Saturday, March 30, 2024

New Beginnings

Ever wondered what it would be like to start all over again, to start fresh with no limitations, no expectations, no one telling you that you can't do this, or can't do that?  Ever wonder what it would be like to simply have a new beginning?  Well today I want to delve into this subject, and in the process just share some thoughts as to where we are on this journey, and where it must might take you.

Each of us start out with a clean slate, and an empty book, at least that is the perception of many, many people.  Would you believe me if I told you that your empty page, your empty book, was anything but empty?  Your entire life was designed completely  even before your conception.  The Creator of the Universe knew every aspect of your life from day one until your final breath.  God knew of your ups, your downs, your good days, and bad.  Every step you have made in life has already been known.  There was never a time when the Creator of the Universe was unaware of what was happening to you.  The book I speak about, the empty page is just a tool for you to see what is happening in your life, what you are planning for your life, and ultimately what you experienced throughout your life.

We learn from the past.  Sadly many people lock themselves in the past and never move forward to the present, which makes it impossible to even see a glimpse of the future.  There is no denying that we learn from past events.  What we have gone through in life has placed us where we are at in this present moment.  What's most important is that you realize that each day is new, each day brings new possibilities, new opportunity.  Each day is an empty page in a book just waiting for you to share with others.  Just because something happened in the past does not mean it will remain in the future, nor does is relegate you to a life of rinse and repeat.  

We are all entering a phase of New Beginnings.  Each of us has that empty canvas just waiting for you to paint your new landscape.  You get to decide what you write, what you paint.  Certainly there will be people around you who will have some input into what you do, how you do it, but ultimately it is always going to be your decision as to what you do, where you go, who you are.  Far too many people allow others to control them.  You must come to the determination that you have the ultimate decision in what you step out into.  God can provide you the vision, but you must decide to accept the calling and step out into your destiny.  I sometimes wonder why people sit idle and do nothing in life.  Could it be they are afraid of what awaits them?  Could they doubt their abilities?  Might someone just not know?  Your spirit, your true essence knows all, has all the answers, and is the greatest guide the world has ever known.  Sadly many have not acquainted themselves with their spirit.  Many go through each day simply wandering in the wilderness with hope against hope that one day they may stumble into something positive.  Waiting and doing nothing is never the answer.  I understand that some have issues with trust, and trusting what your spirit is telling you to do will not come easy, especially if you are unfamiliar with the sound of your spirit.  At the end of the day you have the decision to make, will you follow what God is telling you to do, or will you simply try to navigate life based on your own merits?  

There are many gifted and talented people who populate the world at this present period of time.  Many have learned to follow the leading of their spirit, many have learned through trial and error, and others are simply lucky at life.  No matter what one has gone through, you must know that what has happened in the past does not mean you are locked into it forever.  Once you have filled a page with words, with your narrative, it is time to flip that page, and simply start another.  Each page should be filled with newness.  Each page should paint a picture of you, of your life, of your dreams, of your visions. Each page of your book should be something that others can benefit from.  We are not here simply to take, we are truly here to give, to give the best part of who we are to others, so they might benefit.

If I were to open up your book, would I be able to see who you are?  Would I be able to see where you are headed?  Would I even have the opportunity to learn from your life?  There are too many people today who simply refuse to open up their book for others to read.  Is this because of fear?  Fearful that others will know what you have gone through, what your struggles are, where you have had doubt, fear, or anxiety?  We all have faced these same things at one time or another in our life, but if you cannot own them, then you are doomed to repeat them time and time again, remember rinse and repeat.

I want you to open up your own book today, flip to an empty page, and prepare yourself to write your story, your story, your words.  You might be surprised who could benefit from your experiences.  It might floor you to learn that many people look up to you, depend on you, desire to know more about you because you inspire them.  What better way to tell them your story then to let them read about it.  Now I'm not saying that everyone needs to actually write a book, my words today are more of a metaphor, but I think you get my drift.  If you decide not to open up your book and write your own story I'm afraid you will miss out on something truly amazing.

New beginnings is just that, newness, but a newness that is in the fullness of who you are, what you are.  New beginnings is the ability to let go of yesterday and embrace today.  New beginnings is realizing that no matter what has happened in the past it does not have to define you.  How many times have you started a new job, no one knowing you, and realizing that you get to start fresh, not having to carry the mistakes of the past with you into this new endeavor?  Certainly there may be some unanswered questions, could even be a little bit of uneasiness as you step into something new, but newness is a wonderful thing.  The simple fact is this:  each day you live is in the newness of God.  Each day you get to step out into a new day, and it doesn't matter what happened the day before.  When we can look at life this way we free ourselves up from many expectations we have placed on ourselves.

New Beginnings are here.  New Beginnings are for you.  New Beginnings are from God, freely given to you each day, and given to you so you might live a life of true understanding, a life of pleasure, and a life of freedom.  Stand in these New Beginnings and realize how blessed you are to be able to participate in them.  I leave you love, light, peace, joy, and happiness.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

I hear Angels...

 I hear tell that Angels are among us.  I've heard that Angels in vast numbers can stand on the head of a pin.  I've even heard that Angels have the innate ability to disguise themselves in an effort not to be discovered.  You don't say!!!  

Most everyone I know has thought about Angels in the past.  Most if not all will at least acknowledge the possibility that Angels exist.  But how much do we really know about these Angelic Beings, and more importantly why they are here in our midst?  What I want to do today is shed some light on this topic, and in doing so, provide you with hope, understanding, and maybe a little direction.

Numerous books have been written about Angels.  Paintings, statues, monuments are everywhere depicting Angels.  At some point in time I would think that people would grasp the reality of these beings, and in doing so understand their purpose.  We've been told that Angels are God's messengers.  If this be true, what message are they suppose to bring us?  Good tidings?  Tales of what is about to come to pass?  Guidance?  In the absence of knowing or believing in Angels, I guess it really doesn't matter what type of message they bring to us.  It is my hope that you will dispose of any negative thoughts in regards to the existence of Angles, and instead begin to see their purpose.  At the end of the day only you have the ability to decide what to believe in and what not to believe in.  Sadly, many people will never accept the concept of Angels until they run smack dab into one.  Suffice it to say just because one can't see an Angel, or one has never experienced Angelic activity,  that does not mean they don't exist.

As children we were taught that we each have a Guardian Angel.  The role of these Creations is to watch over, protect, and guide.  Like any written word today, one needs to either accept it, or discard it.  You may take some time to come to your own conclusions, but let me say this: just because you can't see something doesn't make it not real.  I've never seen an Angel, at least in all of its glory.  I'm sure I've had occasions where I have been right in the middle of a bunch of Angels, but their true identity was not revealed to me.  I've often asked to see one.  Why I haven't up to this point I can only guess, but just because one hasn't appeared is not cause for me to doubt, and I suggest you see it the same way.

Many might ask why am I talking or writing about this today.  My desire is that you come to an understanding that you have been given authority over these Angelic Beings, and they are here to help, guide, instruct, and otherwise be your partner.  If you have this resource, is there any logical reason why you would not want to partake in it?  If I gave each of you your dream home, or dream car, said it was yours to do with as you wish, would it make any sense whatsoever for you not to partake in said car or home?  The answer is quite simple, it's yours, use it.  Why then when we have been given these beings for our own use do we choose to ignore it, or even doubt the existence?  Once again it comes down to the old adage that if one can't see, touch, feel, smell, or hear, then obviously there is no truth, and what we speak of can't really exist.  Let me ask you this:  have you ever seen the face of God?  Most have not, and yet most believe in a Divine Power.  Can you see air? Most can't see it, yet you need it to live, and it is there even when you can't see it.  I know this may all seem silly, and that's ok, often we are confounded with simple things because we attempt to complicate them.  

The fact that Angels exist can't or shouldn't be debated.  What should be done is coming to an understanding of why they are here, and why you should be using them in everything you do.  Understanding that you have Angels, that they are here to assist, and that they can only really do what you ask them to do, is the first step in establishing a long lasting relationship with these heavenly friends.  What causes me confusion is the resistance of some to even acknowledge that Angels exist, let alone that they are here for us.  If you were the Commanding Officer of a Standing Army, the one who has sole control of the operation of the Army, would you simply sit down on the sideline and never provide marching orders for your army, while everything around you was being over taken by the enemy?  Quite frankly if you did that, you would suck as a Commanding Officer.  Why is it then, as the Commander of your Legions of Angels, you have yet to provide them their Marching Orders?  Why are you sitting on the sidelines not taking action?  

Here is my suggestion for you today, and if I were you I would pay attention to what I am about to share with you.  If you have not made it a point to incorporate your Angels, and yes I said your Angels, into your daily life and activity, I suggest you begin to do it now.  If you have not sent your messengers out to do what needs to be done, do it now.  If you have not asked your Angels to plow the fields in front of you, do it now.  Whatever it is that is causing you to doubt that you have these marvelous beings assigned to you, stop doubting.  Remember, we have not because we ask not, and we ask not, because we don't believe.  Stop not believing.  Start accepting that you have been blessed to have oversight of these beings, and they are simply waiting to hear from you.  Don't allow doubt to rob you of one of the strongest forces in the ever expanding Universe.  Don't allow doubt to step in and stop what is yours, what has been set up for you, what was created just for you.  

It is time to release your Angels to accomplish their mission on your behalf.  It is time to issue those marching orders.  It is time to accept your position as Commander, and use your Army for its intended purpose.  You have been given charge over your Angles, the time has come to do what you have been asked to do by your Creator.  Set these beautiful beings to flight, and see if life doesn't change in a very big way. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

When the time is right, you will know!

 If you are like me, I have out run God many times.  Instead of operating from a prudent position I decided to go like gang busters and do my thing.  Care to know how things turned out? Let's just say I learned my lesson and now wait for the right time.  Like many things in life we often want it now, and in the wanting it now, we don't always take into consideration that now might not be the right time.  This obviously leads to the question, what is the right time?  Today I hope to answer that for you, and provide you with a few things to ponder, as if you didn't have enough on your plate already.  

As I've said many times in the past we all have a passion, a purpose.  When we finally accept this fact it's very easy to dive right in, not realizing that there is always a perfect time for execution of your plan, and knowing that perfect time is key to the success of your endeavors.  Sadly many people miss the signs that will come to them in regards to perfect timing, and in missing these signs what was a very good thing ends up in having to pick up the many pieces of a broken dream.  Fear not, just because you made an error in timing does not mean a dream is dead, far from it.  It simply means you need to regroup and attempt it again.

We as humans have been conditioned to live under a time standard, expecting certain things at certain times, trying always to predict what the perfect time is.  Sadly time, as we know it, is an illusion.  When one talks about a dream, a vision, a purpose, a passion, time should never come into the conversation in as much as we often place false deadlines.  Don't misunderstand me, we live with time, but time should never be the absolute in what plans we have, when we institute those plans, and ultimately what our expectations are in regards to when we do something.  I know it's somewhat confusing, but stick with me for a moment and I think you will see where I am taking all of this.

Have you ever prayed for God to open a door for you?  I know I have, and at times it seems as though the wait is taking forever. In the perfection of your design, there is perfection in the timing of stepping out into your destiny, your purpose.  It is when we out run God that we smack right into the door that is not quite ready to be opening.  Patience is not always easy to stand in, but it is advisable to always display patience when God's timing is involved.  Do you think for one minute that your plans are any less valid simply because you have entered what you perceive as a delay?  When I tell you that I have learned the hard way about God's timing, I have learned the hard way.  I have seen things come crashing down because I wanted it my way, and in my timing.  Now God is forgiving, and oh so gracious, and we will have the opportunity to make things right, even if we have messed things up.  My encouragement to you is simply look for signs.  Look for the the open doors, and once opened, run through them.  There's nothing worse than sitting around complaining that things are not moving, and right in front of you is an open door.  What's the old adage, one can't see the forest because they are too close to the trees.  Often we are standing right in front of the open door, but in our desire to do it in our own time, we miss what is right in front of us. I have been guilty of this many times in the past, and luckily for me I have learned a lesson and make every effort not to make the same mistake twice.

There are so many people who feel that they have failed because they have yet to see their dreams come into existence.  First off failure is never fatal, and it certainly is not the end of things.  Many people have failed miserably with things and yet they go on to do some pretty incredible things in life.  It is only when we cease to move forward, when we throw our dreams on the dust heap, that we fail.  Can you name me anyone who hasn't come up against a wall, a challenge, a distraction?  Most everyone I know has had this happen, and luckily for them they didn't allow this to stop them.  We must never let go of our dreams and realize that they will manifest at the perfect time, and in the perfect manner.  True diligence is working through each perceived delay, each setback, every distraction.  When you approach your dreams with certainty, when you realize that each dream is a stepping stone to your destiny, then and only then will you be able to accept delays, distractions, and setbacks, and know that they all play a part in God's perfect timing.

So when will you know the time is right?  Do the planets all have to line up.  Do you need a neon sign lit up with your next step?  You will know the time is right when you are able to hear what your spirit is telling you.  Sadly many, many people have yet to familiarize themselves with the voice of their own spirit.  I could write a book on that, but for right now suffice it to say knowing what your spirit is telling you is going to eliminate a ton of delays, distractions, and setbacks.  It certainly would be great if we never had to wait, if we never had to listen, look, be aware of God's signs for us, if we could just have it delivered to us on a Silver Platter, but you and I both know that that probably is not going to be the way God communicates with you.  Anything worth having is worth working for, and getting signs from the Creator the Universe is no different.  Too many people want things for nothing and have absolutely no skin in the game.  If you are not willing to invest yourself into your dreams and visions, then why in the world would you get mad at God for what you perceive to be a delay in getting what you want?  

If you have the faith to believe that you have a purpose, then you have the faith to see the signs of when the time is right to step out into those dreams.  Our timing may not be perfect, but God's is.  Our ability to walk in our purpose is going to be dependent on your ability to see and understand God's clues.  If we open up our Spiritual Eyes we will see what we need to see, allowing us to do those things we need to do. I have learned to accept God's timing, and why?  I've learned through trial and error.  I've made some dumb moves in my time, and after being burned numerous times I have learned to wait on God's perfect timing.  Will I get it right from here on in?  Probably not, but it won't be for a lack of trying.  Sometimes we just need to take the first step and let God do the rest, understanding that his timing is perfect, and ours often isn't.  

You will know when the time is right, but you will also discover when you have outrun God.  Given the option to do it in God's time or your own, what makes more sense? I know the answer is obvious, but I still like to challenge you when I can.  Know this: you have the ability to hear, you have the ability to see, and you have the ability to know the timing of God.  Don't doubt it.  Your dreams, your destiny is not going to go away, and if you think that your Creator is not going to keep it in your mind, you don't know God.  Your purpose needs to come to fruition, and God will let you know when the time is right, trust me on this.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

When you know, you know.

Funny thing.  I was halfway through writing the blog this morning, and I was told to discard it, and instead go out on this path.  I have learned to listen to that still small voice, and so I am moving forward on what I believe is needed by someone today.  I dare say that most, if not the vast majority of people have been experiencing some battles as of late.  Some of this battles may only be slight hiccup for some, while others seem almost insurmountable.  No matter where you fall on the spectrum I want to provide a little encouragement this morning, and in doing so, provide you with a path to complete your mission here on earth.

If you are like me, you probably have an idea that life is much more than what you might see at the moment.  If you are like me, you most likely have this gut feeling that there is something that you were placed here to do.  If you are like me, you are waiting for a sign, waiting for a door to be opened, or simply waiting for direction.  The simple fact that you know that you know that there is something for you to do is really the first step in the process.  Sadly, there are many who never come to the understanding that there is something for them to do, something that they were created for.  Today I want to shed some light on what that something might be, and encourage you to step out into it.  

There's this fallacy floating around that we are just here willy nilly.  There are people who feel as though that life in general is nothing more than going through the paces, being born, living for a specific period of time, and then departing this existence for the afterlife.  Now while this scenario may be correct, there is a part of life that many have yet to figure out, yet to accept or acknowledge, and that part is the main reason you brought here in the first place. I don't care who you are, where you came from, when all is said and done there comes a time when you are going to have to decide if you are going to walk in your destiny, or simply go through life ignoring what has undoubtedly been haunting you for years and years.  Let's be honest for a moment and state the obvious: everyone alive, past, present, and future was brought here with a mission, a purpose.  While many will go through life ignoring this calling, it is still there, and it is waiting for you to embrace it.  

I see so many people who go through life feeling trapped in a profession that they would give up in an instant if only they had a way out, or something to take its place.  If you are driving to work on a Monday Morning just praying that your place of employment has burnt to the ground, I think it's a fair assessment that you are not doing what you were created to do.  I get people feel trapped in their current job because of various financial responsibilities they have, the mortgage, tuition, and the like.  These things in no way change the fact that you have been created to do something very specific, and the sooner you know this, or at least accept this, the sooner you can step out into those things you were created to do. 

How many people do you know who have asked the question, Is this as good as it gets?  I've got to tell you that asking this question is a sure sign that you have yet to pick up on those dreams and passions inside of you.  I'm not pointing fingers, nor am I judging.  I just know that until such time as you can accept your Divine Calling, everything else in life is going to pale in comparison to what you truly want and desire.  When you know that you know that there has to be more to life than what you might be experiencing in the moment, that is the time when you just may open up to what is inside of you to do.  Let me ask you this simple question: if you could be doing anything right now, without regard to schooling or money, without regard to location or various resources, what would it be?  If you could start all over and do that one thing that you are passionate about, what would it be?  

I learned a long time ago what I was destined for, what my destiny was, but I can assure you it didn't come easy.  I had become what I did, and what I owned, and that is how I measured my worth.  It took loosing it all to realize that I wasn't what I drove, where I lived, or what I did for work. Was the transition easy? No not really, it actually kind of sucked at the beginning, but boy am I glad I went through it.  I learned who and what I was, and it allowed me to accept my destiny.  Each of you will have to make that decision at some point, if you haven't already.  Life changes dramatically when you finally decide to do what is in your heart to do.  Life changes because you have begun to focus on your purpose, and not on what others expect of you, or think you should be doing.

Most people agree that change kind of bites.  Most people fight change because they have never been brought into the loop as to the reason for change.  Most idiot employers simply say do this or do that, almost always contrary to the current way of doing something, but seemingly omitting the reason for the change.  This is an absolute formula for disarray, confusion, and ultimately a break down in morale.  However, when the reason for a change is broadly disseminated it is easier to accept, and there is far less turmoil.  Such is life when we are faced with changing everything we thought we knew, and instead picking up on what is really your purpose, and not the purpose that others have picked out for you.  Will you have the ability to leave everything behind and step out into your new reality?  Some will be able to make the shift easily, others will only go kicking and screaming.  No matter what your path is to your destiny, the end will always be as it was intended, and that ending will be a thing of beauty.

When you know that you know that you have a destiny, then the journey to it is something you can smile about, enjoy, and ultimately be fulfilled by it.  So given the option to stay where you're at, you know that place that you hope burns down one day, or stepping out into what drives you, inspires you, fills you with excitement, what is the better option in your opinion?  

I alone cannot make you decide.  I can encourage, I can motivate, I can even kick you in the backside from time to time, but what I can't do is make the decision for you.  As much as I'd like to scream from the Mountain Top to anyone who will listen "Wake Up", even then there will be those who are deaf to what I am saying or encouraging others to step out into.  Do yourself a favor and simply think about what I am saying today.  I don't expect someone to literally walk into their HR Department Monday Morning and quit.  If however you feel as though there is more to life than what you are experiencing at the moment, then simply open yourself up to the possibility of other doors opening for you to step through.  

When you know that you know that you have a destiny, then change can come, and that change can be embraced.  When you know that you know that you have a destiny,  your new perspective on things will be turning on the light and having the darkness go away.  When you know that you know that you have a destiny, well let's just life is going to get interesting pretty darn quickly.  Might I suggest that you open yourself up to the possibility that change is good, destiny is yours, and the sooner you step out into that destiny, the sooner you can see how great life really is.  Think about it, but don't too much time, people need what you have to offer.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

When do I take the first step?

One of life's greatest questions is, when do I do what is in my heart to do?  If you have ever asked yourself this question then you are in good company.   In fact, if you haven't asked this question then I wonder what you're waiting for.  If you think for a moment that you don't have a destiny, that one thing that you were born to do, well I'm sorry, you're mistaken.  Every living, breathing human being has a destiny.  Now some will discover it early in live, and others will be looking, and looking, and looking, for what seems like a lifetime.  It matters not when you finally discover and agree to walk in your destiny, as there will be time to complete what you were sent here to do.  

What I want to do today is get you to make a decision.  Will you be what you were created to be, or will you settle for what others have told you that you had to be?  Will you finally decide to take that first step into a journey of 1000 miles?  When all is said and done only you can make the decision when you will step out into your destiny.  It is my hope that you make that decision, and that you embrace your destiny with everything inside of you.

Everyone has dreams, they have desires, and they have a passion.  All of these three things are what will ultimately lead you to the reason you were created in the first place.  Everyone has heard me say that you being here in this time is not a mistake, and you being here right now is in the perfection of your creator. We are not on this planet just for the free popcorn, and the sooner you realize that you have a calling, the sooner you can step out into said calling.  Problems arise when some idiot tells you that what you desire to do is not really anything that will benefit you.  First off, most of the time those things that have been placed in you to do are not meant for your benefit but for others.  That's not to say you aren't supposed to make a living.  What I'm saying is take a look at the bigger picture.  If you are focused on accomplishing what God has called you to do, I don't think you are going to have to worry about how you will make a living.  Contrary to what others may say living with prosperity and abundance is not out of God's character, and therefore is just as much for you as anyone else.  We can tackle the issue of abundance and prosperity another time, suffice it to say God is a God of abundance, and we'll just leave it at that.

Sadly, there are many hindrances that cause people to stay stagnant and unwilling to move forward in those things that have been placed in their heart to do.  At some point in your life it is probably certain that someone, at some time, has told you that you shouldn't do something, or can't do it.  They may have tried to say that you can't make a living doing what you desire, and might as well stop even thinking about it.  So many dreams are crushed by those who have never even given thought to their own dreams, and would rather crush yours vice go after theirs.  Don't fall into this trap, never, never, never.  Your dreams have been placed in you for a specific reason, and non one owns your dreams except you.  End of closed...

When ever I do a talk I'm asked from various people how do they determine what is a dream, what is a vision.  First and foremost, dreams and visions are stepping stones to your destiny.  Second, and maybe more important than any other fact, you have all you need to accomplish your dreams and visions.  God would not ask you to do something that you were not equipped to do.  Certainly you might need assistance, but that's ok, many hands make light work.  One of the greatest mistakes I've made in my life is always feeling that I had to do everything myself.  I had this crazy notion that unless I did it all by myself that somehow what I accomplished would be less valuable to me in someway.  I'm glad to say that I have outgrown this phase of my life, and I gladly accept assistance now.  What's important is not whether you do it alone or with help, but that you simply do what is being asked of you.  

I realize that stepping out into the unknown is not always an easy task, but to those who have  been given a lot, a lot is expected of you.  If you have been given a dream, a destiny, which you have, then there is something that you need to do with it.  Only you can accomplish the things in you, as you are the only one who has been given your specific dream.  Certainly some will have similar dreams, but not exact.  Your personality will always go along with supporting your dreams and visions.  If someone says you need to change, don't do it.  Leaders will always be leaders.  Those who love to serve others, will always try to serve.  Let's put it this way, stop trying to fit a squad peg into a round hole.  If you are a leader, then great lead away.  Your personality is perfectly formed to do what you have been asked to do, God does not make mistakes, so know you are you for a reason. 

So the question I have is when?  When will you take that first step?  If you have begun your journey, no matter how long you have been on it, know that you will always be given what you need.  Life takes many paths, and the key to success is knowing what path to go down. There is always a right path and a wrong path.  Problems arise when you are unsure of what path to take, and this is complicated more when you have yet to familiarize yourself with the sound of your spirit, who will always provide you with truth. If you find it hard to hear from God, and let's face it, many seem to be in this boat, know that all is not lost.  If God wants to speak to you, he will speak to you, and in reality there is nothing you can do to stop it.  Don't misunderstand, you can run from God, but at the end of the day, God's will will be done.  There is example after example of people who have run away and ultimately have their Come to Jesus moment.  What's the old adage you can run but you can't hide.  When God has a job for you to do, he will do everything to get you to see that it would be better to follow his guidance.  

Taking the first step is entirely up to you.  No-one can make you take it before you are ready.  Certainly we can provide encouragement, but it is your decision to make, and only yours.  That being said, I would strongly suggest that you seek out guidance, and if moved, which you will be, take action.  There is much to accomplish, and you have a part to play in what is about to take place all over this planet.  We are entering a time where we will see many wonderful and marvelous things, my suggestions is not to miss any of it.  When we walk in our destiny, we will know the joy of all things, and that is something that is worth all the money in the world.  You can take that to the bank.