Saturday, December 25, 2021

What I've Leaned, and why I learned it.
 I wasn't going to write this week, but then something hit me, and the choice was made for me. I'm not sure who needed to hear what I am going to write today, and maybe it was meant just for me, but whoever needs this, I wanted to be obedient so here we go. It's not every day that we go thru trials, at least for most people, and even though we do go through our share of things, there is always a lesson to be learned in each one of them.  As I was sitting down reflecting today, as I was trying to grasp a few things, asking why this is happening, I was made keenly aware of a few things, and it is these few things that I wanted to share with you today.  We are fast approaching the end of this year, and all of us will be sent into 2022 hopefully with an expectation for great things.  It is in the spirit of newness that I want to remind you of a few things that aren't so new, but they are just as relevant today as they were yesterday, and just as relevant as they will be tomorrow.

I was asking God this morning why?  I was trying to figure out what lesson was I supposed to be learning from all that I have been going through durning this past year.  When I got the answer I was floored to say the least, but I was also happy that what was presented to me, was exactly what I needed to hear, what I needed to feel, and most importantly, what I needed to believe.  What God was reminding me about, what God was trying to show me, was the simple fact of who and what I was, and why I am what I am.  We have a tendency to forget certain things, especially if what we are going through are trials and tribulations.  We tend to forget what is truth, and instead grab hold of wishes.  Face it, we've all said those dreaded words, "I wish things were different."  We've all wanted to run away from situations.  Sadly running away from things is never going to change what you were intended to learn from the situation.  I find it ever so much more important to accept the premise that there is warning going on.  

One of the things that I needed to take away from my current situation is that I am more than able to get through any struggle, even if that struggle is as simple as trying to remind myself where I left my car keys, or as monumental as wondering why the world has been turned upside down over the last year or so.  I don't know what each of you are going through, and I'm not going to bore you with the details of what I am going through.  What I am going to do is remind you of you.  I'm going to remind myself of me as well.  I want to share what we are, why we are here, and most importantly, how we are so powerful, so divine, so unique, and more than enough.  Don't get me wrong, I struggle just like anyone else, and I dare say my struggles have been quite intense over the last year, hence why I had to ask God why me, why now?  

When you are asking the question why, you are inviting the answer.  The key is to be open for the answer, and not to stifle the manner in which the answer is provided to you.  Yes it would be great if we could hear the booming voice from the heavens assuring us that everything is going to work out.  It would be exhilarating to get those goose bumps when Angels are all around you, opening doors, protecting, and otherwise doing what Angels do for each of us.  It is in the difficult moments that we need to remember that we are equipped to do all.  It is in those difficult moments that we need to remember that we will never be put through more than we can handle.  It is these difficult moments where we need to be thankful, as these moments remind us that we are alive, and that we live with a purpose. 

I have always worn my emotions on my sleeve.  I never try to cover things up, and I always try to be honest with myself.  If I am struggling, does it serve any purpose not to acknowledge that struggle?  We often act as though we are the only ones who know what we are going through, and yet our creator is more than knowledgable of all things.  My emotions have been so intense as of late.  To say that I have been on the brink of tears, would not be a falsehood.  I have had to admit to myself lately that there have been things that I have messed up on, and try as I might I still need to learn not to blame myself.  Even a serious screw up is a mode of learning, no matter how painful the result of the screw up is.  I bet you're wondering why I'm telling you all of this?  I'm telling you this for no other reason than to encourage you to recognize your greatness, your power, your divinity.  All three of these characteristics of who and what you are, are things that should motivate you to keep moving forward, no matter what you might be facing.  

I think most people would have to agree that this past year has been a shit show for many.  After 2020 we all thought that things would smooth out and we could start enjoying life again.  Here we are on the door step of 2022, and I would say that we are once again hoping for a banner year.  What's different for me this year is that I have an urgency to what I am doing.  I have a focus like never before.  Now this focus, this urgency is not about what I do for others.  This urgency, this focus is all about me.  Now not all about me in a selfish manner, but all about me in that I need to ground myself in the knowledge of the real me.  I need to take hold of what I am, who I am, and why I am here right now.  What I hope this final blog of 2021 does is get you to realize that you are equally positioned to have it all in the upcoming year.  You are positioned to learn more, do more, feel more, and grow more.  The first step in the process is to simply believe.  Believe that you are more than enough. Believe that you have ben equipped to handle it all.  Believe that you are powerful, you are worthy and deserving of being the real you.  

If I have learned one thing over the past year, it is that I am every bit as important today as I was yesterday, and will still be tomorrow.  I have learned that me being here is no mistake, and I have learned that I have power in me from on high.  As a side note:  I had found myself wondering quite a bit lately about things that I never really thought of before.  I was wondering why others were experiencing things, and I wasn't.  I was wondering if I had missed the boat.  It was then that God reminded me that my gift is writing, and that this gift is really, really incredible.  I have been writing for about ten years, and only now is much of what I am writing about coming out to the general pubic in the form of an awakening.  Now I am not saying that I was the cause of the awakening.  What I'm saying is that I have now seen that what I have been writing about is finally coming to fruition, and if I have helped one person get to the point of self-awareness, then I have done what I was created to do.  I don't have to be someone else, simply because someone else experiences something I haven't.  I am confident that I am where I am supposed to be, and I am so honored being able to do what I do.  This is the place that I want you to find yourself.  I want you comfortable in your own skin, and not feel like you have to walk around in somebody else's shadow.  You are you, and no one else will ever be you, just as no one will ever be me.  Own your uniqueness, walk in your gifts, and realize that all things are perfect in the universe.

As we exit2021, and head into 2022 I want to send you with this blessing.  I want you to experience all that is good.  I want you to live in your being.  I desire that you go deeper into the things that make you you, and I desire that you share the best part of you with others.  Yes things can be difficult, but difficult is not impossible, and there is nothing that you can not do if you will believe in the real you.  Love and light, and know that there is nothing better than destiny, and please accept the fact that you have a destiny.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

But of Course
There is so much to be thankful for this year.  Many may have to dig deep to realize this.  Some may not even believe there are things to be thankful for.  And yet, I'm here this morning with a Christmas list of some things that should put a smile on your face, and hope in your heart.  I hope you will join with me in reflecting on each of them.  All the major faiths celebrate this time of year with different traditions, different beliefs, and with different ways of showing what this season means to them.  This is a time of year where we tend to put away past grudges, past hurts, past fears, and look forward to what the New Year will bring to us.  I like most of you will look back on the previous year, and with hopeful anticipation, will usher in the next one.  

As I write this I am trying to juggle drinking my coffee, giving our dogs their morning treats, as well as giving them the attention they crave in the morning.  I will tell you it's not always easy trying to type with the little one trying to jump on my lap seeking even more attention.  At 70 pounds she doesn't realize that she is not really a lap dog, but who am I to tell her different, but I digress.  One of the things I am most grateful for is the opportunity to do what I am doing right now, and that's creating this post.  It's spending time with my dogs, and enjoying our home.  I tend to think that the simple things in life are the best things in life.  If we can find the joy in each situation, then we have found the joy that will help us traverse the bumps along the way in life.  Yes there are going to be things that pop up from time to time that will distract us, and get us off the path we are supposed to be walking, but the wise will see these things as nothing more than eye openers.  When we realize our purpose, when we begin to walk in our destiny, then you will have something to be thankful for.  

If I were being totally transparent, I would have to admit to you that I too have had to deal with issues this year that I never thought I would be dealing with.  Dealing with these things has forced me to focus on those things that are truly important.  I have had to prioritize, rearrange, and otherwise change course several times this past year. Through it all I have come to realize just how fortunate I am, and just how thankful I am for having had the opportunity to make these changes.  There was a time when change was not an option, or at least not something I was willing to entertain.  I guess as we get older we are far more open to doing what needs to be done, and not just because we are forced to do it.  

So here's number one on my Christmas List of things to be thankful for:  Be thankful that you are here in this moment.  Trust me when I tell you that you are here for a reason.  Even if things have not gone as planned this past year that doesn't mean they weren't meant to be this way.  We go through things to teach us valuable lessons,  even if those lessons are not always pleasant.  

Number two on my list of things to be thankful for:  your destiny.  Yep, we all have a destiny, and everything you have ever gone through was meant to get you to your destiny.  Imagine a world where each individual was aware of their purpose.  Think of a society where each and every member was driven by their passions, and doing only those things they truly loved and believed in.  When it's all said and done, that's what destiny is all about.  Don't you think it's time to accept why you are here?

Number three, and mind you no more or no less important than the other two, but number three on my list of things to be grateful for this holiday season, time.  Some might think it strange to bring time into things, but in this case I would be remiss if I did not remind you that time is an illusion, and if you believe in the perfection of you, the universe, and your destiny, then you will have the time to complete what you were sent here to do.  Now that should really get you into the holiday spirit I would say.  Certainly there will be times when you feel as though you are just spinning your wheels, but behind the scenes things are happening that will get you to your desired location, doing those things you desire to do, and having the impact on humanity that you were always intended to have.  Time is a great gift, might I suggest that you not waste it by worrying about it.  

Number four:  Me, myself, and I.  Better put, be thankful that you are you.  How fortunate the man or woman, who recognizes the significance of their creation.  How powerful to understand what you are, why you are here, and what you can do.  Each breath you take is a gift.  Each move you make is part of your dreams, your desires.  How fortunate that you get to be a part of this thing called life.  How blessed you are that you get to do all those things that you love.  Be thankful for this, and never doubt.

As we approach the holidays, and the end off this year, I'd like to send you off with a blessing.  Before you read this portion I'd like you to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and simply receive what I am about to give you.  These words are not simply something to read, but rather to hold on to, to believe in, and in doing so, place yourself in a place where things come alive for you. I pray this blessing to each and every one of you.  Miles cannot stop this blessing.  Barriers cannot stop this blessing.  I release to you the knowledge and understanding of the real you.  I release to you the power that has been placed into you, and reason it has been placed into you.  We hold back unbelief, we stomp on doubt and fear, we move forward in our true destiny.  I pray that each of you will begin to feel the draw, the push to accomplish what has been placed in you.  We remove the fog in front of many eyes, so that each can see their purpose, their destiny.   I open the Divine and ask that all that is needed will be given, all that is desired will be revealed, and all that is destined will be understood.  I release abundance, health, love, and joy to each of you, and place a hedge of protection around each of you, against doubt, fear, and sadness.  May the Spirit of our Creator wash over you, protect you, and uplift you.  All things are possible, and that is because you are all things.  

I send wished to each of you, and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for allowing me to do what I do.  Being a writer is what I love, and I am so thankful that I get to do it.  Have a blessed week, and never forget, you are what you were meant to be, when it was meant to be, and how it was meant to be.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

The Road Less Traveled."
 We are all on a path that goes somewhere.  Often we have to decide which road to take, and often those choices are the most difficult to make.  Today I simply want to encourage you to look at each phase of life as a path to walk down, and as a fresh start. I wish I could put into words just how special each of you are.  I wish I could describe to you just how phenomenal life is, and just how important each of you are in the grand scheme of things.  One would think that as a writer I would be able to describe in a word picture just how incredible you are, but alas there are not enough words to truly paint a picture of who and what you are, and what each of you mean to humanity.  I will do my best to paint you that picture this morning.  

I was listening to a Podcast yesterday, that I found simply by accident; but as most of you know there are no accidents when it comes to God, and I needed to hear what was being said.  What amazed me is that it was verifying, or should I say confirming much of what I have been writing about for the past ten years.  Now I'm not here to tell you that I was ahead of the times.  I'm just thankful that a large portion of humanity is waking up to the truth of who and what they are.  It is in this awakening that many are discovering the magnificence of their creation, and the reason for their creation.  This makes my heart soar like a hawk.  Anyway, the main point of the podcast was to make people aware that we are not this body we inhabit.  We are not what we do, or where we live, or even what we own.  First and foremost we are spirit, an eternal presence that will never change, has never changed, and will always be perfection in every way.  Sadly many, many people never discover this truth, and in the absence of truth, they live in darkness.  It is time that each of us wake up to this truth, step out of the darkness, and walk in the light that was always intended for us.  Today is your "Fresh Start", and today I want to provide you a roadmap to what could only be describes as magnificence to the ump degree. 

I think most people would agree that when push comes to shove we tend to take the path of least resistance.  It seems to be human nature to want things easy, but when faced with difficulty we tend to switch things up in an effort to circumvent what we perceive as the impossible.  I'm here to tell you that if you will make the decision to take the road less traveled, in the end you will get to your desired location, and once there, you will realize that all that you went through will pale in comparison to the beauty of that which you now possess.  I know it can be difficult to see past the fog, not knowing what may be just round the corner, or just how high the cliff is that you are hanging on by your finger tips.  In reality the truth of who you are, of what you are, and why you are here is never going to change.  We are in a great awakening, and in this time of discovery, you can, if you choose, position yourself on the right path for you.  Some paths go to the right, some to the left, and others just seem to go in circles, but those circles still mean something.  Certainly there will be times when we seem to be going nowhere.  There will be times when we seem to be on that hamster wheel, just going, and going, and going, but never changing position.  Don't loose heart.  Far too many times people quit on their dreams, and had they just held on for a bit longer, they would have discovered that they had fulfilled their dreams, and life as they know it would have been far better than they could ever have imagined it to be.  

As I write this this morning I am overcome with emotion.  There is a peace, a sense of love, a total reliance on what I know as truth, and that truth is that we are all incredible, eternal, and divine.  It is in this knowledge of our divinity, our immortality, our uniqueness, that allows us to take the road less traveled, and know that its final destination, its end of the road, is exactly where we were always intended to be.  The road may not alway be straight, it may not always be level, but I assure you that its direction is always in the perfection of the Creator of the Universe.  We often wonder where it all ends, when what we should be focused on is where it begins.  In reality it begins with us.  It begins when we realize that we have all that we need to be able to live out this journey.  We have been equipped to do all that we were intended to do, and all that we were intended to do, is what humanity needs.  

The Road Less Traveled is not always easy to discover, as many will try to find the easy way out.  The Road Less Traveled will not always be your first choice, as many, many diversions exist in life.  It is up to you to determine the correct path.  Allow me to say this, as many concern themselves with making a mistake in choosing the right path to go down.  We may take the wrong path from time to time, but rest assured that eventually you will get to the correct location that you were meant to get too.  Granted it is better if you get there on the first try, but don't worry if it takes you a few attempts to get where you were intended to be.  There have been many occasions in my life when I had to start over.  There have been occasions when I have had to redirect.  The key is not to give up, not to give in, and most importantly, do not doubt yourself.  

We are in a time of Great Awakening.  If you will open your eyes, listen to your heart, follow what your true essence is telling you to do, the road less traveled will be the correct path to take.  Saint Francis of Assisi asked that he be an instrument of peace.  If you are in need of love, sow love.  If you are looking at darkness, sow light.  If fear is gripping you, sow peace.  I know it is difficult when facing insurmountable odds, but the choice is yours to make what you will do.  There is a path to take, and only you can choose the path you are going to go down.  The road less traveled is less traveled because many refuse to do what seems impossible.  The road less traveled is only less traveled because people have forgotten just how incredible they are, and have not accepted the power that resides inside of them.  Your journey may be on a road less traveled, but your journey is going to take you to the place where dreams are achieved and where life is so much better than you could ever have imagined it to be.  

Sunday, December 5, 2021

When the water is raging, just stay in the boat."
There comes a time when we are going to face a crisis, or raging waters, as the title to today's blog states.  We won't always know when or where those raging waters are going to come from, but rest assured they will come to each of us at some point in our life.  The question is what are you going to do when you face these situations?  What actions will you take? What mental attitude will you assume?  What option will you pick?  There's a commercial out right now that I'm sure most of you have seen.  It has these four young adults whose vehicle has broken down in what could only be described as a very scary, almost Nightmare on Elm Street scary location.  They are trying to decide what to do.  Get back in the car, or hide in this wind blown shack with knifes, hatchets, and other objects.  Of course they appear to pick the wrong place.  What happens to them is only speculation, face it, it's only a 60 second commercial.  The point of my dribble this morning is to say that often when we come face to face with raging waters, the best course of action is to simply stay in the boat.

Difficult situations sometimes make people do some crazy things, thus what we know to be truth we begin to question the validity of that truth.  When we are face to face with conflict we sometimes forget that we control our thoughts, not someone else.  When everything around us is turning to you know what, we forget that most of what we see is simply an illusion, and we should focus on what we know to be truth, and not some fictitious situation that simply isn't real.  I get that this is not always easy to do, and I get that when faced with raging waters we often aren't thinking with a level head.  

It seems to me that this entire planet has been put through the wringer the last year and a half.  What we once thought was normal is no longer normal.  What we once thought was impossible, is now staring us in the face. What does one do when faced with raging waters?  We stay the course, we stay in the boat.  We continue to do what we know, and don't let what is happening around you make you think you are not on the right track.  I know how easy it is to get side tracked.  I get how things can get in the way, make you want to throw your hands up in the air and just say enough is enough.  I know all too well the feelings of desperation,  of being all alone with no one there to aid us in our time of need.  First off, you are never alone.  As a created being you are connected to everything else in the universe.  Yes this may sound crazy, it may seem unrealistic, but we are one mind, one creation, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can benefit from this Universal Consciousness.  

Let me ask you this:  if you take a bucket of water out of the ocean, isn't it still ocean water?  Certainly it has changed location, but it is still water.  Let me ask another question:  Isn't water from say the West Coast of the United States, the same water from the East Coast of the United States?  What I'm saying is that it is connected.  It may be in different locations, but still connected, by virtue that it is sea water.  Well it's the same thing with we mere mortals.  We are all interconnected, we are all one mind, we are all one creation.  Why when we are faced with difficult situations do we not rely on others to help us?  Most of the time we try to do things on our own out of pride.  We don't want others to know that we have struggles.  We don't want others to know that we might not have all the answers.  Let's get real for a moment, do you really think that we have all the answers, all the time?  I know I don't, and I'm not afraid to admit that.  If I were to see you being tossed about by the raging waters, and I yell out to you to stay in your boat, and you ignore my suggestions, and jump out, did you just cut off your own nose to spite your face?  Here's what I'm trying to say:  we can't do it alone.  Not only can we not do it alone, we shouldn't want to do it alone.

Let's see if I can't wrapped this all together as many may think I am jumping about too much today.  Believe you me, when I write, I'm only downloading what is given to me, and I trust that God is giving it to me, the way that God wants it to come out.  So here's the bottom line:  we will never be put though, or be given more than we can handle.  Now you may have to extend your faith to believe this, but the power you process is beyond most people's imagination.  Your power is unlimited, yet it can be limited by the depth of your faith in your power.  No matter what may be thrown at you, no matter how raging the water might be, you have all that you need to survive the storm.  As I have said so many times in the past, no one ever said that life was going to be simple, but that doesn't mean we have to complicate it even more by forgetting that we are more than able to created our own reality.  We have been placed here for a specific reason, and we have been equipped perfectly to be, and do what we were intended to do.  Many, many people are at the end of their rope right now.  Many people have leaped out of the boat that is there to keep them safe from the ravages of the storm, and are finding it difficult to hop back in.  If you need help getting back into the safety of the boat, reach out and accept the assistance of others.  If the assistance you seek seems to be no where, then open your heart and listen to what it is telling you.

We are all at a precipice right now.  Many feel as though they have already started to go over the edge, while others are literally hanging on by a thumbnail.  If you refuse to give up, if you refuse to give in, then you will see what has to come to pass, come to pass.  If life did not have challenges, then it is doubtful that you would ever fully appreciate all the goodness that is out there for you.  No one will ever get to the end of a journey, or a trip, if they never take the first step.  If you refuse to take the first step because you are scared, because you have allowed the raging waters to intimidate you, you will never get to your destiny.  

So when you are experiencing the raging waters, know that your boat is unsinkable.  The boat may be tossed about, the scare may seem real, but if you will hold fast to the truth of who and what you are, the waters will become still, and all will begin to settle down.  Know this:  you are divine, you are eternal, and you cannot be destroyed.