Friday, December 24, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Twas the Night before Christmas and for many a new journey will begin, filled with promise, opportunity, and most of all renewed hope. A hope for a better tomorrow, a hope for reaching the place you were destined to be, and a hope that life will be just a little bit better tomorrow and then each and every day there after. As I will be taking a break from writing next week, this will be my final blog for 2010. Maybe its a good time for me to reflect on the past year, and look ahead to 2011. One year ago I sat at this computer writing a similar blog as I was getting ready to put 2009 to bed and looking ahead to 2010 with an eager anticipation for what was in store for me in the upcoming year. I wish I could say that 2010 had turned out the way I had hoped. It didn't, and now I guess the best course of action is to look ahead to 2011 with an equal amount of anticipation and a renewed hope that this will be a year to celebrate when it is time to close the books on 2011. I know there are many people who have had to live through trying times during the past year. Many have been without work, many without money or resources to do the things that bring happiness and joy, and to others it was a year where things just didn't go as planned. If you have gone through this type of year you are not alone and there are many who are wishing, praying, begging for a better year to come. All I can say is that things will improve and as you begin the new year you now have a clean slate and you can take this next adventure anywhere you want to take it.

As the eternal optimist, I have to look at the upcoming year and smile knowing that things will work out, that I will walk out my destiny, and that I will be the man I was preordained to be before I was even thought about. My optimism is not only for me, but for the other people who are in a like place, just wanting to move ahead slowly and surely. I'd like to thank the many people who have shown me love and support this past year. I dare say that I would not have survived the past year were it not for the love, support, and kindness I received from so many different people. I want to thank each of you for being there for me, and I hope and pray that I can be there for you when you need me.

Here is my take on 2011, as they say from my mouth to God's ear. I long for a year full of promise, dreams coming to pass, and passions fulfilled. I long for a year that will see unbridled joy and happiness as I reach my destiny. I long for a year where the only sound I hear is the unquenchable laughter of others as they enjoy successes beyond their wildest dreams. We all deserve the best life has to offer. We all desire to be in the right place at the right time, accomplishing the things that have been in our hearts for years and years. We all hope that this next year will be the turning point where good overcomes dread, where sadness is turned to joy, and where dreams become a reality. Will 2011 be a turning point for us? I will say yes, and maybe just maybe we will experience the types of victories reserved only for the story books. It will be "And they lived happily ever after". I lay hold of the truth that goodness and kindness will never go out of vogue, that the best we have to offer others is what others want and need. I stand here today proclaiming victory in 2011. A year to rebuild that which was destroyed or damaged in 2010. A year to enjoy some much needed peace and tranquility. A year to look back on and say my oh my I never thought life could be so sweet and happy. We all have the ability to walk in our destiny, and walk we will in the upcoming year. My New Years prayer for each of you is that you are made keenly aware of what you were placed on this earth to do. That you will get a renewed sense of what is important and what you can do to help others achieve their dreams and destiny.

May blessings abound to each of you this next year. May the Spirit of Christmas engulf you and may you come to an understanding of the true meaning of the season. May the New Year smile on you with opportunity after opportunity to achieve those things that you have wanted to achieve for years and years.

One final thought: Christmas is a time where we smile a little bit more, laugh a little bit more, and love the ones who are so important to us. Share your smile, laughter, and love, and accept those same smiles, laughter, and love when it comes from someone else. It is time to understand Peace on Earth, Goodwill for all. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may you walk out your destiny with boldness, determination, and excitement.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

It is the day before the night before Christmas, and in my house a lot is stirring as I have already shoveled the drive way, posted on facebook and now writing the blog for the day. I received a small gift in the mail yesterday. What it was and who it was from is not important, but the thought behind it brought tears to my eyes and love pouring out of my heart. We tend to get wrapped up in all the gift giving this time of year. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy getting presents, but not nearly as much as I enjoy giving presents to others. When I opened this gift I caught myself thinking about what it took to get it to me, what it took to prepare it, and what it took to think about me in the first place. We all have gifts and talents inside of us, that are just waiting to be given to others so they may benefit from them. No gift or talent is so small that it is not worth putting out there. Do we ever really know how what we do from day to day effects others? A smile, a wink, a nod, all gifts that may just change a life forever. I am moved to tears just thinking about the gift I received, not because I deserved the gift, but because the giver of the gift thought I deserved it. That simple act of kindness and love that has touched me to my very core. That simple act of love that has made me keenly aware that others out there are thinking about me. That simple act of giving that makes me swell up with love for this person because of their desire to bless me. It is never the size of the gift that counts, but the thought behind the gift. Believe me when I say, that this small gesture means more to me than if someone walked up to me and handed me a million dollars. Now there are many skeptics out there right now who will not choose to believe me when I say that. They are the same ones who are soiled with what the world expects and what others have shown in the past. The very same ones who will always look for the ulterior motives in any act of kindness. They for the life of them can not understand why someone would want to do something nice for someone else without the slightest desire for anything in return.

As I sit and write this morning my mind is full of varying thoughts, some joyful, some tranquil, others just thoughts of Christmases past, present, and future. The past, full of memories, of a time when things were a little simpler, less stressful, and we didn't carry the concerns of this day on our shoulders. The present, a time to make new memories, and hoping for those same simpler times when worry and dread were only things we saw on television and not in our own lives. The future, full of hope and promise, and visions of joy, happiness, and peace around the world. Oh if only life were that simple, but guess what it can be that simple. Now I won't stand here and say that things can not be trying and complex at times, we all know it is going to happen. But we can live in simpler times, we just have to decide to do it and not let the turmoil that others face get us down and we pick up their turmoil.

As we step ever closer to Christmas Day maybe it's time to remember the past, to cheer us up. Take a look at today to realize that things aren't as bad as them seem. Take time to dream about the future as the possibilities are endless. Christmas comes but once a year, but that once a year is full of little presents, that dollar wise don't add up to much, but the love poured into them and from them is a pot of gold at the end of any rainbow. Never begrudge little gifts, they often mean the most and come with an unconditional love that many want, need, and would sacrifice all for. Give the gift of love to those that mean the most to you, and see if that doesn't change your outlook on life. Remember it is never the size of the gift that counts, but the amount of love that comes with it. Think about it........

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

It all began with the birth of a small child, whose coming was foretold, and yet the world was unaware of the significance of his birth. It's funny but the world, for the most part, has forgotten what the Christ Child's birth meant and continues to mean today. I am not here to push one faith over another. Faith is a confidence that things will happen as they are intended to happen with or without any assurance from others. In life we all need faith. Faith to get up each morning and walk in our destiny. Faith that says that no matter what we come up against we are going to walk in those things that we were put on this earth to do. Faith that keeps us moving forward even when we have nothing left to give and all seems lost and dying.

We are right in the middle of a time of year when reflection is an every day occurrence for most people. Reflection of what has happened during the past year and quiet introspection of what we hope for the year ahead of us. Did we do all the things we had hoped to do this past year and will we have an opportunity to do more in the future? I love the fact that I am not content to sit around and just hope that something happens. If its worth having, then its worth working for. I would love it if what I wanted just plopped down in my lap and I didn't have to work for it. But the trials we go through are not just there to make our day exciting, they are there to teach us all a lesson. A lesson that others can learn from, and a lesson to each of us that what we do with our time and talent is vitally important to those around us who need what we have inside to give.

As I reflect on the year gone by, I am filled with a hope that my tomorrows will be better and the vision I have for my future is just unfolding and I will walk out my destiny so others can begin to walk in theirs. I have been listening to a piece of music the last few days. I often will put on music as I write as it inspires me and I can go to a place where the day to day grind is not the focus of the moment. The piece is called "I Believe" by a group called ERA. I had to special order it, as it is not in print here in the United States. I must say that this song is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever had the privilege of listening to and I would encourage each of you to get a hold of it. Music can and will calm the savage beast and if you are in need of encouragement then this song will indeed lift your spirits and take you to a place where dreams can be created and inspiration can flourish. I think we are all in need of inspiration from time to time. Life has a way of becoming stale and often we get into a place where we can either take it or leave it. Trust me I have entertained thoughts of leaving it all behind as I have tried to live through the challenges of the last few years. When I listen to this piece of music the ideas come storming through at a rate I have not experienced in quite some time. Do yourself a favor and get this music, if it doesn't speak to your heart, I'm not sure anything else will. We all need encouragement from time to time, we are human after all. Encouragement to take it one more day, to climb up one more hill, to accept one more defeat. We all need encouragement no matter who or what you are. We all need encouragement because alone we can do very little, but combining resources will always make for an easier journey. You guessed it, if Life is a journey why go it alone?

I have known triumph in my life and I have known defeat. I have known love and have lived through loneliness. I have been on the mountain top and slipped into the valley. We all have ups and downs, victories and defeats, how you manage to come out of each situation is entirely up to you. Inspiration can come to you in many forms, but inspiration is what we all need on a daily basis, even for the simplest of task. Inspiration that tells us that we will soar with the eagles. Inspiration that will take us to the pinnacle and from that place look over our surroundings and realize we do have a future. Inspiration that will not allow us to dismiss our dreams as just folly, but realizing that dreams are there to get us to the place we are intended to be. Never give up on your dreams.

It all started with the birth of a child. My prayer for each of you this time of year is that you would walk in peace, happiness, and joy always. That the destiny within you will be fulfilled and you will have the ability to give of yourself so others can benefit from what you have to offer. It all started with a child; small, in need of constant care and nurturing. Funny how life takes on this scenario each day. No matter how old we are we still need constant care and nurturing, and will need it until the day we die. It all started with a child, Merry Christmas and may your future be bright, happy, and full of promise.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

We're all looking for something in life. It may be something we are supposed to do, something we are supposed to be, someplace we are supposed to go. Some will find it, some will not. There is no rhyme nor reason why some will succeed in their quest and others won't. We're all looking for something, maybe it's time that we all go on a journey and find that one thing that defines you and therefore gives you purpose. I have said many times that I believe in destiny. To some their destiny is to be the best mom or dad on the planet. To others maybe you are destined to head a multi-national corporation leading the world in a new technology. To another it may be as simple as coaching a loosing team, but in doing so, imparting what is best to the young athletes under your tutelage. Life can throw many challenges our way. "The Best laid Plans of Mice and Men..." How many times have we started off in one direction only to change course in mid-stream and in doing so have changed the course of where we were originally intended to go and what we were intended to do? Some of these course corrections were by design, others were due to circumstances beyond our control, and still others were self-imposed. Not all course corrections are good, and not all are bad. I guess you have to look at it and determine why the correction was made and how it was handled. I have seen fear and intimidation change many a course of action. Anything driven by fear and intimidation is generally not the right course to take and often leads us down a path where the end is never realized and dreams become a thing of the past.

Today you and I are probably wondering what does life have in store for me, for us! It doesn't matter if you are in the sunset of your years, or at the very beginning of the dreaming stage, we all have things that we would still like to accomplish. If I could single handedly help every person on the face of this earth get to and walk in their destiny I would do it at the drop of a hat. I have seen the agony on people's faces who have no idea what is coming at them around the corner. To many there are feelings that the world has passed them by and the dreams that have been in their heart for all those years are doomed to die with them. To some they have seen success, made the money, and for all intents and purposes have lived the perfect life. But to many of these people there is still something missing, something that escapes them. Something that all the money, success, positions of prominence still leaving them wondering is this as good as it gets? I have been that person who has wondered if life has passed me by? Have I lived the best part of my life and is this really as good as it gets? I have known failure in my life. I have lost jobs, lost cars, money, friends, and loved ones. I have had my vision almost taken away from me, and at times didn't want it back. It only brought me torment and sorrow. I wanted to see my vision come to pass so bad that I felt that life would not be worth living if I could not do what I envisioned. I would find myself unable to move forward out of fear that I was fooling myself in what I wanted to accomplish. If you are going through this, do not despair. You are in good company, and there will come a time when you will walk in your vision and all will work out.

Today as we enter Christmas week, maybe it's time that we start believing in a little Christmas Magic. Maybe this is the time of year where we dare to dream a little bigger, live a little larger, and step a little quicker. Maybe this is the time of year where we stop wondering and start doing. Maybe this is the time of year where we realize that dreams are there to inspire, equip, and other wise motivate us to be something we always wanted to be. Maybe this is the time of year to dare to dream. Your dreams and your ability to walk in those dreams may be the catalyst which will inspire others to walk toward their dreams. Maybe just maybe you need to walk in your dreams so others can walk in theirs. Maybe just maybe, you will be what someone else needs to accomplish what they were destined to fulfill.

Never ever give up dreaming and never stop pursuing your destiny. There is no dream so small that it should be forgotten, no dream so big that it can't be accomplished, and no dream that resides inside of you that shouldn't be considered. Dreams are inside of all of us for a reason. We may not understand it right now, and maybe it will take time to come to a clear understanding as to why we have a certain dream for our life, but that realization will come soon enough and when it does, give it all you've got. We each have a destiny, and when that destiny is realized you will know that you know that you are in the right place at the right time.

We're all looking for something in life. Maybe its time to go after it. Think about it.........

Monday, December 20, 2010

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Well Christmas week is finally upon us, as children across the world begin to ping off the walls in anticipation of Santa's return on Saturday. I can remember the excitement I felt these last few days before Christmas. My family would always attend Midnight Mass so that meant staying up late and getting ready to go around 11 o'clock to be sure we got a seat and did not have to stand at the back of the church. As tired as I was I still had trouble sleeping Christmas Eve. I guess most kids are like that, and I was no exception. Christmas morning we would all get up, have breakfast, clean up the breakfast dishes, wait for my father to get cleaned up and then and only then would the gift opening begin. I took this activity into my adult life, which nearly caused my daughter to go crazy. The rule in our home was no one was up before six a.m. I would get up, take a shower, and dress for the day, as my wife would prepare cinnamon rolls and a coffee danish, put the coffee on. Then and only then would the gift opening begin. I know it was torture for my daughter, but that was even a little bit of a gift for me, in my warped sense of humor. I loved Christmas morning, and loved it even more when it was in my own home. I never was one who liked to be away from our house on Christmas morning. There were a few years when we traveled but as my daughter got a little older I put my foot down and by decree we stayed home on Christmas. I know many families who do their gift exchange on Christmas Eve, but to me, that left nothing for Christmas day and I was always partial to doing things Christmas Day. After the gifts were all opened and rearranged neatly beneath the tree for display for all others to see, we would begin the process of getting things prepared for Christmas dinner. Normally we would have a house full of guest over for dinner, which was always a pleasure. Dinner was always around one or two o'clock, because that gave us enough time to get the kitchen cleaned up, left overs put away, and then it was off to the movies. We have always enjoyed taking in a movie on Christmas Day. I think one of the reason we did this is that it gave us time to digest our Christmas Dinner, and once the movie was over we would come back to the house and have hot turkey sandwiches and watch whatever Christmas movie was on the television at the time.

I think most every family has their own traditions. Many have been passed down from generation to generation, while others are created new as the family unit becomes new. Christmas traditions are what we live for, what puts a smile on our faces during this season, and what we will tell our grandchildren about when we are old. Many people make a tradition out of making up new traditions. Hey what ever floats your boat. This is your holiday and you can do with it whatever you wish. There are no right or wrong traditions when it comes to making up new ones or continuing with old ones.

Many people have gotten jaded by the Christmas Season, since it now begins even before we have put away the Thanksgiving leftovers. I am guilty as charged as I have a tradition of putting up my Christmas decorations on Thanksgiving night and keeping them up until New Years. Although I have had a request to keep them up until the first week of January to help celebrate a January birthday for a friend and I have agreed to do that. I can see why people get irritated, with Christmas music twenty four seven on countless radio stations. I know of one station that has been playing continuous Christmas music since the first of November, that station by the way is now my favorite. I have music piped through my home that runs non-stop from Thanksgiving until Christmas day. Maybe it is my way of keeping non-believers out of my home, lol. Either way it is my tradition and I intend on keeping it until I die or lose my hearing, neither of which I hope occurs any time soon.

As we enter this most festive week, think on those things that mean the most to you and tell those that mean the most to you that you love them and cherish every moment you have with them. This is the season where we can without embarrassment proclaim from the roof tops that love abides here and we want to share that love with others. I am one who believes we should be doing that every day, but especially during this most blessed season. We celebrate the birth of Christ who came to show the world love, peace, happiness, and joy. Maybe it's time we display this to others around us and maybe just maybe you may change a life or two. My Christmas prayer is that all people would come to an understanding of the true meaning of Christmas. That Peace on Earth, Good Will toward all, are not just words, but rather true feelings that reside in each of us, thus put out for others to enjoy and embrace. I pray that everyone has a wonderful holiday and that your traditions bring you closer to those you love and cherished memories are created that will take you through until this time next year. Think about it.........

Friday, December 17, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Yes I was a sluggard yesterday and opted to miss my post. In actuality I was helping my daughter move, and never had the chance so you will have to forgive me and allow me to make up for it today. Well whether you chose to forgive is a matter for you to decide, I feel no ill will for those who chose not to, and I feel fine having missed a day.

I want to take a moment and pat myself on the back as I have finished up with all my pre-christmas activities, cooking, baking, wrapping etc. I normally don't finish up with everything until Christmas Eve, and each year I tell myself I will do better the next year, and for the first time, I did better this year. There is a down side to all of this, that being I am bored out of my ever living mind right now, lol. It got so bad that I even baked another batch of sugar cookies to share with guest who come to the house. Now that is pathetic, but we do what we need to do to get through the day. I guess one can only watch so many Christmas Movies on the Hallmark Channel before going stark raving mad.

As we creep ever closer to the Christmas weekend I am reminiscent of Christmas past, and wondering how this Christmas will measure up to other ones, and will the real spirit of Christmas make its way to my humble abode? I have been through a very trying year, and I look forward to 2011 as a break out year, one that will be much better then the previous few years. I think we often wonder what the future has in store for us, and most of the time we are hopeful and look at the future with joyful anticipation of what is heading down the pike. I was so happy to have some time with my sister the last few days, and as is customary she was a huge help at getting to look at my situation and not letting it get me down. Everyone needs someone like that in their life, and if you are missing such a person in your life, maybe a letter to Santa asking for it on Christmas day should be high on your list of things to do today. I can not put a price on the sound advice she has given me, and I will be heeding her advice on many things during the upcoming year.

As great as this time of year is, there are many people out there who look at it with dread, and can't wait for it to get over. The experts will tell you that there are many more cases of depression and suicide during the holiday season. I think we put so much pressure on people to be part of the festivities and get into the "Christmas Spirit", that we forget that there is hopelessness out there and many are falling under the pressure of it. I guess my wish for all people out there dealing with such pressure is that they would have an opportunity to get a release from this overpowering feeling of dread, and experience peace and tranquility. When one is depressed it is so difficult to pull yourself out of it, and try as you might there are times when it appears that there is no end to the lonely, lost, almost debilitating feeling that surrounds you. I have been in this position more than once in my life, and if I never have to go there again, I will be very very happy about that. Know this my friends; you have people all around you who want nothing more than the best for you. They are there to help you through thick and thin. They are there to hold your hand if needed. They are there to be your protector and guardian when all others have left you alone and you are wondering what is going on. Reach out to those in your life who you know are there for you and ask them for help. Many people feel loneliness during this time of year. A feeling that no one cares for you and that you are all alone in this huge world. You are not alone in what you are feeling and you need to know that friends and loved ones are there to help you through anything you might be going through.

I learned a long time ago that I can't do it all by myself. I would like to think that I am good enough, smart enough, and strong enough to get through anything life has to throw at me. I had to learn first hand that I am not a Super Human God type who can over come all things, walk on water, faster than a speeding locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. I need others who can help me through difficult times, and I am thankful that I do have them in my life. Each of us need to know our limits, and each of us need to know how to ask for help when we are in those dire places where we feel alone and vulnerable.

One final thought: If this time of year has you down then do yourself a favor and surround yourself with those you know love you, care for you, and otherwise bring joy into your life. An idol mind is a dangerous thing to let control you. Distractions from the routine can often lead to enjoyable times, and it is during those times when we can forget about the less than thrilling times in our life. It's hard to be down when you wear a smile on your face. So get out there and enjoy this blessed season. Christmas comes but once a year, but the spirit of Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Men should last a lifetime. Think about it........

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Uplifting and inspiring are the thoughts that first came to mind as I was watching a video on youtube this morning. It's called "A Different Christmas Poem". If you get the opportunity looked it up and take a gander. If you are able to keep a dry eye then you are better than me. Wait I take that back, if you can keep a dry eye you are either dead from the neck up or have no heart. It is one of the most touching, heart tugging things I have seen in a long long time. Most of you know that I spent many years wearing the uniform of the United States Air Force. To me it is one of the biggest honors I have ever had in my life. Representing the Air Force was something that I took very seriously and to this day the time I spent in the service to our great nation were some of the best times of my life. I can remember being away from my home town during the holiday season. My first Christmas away from my family was difficult, but I was not alone in these feelings as I had numerous friends serving with me in the same boat. I am very aware of our service members who are serving on distant shores away from family, friends, and loved ones. The dedication they show this country can never be questioned. The pride they take in what they do is beyond reproach and each of us owe them a debt of gratitude.

We are so privileged to live in this great nation of ours. Through the times of war and discourse the men and women of our armed forces have served this nation proudly and we are here today because of the many sacrifices each member of our military has made in the past. I will support anyone and any business that supports our troops. Did you realize that the Sears Roebuck Company is currently taking care of those Sears Associates called up to active duty by holding open their positions, keeping all their benefits in place and if what they make in the military is not what they were making in their job, Sears is making up the difference. Now that is a company where I will spend my dollars and I encourage each of you to buy at least one item from Sears this holiday season and while doing that let the store manager know why you are buying from them. I love seeing the commercials on television that honor our troops during this time of year. I encourage each of you to thank our troops anytime you run into them, not only during this special time of year, but at any time. Our troops don't do what they do because they make a ton of money. They do what they do because they love this country and are willing to lay down their life in the defense of this great country.

If you have an opportunity to run into a service person this holiday season why not do something special for them. Take them to lunch, buy them a drink, or just thank them for what they are doing. A little appreciation will go a long way. Most will shy away from this type of display, but that doesn't mean they wont appreciate it. Honor those who honor this country with the ultimate sacrifice. Give them the honor they deserve and see if it doesn't put a smile on their face and a tear in your eye. God Bless our American Fighting Man and God Bless the United States of America.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Well the rain has stopped, the winds have died down somewhat, and the cold is back. What I would give for summer weather in December. I was blessed with a visit from my sister yesterday and today, and she has wisdom beyond her years, albeit, she is only slightly older than me. I love having her around and as I get up there in years I appreciate family more and more. It's funny, but when you are young and at that age where you are indestructible and afraid of nothing, you tend to look at family as a necessary evil. When you grow up and that indestructibility is a distant memory and fear creeps in from time to time, it is then that you realize how important family is to you. Funny how things come around when you least expect it.

I grew up with the importance of family being pounded into my head every day. You stood up for family and God help the individual who wanted to talk bad about anyone in your family. I have often said that you can say anything you want about me, good, bad, whatever. Say something bad about another family member, and you would have just crossed the line and you will get a lashing the likes you have never seen before. My daughter was raised with the same ideas pounded into her head, and I dare say she is even more likely to spit in your eye if you say anything disparaging about her mother or I or any other family member. Makes her dad swell up with pride when I see this. She has yet to learn about tacked and diplomacy but that is a lesson for another day I guess. I have been very fortunate in my life not having to deal with a tremendous amount of family loss. I have lost grandparents and an aunt, and some distant relatives, but for the most part my family is pretty much as it always has been. I know it is just a matter of time before I start loosing more and more family members, and I will have to deal with it when the time comes. I have friends who have been on the other side of this type of loss and I can only imagine the pain they go through. Loosing a family member is never easy and there is no way to fully understand the pain one will go through after such a loss. My heart goes out to anyone who has had to go through this, or may be facing it in the near future.

Loosing a loved one whether through a death or other circumstances is never easy, and there are few words that can adequately speak to the different situations that we will all face or have faced. Replacing a lost family member or friend is nearly impossible. Many of us have had pets and when we loose a family pet it is very difficult to think about replacing the animal. Many people have vowed never to own another pet, but soon the sadness one feels is replaced with a desire to have that companionship once again and we go out to the local animal shelter and look for the replacement. It is much easier replacing a pet then it is with replacing a lost member of your family, but the feeling of loss is taken out of the same cloth. Loss is loss no matter how you look at it, and dealing with a loss is almost always difficult. If you talk to experts in the area of grief counseling they will tell you that there is a process to handle one's loss. There will be a period of denial, a period of anger, and a period of acceptance. Now each area is different and each person going through such a loss will handle each area differently. I have had to help people through the various stages of loss, and each time I have had to handle them differently. Loss is never easy, either a death or just a loss of a relationship. Just know this, you will get through it and after the grieving process is complete you will have memories that will last a life time. Memories of the good that came from any relationship, family, love or any variation. It is difficult to see through a loss, but with time all wounds will heal and you will be able to move on with life and know that better times are ahead of you. How I handle a loss will be very different from how you handle a loss, but handle it each one of us will and we will come out of it knowing that our lives are better having known the person we grieve.

I know that today's blog is not my normal upbeat, get on with life and achieve your dreams and goals, but I also know that we face many losses in life and how we handle them is critical to moving on in life and being who we are supposed to be. Loss is never easy and it's never without pain and sorrow. But through it all we are able to grow and learn something through it. My heart goes out to those who have lost and for those who will be in a situation where they will have to deal with a loss. Surround yourself with family and friends and together you will be able to navigate these troubled waters. In the end you will be OK, and what seems like an impossible situation will smooth out and you will have the ability to handle it and see only the good and forget about the hurt and sorrow. My prayer this day is that we all recognize the inner strength we have and allow it to guide us through these tough times. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities. It will never be possible to bring back a loved one who has moved on either through an untimely death, or other situations, but you will get through it and you will be stronger for having gone through it. You will be able to help others tackling these difficult situations and you will be there for them because someone was there for you. Think about it.......

Monday, December 13, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Happy Monday Morning, and let's hope that this week proves to be one of the best of the year. I am giddy with excitement this morning as the Patriots romped over Chicago and the New York Jets lost. It was a splendid Sunday and that holds good tidings for the week ahead. We had a huge rain and wind storm here in Maine. Blessings that it wasn't snow, we would have been buried butt high to a Giraffe had it been the white stuff. I will confess that I do want a white Christmas, but right after the New Year it can go away and not come back for another year. It's not likely to happen that way, but I can always dream.

All weekend I was trying to figure out what to write about this morning. I tend to get tunnel vision when I write. More often than not I start out in one vein and by the end of the piece I am right back on destiny. I know you must get bored with it at times, but I so believe in the message of destiny and dreams that it is like second nature to me. I have seen so many people give up on their dreams and destiny. Let's face it, we are living in perilous times. People are walking around hopeless. I can remember back in the 70's when this country went through difficult times. The feelings are quite similar, the big difference is that I was just a kid back then. Now I am an adult with adult responsibilities. But the feelings of hopelessness and dread are all around right now. People feel as though the world is passing them by and they are destined to be just a blip on the radar. I fall Prey to the pressures of the day just like everyone else. I have my good days and I have my bad days. I wonder what the future has in store, and there are days when I want to stay in bed, bury my head in the pillow and just escape the fear and feelings of dread that are so very present. I have to make a conscious decision each day to move forward and not let the current state of affairs dictate my feelings for the day. Is this easy? Not really, but I give it the old college try and do the best I can each day.

No one is immune from the day to day issues that cause worry, fear, and dread. It would be great if every day were a holiday. It would be great if the only feelings we experienced were joy, happiness, and peace of mind. It would be great, but then we would most likely be living in fantasy land and not in reality. The true reality we live in today is that things are not perfect, times are tough, and people are fearful of the immediate future and the uncertainty that exist. But let me give some hope to the current situation; we don't have to fall prey to all the Nay Sayers and Doom and Gloomers. If I had let every difficult situation I have faced in my life stop me, I would be dead by now. I have to make a conscious decision each day to move forward and not let these bumps in the road stop me from achieving the things I know I am destined to achieve. I wish everyday was easy and at the end of each day I could say what a breeze it was. I have had days when I wanted to just sit down and cry myself to sleep. I have felt so void of emotion and helpless that not waking up the next morning was a great alternative. It was during those times when I had to dig deep and realize that I had things to accomplish in this life and I wasn't going to let set backs and disappointments rule the day. Ladies and Gentlemen if life has thrown you lemons it is time to make lemonade. We will all run into adversity from time to time. How one handles these events will show your grit and determination. It's not always easy to be positive and upbeat. Even the most positive and upbeat person you know will have days when things don't go right and quitting is what comes to mind first. I challenge each of you to take a look at all the qualities you have and realize they are there for a reason.

One final thought: When you are at the end of your rope, when you feel like quitting and just giving up, when you feel as though you have nothing more to give because times have gotten so rough and complex, remember one thing. What you have inside of you is something that someone else may need to make it through their day. It sometimes takes just a smile or a pat on the back to someone else to help them through their difficult situations. Changing a life is not always earth shaking. There will be times where a simple, gentle, loving smile is all one needs to take them out of their doldrums and into a feeling of acceptance and appreciation. Never neglect to show the smallest of sentiments to others, and in turn never treat a smile from others as just a smile. Behind every smile is a desire to uplift and otherwise change a life for the better. Think about it........

Thursday, December 9, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's a cold cold day here in Maine. Coldest day of the year so far, and we're not really into winter yet. I wonder if this is what we have in store for the rest of the season. As they say here in Maine, "Hard tellin not knowin". I guess we will just have to wait and see what Mother Nature has planned for us.

I need to apologize this morning. I took a few minutes yesterday and re-read some of my previous blogs. Gosh I sound like a broken record. I'm not apologizing for what I write, I truly believe every word I put down. I guess what I want to do is be more varied in the topics I choose to write about. To be honest I never really have an agenda when I sit down to write. I simply look into my heart and write what is on my mind on any given day. Problem is, the vast amount of time I am always thinking about Destiny and how can I help someone discover theirs. Life is fleeting, and before you know it, you are sitting back and wondering what have I done with the years I have had on this earth and what will I do with the years I have remaining. Many of my friends will tell you that when it is my time to go, I do not want to be remembered for the money I have made, the size of my company, but rather that I was a great friend to many. It is human nature to want to be liked and appreciated. It is also human nature to wonder if you have had an impact on other people, either in a positive or negative fashion. I hope that the impact I have had on others will be viewed as positive. I endeavor to put a smile on at least one person's face each day. You may run into someone at the grocery store who has had the day from hell, take a moment talk with them and tell them you appreciate what they do, and give them a huge smile. One never knows what this simple act of kindness will mean to them.

We all need love and understanding. I know of no one who would be bold enough to stand up and publicly proclaim that they are fine living a life of solitude and that personal interaction with others is not something they need or want. I hate being alone. Have I had periods of loneliness in my life? Sure have and it sucks. I am as I have said before a social butterfly. I love people being around me, not that I need it to survive, but it makes life a whole lot more interesting and enjoyable. You need to know that I get bored easily. Maybe it is adult attention deficit disorder, maybe it's just not wanting to sit around and wasting a lot of time on mundane stuff. I like to be active and I like being around others who like to be active. It keeps life interesting and most of the time spontaneous. I'd like to challenge you today to do this one thing; live life to the fullest. We all have those moments when we doubt what we are doing or wonder what the future has in store for us. We often have been beaten down by life and the last thing we want to do is look toward the future because our todays are so very bleak. Fight the urge to give up. If I gave up on my dreams every time I ran into a road block, or hit a snag in my plans, I would never be where I am right now. Trust me when I say that I have wanted to throw in the towel more times in my life than anyone could ever imagine. I fight insecurities just like everyone else. I have doubts that creep into my mind on a daily basis. I even have days when I wish I could crawl back into bed and just hide from the rest of the world. The difference is that I refuse to give up. My vision to reach the masses with my message of True Destiny is what drives me.

I encourage each of you to look deep within and determine what it is that makes you you. Your abilities and dreams where put into you for one reason and one reason only. That being to accomplish something that no one else can accomplish. Your dreams may be the one thing that enables someone else to achieve their destiny, just like my dreams are there to help others achieve their destiny.

One final thought: Don't let your dreams or visions die. When things get tough, get tougher. When things start rolling along, hang on for the ride of your life. When things get clouded up with uncertainty and doubt, step back, take a deep breath and know that you are where you are at for a reason. Life lessons are sometimes tough to handle, but you will never walk away from them not having learned something either about yourself or the situation you are facing. Stand strong, be strong in your desires, and know that you know that things will be as they were destined to be. Think about it.........

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

There are days when words come easy and then there are days when it's like pulling teeth. I have started this blog three times today, and three times I have deleted the whole thing because it just didn't seem right. At first I thought it writer's block, but not being a professional writer I couldn't for the life of me blame it on that. It's not a lack of inspiration, since inspiration is my middle name. I don't even think it's from a lack of topics, because lets face it the topics one can write about are endless. I think that the problem stems from that I have so much that I want to say on a given day I sometimes don't know where to start. Like Dorothy on the "Wizard of Oz", maybe starting at the beginning is a very good place to start. Hold it, maybe it wasn't Dorothy, but rather Maria Van Trap and "Do-Re-Mi". What ever the case, I feel it best to start at the beginning and see where it may take us today. I won't start at the beginning of time since there are so many people who differ on when time started and what came first the chicken or the egg, or who inhabited the earth first, Adam and Eve, or another form of Man? Won't go down that rabbit trail.

One of the many thoughts I have running through my head today deals with timing and opportunity. I guess I am one who believes that when the timing is right the opportunity will make room for itself. I have been guilty of bad timing in the past. I may have had a great idea, planned out the execution of said idea, but when the time came to implement, it wasn't the right time, and the results were less than stellar. I think we've all been in that place where things didn't work out as planned, and it may have been better not to take action at all verses obtaining the results that came about. One of the problems of being a visionary is that you see things in the big picture, yet you don't always have the way to implement those visions, nor even the slightest idea of how you are going to get where you want to go. I think that is the purest form of frustration; knowing what you want but having no idea how to get it. Most of us, truth be told and being true to ones self, would have to admit we have all be in this boat. I guess the questions arises, when and where do we start going after our dreams? If one believes in destiny then there will always be a way to get to the end. Some of the paths to one's destiny may be rocky, curved, and uncharted. Other paths are clear as can be, yet we sometimes lack the courage necessary to take the first step. I have been so tortured by fear of the unknown that I have been stopped dead in my tracks. I didn't know whether to crap or go blind. If everyone were honest with themselves they would have to admit to being in this very same place from time to time in their lives. One of the great characteristics of destiny is that no matter what we come across in life, destiny is something that will happen, no matter what we do or don't do. Let me stop here and make one very important statement; destiny is not going to just fall in your lap. If you want to win the lottery you have to buy a ticket. Action is always required. Your actions may be slow and methodical, but action none-the-less.

I have known and felt hopelessness. I have wanted certain things so bad, and yet had no idea how to obtain them. It's like having the hen that laid the golden egg, but no eggs came out. You know you have something of value, but for the life of you can't figure out how to make the damn thing work. If you are in this position right now, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and relax. Goals, dreams, and aspirations take time to come to fruition. Goals, dreams, and aspirations take patience. Goals, dreams and aspirations take courage to not give up, give in, or lay down. Search your heart and know that those things that rest inside of you are there for a reason and that reason may or may not be known to you at the present, but there is a peace that rest on you to know it is there for a specific purpose. Never lose heart, and whatever you do, don't give up. I have been so close to giving up on my dreams in the past, but deep from within I knew I had no option but to go one more day. Tears may come, frustration may arise, and yes even dismay and torment, but when it's all said and done, you will walk in your destiny.

One final thought: when the going gets tough, the tough.... no won't finish it the way you always heard it. When the going gets tough, it sucks. No other way to put it, no use sugar coating it, it just sucks. We all have dreams, we all want them to come to pass, we all need them because that is human nature. No one walks around wanting to be a failure. Many will accept failure, not because they want to , but because they feel they have no other alternative. If we never give up on our dreams and goals, do we really fail? Sure there may be set backs and calamity from time to time. If you continue to step forward it doesn't matter if you get knocked back two or three steps. You still made the effort to move forward, that in and of itself is a victory. Don't lose your vision, for your vision belongs to you and only you. Carry it, nurture it, and by all means believe in it. It has been given to you for a reason, and only you can carry it out. Think about it.........

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

His mercies are new every morning! There are days when you and I need to remember this. Now there are various faiths out in the world today, and I am not here to push one faith over another. I have friends who are of a different faith than I, and I still wish the best for them as they wish the best for me. I know People who have no faith what so ever and yet I still wish the very best for them. What the opening statement means to me may mean something completely different to you, and in fact may mean nothing to you at all. That's OK, we all have different beliefs, and that is something we all need to accept. As for me I'd like to think that God has a plan for my life and no matter what I am going through I am heading in the right direction. I need to know that there is a higher power out there someone and that this higher power has my best interest at heart. Life in general is difficult at best, and more often then not I haven't a clue what is coming down the pike. It would be great to have all the answers and wake up one morning with a knowledge of what is going to happen throughout the entire day and know that there will be no miss steps. Well maybe in Fantasy Land this is the case, but in my life, as with your life, I'm not sure this will ever happen. In a way I am glad for this as I am one who needs variety. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I want things to blow up and all of a sudden I am in a panic over something that has taken place. I do like things to be normal, whatever normal may be. What I am saying is that I like things that may be a little different, because then I am forced to grow with it, and in growing I also am learning. Life is a series of big lessons. Some lessons are easy to understand, others are far more complex and often the answers don't come easy. Either way it is a learning process and I love to learn, albeit, sometimes lessons do come at a very inappropriate time.

I was thinking back on a situation that I faced several years ago. At the time I had no idea how I was going to handle this crisis. I think when we are faced with uncertainty and challenges we tend to retreat to our happy place in the hopes that these issues will just go away. You and I both know that issues just don't fly off into the ozone somewhere. We still have to face them and we still have to put our best foot forward so to speak to get past the hurdles and barriers. I have often said that how we handle a victory is equally as important as how we handle a failure or set-back. Both can form our character, and both can define who and what we are. We've all been exposed to sore losers, but we also have had to face sore winners. Those obnoxious people who don't know when to stop their victory chants, and the ones you would like to bury under six feet of whip ass.

Challenges will come and go in life. How we handle each one is largely dependent on how we view each challenge, and what has and hasn't worked in the past. There are many times in life when we try to reinvent the wheel. We feel as though we have to come up with this creative way of overcoming obstacles and road blocks. If you have engineered a winning way in the past, why not utilize the same actions again. Sure you may have to make some simple alterations or adjustments, but if it worked before it may work again. Facing a challenge head on is always the best course of action. It may not always be comfortable, it may not always be pleasant, but in the long run it is the right thing to do. No one ever said life would be simple. If you find yourself facing a challenge then accept it for what it is, an opportunity for growth and an opportunity for you to prove you can handle it and overcome anything that is thrown your way.

One final thought; each of us has the ability to adapt and overcome. There will be times when we doubt our abilities, but push come to shove you will have the ability to do the right thing, at the right moment, and you will know that things will work out. His Mercies are new every morning, for that I am grateful and I hold fast to the truth that good things are on the way. Never lose hope, never give up, and never never doubt that the future is looking bright and your best days are still ahead. Think about it........

Monday, December 6, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

It's Monday and time to get back in the grove. I must apologize for slacking off last week, but having just completed the Thanksgiving Holiday I just had to extend it as long as possible, so I gave myself another three day weekend, and must say it was enjoyable. But now I must focus all my efforts on each of you, and do what I was intended to do each day; put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. I hope it has worked in the past and will continue to work in the future.

We all have struggles each day of our life. Sometimes these struggles seems insurmountable, others are just bothersome. Which ever type you face on a daily basis know that there is always a way to get through them and that there is help out there for you, you just need to seek it out. I have been torn in two lately tying to decide what to do about a certain situation. On the surface it seems like an easy decision, but there are so many different layers to this issue, it really has caused some turmoil in my life. Now this particular situation is not life altering, at least not as far as I can tell, but it does bring with it certain challenges and those challenges are what has caused some sleepless nights. Have you ever wanted something so bad that you walk around in a fog not knowing what you're doing, and have no clue what to do next? I have been in that fog for the last few weeks, maybe even months. I have tried cleansing breaths, meditation, prayer, and still the fog has not lifted. Man what I would give for a crystal ball that could tell me exactly what is in store for me and when I can expect it to happen. I think we all would like to have that assurance that things will work out and that we will get to the end zone and score the game winning touchdown. I use the football analogy because of the big game tonight between the Patriots and Jets, go New England. OK, that was my shameless push for all you non New England fans.

Where was I? Oh yes, decisions,decisions, decisions, direction, direction, direction. I love it when someone will tell me that I have helped them in making a tough decision or gave them advise which has helped them head in the right direction. Many times my response is "Really?" When I speak to people it is never with the intent to lead them or guide them. I simply talk from the heart and what ever they garner from it is up to them. I hate when someone gives you advise and their motives may not be pure. That is nothing more than manipulation, and there is a special place in hell for people who will use others for their own gain, especially when someone is really depending on you for truth and honesty. I will tell you now, and you can choose to believe me or not, but I will never put me into an equation when I am helping others. If one chooses to bless me after, so be it, but to use a situation for your own interest is so so low. OK, I will get off my small soapbox on this one, I could go on for ever but choose not to this morning. I don't know what got me on that rant this morning, but maybe someone needed to hear it.

So I have had to make some tough decisions, well lets say that I have positioned myself to make some tough decisions. I haven't exactly made them yet, I want to make them, and need to make them, and it is my intent to make them. But I haven't decided what is the best time to make these decisions. Maybe I should decide what the best time is, and then plan to make them then. Sound convoluted? We do this to ourselves all the time. We get so wrapped around the wagon wheel that the decisions that we need to make, never gets done, and the situations just stagnate out there. Now I am not saying to go out and make rash decisions for the sake of saying you made a decision. What I am saying is that decisions do not have to stop you in your tracks.

One final thought; follow your heart. When it's all said and done your heart will never lead you astray. It is who you are, and it will show you what you're supposed to do. Many people will try to form you in their image, but that's not always who or what you are supposed to be. I know this to be true. Too many times in the past I have tried to be what everyone wanted me to be, and it got to the point where I became someone I'm not. Oh I thought I was the right person but deep down I was fooling myself, and wasn't being true to who I really was. I'm not saying that people had wrong intentions, but it wasn't right for me. It has taken me a long time to figure out who I am, and now I am not willing to give me up. At the end of the day you have to look at yourself in the mirror and be happy with what you see. Your heart is the mirror of your soul, and your soul is the true essence of who you are. Believe in yourself and your abilities to figure out what to do next. When all the worrying is done, when you have shed your last tear, when you feel like all is lost, know that you still have a chance to be the person you were destined to become. A destiny that is full of promise, happiness and joy. Think about it.....

Thursday, December 2, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Ever have one of those mornings where your mind is traveling a million miles per second and you're not quite sure how to slow it down. It's not really anxiety, but rather just not knowing what direction to go in next. Do I take the path of least resistance or do I take the path less traveled? We all would like to think we have our lives planned out and in the end many are surprised when they are exactly where they are supposed to be. Others, are so far off the beaten track there is zero resemblance of what they thought life was going to be like. Where you fall on the spectrum is any one's guess. I have had to make some very tough decisions as of late. Some of them I was glad to do, others were more difficult and if I could have put it off for a hundred years I would gladly have done it. We all have decisions to make in life; some simple, others not so much. But running away from a decision is never going to solve the problem, and sooner or later you are still going to have to face the issues. Trust me when I say I have been there and the issues still remain no matter how long you put off the inevitable.

We are all going to be faced with having to make decisions in life, there is no getting around this, much as we would like too. How you go about making decisions, how you formulate an action to take, how you come to any conclusion, is difficult and tiresome. It would be great if we could all just hit the Staple's Easy button. Regrettably life isn't that simple, nor are the decisions that each of us face on a given day. Look at it this way, you are in good company. Each and every person walking this planet make decisions on a daily basis, and many of them pale in comparison to some of the earth shattering decisions world leaders may make on any given day. Problem is, when you are faced with a difficult situation that requires action, do you really care what others are going through around you? I think not, and in this you are not alone. We have a tendency as humans to get tunnel vision. Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but there are times when we need to incorporate other ideas and views in our decision making process. Isolating yourself from the rest of the world because you have a tough decision to make is less than the perfect thing to do, and often only delays the decision making process. I know this to be true, for I am one that internalizes most everything, and only when absolutely necessary do I bring others into the mix to help me out. What is it they say, "Physician heal thyself" or put another way, "Do as I say not as I do".

It would be great if the toughest decision we had to make each day was what to wear, or where to eat lunch. It would be great if we could spin the wheel and the perfect answer to any of life's toughest questions came up and it became a no brainer. It would be great, but life isn't that simple nor are some of the decisions we have to make. Trust in your own abilities and trust that you have everything you need inside of you to make the right decision when the time comes along. Sure you will second guess yourself from time to time, we all do that. But second guessing a decision is just life's system of checks and balances. What you have to fight against is allowing this second guessing to alter or delay actions that you know you need to take to accomplish the things that you know you need to do. Is this an easy thing to do, well I think we all know the answer to that question.

One final thought, and you can do with it what you like. I am prone to say why put off till tomorrow, what you can put off till next week. When faced with these difficult decisions we would love to wait till the very last moment, that is human nature and really not much anyone can say about it. Trouble is, if we continue to do this, then it becomes habit, and habits are very difficult to break. Why not start a new habit and face these challenges and decisions head on, throwing caution to the wind. Face it, under certain conditions, can things get any worse. Don't answer that question, it was more rhetorical than anything else. Be strong in what you know to be true, and incorporate that truth in your decision making process. Search your heart and do what you know to be right, and in the long wrong, come hell or high water you will be in the right place. Tackle decisions, and take dominion over them. You can do this, I can do this, and we all need to do this. Think about it.......

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

True Destiny; If life is a Journey, Why Go it Alone?

Well I'm back from my mini-break and it's time to do what I do best. Well maybe not what I do best, but rather what I try to be best at, and that's write and inspire. I hope and pray that everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving, and that it was full of love, happiness, and joy. I was out doing some shopping over the weekend, not brave enough to head out on Black Friday, so just waited till Sunday and got most of my shopping done. Truthfully, I never thought it possible to get things done before the 24th of December. Will wonders never cease? During my shopping spree I also took time to pick up all the ingredients needed to put together my goodie bags for Christmas. I have gotten to the point where I don't want to spend vast amounts of time trying to figure out what to get each friend. What do you give to someone who really doesn't need anything? Let's face it, most of the time it is probably re gifted to some gift swap at one or more company or family Christmas parties. Guilty of that one, but lets keep that under wraps will you? I have enough quirks in my life, there's no need to go public with all of them.

I enjoy the baking and preparing for each bag. It keeps my mind active, and I would rather be in the kitchen making something then just sitting in front of the television watching "It's a Wonderful Life" for the tenth time in as many days. Actually my daughter and I look forward to the 24 hours of "A Christmas Story" that stations run on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. "You'll shoot your eye out", man can't believe I let myself fall prey to that stupid movie, and even harder to believe that I will actually watch that silly movie three or four times during that 24 hour period. Lest you fall off your chair laughing at me, I know I am not the only one who does this, but may be the only one willing to admit it.

I was reminded the other day just how important relationships are and why we need them in each of our lives. I have been known to tell people that life is too short to be taken seriously, and on this journey there is no need to go it alone. I have had periods in my life when I have known total loneliness. It was a dark period of my Life, and not one that I want to experience again. It took every bit of energy I had just to get out of bed, and there were times when I hoped I would fall asleep at night and not wake in the morning. It is tragic that there are countless people out in the world today experiencing the very same thing. I see hopelessness on the faces of so many people, and if I could turn a switch and make them all better I would do it in an instant. It was during my darkest moments that I pulled on friends, family, and loved ones to get me through these periods. Sadly there are people out there who have failed to cultivate these types of relationships and subsequently have no one to depend on when times get tough. What came first, the chicken or the egg? You need relationships in your life, but you haven't the energy nor the desire to do so. Ladies and Gentlemen, you can't do it alone, I don't care who you are, or how good you think you are. Times will come when everyone and I do mean everyone will need the assistance of someone else. Seeking out the help of others is a hard thing to do at times, but learning how to reach out is an absolute must. I am somewhat pig headed and stubborn and when I decide to do something I am full speed ahead, others be dammed. I was rearranging some furniture the other day at my home and I was having to move this particular piece. I took a minute to look at it, I knew I should wait for the help, but no I had to get it done. I am reminded at this moment of a saying, "many hands make light work". I should have heeded that saying, but alas I tried to move this piece of furniture and as you would expect, BIG SCRATCH. My fault I know, but that is my stubbornness to a tee. How could I get angry with myself, I knew I should have waited, but I didn't and now I had to pay the price. I have friends who would have been more than happy to give me a hand, but I didn't want to wait and I got what was coming to me. When you take an inventory of the things in your life that you want to accomplish, why not take a moment and also take a look at who is in your life and why they may be there. Maybe, just maybe, they are in your life to give you that second set of hands to help you in a situation. Maybe they are there to give you a second point of view. Maybe they are just there to give you a big hug because you've had the worst day of your life and all you want to do is cry. Relationships with people allow us to answer the who, what, where, why and how questions in our life. Relationships will fill us with positive energy and give us what we need to get out of bed in the morning knowing that we are going to face struggles again today. Relationships are what put a smile on our face, a sparkle in our eye, and a song in your heart. We can't live without them, and more importantly why would you want to. If there is someone out there who has been on your mind as of late, why not reach out to them and connect with them. It might be intuition that is prompting you to do this, and intuition that is saying they may need you at this moment in time. Never neglect to be there for others, because the time will come when you will need someone and we all hope that we have others around who will be there for us when we need them. It is that time of year when we display Peace on earth Goodwill toward men. Do your part and know that your life and the life of others will be changed. Think about it....