Wednesday, January 26, 2011

True Destiny; If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

To error is human, to forgive is not company policy. How many times have we heard those words during our career. Even more depressing is that we get this same thing from those who claim to be friends and loved ones. I for one am far from perfect and make mistakes on a daily if not hourly basis. I would hate to think that there is no redemption for me. None of us, to repeat, is perfect, and we are all in need of forgiveness from time to time. But even more importantly than forgiveness we all need to know that we have a second chance at things. In my book I have a chapter called "Is it really three strikes and you're Out?" I try to make the case that no matter what we do, whether it's mess up big time, or just a slip up, we all deserve a second chance. I would hate to think that just because I messed up one time in my life that I am doomed to walk the planet with a big "L" on my forehead for looser. And yet there are people out there who are unwilling to forgive and don't ever ask them to forget when someone has done them wrong. I am a firm believer in giving a second chance, and when required a third and fourth chance. I am not one to be walk on, but at the same time I know people make mistakes and an element of grace goes a long way.

I am always amazed at people who sit there with this look of amazement on their face when someone makes a mistake or takes a miss-step. It's like they can't envision someone messing up. When I was a licensed financial planner I had to carry a One Million Dollar Errors and Omissions policy, in the event that I made a mistake with a client. Think about it, I wasn't ever planning to make a mistake, but they do happen, and just in case I had to be covered. So here I am doing my chosen profession and because the possibility exist that I could make a mistake I need insurance. Seems to me that the rest of the world should realize that mistakes happen and it is as much a part of everyday life as walking, talking, breathing, etc.

I have a friend who made a mistake almost 20 years ago when he was very young. Because of this it has hampered his ability to get certain jobs, and quite frankly has really hurt him career wise. Now I am not defending what he did, although I think it was pretty tame compared to what happens today in many areas. Anyway, this situation has always been thrown up in his face. Hey if one has paid their debt to society, then the debt has been paid, let it go. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, ever wonder why there are no stones being thrown? We all mess up from time to time, sometimes they are small mess ups, other times they are huge, but does it really matter what the mess up is. We don't need to tell someone they did something wrong, they already know it. If they don't realize it, maybe it really isn't their fault, maybe they just didn't know. God forbid there should be a mistake that is completely innocent and without guile. Not every mistake is made on purpose. Besides, if someone does something on purpose you can't classify it as a mistake. Something done on purpose is premeditated and at that point you deserve to have the book thrown at you. Most mistakes are innocent at best, and deserve to be taken with a grain of salt.

I guess I say all that to say this: To Error is human, to forgive is truly Divine, and to forget, well that puts you right to the head of the line of good people. We all will make mistakes in life, every one of us. And I for one am not willing to cast the first stone, after all we do live in glass houses. Think about it......

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

True Destiny; If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Having taken a few days off to clear my thoughts and relax, if you can call it relaxing, I thought it best to get right on the blog this morning and see what comes forth from the vastness of my imagination. Well maybe vastness is not the best descriptor, come to think of it maybe imagination lacks something as well. Either way, here I go with my attempt to motivate, inspire, and otherwise impress the daylights out of you with my wit and personality. You can be the judge of how well I complete the task.

I was talking with a dear friend the other day, a conversation that was very appreciated on my part, and one that I needed to hear. I have been struggling with what to do with my life the last few months. Maybe struggle is an understatement, let's put it this way, life has kicked me in the ass, and I am still sailing across the known universe from the kick. It was one of those kicks that you can't plan for, you sure can't position yourself for, and "Please Sir may I have another" never ever came out of my mouth I can assure you. I have had set backs in my life before, both from a job standpoint and a monetary standpoint. But this setback has hit me in a far different place, that being a confidence standpoint. I always thought that I had my stuff together. Knew what I wanted, knew what I could accomplish, and knew that it would happen. Today, truth be told, not so much. Now don't get me wrong, I still know what I want to do, and to some degree how I want to do it. What I don't know right now is if this is the right time, or maybe I need to put it on the shelf for a while and see what it looks like a month from now, or even a year from now.

I think we all have our own pity parties from time to time. Why has this happened, or that happened? Why aren't things going my way? Why do I doubt this or that? Why, Why, Why? If I had the answer to all the whys I would be a very rich man. I can't tell you why certain things happen to certain people. I can't even begin to explain why certain things happen to me, and why I'm in the middle of shit storm once again. Now let me say I am fine, and the things I contend with are more associated with emotions then anything else. There are days when I wish I could walk away from situations and not feel compassion. Not worry about other people and their problems and concerns. Walk away from individuals who are hurting because they have no one to go to and not the foggiest notion of what to do next. I wish I could just walk away, but I can't. You can't turn compassion off like a light switch. Compassion is not always convenient in terms of time, when you feel it, when others need it, when you need to display it. Compassion is either you have it or you don't. If you have it use it, if you don't, well screw you.

I've said before that life is too short to be taken seriously. But life is also too short to be selfish and not give of yourself so others can benefit. There have been times in my life where I didn't feel I had anything to give anyone. My feelings of emptiness and loneliness were only exceeded by my feeling of total obscurity. It wouldn't matter if I had been blown off the face of the earth and never come back, at least that was what I was feeling at the moment. Truth be told, that those that loved me may have had a different opinion on this matter. But I have felt lonely and unappreciated. I have had moments of doubt and unbelief. I have even had that moment in time where I didn't care whether I lived or died. We all go through these moments, some have a more difficult time with them, others never make it through them. I am here to tell you that on the other side of these battles and struggles is an awareness that you can achieve all that you were designed to achieve.

If at first you don't succeed, join the club. Very few people get it right the first time, and even less get it right all the time. I'm not even sure I know of anyone who has gotten it right all the time. Oh yea there are people out there who think they have gotten it right all the time, but you and I both know they are full of crap. We all make mistakes, we all fail, we are all human. Being a human means we all have shortfalls and shortcomings. I know this may come as a shock to some of you, but none of us are perfect. The sooner we come to that realization the better we will all be. The key is to turn our shortfalls into opportunities to improve, grow, and mature. We all should learn from our mistakes and those of others. Heck if someone wants to plow the field ahead of me, more power to them. I would much rather have someone else do the heavy lifting and let me come through the field with less effort and stress. It's not that I'm lazy, just smart.

One final thought: Doubts will come and go. Struggles will always be a part of life, and for the Boston Red Socks, there's always next year. OK that last bit was my attempt at lightening the moment, although to die heart Red Socks fans, well I digress. We will always be contending with something in our life. At times it may be small, at other times monumental in size and scope. The key is to take it one day at a time, one step at a time, and don't worry about the things you can't control. Worrying about things out of our control is nothing more than putting water in a bucket with holes and wondering why we can't put out the fire. We have to play with the hand that is given to us and that's all we can do. Reach out to those around you who are there because they love you, appreciate you, and believe in you. If life is a journey, why would you want to go it alone? Think about it.......

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

True Destiny; If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Late start today. Had to go to the apple store to get a new phone, was not planned, but I must say apple really came through for me and for that I am very grateful. I was walking downstairs to do some laundry yesterday and slipped on the top step and proceeded to fall all the way to the bottom. Suffice it to say my phone was the injured party. It's funny but I was never so lost being without communication, hard telling what I would have done had the Apple Team not been so good to me. It's nice to know that there are companies out there who really do care about their customers. They have earned me as a customer for life.

So now on to bigger and better things. I have been giving some serious thought lately about my life and what this year has in store for me. Most of you who have taken the time to read this blog can undoubtedly attest to the fact that things have been anything but smooth and without ripples for quite some time. Now I'm not saying that I have it rougher than anyone else, but human nature being what it is I have had a difficult time not thinking that I am alone in the issues that I am dealing with. Now I don't want to make it sound like I am having a pity party. There are people out there who have it a whole lot worse than me. Trust me when I say my heart goes out to them. I was watching the news yesterday and saw a report about an individual who robbed one of the local grocery stores in the area. My first thought was was a fool this person was, but after some reflection I could feel some of his torment. He must have been at the end of his rope and robbing this store was a sign of the desperateness he was feeling. Sure maybe he is just the type who is prone to doing things of this type, but I have to believe that things had gotten so bad that he felt he had no alternative. I think there are times in each of our lives when we feel we have no alternative. Drastic times require drastic measures. What those measures manifest themselves as one never really knows, but suffice it to say most of the time the end result is not what we would expect. I really do feel bad for anyone who is so down on their luck that they feel they have no choice but to do things that normally would never cross their mind.

We in this country are going through a period of trials and tribulation. There are many people, present company included, who live paycheck to paycheck, or should I say unemployment to check to unemployment check. Many people, present company included, who are beginning to doubt what they always thought was a confidence, that they could accomplish anything they put their mind to. I wish I could say that I was immune to the feelings of dread and fear, but as a walking, talking, breathing human being, alas I am in the same boat as so many other people. I guess what I attempt to do is look past the here and now, and think about the opportunities and possibilities ahead of me. I think if I continued to look at the place I am at right now I would go mad in just a matter of time. Trust me when I say going mad is not high on my list of things to do today. I have to believe that my best days are still ahead of me, and what I am going through right now is just happening because it is supposed to teach me something. What that something is I'm not quite sure as of yet, but I'm sure there are reasons. I want to speak to those who are going through similar situations and let you know that things will get better. As I wrote the other day, when you have reached rock bottom, the only way you can go is up. Now it may not seem like things will get better, and for many they have given up hope that things will improve and they will gain victory in their current battles. But I guess that is where faith comes into the picture, and there are times when faith is all we have. Faith will be tested, and our faith will be questioned more times than not. But faith in it's simplest form is nothing more than knowing that you will wake up tomorrow morning and you will have a chance to do something else. Will faith get you through your current battles or struggles? Maybe yes and maybe no, but let me tell you that without faith there is no hope for the future. What you put your faith into is entirely up to you. To some we put our faith in friends, family , and loved ones. Others put their faith in a higher power. I'm not here to tell you who to put your faith into, simply extend your faith and see if it doesn't have positive effects on your life. We all as humans have an eternal optimism. That uncanny ability to look past the here and now and with hope believe that things will work out somehow. This eternal optimism is nothing more than faith at work, faith that says you will get through the sticky situations and that tomorrow the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.

No matter what you are going through today, whether you feel like throwing your hands up in the air and surrender to the dismal feelings that reside in you, or walking around without the slightest idea of what to do next, the sun will rise tomorrow. When that sunrise happens look at your window and know that it is there for you. You are going to make it. You are going to reach the mountain top, and you will come out smelling like a rose. I have faith in you and maybe just maybe that will be enough. Think about it.......

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Today is______!! I guess maybe today is a day where you get to fill in the blank. To some it may be a day of new beginnings, to others it may be a continuation of what has already begun, that which brings joy and happiness. To others still it may be a time to remember the past and still look toward the future. Whatever your today is, live for it. I was reminded how fleeting life can be as a very close friend lost a dear loved one over the weekend. I'm sure that this person who was at the end of the circle of life was not wondering if he worked hard enough, put in enough hours, or raised as high as possible up the corporate ladder. My guess is that he wishes he had spent more time with those he loved, and shared his love with them. We only get once chance at life, wouldn't it be a shame if we spent all our time trying to get ahead in life, forgetting what is the most important thing, that being relationships with those we love.

It is my desire that I have many many more years to go before I take my last breath. I don't have a crystal ball so there is no telling when my time will be up. I for one want to use each day I have to let those who are closet to me know how much I love, appreciate, and cherish them. I think we as humans never really realize what we have in front of us until we are facing a time when what we hold most dear is taken away. It's kind of like that last piece of holiday candy. You have enjoyed it throughout the season, but it's not until you are about to take the last piece that you realize that there won't be anymore until next year. You will often put off eating the last piece, because it is just that, the last piece. What if the company decides not to produce it again next year? Could this be the last piece you ever get to enjoy? When confronted with such a situation what will you do? I have often thought about the possibility of being told that I only have a specific period of time left to live. What if you were told that you only have six months to a year to live, what would you do? Would you sell everything you had and start on your bucket list? Would you take the trip you always wanted to go on? Would you rekindle a relationship that ended long before it was supposed to? We all have a list of should of, would of, and could of. If life is fleeting, maybe we should look at our list and start doing what is on it now. Let me say this, I am not prophesying doom and gloom. Not you, nor I, or anyone, can ever say when our time will be up. I know very few people if asked have they completed everything they wanted to complete in life, would say yes. It's not because they don't have the ability to complete it, but the common response is that they haven't gotten around to it. Maybe it's time we get around to doing some of the things on our list. My list is so extensive I'm not sure there is enough time for me to get to every thing on it, even if we had an eight day week, and each day had 36 hours. But this one thing I do know; there's no time like the present to get started.

We need to look inside our hearts and determine what is most important to us and go after that. I hear all the time from people that the reason they haven't gotten to complete certain things on their "list" is that they haven't the resources, the time, or the ability. Gee I guess that is a good excuse, but an excuse none-the-less. If there are things on your list that you want to complete, why allow certain areas of lack, resources, time, or ability, stop you. It seems to me that these areas have been the reason most people fail to achieve the level of success they desire. Oh I don't have the skills for this job, or that job! I don't have the time to begin again! I'm not sure I have the talent to do it! Stop the madness people. Listen to what you are saying, and make the determination that lack is not going to stop you. If desire is not enough, then I honestly don't know what to tell you. Don't get me wrong, I have a long way to go before I can honestly say that I have completed everything on my list. I'm not even sure I can say that I have even put a dent in my. I am just like everyone else, my list of things to do is a long as long can be. I am just like any other person wondering where all the time has gone, and feel guilty that I have squandered so much time on useless worry and strife.

Today is your opportunity to set things right, and redirect the path you are on. I am not here to say that what you have done thus far is not good or wrong. But ask yourself this, is what I have done enough? Only you have the ability to answer this question. Only you have the ability to look at your life and determine your should of, would of, and could of's. Take some time to look at your list, and just think about what is on it, and what it would mean to you to knock a few items off of it. Life is fleeting this is for sure. Maybe it's time to make your life a little more exciting, thrilling, and dare devilish. Maybe just maybe it's time to take a chance and step outside the box. Maybe just maybe it's time to do something out of character just to spice things up. Think about it, you just might inspire others by your actions to chip away at their list. Just think, the life you change might just be someone else's, now think about that........

Monday, January 17, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

It's a new week, and I thought it about time to get back up on the horse that has bucked me off for the billionth time over the last few years. To say that times have been trying over the last few months is an understatement. I guess what they say is true that those things that do not kill us make us stronger. I'm not so sure I believe that especially when going through a difficult time, but I also know that I am still alive, so there must be a element of truth to it. I was doing some channel surfing the other day, television being what it is today, I was finding it difficult to find a show that really grabbed my interest. Anyway, as I was going through the channels I ran across a Televangelist who was talking about "Seed Faith" and how it was there for everyone. That God would manifest a supernatural return on your giving. Now I am not here to dispute what God can and will do in other people's lives. I have a deep abiding faith in God, but watching this show really made me think about a few things, and I must say that I am a little shocked at what I was thinking. I have seen people in the past move others to action by appealing to their situation. Let's face it when people are desperate, as many are in today's trying times, they will try just about anything to get out of the struggles they are facing. I guess I have an issue with someone who plays on the fears of others as a way of gaining what they need. Now I am not saying that all of this is wrong. I know there are good ministers out there, who are truly doing what they believe they are called to do. But what do you do when you don't have this so called "Seed Faith" to give. Does that automatically drop you out of contention for God to move in your life? Now I know that this blog is going to get the dander up with many of my believing friends. It is not intended to do that, on the contrary. I am just asking a simple question that I'm sure many others are either thinking or asking themselves.

I guess life has a way of making us look at the different situations we face and come to the conclusion that we can either run away and hide from it all, or look it right in the face and do what we can to overcome the obstacle or barrier to getting what we want or need. I think the issue that bothers me most is that having faith for something is not predicated upon how much you give, but rather the willingness to give even when you don't have two nickles to rub together. I always thought that it was what we had inside our heart that mattered most, not what we choose to give. I have known people who would give away their last dollar to others in need, while there are a few out there who have more than they could ever spend, and refuse to help those in dire straights. Why am I rambling on like this today? I guess I have had an epiphany so to speak. People will often prey on other people's emotions. When we are going through a difficult situation we will do some crazy things to get through them. We will not always use common sense and often will do things that are out of character for us. We will allow others to manipulate us because we see it as a last resort. If I do this good deed, then what I am believing for or needing will come back to me. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you think this is how it is, don't waste your time or energy. We do for others not because of what it will give back to us, but because we simply want to do. If I am in need of something, I am in need of something case closed. Whether I do for someone else is not going to change the need I have in my life. Now I know this may sound like sour grapes, it isn't. I am so tired of people who will use other's misfortunes as a launching pad for what they want. It's like the Snake Oil Salesmen of old, run into town, prey on the down and outs, and then head for the hills once you have taken all their money. There is a special place in hell for people who will do this, and I would say that hell is pretty full of people like this right about now. To play on someone's emotions who is down and out, well in my opinion, if you do that you are really the lowest form of life on the planet.

There is no magical way out of trying or difficult times. Some people will have an easier way to get out of them, while others will spend their last bit of energy just to survive. There is no right or wrong way to function in these times, you do what you think best, and after that, roll with the punches. I believe that we go through tough times to learn things that we might not ordinarily learn if all things ran perfectly. What issues I face today will be different from the issues I face next week, next month, or even next year. But what I learn today from the issues I face, may help me in dealing with things that will be thrown in front of me in the future.

Now let me leave you with this final thought: I believe that God is in the miracle business. I believe there are real miracles that happen every day. What I don't believe is that in order to get this miracle you have to pay for it, not in the way that many profess today. Does it take faith? Oh yes it does, but not always faith to move mountains. Faith as tiny as a mustard seed is all you need, especially if that faith is true and pure. I have faith that I live each day the best I can, with what I have to live it, and with a knowledge that I will always try to do what is right and helps others whenever possible. If you are in a place where you need a miracle then take my advice, believe that goodness is out there and that you are just as deserving as others to be the recipient of it. It is not based on how much you give, but rather if you had it to give would you? Only you can answer that question. Think about it.............

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

I began this blog yesterday, but somehow got preoccupied with other things and never had an opportunity to finish it. Maybe it was a good thing as I was unsure of what I wanted to write and was coming down with serious writer's block. It's amazing what a good nights sleep will do for you. I had hoped to get an early start on today's blog, but mother nature had other ideas, leaving us with nearly a foot of snow and it's still coming down. Oh the joys of living in New England.

I had begun my blog yesterday talking about gifting and callings. We all have abilities inside of us, and those abilities have been given for a reason. There are individuals who have tried and tried for years to determine what those callings are. I for one have also grappled with that question for years. I can remember many many years ago laying awake at night crying out to God wanting to know what I was supposed to do with the time I have on earth and just what was it that I was good at. I know people who have the ability to do almost anything. There are people who are natural athletes. People who have intellectual abilities you only dream about. Others still, have mechanical aptitude, I am not one of those lol. It's kind of like when we were younger; if you had curly hair you wanted straight hair, if you were small in stature you wanted to be big. It always seemed that you wanted something you weren't. I guess wondering what you are good at is very similar. It took me too many years to count to figure out what I was good at. As a matter of fact it came as such a surprise to me when I finally figured it out that you could have knocked me over with a feather. It was one of those "Dah" moments.

If you are at that point in time where you are trying to figure it out let me give you one big hint. This Hint just maybe will save you hours of worry and torment. Are you ready for the answer? Ok, here it goes; Don't worry about it. When the time is right you will know that you know what you are supposed to do, and all you need to accomplish these task will be available for you. Now I know there are people out there who are ready to kill me for saying this, but the simple truth is, you have what you need to be successful and walk in your destiny. Yea, there's the "Destiny" word again. You can shoot daggers at me later if you like. It took me many years to get passed the constant worry that I would never determine what it was I was good at. I would watch other people become successful and each time I would fall a little deeper into a depression just knowing that I would never figure out what my place in life was. It's kind of like when you were younger and you would mail off your two cereal proof of purchase seals for the Tony the Tiger Bike Radio. It would go out in the mail and you were sure that it would be in the mailbox the next day. When tomorrow came but the mail box was empty you didn't quite understand why it didn't come. But heck at age five did you really understand that it took 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. After about five or six days you gave up, and sure enough about the time you forgot about it, it showed up and you were all smiles. Well finding one's destiny is a lot like that. About the time you give up it shows up and you are all smiles. All the previous days seem to pale in comparison to the bright future you are thinking about. Destiny has a way of creeping up on your and looking you square in the face when you least expect it.

If I have learned one thing over the last fifteen or twenty years it's not to worry about time lines. Time lines are only barriers to getting you where you need to be. If you truly believe in Destiny, then time is never a real factor. If it is meant to be it will happen whether or not you want it to, and without regard to the passing time. I know this may seem stupid and infantile, but I really can't look at it any other way. We've all heard that patience is a virture. Yet patience is something that we find hard to display at times, especially when we feel as if time has passed us by and we are at a place where we will be forever. As one person has always said, "Let not your heart be troubled", there will come a time when you are walking in your destiny and all will seem right in the world. I have come through troubling times in my life, and there have been times when all I wanted to do was roll up in a little ball and not wake up the next morning. I have had to fight with my own demons and realize that life is not always easy and if you want something bad enough, you have to give it all you have, even when all you have doesn't seem Like it's enough.

One final thought; Destiny is who you are suppose to be, doing what you are supposed to do, and believing that all will be as it should be. If I can get through the difficult times, so can you. Believe in yourself and the things that reside in your heart. If you will believe in yourself, all things will line up in proper order and in due time you will be walking in your destiny. The dreams that reside inside of you will come to pass and others around you will benefit from what you have to offer. Do not allow fear to grip you, and refuse to give up. Think about it...

Monday, January 10, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

A new week has begun, and with it comes new challenges and opportunities. What we do with each challenge and opportunity depends on us. Robert Frost wrote about the road less traveled. Many times we are faced with difficult situations and seemingly impossible task. Many have a tendency to run from these circumstances, whiles others embrace them, and see them as opportunities to prove ones fortitude. However you decide to handle these issues is entirely up to you. I am one who will look at each situation and decide which road to embark on. Now let me tell you that I have picked many a different and difficult road in times past. I would like to think that I have the intestinal fortitude to get through each situation I am confronted with. Truth be told, I am just as fearful, just as confused, and just as intimidated with difficult situations as any other person.

Over the last few months I have been struggling with several different situations, none of them easy to deal with, and none of them with any clear end in sight. There have been days when I have been thrown for a loop, and days when it would have been better if I had just stayed in bed and slept the day away. I have seen the belly of the beast so to speak, and hope that I never have to go there again, but such as life is, there will be a time when I will be right back again. But I do have hope; hope for today, hope for the future, and hope that all my struggles will lead to successes.

I was having brunch with a very close friend yesterday. It was a fantastic time and we had some very good conversation. I am one who thrives on good conversation, so it just was an added plus to the occasion. Anyhow, we were talking about the last few months and my life in general. Now I am not one who typically talks about my struggles. I guess I was raised to keep most private things just that private. But don't you know there comes a time when you have to realize that you can't always do it all alone and you need to reach out for the help of others. It was a great feeling knowing that someone cared enough about me and my situation to want to sit and listen to my dribble, and just be a sounding board. Now I have had other friends who have been willing to listen to me, and for that I am very grateful. Every now and again we just need to know there are people out there willing and able to be there for us. The key is to be there for others when they need you. True friendship is always a two way street and never one sided. Just thought I would throw that in for good measure. Back to my story; so I was talking about my trials and tribulations, and it really made me think about where I wanted to be and what I wanted to be doing. All of you who have followed this blog know by now that my life's dream is go around the country speaking to others about walking in their destiny. I am such a believer that everyone has a destiny and everyone should be given the opportunity to walk in that destiny. I guess I need to get my head out of the clouds and do something about it. We all have dreams, but unless you put action to those dreams they really only sit there and no one benefits from them, not me, not you, not anyone. So here's the deal, let's make a commitment today that we are all going to start walking out our dreams. Yes we may need to take baby steps, and yes just taking the first step may in fact scare the daylights our of you. But taking the first steps in walking out your dreams will begin a process that can not be stopped, and once the forward progress begins, the rest is as they say "Child's Play".

I was thinking about this blog the last few days. I am not sure who reads it, if anyone. I gave some thought to not writing anymore, but then I knew that I would be letting myself down if I stopped writing. It is after all very therapeutic for me, and if that is the reason I write, then I better continue. I know that what I have inside of me was placed there for a reason, just what that reason is, I am still trying to figure it out. I feel as though I have a mission to complete and until I get the sense that the mission is complete, I don't dare stop writing. The flame that burns inside of me is one that I have tried to put out in the past, but it will not go out no matter what I am going through, no matter what hurdles or barriers I run into. I encourage each of you to look at your dreams, aspirations, and goals, and realize they were put into you for a very specific reason. It may be to benefit you, but more importantly it may be to benefit others. Dreams are from higher power, much higher than you or I will ever be able to understand fully. If I fail to achieve my dreams, then I have failed to be the person I was designed to be. The person I was designed to be, is the person that I want to be. It is time to go from the dream and idea stage to the doing stage. Please join me in my journey, because it is your journey also. Here's to fulfillment of our dreams, and walking in our destiny. It's time to move forward...........

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Well we start a new administration here in Maine today as Gov-Elect Paul LePage assumes the Governorship. Whether you are on the Republican or Democrat side of the isle, it is time to put the people of Maine first and make party politics a thing of the past. I extend my best wishes as Mr. Lepage leads our state and I encourage everyone to do the same. We have serious problems in this state and these problems need fixin right away. I can remember when President Obama took office and there were many who wished him well, and at the same time there were others who wanted nothing more than for him to fail. Now I have heard some stupid things in my time but wishing for the failure of our Nation's Leader is beyond normal stupidity. If the President fails, then this country fails. The same can be said for our new governor. Now I do not agree with all that Governor LePage stands for, nor do I like all of his policies. But I do love my state and it is my hope that he is able to fix our current problems and bring Maine back to the way we all know it can be. I am not sure that anyone in their right mind would choose to be President or Governor during these troubled times. There will never be a time when one person will be able to please everyone. But there has to come a time when we give our leaders the support they need to do the job and prayers for their success. After all if the President and Governor fail, we fail, and life as we know it will only get worse.

That having been said, I will be watching everyone involved with our state government and I will be like a tick on a dog if things get out of whack. Changes will have to be made and sacrifices will have to tolerated. We can not continue on the path or continued tax hikes, and over spending, and expect things to get better. Now I don't have all the answers, but I do know that I would surround myself with people who do have the answers and I suspect that is what our new Governor will do. OK Enough about politics, I can already see the churning in people's stomachs just thinking about it.

I think what I like most about today is that we are looking at a time of new beginnings. A time to reflect on the things of the past, those things that worked and those things that didn't work. It has often be said that if we fail to look at history we are doomed to repeat it. I dare say that our current leaders will be looking at a lot of our history with the hopes that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. Well if they have a scintilla of smarts they will look at it.

I will allow the day to speak for itself, and I wish this new administration much success and hopes for a brighter future for Maine.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Tragedy; we all face them from time to time. Sometimes they are monumental, others are just a blip on the screen, but a tragedy none-the-less. How we handle each tragedy is up to us, and often we will not know how we will handle them until we are face to face with them. I can remember as a young boy growing up in New York State having to face certain tragedies. It may have been as simple as having a flat tire on my bike and now would have to walk to swim practice versed riding my bike. As I grew older my tires were now on a car, and don't you know that having to walk after being able to drive is a real drag. I think I learned how to adapt and overcome when these types of events took place. It was a great learning experience for things that I knew I would face as I grew up and went off and began my journey into life.

Most of us would love to have a crystal ball to be able to look into and escape certain tragedies before they took place. Oh if only life were that simple. I look back at my life thus far and for the most part I have been very lucky, for most of the issues I have had to contend with have not been as tragic as others have experienced, knock on wood. Very rarely are you able to look at a news broadcast or read a paper where something dire has not taken place close to you. Most of the time our hearts go out to those who are in the middle of the battle, but we are thankful that it is them and not us. How does one handle the death of a loved one or close friend? When a loving relationship ends, how do we get on with life when all we want to do is escape the pain we are feeling and hide away until the pain goes away? I would love to place all of life's tragedies in one place, face them all at the same time, get through them, and know that I would never have to face another one. I would like to do that, but that is something that is just a little outside the realm of possibility. I like everyone else walking the planet will have to face tragedy from time to time. I take comfort in knowing that I have friends and family who are there to help me when I need it most. I dare say that the last few years would have meant the end of me had I not had friends who stood by me and were willing to help me when I needed it most. I can't thank them enough for being there for me, and I hope that I have been there for others in their hour of need.

I realize that words can often help when faced with a difficult situation, and then there are other times when words are not enough. Oh sure we have good intentions when we say certain things, but lets face it there are times when we want to tell others just to shut it and let me deal with the situation on my own. I have been in this place more often than I want to admit. Not proud of the fact, but I am human, and we all have these moments. There was a time not long ago when I was facing a situation that I simply did not want to deal with and all the encouraging words from others did nothing but pull me down farther than I already was. Do I fault others for trying to pull me up out of the muck and mire, of course not. After all, I try to do that for others on what seems like a daily basis. What I am thankful for most is that my close friends never gave up on me, and even when they were turned away from me, they didn't quit loving me and supporting me. I can see now the good intentions they had on my behalf and I am grateful that they had enough gumption to continue to be at my side and not let me drift away into obscurity.

Tragedy; it is an awful thing, but it also affords us the opportunity to grow, mature, and move forward, even when we don't feel like moving forward is an option. We, meaning you and me, and others, will have to face tragedy from time to time, rest assured there will be people around you willing and able to help, if you will simply let them.

As we move forward into 2011, it is my hope that the tragedies of the past become just a distant memory, and that what lies ahead is wrapped in happiness and joy. If the Phoenix can rise from the ashes, so can you and I. Let this year be a year where we realize our dreams and in that time of realization we are able to help others achieve the dreams they have. Tragedy is a great teacher. Not always pleasant while going through the trials, but always an opportunity to learn something about yourself, and in this case knowledge is power. Think about it........

Monday, January 3, 2011

True Destiny, If Life is a Journey, Why go it alone?

Happy New Year to one and all, and I am so glad we are in 2011 and that 2010 is just a memory. As much as I love the Holiday Season I am very glad it is over, and looking forward to what this new year has in store for me, and for you. It was so weird not writing for a week and truth be told I gave some serious thought to not writing today and putting all of this on the back burner for a while, until I get things straightened out in my life. But it took an early morning drive this morning to realize that putting off what I love most is not the answer so I will do what I know to do, and will just leave the rest up to fate.

I think we all look at any new year as an opportunity for change, an opportunity to start fresh, and an opportunity to see things more clearly and without a lot of baggage from the previous mishaps or setbacks. I am not unlike so many others who had struggles during the last year, and I for one am looking forward to a year full of new opportunities and successes. I was talking with a dear friend the other day, and he was quite concerned that I was going to drop many of my goals because the previous year had been so freakin difficult. Truth be told, if I could have picked up roots and just moved away to start fresh I would have done that. I am not immune from the trials and tribulations that others experience, and there are days when I just want to give up and go away. I will be honest and let you know that I experienced those feelings more than I would Like to admit the previous year. I have known down times in my life but none as drastic as the past year. I know that I am not the only one who has gone through these difficult times, and I know how others feel having gone through them myself. There were days when I really didn't want to wake up and if I didn't, well let's just say I gave it some thought.

Through all the trying times of the past year I still could not let go of my dream, and it is the one thing that kept me moving. Not always moving forward, but moving none-the-less. I was unsure of what I wanted to write today. I know that more often than not I talk about goals, dreams, and destiny. Too many people, I sound like a broken record, saying the same old thing, day after day. But I also know that there are people who need to hear what I say because they are at the end of their rope and hopelessness is looking them right in the face and they do not have the power to pull themselves through the difficult times. It is to these people that I want to say one thing, and one thing only; don't give up and don't give in. If 2010 taught me anything it is that I have the ability to get through difficult times and that if I can do it so can you. Much like spring time brings us new life in the form of flowers, leafs on the tress, and birds chirping in the mornings, so a new year brings new beginnings. New beginnings to what may have been a turbulent year, a year that we all would like to forget. A new year gives us all an opportunity to try new things, experience new ideas, and formulate new plans.

I was so beat down this past year that I would have given anything just to move away and start fresh some place else. Problem is, I still would have my same problems no matter where I ended up. I had to come to the decision that to face my issues and problems head on was the only acceptable action I could take. Maybe others out there have faced similar issues and come to the same conclusion as I, that is, face these problems, and turn them into a testament of your ability to overcome life's difficult moments.

As I begin my writing or blogging for the year, it is my hope that those that follow this blog will take with them the inspiration they require to move forward with the goals and dreams they have, and in doing so may help others achieve the goals and dreams in their lives. I have to take this next year one day at a time, once challenge at a time, and one goal at a time. I offer this one final thought for today: There is power in numbers. Many have tried to succeed on their own power, not looking to others for help, when all they really needed to do was accept the help that others were offering. It is never a sign of weakness to need the help of others. The weakness comes into play when we refuse the help of others. As I am so found of saying, If life is a journey, why go it alone. We each have a golden opportunity to begin walking in our destiny, we may want to try and do it alone but I encourage you to fight this feeling and bring people along with you who have shown a desire to be there for you. Don't rob someone of the blessing of helping you out. It may be what they need to do to get them to the place they were intended to be. Grab all that life has to offer you this year. I truly believe that 2011 will be a turn around year for many of us. Get in line and with a joy in your heart, a smile on your face, and hope for the future, walk in your destiny. Think about it.......