Monday, August 31, 2015

Transitions...they happen all around us.
Transitions happen all around us, and they happen pretty much every day.  Sometimes we see them, sometimes we don't.  These transitions happen to people we know, and to people we don't.  Some of these transitions are large, some small, and some you might never  recognize were it not for someone telling you about it.  Suffice it to say you are never going to stop certain transitions from coming around you, and each one should be looked upon with joy and happiness, because each transition brings about needed change.

I noted the passing of Dr. Wayne Dyer yesterday.  As much as I wanted to be sad, I found myself almost happy.  I knew from Wayne's writings, his many appearances on various radio and TV shows, that he never planned to leave this existence with, in his words, "with your music still in you."  He understood that we simply inhabit this mortal body for a short period of time.  If you think about this universe being around for over 13 Billion Years, and that all energy was created at that moment, then the time we spend in this body is so tiny, in comparison,  it's almost microscopic.  Although his passing will leave a void in many people's lives, especially his immediate family, I think he did a pretty good job of preparing those around him for what was going to take place.  I'm just curious where the essence of the man we knew as Wayne Dyer will show us next.

Transitions happen often when we least expect them, but always, always at the right time.  If you believe as I do that the design of things is in the perfection of Spirit, then how could you think that any transition was out of that perfection?  Yes I know there are times when any transition, be it big or small, may not be happening at your perfect time.  Oh well, get used to it.  What you may perceive as the perfect time, may in fact be contrary to the perfection of Spirit, and I for one would rather operate in Spirits perfection, then my understanding of time.

I've been through many transitions in my life: careers change, children grow up and move on, people you love come and go.  There are times when I have handled these changes with grace and understanding, and there have been times when I wanted to scream "get the hell out of my life."  It would be great if I could sit here and tell you that I handled all these transitions with ease, but I think you know me well enough by now to know that I have had my share of melt downs over the years.

Here's the remarkable thing about transitions:  you have made it through all of them.  How do I know that?  Because you're still here, albeit sometimes tattered and bruised, but you are still here none-the-less.

I can remember my time in the military and we would go through a Change of Command.  You never knew what the new commander was going to be like, well maybe a little info through the grape vine, but nothing concrete to be sure.  You certainly knew what you had in the old commander, some good and some bad.  To me I was always interested in what this new person was going to bring with them.  What changes were we going to see, and more importantly how was this new person going to affect my life?  Face it, most transitions are all about you, and since you are the closest person to you, then it just makes sense how you might be interested in the change that is about to occur.

There are transitions that take place in this world that are as natural as the changing of the seasons.  We transition from summer to fall, winter to spring, and there isn't much we can do to change what is naturally going to happen.  Most people realize that you just have to roll with it, often just try to get through it, but as is the case each and every year, you will get through the seasons.  Well if you can get through the seasonal changes, why wouldn't you simply look at all other transitions the same way?  I mean, they are going to happen, they are meant to happen, and you're never going to change what is set to happen.  I for one would rather welcome it, then fight against it.  Fighting against transitional change is a loosing battle.  Trust me, I've tried to do it, and each time would walk away bloodied and bruised, and when all was said and done, still had to go through it.

Transitions bring about growth, they bring newness, and often they bring us to the place where we begin to see things as they truly are.  Transitions are nothing more then rest spots.  They give us a moment to re-group, re-think, and other wise take yourself out of the picture, and let something else dictate the course of events.  I think most control freaks hate transitions because they are not the ones making the calls.  They are the ones who have to relinquish control and don't you know that drives them mad.  As I've said before, when transitions come, step out of the way and let what is going to happen, happen.

I for one, don't mind transitions.  It's not that I am perfect at getting through them, but I know that I will get through them, and that is what puts a smile on my face.  If you are going through a transition right now, enjoy the ride knowing that when you come through it, you will be one step closer to where you were going, and where you were going is where you need to be.  Transitions, like change, are here to stay.  My advice is get used to it, but open up to them.  I love periods of change, and I love transitions, but I love them because it is getting me one step closer to where I want to be, and where I want to be is right here right now.

Transitions are needed.  Embrace them, accept them, but most importantly, learn from them.  Transitions are served up to you on a golden platter because they are indeed very valuable, and I would think that everyone would want to have some of these riches.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Living life on the edge.
We like that adrenalin rush.  There are base jumpers, free climbers, and other thrill seekers who will do just about anything to add excitement to their life.  Occupying this mortal body and simply going through the day is not what true daredevils live for.  Finding the next peak to climb up or to jump from, now that is what motivates those who desire to live on the edge.

On the other side of the coin you have those who will never change up their daily routine.  Just the mere thought of things not being as they should be is enough to send certain people into a tail spin.  God forbid if the automatic coffee maker shuts off during the night and there is not that hot container of Joe waiting for them when they stumble into the kitchen each morning.  Where you fall on the spectrum is entirely up to you, but let me suggest that maybe it's time to shake things up a bit and bring a little "living on the edge" into your life.

I think if you polled those who have had a measure of success in their life and asked them how they got there, most if not all would tell you that there have been times when they simply laid it on the line.  They might tell you that until such time as they threw caution to the wind and simply jumped into the water with both feet, things always remained the same.  If you really want to begin living on the edge and having the results of such an adventure, then you are going to have to forget what has been perceived as normal and do something outside of the norm.  Always remaining in-between the lines is going to limit you, albeit, it does provide comfort to many people, but comfort is not always  going to get you to the place you desire.

There have been many times in my life when I played it safe.  The decision was largely based on my perceptions, and those perceptions were almost always based on how I thought others would perceive me.  You see, we allow the opinions of others to dictate our actions, even when those actions might be contrary to what we really desire in this life.  Living on the edge means you are going to have to forget what others expect of you and simply follow your heart.  Living on the edge means you put more faith in what you truly desire instead of what others expect of you.  Living on the edge simply means that you are putting your interest first and not simply doing what others want you to do.  I know that may sound somewhat selfish, but doing what you were sent here to do is anything but selfish.  The gifts and abilities you have inside of you were placed there for a very specific reason.  Failure to use these gifts and talents to take you to your rightful place is just plain stupid.

So let me ask you this:  are you stuck in a rut?  Has life come to a complete standstill?  Have you placed your dreams and desires on the back burner as an appeasement to those around you who can't understand that your have a mission, a purpose?  I know how tough it can be to stick your neck out and declare what you truly desire in life, but the cost of not doing that should be more then you are willing to pay.

Living on the edge is as simple as understanding that you have something to offer the rest of humanity.  Now humanity may only incorporate a few people, and then again, it might include an entire generation or country of people.  The size of humanity is not what is in question, it is the impact you are supposed to have on humanity.  Living on the edge is recognizing that you are first a spiritual being, with all the rights and privileges, and that what you have inside of you was placed there for a very specific reason.  Your infinite spirit is what should guide you in everything that you do.  Your infinite spirit is perfection, as you are perfection.

If you want to begin living on the edge then start by accepting your true essence, and never let go of this truth:  you were created with infinite possibilities, and you were always intended to walk in unlimited possibilities.  Those who refuse to even look over the edge of their own life will never be able to grasp this truth.  They will be the ones who always bemoan life in general, and will stay mired down in the expectations that others place on them.

I choose to cut free from the expectations of others, and instead walk in those things that I know are mine to walk in.  You can do the very same thing.  You can take that leap of faith, forgetting that you do not need a safety net or safety line.  All that you need, to be the person you were intended to be, is already in you.  You simply have to accept this.  I love walking or living on the edge.  There is never a time that I am not excited about what awaits me.  There never is a time when I doubt that I am on the right path.  There is never a time where I am not amazed at how grand life is and I get to be a part of life every single moment of my existence.

If you want to begin to live on the edge then simply accept your being, and own who and what you are.  Once you are able to do that I assure you that the answers you seek will be there for you when you need them.  It is time to begin to live, and when you do, wow oh wow, will things begin to turn around for you and for those around you.  Live my friends, live like there is no tomorrow, because what happens if tomorrow never comes?  Blessings and love to you.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

How do we manage our expectations?
How does one manage their expectations, especially when those expectations might be contrary to what they truly desire and want?  This is a question I get asked over and over, and time and again I generally give the same response:  those things you think about, you ponder, you stew about, are often going to be the things you have set your sights on, whether you want them or not.

If you are not aware of the fact that we set up our lives by our thoughts, our words, and our feelings, then I have not done a very good job of making you aware of that fact.  There are certain things in this life that are as true as true can be.  One of these truths is that we orchestrate our lives, and we do it all the time.  If you are constantly talking about what you are lacking in your life you are simply asking for more of that lack to come into your life.  If your daily habit is to find all the bad in life, then you are going to have the opportunity to experience the bad on an almost daily basis.  If you want to experience all that is good in life, then you have to begin to think on the good, talk about the good, and last but not least feel the good.  We live in a universe where everything is connected.  What ever you are sending out to the universe is going to come back to you, it's as simple as that.

I've talked about the Conditioning of Man at length.  We have been conditioned since we were born to expect certain things in life.  These expectations have come from those who came before us.  Many of these expectations are as a result of their own life experiences, both good and bad.  I don't doubt that those who are talking are doing it from a place where they want and desire for you to have the best in life, but if they are unaware of the power of their own words, thoughts, and feelings, then why in the world would you want them speaking into your life?

If you are ever going to take control of your own life, then you are going to have to begin to control those things that run around in your mind, those words that want to come out of your mouth, and those emotions that have run you ragged for so many years.  Managing expectations is nothing more then setting into motion those things you desire, and then making sure that absolutely nothing to the contrary comes out of your mouth.  I'm not saying this is going to be easy, or that it is going to happen over night.  Certainly it could, but if you are like the average person alive today, it is going to take some time to get used to watching your words, thoughts, and feelings.

Let's for a moment look back at a few things.  Where there times in your life when you expected things to go wrong?  My guess is, is that nine out of ten times when you felt like this, things did go wrong.  On the opposite side of the equation, what were things like when you had an expectation of wonder, an anticipation of loving times, and an expectations that things were simply going to work out?  My guess is that things in fact did work out, and generally worked out better then you could have planned it.  It's amazing that we have the ability to set our life just the way we want it, and yet so many people run from this simply because they can't believe it.  And why can't they believe it, because they have been conditioned by those around us to think and believe otherwise.

If you really want to begin managing your expectations then you have to begin by simply being mindful of the words you say, the thoughts you are having, and the way you might be feeling at any given moment.  I know I sound like a broken record, but you need to hear this.  There will be times when you fail miserably, but you will be in good company.  I know of no one who has not messed up in the past.  I have to remind myself daily about this, but with each day it begins to get easier and easier to watch your words.  Words have the power to change a life, to change a town, a city, a state, and even a country.  Words and thought form our tomorrows.  Feelings that surround our day are the feelings that we will experience tomorrow as well.  Look, you don't have to believe what I am telling you, but if you think back, I think you will see that what I have described is exactly what has happened in most people's lives, including your own.

We are infinite beings, with unlimited potential.  The only thing stopping us from accomplishing the things we want most in life is our limited belief in who and what we are.  If you will begin each day by proclaiming that you are a perfect being, able to achieve all that you desire, I promise you that things will begin to change in your favor.  If you will begin each day by simply being thankful for being alive and saying thank you for all that you have, all that you are, and all that will be, then I promise you that things will change in your favor.  There is a saying, "As above, so below."  This means that what you send out to the universe will come back to you.  Once again, if you desire love, sow love, peace for peace, and joy for joy.  Your words, your thoughts, and your feelings are what will ensure that you have your deepest desires.  Give it a try, I promise you, things will get better and better with each passing day.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Great big Gigantic things can come in little tiny packages.
Oh yes, there are some great things that come in tiny packages.  Life is kind of like Monty Hall's Let's make a deal.  You have something in your hand and yet you are tempted to trade it in on something else, but that something else is located behind a curtain, or in a big box on the floor, and you have no idea what is in either. Now you have to decide what to do.  You may get lucky and win big, or you may get "Zonked".

One of the biggest lessons I had to learn about life is to be thankful for what you currently have.  The old adage that a bird in the hand is worth two in a bush rings so true.  Why give up what you have for something that may or may not ever manifest itself in your life?  Now I'm not saying that you can't have wishes and desires.  What I am saying is to be thankful and grateful for what you do have, no matter how small it might be.  If you are constantly going after something bigger, something better, or something that someone else has managed to obtain, then you are loosing sight of what is really important.  Being appreciative of the things in your life is the first step.  Certainly you can want more, but that more is never going to come your way if you first are not thankful for the little things that you already have.

When I set out to write my first book I did what many aspiring writers do and that was think of all the things I could do when I became a Best Selling Author.  The visions were very real to me, and I held on to them.  At the same time I was so appreciative that I was doing what I loved most in life, and that was writing.  I write because that is what I am.  Whatever comes of it is OK with me, I find happiness and contentment in what I am doing.  If you cannot find that peace and contentment in what you are doing, then you will always be looking for something bigger, something better, and your peace and happiness will always be something you are striving after.

I really believe that it's the little things in life that bring us the most happiness.  It is the little things in life that center us, make us who were were destined to be, and keep us always moving forward in those things we were meant to do.  Just as any action begins with a tiny thought, big success begins with little wins.  If you take a look at some of the most successful people in history, each of them began with little successes.  Microsoft was not built in a day.  Bill Gates had an idea, ran with it, and now look at what has come about.  We have some huge airplanes flying around right now, but it all began with that tiny little wooden plane in Kitty Hawk.

I know first hand what holding on to big desires and dreams can be like.  There are days when you simply want to run at warp speed with them, but I also know that they need to be nurtured, they need to be polished, and more then anything, they need to be executed at the right time, in the right place, and in the right way.  The little gifts in life, those that come in tiny little packages, are the ones that I seem to learn the most from.  Think of it this way:  you have three presents in front of you.  One is huge, one is just medium, and the third is a tiny little box.  Which one peaks your interest the most?  There is no right or wrong answer to that question, it is more of an observation on my part.  I can tell you that I love the tiny present, because often it is something that leads to something else.  Let's say that the tiny package has a gift card in it.  Just think of all the fun you are going to have trying to figure out what to get with the gift card.  You see it's not just getting the card, it's also using it.  The gift that truly keeps on giving.  Little kids would probably go straight to the big box.  They have yet to learn that size doesn't matter.  However, as one gets older, as one gains experience, then they begin to look at things a little differently, and before you know it they realize that good things can come in tiny packages.

I have said all that to say this:  do not forget the little lessons in life.  Do not overlook the smallest simply because it has been dwarfed by something bigger.  Those little lessons you have learned will someday add up to something very, very big.  When you were just a new born, your parents did not start out by feeding you steak.  You began with fluids, then moved on to that wonderful baby food, and finally you graduated to whole foods.  Had your parents started stuffing steak down your throat when you were young, you would certainly have had problems.  Let the little lessons move you forward to the bigger lessons, and let your little victories catapult you onward to even larger and more  fascinating victories.  It really is the little things in life that often mean the most, often teach us the most, and more often then not change us the most.  Small things may not be the most glamorous, but they certainly have a way of turning things around for you, and often that is all that is required.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Are you still waiting for the lion's share?
If you are still waiting for your ship to come in, how long are you going to wait?  If you are still hoping for something, how long are you going to maintain that hope?  If you are waiting for the lion's share of things, when are you going to finally realize that all that you want, all that you dream, and all that you feel, is already yours, all you have to do is claim it.

I've been meditating on the topic of walking on the right side of infinity as of late.  To say that the blinders have finally been removed from my eyes is an understatement.  I had let the conditioning of man rob me of what was rightfully mine, and now I refuse to walk around lacking anything in my life.

When you finally come to grips with the significance of your being, then and only then can you begin to walk in intention, and experience the right side of infinity.  I want you to picture your life in the perfect state that was always intended for you.  Picture a life free from worry, free from stress, free from all those things that seem to creep in and ruin your day.  I want you to feel what it is like to be free like a bird, free to soar to new heights, and free to do those things that make you whole, that make you happy, and that brings you peace and joy.  This is what your life is supposed to be like, and if you are experiencing anything other than this, then you need to re-think what you are doing.

Walking on the right side of infinity is nothing more then taking your rightful place in the universe.  Walking on the right side of infinity is simply accepting the greatness within you, and then sharing that greatness with the rest of humanity.  Sadly there are many who will never understand the concept of infinity, especially as it pertains to the real you.  Your spirit is eternal, it is forever, and it is your true essence.  We fall prey to the things around us because we have yet to grasp that one thing that is in us, that can provide you perfect guidance, perfect timing, and perfect opportunity.  I guess the question I have for you today is how long are you going to take until you finally see the truth, and accept who and what you are?

As humans we are going to be challenged each and every day by those who either haven't a clue as to their true nature, or by those who choose to ignore the spiritual side of life.  These are the people who will try to push your buttons, who will always see the glass as half empty, and who never seem to be happy no matter what they have, or what they do.  I cannot stress enough the importance of coming to terms with your true nature.  How can anyone claim victory in life when the best part of who they are never ever is realized by them?  It's kind of like winning the lottery and then not being able to find the winning ticket.  You know the money is yours, yet you have lost the ability to claim it.  Well you have already won the spiritual lottery, my question is when are you going to claim it?

If you are looking for the "Lion's Share" of life, then simply accept what is already yours, and walk in  it.  Now there are going to be days when simply walking in it is going to take every ounce of determination you have, but you can do it.  Don't be a quitter.  Don't be a doubter.  Don't do what so many others do and that is accept what is expected of you.  Yes we have been conditioned since birth to accept certain things in life, but just because we may have been made to believe that all this is true doesn't make it so.  Walking on the right side of infinity simply says no to man's conditioning and yes to the truth that resides in you.

If you take a look at a lion what do you see?  They are majestic, they are the King of the Jungle.  Their mere presence conjures up thoughts of power, thoughts of strength, and feelings of what a wonderful creature.  Allow the lion in you to come to the forefront of all you do.  Allow your inner roar to echo through all the areas of your life.  See your own majesty, your own power and strength, and your own perfection.  Until such time as you can own who you are, you will always be waiting for the lion's share.  There will always be thoughts of being a day late and a dollar short.  When you are able to accept your beauty, your grace, your wonder, then and only then will the lions share of everything be handed over to you.

I've said this many times in the past, you have not because you ask not, and you ask not because you don't believe.  Start believing in your ability to walk on the right side of infinity.  Begin by accepting your own love, spun from love and for love.  There is no longer a need to wait for others to give you what you need or want, the time has come to accept your abundance, your mastery of trades and abilities, and your own perfect uniqueness.  Life changes when you begin to walk on the right side of infinity, and as your life changes so to will the lives of those you come in contact with.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What do you do, when you don't know what to do?
I have been in the position of not knowing what to do more times then I would like to admit.  If everyone were being honest I dare say they would all say the same thing.  So let me ask you, just what do you do, when you don't know what to do?

Some people will ask for advice.  Some will seek out a higher power.  Others will simply wait and see if the issue corrects itself, happy to go on with life until that time comes.  If you are like me, then you might be saying to yourself that you hate it when you're just not quite sure what to do next, or even what to do to get the whole thing moving in some form of forward progress.  We've all been there, and probably we have all done some of the same things in response to this place or moment of indecision.  It's OK to be there, it really is OK.

When you find yourself face to face with moments of indecision, or simply not knowing what step to take next, don't kick yourself.  The simple fact is, is that you are at least thinking about it.  There are plenty of people out there who never get to this point of wondering what to do next.  There are plenty of people out there who can't even imagine life changing in any significant way, and that what is now will always be what is.  The problems really start when we stop asking what is next.  I am a firm believer that complacency is death to any dream or vision.  If you are content to stay where you are at, then do you really have the right to complain to others about your lot in life?  If you see that there has to be change, then why not go out there and orchestrate that change, or as a minimum, be open to change that might be walking through your front door.

There are two sides to every coin, and believe it or not there are many ways of approaching moments of indecision.  There are people who will charge in like a bull in a china shop.  Granted they might have good intentions, but an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  I'm not saying not to move forward, I'm saying to do it with purpose, but also with a modicum of self-restraint.  Now the other side of the coin would say to stay back, wait for the perfect time, whether the perfect time ever shows up or not, but don't do anything until everything is just right.  Well, what happens if that "everything" never becomes just right, does that mean you simply do nothing?

I've said this next statement so many times in the past, and will continue to say as long as I am alive:  follow your heart, your intuition.  Your Infinite Spirit is always going to provide you the information you need for any decision or any action you might want to take, or are thinking about taking.  The answers you get might not always be the ones you were hoping for, but they will be the right ones, and heading these answers will be of major importance.  It never ceases to amaze me when I hear people who claim they have no idea what to do next, and when you ask them what their heart is telling them, they kind of look at you like you have two or three heads.  There must come a time when you begin to have an intimate relationship with your heart, with your spirit, with your intuition, if there is ever going to be any hope of you walking in your destiny.

There is one area, above all others, where not knowing what to do really does cause us sleepless nights and worry.  That area is love.  When you are seeking out love, trying to discover love, or even trying to just figure love out, wouldn't it be nice to know just what to do, and when to do it?  Love can cause even the most grounded person to fly off the handle, to do stupid things, to say stupid things.  Love can generate feelings that you never thought possible, and these feelings are what govern your activities almost every moment of the day.  You talk about people who vacillate, just look at those who are trying to figure out love, relationships, family, and friends.  I think most of life's difficult moments come when one is trying to decide what to do, and often what to do is mired down in thoughts of love, or in some cases lost loves.  When you are dealing with issues of love I must go back to my previous statement about following the lead of your heart.  Matters of the heart are difficult at times, and that is because matters of the heart are the most rewarding when you finally come to a conclusion to things.

Here's the bottom line: learn what your spirit sounds like, and begin to follow the leading of your spirit.  There are going to be times in life when we just don't know what to do next.  If you will take the time to familiarize yourself with the Infinite Spirit that is the real you, then you will never have to worry about not having the answers when you need them.  When communicating with your Infinite Spirit becomes as common place as each breath you take, then you will never have to worry about not having answers to life's most difficult questions.  If you desire to know what to do next, simply ask the question, and trust what your spirit tells you.

Your greatness is not in what you do, but rather who and what you are.  When you can hold on to this truth, when you can follow the guidance provided to you from the real you, then you will never be in a moment where you don't know what to do next.  It may seem simple, but isn't simple a whole lot better than the alternative?

Monday, August 3, 2015

There comes a time...
There comes a time in every one's life when decisions have to be made, things have to be done, and things also fall into place.  Maybe I'm being a little introspective today as I celebrate the anniversary of my birth, or  maybe it's that thoughts have been running through my mind at speeds unable to be calculated.  Who knows, maybe I'm just wanting to tell you that things are going to work out OK, so stop worrying about it.

I have been re-reading a book that I have come to love and each time I read it I learn more about myself, my history, and to a large extent my future.  What has really come into focus during this read is the significance of my Infinite Spirit, and just how powerful I am because of my spirit.  I will readily admit that it was only a few years ago that I never gave much thought to the word infinite, nor to the word immortal.  Today however I see both of these things differently, and I have changed because of my acceptance of who and what I am. This is a change or an awareness that I desire each of you to take hold of.  As the quote from Anne Frank above says, many of the things that form you come from your own hands, or in some cases your own thoughts and feelings.

I can talk about being an infinite being until the cows come home, but until such time as you accept this premise, I am only spouting off words that will fall to the ground to be kicked about like a can down the street.  Our spirit is eternal.  Our spirit is going to live on until the end of time.  Our spirit is as they say going to be around forever.  Here's what I want you to think about today, just what does forever mean?  To me forever means never going to end.  It means that it will be present, in some form or another until there is nothing else.  But let me for a moment also point out that forever means both yesterday and tomorrow.  When we talk about forever we almost always think about the future.  What many often overlook is that forever is just as much about past moments as it is about future.  Let me be more clear:  your spirit has always been and will always be.  When the Universe was created so to was your spirit.  You cannot have a forever in just one direction.  If we were created in God's image, then isn't it only logical to accept that if God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, that our spirit is the same.  If we were created in God's image, then isn't it also logical to accept that we have the ability to change our circumstances simply by accepting the greatness we already have within us?

As I celebrate my birthday today I am so aware of what a year means.  I look at the past year, and boy did it go by quickly.  I look ahead to this next year, and my expectations are that it to will pass quickly, but I also think how tiny a year is in respect to the total time my spirit has been.  A year when looked at in perspective of forever is almost too small to calculate.  What I love most about my birthday is that I get to see it up close and personal, but at the same time I get to realize that I will never not have a birthday.  I will be celebrating my birthday until there are no more tomorrows, until time as we know it and understand it, runs out.

Being an eternal being is so awesome.  We get to be around forever.  Certainly our form will change at one time or another, but our spirit, our true essence will never change, and it will be around for a long long time.  We have within us an entity that has been around the block a time or two, and brings with it knowledge, experience, and insight.  Why in heavens name would someone want to discount this awesome presence, and why would someone discount the significance of their own spirit?  There comes a time when you are just going to have to accept that you are not really what you always thought you were.  Here's the great thing, you are so much better then you ever gave yourself credit for.  You are eternal, you are infinite, and you my dear friends are special beyond words.  

When you take the time to think about your true essence, when you take the time to really try to understand the meaning of forever, then you will begin to understand the perfection of your design, and the reason you are here right now.  Having an understanding of infinite will change you in ways you may not yet understand.  Accepting that you are infinite will change you in ways you will find hard to fathom.  Walking in the infinite, will excite you in ways that you never thought possible.  

It's funny, but somehow birthdays don't seem to bother me all that much, in terms of getting older.  Heck in terms of forever, I'm am still just a very young person.  There will come a time when you realize that you are no longer ruled by time, because time has no end, as you have no end.  Certainly the time will come when we will leave this body of ours, but as I have said before this body is simply a shell.  Your true essence is your spirit, and this is what you should be showing to those around you each and every day.  We are incredible because our spirit is incredible.  We are infinite because our spirit is infinite.  We are eternal because our spirit will live forever.  Now if that does not give you reason to celebrate I don't know what will.  Get out there and celebrate your unlimited abilities, and your infinite self.  Celebration will do a body good.