Sunday, September 27, 2020

Stand tall, stand proud, and be the real you.
Today's blog is nothing more than an invitation to be the real you.  It is nothing more than an invite to be authentic, and to love yourself like there was no tomorrow.  If any of you have been like me over the last few weeks, my emotions have been right there on the surface almost 24/7.  I'd be driving down the highway listening to the radio, and bam, I'd have this over the top need to simply cry.  Now many of the tears were out of total gratitude for what the Universe is doing for me.  Some of the tears were just signs of compassion.  I'm sure I'm not the only going through this, as there is a major, and I do mean major shift going on right now in the cosmos.  What I want to bring to you this beautiful morning are a few words of encouragement.  Words to keep you strong, words to help you grow, but most importantly, words that will allow you to see the real you.  Self-love is the beginning point of any relationship, and we all need to love ourselves, more than anything else in existence.  

In my upcoming new book, The Forty Greatest Lessons of Life, I have a chapter on beauty.  I talk about your true beauty, your inner beauty.  In this particular chapter I give you a strong reminder:  if you can't see or appreciate the beauty that is the real you, the authentic you, the inner you, then does it really matter what is reflected back to you from a mirror?  Being able to stay strong, to be proud, and to be the real you all begins with knowing who you are, what you are.  Staying strong and proud is essential to making it through these crazy times.  Loving who you are, appreciating all you bring to humanity, simply knowing that you are amazing, these are the first, and sometimes most vital steps, in standing tall and proud. 

Too many times people like to judge our words, and all of a sudden being proud of yourself is somehow over the top conceded.  Well it's not, and you needn't  bother worrying yourself about what others think.  I'm proud of myself each day.  I'm proud because I get to do what I love each day.  I'm proud because I was placed here to change humanity.  I'm also proud that I get to recognize the perfection of my design, and my being here each and every day.  You need to do this.  You need to accept your perfection and greatness.  When you begin to do this, standing tall and proud will be as common place as waking up to pee in the morning.  A little graphic, but let's be real we each do it everyday.  

When one is able to recognize the significance of who we are, we stand tall.  When one is able to accept his or her greatness, we stand proud.  When one is able to boldly go where they may have never gone before, then they are being true to themselves, and are being real.  I know this may seem non-sensical to many people, but for many they have never accepted the real them.  Too many people have allowed words spoken by others about them to paint them into a box.  Let me tell you, know one has the right to paint you into a corner.  No one can tell you who you are; you need to discover it for yourself, own it, and then walk in it. In these crazy political, and pandemic times, more than ever you simply have to understand your strengths.  Accepting your power, walking in that power, sharing that power with others, is quite frankly the only way we are going to come out of this period with any resemblance of normalcy.  

I was speaking with my closest friend yesterday.  She lives in Washington D.C, and as much as I miss seeing her, our bond could never be deeper.  We were talking about this shift.  Now many people, much more versed in the things of Spirit, Quantum Thinking, and the like, are saying that this is a total realignment of the Universe.  If you have been dealing with emotions, if you haven'e been able to figure up from down, worry not, you're not alone.  We are being prepared right now for this new plane of existence.  Truth be told, it's a little intimidating, but trust me, we will get through it.  That being said, because of this shifting, this change of "Seasons" so to speak, we need to stand tall.  We need to remember just who and what we are.  I know I sound like a broken record, but we simply have to step up and be us. You just may be the catalyst that someone else needs to get them to where they need to be.  

I've started reading a series of books by Neville Goddard.  He was a writer and speaker during the 1930's through the early 1970's.  He is difficult to read.  Many times I am rereading paragraph after paragraph just to grasp what he is presenting.  One of his many repeated points, in nearly every book, is standing in your "I am" presence.  Most of you have read previous words from me about the 'I am" presence.  Simply put, you are creators by the very fact that you are here right now.  We were never intended to simply exist in this life time.  Until such time as you begin to grasp this concept, you are going to stay in that corner that someone has painted you into.  We are created beings, sent here to create.  There is no other way for me to say this. Stop waiting for others to chart your path, you set the course, and you start your journey.

I fully understand how difficult it can be to simply change course.  When all you have known is one thing, and all of a sudden you are being required to do something else, that's frightening to many.  But if what you have been doing is not showing results, if you are still stuck in limbo, why not change things up?  I see now benefit to doing the same thing time after time.  We are entering a period of change, thus bringing a period of adjustment, that has to come.  We need to evolve.  If you have been waiting for the perfect time to step out into new things, this is your time.  I strongly, I vehemently, with much force, encourage you to move forward.  Let's be real, you already know if you're where you're supposed to be.  You already know if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing.  Many just need a little kick in the butt to start them on their way.  Let me be the first to place my foot, you know where.  Please, please, please, emphasis on please, don't lag behind.  This time we are entering is too important to miss.  Remember, it's not just you who will change, but others will also change because of what you have been able to accomplish.

Universe is universe.  Power is power.  Knowledge, knowledge, but all need a vessel to move things forward, and you and I, are that vessel.  You have something to add.  I know this to be true because you are still here.  We are all here for a specific period of time, to accomplish a specific task.  Once that task is fulfilled we are off to another adventure.  Do you realize how incredible fortunate you are to be living in these times?  You are about to be part of one of most monumental changes ever seen in our time.  People will begin to operate in their power.  Miracles will happen at such a rampant pace, you won't be able to keep up with it.  Now is the time to stand tall and proud.  The next phase needs all of us to be real, to walk in our destiny.  We each have a part to play, and no one can do what you were sent here to do.  It's time to move forward and become the real you. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Finally, the tide is changing.
2020, what a year.  If ever there was a time when emotions have run the entire spectrum, I'd have to say it was this year.  It's so funny to look back at the end of 2019 and everyone was so looking forward to 2020.  I only have one question, how's it looking now?  

In all seriousness we may have, individually and as a whole nation, gone through the wringer this year.  However, the tide is changing, and as the old saying goes, a rising tide lifts all ships.  What I want to do today is prepare you for what lies ahead of us, and in doing so, maybe just bring a little joy to your life.  Maybe put a smile on your face.  I might even encourage you a bit, even in light of what many have been going through.  

It's hard to put a descriptor on what has transpired since the beginning of the pandemic.  What I want to share with you is that this shift, this new tide, has actually been in motion long before we even entered 2020.  Things just don't happen in the universe.  By now you must know that the universe operates in perfection.  The order of things happens in perfection.  All that has been going on right now is in that perfection.  Yea I get that we might not always feel the perfection, or see it, or even believe it.  But it is out there, and we have to grab hold of it, and never let go.  I hear so many people crying out for relief.  As an empathetic person I feel the angst that people are walking in.  I've walked in it as well, always feeling that release was right around the next corner. 

The Tide is changing, and it's changing because those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to feel, have held fast, and not let go of what has always been real to them: an awakening.  I know I use a lot of cliches, but it kind of helps in getting the message across.  Here's another one: "It's all for one, and one for all."  Whether you want to admit it or not, we are all in this together, and knowing that many hands make light work, why not work together to see this awakening?  When the ocean tide is coming in, it's not coming in as individual parts.  It is one tide.  It moves as one.  Yes there are different approaches that it may take depending on the landscape, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a single tide.  Well this awakening is not a conglomeration of different awakenings, it is single in its reason for being here.  

The reason we are seeing this awakening is that the time has come for all individuals to take their rightful place in the Universe.  It's time to step into your destiny.  It matters not what age you are right now.  Destiny is destiny, and whether you want to admit it or not, you have a destiny.  When I began writing many years ago I never really envisioned where it was going to take me, but I knew I had to take this path.  Certainly I was unsure of what direction I needed to go in, but deep down I knew what I needed to do.  I truly feel that deep down, every individual knows the direction they need to move in, it just takes a little prodding from time to time to get you moving in the right direction.  I want to encourage you today to set aside worry and doubt, and simply accept the truth that you are here for a purpose.  

Everyone is believing for something.  Everyone has a dream, a desire, a want.  Somethings may be meant for many, or simply meant for one.  The drive to experience all that is meant to be experienced is moving in full motion right now.  There is a reason this shift is taking place, and there is a reason why you are part of it.  What all of us have to do is protect ourselves from thoughts of worry, of fear, of wondering if things are ever going to work out.  What we need to do is feel the end result, even if the end result is not present at the moment.  If you desire for a wish to be fulfilled, then walk in that fulfillment, and feel the joy of that desire being present right now.  If you have waited and waited for results, now is not the time to give up.  If you have stood strong, now is not the time to get weak kneed.  If you have cried at night wondering when, know that now is your time to experience your fulfillment.

I know all too well what it's like to want something, want it so bad you can almost taste it, and wonder if what you want is ever going to manifest.  It seems like all we contend with is obstacle, after obstacle, brick wall, after brick wall, and no sign of any way of having what we truly desire.  Well I have good news for you, the tide is going to rise your ship along with everyone else's.  This awakening is here to aid everyone who will walk in it.  However, you have to step out into it.  You can't just say you want to be a part, you have to take the first step.  The bible says that faith without works is dead.  You can have all the faith in the word, but if you don't walk things out, if you don't take the first step, your faith is going to profit you zero, zilch, nada.  

I want you for a moment to try and feel the joy that will be yours when you walk in your dreams.  I want you to feel the excitement of having that new job, the new home, the whatever it is you are hoping for. Close your eyes and just give yourself a big hug and feel the joy of having it all.  Can you do this?  Can you feel the joy?  Does thinking about a dream coming to fruition bring a smile to your face?  This is what this new tide will do for you.  It will bring you to a place where you can feel your dreams being fulfilled.  This awakening will allow you to see all that is coming to you.  This awakening is going to teach you that you can have it all.  Know this, there is nothing wrong with wanting your dreams.  It's not being selfish, it's not being self-centered.  Your dreams are in you because they are a stepping stone to your destiny, and your destiny is there to help the rest of humanity.  Now humanity may be a single person, but it might also be an entire continent.  Don't worry about how things are going to play out, simply feel the joy of walking in your destiny.  

The tide is changing my friends, and I want you to be ever so thankful that you are a part of this changing tide.  Together we will raise all ships.  Together we will encourage all those around us to walk in their destiny.  It is all for one, and one for all.  Take a step, and then another, and then another.  Hold fast to what is in your heart, and for goodness sake smile and feel joy.  A little joy and laughter goes a long way, and for many, you have been on this journey for along time.  


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Not always easy, but always advised to Stay Strong.
We've all faced challenges in our life.  There are times when these challenges seem impossible to handle, and at other times we see these challenges as mere blips on the screen.  No matter what we face, what we might be gong through, or even what we fear for the future, or for the unknown, we need to always stay strong.  Not always easy to do when we face challenges, and obstacles in our life, but you really have to simply stay strong.

I guess the question becomes, how do we stay strong?  How do we get round the barriers to what we are trying to accomplish?  How do we simply make it through the day, hoping to fight again tomorrow?  All good questions, and I hope I'll be able to provide you with a suitable answer today.  

First things first, and this may come as a shock to some, and to others it just might seem impossible or just down right ridiculous to think of.  You are not just human.  Yes you walk around in a flesh and blood body.  You feel things, see things, but this is all from a human perspective, and not from a vantage point where you rise above challenges, because challenges are mere illusions. Do you remember growing up as a child your parents telling you to think about something other then what you were experiencing?  For example:  it's bloody cold outside, you have frosted lips and eyebrows, and your mom tells you to think about being on a warm Floridian Beach soaking up some sun?  If your mind could go to the beach, feel the sun beating down on you, warm water washing up on the shore, some how you began to feel just a bit warmer, or at least not focused on the 20 below weather outside.  What we focus on, we will eventually walk in.  What we feel, we will eventually experience.  What we believe, will eventually happen.  Sadly we often focus, feel, and believe things that don't really serve us well.  

There are so many books on the market about manifesting this thing, or that thing.  If you want $1,000,00 to show up in a suitcase in your backyard, bam there it is!  If you're wanting to be named Athlete of the Century, bam there it is.  I could list a million things, and bam there it is.  We all know it really isn't that easy, at least from what each of us have experienced in our lives.  I have nothing against manifesting what you truly desire, in fact I encourage it.  Where too many of these books and tapes (now that shows my age lol) go wrong is they never explain that you have to do some self-help work first.  You have to put yourself in the right place to receive what you are hoping or believing for.  The first thing really is believing, or simply knowing that you are worthy of having those things you dream about.  Really knowing that you are beyond just being a mere human is critical to manifesting what you desire.  I will say that those who have not yet learned to value who they are, will not get what they truly desire.  Those who only see themselves as pawns in the game of life, they too shall be without their hearts desire.  There's a reason man was given dominion over the earth at the beginning.  We have forgotten our roots, and we have forgotten that we are strong by virtue of us being here right now.

We have entered a period of change in our world.  I'm not speaking of political, or environmental change, although you'd have to be an idiot not to be aware of those two things, but I digress.  The change that is upon us is a change of perspective, a change of priorities, a change of awareness.  Many people are feeling the shift.  It has caused some sleepless nights.  It has sent many into an almost blurred vision moment.  What was so clear before has gotten foggy.  Don't be afraid of this.  Sometimes what you were observing before was leading you in a different direction, and this blurriness was nothing more than a direction changer.  A direction change that you really needed to make.  Yes it probably sucked a little bit as you felt you were loosing ground, but these changes, these shifts,  are necessary to get you to the perfect place.  

One of the questions I get asked often, and to be honest, ask myself often is how do I stay strong in the midst of a storm?  It's easy to accept our position as having dominion over the earth when things are going well.  What's not easy is believing the same thing when we are up to out backside in problems and distractions.  You have to know, that you know, that you know, where you came from, and why you are here.  If you don't truly believe in your magnificence, if you don't stand in your power, your I Am presence, you will never stay strong, and every single wave of doubt, fear, uncertainty, will wash you away.  I realize that this is no easy task from time to time, but having a foundation of truth under you is the only way of handling storms.  

I have to remind myself daily who I am.  I have to feel who I am.  I have to see who I am.  You will have to do the same thing.  Standing in your power, remaining strong when everything around you seems to be exploding will get easier.  But let me caution you:  simply thinking something is not the same as believing something.  When you at your core know who you are, when you have no doubt that you are a created being, sent here to this world to create, then and only then will you be able to stand strong.  We have been sold such a bills of goods from those who have come before us.  This has short changed us to the point where we no longer know our true essence.  We have been told that we can't change things.  We have been schooled to believe that life is nothing more than a maze of hazards, a  puzzle with one missing piece.  We have felt that what is, is all there is.  Well that's not truth, not by a long shot.  You are the missing puzzle piece.  You are what completes the picture.  You are the creator, the builder, the designer.  

I want you for just a moment to picture a perfect world for you.  Do you have this pictured in your mind?  Really, close your eyes right now, and picture you being in the perfect place.  If you can see yourself in a perfect world, doing the perfect thing, at the perfect time, then I want you to ask yourself this simple question?  Why would you be able to see this in your mind, and not believe it is there for you right now?  The reason you can picture it in your mind is because it is meant for you.  The reason you see it, is because you are supposed to be it.  Here's a truth: if you can dream it, you can live it.  If you can dream it, you can be it.  If you can dream it, it was meant to be.  Dreams come from imagination, and imagination comes from the source of all.  Everything that exist today started in someone's imagination.  

Hold fast to your dreams.  Stand strong in your ability to imagine things.  Know that you, by your very existence, are a creating being, someone meant to create things in this life.  We stay strong by staying true to who and what we are.  Knowing who and what you are begins with accepting the perfection of the creator, who does nothing out of that perfection.  Yes life will throw challenges our way, and yes we will have not so-good days, but standing in your power, your strength, you true essence, will keep you strong and focused on where you need to go.  

I leave you with this little golden nugget:  If at first you don't succeed, get in line.  There are plenty of people who have failed the first time around, only to make it to the top the second time.  The difference is that they did not quit.  They stood in their power, and they simply made it happen.  Yes change may be required, but change brings results.  Stay strong, be bold, and for goodness sake, please, please, please enjoy the ride.  In any journey what we see along the way is often the best part.  Don't just focus on the first or last step, but rather the entire journey.  So move along my dear ones, and enjoy the journey, as you discover more and more each day.



Sunday, September 13, 2020

No second guessing. Promise?
Most of us have been guilty of second guessing ourselves at one point in time or another.  It might be as simple as do I want fries or onion rings with my burger.  The real answer comes when the meal arrives and the person sitting next to you has the prefect meal, and yours is just "Oh Gees".  Second guessing is pretty common place, as is wondering, or worrying, or simply wishing you had ordered the onion rings.

What I want to encourage you with today is that while second guessing may not be the preferred path for you, it is something that most of us will contend with, and something that I want to get you to stop.

I hear constantly people questioning their choices. I hear them wondering if they made the right move, chose the right career, moved to the right city.  For every answer you get, there are probably twenty other answers the are just as good, just as valid, and just as plausible.  When you continually second guess your decisions you are only second guessing your source of knowledge, and that source of knowledge is incapable of making a mistake.  If you will teach yourself to listen to your spirit, your soul, your heart, I will promise you that you will never have to worry about second guessing yourself again.

People will often ask themselves if they are doing the right thing, and when that questions pops up, you can pretty much rest assured that what you might be doing, or contemplating doing, is the wrong thing.  Don't misunderstand, the wrong thing, and the wrong time are two entirely different things, but they do come into play.  If you are having a difficult time figuring out the whole timing verses doing a thing thing, step back and relax.  Take a deep breath and simply do something for someone else.  As the picture to todays blog states, offer a smile,  a greeting of peace to someone. Extend forgiveness, even if that forgiveness is not requested.  Show love, for yourself, for others, for humanity.  If you take the focus off of what you feel you might be lacking, or missing, and instead focus on something else, often the answer will come to you.

Second guessing all the time is a curse.  We all were taught as kids, and young adults, to never change the answer on a test.  Most of the time your first guess is correct, and leave it at that.  Well, life is not unlike trying to change the answer on a test.  Don't do it!  Making decisions, deciding about your future should be determined, it should be without fear, and it should always be once and for all.  That's not to say that there may not be some course correction from time to time, but continually questioning things over and over again is never going to get you where you want to be, or where you ought to be.

I get how confusing things can get at times.  I completely understand that making major decisions is not always without risk, and certainly not without a modicum of doubt, after all we are human.  But the simple fact that you are willing to decide something shows maturity, and it shows where your heart is at.  Don't ever exacerbate making a tough decision, in a trying time, with trying to second guess the decision that you ultimately made.  I guess I'm just of the mind set that once a decision is made, the decision is made.  Maybe you won't make a decision instantly, it might take thought, it might take time, but once made let it be.  Lot's of people have made mistakes, but those mistakes can always be corrected.  What can't be corrected is when you allow things of the past, i.e. past mistakes, be the driving force behind you not being willing to make any future decisions, and if decisions are made, second guessing them.  I know a bit of a run-on sentence, but I was trying to make a point.

Here's the bottom line, and this is what I want to leave you with today:  take your time, be thorough, and once you make a decision, rest easy.  Decisions put in motion can never be classified as a bad decision if you did your due diligence prior.  Yes we may have to pivot from time to time, no worries there.  Pivoting on something, and running away from something are two different things.  Second guessing a decision is running away from a decision, and that's never going to work out in your favor.   Doubt comes when one is not convinced of something.  Most doubt comes into our lives because we are not convinced that we are in fact deserving of all manner of good.  Doubt arises because we are not quite sure we agree that we are in fact not just mere mortals, and in fact enlightened beings.  Knowing and standing in your power will almost certainly stop one from second guessing things.

Please know that second guessing yourself is very rarely going to get you to where you were intended to be.  Second guessing yourself is rarely going to get you where you actually want to be.  If you feel as though you are looking in from the outside, I will pretty much bet you have changed your mind on occasions, and that change of mind has gotten you out of place.  Start trusting what your heart is telling you.  Once you have learned to listen and follow the leading of your heart, your life will change.  Once you learn to hear what God is saying, you will stop second guessing yourself, and then things will begin to line up like never before.

Making decisions can bring fear, they can bring doubt, and often some sleepless nights.  The only way to stop all of this is to accept your greatness, walk in your divine purpose, and know that you are so much more.  If you will accept all that you are, put away thoughts of what you are not, or what you perceive to be lacking in, and simply stand in your awesome greatness, you will know what to do next.  You will not have to second guess yourself, and if you can stop doing that, each future decision will be easier, and easier to make.  

Thursday, September 10, 2020

This is the moment.
This is the moment.  This is the day that has been approaching for what may have seemed like forever, but now it's here. Call it a turning or decision point, a crossroad.  Do you chose the path of least resistance, or do you follow your heart and go down the path that you know leads to your destiny? What was meant to be is finally coming into view.  Few, if any of my close friends,  have been immune from the crazy energy that has wrapped itself around our planet over the last few days, weeks, and months.  The shift was as obvious as the nose on my face.  What I want to talk about today is you.  What I want to share with you is my heart.  What I hope to accomplish is, well let's just say I hope it is life changing, because this is the moment.  

Let' begin our journey with a truth, a truth that is as real today as it was the day I first thought about it.  Life is a journey of discovery, and along this trail, this path, you will learn all you need to learn to position yourself in God's perfect place for you.  I see so many people who feel they have to fabricate something in order for them to do what they kind of think they need to be doing.  I see people who dabble in this and dabble in that, only to discover that dabbling is not committing, and without commitment, there is generally very little satisfaction.  Discovering your purpose, following your passion is really the only way of ever being completely satisfied and excited about what it is you're doing.  You can play at certain things, but without that 100% commitment on your part, what ever excitement you might feel at the beginning will fast dissolve into just another day of doing something.  Let's be real for just a moment and confess that there are times when each of us run up against a brick wall.   We can't seem to find the answers, we certainly are not comfortable where we are at, and praying for just a smidgen of relief is constantly on our lips.  Been there, done that, can't lie.  That being said, there comes a time when you are going to have to decide what to believe.  Will you go with what others say is your plight, your cross to bear, or will you accept the truth that you are a created being, created for the express purpose of being a creator?  I see I may have sparked some interest with my last statement.

When we've been put through the wringer, as is the case for many of us, past, present, and future, we often neglect to find the bright spot, the silver lining, in whatever we are going through.  Yea, I know not always easy, but try to do it anyway, the results just might surprise you.  Everything in your life, everything you may have gone through up to this point, has been nothing but preparing you for this moment.  Every lesson, every bruise, scrape, or bump, every tear you may have cried, was meant to be.  We've all made huge mistakes, but even those have been a part of the plan.  Easy to accept now, maybe not so easy while you were going through whatever it was you were going through.  No matter the past, it has brought you to this moment.  This moment of choice, this time to decide, your opportunity to step out.

When you finally discover that where you have been has prepared you for you where you are going, you will experience a release.  This awakening will open your eyes to the possibilities, the opportunities to walk in your destiny.  I personally have been focusing on me as of late.  I've made it a point to know the I am that I am.  I am standing in my power, I am walking in my strength.  I encourage each of you to do the same.  It's not always easy to do when you face struggles and pitfalls, but it is something that has to be done. 

This is the moment when you are going to have to make a decision.  Will you continue as is, or will you shake things up a bit, and accept change, throw uncertainty to the curb, and walk with your head held high into your future?  It seems like an easy question to answer, on the surface that is, but not so easy when the time comes to make the decision.  Has what you have been doing gotten you to the place you want to be, or dreamt of being at?  If the answer is yes, kudos to you, keep i t up.  If the answer is no, then maybe it's time to change the way you see things or do things.  

My greatest desire is to help others discover their rightful place in this world.  My destiny is in helping others discover their destiny.  Each of us has an unlimited amount of potential.  We have been given the ability to manifest anything, and quite frankly everything we could ever desire.  The question is, do you believe that?  Do you fully understand just how special you are, and just how powerful you are.  Your power was not placed in you so you could dominate others, or get you to a place where you would lord over people.  Your power was placed in you to be a tool for the rest of humanity.  What you focus on is what will manifest, good, bad, or indifferent.  

This is your moment, this is my moment, this is our moment.  What you do now is entirely up to you.  Recognize that you are so much more than just a human who walks around this planet.  You have always been, and will always be.  You can reach for the stars, and when you do, you will touch the face of God.  

Sunday, September 6, 2020

New Dreams, New Beginnings, New You?
It's me again.  I've completed my summer hiatus, and now it's time to get back to doing what I love most in life.  I had actually planned on writing this on Thursday, but for what ever reason, I was moved to put it off til today, and so here I am.   We are entering a season of new beginnings.  Many people are feeling the tug to go after their dreams, and there are those who are discovering their true essence.  It is this discovery of who they really are, that has allowed them to be real, and maybe for the first time in their life.

What I want to hammer home today is a subject that I have hit on many times in the past, but for some reason I am unable to let it go for right now.  I have chosen the butterfly to be representative of what I want to share with you.  Although this beautiful creature started out looking completely different, the true essence hasn't changed.  It may have started as a crawling creature, and now travels through the air on beautiful wings, but it is the same creature.

I've heard people state in the past that they are so happy with the "New Me", meaning the new them.  Maybe they have taken on a new healthy lifestyle and shed those unwanted pounds.  Maybe they made the decision to stand up for themselves and not allow others to push them around like may have happened in the past.  There's a ton of things that we can say about how each of us have changed over the years.  Some change is good, some not so good.  Some change is desired, while at other times it is thrust upon us.  Change has to come, and it has to come because you need to be what you were destined to be.  A caterpillar was always intended to be a butterfly, you can't change that.  The DNA of a caterpillar is the same as the butterfly even after its metamorphosis is complete.  Your DNA is never going to change.  Your body will change.  We all get older.  Some will gain weight, some will loose hair, there are tons of options when it comes to simply living and getting older.  The one thing that is never going to change is your essence, your spirit, your soul.  Call it whatever you want to call it, the real you is changeless, and the real you is what will allow you to walk in new beginnings, and see that new dreams do come true.

This pandemic has really thrown many people for a loop.  Many have found themselves locked away in a sense, unable to do those things that make them happy.  It's during this time that we really need to focus in on the real us.  We are not our flesh and blood bodies.  We are not what we do for a living, or even what we may be hoping to do in the future.  We are actually spiritual beings first and foremost.  If all you do is focus on what is going on around you, you are going to fall prey to all the garbage out there.  If ever there was a time to dig deep and realize your true significance, your true being, now is that time.  

What I want to encourage you to do is to look for the encouraging signs that you are indeed on the right track.  If you take a look at Facebook, or other social media platforms, they are loaded with manifest this thing or that thing, believe for this or that, walk in your dreams, your destiny.  There are signs out there designed specifically so you can take the first steps in reaching your destiny.  That being said, you are never going to reach your destiny until such time as you accept who and what you really are.

Durning my summer down time I focused on me.  Now some will say that is selfish, but I say so what.  If you can't take care of yourself first, how in the world are you going to be of benefit to anyone else?  I focused on who I was.  I focused on what I was.  We are in a time where each of us need to come to grips with certain truths.  If we focus on all the turmoil that is surrounding us, then more turmoil is what we are going to experience.  If on the other hand we focus on our true essence, then we open ourselves up to all the possibilities out there.  Your dreams are your stepping stones to your destiny.  New beginnings are your invitation to step out into those things that were always intended for you.  It all starts by realizing the you have all you need.  It all begins with you accepting your greatness.  It all comes to fruition when you claim your birthright.

I have a new book coming out later this fall.  The title is, The 40 Greatest Lesson of Life.  I am so excited about it because it is the next step in what I have been believing for for years.  Now there is a tendency with many people to fret over lost time.  There is no such thing as lost time when you are dealing with the perfection of the universe.  Things happen when they need to happen, allowing for other things to line up in perfection.  The Butterfly did not start out being able to fly.  It had to go through its development, and you will have to go through your own development.  Now there are times when it is quick to complete, and at other times it is exhausting.  Just stay the course and allow things to transpire as they need to transpire.  When all the dust settles, and it will, you will be in the perfect place, at the perfect time.

New dreams are awesome.  New beginnings are exciting.  Stepping out and being the real you is where it all begins.  Allow what needs to happen to happen.  Allow each day to bring you closer.  Accept that you are here for a reason, and once you can grasp that, you will be heading in the right direction.

My intuition is telling me that we are at a crossroad.  We each have a choice.  Which path will you take?  One path leads you to a known, but is that known what is best for you?  The other path, yet unclear, leads to things of beauty, leads to fulfillment, and leads you to your destiny.  What path will you choose?  Come to grips with the real you, the new you.  Understand your power, your uniqueness, your unlimited potential.  Grab hold of what your heart is telling you, and whatever you do, don't look back.  Your future is ahead of you, future is never behind.  Let go of the past, learn from it, but don't dwell.  Move forward, be bold, and by all means, be yourself.