  What you were created for, will make itself known to you, so that the whole world will be blessed by what you have to offer.  I wish you the very best for the upcoming year, and I long to hear your stories of victory, love, and success in all things. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Only time will tell.
I am writing this on a Thursday for publication Christmas morning.  In addition, this will be the last posting of the year as I am taking next week off just to relax, re-group, center, and otherwise fill my tank up which has been running near empty as of late.  The Christmas Season, as well as New Years tends to get us to reflect on certain things.  Some are important, some are not.  All that has transpired this past year is now history, never to change, and now a memory.  What lies ahead?  Some will profess to know the future, some have intuition, others will simply take on 2023 like they did 2022, flying by the seat of their pants, and whatever comes, comes.  No matter what approach you have taken concerning this year, or will take concerning next year, what I want to do today is get you to think about all you desire and finally go after it.  

When I say that only time will tell I'm talking about whether you make the moves you need to make, and not about time in general as time in my, and many other's estimation, is simply an illusion.  I hear story after story of people waiting for their Ship to come in.  I see people loosing hope, wondering when things will change for them.  I even have moments where I wonder if I have missed the boat on some things.  It really is time to step out into the great adventure that we call your destiny.  It is time to let go of all those things that have held you back.  And trust me, there is always something trying to pull you down, hold you back, destroy your dreams, and ultimately have you give up on life, on desire, on visions.  I am here to tell you, don't do it.  Don't give up, not now when you have come so far. 

We've all been granted or should I say we have been created with creative abilities.  This may come as a shock to those who have never read one of my blogs, but we are creating every day of our lives.  Sadly much of what we create is not what we want, but we have created it all.  I could sit here and try to wax very eloquently, but no matter what I say, it all comes down to what you believe, and what you decide to allow to become truth in your life.  I can't twist your arm, I can't buy it for you.  I can encourage you to believe, but it all comes down to what you choose to do with the information.  Only time will tell what you do with your abilities.  Only time will tell where your dreams will take you.  Only time will tell what the nd result is of all this is inside of you.  

I was conversing with my Creator the other day.  It was one of those days when I had many more questions than answers.  I like any other human struggle with things.  There are days when I am victorious, and then there are days when I need a do-over.  I would love to tell you that victory is a constant in my life, but I to have struggles, and I to have to turn things over to a higher power as I have yet to learn how to handle everything that is thrown at me.  Simply because you are on the middle of a tough time does not define you as a loser, or a victim, or even unworthy.  It simply means none of us have learned how to overcome completely, but thank the lord this is only momentary.  Each of us has what it takes to overcome anything and everything that comes into our lives.  We simply have to have faith.

This is the Christmas season when we remember the birth of the one who taught us all the secrets of life.  Christ was the perfect example of how to live, what to believe, and what to do when things go a little nuts in life.  I guess what I think about most is how do I get to the point where I am walking as Christ walked on earth.  We tend to think that those things that were done some two thousand plus years ago are beyond our abilities.  I'm here to tell you they are not, and the example was shown to us so we would do what was done in the past.  This year for me has had many challenges.  I lost my brother to cancer, my personal life has faced challenge after challenge that even under normal circumstances would be trying, but in the times we live, the issues have multiplied tenfold.  I don't say this for sympathy, I say this to say I am still here, and I have grown through each experience.  I am glad this year is coming to an end, and I look forward to 2023 with a powerful expectation of what is coming.  We must get to the point where we are not moved by what we see, or experience, but by what we know to be truth.  We are overcomes.  We are equal[[ed with s spirit that is perfect, that has creative power, and that will never end.  Our true essence is our spirit, and once you realize this you will never be moved by events that tend to send others over the edge.

Only time will tell if you pick up on your real truth.  Only time will tell when you decide that enough is enough, and you will no longe fall prey to what the world expects of you.  Only time will tell when you take a stand, move into your rightful place, and take dominion over all those things that have haunted you in the past.  Tis the season to be Jolly.  It is also a season to step out into those things that you were destined for since the beginning of time.  

My wish for each of you is that you experience the life you were always intended to live.  A life that is full of kindness, love, joy, and happiness.  We have all fought over the last few years, and if ever there was a time for rest, for reassurance that all things are going to work out, now is that time.  I cannot orchestrate perfection in your life, but what I can do is remind you of the perfection that resides in you, and encourage you to recognize that perfection.  Our design, our creation was not by chance.  Your being here in this moment is not by chance.  The sooner you realize that you have a destiny, and that this destiny is to change the face of humanity, the sooner you can walk in all those things that will bring you the joy and happiness that is meant for you.

I send each of you peace, I send each of you joy and happiness.  Remember that the promises of the past are still present.  We cannot change what happened yesterday, we have no real idea what will transpire tomorrow, so let us live in the present.  Today is a day of miracles.  Today is a day of creativity, and today is the day that will change your life forever if you allow it to be so.  Stand in your power, your might, and your acceptance of who and what you are.  We are stronger together, so let us join together and move this planet to the place that it needs to be.  Your strength, your persistence, and your ability to overcome all obstacles, all pitfalls, all sadness and fear is ever present.  I wish you the best this holiday season, and I cannot wait to hear of the many victories that each of you experience over the coming days.  I send you love, light, happiness, and joy, today, tomorrow, and into the future. 


Sunday, December 18, 2022

The time has come to decide...Will you, or won't you?
Do it, Don't do it, maybe, maybe not, yes, no, I can, I can't, and on and on it goes.  These are the questions we repeatedly ask ourselves daily.  It's not so much indecision, rather  simply not knowing.  Not knowing the true purpose of things.  Not knowing what it is you were created to do.  Not knowing what is really important in this thing we call life.  Hey, you're not alone in this "Not Knowing" thing.  Countless people find themselves in the same position, and my suggestion to anyone who finds themselves in this position is this:  take a deep breath, look up to the heavens, and know that everything you need to make it through is already inside of you.

What I'd like to do today is encourage you to let go of the things that haven't worked for you, that haven't served you well, and instead try something a little different. Most people are reluctant to accept, or even seek change in their lives, but this is an opportunity to change things around, and finally be where you need to be, doing the things you need to be doing.  So hold on to your hats, and let's get this party started.

First and foremost, you are here for a reason.  You can deny that, you can run from this fact, you can even make up a huge list of things to do in place of what you really should be doing, but in the end, you will be where you need to be, when you need to be there.  Our perfection is just that, perfection.  We might not always like the things we go through, but there is a method to all this madness, and the sooner you can accept this fact, the sooner you can get on with life, and do the things that will bring total happiness and joy into your life.  I get how this may seem like empty words, or what some have labeled as "Whimsical", but I assure you it is very real, and all things work together for good.

I've seen people who are so beat up that they feel all hope is lost, all dreams have evaporated, and whatever future they might have will undoubtedly be consumed and tossed on the dung heap of life.  As sad as this scenario might seem I'm here to tell you that you can, and to be honest, you need to nip this thinking in the bud, and accept nothing less than total success and victory in every part of your life.  We tackle life spiritually, physically, and with human emotions.  Sadly, human emotions are what get us into trouble more often than not.  If one is unfamiliar with their divinity, with their divine nature, then they will get wrapped up in what they see with their physical eyes, and not their spiritual eyes.  We must make the decision as to what we will believe.  We must make the decision as to what we will follow.  We can follow a myth, or we can follow the truth.  Problem with most people today is they have allowed themselves to be controlled by what they have been taught by others, and they haven't figured out the real truth.  I guess that leads me to ask you, do you know the real truth?  

The real truth, whether ones chooses to believe it or not, is that you are powerful and greater than you might realize.  I spoke of the myth.  This myth were perpetrated by well intentioned people, but it has lead us down a path of lack, of sickness, of want, and of fear.  We were never created to experience any of these things, and when you accept these things in your life you have fallen prey to the myth.  Will you accept this myth, or will you move forward, and finally step into your rightful place?  Decisions, decisions, decisions.  The truth of the matter is only you can decide what path you will walk down.  Certainly they are plenty of people who will offer you their opinion, but when life hangs in the balance are you going to follow someone you don't know, or will you follow your heart that is incapable of leading you in the wrong direction?

We are living in times that would challenge even the strongest person.  Much of what we thought as truth just days ago is showing itself as myth right now.  Much of what we thought we knew, is now requiring us to rethink some things, and take our own life in a totally different direction.  I for one am excited about the phase we are about to enter.  I have been waiting for this time my entire life, and I am so thankful that I am living in this time, able to experience all that will be coming, and knowing that I am equipped to handle anything thrown at me.  

So let's go back to the original question: will you, or won't you?  Will you take a stand and say no more?  No more doubt, no more fear?  Will you finally accept your place, and stand tall and proud?  In truth, the only thing that can stop you, is you.  You control what you think, what you say, what you feel.  You control how you react to certain situations.  You control what happens next.  As hard as it is to believe that you create your own reality, you do.  I believe it is time that your reality becomes those things you dream of, those things you desire, those things that deep down you know are true.  If you want to leave a lasting legacy begin to walk in your power.  If you want others to grow, walk in your power.  If you truly desire to change the world and humanity, walk in your power.  

"In these times of toil and strife, look to the one who gave you life."  I wrote these words in 1979, and I am so grateful that my creator brought them back to my memory.  Never forget where you came from, who you came from.  To be living in such a time as this is phenomenal.  To be able to be a part of what is coming is extraordinary.  To be walking in all things good is nothing short of remarkable.  We can walk with our head down because life has been tough, or we can walk tall knowing that we are conquerors.  What you do in the not too distant future is entirely up to you.  What you experience in the not too distant future is entirely up to you.  How you see life, how you react is all together up to you.  

So will you, or won't you?  A yes is good, a no is, well let's say it's not so good.  Certainly you can say no and continue on your current trajectory, but then what changes for you?  A yes will fundamentally change your life forever.  It will be a challenge that's for sure, but it's a challenge that you will look back on, and you will tell your grandchildren the great tales of what happened back when.  My dear friends the time has come to take your rightful place.  It is time to live as you were always intended to live.  It is time to live with freedom.  Choose wisely.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

At the end of your rope?
 Been there, done that.  Far too many times I have been in positions where I find my self at the end of my rope.  I've had to decide what to do next.  Many others find themselves at the end of their ropes, and those same decisions are going to have to be made. What I want to do today is give you a set of options.  Which option you chose is entirely up to you, but there is a preferred one, and I hope you agree with me, that the preferred one is your best choice.

Ropes are a funny thing.  They can assist in many ways, they can also be a huge detriment.  How you decide to utilize this rope is entirely up to you as well.  Ropes can be attached to pull things verses heavy lifting.  Ropes can help secure items, making sure they don't wonder off on their own.  Ropes can also tie things up securely, but the question you have to ask yourself is do you want to tie up things that are not in your best interest?  Individuals have a tendency of holding on to things, in a sense securing it to your person in perpetuity.  So to put it bluntly, the rope can either be a help, or be a noose around your neck, and with the latter, we know the result. So let's get down the Nitty Gritty, and see if we can't make things easier, thereby beginning to use rope as a helper, and not the enemy.  

First impressions when anything negative happens to us is that somehow we are the cause, or we deserve it, or in many cases, the world is just out to get us.  First let me say, none of these three things are true, and the sooner you drop this notion, the sooner you can go on with life.  No person deserves bad in their life.  Now because of Universal Laws bad can come into your life, but the person who controls that is you.  Remember we create.  May not believe it, may not think it, but it is truth, and most, if not all of the things that go on is because we have created it.  That being said, if one can create havoc in their life, they can also create peace, happiness, joy, and love.  Now being one who hates confrontation, I would much rather have peace, happiness, joy, and love in my life, and not a noose around my next, where I know what that outcome is going to be.  

I am going through one of the toughest times of my life at the moment.  I've had to do some soul searching and see what have I done, or what have I been doing that has brought this to the forefront of my existence.  I could sit here and blame everyone else, but they are responsible for them, and I'm responsible for me.  Passing blame onto someone else is the cowards way out of things, and it is never, and I mean never going to change what you are going through at the moment. The only way to change what you are going through is to let go of the old ways of doing things, and in a sense "Let Go, and Let God".  I know that saying to some is incredibly cliche, but the truth in that statement can not be over emphasized.  God said Let there be light, and light was.  Christ said take up your bed and walk, and they walked.  There's another old saying that tells us to do a check up from the neck up.  Once again, a very true statement, but one that somehow has been lost in translation over the millennium. 

I guess when it comes down to it there is no easy way of saying this, but here you go, get out of your own way.  Stop sabotaging your life with a whole lot of negative talk, negative feelings, and downright defeatist mindsets.  Certainly things can be challenging at times, but if you will take it one day at a time, and try to watch your words one step at a time, before you know it, you will change the way you speak, the way you think, and the way you feel. Most people are at the end of their rope because they have sold any good feeling down the river, and then they wonder why life has become a Crap Sandwich.  Here's another thing, and I hope you take it, and run with it.  I've seen people who bury feelings deeply down within their self.  Never utter a word, carry it around for years, and it simply builds, and builds, and boils up until, bam, explosion time.  Do you for a moment not think that your Creator knows how you are feeling?  Why in the world would you try to hide it.  If you're mad, admit to God you're mad.  It's not as if God is not already abundantly aware of your feelings.  Burying feelings is the same thing as wrapping that noose around your neck and being dropped through the gallows.  Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.  

We are Divine Creatures.  We have a Spark of our Creator within us.  That spark can light a fire that will never be quenched.  That spark is what keeps dreams alive.  That spark is what drives us to be what we were created to be.  That rope that people have been living with wrapped around their neck reminding them of past hurts, past failures, is never going to get you to the place you're supposed to be.  I'm here to tell you that this experience we are all going through is meant to get us to a place of pure joy, pure love, pure happiness.  Yes there are times when the road is rocky, curved, covered with all manner of dread, and anxiety, but we have within us the ability to walk through it, and reach our destination, our destiny.  It is time to unravel all that is holding us back, and become the person we were intended to be.  

I fully understand wanting to quit.  I know first hand what it's like not letting go of hurt, not knowing what to do, or even knowing if what you always thought was, wasn't.  Each of these challenges are here to teach us.  We are never at the end of our rope, we are simply learning something new.  Yes there are times when we don't have answers, times when we want to give up and run, but don't.  Change your words and be thankful that you are learning.  Be thankful that you are still here fighting the good fight.  I learned a long time ago that light begets light, Love brings more love, and joy expressed daily will provide you a never ending supply of Joy.  It won't be easy to rid your self of bad habits, but each day brings with it an opportunity to profess goodness.  It brings the chance to see joy and happiness in even the little things.  When you begin with joy, with love, with happiness, and maybe it's just a smile, you will untapped one of life's greatest mysteries, how to manifest all that you want in life. 

You are never truly at the nd of your rope, you are simply learning a new way to tie the knot.  Never give up, never give in, and remember that you are perfection.  With perfection comes trials, but never so big the you will not conquer each one. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

As above, so below.
I was listening to a chat this afternoon.  It got to the point that people were simply talking about this ailment, or that one. They were bemoaning all the things they face, and you could feel that they were seeking after the "Woe is me, say nice things" from everyone else in the chat.  I finally just got off, as my tolerance for stuff like this is pretty low.  I'm not saying this to make anyone believe that I am somehow better than someone else.  I too have had to deal with issues, but I have also grown to a point where I do not publicize those issues as it is doing nothing more than adding power to something that in reality is powerless.  I have said so many times in the past that there is power in our words, whether you believe it or not. Our reality is a direct by-product of what we have said in the past, whether you believe that or not.  

What I want to do today is provide you a way of rising above all the "Issues" that people face, have faced, or might face in the future.  I say might face, as it is my hope that when you get done reading today's blog, you will take with you an understanding of just how powerful you are, and why the saying "As Above, So Below" is so critical to your ability to live the life you were always intended to live.  So many people are facing what some might describe as insurmountable odds these days.  I know this may sound crazy, and if it does, I make no apologies.  I write what I'm instructed to write, and allow Spirit to open your hearts and minds to what is being presented.  What people go through on a daily basis is nothing more than a manifestation of their own words, thoughts, and feelings.  We create ladies and gentlemen.  We create every day of our lives, and those things we create we can't blame on someone else.

When one comes to understand their significance, their true essence, then and only then will they grasp what I am about to explain to you.  Please don't think I am getting up on my high horse, and that somehow I have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer deal with these issues.  I deal with them daily, but I have also gotten to the point where I hold captive negative thoughts, words, feelings, and stop them before they are able to attach themselves to my life.  I don't always succeed, but I am far more aware of what I need to do each day to stop the negative in my life.  I want you for a moment to think about those who have passed, and what their existence is like.  If you believe in a life after death, and most people do, then we have thoughts of being a free spirit. Void of all darkness, all sickness, all the negative we see in the world today.  Now, having never been to heaven,  I can only think about what things are like in this place where human form no longer exist, where there are no limits.  What I need you to understand is that the spirit that you are, the real you, is no different down here on this planet, then it would be in heaven.  I'm not sure why it is, but most people forget, or maybe they don't even realize that their spirit is changeless.  It matters not whether it is here on earth, or up in heaven, your spirit is eternal, always has been, always will be.  If you are void of all things negative up in that heavenly plain, why should it be any different down here on this early plain?  It's only different because we have been taught that it is different.  

As Above, So Below means just that, the way it is in heaven is the way it should be down here.  Did not the Lord's Prayer say the same thing?  It's so frustrating when I see people who have so limited themselves in this life.  They have accepted second best, and refuse to see what life is supposed to be like.  I get how difficult life can be at times.  I get the struggles, the doubts, the fear and anxiety that many people live with.  But let me ask you this:  given the option, life or death, what would you choose?  Given the option, health or sickness, what would you choose?  Given the option, poverty or riches, what would you choose? Only an idiot would choose death, sickness, and poverty.  Not saying that to be mean, but at some point you are going to have to realize that you were born with perfection in you.  Some will never discover this perfection, others will walk in it.  I for one choose to walk in it, even if it is a gradual process of getting to that perfect state.

We are fast approaching a time when we are going to have to decide what direction our lives go in.  We can remain in the dark, scared to go outside, frightened to even take the first step, or we can boldly go where few men or women have gone before.  We have been robbed of our legacy by past generations that have been willing to stumble through life accepting what others say is normal.  We have never fully grasped our true nature, our true self.  As Above, So Below is infinite.  It is unlimited, and it can only be stopped if we choose to walk away from it.  Our divine nature is what we need to be operating in day in and day out.  If you are not familiar with your spirit you are never going to fully function as you were intended to function here on good old planet earth.  If you fail to accept your greatness, your divine nature, your deity, then you will be whipped about by every other distraction.  

Many people have grown complacent in life.  They accept everything thrown at them, and with any luck might get through it with minor heartache.  I've got tot tell you, accepting only minimal success, minimal happiness, minimal joy, and love, that kind of sucks if you ask me. Operating in Spirit, walking in the infinite is not impossible.  It may seem like it's never going to happen, but that's only because one is not used to it.  You have to learn to crawl before you walk, before you run.  Get familiar with the sound of your spirit.  Trust me when I tell you that life will change when you change your focus.  When you watch the words that come out of your mouth, when you hold captive those thoughts that do not serve your greater purpose, that will be the time you begin to walk in spirit, and that will be the time when you  begin to see things as they should have been all along.

We can have heaven on earth.  Truth be told, we should have been walking in it since the beginning of time, but we allowed it to be robbed from us.  No, we didn't do it on purpose, but it happened because we didn't know any better.  We can change, and we can stop this cycle of existence if we choose to operate from our spirit, and not our earthly mind.  Your mind is going to be swayed by everything around it, good, bad, or indifferent.  Your spirit on the other hand, it can't be swayed, it can't be deterred, and it certainly is incapable of making a mistake.  Now, given these two options, what makes more sense?  You have within you an infinite spirit, that is not hindered by man's limiting beliefs.  Your spirit right now is the same spirit that operates in heaven.  Your spirit has always been, and will always be.  Your spirit once again is limitless.  Accepting this truth is really the first step in walking in the perfection of your design.  As above, So Below is not a myth. It is not something that is out of reach, or only for a select few.  As Above, So Below is what was meant to be, and only you can accept this.  I promise you this: once you begin to walk in your infinite nature, once you grasp your perfection, once you begin to operate from your spirit, and not the flesh, life changes, and changes more than you could ever imagine.  May you begin to realize the Creator's desire is that you fully understand "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."