Monday, August 11, 2014

Have you decided that enough is enough?
It's about that time.  What time is that you ask?  It's about time to say that enough is enough and you're not going to take it any longer.  Put another way, you're damn tired of everyone saying one thing when you know that just the opposite is true.  You're tired of trying one thing simply because the other thing failed miserably.  You're tired of always doing for others when there is no reciprocation what-so-ever.  I get it, really I do.  I've been there and there really isn't a more miserable place on earth that you could be, or is there?

Was that last question rhetorical, or is there a more miserable place on earth?  I guess it all depends on one's perspective, or where one is at the present time.  Most everyone who has read any of my writings can attest to the fact that I have been to the gates of hell and lived to tell about it.  I'm not saying that I enjoyed the trip, but I did learn a thing or two along the way.

The main point of today's blog is for you to determine if you've had enough of the garbage out there, and whether or not you're ready to take the next step in discovering and walking in your destiny.  If you have successfully navigated this trek then I congratulate you.  If you're still walking this path, then I continue to encourage you along the way. If you have given up, well then, shame on you.  Giving up on your dreams, on your destiny, is nothing more than giving up on yourself and once that happens its really all over but the crying.

I truly believe that the most miserable place one can be in is when you desire something, desire something to the very core of your being, and yet you never seem to get there or you feel as though you will never get there.  It's as if the keys to the Palace are right in front of you and yet you are unable to reach them.  I had a dream once that I was walking down a long hall way, and just like in the movies, the hallway kept getting longer and longer and the more I ran, the longer it got.  I was never able to get to the end, and all it did was cause frustration and anger.  There are so many people out there today who are living in these moments of frustration and anger, and the simple reason is that they are not experiencing the joy of walking in those things that they dream about, long for, and other wise were created to do.

The decision to say enough is enough is entirely yours.  You can stay stagnant and never move forward again, but alas the frustration and anger will continue.  This frustration and anger will continue until you make the decision to retake any and all ground that may have been lost.  Certainly there are things that will creep in from time to time to get you off track, but you do have the ability to overcome these obstacles.  The decision you have to make for yourself is whether you will do what is necessary to overcome them.  I can sit here and try to inspire you to take action, but that will only go so far.  You have to weigh things out and determine if what you want in life is important enough for you to finally say that enough is enough.

Sooner or later everyone must make the decision to stand up for what they believe in, what they desire, and really why they are here.  For years I let others walk all over me, and I was in a constant state of doing for others because I felt as though it was the only way that I would be able to ultimately walk in those things that I was destined to walk in.  I felt as though I was serving out my penance and that this was the only way that I would finally make it into the castle.  What I never fully understood until recently is that all those things I did, I did because the conditioning of man made me believe I had to.  The path to one's destiny is lined with other's expectations of you, and quite honestly other's expectations are meaningless.  What is important is what you think, what you do, and what you know to be truth.  I'm not sure we will ever be able to stop others from setting unrealistic expectations of us, but how you rid yourself or if you rid yourself of them is up to you.

In any of my relationships today I will tell you that there are some deal breakers.  Deal breakers that just make it impossible for someone to have a relationship with another person, or persons.  My first deal breaker is my spirituality.  Now I do not have the market cornered on spirituality, I have lots and lots to learn, but what I do know is not up for negotiation.  If someone does not wish to believe as I do that's fine, but I choose to stay clear as their energy is not in sync with mine.  Now that doesn't make them a bad person it just means we really don't have all that much in common so lets just be friends.  If you desire a life full of peace, joy, and happiness, why are you hanging around people who display none of it?  Once again you must decide what is important to you and what is not.  If peace is your desired outcome surround yourself with people who understand peace.  Joy and happiness, the same thing, surround yourself with those who have a good grasp on these things.  We have allowed people to rule over us in the past because we felt as though that unless we succumbed to their tactics we were going to be labeled as anti-establishment and then others would shun us for being unattached. Well be unattached, but be authentic, and be who you were created to be.  There are plenty of people out there who will parade around as one thing, knowing that they are not really like this, but have no recourse but to be what others want them to be.  Do not fall into this trap.

So, if you have decided that enough is enough, I commend you.  Things will begin to change and change in a positive way.  Note to self: not all positive change is pleasant, so prepare yourself for some turbulent times.  However, it will be worth it I assure you.  Find the joy in change and you will be getting joy back.  It is your time to be who you desire to be, do what you desire to do, and have those people around you who share in your desires.  Yes my good people, enough is enough.  Blessings to you and remember that there are people and angels out there who are looking out for you.

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