Wednesday, October 27, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Believe it or not I have good ole Christmas Music playing right now. Maybe it's early, but if the stores can put out all their Christmas Garb, then I can begin celebrating in my own way. I love the season we are about to enter because it gives us pause to think of the past year and what took place in our lives, and take inventory of what we hope for the future. When I think about hope for the future I almost always think about True Destiny and how my goal is to empower each and every person I come in contact with the ability to determine their destiny. Now there are people who are doing exactly what it is they were intended to do in life, but they are the exception to the rule. The vast amount of people walking this planet are not walking in their True Destiny.

Ladies and Gentlemen, True Destiny is something that you were born with. It is what is inside of each of us that we were destined to complete in this life. You can't change your destiny. Oh sure you can miss it, but if you believe you were born with a purpose in this life, then that is what is supposed to happen and no matter where you are, where you were, or where you will go, you can not change what your purpose is.

I have thought about the struggles that most people face on a daily basis. I face the same struggles as anyone else, sometimes it seems as though I will never overcome some of them, and most everyone else feels that way from time to time. There is however, something that resides inside of me that tells me that I will walk in my destiny no matter what trials and tribulations I encounter along the way. If there is a light at the end of the tunnel I expect to find it, and so should you.

Faith is believing when you can't see the proof in front of you. We each need faith to know that we will walk in our destiny someday and in walking out our destiny we will be of benefit to those around us. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a hand in helping others walk out their destiny. What a great world we would live in if everyone took on this task. Call me an idealist, but I can't look at life in any other way. I have to believe that our best days are ahead of us and if we are committed to determining our own destinies we will empower others to figure out theirs.

So who is with me on this one? Care to take a journey and help others along the way. The satisfaction you will feel will surely change your life and that of others. After all, isn't that what life is all about. Think about it.......

Friday, October 22, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Life has been a journey as of late, and times being what they are I thought it prudent to get back on the saddle and do what I do best and that is inspire those who need a little pick me up from time to time. I wish I could tell you that I am immune to the test and trials that many people face on a daily basis, but alas I am human and deal with the same issues as everyone else. I wish I could tell you that every day is a carnival with fun around each corner. I wish I could tell you that every moment is a joy and peace and happiness is all I knew. I wish I could tell you all of that, but I must be honest and let you know that the last few months have been the most trying and often even I have felt like giving up and just moving on. But most of you know me better than that and I can't quit, not now when my dreams are right on the door step and I can see my future clear.

I want to take a few moments and speak encouragement to each of you. No matter what phase you might be in your life, no matter what obstacles you have encountered, no matter what anyone else may be telling you, there is hope everyday and that hope exist for each of us. My days of late have been dreary and without a lot of joy. Maybe it was a phase that I needed to go through to get things straightened out in my own life, but it has not be pleasant and it is time to move forward and say goodbye to the past. Now let me say this, the past is something we can learn from. If we fail to look at history we are doomed to repeat it, and repeat it we will. If I had a dollar for every time I said "I won't do that again", I could retire in the lap of luxury and be happy for ever. We all make mistakes time and time again, and every time we repeat the same mistake we want to kick ourselves in the ass and ask why?

Life has a funny way of bringing out the best and worst in everyone. Problem is we often look at the worst side of things and never take the time to see the good that is all around us, and that is a big no no. If I have learned one thing over the last few months it is that life is so worth living and the goodness that resides in all of us is there to give to others. I have had times in my life where I have felt like I was the only one on face of the planet going through a tough time. How could anyone know what I was dealing with let alone be there to help me out? I felt alone and miserable and if life ended it might be a blessing in disguise. It was during these blue moments that I had to pick myself up by the bootstrap, kick my own butt and say enough is enough. I know what my future holds and I know there are things that need to be done, not just for me but for others who have given up hope and are ready to throw in the towel.

Ladies and Gentlemen now is not the time to quit. Now is not the time to pack in all in and give up the chase. Now is not the time to head for the hills and hope the world will pass you by. Rather it is time to seek out the help of others and realize there are people, friends, loved ones all around you just waiting to give you the assistance your heart cries out for. Today is a day of possibilities, a day to put a smile on your face and realize that you are alive and that is not just a coincidence. We have all been put on this earth to accomplish something. We have abilities and gifts inside that are there for one reason and one reason only; to give it away and help others who need a touch from someone like you. It is time to put selfishness away and give the best part of yourself to someone else. Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and Girls, listen to me and listen good, greatness is not what we do for ourselves, but rather what we do for others, even when what we do is not seen by millions. When I depart this earthly world I do not want to be remembered for the money I made, or the size or success of my company. I want to be remembered as just "A Friend". Lets let compassion and love direct your life. When its all said and done does anything else really matter.

One last thought for today; if today brings you happiness it is there because you laid the groundwork for it before today ever happened. So go out today and help someone else with their groundwork. True happiness can never be taken from you, and true happiness is a gift that no one will ever say no to, unless you're just a complete idiot. Think about it.......