Monday, June 29, 2015

Don't leave any leaf unturned.
I know that the original line says not to leave any stone unturned, but truth be told, I love the fall and leaves, and this picture just spoke to me.  That being said, whether we are talking stones or leafs, the end result is the same: doing everything possible to get the desired outcome.

When it comes to seeing one's dreams come to fruition or walking out a vision of something you desire in your life, there is never going to be a time when you don't control the outcome.  There will be countless ways that things will be made known to you.  These ideas, thoughts, feelings might come in a myriad of ways, but they will come I assure you.  Your one responsibility is to recognize them when they do appear, and to do something with the information that you receive.  I have witnessed those who have in fact gotten everything they need to achieve their goals, and yet they never seem to do anything with those things that have been handed to them.  This is such a shame and so avoidable.

As you know by now I have had my share of knock downs in my life.  I have also had my share of successes, and of course success feels much better than failure, but each has a part to play in how we see things, how we handle situations, and ultimately where we end up.  The key to almost anything in life is realizing that you have to do something if you want any type of result.  If you sit around waiting for things to be perfect, waiting for others to do what you are supposed to do, or simply waiting for that miracle to appear, I can assure you that you will be spending a whole lot of extra time  and nothing is going to be accomplished.  When we talk about not leaving anything unturned we are simply stating that you need to look at everything and then make a decision on what to do.  The key is always making a decision.  I would much rather have the decision making power resting with me rather than resting with someone else, who quite frankly doesn't have a clue to what I really desire.  When you give over the ability to make decisions to someone else you are just asking for trouble.

There will come a time when you will try to do something and that something will not quite have the results you were hoping for.  In this moment you are going to have to make a decision.  Now you can let failure stop you thereby giving up any hope of having what you truly desire, or you can move forward knowing that you have another opportunity to have what you want.  There will be times when you should have zigged instead of zagged.  There will be times when you should of turned left and not right.  There will even be times when you should have waited for a while and you choose not to.  It really doesn't matter if things go right the first time, what matters is that you allow there to be a second time, and if need be a third and forth.  Quitting is the only thing that can stop you from achieving your dreams: well quitting and simply not believing in your dreams.  When you loose the desire to achieve your dreams I can tell you with one hundred percent accuracy and assurance that you will never have to worry about achieving anything.  This is not the place I want to be, but sadly it is the place that many people end up because they have given up.

How bad do you want the things you are dreaming about or those things that you have a desire for?  I can ask that question to you a gazillion times, but you are the only one who can make the determination of what you truly want and if in fact you are willing to go after those things closest to you.  If you make the determination that nothing is going to stop you from achieving your dreams then you are going to have to realize that there can not be a stone or leaf left unturned.  Beneath each and every stone or leaf is a tad bit of information that is going to help you along your journey.  It may seem like a inconsequential bit of information, but when it is all said and done those tiny bits of info are the things that will finalize what you have been wanting.

I know there are people who are looking for answers, but at the same time they are setting down conditions for how they will get the information they desire.  If the information does not come to them in the way they think it should, they simply ignore it.  If the information is not presented in a way they deem correct, then they ignore the information.  If the information is somehow contrary to what they have already planned, well they more than just ignore it, they discount it, they belittle it, and worst of all they know better than it.  Hey, we're human, and there will come a time when each of us will decide not to follow guidance that really was put right in front of us.  I've done it, you've done it, and honestly it will probably happen again in the future.  The big lesson to be learned is not to do it.  There will be times when you get very valid information, and then you will need to decide when to use it, and how to use it.  There is nothing wrong with being cautious, but don't let caution derail your plans because you let caution turn to doubt.

Be open to different signs. Be open to different ideas.  Just be open to receive what the universe wants you to receive.  I know people who will beg for answers and then when they get them decide it wasn't what they wanted to hear so they disregard everything.  No one ever said you were going to get the answer you want, but if you ask the universe for an answer you will get it.  It will come to you in a lot of different ways, you just need to accept that.  Once again if you really want something in life, are you really going to discount what is given to you simply because it may not be in the form or way you thought it would be?  Don't be foolish, be open and in that openness you will have all you need, when you need it.

There are a lot of stones and leafs out there, and each one has something for you so start turning them over.  Discovering an answer is sometimes more thrilling then the answer itself.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Ride the Crest.
Now I'm not a surfer, but even I know that the place to be is on top of the wave and not below it. Riding the crest of a wave must be thrilling.  I can't do it, but that's only because I haven't tried it.  I can remember as a kid watching the surfing contest from Hawaii and just sitting there in amazement at the size of the waves and the how those people could do what they did.

Life is kind of like that wave; heck you had to know there was an analogy in there somewhere.  Anyhow, life is like a wave, and just like a surfer desires to remain on top of the wave, so to must we as humans make the decision to stay above things in life.  Just what those things are is dependent on what you are doing or what you are facing.  The first thing you have to understand is that you dictate how you will see things in life and how you handle the different situations that each of us face each and every day.  If you are the type to always see doom and gloom then it's a good bet that your day is going to be filled with challenges and difficulties.  If on the other hand you realize the beauty that is life, and that you are here for a specific reason, well then, you will find yourself always riding the crest of the wave.

Let me draw you a picture and see if what I'm saying makes sense.  Picture yourself gliding on top of one of those monstrous waves in Hawaii.  Some of those behemoths are 30 to 40 feet high, and  you're riding the crest but you know that sooner or later you are going to have to make a move.  If you make the right move you will shoot the tunnel and come out a winner.  If you make the wrong move you are going to have thousands of gallons of water coming down right on top of you.  I've been swamped by a wave a few times in my life and the last thing you want to do is get hit by one and not be prepared.  When that wave is about to hit you take a huge breath, brace yourself for the blunt force, and just hope that you come back to the surface.  When you are underwater it seems like everything is in slow motion, and it's hard to get your bearings straight.  Now think for a moment some of the challenges you have faced in life.  Often you take a deep breath, things tend to be in slow motion, and hell no one seems to be able to keep their bearings straight.  The similarities are uncanny.

Now I'm trying to be light hearted about the whole thing, but let's face it there are some things in life that we face that are anything but light hearted.  There are times when the pressure of life is so intense that it feels like a giant wave is crushing down on you and you can't seem to get a breath of air.  This is not the place that most people want to find themselves in, but alas, this is the place that many people find themselves in on an almost daily basis.  So how is it that there are those who can continue to ride the crest of the wave, while others are constantly falling beneath the surface having to hold their breath and just praying that they get back to the surface?  It all starts with how you see yourself and whether or not you understand the reason you are here.

When a surfer starts out on a wave do you think they picture themselves just being beaten up by the wave, or do they in fact see themselves conquering it?  My guess is that they see themselves riding it safely to shore and then they get right back out there to do it again.  If you have been beaten up by the surf the better part of the day my guess is that you will put the board away and come back another day, if you come back at all.  And this is what I see in so many people's lives.  Those who are successful see their success.  Those who are defeated seem to live in that defeat and almost take comfort in it.  I don't know about you, but to me defeat sucks and I want to stay as far away from it as possible.  The question then arises:  how do you escape defeat or how do you conquer it?  You conquer it by first understanding that defeat is often brought about by our own words, thoughts and feelings.  If you constantly bemoan everything in life and are always stating that things will go wrong, then how can you expect any other outcome?  If on the other hand you see yourself as victorious in all things, then victory is almost assured, assuming you never fall victim to words of doubt, feelings of fear, and thoughts of dread.

Riding the crest in life is nothing more than accepting the fact that you are indeed a divine being, and with that divinity knowing that all things are as they need to be.  I have been buffeted by life in the past, but it wasn't until I finally believed in who and what I was that things began to turn around and I was able to stay above the water's surface and see life in a different way.  Trust me, riding the crest of a wave is far more enjoyable then having to hold your breath and hoping against hope that you make it back to the surface.

Surfers, those who have been doing it for a while, know what waves to tackle and what waves to leave alone.  Their experience of the past has prepared them to know which wave to choose and which ones to stay far, far away from.  If you can learn from your past, then you can stay away from those things that would love to take you below the water's surface.

Riding the crest of a wave is invigorating, it is thrilling, and it is the preferred way of doing things.  Knowing what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, comes with experience.  If you want to experience the thrill of life, then learn from others who have already done things, and don't always try to re-invent the wheel.  I have long held the belief that I would rather have the help of others then try to do it all by myself.  If you want to learn to surf talk to a surfer who has done it for a while and learn from them.  If you want to learn about life, then talk to those who have done it for a while and learn from them.  Trust me, life can be a whole lot easier if you do it the right way.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

In a land of Giants
Has there even been a time in your life when you just felt small?  I mean, you felt as though everything and everyone around you was bigger than life, and there was no way for you to measure up to them?  Try as you might there just wasn't anyway for you to compete with those around you, at least that's what you thought.

Society and the conditioning of man has a way of making people feel small. Most of this is because inside many people is a feeling of smallness, and the only way for them to feel better about themselves is to transfer those feelings to others, in an attempt to make them feel less about them, and better about themselves.  There is only one way to combat these emotions and that is to understand the beauty and significance of who you really are.  Once you understand just how phenomenal you are I promise you that even in a Land of Giants you will tower over everyone else.

I have observed people who get all of their worth from the position they may hold at the time.  They are what they do.  God help those people if they ever loose that position because they would have nothing to claim as their own and life as they know it will crumble into a million tiny little pieces.  If you cannot see yourself as significant without all the trappings of a big fancy job, then even when you do process such things you will still not have a clue as to the real you.

Greatness, true greatness, starts from within.  Greatness is not based on the square footage of your corner office on the top floor of the Corporate Headquarters.  Greatness is measured in the size of, and your own understanding, of your heart.  Society has sold most people a bill of goods in making them think that success is measured in the job you have, or the stuff you might have accumulated over the years.  There are so many people who gain their self worth by obtaining stuff.  Problem arises when they have to get rid of that stuff, and as it is rolling down the street so is their self worth.  In a Land of Giants, stuff means very little as giants could smash all of your hard earned bobbles into tiny little worthless pieces.

I know of very few people who have not been faced with obstacles in their life.  How one sees these obstacle is in direct correlation to how they see themselves.  If you see yourself as small then these obstacles will almost appear insurmountable.  If on the other hand you see yourself as Spirit sees you, then the pitfalls and setbacks in life will be nothing more then a minor nuisance.  So let me ask you: how do you see yourself?  Are you a giant or are you just a tiny little speck on the butt of humanity?

You were not created to be just an "insignificant" nobody.  You were created to have dominion over all things.  Now let me clarify:  I'm not saying you were put here to dominate others.  That is nothing but ego and pride and quite frankly I have no room in my life for those who want to dominate others simply because if makes them feel superior.  The heart of a person who desires to be of service to others is never focused on ruling, but rather supporting and helping others become what they were destined to become.  I cannot stand those who stand around feeling superior to others.  We are all equal without regard to what one has, what one does, or even where one might end up.  Superiority is not measured in status or wealth, but rather a knowing that there is a purpose for you being here.

I have known many, many people who all they care about is being better then everyone else.  Most of these people are masking insecurities.  Many of these people have to maintain this image of superiority because without it, they really are nothing.  Be honest, you know people like this, and if you are anything like me it sickens you.  I love people and I desire that everyone know the real them. It bothers me when others try to make others feel small just so they can feel better about themselves.  God you can smell this garbage a mile away, and I try to stay as far away from this type of stench as I can.  Don't get me wrong, I will still try to help those who think they are better then others, but I will admit that I have to hold my nose from time to time.

Until such time as you can recognize and accept who you are, you will always be trying to hide from the giants.  Until such time as you can grasp your own true identity, you will always be looking for that big giant foot to come down on top of you, crushing you and any dreams you might have.  Are you going to start living equally with the giants, or are you going to continue to run and hide from them because of how you perceive them and how you see yourself?  You are who you were always intended to be.  You are unique, special, and every bit as phenomenal as anyone else walking the planet today.  When you can begin to see yourself in this light, then the giants that have been hovering about you will all of a sudden shrink down to your size and all those things that you once feared will simply fall away.

It is time for you to take your rightful place, and that place is one where you will reign over a land where others look to you for guidance, for understanding, and for love.  When you can display this type of majesty, then you will no longer be running from others, but running to them, to share what you know, what you feel, and who you are.  Get out there and share you with the rest of the land, and slay those giants.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Too Little, Too Late? Never!!!
It's never too late to change things up.  It's never to late to try something new.  It's never to late to do the right thing.  Quite frankly, it's never too late to step out into your destiny and accept the one thing you were always intended to be.

I've known so many people in my life who feel as though life has passed them by and what's the point of working yourself into a frenzy just to be smacked down again by those around you.  I'm kind of an expert when it comes to being smacked down, but I've also become quite the professional at getting back up and then kicking the crap out of those who want me to stay down.

I don't believe in the premise of "Too little, too late".  I feel as though you will be given every opportunity there is to discover why you are here right now, and what it is you are supposed to do with your life.  The plans I had for my life when I was younger seem to pale in comparison with those that I have now.  My earlier plans were laced with pride and arrogance.  They were all about me, and what my success would look like to those around me.  I wasn't interested in helping humanity, I was only interested in obtaining power and then using that power to get what I wanted.  I have no doubt that I could have achieved all of that, but when I look back on life I am so stinking happy that things didn't work out like I had wanted way back then.

If I told you that you could do anything you wanted, be anything you wanted, and it didn't matter what other people thought, how would you feel?  If I told you that you could have the desires of your heart, how would you feel?  If I told you that it's never too late to step out into your True Destiny, would it bring a tear to your eye?  The honest truth is that it doesn't matter what others think, or say, or even feel: what matters is what you think, say, or feel.  I know how frustrating life can be when you seem to be stuck in a dead end job.  I know what it feels like when others around you seem to keep pushing you down, never allowing you to become or do what is in your heart to do.  I know all too well what it feels like to want something so bad, so deep, and yet you don't have the foggiest notion of how to get there.  Here's my question to you:  is this the place you want to remain, or are you willing to do something to get out of this trap and start doing what truly will make you happy?

We tend to live on a time schedule that man determines.  Time means nothing when it comes to destiny.  Forget about time!  When we live our life according to other's standards of time we are only setting ourselves up for failure and let's face it, failure sucks.  I'm going to say something again that I have said hundreds of times already:  time is an illusion.  We only set ourselves up for additional failure when we fall victim to time.  You have to start believing that you are perfection, and in that perfection time is meaningless.  When you base your life on what others think, or tell you is right and proper, you are allowing others to dictate your actions, and there is only one thing that can come from that, it's called controlled chaos.

Take a look around you at those people who continually tell you what you should be doing.  Do these people seem happy, or is their attempt at telling you what to do covering up their own insecurities in life?  It seems to me that those who want to always offer you advise are the same people who are stuck in that dead end job, or have given up on their dreams and visions.  It's easy to offer up advise and judgment when you have nothing to loose.  Do you really need to heed the advise of those who can't seem to find the real them?

It has taken me years to get to the point I am at right now.  Had I followed the good intentions of others, I still would be lost and I would have undoubtedly given up on my dreams.  People love to control other people because maybe it gives them a sense of superiority. People love to crap on the ideas of others because maybe they feel guilty that they never went after their own dreams.  I have seen others who are so filled with envy and jealousy over the success of others that they are spitting bullets.  If you cannot be happy for the success of others around you I will bet you dimes to donuts that you have yet to see any real success in your life.

The time has come to lay the ax to the root of that which has limited you, slowed you down, or kept you boxed into a life that you were never intended to be boxed into.  It is never too late to walk in your destiny.  You might be saying you are too old to do it now: knock it off!  You're only too old if you allow yourself to feel you're too old.  If it is pity you are looking for, let me tell you, you won't get it from me.  What you will get from me is someone who will tell you to take a chance and forget about the past.  If you want things to change up in your life, then you are going to have to change up the things you have always done.  You can't sit there and complain that things are getting no better, when you are not doing anything differently then what you have done in the past.

It's never too late to go after your dreams.  If you still have dreams that come to you, that you think about, then you still have time to go after them.  Trust me, you will only stop dreaming when you stop breathing.  You may not follow your dreams, you may not believe in your dreams, you may run from your dreams, but I assure you, you will never stop dreaming until the day you die.

Do yourself a favor and realize that it is never too late to do something, even if that something is tiny and would seem inconsequential, at least you're putting it out there.  When you take action, things come back to you, and when things come back you begin the cycle again.  Get out there and do something, and watch as things change up for you.  It's never too late, never ever.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Take a walk on the wild side.
If you're ever going to go anywhere, do anything, be something, you're going to have to get wild.  If you're ever going to discover your True Destiny, then you're just going to have to give up on traditional wisdom and take a walk on the wild side of life.

"Who are you kidding:  why would I want to take risk, especially when my livelihood is dependent on it?"  "Right, just throw wisdom out the door, are you crazy?"  Well maybe I am and maybe I'm not, but I'll take crazy over man's conventional wisdom any day.  Now before you go off half cocked hear me out:  I am not saying not to use common sense in what you do. I am speaking about falling prey to what man says is normal in life.  We've talked about this so many times in the past: you are not slave to the conditioning of man, period, end of story.  Your path to walking in your destiny is not dependent on what man thinks is prudent, wise, or even common place.  Your path is just that your path, and nothing that anyone else says or does is going to alter the path you have to go on.  That being said, if you are going to go on this journey, why not make the most of it and enjoy the hell out of it while you're getting there?

I'm thinking back on many of the achievements man has made on my short time on this planet.  I'm not quite sure how we survived life before the invention of the smart phone, the IPad, or any other of the modern day marvels most everyone has available to them.  I do know this: each one of these devices began with an idea, and then someone ran with it.  Conventional wisdom would say that prudence is required when trying something new, something revolutionary, something unheard of.  OK, if conventional wisdom says to hold back, what does your gut tell you?  Does your intuition tell you that you should wait it out, and once all the planets line up perfectly you can begin to investigate this glorious idea of yours?  Let me tell you, if you wait for all the planets to line up perfectly, someone else is going to beat you to the punch, and then you are going to be left holding an empty bag of ideas.  Please forgive me for being crude, but just get off your ass and do something with those things that are running around your brain.  Trust me, sitting around waiting for a miracle to open up in front of you so you can do what is in your heart to do is just stupid.  Don't misunderstand: I believe in miracles, but I also believe that things will begin to happen miraculously when you start something.

Let me ask you this simple question:  is what you have done so far worked?  I mean, if you are still waiting for things to begin to happen with your dreams and stuff, how long are you going to wait?  Take a walk on the wild side and maybe just maybe things will begin to click and then watch as your view of things changes up.

When I talk to people about destiny I am amazed at the people who will resonate with what I am saying.  I would say that 8 out of 10 people I talk to agree with my thoughts.  The remaining 20% wouldn't recognize destiny if it were a snake biting them on the Arse!   Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, destiny is not something that you have to worry about.  Your destiny is already inside of you.  You simply have to take it, and do something with it.  If you ever plan on getting to the promised land, then you are going to have to take a walk on the wild side.  If you spend all your time playing with all the other people who refuse to step out, then you are simply wasting time.  The tame side of things is nothing more then a smoke screen created by those who haven't the guts to step out into their destiny.

If you are still doing the same old thing day in and day out, is there any reason not to change things up and take a walk on the wild side?  If you are content with your place in life, and I mean total contentment, I applaud you, and I share in your joy.  If on the other hand you fall into the remaining 80% of the population that has yet to discover the joys of living and walking in their destiny, maybe it's time to get wild.  Certainly those around you may talk, they may feel you have gone off the deep end, but who cares?  It's your destiny that matters, not theirs.  You are always going to have the doubters, the haters, the one's so blinded by envy that they are going to do anything to derail you.  Stay clear of all these types and just be who you were intended to be.

Take a walk on the wild side of life and see if this new way of doing things doesn't become the norm for you.  Get moving my darlings, there is much to do, much to experience, and the sooner you start, the better things will become.  I love walking on the wild side, and when you try it, you will love it too.

Monday, June 15, 2015

The true measure of a person.
What is the true measure of a person?  Is it the job they have, the house they live in, or is it something completely different?  How you answer these questions is going to depend on how you see yourself in relation to the rest of the planet.  If you only see yourself as an insignificant person, only taking up space and just waiting for the world to come to an end, then my guess is you would say that success is solely based on position, processions, and other worldly things.  If on the other hand you realize the significance of your being here, that you in fact are a master of your domain, then you will see the true measure of a person as what that person is doing for the rest of humanity.

I've known many people in my life who had the abilities to do whatever they desired, but what they lacked was the will or desire to do for others.  They had been taught the value of a dollar, but in that teaching there was a vital part of the puzzle missing:  that which you do to the least among you.   We live in a world today where many have forgotten that giving and loving, sharing and caring, are benchmarks of those who truly love life, who understand the meaning of humanity, and who desire everyone to experience life to the fullest.

I do not begrudge someone from being successful and having all the spoils of that success.  I work hard for what I have, but I freely give because quite frankly I have been blessed beyond measure when it comes to what I do.  If I decided to keep my gifts all to myself what good would that do the rest of the world?  If I decided to keep all of my processions, simply because I earned them, what does that say to the rest of the population?  I give not because I have a lot to give, I give because that is my nature, and my nature is reflective of the nature of the one that created me.  Trust me, I have freely given even when that meant going without myself.  I'm not telling you this to solicit sympathy or words of praise.  I'm telling you this because I want you to begin to think about the things you are doing, and the reason behind doing them.  If you are trying to take over the world simply to be remembered for it, then you are doing it for the wrong reason.  If you are attempting to do something great because it will benefit the rest of the world, then by all means move forward, and let me know how I can help you achieve your goal.

The true measure of a person is how deeply do you love your neighbor, how badly do you want to reach out and help another person in need, and how much can you give away and realize that there is still more then you could ever use in a lifetime?  The true measure of a person is the capacity to love, to nurture, to educate, and to be there for others even when it is inconvenient to do so.  I know lots of people who profess to want to help others, but that help is only going to happen if it falls into their timetable and does not upset their plans in any way.  Trust me I'm not beating those people up.  I'm sure they have a very valid reason why they do what they do, but let me ask you this:  is it always convenient to help those in need?  I can't say yes to every request made to me, there just aren't enough hours in the week, or days in the month to do so.  I will however swear to my own hurt.  If I tell someone I will do something you can take it to the bank that I will do what I say I will do.  I have always believed that you let your yes be yes, and your no be no.

 There are going to be times in your life when you are not going to be able to help someone.  That's OK.  There have been plenty of times in my life that I wished I had more money to do for someone.  I guarantee if I had the money I would have given it.  What I had to learn was that it was OK not to be the one to help.  There are plenty of other people out there with the means to help others, you don't have to be the only one doing good things.  There is a huge difference between being willing to do something and just not recognizing the need.  If you don't have the means to financially help someone, that doesn't mean you are less a person.  Your hearts desire is what is important, not the actual act itself.  There are plenty of people who have an over abundance and yet are stingy with their bounty.  Conversely there are people out there who have very little, but they do find ways to be givers, because that is their nature.

The true measure of a person is not what you do, what you give, but what is in your heart to do.  The true measure of a person is not measure in dollars and cents, minutes and hours, or even months and years.  The true measure of a person is how much do you love your fellow man, and just how important is it to you that they find happiness and love?  It's great to have the nice house, the fancy car, the never ending list of toys to play with, but at the end of the day all that stuff is going to fall apart and there is nothing you will be able to do about it.  However, that smile that you shared with that stranger the other day, now that is something that will eventually travel around the world.   The hug that came just at the right time to the person living down the hall, now that will pay off dividends to future generations.

It is time to get away from measuring everything in ways that we feel is appropriate.  You can't put a money figure on love.  You can't measure the weight of a caring touch, or a loving embrace.  The real important things in life are never going to be measured by how much it is worth, or what it can do for you to make your life more comfortable.  The real important things in life are priceless, and yet most of them are free.

The true measure of a person is in their capacity to love unconditionally.  I love what I do for a living, but I assure you I would still do it even if it never brought in a single penny.  I do what I do because I love it, and I want to share it with others.  I do what I do because I know that someone where down the line someone else will pick up my mantle and do the same things.  You may never know the true measure of your worth, but I can promise you this:  the rest of the world will know it.  When you give from your heart, you give to the rest of humanity.  Those gifts of love, of time, of patience, and of understanding, are fostering those same traits in others for them to give as well.  It is the cycle of love, caring, and understanding that is the true measure of a person, and quite frankly it is the true measure of any society.  It is time to teach the rest of the world just what the true measure of a person is, and you can do that by displaying each and every day.  Try it, you will like it.

Friday, June 12, 2015

I'm still standing!!
As the picture in today's blog says, "A person's true nature is revealed at times of the greatest adversity."  This is such truth, and this is what separates those who have, and those who have not.

I'm sure almost everyone has had their share of adversity in life.  Some have handled it with grace, while others have shed tear after tear while going through struggles that would boggle other's minds.  The key to any successful endeavor is how you handle adversity, and if in the end of it all you can state with absolute certainly, "I'm still standing", then you will be in a very select group of people.

Adversity is something everyone is going to have to come face to face with a some point in their life. While I hope that your adversity is slight, there is always that chance that what you are facing is daunting and simply remaining upright is a feat in itself.  No matter what you might be going through there is a source of strength that you can draw from.  This strength was placed in you the moment you were created, and this strength is what has helped others before you change the face of nations.

I was out on the town the other night and as is pretty normal for me the conversations I was having with a few new acquaintances went directly to the themes of much of my writing.  It's amazing when people find out you are an author, the questions come to you at mach speed.  Don't get me wrong, I love talking about my writing and Destiny, but I've got to tell you, some of the questions I get are pretty deep, and even I have to pause to think about a response.  Anyway, I was talking about knowing the "Real" you, and I had some pretty stunned looks from those around me listening to the conversation.  It was as if they had never heard about being the real you, the authentic you, the you that was created for this particular time.  The feeling I got from this crowd, and the feeling I get from some of the groups I talk in front of, is that you are just going to have to take what is given to you in life and make the best of it.  Now I guess when you are talking about adversity in one's life it would be easy to accept this premise.  After all, look at some of the things we have done in the past when confronted with challenges.

I've had my share of adversity in life.  Now I'm not brazen enough to think that what I have gone through in life is any tougher or any worse then others around me.  When I look at my life compared to others that I know, I would say that my life has been a cake walk.  That being said, what I have gone through is completely different then what others have gone through, and how I handle adversity is going to be different then the way others handle their own problems.  The key to it all is being able to state without worry of contradiction that "I'm still standing."  I'm still kicking and breathing no matter what the world has thrown my way.  How am I able to do this?  I recognize the source of my strength.  I recognize the perfection of my design, and the perfection of me being here right now.  I recognize that I am first and foremost a creation of the Creator of the Universe, and I have within me the ability to walk in complete enlightenment.  It is only when we fall prey to the conditioning of man that our world turns upside down.  It is only when we listen to the conditioning of man that we feel as though we have to suffer in this life.  It is only when we accept the conditioning of man that we lay down and want to give up, because our struggles have become to great.

My friends, you were never intended to have to suffer the way you have been conditioned to believe. Lack, scarcity, depression, sickness, are all things that man has perpetrated on others, it was never God's plan for you.  Spirit's plan for you was for you to display the nature of who you really are, not what others have said you are.  I can sit here and tell you all day long who and what you are, but until such time as you believe it, there isn't much I can do to change the situations you might find yourself in.  Do you think that God's nature is one of lack, or scarcity?  Do you think that when the Universe was created that there was doubt when it came into existence?  If you can display the nature of God, you can overcome any adversity.  I stand on my knowing who and what I am.  I stand on the knowledge that I am created in the image of my creator.  Man did not create me, Spirit did.

So you really have two choices:  you can either follow the nature of man, or you can follow and step out into the nature of God.  One will lead you down the same old path, reliving the same old adversities, or you can go down the right path and boldly stand up and proclaim "I'm still standing."   If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired; if you're sitting around and wondering if this is as good as it gets, then maybe it's time to realize the beauty of your design and begin to accept certain truths.  When you look at past historical figures, Jesus the Christ, Buddha, they walked around in enlightenment.  You were created by the same being as they were.  It is not blasphemous to see yourself as Christ saw himself.  Christ said that greater things you will do.  How many people do you know who have done greater things?

It is time to display the nature of your creator and in doing so show the world that you are still standing.  It may take you some time to accept all this and incorporate it into you daily life, but I will promise you this:  when you do, life will take on a whole new meaning and all those things that wanted to shot you down, pull you apart, and break you down, will no longer have any power over you.  I'm still standing, and will continue to stand because I know who and what I am.  Now it is time for you to do the same.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

In the still of the night.
It's the end of a very long day and all you want to do is sit back, relax, and reflect.  In the still of an early evening sky one finds peace, tranquility, and that always beautiful and appreciated ease of the day.  There is something almost magical about that time of day when the sun is dropping below the far away horizon and thoughts turn to what may have been, what can be, and more importantly, what should be.  This place of stillness is one of the most pleasurable times of the day, and yet we often find ourself in conflict: do we sit back an enjoy these quiet moments or do we push ahead with all those things that need to get accomplished?  After all, we only have twenty-four hours in the day, and god knows we need more time.

There is such a thing as the "Law of Diminishing Returns", and far too often people forget about this until they have so out spent what they have inside, that there is very little they wouldn't give to have just a few moments of rest and solitude.  One can only go at full throttle for so long before everything gives out, and you are left wondering what happened.  It is in the still of the early evening that we are able to step out into nature and realize that tomorrow will come, regardless of what is left to do today, so why not simply sit back and enjoy the panorama unfolding in front of you.  The birds are a little less active, but the crickets begin to serenade you in what can only be described as a heavenly symphony.  The leaves begin to blow in the breeze and that wonderful spring scent of life raises up in front of you.  This is the life:  can you sit back and enjoy it, or are pressing matters such that you are oblivious to the wonders all around you?

In the still of the night is a freshness that far surpasses the conflicts that may have arisen just hours before.  In the still of the night comes calm, beauty, and a knowing that no matter what we are thinking, or what we may have gone through during the day, we are guest at an event that transcends time and space.

When was the last time you tossed off your shoes and simply walked around in the dew covered grass and enjoyed some time with nature?  If you have to think about it, if you can't say for sure when it was, then I can tell you it was too long ago.  Nature has a way of bringing us back to life.  Life was never intended to be lived at breakneck speed all the time, so maybe it's time to slow things down a bit and simply enjoy those things that have been placed in front of you.

There are people out there who have tunnel vision.  They only see that one goal, that one conquest, that one victory and everything else is muted.  Problem with this scenario is that much of what they are overlooking on a daily basis would provide them with everything they need to accomplish those things they desire.  My dear friends, it's time to simply sit back and enjoy life.  You can go to your grave having accumulated vast amounts of wealth, but if you can't remember the last time you looked up into the night sky and waved to Orion's Belt, then you have missed out on so much.  I dare say that when someone is about to take their last breath, the last thing they will think about is wishing they had one more day to work.

Life is all about balance, and there are so many people out of sync with that balance.  I've been there, and I will tell you it isn't worth it.  You can have all the accruements of success: the nice house, a fancy car, and tons of money, but lacking the ability to simply sit back and enjoy the stillness of the night, makes you anything but successful.  If you are not able to set things aside for just thirty minutes to enjoy all the beauty around you, then I will tell you that success will only be fleeting for you.

I am not attempting to make you feel bad for wanting to work hard and provide.  I applaud those who have determination and drive, but when that determination and drive does not allow you time to simply sit back and enjoy the beauty around you, then you have to ask yourself, is it worth it?  I can't answer that question for you, but I will tell you that I came to the point where I had to answer it for me, and I will say that being able to sit back and simply unwind is the best part of my day.  I know people who feel as though that if they do not do something then it's not going to get done.  Sorry to tell you but that is nothing but pride, and pride sucks.  Let it go, and simply rest.  The world is not going to come to an end simply because you opted to step outside one night, have a drink, and let that email wait until tomorrow.

In the still of the night is peace.  In the still of the night there is tranquility, and there is a rejuvenation that only comes when you allow nature to speak to you.  So tonight when you get home, turn off the computer, the cell phone, and even the tv, and simply step out into your back yard, your deck or patio, and relax.  Listen to what is going on around you and learn from nature.  I will promise you that a good night sleep will follow you, and then the next day you can pick up where you left off, but with a whole new outlook on things.  The night is beautiful and it was created that way for you to enjoy it.  Get out there is take advantage of what the Universe has laid at your feet.

Monday, June 8, 2015

It's just a simple thank you, but it can change your world.
We think about it, we feel it, we even long to hear it; but how often do we just say it?

There should be a million things you are thankful for in your life, but how much time do you spend sending out that thanks to the universe?  How many times in a given day do you realize just how good things are, yet you never take the time to send out thanks?  Being thankful and displaying that thanks are two separate things, but I will tell you, an outward display of thanks will change your life.

Have you ever done something special for someone, something that literally took days and days to plan out, hours to execute, only to receive no thanks what-so-ever for your efforts?  How did the lack of thanks affect you?  Now I know we're not supposed to do things for others just to get back, but lets be real here for a minute.  You have slaved over this idea for ever it seems, invested your time, your money, and your love into this endeavor, and not a single word of thanks.  Anyone would be hard pressed not to be just a little upset.  Now turn things around and look at yourself for a minute.  The Universe works tirelessly every minute of every day on your behalf.  You may never see what goes on behind the scenes, but I assure you things are happening every moment.  That being said, when was the last time you gave a shout out to the Universe, to God, or any other messenger for that matter, for what they have done for you?

I make time every day to simply say "Thank You" for all the blessings in my life, and let me tell you some of the blessings I have experienced didn't really feel like a blessing while I was going through them. Remember that no matter what we go through, we have an opportunity to learn something, and in that learning should be thankfulness for being more equipped to handle the things in life.  If you're thankful for a loved one, tell them that.  If you're thankful for a wonderful job or occupation, then say thank you.  If you're simply thankful for having every opportunity in the world to be who you are, then say thank you.  Your display of thanks doesn't have to be grandiose, it can simply be waking up in the morning, laying in bed and saying thank you for yet another day to be who you are.

If you are looking for more opportunity to be thankful for things in your life, then simply begin by showing thankfulness for what you already have.  Remember that love begets love, happiness begets happiness, and thankfulness begets thankfulness.  If you want to receive more of one thing, then give that one thing.  The Law of Attraction makes no distinction between what you give out and what you get back in return.

Take a minute and just try to come up with something you are thankful for.  I am thankful every day that I get to sit down in front of my computer and write.  I love it when I get to speak in front of a crowd of people and talk to them about destiny.  I thank God daily for the gifts that have been placed in me, and what those gifts were intended for.  I love it when I am walking around and I see something out of the blue, and it reminds me of the splendor of nature, and how I can learn so many lessons simply by paying attention to what is going on around me in nature.  I will simply throw out a very quiet, by heartfelt thank you for having the opportunity to do what I do every day of my life.  Try it, I promise you that the results will be something to be thankful about.

There's a passage in the bible that says to whom much is given, much is required.  Now there is a group out there who believe that this means if you have money you have to give money.  There's another faction who believes that if you have been gifted with something that something was meant for others as well.  I know people who hoard things and the thought of giving away something you have worked so hard for is just not something they are willing to do.  Let me say this, and it may not be what you want to hear, but once again, I can only tell you what I feel.  If you are unwilling to give something away, something that you love, something that means the world to you, then it will be very difficult to ever show true thankfulness for that thing.  People have forgotten that when you give freely, you get freely.  If I only wrote this blog for people willing to pay for it, which by the way I do not, just in case anyone was wondering, then would I really be thankful for the gift of writing?  I write and put out my words because I am thankful for my gifts.  Each day that I write I always thank Spirit for the opportunity to do what I do.  It seems the more I give thanks, the more opportunity I have to spread my words out to the rest of the world.  If it works for me, then I promise you it will work for you.

Taking the time to give thanks is so simple, and yet it is something so contrary to the way most people think today.  People want to be thanked, and in the absence of that thanks, they loose the intent of what they were doing in the first place.  My writing is not intended to bring me credit, it is intended to help those around me.  I am so very thankful that I have not forgotten this, and I will say that I have been blessed beyond measure because I hold this belief.

Take a few moments today and just throw up some thanks for all you have.  It may feel weird at first, but trust me, the more you do it, the more you will want to do it.  Thankfulness is contagious, and when others see your thankfulness they will desire to be the same way.  If you want to change your world, thereby changing the rest of the world, then begin by simply saying thank you for what you have, for what you have learned, and for all that is about to come to you.  It's just simple thank you, but it will change your world.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Thinking is sometimes the kiss of death.
Yep, we all have the tendency to over think situations and events in our life.  We are never going to get away from our mind thinking about things throughout the day.  Just try to shut your mind down for a minute and see if you have zero thoughts.  I guess there have been people who can simply block things out, but shutting down the mind, not so much.

As much as we would like to close down from time to time, if only to simply relax and forget about things, our mind doesn't always allow us to do that.  What I want to talk about today is how so many people will over think things, almost always to their own detriment.

When I talk about over thinking what I mean is that there are those who can't take the simple approach to anything.  Everything is a major decision, and everything has been left in the balance until such time as they can decide what to do next.  I've seen people so bogged down in thinking, that the one thing they really want in life has passed them by a zillion times because they have been unable to see it.  When we allow our thoughts, and sometimes intellect, to over-ride our intuition, there are going to be problems.

Your spirit, or as some put it, your intuition, is never going to lead you astray.  Your spirit is in direct communication with God's Spirit, and as such able to conceptualize some pretty phenomenal things.  Our intellect on the other hand is only able to go as far as what we may have been taught, or what we have experienced up till that point in time.  I will be the first to admit that I have fallen prey to only following my intellect and simply denying the perfection of my spirit in the past.  We as humans feel as though we have to be the architect of everything in our life, and nary a step can be made unless we think about it.  You can think about things, just don't think it to death.  There are people out there who have spent so much time thinking about things that they never get around to doing the things they are thinking about.  Now just as a reminder, I'm not saying to never think.  I'm saying don't over analyze things.  Not everything in life requires you to write a dissertation about it.

What is your gut telling you to do?  How many times have you begun to do something, and something inside is cautioning you about it, you go ahead and do it anyway, and BAM you are in a huge mess?  Instead of following your gut, you followed your intellect, and you ended up with either egg on your face, or face down in the mud.  Now this isn't always going to be the case, but I bet a fairly high percentage of people will resonate with what I just said.

Now here's where people begin to have problems.  If they are inclined to be the over-thinkers, and they don't understand that they are a spiritual being with abilities far superior to almost any other thing in the universe, then they will probably discount the importance of intuition, or listening to their heart.  Ladies and Gentlemen, the heart is incapable of lying to you.  It is only when you have not been able to recognize your heart, your spirit, from other things running around in your mind, that you begin to have serious issues with things.  We all know right from wrong.  Most of us know that Two plus Two equals Four.  If you ask the average person what color was Grant's Great White Horse, they can give you an answer.  If you ask the average non-spiritual person what does the voice of his or her spirit sound like, they look at you like you have two heads.  If you cannot recognize your spirit voice within, then you only have your intellect or thoughts to go by, and we all know what can happen when that happens.

Life really isn't all that complicated.  We make it complicated, but in truth, you have everything you need from the time of birth, to navigate the treacherous roads that await you.  That "everything" is your spirit.  A spirit that was fully formed and developed the moment of your creation.  The only reason it may not have benefited you thus far is because you have neglected to bring it into your every day life.  I know firsthand how difficult it can be to shut the mind down and simply follow the leading of your spirit, your intuition.  I get it, but I also know the perils of simply following your mind and not your heart.  Your intellect is eventually going to come into play, but don't make the mistake of having everything you do in life be based on your intellect.

Life is supposed to be fun.  Life is supposed to be thrilling.  Life is supposed to be about doing what you love, being with those you love, and extending that love out to the rest of the world.  I can assure you that if you simply go through life always over thinking, always having to rationalize things, and always having to come up with the perfect plan, then you will miss out on some of the fun, some of the thrills, and lots of the love.  If you want to simplify your life, then stop over-thinking things.  Learn to follow your intuition, and simply let go.

As impossible as it is to completely shut your mind down, I will tell you that you can train yourself to slow it down, and replace it with your heart.  In the end, intellect has been able to accomplish a lot, but think how much more could have been accomplished if intellect was just the back-up to your heart.  You have within you the greatest teacher in existence.  When will you realize that and begin to utilize it?  There's no time like the present I always say.  Listen to the voice of your heart, and when you begin to do this, you mind will get out of the way, and when that happens, well let's just say there will be no stopping you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I love it when a plan comes together.
I remember watching the A-Team years ago and one of the lines I always loved was when Hannibal, a.k.a. George Peppard would say, "I love it when a plan comes together."  He would always have that cigar in his mouth when he said it, and it was totally awesome.  There were times when there was an element of luck involved, and other times when things went just according to plan. Either way, the end result was the desired result, and everyone went away happy and content.

Today I still love it when a plan comes together, but what I love more than the actual plan, is watching and seeing what transpires, and just how creative the universe can be in bringing about those things we either desire, or have been holding in our hearts for years.  I was at a business meeting last night and there was a subtle anticipation of what was going to transpire.  I didn't have any definitive plans for the meeting, more like, let's see where Spirit takes us, and just enjoy the moment.  What I got from this meeting was nothing less then sensational, and it provided me with a piece of the puzzle that I had been missing, but it was an intricate piece of the puzzle and without it, the vision of True Destiny would not be complete.  

I bring up the topic of last nights meeting because I want to show you that answers can and do come in many different ways, many different forms, and from many different people.  What you have to do is be open to the many ways that things may be presented to you, and just accept those things when they come.  There are still many questions that I need answers to, but last night was just proof again, that those answers will come when the time is right, and when I am ready to hear and work with the answers.  

I can envision God and all the Heavenly Host all looking down at us and just saying to themselves, "We love it when a plan comes together."  We make it out to think that we have a plan, and once we complete what it is that we are supposed to complete that we have done a good thing.  Well we have done a good thing, but it's more about what we have done in support of others.  When we complete our task we are allowing others to begin theirs, and when they complete their portion, it allows others still to begin theirs.  Do you think that you are the only one with a plan, nay nay.  God's plan involves every aspect of human existence, and we are just a small part of the overall plan.  But think about it, God is looking down, with a cigar burning, smiling, and saying, "I love it when a plan comes together."  

There are always going to be different pieces to the puzzle of our life that will come at different times.  Our responsibility is to grab each piece, and place it in it's proper place.  Don't make the mistake of trying to place a piece where it doesn't belong.  There are hundreds of pieces that look almost alike, but you and I both know that puzzles are precise beasties and there is only one real correct way to place them.  Anything other then perfection and the puzzle will not look like it is supposed to look.  We want perfection in our life, and if you want things to be just right, then make sure you only place the right piece in the right place, at the right time.

I want you to take a minute and think about your life.  What different pieces have come to you and what did you do with them?  If you were smart you placed them in the right location.  If you were smart you waited for the right time.  If you were smart you realized that all you need in life will be provided to you when you need it.  Those who are always wondering when good will come to them, will be standing there holding an empty bag for a long time.  We must have faith that our answers will always come to us when we need them.  Forget about your time line, and accept the fact that God is never going to do anything outside of perfect timing.  It is only because of our lack of understanding of that perfect timing that we get out of place, and we try to fit things into places they don't belong, and other wise make a mess of things.  When you can accept God's perfect timing, then and only then will you begin to place the pieces of the puzzle in the right places, and each time you place a piece, another piece will come to you.

Oh yes, I love it when a plan comes together.  I don't have the answers yet, but I know they will be provided to me when I need them.  We will be getting answers the rest of our lives.  The moment we think we have it all is the moment you will come to realize that you really have nothing at all.  Last night's meeting was so incredible because it set in another piece of the puzzle.  I'm not sure how everything is going to play out yet, but I do know that the answers will come to me when they are supposed to.  Your life, your experiences are all leading up to a point where the Angels will shout out "We love it when a plan comes together", and then the rejoicing will begin.  

Everything is under control.  Everything will happen at its appointed time.  Simply accept this, and life as you know it will be better for it.  One piece at a time, one day at a time, one moment at a time. That is all we can do, but that will be enough.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Dawn of a New Era.
Each and every morning the sun rises in the east signifying a new day, a new era so to speak.  Each morning ushers in new opportunities and possibilities.  Each new day should bring each of you what you desire most, does it?  Do you look at each new day as an opportunity to achieve something different?  Do you look at each new day as a gift, one that should be cherished and nurtured?  Do you look at each new day and marvel at the beauty of who and what you are?

This is our challenge, and this challenge is one that when successfully handled, will change the way you look at things, and do things, for the rest of your life.   I was talking with a new acquaintance last night, and the term that kept coming up was "pessimist".  I would say the glass is half full, he would say half empty.  I would look at life as a chance to really do something great, he would see it as only something to survive.  I can't say as I blame him for his observations as we have been conditioned since birth to think this way, but that can all change.  Man's conditioning, as I have said so many times in the past, wants to make you believe that we as humans are destined to live a life of want, need, and no fulfillment, at least to the vast majority of the population.  This needs to change, and this change will come when you grasp the idea that each day brings with it the chance to usher in a new era of doing things, and being what you were created to be.

How many times have you wanted something, only to be shot down by those around you because they have failed to obtain those things they want most out of life?  I mean if you surround yourself with doubters, do you really think that anything else positive is going to happen around you.  For that matter, if you surround yourself with those who are always bemoaning life, do you really think you will ever be in a place where you will have the things you want most out of life?

If you want to experience the dawn of something new, then you have to set the intention that that is what you shall have.  Until such time as you can believe that all manner of goodness is just as much for you as anyone else, you will always be looking at things from the outside.  Too many times in life we allow what others think dictate what we think.  If you do this, can you actually expect things to work out the way you want them to?  If you desire a new era in your life, then you are going to have to let go of what others think, and catch hold of what you know is for you.  I know that I am doing what I was created to do, and I refuse to let others around me talk me out of my destiny.  What I do, I have been divinely equipped to do, and you have been given these same traits to accomplish what you were sent here to do.  It is only when we listen to others that we get out of place, and when you are out of position, then nothing is going to happen.

I look at each new day as an opportunity to be blessed by others, and to be a blessing to others.  I look at each new day as an opportunity to walk deeper in my purpose, and in doing so, know that what I am doing is divinely inspired.  I look at each new day and I just smile.  I smile because I get to do what I love most.  Can you say the same for yourself?  If you are driving to work on a Monday morning just praying that your place of employment has burnt to the ground, then my guess is, you have yet to accept the concept of a new dawn.  Why in heavens name do you subject yourself to such torture, working at a job you hate, when all you have to do is leave it behind and do what you truly desire?

I know change can be scary at times, but is stepping out into something different, something that you know you love, going to be any worse then the misery you have to endure each day at a job you hate?  Trust me, I have been trapped in loveless jobs before, and I will tell you that taking that step of faith to get out of there, although scary as hell, will be the best thing you ever did.  I see people everyday who look as though joy has been stripped from them, and all they have to look forward to is a bunch of tomorrows no different then their today's.

The dawn of a new era is just waiting for you to accept it.  If you are at a point where life has got you down, do you really have anything to loose by stepping out in a new direction?  To accept this new dawn, this new era, is going to take courage.  Accepting this new dawn, this new era, is going to take determination.  Accepting this new dawn, this new era, is going to take you to new places that will boggle the imagination.  If you are ready to try something new, if you are ready to change things up, if you are simply ready to step out into your destiny, then look upon the new day and realize that life is about to change.

The Dawn of a new Era is a wonderful thing, and it is something that everyone needs to experience, not just once, but everyday.  I love knowing that I will get to experience this new dawn each and everyday.  I look at each dawn with anticipation at what it will bring me, and with what I can bring to others.  This is how you need to approach it, and when you do, things will change for you.  It is a new day, and that is always a good thing.